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S06.E11: Chaos in the Cul-de-Sac

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When it came time to visit the bio-dad Jessop, I think grandparents were also mentioned. The kids may have actually been staying with Jessop's parents or at least visiting with his extended family. I think Christine said something like they were "fine people." I would think the whole Jessop family would be furious with the way David Jessop is treated, and I really can't believe Robyn's said such horrible things about him on television and then packed her children off for two weeks. The crap she has pulled to alienate her children from their father and his family is going to come back on her someday. What goes around comes around.

In Robyn's mind, this what he gets for taking the trailer in the divorce and leaving her with a VCR.

True story.

  • Love 1

When it came time to visit the bio-dad Jessop, I think grandparents were also mentioned.  The kids may have actually been staying with Jessop's parents or at least visiting with his extended family.  I think Christine said something like they were "fine people."  I would think the whole Jessop family would be furious with the way David Jessop is treated, and I really can't believe Robyn's said such horrible things about him on television and then packed her children off for two weeks.  The crap she has pulled to alienate her children from their father and his family is going to come back on her someday.  What goes around comes around.



I agree that there will be a price to pay down the road for these lies designed to alienate the kids from Jessop. However, I don't think even if Robyn could see it in the future she would care. Typically one parent bad-mouths and alienates the other parent to get the kids to be on "their team". But in this case, Robyn is all about Kody. If Kody didn't want the kids around they would be on the next bus to Jessop with a one way ticket. But Kody wants a billion kids to prove his virility so she's bad-mouthing the real father and trying to erase him from their lives so Kody can add them to his "collection" and she can continue to elevate her status. Usually this kind of behavior comes home to roost when the kids are older, often out of the house, and they can look at the situation more objectively. By then Robyn won't get a hoot if they are mad at her. They will have served their purpose. She will have at least two "real" kids with Kody. If the family is still together, which I think is a big if, it won't matter to her at all if Jessop's kids are angry about her treatment of them and their father. Even if the family isn't together, I think it will be Robyn who will still be married to Kody and they will still just care about the kids with the right DNA.

Edited by 3girlsforus
  • Love 2

I would be very afraid to confide in another wife about the hubby for fear that they would take that information straight back to the husband, and then he might skip Thursday night at my house or something.  Although in this particular situation, I'd be more than happy to skip Kody leaving his stank behind in my bedroom.


Plus - and I mean this honestly - is there truly not a huge "ICK" factor with these women, knowing that this man was just sleeping with another woman, and now here he is in your bed?  What is the tenet of their religion that causes the wives to overlook this?  How does polygamy address this, or does it nicely gloss over this detail?  Especially when Robyn would show up with cold sores on her mouth...it's just so BLEHHHHKK.

The tenant of their religion that started polygamy was that Joseph Smith got caught doing the teenage housekeeper.

The wives cope by ignoring that little fact that their husband has sex with other women. In S1 they said Kody wasn't supposed to show affection to any particular wife in front of any of the others and other things like that. I remember they y said it was hard to watch the show and see Kody interacting with the other wives one on one and realise they really did have sex and a stork wasn't involved.

Christine was also distraught the Kody and Robyn kissed before marriage (a no no) *whilst she was in labour!*. And this was even when Kody was still pretending to give a shit about Christine. Now he's so over her he doesn't care that she's begging for a crumb of affection on national TV and he looks like he wouldn't care if she threw herself into the sea.

As an aside, I doubt Kody was driving hours to visit Robyn when they were courting to only take tea in the palour like a Victorian suitor and I guess the other wives realised that at some point as well.

Edited by Featherhat
  • Love 12

As an aside, I doubt Kody was driving hours to visit Robyn when they were courting to only take tea in the palour like a Victorian suitor and I guess the other wives realised that at some point as well.


I think they would have realized it pretty quickly.  Regardless of what Kody wants us to believe, he is not the energizer bunny. When he started getting it on with Robyn it would have affected his booty nights with the other women especially if he liked it better with her. 

