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Small Talk: The Polygamous Cul-de-Sac

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8 hours ago, Love2dance said:

What does that mean?

That is why a TLC show would be so interesting.  I graduated from a deaf school, know sign but I can talk.  Rarely use sign now.  When I was in my 40's, I decided to get a cochlear implant.  The backlash from the Deaf community was crazy...was told I was engaging in deaf genocide and my surgeon should be arrested for murder.  

Deaf people (with a capital D and they insist on the capital D) believe in deaf culture and deaf people think deafness is a sensory deprivation or disability.  

Many Deaf people want Deaf children (why???) and I find it appalling. 

It is a culture war.  

I do not hang out with the Deaf anymore but I have deaf friends that use ASL or sign.  In other words they are accepting of cochlear implants and speech, lol.

The Deaf school is awful, and should be closed IMO since we now have ADA.  But it is all about politics, not about what is best for the deaf children and I am using no caps this time.

It is a very interesting issue.

I use interpreters in group settings.  They are wonderful.

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19 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

Wasn't it called Trading Spaces?  And wouldn't that be a good combo show - each wife redecorates a portion of another's house.  Hilarity ensues.

TLC, are you listening?!?  You want to extend the Brown Family Circus?  Just cross over!  I would LOVE to see a What Not to Wear segment on the wives.  Or maybe a Trading Spaces where, say, Janelle gets to go into Meri's house and glue feathers all over the wet bar.  THAT, I would watch!

  • Love 13
5 hours ago, Jellybeans said:

That is why a TLC show would be so interesting.  I graduated from a deaf school, know sign but I can talk.  Rarely use sign now.  When I was in my 40's, I decided to get a cochlear implant.  The backlash from the Deaf community was crazy...was told I was engaging in deaf genocide and my surgeon should be arrested for murder.  

Deaf people (with a capital D and they insist on the capital D) believe in deaf culture and deaf people think deafness is a sensory deprivation or disability.  

Many Deaf people want Deaf children (why???) and I find it appalling. 

It is a culture war.  

I do not hang out with the Deaf anymore but I have deaf friends that use ASL or sign.  In other words they are accepting of cochlear implants and speech, lol.

The Deaf school is awful, and should be closed IMO since we now have ADA.  But it is all about politics, not about what is best for the deaf children and I am using no caps this time.

It is a very interesting issue.

I use interpreters in group settings.  They are wonderful.

Thank you for the explanation. I agree, a reality show with deaf/Deaf culture at the core would be interesting and educational. I hope to learn more. 

So glad the implant has worked for you. Do you use sign language when you are with deaf (small d) people who cannot hear your speech?

1 hour ago, Love2dance said:

Thank you for the explanation. I agree, a reality show with deaf/Deaf culture at the core would be interesting and educational. I hope to learn more. 

So glad the implant has worked for you. Do you use sign language when you are with deaf (small d) people who cannot hear your speech?

I use ASL, signed english or speech depending on what they use for communication.  I do not know SEE sign. 

I think Deaf culture is very interesting...but it is not for me.  I think it makes our deaf world too small.

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Not sure where to put this, but did anyone see *Brother Husbands* last night on TLC? Had to be the worst time slot with the Super Bowl being on, but I did see some of it. Bizarre situation that is probably fake - one woman, two men who look 100% gay to me, sharing five kids - two of which are said to be Husband #1's and a set of triplets where they say they don't know which man is the father. Could be fun!

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, okerry said:

Not sure where to put this, but did anyone see *Brother Husbands* last night on TLC? Had to be the worst time slot with the Super Bowl being on, but I did see some of it. Bizarre situation that is probably fake - one woman, two men who look 100% gay to me, sharing five kids - two of which are said to be Husband #1's and a set of triplets where they say they don't know which man is the father. Could be fun!

I watched Brother Husbands and I'm almost positive the two men are gay. I think husband 1 probably came out of the closet with his "best friend" and she decided to keep both men and become a surrogate. I'm not saying they don't all love each other but she acts like she's the boss of the house, sort of like a live-in marriage counselor for the men. And also she's the breadwinner. There's another reason to pretend they're married. She gets to see her babies at night and also gets stay-at-home dads. Sounds like a great situation for a surrogate. 

I have a friend who came out after years of marriage and his wife was so distraught about him leaving that she told him he could see men if he would just stay. That's not what happened, but she was willing. Just sayin. 

