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Leon Brown: So Here's Me

Message added by Scarlett45,

Leon is transgender and uses they/them pronouns. As defined in the GLAAD guidelines, they are a they, were a they, and will be a they unless they ever tell us something different.  Per those guidelines, referring to them as a woman or a girl or as she is not okay, regardless of any modifier placed before these words or the time period being discussed.  Referring to them by any name besides "Leon" or "Leo" is not appropriate, regardless of the time period being discussed. Intent matters and people may slip up. Let's strive to respect their identity.

Please review the guidelines of the site regarding the Hate Speech and Insensitive Language Policy, which includes guidelines from GLAAD for the LGBTQ+ community.

Also remember the Golden Rule of Primetimer is Be Civil.

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It seems that for Mariah to have compassion for her mom, she would have to acknowledge Kody's part in neglecting Meri emotionally. And that might lead to some difficult realizations about their family structure in general, and its effect on all the wives and kids. And that could lead to some resentment against Kody, which she probably can't emotionally afford right now; he is all she really has as a parent since she is estranged from her mom. (I doubt the other "moms" are much help since they almost certainly think Meri was 100% wrong in all this.)

  • Love 8

I will be really surprised if Mariah comes out on tv.  I know they are all famewhores and will do anything for a buck, but coming out seems like a really personal thing to me.  I think it's about changing majors or something.  

But I could be wrong.  The throwing away the cookie episode was beyond personal (not to mention gross) so what do I know.

Edited by toodles
  • Love 6
3 hours ago, CofCinci said:

Do you think the next season storyline will be about Mariah's coming out?

Mark my words - I think that Robyn will shove Meriah out of the closet, with much heart wrenched souls searching, fear and concern for Meriah's well being, of course, if it throws the focus off of Kody searching for Wifey #5 and also from Robyn having one more baby. 

  • Love 5

I think the kids have been able to keep a relatively low profile all things considered.  I'd be really surprised if Mariah came out on the show just because they haven't addressed at least 2 of their kids living "in sin".  The Browns wouldn't exploit Mariah's sexuality (if she is gay) I don't think.  I think they'd encourage her to keep it private because the reaction among family would be more disadvantageous than the advantage of tv ratings.  She seems to have at least developed her own opinions instead of turning into a polygamous or LDS robot girl.  The nose ring encouraged me when I saw it. 

Edited by DeusExMaraschino
  • Love 1
12 minutes ago, DeusExMaraschino said:

I think the kids have been able to keep a relatively low profile all things considered.  I'd be really surprised if Mariah came out on the show just because they haven't addressed at least 2 of their kids living "in sin".  The Browns wouldn't exploit Mariah's sexuality (if she is gay) I don't think.  I think they'd encourage her to keep it private because the reaction among family would be more disadvantageous than the advantage of tv ratings.  She seems to have at least developed her own opinions instead of turning into a polygamous or LDS robot girl.  The nose ring encouraged me when I saw it. 

I don't know, I honestly can't think of anything they wouldn't exploit for cash and attention.

  • Love 11

Just a snarky observation here : Mariah supposedly is now against polygamy. Furious with her mother for mostly humiliating herself and by extension, Mariah, by engaging in an online affair. 

Doesn't believe in polygamy, but is ok with Daddio porking 3 women other than her momma. 100% ok, in fact. Knows her mom was treated like shit and dumped for a newer shinier model. 100% on board with that and doesn't even believe her father when he ADMITS his part in her mother's mistake.

Meri is to do three years of sackcloth and ashes, say twenty hail Mary's, beg at least once per week for forgiveness and  MAYBE all will be forgiven...maybe...depending on Mariahs time line. 

Same paragon of virtue is posting nude photos online and making herself out to be this evolved, woke feminist..Gloria Steinam v2. Not her own body ( thank christ for small mercies), but salacious nudies of other people's bodies. I'm no prude, but if one my grown sons was posting nudies on his IG or Twitter or FB, I'd be commenting to him directly that maybe he didn't need to be doing that in such a public place, and alluding to the fact that even though we aren't supposed to, many of us look up people we are considering hiring on social media.

This has nothing to do with her possible sexuality, by the way...I could care less what gender floats her big boat. 

This comes down to hypocrisy and boy, do I hate a hypocrite in any form.