  • Love 4

My Mormon friend told me that, as opposed to mainline Christian thinking, sins were forgiven by the sweating of blood Jesus did in Gethsemane, prior to the Crucifixion...THAT was the blood atonement.  (OK, if that covers it why be crucified....but whatever).    


It used to be that telling members to just plain avoid exposure to books, magazine articles, radio/TV programs, etc which presented inconvenient truths was sufficient. But now the availability of information via the internet has created the need for extensive proactive revision of church history/teachings; merely avoiding/closing one's eyes to what's out there no longer gets the job done. Because people, being human, are curious and may seek out the information highway. (Begin clutching pearls here.) Hence the swill which was served to your friend.

Edited by suomi
  • Love 2

"imagine what it's like to be expecting your husband for the night and instead he's too tired because he was up all night banging someone else."   I don't think I could stand it just laying in bed next to my "husband" knowing he would rather be with someone else....even if no sex was involved....and that he was with me out of obligation.  

  • Love 9

It used to be that telling members to just plain avoid exposure to books, magazine articles, radio/TV programs, etc which presented inconvenient truths was sufficient. But now the availability of information via the internet has created the need for extensive proactive revision of church history/teachings; merely avoiding/closing one's eyes to what's out there no longer gets the job done. Because people, being human, are curious and may seek out the information highway. (Begin clutching pearls here.) Hence the swill which was served to your friend.

The efforts of the LDS to distance themselves from the beliefs, practices and history of fundamental Mormonism continues. One of the things I find interesting about AUB, FLDS, etc is they consider themselves to be the only true adherents, and that LDS, while not being in a state of Apostasy, is pretty darn close.

The Doctrine of blood atonement says there's a list of sins which require the physical death of the sinner or he will go to Hell. Killing him saves his soul, so you are doing him a favor. If he dies for his own sins he will be able to go to Heaven, or some planet, so he should submit to execution voluntarily. As practiced it was ritualized human sacrifice.

So of course the LDS wants to revise this one, it's even worse than polygamy.

  • Love 1

I'm not hoping for a scandal or looking forward to seeing Meri

crying her eyes out over this and yes I feel like Snarklepuss nailed it

with how predictably it will likely play itself out, which will be a total

downer.  To add to what Snark was saying, we will probably see

Christine say something like 'you were going to leave us? me?

you're married to us too..yadda yadda..' , then Robyn will cry or say

something like "i wuz gunna have a baybee for you" or something

equally inane.


Kody will do his pretend-serious-I'm-supposed-to-be-feeling-

something-epic face, then look at the floor, as he likely has been

coached to do, and because the 'king' has been brought low, the

heavens will weep with sadness. Perhaps the wet bar will be

destroyed when the lightning bolts descend from the skies. Maybe

a goat will have to be sacrificed and everyone can do handprints

with the blood which can then be shellacked and made into some

gawd-awful wall 'art'.


The lady from Poltergeist will appear over the wet bar (go to the

light, Carol Ann) and declare that the whole plyg compound/cul de

sac needs to be ritually cleansed. Some hippie-dippie 'practioner'

of whatever woo-woo will show up and have everything re-blessed

(or whatever).Then, there will be some kind of forgiveness and

hugging BS, where it will be decreed that:


1) no one may speak of catfish again or mention its name, so as not

to increase its power (plus, I don't know about you, but that whole

thing is already long past its sell date and I doubt is good for more

than one tlc money-grab episode).


2) Then the 'orange is the new white' self-tanner shalt become

verboten. On any of them.


3) No more hair tossing or playing with of hair by adults. Brush or

play with your hair in private, it's not sexy, it's not flirty-it's gross and makes you look like not-too-bright


4) Syllables in words will be pronounced, no more dropped

consonants. No more baby-talk by adults if not speaking to an

actual baby, and even then, do you really want your baby to need

unnecessary speech therapy later?

