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S03.E05: 4,722 Hours

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Well that might have been my favorite episode ever. I know it is wrong and borderline blasphemy but I might be shipping Simmons and Will not that Fitz and Simmons aren't my OTP I still found myself really loving Simmons and Will.

Amazing episode Elizabeth Henstridge sold every moment.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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It was a surprisingly strong episode despite them going there. I was really hoping there would be some twist, like say the guy in the storm was who she wanted to go back for. But oh well, maybe the return trip will have a nice twist.

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As soon as I saw a male guest star listed, I said "Oh no".  Aaaaand they went for the utterly predictable cliche.  Blah.


So now we know what Elizabeth Hestridge was doing while the other cast members were filming the pilot; she was with the second unit out in the Mojave desert.  When Jemma screamed something about wanting the sun, I thought "just tell the cameraman to take off the blue filter."  Seriously, that was some of the worst day-for-night "effects" I've ever seen. 


The only thing moderately interesting was the evil sandstorm demon thing.

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Holy crap Jemma's cellphone has great battery life!  Month of use without even solar power (or a sun!) to give it a boost.  And then it was still able to power a computer.


Ugh, space boyfriend.  I've never been a passenger on the Good Ship FitzSimmons, but I hate love triangles even more than I hate writers who can't help but spoil perfectly good platonic friendships by turning them into romances.  I'm glad Simmons wasn't on the Blue Planet by herself, and had Fitz never brought his feelings into the FitzSimmons friendship, I might even like Simmons's relationship with Will.  But I don't want them to ruin my show with unnecessary angst. 


That aside, I really liked this episode.  Jemma's been one of my favorite characters since the pilot, and having an all-Simmons episode was great.   Listening to her talk to herself was adorable, and I loved that she was able to figure out how the portal worked on her own even if she wasn't able to use that information to get home.  And the mysteries of the blue planet were intriguing enough that I'm excited about a trip back.  

Edited by xqueenfrostine
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I really liked the episode and I didn't think I would with the previews and stuff leading up to it.  However, it pissed me off to no end that the preview gave away Andrew dying?!?!?  WTF.  I could have had another week of blissful ignorance. 

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Well, I liked that episode and I like Will. It may be my favorite episode. I just kind of feel a bit disappointed the reason she has to go back is because of a guy. While I love Fitz, I think they might just be best as friends. I really do not want a love triangle (though I do want them to rescue that Will). I loved that she wasn't alone on the planet for most of the time, because that would of made a boring episode. It's good that she had great times with him. I just was hoping for something more that she has to go back for.  Also why didn't she just tell the team that she wasn't alone on the planet? I'm glad that Fitz is going to help her go and rescue him. I was worried he was going to shot himself at the end of the episode.


Also line of the night is Will's of hand comment about at least it was a janitor. I'm sure he was happy that it was a cute British girl that got trapped too.

Poor Fitz.  He got friend-zoned so hard.  What was with an astronaut who isn't into science?

I was confused about that too. Then I remembered he said he was in the airforce, so he was the guns behind the mission. He was suppose to protect them.

Edited by blueray
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Outstanding episode with a tour de force performance by Elizabeth Henstridge.  She and Iain Caesteker have been the MVPs thus far this year.  Fitz was rightly upset but props to him for doing the right thing at the end.  I’m certainly mixed about them going there but at least it was realistic for the kind of story they were telling.  I liked Will and thought the actor did a good job.  I’m glad we got to spend almost the entire episode on an alien world…I’m kind of bum we’re going back to the regular storyline next week (although it’s been excellent this year as well).

Edited by benteen
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I thought this was a great episode. I hate how each storyline ramps up and then there's a break to focus on the other story. I'm imterested in both sides, but find it frustrating! Especially I am much more interested in this blue planet.

I love Simmons. I flove Fitz and I actually love FitzSimmon, but I'm ok with this. Yes, it's a trope but I thought they did it well. Jemma didn't even entertain the thought until she thought literally all hope was lost. There is nothing wrong with that and I even think Fitz can understand it. I think he'll be hurt, but I think he can move on from it eventually. I also think Jemma would want to go back for whomever was back there because they are a human being living in hellish conditions. I don't think she only wants to go back because she has romantic feelings for him. I also loved Fitz's reaction to being all-business in bringing someone Jemma cares about back. So, overall I really enjoyed all aspects of this story.

ETA: jinx. I was typing at the same time as the previous two posts and I see we all feel the same about Jemma's reasons for wanting to rescue Will.