I read an article about the show and the wife is a pretty eccentric cosplay type, self-proclaimed nerd. She was on another reality show about cosplay.  I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that they decided to do a reality show in the name of famewhoreness. The whole thing is just awkward. There's no chemistry at all between the wife and either husband. Kody has more chemistry with Meri right now. Even worse, he has more chemistry with Janelle than either of the husbands have with the wife. 

The lingerie scene seemed like a joke. Two gay men go to a lingerie store to pick out pretty things for their friend. When they gave the gift to her, it seemed like even she saw it as something only for her and not something sexy for a husband. 

  • Love 6
3 minutes ago, Leigh3 said:

Totally agree with Nowhere. The guys are gay or bi and she is their surrogate. What is up with her hair?  Looks different in every other scene. She looks like she is  wearing wigs? Looks like this was a one time special episode. I don't see any more episodes on the TV guide. 

 I too noticed that she likes bad wigs and doesn't know how to wear them. I have to be honest, I didn't like her at all. I don't see the show making it because she's not likable. And how long can they possibly keep up the charade? 

  • Love 2

Did searching and found http://www.theashleysrealityroundup.com/2017/02/02/former-engaged-underage-couple-added-a-husband-to-be-featured-on-tlcs-brother-husbands-special/

Update: ‘Brother Husband’ star Chad left some more info about his family in the comments of the Starcasm article:

“Hello! I’m Chad, from the show. I am bisexual. Jeremy is straight. To clear up the confusion. We are all emotionally committed and connected. But I only have a sexual relationship with Amanda, and Jeremy and Amanda’s is there own as well.

We also are technically ‘co-husbands’ not brother husbands. I believe that is made up term for the show haha! We are not religious.

We do both dress well, and have great hair and if being called gay is the worst thing you can think of….I think we will survive. Most of my friends identify in the community.

We are a family together with Amanda as the leader and main breadwinner of our family as well. Jeremy and I split the majority of the child raising at home while she is at work. Since my children are school aged I now work when they are in school.

As far as DNA of the triplets and how we decided and how they were conceived you can see the episode. It’s addressed there, but they were a total fluke and conceived the good old fashioned way.

Being confused about our family and sexuality is natural. I enjoy the conversation you are having and I hope this show can spark many many more. And challenge everyone traditional views of marriage, family, sex and sexuality.”

  • Love 1

Oh Im so glad other people saw this too!  My bestie and I also agree that the guys are gay and she is their cover/surrogate.  They all talk about meeting at church so maybe they come from religious backgrounds that wouldn't allow it?  I would actually be MORE interested in that dynamic than what they're trying to pass off here.  I really liked Chad (Husband 1) but found the other guy whiny and awkward (maybe hes uncomfortable in front of the camera).  The girl felt like she was 'acting' to the camera too much, she seemed fake.

The kids were adorable though!  And damn that is a nice house.

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I had started talking about it in the Maddie's getting married thread - OOPS!   I just told those peeps to come over here for the discussion :)   The whole thing was weird, not sure if it's just their camera presence or her horrible wigs or what.   Jeremy is way too awkward socially - he looked on the verge of tears in just about every scene.  Very insecure.

Edited to add -- does a paralegal make enough to support 8 people??  Seems fishy.

Edited by tabloidlover
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I liked Chad too. I'm really surprised that Jeremy isn't gay according to the article. But I suppose they wouldn't admit it anyway if he was. However, I think Chad is gay, not bi. He has to say he's bi for the show and I get that but even putting to the side the fact that he is very obviously gay, I don't think any man would share his wife unless there was seriously zero sexual attraction. Maybe he just wants to keep the fam together for the kids but realizes it's not fair to keep the friend and wife apart when they fell in love.

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I agree with allot of what everyone else has said.  What is with the wigs? I find her very fake in every way.    Jeremy to me comes off as he is completely out of place almost awkward in this family. Its like he is walking on egg shells all the time.   I really wonder if we will see these people again.

Edited by Mya
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Ok, I thought the show Brother Husbands, was FAKE. Umm the girl is only 27 the only breadwinner and that house was way over what I would imagine they could afford with 5 kids to take care of and no one else working.

The wig was ill fitting. The whole "I'm married to both" didn't seem real. Fake show. I don't want to watch another epi because I truly don't want to believe these kinds of situations exist.