Isn't she also the one who got all pissy and purist with Hunter a few seasons ago about something fairly G-Rated which offended her puritan polygamist sensibilities? All puffed up like a nun with a yardstick over a prank.

She can't have it all ways.

Either she's a tank top-bra-strap showing lesbian, who posts nudies all over social media and curses and lives her life like typical girls her age do...or she shuts the fuck up and goes back to Purityville, where she gets to be judge and jury of everyone else's every move.

I will, however, give her kudos for insisting on that fancy expensive college, where she could be with her own kinds of plygwives in training...and taking more money for it..thereby fucking the next few college bound sibs out of their fair share of the college-kitty! Well played, you schemer, you.

She needs to take a seat.

Edited by MarysWetBar
  • Love 12
1 hour ago, MarysWetBar said:

Just a snarky observation here : Mariah supposedly is now against polygamy. Furious with her mother for mostly humiliating herself and by extension, Mariah, by engaging in an online affair. 

Doesn't believe in polygamy, but is ok with Daddio porking 3 women other than her momma. 100% ok, in fact. Knows her mom was treated like shit and dumped for a newer shinier model. 100% on board with that and doesn't even believe her father when he ADMITS his part in her mother's mistake.

Meri is to do three years of sackcloth and ashes, say twenty hail Mary's, beg at least once per week for forgiveness and  MAYBE all will be forgiven...maybe...depending on Mariahs time line. 

Same paragon of virtue is posting nude photos online and making herself out to be this evolved, woke feminist..Gloria Steinam v2. Not her own body ( thank christ for small mercies), but salacious nudies of other people's bodies. I'm no prude, but if one my grown sons was posting nudies on his IG or Twitter or FB, I'd be commenting to him directly that maybe he didn't need to be doing that in such a public place, and alluding to the fact that even though we aren't supposed to, many of us look up people we are considering hiring on social media.

This has nothing to do with her possible sexuality, by the way...I could care less what gender floats her big boat. 

This comes down to hypocrisy and boy, do I hate a hypocrite in any form.

Isn't she also the one who got all pissy and purist with Hunter a few seasons ago about something fairly G-Rated which offended her puritan polygamist sensibilities? All puffed up like a nun with a yardstick over a prank.

She can't have it all ways.

Either she's a tank top-bra-strap showing lesbian, who posts nudies all over social media and curses and lives her life like typical girls her age do...or she shuts the fuck up and goes back to Purityville, where she gets to be judge and jury of everyone else's every move.

I will, however, give her kudos for insisting on that fancy expensive college, where she could be with her own kinds of plygwives in training...and taking more money for it..thereby fucking the next few college bound sibs out of their fair share of the college-kitty! Well played, you schemer, you.

She needs to take a seat.

I remember Mariah was full of rage when the older kids were visiting Utah for "Spring Break" It was April Fools Day & Logan Maddie & Humter told her that Hunter was arrested for being out past curfew with alcohol. She lost her shit like CRAZY. It looked like her eyes were going to pop out of her head as she slammed her things on the floor & stormed off.

She was as meek as a kitten when Kody mentioned that he may have played a part in the catfish situation. She just shook her head ever so gently  like no no...not my Daddy.

She needs to take a seat & not in the car pointed at the house...bellowing out "I just want to gooooo inside" when part of the reason for the delay was their urgent need to "scrapbook" the progress of construction when the house was being built...instead of turning in the paperwork in a timely fashion.

  • Love 7
11 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

Kadoofus will be foaming at the mouth to figure a way for yet another season on TLC.  No way his is going to allow an announcement of any magnitude in the current season. It will be something utterly boring.

Which ticks me off about TLC - breathlessly promoting something that's probably going to be the equivalent of, "I'm changing my major."  But then, this is a show that recycles 75% of what we've already seen and manages to take 12 minutes of new material and stretches it to two hours.

  • Love 6
39 minutes ago, SongbirdHollow said:

Is it really though? I think people can grow and change and I'm hoping that is what's happening. It's awkward to do in public when your life is down on film and you've been pigeonholed. 

I just visited my brother and he was bringing up stuff I did or said in the past as if it defined me forever and it pissed me off, so maybe it's a sensitive subject for me right now. 