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I love Jemma! She is so badass. She nearly got eaten by the same alien that got Luke in Star Wars! I kid, but seriously, when May finally hears this story she's going to be impressed. Both of the Science Babies grew-up. Fitz during his mad-search for Jemma and Jemma during her mad search for home. But Jemma was something else. I really like seeing FitzSimmons separated. But they're due to get back together and be the fabulous duo and solve the world's problems through Science.

I actually really like Will. The writing was on the wall, but I really appreciate they didn't go there until Jemma exhausted all options of getting home.

Not a fan of the Dune monster. I didn't like that he didn't have any set rules other then trying to kill whoever was on the planet. Is it implied that Will stopped him with his one shot? Also not a fan that the Monolith sent people by the pull of the moons. I wanted it to be sending back inhumans.

All and all, I liked the episode. Jemma is a rockstar and I get why she's looked like hell the past week or so. I'd be feeling guilty as hell that I made it back but Will didn't. She is really amazing.

Wth?? Andrew is dead? Why was that spoilered in the previews?!?

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Holy crap Jemma's cellphone has great battery life!  Month of use without even solar power (or a sun!) to give it a boost.  And then it was still able to power a computer.


And a little too convenient that she had said smartphone with the new-and-improved-by-Fitz super battery on her when she was snatched by the monolith.


Other than that, it was a pretty good episode.


I hope Will used an intergalactic prophylactic (they don't make 'em round here), intergalactic prophylactic (one size fits all).



I guess you could replace Dougie with Will in the title of that video and it would be episode appropriate.  :)

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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I didn't like that. At all. Why did she have to be saved by a man? And why did they have to turn it into a rescue romance? Its so cliche. And as much as I want a Fitz-Simmons romance I'm tired if them dangling the relationship carrot only for something life threatening to happen. Either put them together or leave them apart.

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Agreed.  Gemma would have gone back to save him even if she wasn’t in love with him.

Anybody know where the monolith store is? All well and good they want to save "The Martian", but this plan has a fatal flaw...

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And a little too convenient that she had said smartphone with the new-and-improved-by-Fitz super battery on her when she was snatched by the monolith.

Hand waving the super charge battery aside- I don't find it too convenient she had her cell phone on her at all. I'm sure it's her primary phone. I have my phone on me at all times, usually tucked in my back pocket. So, that i found plausible. The battery lasting as long as it did- even super charged by Fitz is much harder for me to buy.

I also wanted to say I really liked the character of Will. I have no idea how he stayed sane for 14 years!

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Well, even though I said I didn't want a space boyfriend for Jemma (not to mention, it's awfully convenient that the only other person stranded on a planet is an attractive not-too-old man who speaks English, but them's the breaks), I still found myself really enjoying this episode because like a lot of people, I love Elizabeth Henstridge and I love Jemma.  A whole hour of Jemma is more than fine by me.  I'm also kind of glad the entire story came out in one episode; I feel like this probably worked better than it would have if it were stretched out in short scenes throughout a season.  It kind of felt like a different show, but I didn't mind.


The planet itself was pretty interesting, and though I can take or leave Will (he was adequate, but not particularly endearing), I'm curious to find out what "It" is.  I found both the black cloak and the astronaut suit (with face obscured, of course) quite ominous.


Actually, as for Will, it would be kind of interesting to bring him back and see how their relationship would run now that they're not the only two people on the planet.  Would they still want to be together when the main thing they have in common is an awful shared experience?


For what it's worth, the preview only really confirmed that May believes Andrew is dead.  (Unless I wasn't paying close enough attention and they showed his body.)  *I* still don't believe he's dead.

Edited by Senna
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I didn't like that. At all. Why did she have to be saved by a man? And why did they have to turn it into a rescue romance? Its so cliche. And as much as I want a Fitz-Simmons romance I'm tired if them dangling the relationship carrot only for something life threatening to happen. Either put them together or leave them apart.


Jemma is tough but she’s not made for survival training.  I would have expected May or Bobbi to be able to survive on their own.  This isn’t a knock at all on Jemma, just an observation.


Fair point on Fitz/Simmons.

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Here to jump on the bandwagon that liked the episode even though it ended up with a romance.  Everyone sold it, both writers and actors.  And I agree Simmons would have gone back for anyone.  The agreement was that hope was her job.


Fitz had only a few moments but I'm glad the reaction wasn't outrage.  And whatever happens I want Fitz and Simmons to have some relief from angst, either as best friends or as something more.


My favorite part was Simmons looking at that first tentacle that grabbed her leg and thinking why yes, that's food.  I was thinking about the quiz that original Agent Koenig gave, where he asked them what they would want with them in a survival situation.  Jemma said a TARDIS.  She certainly needed here.