(I din't see the impor'int sign on the mow'un, where I loss my bu' un off my shirt, which made me fill rill sad.) BTW, speech classes are not only for people with speech

impediments or foreign accents they wish to lose. Lots of people in

the public eye take them.


5) like an eastern monk- (the opposite of what he is in real life), kody

will learn humility and spiritual growth by regular service to others,

he will take on at least one thing each wife wants him to do that he

doesn't think is fun and do it without being a whiny little b*tch about

it or making a joke out of it.  He can also do volunteer or community

service of some kind without the cameras following him around or

making some reciprocal deal whereby he benefits in some way or

tooting his own horn about it. This has to be about him wanting to

do good for its own sake, not 'what can I get out of it? how can I

profit or win by doing this?'


6) more radical honesty, less passive-aggressiveness- no more

forced 'lunch from hell' dates where people have to pretend to be

more pals-y than they are, no more crazy cheerleader suckuppery,

no more "i feel sorry for you" consolation prize gifts that don't make

anyone feel better. You have to ask people what they need, tell

people what you need , not just have everythnig be on the surface

all 'make nice' where undereath, they are seething.


Rise above acting like children crying, having a tantrum or sulking if you dont

get your way, or power trips like withholding of affection, threatening

or shunning and do not reward these behaviors by acquiescing

and giving the person doing them their way, that only shows them

that it works. Likewise, avoiding and stubbornly keeping one's head

down won't get you any medals or much of anything else. If you

can't give the person what they need right now, tell them like a

grown up. "I'm not there yet, I can't do whatever, but I will listen  and think about what you say.."


7) don't make your well-being be totally dependent on where you

stand with someone else or what they think of you or whether they

approve of you, giving someone that much power is not healthy

and that behavior is not a sign of love or devotion but rather

insecurity, unhealthy dependence and poor self esteem- the

person you are trying so hard to please will ultimately lose respect

for you and come to resent and have contempt for you. If you don't

value and think well of yourself, you are only devaluing yourself to


  • Love 12

Black Widow, you are killing me! I wish you were here having a glass of wine with me.

Kind of off-topic but there is some sort ofTV commercial running these days with someone singing a heinous version of "My Favorite Things." Raindrops on roses and whiskers on ki-ens. *******SCREAM******** It would drive me insane anyway but on top of that, I always think of Kody and them.

  • Love 3

The efforts of the LDS to distance themselves from the beliefs, practices and history of fundamental Mormonism continues. One of the things I find interesting about AUB, FLDS, etc is they consider themselves to be the only true adherents, and that LDS, while not being in a state of Apostasy, is pretty darn close.

The Doctrine of blood atonement says there's a list of sins which require the physical death of the sinner or he will go to Hell. Killing him saves his soul, so you are doing him a favor. If he dies for his own sins he will be able to go to Heaven, or some planet, so he should submit to execution voluntarily. As practiced it was ritualized human sacrifice.

So of course the LDS wants to revise this one, it's even worse than polygamy.

Holy Shit!

  • Love 1


Kind of off-topic but there is some sort ofTV commercial running these days with someone singing a heinous version of "My Favorite Things." Raindrops on roses and whiskers on ki-ens. *******SCREAM******** It would drive me insane anyway but on top of that, I always think of Kody and them.

Thank you!  What has happened to the letter T?  It is a perfectly good letter, a strong, hard letter especially when it is coupled with another T in the middle of a word--when did it become  necessary to drop it altogether???  Who started this and why?

  • Love 4

I think they would have realized it pretty quickly. Regardless of what Kody wants us to believe, he is not the energizer bunny. When he started getting it on with Robyn it would have affected his booty nights with the other women especially if he liked it better with her.

The original 3 probably realized what was up when they first started getting cold sores when they never had them before. Maybe it burned when they peed too.
  • Love 5



The efforts of the LDS to distance themselves from the beliefs, practices and history of fundamental Mormonism continues. One of the things I find interesting about AUB, FLDS, etc is they consider themselves to be the only true adherents, and that LDS, while not being in a state of Apostasy, is pretty darn close.