  • Love 2
22 hours ago, Mya said:

I agree with allot of what everyone else has said.  What is with the wigs? I find her very fake in every way.    Jeremy to me comes off as he is completely out of place almost awkward in this family. Its like he is walking on egg shells all the time.   I really wonder if we will see these people again.

Oh goodness...I wasn't going to, but I did.  I watched the show.

I agree, Jeremy is the third wheel.  In what world does a man tell his best friend "I have feelings for your wife" and not get punched in the face. What man/wife would know this and go "hey...how about you come along with us?"  It looked to me as though he was the live in helper, not a husband.  Amanda and Chad were the married couple (I agree...no chemistry) and Jeremy is the live in friend. 

It is very very clear that "this child is actually, biologically mine" is important as they seemed to bring up "my" child over and over.  If Jeremy was truly a "husband" within the unit then biological connections DO NOT MATTER. Both men seem to whine, moan and cry a whole lot to their "wife" who acts more like a mum in the middle. All I can see is one hell of a mess when Jeremy realizes that he got himself in a heck of a bind and wants to leave with his children.  Damn.

20 hours ago, Rabbittron said:

Remember when I said I have a coworker who looks like Sobbyn we all went out to lunch today and I said to her you look very familiar.  She replied that her cousin is on Sister Wives.  I guess that is what inbreeding does.

You know you have to get the tea to spill now, right?

  • Love 9
13 minutes ago, Rabbittron said:

I asked her cousin why they don't talk and she said it was because of the divorce and the lies she told and also she was also with douche before she was even divorced

Well! So much for all their religiosity and their "sacred" beliefs, eh? Not that I'm surprised. Most people ignore their religious beliefs when it is convenient for them to do so. Why should the Browns be any different?

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, MrSmith said:

Well! So much for all their religiosity and their "sacred" beliefs, eh? Not that I'm surprised. Most people ignore their religious beliefs when it is convenient for them to do so. Why should the Browns be any different?

Oh no!  It only proves their religiosity!! We monogamous people will never appreciate how meaningless that pesky "legal divorce" is when their Celestial Spiritual Unions are more sacred than we could possibly understand.

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2 hours ago, Rabbittron said:

I asked her cousin why they don't talk and she said it was because of the divorce and the lies she told and also she was also with douche before she was even divorced

So this confirms pretty much everything we all knew = Robyn is a Stealth Bitch who manipulates and lies with every breath she takes. 

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Speaking of tea to spill, I saw on Twitter that Mykelti retweeted something Kody posted, including a picture, about the Browns, with some other plyg friends of theirs, doing a protest march to normalize polygamy. And don't worry, I'm not some Brown fan. I only follow them on social media to see what fun things I can find to snark on.

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1 minute ago, Rabbittron said:

 Why yes you are ?

Thanks for sharing!! I wondered how fake the whole Meri saw Robyn and just knew she had to be part of the family hence the "its like we have all been together since day 1"   Did she say how long her and Kody were together before the so called story line we have been fed on the show?   

I wish her ex would spill the tea I wonder how he is able to keep quiet about all the terrible things she has said about him.

1 hour ago, Mya said:

Thanks for sharing!! I wondered how fake the whole Meri saw Robyn and just knew she had to be part of the family hence the "its like we have all been together since day 1"   Did she say how long her and Kody were together before the so called story line we have been fed on the show?  

Kody joined with Robyn in May of 2010.  He has stated on the show that they had a 10 month courtship, so that puts them deciding to court in the summer of 2009.  The big question is how long did they know each other BEFORE the courtship began, or does Kody's timeline of 10 months cover meeting, then deciding to add her to the family and then courting etc. 

I remember that people have looked up her divorce papers online, but I never remember reading about what exact date her divorce was filed and finalized or anything.  There is a distinct possibility that the reason for the 10 month courtship was waiting for her pesky "legal divorce" to finalize, tho they have insisted on the show it was to assimilate her kids to the Brown family way of things.

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1 hour ago, Roslyn said:

There is a distinct possibility that the reason for the 10 month courtship was waiting for her pesky "legal divorce" to finalize, tho they have insisted on the show it was to assimilate her kids to the Brown family way of things.

I think the real reason it took 10 months is because of the filming schedule.

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