ETA: I no longer trust previews, so until they're at an open casket funeral I am not going to count Andrew out.

Edited by MisterGlass
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And a little too convenient that she had said smartphone with the new-and-improved-by-Fitz super battery on her when she was snatched by the monolith.


Since Fitz and Simmons are a pair of geniuses working for SHIELD we should probably be surprised that the super battery was the only alteration made to the phone. I mean Q would have added a laser to it.

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Since I'm one that would rather Fitz and Simmons stay friends because that itself is as cliche as her new lover she met on an Alien planet, I loved the episode. 


Elizabeth Henstridge did a great job carrying most of the episode by herself. I liked Will. I think they saved each other. Isolation can you drive you insane, she and him were happy to have someone to talk to. Plus he had a warm place to stay and furniture. Will said her showing up gave him hope. And now Simmons is going to try to save him. 


I liked that Fitz wasn't mad. She was trapped on an Alien planet for 6 months, finding someone that helped her is the reason she's still alive. Giving up while you have all the comforts of home is different than giving up when you think there is no hope of ever getting back home. He didn't give up because he had things he could do and friends that are there for him. Simmons had nothing but Will who has been trapped there for 14 years. Fitz understanding that shows a lot of maturity on his part. 

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Of course she would have wanted to go back for whomever it was who had helped her. And the writers could have made it whomever but they made it a guy. A guy she developed a romantic relationship with.

Also bringing in Will who was on that planet for 14 years and watched his crewmates die off one by one makes me a lot less invested in the trauma Jemma's dealing with.

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I don't know if I'd even say he got friend-zoned so much as she was forced into a situation where she thought she'd never see him again, so she eventually moved on. It's still pretty clear that if she WASN'T with Will, that he would have a real chance. So it's not that she only sees him as a friend. she's just into another guy right now due to a situation well beyond her control. 

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I'd also point out that they just had sex, we don't know if she's "in love".

I'm just mad that they had to go there. I'm so tired of the trope and my heart breaks for Fitz. I knew he would do the right thing but still you know he's hurting I wish the writers would let him win for once. Yes I've found out I ship Fitzsimmons

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I was referring to her saying she wouldn't have made it without Will's help. I actually would have been fine with Will if it hadn't gone romantic. I think it would be just as interesting if Will had been a woman.

I just feel like the writers create these situations as an obstacle to a Fitz-Simmons romance when just having them legitimately not be interested in each other in a romantic way would suffice. And no offense to Simmons, but it's always Fitz getting the shaft.

Edited by blugirlami21
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Ha! Who were those other astronauts Will (Robinson?) mentioned? Austin, Col. Steve (Lee Majors; Six Million Dollar Man), Brubaker, (James Brolin in Capricorn One), and Taylor, Col. George (Charlton Heston; Planet of the Apes).


The son-of-a-gun Keyser Soze'd her!!!

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I was referring to her saying she wouldn't have made it without Will's help. I actually would have been fine with Will if it hadn't gone romantic. I think it would be just as interesting if Will had been a woman.

I just feel like the writers create these situations as an obstacle to a Fitz-Simmons romance when just having them legitimately not be interested in each other in a romantic way would suffice. And no offense to Simmons, but it's always Fitz getting the shaft.


Oh sure, it's super cliche (and on a show with a cast this big, if they wanted to have them be an actual couple, it really shouldn't actually affect the overall narrative at all), but I also get the allure of cliches in the world of episodic television. 

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Fitz-Simmons itself is a giant cliche. Two best friends in love with each other. I was cheering when Simmons saying she didn't feel the same, that would've been a different take. She can love him but not be in love with him. Then they went ahead and went with the she didn't realize she loved him route. I'm sure if and when they rescue Will, their romance won't last now that they are not the only two people in existence. He'll see how much Fitz loves her and tell her she loves him and then he'll walk away and go back to his life. 

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Hey, it's Sean Pierce from Nikita!  If nothing else, I find myself jealous of Dillon Casey for his ability to get to be love interests for some of my favorite actresses!


I kind of feel like this episode could end up being polarizing; not just for the romance, but being away from the majority of the main cast in general; but I loved it.  Elizabeth Henstridge was just amazing in this episode, and this why I think she can be just as good as Iain De Caestecker.  She pretty much sold everything that was needed for Simmons in this one: the pain, the hope, the survival skills, the anguish, and the need for some kind of companionship.  Simmons continues to be one of my favorites: not just on this show, but on TV right now.