Same here.  I will give any of these kids a pass because I had a similar college experience.  I grew up in a Fundamentalist Christian home and I am ashamed of some of the things I said and did, just following the lead of my church.  When you have very little exposure to "normal" people, you are nothing but an echo chamber for the adults in your life.  And if you church defines your life, you blindly spout off what you have learned your entire life.  I applaud anyone who breaks out of their religious dogma to learn what they believe FOR THEMSELVES.  (whether you continue to be religious or not).  It is not easy to see that your parents are fallible, and more importantly, they are WRONG about things.  Almost everything you've learned is a lie. 

So you're stuck in this defensive mode of "us against them"  (because you didn't grow up like "them", so you feel more comfortable around your bubble) but also angry because you've been denied a normal childhood and being able to learn and grow for yourself.  But you also love your family and your friends, and you have an affection for the way you grew up because it's familiar to you.  It's tough and confusing and I don't know that a lot of people get it unless you grew up in an alternative social construct.  Some people may see it as hypocrisy,and yes, maybe at its simplest that's what it is.  Saying one thing and doing another. 

But it's not as easy as either be a liberal lesbian OR be a polygamist loving puritan.  I think a lot of Mariah's issues with Meri are likely to do with finding out that her parents marriages are not perfect, a lot of what she's been taught is a lie, being her Mom's weird quasi-spouse, and the humiliation of her Mom having an emotional affair and involving Mariah in it.  So I have a lot of empathy for these kids.  I think it's great that they're growing up and making their own decisions even if it goes against their upbringing.  But I see where to some people it could seem like hypocrisy.  But thank goodness, I'm not anywhere near the same person I was at 21 or 22.  And I think most people have grown and learned a lot since they were 21 or 22 as well.   

  • Love 22
58 minutes ago, SongbirdHollow said:

I just visited my brother and he was bringing up stuff I did or said in the past as if it defined me forever and it pissed me off, so maybe it's a sensitive subject for me right now. 

LOL. This reminds me of a conversation/argument I had with my mother just a few years ago. (She looooooooves to bring up stuff I did when I was younger [child or young man] and try to humiliate me with it.) Anyway, the back-story real quick: When I was 18, I bought my first car. My father went with me, but he wasn't very helpful. I ended up buying this 1957 Chevy 150 Sedan beater car (it needed a whole hell of a lot of work!), but I didn't know anything about fixing/working on cars. So, a few years ago at Thanksgiving (I would say credit my mother with her impeccable timing, but since I've limited the times I see them to Thanksgiving it wasn't much of a stretch on her part) she instigated a fight with me over something and then brought up that car and how stupid I was to have bought it. I proceeded to agree with her that buying it was a stupid choice and went on to bring up a couple of other things (that were probably on her list, anyway) that I did that were stupid. The look on her face was PRICELESS! The fact that I agreed with her came as such a surprise to her that she had no idea how to respond. The wind went completely out of her sails and she was forced to go back to the original topic.

Edited by MrSmith
  • Love 13
37 minutes ago, DeusExMaraschino said:

Same here.  I will give any of these kids a pass because I had a similar college experience.  I grew up in a Fundamentalist Christian home and I am ashamed of some of the things I said and did, just following the lead of my church.  When you have very little exposure to "normal" people, you are nothing but an echo chamber for the adults in your life.  And if you church defines your life, you blindly spout off what you have learned your entire life.  I applaud anyone who breaks out of their religious dogma to learn what they believe FOR THEMSELVES.  (whether you continue to be religious or not).  It is not easy to see that your parents are fallible, and more importantly, they are WRONG about things.  Almost everything you've learned is a lie. 

So you're stuck in this defensive mode of "us against them"  (because you didn't grow up like "them", so you feel more comfortable around your bubble) but also angry because you've been denied a normal childhood and being able to learn and grow for yourself.  But you also love your family and your friends, and you have an affection for the way you grew up because it's familiar to you.  It's tough and confusing and I don't know that a lot of people get it unless you grew up in an alternative social construct.  Some people may see it as hypocrisy,and yes, maybe at its simplest that's what it is.  Saying one thing and doing another. 