So I just spent an hour watching the ID channel which had a show called, I think, "Polygamous Cult." It was the story of the murder of Rulon Allred by two young women who were in the cult of Ervil LeBaron. I think both men were members of the AUB or whatever the initials are.  Anyway when Lebaron died in prison, the officials found a long list of people (including children) that he wanted killed for religious reasons. So I guess the blood atonement theory was still around as late as the 70's. I was creeped out by the episode.


Not that I think the Browns are anything like those groups, but the women who spoke on the show talked about the jealously among the wives. The legal Mrs Allred was known as Boss 2 in the family.

I wasn't quite sure as to where to post this (so mods can remove or move it as they see fit) but it did make me think about Robyn now being the legal wife. I would say she is Boss 2 in the family now, but I think she is well on her way to being boss #1 with Kody being #2. 

  • Love 1

So, Christine, who is behaving more and more erratically and seems to need her medication adjusted, did grow up in a family which not only believed in Blood Atonement, they practiced it, which would suggest she is quite capable of snapping and saving everybody from eternal damnation by killing them all.

The only question is, will the production crew be on hand to videograph it?

  • Love 3

The efforts of the LDS to distance themselves from the beliefs, practices and history of fundamental Mormonism continues. One of the things I find interesting about AUB, FLDS, etc is they consider themselves to be the only true adherents, and that LDS, while not being in a state of Apostasy, is pretty darn close.

The Doctrine of blood atonement says there's a list of sins which require the physical death of the sinner or he will go to Hell. Killing him saves his soul, so you are doing him a favor. If he dies for his own sins he will be able to go to Heaven, or some planet, so he should submit to execution voluntarily. As practiced it was ritualized human sacrifice.

So of course the LDS wants to revise this one, it's even worse than polygamy.

Holy shit is right. Jesus never said anything at all like that. He distanced himself from Old Testament Legalism. Paul has many, many issues but didn't go that far WTF? I read bits of "Under The Banner of Heaven" but didn't realise this was at one point actual doctrine.

Also, Floren LeBaron (who is Ervil Le Baron's brother) is Christine's grandfather on her mother's side. That means that her great uncle on her mother's side ordered the murder of her grandfather on her father's side. It's crazy.

And despite all that lovely family history, Christine "never knew men could be such bastards." Riiiiight. Good grief. This show has been nothing but smoke and mirrors and sleight of hand since the start.

  • Love 2

Given the number of posts, it doesn't seem like the conversation has been overly stifled. Though if you are feeling like you have more to add to the pronunciation discussion, you are welcome to start it up in the Small Talk thread.

It's also feeling like we're digressing from this episode and going off into a lot of sweeping generalizations of LDS, bizarre offshoots of fundamentalist groups, like the AUB/FLDS, etc. It's really starting to border on the 'all Italians are in the mob' and 'all Southerners are racist' mode. (It picked those two, because I'm Italian AND Southern, so I can say that. Now lemme go fry some chicken to go with my sketti. Trying to keep it light here.)


There is some pretty nutty stuff in the history of all religious, especially when the founder has been gone for a while, and doctrine and culture start getting mixed in and somebody starts power tripping. Anyway..........back to this specific episode and next week's preview at the end......I don't think they'll full on talk about the catfish in detail. Christine will claim that she's angry they were targeted bc of polygamy and they're persecuted, Janelle won't say a word, Robyn will cry and talk about how happy they are and how she doesn't understand how this could happen, because they're so happy, but she's hurt. Kody will stare into space like Charles Manson and accept no responsibility, Meri will give vague statements and appear zonked out and checked out, as usual.


Expect a lot of ugly french tips digging at eye boogers - I guess self tanner and hair product make tears more irritating.

  • Love 3

It's also feeling like we're digressing from this episode and going off into a lot of sweeping generalizations of LDS, bizarre offshoots of fundamentalist groups, like the AUB/FLDS, etc. .