Have no problems with her wanting to go back for Will.  Even if they didn't sleep together, she would go back for anyone, and not have them suffer on that planet.  I hope they get him back.  Not because I give a damn about the romance (at best, he's a placeholder), but because I'm sure someone who hasn't been on Earth since 2001, would be spinning on his head coming back now.  He'll get to find out all sorts of cool stuff!  And... err, other stuff, like there were actually more Star Wars films post-The Phantom Menace, and they managed to be just as bad as that one (oh, wait, Disney owns that now, so Star Wars is clearly the greatest franchise of all time! Hail, Disney!"

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Ha! Who were those other astronauts Will (Robinson?) mentioned? Austin, Col. Steve (Lee Majors; Six Million Dollar Man), Brubaker, (James Brolin in Capricorn One), and Taylor, Col. George (Charlton Heston; Planet of the Apes).


The son-of-a-gun Keyser Soze'd her!!!


Nice catch @Gimmick Genius

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I was referring to her saying she wouldn't have made it without Will's help. I actually would have been fine with Will if it hadn't gone romantic. I think it would be just as interesting if Will had been a woman.

I just feel like the writers create these situations as an obstacle to a Fitz-Simmons romance when just having them legitimately not be interested in each other in a romantic way would suffice. And no offense to Simmons, but it's always Fitz getting the shaft.


That's kind of the way life works.  The people you fancy, don't always fancy you back.  Sure Simmons seemed willing to finally give Fitz the shot he was hoping for, but it also not clear that she really ever felt the exact same way about Fitz that he does about her.  And there's nothing wrong with that.  That's not Fitz "getting the shaft" or "being Friendzoned" because both operate under the disturbing concept that anyone can be owed a romantic relationship with someone else, and that Simmons's affections is some sort of reward that is being withheld.  

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I'm not saying that it doesn't legit happen that way sometimes but in every situation it's Simmons who changes the dynamic intentional or not ymmv.

And it's always when they're on the cusp on romance. I don't blame her really so much as the writing. I'm just tired of the merry go round.

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I'm tired of love triangles and will they won't they stuff but writers  just can't resist. And if I was Fitz I would just give up on Jemma and try to find happiness with someone else. It seems like he's always getting screwed. I'm annoyed for him.

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I'm not saying that it doesn't legit happen that way sometimes but in every situation it's Simmons who changes the dynamic intentional or not ymmv.


Definitely not true, considering the biggest change in dynamic for their relationship was initiated by Fitz at the end of season 1.  Everything that's happened between them since hinged on that.  Simmons likely would have been perfectly happy had their relationship never changed, and she spent at least a third of last season hoping things might go back to the way they were.  Fitz didn't want that, for completely understandable reasons, but that was his call not Simmons.   He's not been a passive player here.

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In general, of course Fitz is not "shafted" or "screwed" if Simmons isn't into him. He isn't owed her love. In this specific instance, he was "screwed" because she was stolen away right when she finally did decide that she was romantically interested in him. And then spent so much time away that she gave up on ever getting back home and ended up getting together with someone else.


To wit, Helen Hunt's character was "shafted" and "screwed" by her boyfriend seemingly dying in Cast Away, even though she wasn't owed any love from Tom Hanks' character.

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We can agree to disagree. I see what I see in Simmons and her actions and in Fitz's. What I'm referring to isn't so much Fitz revealing his feelings as to what happened after that.

Just because Fitz told her how he felt doesn't mean she had to reciprocate and she didn't at first but eventually she returned some measure of his feelings before being sucked into the monolith. And I do think that the decision whether to turn their relationship romantic is Simmons decision because Fitz's feelings are obvious.

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That was the stupidest fucking episode ever. OF COURSE she has a space boyfriend. And OF COURSE she has to go back in order to rescue him. Utterly pathetic and cliche.

That's it - I gave them a chance to do something different, but they went the stupidest, most cliche route they could.

I stuck around during season 1, there "all Skye, all the time" season. I hung on through season 2 when Skye became Daisy and it was still all about her. I have stuck with this show through the cliches, through the crappy writing and through the implausible strategies Colson keeps employing. I even stuck with the show after they killed Tripp.

But this is the last straw. Not only do they make Simmons' trip the monolith all about a man, she has to go back for that man. Sigh.

I'm done with this idiotic show. I'm out.

Edited by Jack Kerouac
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I want to have Fitz's babies.  Seriously, that last shot of him impregnated me. 


Henstridge rocks.  She was amazing as usual but I really wouldn't have thought she could carry a whole episode, but she sure did.


Loved the episode and I'm not even mad about the "triangle".  I'll wait to see where it goes. 

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