But it's not as easy as either be a liberal lesbian OR be a polygamist loving puritan.  I think a lot of Mariah's issues with Meri are likely to do with finding out that her parents marriages are not perfect, a lot of what she's been taught is a lie, being her Mom's weird quasi-spouse, and the humiliation of her Mom having an emotional affair and involving Mariah in it.  So I have a lot of empathy for these kids.  I think it's great that they're growing up and making their own decisions even if it goes against their upbringing.  But I see where to some people it could seem like hypocrisy.  But thank goodness, I'm not anywhere near the same person I was at 21 or 22.  And I think most people have grown and learned a lot since they were 21 or 22 as well.   

Very thoughtful response with information I hadn't thought of, regarding the cult-think they are brought up with. Why weren't the rest of them like that, though? 

I suspect Aspen is likely even more religious deep down than Mariah ever was...and yet never felt the need to judge and jury..interesting how different ppl are. 

  • Love 3

There's a huge difference in getting outraged and probably scared of a sibling being arrested for underage drinking - which is not just immoral to their faith, but illegal and dangerous, and identifying as a liberal feminist or lesbian.

there's also a huge difference in being outraged and hurt that your mother broke her marital vows and was going to break up your family, and tried to make you an accomplice, than identifying as a liberal feminist or a lesbian. 

I was really surprised at the naked tumbler photos. Not because Meriah is supposedly a lesbian (wouldn't surprise me, but she hasn't come out yet, so I'll keep her ambiguous until she makes a confirmation), but because modesty is such a big deal for her family culture.

There are plenty of modest, conservative LBGTQ, especially those with a lot of small children or conservative family members, who would think it's a bad idea to have boobies, etc. plastered all over social media. Meriah possible being gay doesn't really surprise me. With a million kids, at least one or two is going to at least question. What did surprise me is the vulgar language and immodest tumblr pics. 

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Which ticks me off about TLC - breathlessly promoting something that's probably going to be the equivalent of, "I'm changing my major."  But then, this is a show that recycles 75% of what we've already seen and manages to take 12 minutes of new material and stretches it to two hours.

This is what I kinda wonder. Maybe a change in direction with her life school/career wise. It could be as simple as that and she's super excited about it, and also nervous because of the unknown. When I was in college I had to tell family/friends I got a grant to do work in the middle east. Some were excited for me and others were apprehensive, so telling them about it was kinda stressful. And if I'd been on a reality show, that might've been a moment they'd want to spotlight. "You're going WHERE?!"

So I'm not sold on the whole "I'm gay" theory but who knows. Coming out as gay is more common nowadays because people are far more accepting, unless the family is likely to have real issues with it. I'm not judgy in regards to that--for me it's like, okay, you're gay. Still part of the fam!

  • Love 3

Whatever her sexual orientation is, I wonder if Mariah is posting nude/ revealing pics all over social media as a way of rebelling against her parents and upbringing.  The earlier posts on that Tumblr reference being gay and LGBTQ rights, but they don't include anything provocative. Maybe she came out to her family and they didn't care, but since her relationship with her parents isn't the best right now, she decided to push their buttons even more by splattering soft-core porn all over the Internet. 

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, Runnergirl said:

This is what I kinda wonder. Maybe a change in direction with her life school/career wise. It could be as simple as that and she's super excited about it, and also nervous because of the unknown. When I was in college I had to tell family/friends I got a grant to do work in the middle east. Some were excited for me and others were apprehensive, so telling them about it was kinda stressful. And if I'd been on a reality show, that might've been a moment they'd want to spotlight. "You're going WHERE?!"

So I'm not sold on the whole "I'm gay" theory but who knows. Coming out as gay is more common nowadays because people are far more accepting, unless the family is likely to have real issues with it. I'm not judgy in regards to that--for me it's like, okay, you're gay. Still part of the fam!

Unless it directly is about Kody, I doubt if he cares a kid - especially a daughter who wouldn't jeopardize carrying on the family dynasty - is gay.

Also - I personally know a few older, sheltered, religiously conservative people who don't believe women can be gay. Because you have to have two penises to be gay. It's quite funny and makes no sense, but wouldn't surprise me Kodster thought that way. 

1 hour ago, MarysWetBar said:

Very thoughtful response with information I hadn't thought of, regarding the cult-think they are brought up with. Why weren't the rest of them like that, though? 

I suspect Aspen is likely even more religious deep down than Mariah ever was...and yet never felt the need to judge and jury..interesting how different ppl are. 