I think you are forgetting that the Browns ARE AUB. This is their religion, which they chose to bring to the television audience. THEY have chosen to expose their religion to public scrutiny. They thought the TV exposure would make their religion look good. Maybe get some converts.

Part of their religion, incorporated into the doctrine of blood atonement, is that some sins are so heinous that even the blood of Christ is not sufficient for redemption, you have to spill your own.

And one of those heinous, unforgivable sins is adultery.

Since Meri was catfished, does the betrayal count as adultery?

How the family deals with this depends on whether they think she has committed adultery. In their religion, adultery is about as bad as it gets.

  • Love 2

I just saw the preview thing with Meri crying about how she pulled away from the family to protect them. Interesting spin.

Did she blow that banana to protect the family? She's so selfless.

Also Garrison acting out. Not impressed with Kody's parenting skills, apparently.

Kody has very rigid believes on how he expects Janelle's sons to give their "father" blind obedience and respect. They know what a fraud their father is and don't want to play his "father knows best games". Save that for Robyn's house.
  • Love 12

When it came time to visit the bio-dad Jessop, I think grandparents were also mentioned.  The kids may have actually been staying with Jessop's parents or at least visiting with his extended family.  I think Christine said something like they were "fine people."  I would think the whole Jessop family would be furious with the way David Jessop is treated, and I really can't believe Robyn's said such horrible things about him on television and then packed her children off for two weeks.  The crap she has pulled to alienate her children from their father and his family is going to come back on her someday.  What goes around comes around.

When it came time to visit the bio-dad Jessop, I think grandparents were also mentioned.  The kids may have actually been staying with Jessop's parents or at least visiting with his extended family.  I think Christine said something like they were "fine people."  I would think the whole Jessop family would be furious with the way David Jessop is treated, and I really can't believe Robyn's said such horrible things about him on television and then packed her children off for two weeks.  The crap she has pulled to alienate her children from their father and his family is going to come back on her someday.  What goes around comes around.

well considering they are cousins, it would seem at least a nice thing for Christine to say. In between the bio dad bashing and all.
  • Love 4

Did she blow that banana to protect the family? She's so selfless.

Kody has very rigid believes on how he expects Janelle's sons to give their "father" blind obedience and respect. They know what a fraud their father is and don't want to play his "father knows best games". Save that for Robyn's house.

I was going to reply in the kody is a part time father, full time asshat thread. But I don't need to because the thread title tells you everything you need to about kody brown. Thanks ptv.

God, isn't this the ultimate irony? Every one of those men with multiple wives is committing adultery according to average American standards.

no shortage of hypocrisy with this crowd.
  • Love 1

I have no idea how the planet thing works either, like how as children you are sealed to your parents but then you get married and get your own planet if you're a boy, or go to your husbands planet if you're a girl, so essentially the number of children you have wouldn't matter, so is it just you and the wives? Or do they go to their parents? It's so confusing.

As a rule, I try not to pick on people's religions, but I don't think that the planet thing really needs to make any sense, because to be honest, I don't think Kody (or most men who practice polygamy for religion, for that matter) are doing it for the planets. They're just concerned about getting as much earthly booty as possible. The planet talk is just to mollify those womenfolk that start asking too many questions.

  • Love 4

Did she blow that banana to protect the family? She's so selfless.

Kody has very rigid believes on how he expects Janelle's sons to give their "father" blind obedience and respect. They know what a fraud their father is and don't want to play his "father knows best games". Save that for Robyn's house.

Sam must've held a gun to Meri's head. Don't you know? Poor Meri was targeted because she is a polygamist. It's not as if she had a relationship with Sam. She simply met him in her business. She is an innocent victim. The Browns are being persecuted!! /sarcasm.

Janelle really is a lousy mother. At least Meri stands up to Kody for Mariah. She made sure Mariah had her dream education and a car. Janelle is a hopeless codependent who insists that her kids defer to King Kody in all things. I think that Christine is the reason Janelle's kids turned out so well.