It all comes down to personality.  Some people never have the intiative to think for themselves, and just coast along with what they're told.  Some people react with fear to any questioning of faith, and double down on their religious convictions.  Others swing wildly to the other side of the pendulum and make really poor, angry decisions (many of my friends did) and some of us just settle and struggle in the middle.  It's really interesting to see how differently people react to the same experience.  

19 minutes ago, sucker4reality said:

Whatever her sexual orientation is, I wonder if Mariah is posting nude/ revealing pics all over social media as a way of rebelling against her parents and upbringing.  The earlier posts on that Tumblr reference being gay and LGBTQ rights, but they don't include anything provocative. Maybe she came out to her family and they didn't care, but since her relationship with her parents isn't the best right now, she decided to push their buttons even more by splattering soft-core porn all over the Internet. 

That could be too.  There's a reason the "preacher's kid gone wild" stereotype exists.  The more pressure and the more visibility as an "example" a kid goes through, there can be that extreme of a rebellion.  

  • Love 4

Mariah is no longer a child. Crying pouting whining & tantrums  have been her way to get exactly what she wants or to express herself.  Maddie is getting married. Mariah is bawling. Maddie announces that she's having a baby. Mariah is crying because the thought of being an Aunt makes her so happy. 

She reminds me of Robyn...who can't get through any "happy" expression without an ugly face full of tears. Stop already.

Mariah is 21 with the same personality attitude & reactions going back to when she was 14. Time to grow up. She's been afforded 100k for an education & when not in school gets to lounge around a $450k big ugly house. Poor Mariah. Poor poor Mariah. 

Crying might be considered "normal" to some when it comes to a wedding or birth announcement. This one cries...good or bad happy or sad. It's a good time to learn some other ways to express herself. 

Edited by Sista Snarky
  • Love 5

I don't really remember anything in particular about Aspyn and or her religious views. Since Polygamy is the main focus of their religion, I think  she  would have to be pro-polygamy in order to be deeply religious. I don't feel I know enough about any of the kids, to say who is or isn't deeply religious. I give Mariah a pass on defending her family and their beliefs when she was younger. Most of us try to take a positive view of the family we grew up and try to defend our family to outsiders. Eventually, you view things with a mature eye and can determine that things aren't that great. My parents are dead and I realize I had a pretty crappy childhood, but I would still not bad mouth my parents to strangers because I just don't think it's right. In regard to her relationship with Meri: Mother daughter relationships are always difficult and many kids find themselves having to take a side in a parent dispute or divorce. Hopefully things will clear up for both of them.

I am annoyed at TLC for the teasing of the Mariah confession/statement. I realize she is not technically a minor, but I would think someone still in college could be protected from 'outing' on national TV. Even if her announcement is not related to coming out, the endless discussion on public forums certainly is. I don't know if she is gay or not, but I don't think a young person's sexuality should be a teaser for a damn TV show. That's all on the adult Brown's for allowing it.

I also am going to the outlier and say we don't know that Logan is wonderful, Mariah is awful, Asypn is great etc. All we know are the snippets we see on TV. Logan and Mariah both make good grades and appear to be close (based on social media), but Logan has been on the show plenty and the fact he isn't on more may be more to do with him going to school, working and spending his time with his girlfriend than him refusing to be on TV. I actually think all of the kids seem to be nice kids based on what I see, but we don't see everything. I also think Hunter and Garrison went into the military not because they were forced to by giving everything to Mariah, but because they had a sincere interest in the military and perhaps Janelle thought it would help with not only money but with personality and anger issues. I also think Logan went to UNLV because he wanted to. What I am saying is I don't see the Brown's forcing anything on their children which is a good thing. Just my opinion. Also wanted to add: Crying at a wedding or because you find out a sister is pregnant is pretty normal to me. Some people are more emotional. I cried at several weddings myself. 

  • Love 11

Meri's catfish experience shook Mariah to the core.  Her security and all she knew was in jeopardy.   Early 20s is a tough time for kids, more so than adolescence.  They are out there without a map and family is the safe place to fall.  

Coming out to family is difficult for many.  And her life is on TV! 

She is going through a lot of stress and now Logan, another security for her, may be in danger (in her mind) of being arrested or worse. 

I cut her a lot of slack. She will move through this. Kody could help by insisting she understand that he is to blame for the lion share of Meri looking for love elsewhere. Pinhead, that one. 


They all know she is gay.  I am sure it was discussed with TLC as how to handle it and protect their daughter in the process.  If Mariah agrees, it will be addressed  on the show, probably next season. Or, they keep her story out of the way until it works for her.  I highly doubt it will be staged as a big announcement for all gathered on the couch!  

She is out on SM so might as well bring it front and center at some point. I hate that homosexuality is still a touchy subject for so many.  sigh.  Big hug to you, sweetheart.  Celebrate yourself!  And maybe move to the north east or Pacific Northwest!  CA, if you can afford it is another good option. LOL  ? 

She probably announces a change of plans that is exciting to her but fear her parents will oppose her dropping out of college which is part of it.  Or she learned how to make a quiche.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, sucker4reality said:

Whatever her sexual orientation is, I wonder if Mariah is posting nude/ revealing pics all over social media as a way of rebelling against her parents and upbringing.  The earlier posts on that Tumblr reference being gay and LGBTQ rights, but they don't include anything provocative. Maybe she came out to her family and they didn't care, but since her relationship with her parents isn't the best right now, she decided to push their buttons even more by splattering soft-core porn all over the Internet. 

Or maybe those posts ARE her way of coming out. My niece never came out (to me, anyway) but suddenly there was a girlfriend and suggestive instagrams. We all rolled with it. Also, I'm pretty sure tumblr is nothing but erotica. <kids today!>

I don't think the teaser is a coming-out announcement, but I kind of wish it was.

If Mariah was really gay and willing to come out on the show, the Browns would milk it for all it was worth. They'd drag it out over several episodes as Mariah had heart to heart talks with everybody. They wouldn't do a big reveal to all the adults at once like is shown in the preview clip and waste the chance to exploit the situation as fully as possible. 

I think that the clip of Mariah's big announcement is nothing more than them and TLC doing what milking they can of the rumors going around about her, nothing more. She's probably going to announce she got into grad school and she is moving or she's going to quit dying her hair ugly colors or something, nothing as big and exciting as TLC wants us to think.

I do want to add that a couple of years ago my college-aged daughter was posting some kind of risqué stuff on her social media that is similar to what Mariah has posted.  She wasn't gay, she was just feeling like an empowered young woman and expressing pride in the female form. It's a thing some of the girls seem to do these days and not necessarily a statement about their sexuality.

I am thinking that's what this stuff with Mariah is really about. She's coming into her own as a young woman, nothing more.  Plus if she were really gay, I doubt she would do anything that would bring so much public attention to it at this point. I don't think she'd put her sex life on the front page of her social media and I doubt she would want to delve into her sexuality on the show and deal with the public fallout. She's seen enough of that kind of scrutiny and gossip recently courtesy of her mother and she would never open the door to it in her own life at this point.

  • Love 6
1 minute ago, ginger90 said:

The site where Mariah is posting and it makes some think she's going to "come out", is it one that the account has been verified to be her? Just curious.

Yes. A poster here went into the archives and read a lot of content that said, this has to be her.  She went way back before anything that is buzzing today.  It is an old account.  If she was hacked she would be talking about that, too.  

  • Love 1
8 hours ago, wings707 said:

She is out on SM so might as well bring it front and center at some point. I hate that homosexuality is still a touchy subject for so many.  sigh.  Big hug to you, sweetheart.  Celebrate yourself!  And maybe move to the north east or Pacific Northwest!  CA, if you can afford it is another good option. LOL  ? 

I live in the South, and there are kids that are out in my son's high school. They get voted to homecoming court and all that good stuff.  Maybe the coastal folks don't have the market cornered on tolerance.

  • Love 13
1 minute ago, tobeannounced said:

I live in the South, and there are kids that are out in my son's high school. They get voted to homecoming court and all that good stuff.  Maybe the coastal folks don't have the market cornered on tolerance.

Meriah is also a grown adult in a liberal college, so she has much more freedom from bullying than high school kids. If she wants to come out, it would be much different than an underage kid trapped in high school. 

  • Love 4
8 minutes ago, tobeannounced said:

I live in the South, and there are kids that are out in my son's high school. They get voted to homecoming court and all that good stuff.  Maybe the coastal folks don't have the market cornered on tolerance.