Edited by Jusagirlintheworld
  • Love 5

What did Meri do with this banana I keep hearing about?  Somehow I manage to miss whatever pics or texts or voicemails there were that involve tropical fruit. 


Can someone fill me in?  

Oh she took some suggestive banana-eating photos for Sam aka Overton.  it's on the Not Batman yet blog...i think July 29 "the famous banana" post. 

  • Love 1

I think you are forgetting that the Browns ARE AUB. This is their religion, which they chose to bring to the television audience. THEY have chosen to expose their religion to public scrutiny. They thought the TV exposure would make their religion look good. Maybe get some converts.

Part of their religion, incorporated into the doctrine of blood atonement, is that some sins are so heinous that even the blood of Christ is not sufficient for redemption, you have to spill your own.

And one of those heinous, unforgivable sins is adultery.

Since Meri was catfished, does the betrayal count as adultery?

How the family deals with this depends on whether they think she has committed adultery. In their religion, adultery is about as bad as it gets.

I would dearly love to sit down with one of the Browns and have a serious discussion about this.  IF they are Christian, as they claim, how do they NOT accept that Jesus died for ALL sins?  really?  Yes, there is "one unforgivable sin" which is never specified, but I have always read it as rejecting Jesus - ie, how could he redeem you if you have rejected him.   Adultery is so much worse than anything else that Jesus couldn't cover it?  Not even close!  I wonder how in the world they come to that conclusion if they actually used the Bible?  Baffling to me. 

  • Love 1

It's NO ONE'S 18th baby! It's her fifth, and Kody's fifteenth. Their second together. Creepy pencil portraits notwithstanding.


This is another example of Robyn's magic DNA wand. Of course her priority is recreating Jessop's kids as Kody's. But she wants Meri, Christine, and Janelle's kids to be hers too. She has always bought into the 'we are all mothers to Kody's kids' but only one way. She feels like she's the top dog/top mom and doesn't hesitate to giver her opinion, tell kids what to do, boss them around, all the mother/authority jobs. But it doesn't work for her the other way. Meri, Christine, and Janelle are there for the subservient roles - babysitting, helping with the stupid closet, throwing parties etc. 


Robyn is rewriting the entire family to be Kody and Robyn with 18 children and three women who help out.

  • Love 4

It's NO ONE'S 18th baby! It's her fifth, and Kody's fifteenth. Their second together. Creepy pencil portraits notwithstanding.

You really expect any of them to be good at basic math? 

As a rule, I try not to pick on people's religions, but I don't think that the planet thing really needs to make any sense, because to be honest, I don't think Kody (or most men who practice polygamy for religion, for that matter) are doing it for the planets. They're just concerned about getting as much earthly booty as possible. The planet talk is just to mollify those womenfolk that start asking too many questions.

I think it's about booty and to be a demigog with women battling for your attention.

  • Love 4

They have no desire to get it.  Their total focus is fame and the almighty dollar and whatever cockamamie religious "tenet" they come up with to justify their behavior.They will sacrifice their own children on the altar of grifting.


It's downright terrifying. It's like Jim Jones and the Koolaid suicides.  A captor who mesmerizes his sheep wives into unspeakable acts.  Hopefully the older kids that have gotten away will stay away and help the younger ones to escape as well.

Judging by the fact that Madison is planning to high tail it to Montana to live with her fiance, and that Logan is rarely seen at the Brown family gatherings, I'm thinking that those two have their mom's sense and are smart enough to stay as far away from this freak show as possible.

Judging by the fact that Madison is planning to high tail it to Montana to live with her fiance, and that Logan is rarely seen at the Brown family gatherings, I'm thinking that those two have their mom's sense and are smart enough to stay as far away from this freak show as possible.


Let's not forget that Hunter is away at the Air Force Academy.  Given Garrison's "all mighty and powerful" comment about his father, I don't think he too is long for the compound. 

  • Love 1

I agree with the poster upthread- Christine and the cement guy looked like they could have had fun together.  