Sure and many other places, as well!  My point is head to a place where you know there is a large gay representation.  Just makes things easier when you are new to a place, young and looking to make friends.  No insult intended. 

  • Love 4
12 hours ago, MrSmith said:

LOL. This reminds me of a conversation/argument I had with my mother just a few years ago. (She looooooooves to bring up stuff I did when I was younger [child or young man] and try to humiliate me with it.) Anyway, the back-story real quick: When I was 18, I bought my first car. My father went with me, but he wasn't very helpful. I ended up buying this 1957 Chevy 150 Sedan beater car (it needed a whole hell of a lot of work!), but I didn't know anything about fixing/working on cars. So, a few years ago at Thanksgiving (I would say credit my mother with her impeccable timing, but since I've limited the times I see them to Thanksgiving it wasn't much of a stretch on her part) she instigated a fight with me over something and then brought up that car and how stupid I was to have bought it. I proceeded to agree with her that buying it was a stupid choice and went on to bring up a couple of other things (that were probably on her list, anyway) that I did that were stupid. The look on her face was PRICELESS! The fact that I agreed with her came as such a surprise to her that she had no idea how to respond. The wind went completely out of her sails and she was forced to go back to the original topic.

Is it possible we have the same mom?

As far as the "coming out" theory, I'm 100% sure it's not that. For kids coming from a religious family, coming out is a scary and mostly somber conversation. That has been my experience when supporting friends or family. Mariah looked mostly excited and nervous but in a good way. There's a shot of Robyn in the preview with her mouth hanging open, a glimmer of a smile on her stupid face. I think Robyn of all people would play the voice of reason, not mouth agape as if she's never heard the word lesbian. That's just not the typical reaction. Either the parent is a pissed off asshole, which to be clear I don't think the browns would react that way, or the parent reacts with sadness (more likely for the browns off camera), or the parent tries to comfort and reassure the child. 

I also want to say that "coming out" is less of a deal nowadays. I live in Springfield, MO at present. My kids go  to school with gay kids. It's not even a thing. Most of them have never come out per se. It just is what it is. I don't expect for my kids to come out as straight and thankfully I think it is more common now that gay kids don't feel they need to make a formal announcement. 

  • Love 4
16 hours ago, wings707 said:

Meri's catfish experience shook Mariah to the core.  Her security and all she knew was in jeopardy.   Early 20s is a tough time for kids, more so than adolescence.  They are out there without a map and family is the safe place to fall.  

Coming out to family is difficult for many.  And her life is on TV! 

She is going through a lot of stress and now Logan, another security for her, may be in danger (in her mind) of being arrested or worse. 

I cut her a lot of slack. She will move through this. Kody could help by insisting she understand that he is to blame for the lion share of Meri looking for love elsewhere. Pinhead, that one. 


They all know she is gay.  I am sure it was discussed with TLC as how to handle it and protect their daughter in the process.  If Mariah agrees, it will be addressed  on the show, probably next season. Or, they keep her story out of the way until it works for her.  I highly doubt it will be staged as a big announcement for all gathered on the couch!  

She is out on SM so might as well bring it front and center at some point. I hate that homosexuality is still a touchy subject for so many.  sigh.  Big hug to you, sweetheart.  Celebrate yourself!  And maybe move to the north east or Pacific Northwest!  CA, if you can afford it is another good option. LOL  ? 

She probably announces a change of plans that is exciting to her but fear her parents will oppose her dropping out of college which is part of it.  Or she learned how to make a quiche.  

What do you mean by that part about Logan? Why might he be getting arrested?

  • Love 1

From the sister wives blog

Maddie and Logan conspire to play a prank on her. They tell her that Hunter was arrested for curfew violation and underage drinking...and Mariah fell for it!! In fact, Mariah had a bit of a temper tantrum. But just like siblings, Maddie and Logan are laughing so hard they almost hurt themselves! Now this is what we need to see more of - the teenagers acting like teens AND HAVING FUN!

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, ginger90 said:

From the sister wives blog

Maddie and Logan conspire to play a prank on her. They tell her that Hunter was arrested for curfew violation and underage drinking...and Mariah fell for it!! In fact, Mariah had a bit of a temper tantrum. But just like siblings, Maddie and Logan are laughing so hard they almost hurt themselves! Now this is what we need to see more of - the teenagers acting like teens AND HAVING FUN!

ah, thank you. Makes sense now!

  • Love 1

The catfisher, in one of her alter egos, disclosed that Meri had discussed Mariah having a girlfriend and wanting to know how to bring up that she knew and was okay with it. I'm sure the CF tried to get it in texts, but Meri only spoke about it on the phone. I think that was part of the reason Mariah is so angry with Meri. She was being told by other people on Twitter that she was being scammed, and Mariah says she also told her that. Yet Meri ignored all of it and shared personal family information with the psycho. We know that the CF is a liar, so it could be that she created a lie based on Mariah's social media accounts, but it also seems clear that Meri was disclosing info to her.

Mariah has always taken things personally. It's her personality and will probably improve as she gets older and gets more life experiences. Whether or not it is disclosed on the show depends on how they can manipulate it for a new season. I think it is a safe bet that it is something boring, since so many people suspect it is her coming out, and the Browns will snicker to themselves about how they tricked their audience. They have no respect for their viewers.

  • Love 4
17 hours ago, Christina said:

The catfisher, in one of her alter egos, disclosed that Meri had discussed Mariah having a girlfriend and wanting to know how to bring up that she knew and was okay with it. I'm sure the CF tried to get it in texts, but Meri only spoke about it on the phone.


Mariah is super gay.  Meri supporting Mariah coming out is what is healing their relationship.

Click on the picture and it will take you to one of Meri's tweets from October.  Very sweet.

Edited by lettsjetts
  • Love 5

I wonder if she's doing a semester abroad, and that's her big news.

My money is on something like this.  The gerbils in Kodoofus's brain are running on their wheel trying to milk another season.  He's not going to allow spilling something of value this year since there was the HUGELY popular (not!) wedding episode.  He needs to hold something back for next year.

  • Love 5
22 hours ago, Christina said:

The catfisher, in one of her alter egos, disclosed that Meri had discussed Mariah having a girlfriend and wanting to know how to bring up that she knew and was okay with it. I'm sure the CF tried to get it in texts, but Meri only spoke about it on the phone. I think that was part of the reason Mariah is so angry with Meri. She was being told by other people on Twitter that she was being scammed, and Mariah says she also told her that. Yet Meri ignored all of it and shared personal family information with the psycho. We know that the CF is a liar, so it could be that she created a lie based on Mariah's social media accounts, but it also seems clear that Meri was disclosing info to her.

Mariah has always taken things personally. It's her personality and will probably improve as she gets older and gets more life experiences. Whether or not it is disclosed on the show depends on how they can manipulate it for a new season. I think it is a safe bet that it is something boring, since so many people suspect it is her coming out, and the Browns will snicker to themselves about how they tricked their audience. They have no respect for their viewers.

I had no idea that the CF talked about Mariah having a girlfriend! Like whoa. 

Mariah only started posting lesbian shizz in April 2016 (I diligently checked her tumblr archives), so if the CF posted about Mariah's sexuality prior to that, then Meri definitely told her. If the CF posted after April 2016, then it's possible she gleaned that information from her tumblr profile. 

13 hours ago, SongbirdHollow said:

Mariah just tweeted that she is on her way to London, and her bio/location says 221b Baker St. I wonder if she's doing a semester abroad, and that's her big news.

That's kinda what I thought. I had to do the same thing with my family/friends when I got grant money to work abroad in the Middle East. 

Coming out nowadays is no big deal really. I would envision people looking up from their phones or books, saying "uh huh", and then looking back at their phones again. 

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Message added by Scarlett45,

Leon is transgender and uses they/them pronouns. As defined in the GLAAD guidelines, they are a they, were a they, and will be a they unless they ever tell us something different.  Per those guidelines, referring to them as a woman or a girl or as she is not okay, regardless of any modifier placed before these words or the time period being discussed.  Referring to them by any name besides "Leon" or "Leo" is not appropriate, regardless of the time period being discussed. Intent matters and people may slip up. Let's strive to respect their identity.

Please review the guidelines of the site regarding the Hate Speech and Insensitive Language Policy, which includes guidelines from GLAAD for the LGBTQ+ community.

Also remember the Golden Rule of Primetimer is Be Civil.

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