Regarding the adoptions, does anyone really think Kody cares so much about Robyn's kids?  He's laying it on for the TV ratings, folks. The plaques for the kids.... oh, please, and the portrait was ridiculously silly.  The only good thing about the portrait was the artist- he was hot, and we know that Robyn thought so as well.   

  • Love 3

Hunter isn't at the Air Force Academy. He's at an Air Force Academy prep school. If he wants to get into the Air Force Academy, wonderful for him. I hope he does.


Did Maddie say she was moving in with her fiance, or just moving to the same area? I'd think pre-marital cohabitating would be a huge deal for the Browns.


I don't think Kody cares anything about Robyn's kids (nor does she) as actual persons with personalities, but as things to collect and take from another man. 

  • Love 1

Hunter isn't at the Air Force Academy. He's at an Air Force Academy prep school. If he wants to get into the Air Force Academy, wonderful for him. I hope he does.

Did Maddie say she was moving in with her fiance, or just moving to the same area? I'd think pre-marital cohabitating would be a huge deal for the Browns.

I don't think Kody cares anything about Robyn's kids (nor does she) as actual persons with personalities, but as things to collect and take from another man.

The Air Force Academy Prep School is still fairly competitive. He has about an 80% chance of appointment to the Academy.

  • Love 2
So after all the drama over the adoption, they send the kids away for 2 weeks to see their biological dad? WTF?



And after a whole season of What will the Judge dooooooooo?????", the matter was essentially decided on the papers before they even walked into the Courtroom and the "hearing" was basically a formality for the record.


That portrait? Really?



Don't hate!  I'm hiring that guy to draw me into the Beatles Abbey Road crossing.  Because, you know, I would've been there if I wasn't two years old . . . and lived in England . . . and knew the Beatles.

  • Love 9

Judging by the fact that Madison is planning to high tail it to Montana to live with her fiance, and that Logan is rarely seen at the Brown family gatherings, I'm thinking that those two have their mom's sense and are smart enough to stay as far away from this freak show as possible.


I really like Logan and his girlfriend and feel they will do well wherever they go.  She appears quite adaptable and willing to assimilate, at least to some extent, into Logan's multi-member family.  

Madison and Caleb are a puzzling couple to watch.  There is something about Caleb that doesn't seem right.  Madison would do well to think twice before marrying this man.  Caleb strikes me as the type of guy who would just love to get several thousand miles between his young bride and her family.  While Maddy (from her youthful, limited perspective) might wish to distance herself from a huge bunch  of intrusive family members, this thought process is not realistic, particularly in this situation.  By no means are the Brown kids mistreated or grossly unhappy.  They seem loved and, like it or not, there is a cohesiveness there that, no doubt, fosters a sense of emotional security in the children raised in such an environment.  I could see Caleb discouraging -  or even forbidding - Maddie from further involvement with her family once he makes her his wife.   I don't trust him.  

There are so many things about this episode that have been bothering me. That creepy drawing!!! I just can't even describe my feelings on it. I have such a strong hatred for Robyn. It just seems like she came in and just ruined this family. My big question is, did they really have to go through the whole divorce, marriage to Robyn, and adoption process? Couldn't Robyn just have written up a will saying who the guardians would be if she passed away? If she has primary custody it shouldn't have been a problem.

My big question is, did they really have to go through the whole divorce, marriage to Robyn, and adoption process? Couldn't Robyn just have written up a will saying who the guardians would be if she passed away? If she has primary custody it shouldn't have been a problem.


No.  As long as there is a surviving biological parent, and that parent's parental rights have not been terminated by a Court (or renounced by the bio parent) that parent is considered the "natural guardian" of their child and a Will cannot supersede that.  


If something like "abandonment" can be shown on the part of the surviving-bio-parent, the Court could terminate their parental rights and appoint a guardian.  While one of the Brownies could petition to be that guardian, it's not guaranteed that the Court would grant that request.


For all of the bullshit surrounding this clan, the need/desire to adopt Robyn's children was something that actually always made sense to me, regardless of the motives for the divorce/adoption.

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