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S06.E03: Thank You


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Why are people upset with Morgan over Glen's death? He just let a couple random wolves live. It's Carl's girlfriend that led them to Alexandria.

I hope Glenn is dead. I like him and all, but it would be a cheap, lame and unbelievable misdirection if he survived. Even if it was Nicholas neing eaten in that scene, his ability to survive under a pile of a hoard of walkers just diminishes the zombie threat.

Edited by Captain I0
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No NO NOOOOOO!!! In deep denial here. This can't be happening!!!




Shit.  I just don't know.  The more I watch and stare at that scene, it really does look like and imply that Nicholas is on top of Glenn and is the one being torn apart and eaten, but Glenn's reaction is one more of unbearable pain and dying, not just watching (albeit extremely close up) as someone else is getting devoured.


The only thing that makes me think it is Glenn getting torn into, is the amount of gushing blood that splashes so closely to Glenn's neck and face. 



Argh!!!  I hate the total ambiguity of that camera angle!!  Its impossible to tell if its Nicholas or Glenn that's getting made a mess of.

  • Love 5

During that scene, I said to my spouse, "Since when are guts located in the sternum?"


The zombies are pulling out long sausage-like links from just below Glenn's collarbone. As Dawn from TM2 would say, that don't make no sense.


I may be grasping at straws (or poor stage effects), but Glenn's my favorite character on this show, and I need him to stay on my television screen.


THIS was my primary sticking point.  Unless Glenn's guts and his lungs decided to do one of the weirdest timeshare swaps known to medical science, those intestines weren't coming out of his chest.

  • Love 16

Yea, those were really high-placed intestines if it were his. Quite optimistic that 9livesGlenn will make it, but enjoyed the scene all the same. At least Nicholas saves Glenn in his own cowardly way, inadvertently (mmhm, brimming with optimism!)


Whenever there's an escpae the herd scenario, it really bugs me why they don't douse themselves with some eau du zombie... is Carol the only one quick on her feet about these things? Zombie camouflage. Wolves camouflage....  They know it works, thus be able to calmly walk through the herd.    


I hope they don't make a big thing out of Rick's wounds getting infected, after scenes like last season where his banged up face was having a zombie facial courtesy of Alexandria's unexpected guests.

  • Love 2

I was actually interested in Morgan's backstory after last episode. They should have given us the Morgan backstory this week. After this week's actual episode, I'm really not in the mood for Morgan's backstory, as much as I still like him and don't blame him for what happened.


Maybe when we come back to Glenn, he'd still be alive, but he had chucks bit out of him. That's what they meant by "parts of him will come back". And then the show will give him a Bob death - fading away surrounded by friends.


Giving Maggie a baby really wouldn't make up for killing Glenn off. If anything, it would add insult to injury.


At least those who complained about the show's former tendency to have "replacement black guys" got some variety of black characters. Us Asians only ever got the one Asian character, and I doubt the show will even bother to give us a replacement Asian. So, it could be worse.


If Glenn still ends up dead after the wait, I'm gonna be pissed they made us wait and got some people's hopes up. That's just mean. If he lives, at least I would be happy he's alive.


On the optimistic side, I get why people would say Nichola's blood is too fresh to be camouflage. But we know zombies are drawn to the scent of the living, and living people usually don't smell like blood and guts. Living people usually smells like sweat. Freshly dead Nicholas's body probably still smells like sweat. But as soon as the zombies rip him up and dump him out on top of Glenn, Glenn is just going to smell like blood and guts, his "regular living human smell" would be completely masked by that. So it's still plausible that it could save Glenn.


Notice how zombies hardly ever seem to finish a meal. Could be they lose interest as soon as their victim smells more dead than living.

  • Love 7

Ok, with my final decision - for right now, at least ;) - I have to go with that being Nicholas being torn into.  Going with the low angle of the camera shot, they appear to be tearing into something above Glenn's chest or stomach.


So unless Glenn all of a sudden obtained a big bloated stomach or huge 'Dolly Partons', it had to be the body laying on top of him (but was completely ambiguously not shown in the shot at all, other than the aftermath as the walkers tore into it).



But I still stand by my belief that the chances of Glenn surviving are really low - without a miraculous deus ex machina last-second savior.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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Well, I'll take your bets, everyone who thinks Glenn Just Survived Somehow. Lay your money down.

I think the whole thing, including no "Memorium," is just a conspiracy maneuver to manufacture Monday morning water cooler speculation instead of the entire audience being pissed off and speaking in one voice to say: Fuck you, show, for killing Glenn.

I'm mad about Glenn and mad about being manipulated.

Yes yes yes!!! By all means these types of choices belong on a show like TWD but they can F**K OFF with the audience manipulation! Kill these characters but make sure you OWN it! Don't treat your audience like the are simple minded morons! Are you kidding me TPTB??!!??

Steve Yeun should have been on TD and Glenn should have been 'In Memoriam'. Anything less is an insult to you fans and that character....and if you are planning on having Glenn 'miraculously' survive that clusterf**k you are destroying any creative integrity this show may have left in its 6th season.

Just bloody own it!

  • Love 3

I'm choosing to live in denial. That's my choice, until we see Glenn's bones stripped bare with a pocket watch hanging from a rib and possibly a great red arrow pointing his way saying "Glenn's corpse". I choose to believe aliens teleported him to safety because they thought he was too pretty to die. That's not too farfetched for a show about zombies! I'm happy with that choiThat's 


  • Love 1

If Glenn is not being eaten, then screaming is not the best way to play dead. Is everything a flat circle in Virginia? Idiot Sturgess ran away and ended up in Funkytown. Team Survivor seemingly went in a different direction - much slower- and arrived in Funkytown apparently minutes after Sturgess.

Edited by paigow
  • Love 5

I'm someone who believes Glenn is not dead. If he was dead, why so coy with the camera angle? Why have a very dead Nicholas do that weird post death spin to land on top of Glenn? I'm completely unspoiled and I don't read the comics and I still think Glenn lives. I also think we're many weeks away from that being confirmed.

Next week is the Morga-thon, then we still have to deal with the dangers from this week. Rick is in trouble, Walkers are going to make it past Rick and reach Alexandria because he has no way to draw that many off, Michonne and co still have to hobble home and I'm still unclear how Daryl, Sasha and Abraham are supposed to break away from the Walker parade in the same vehicles they're using to lead it. The next two weeks seem pretty crowded without "pieces of Glenn" showing up.

Alexandria is done. Even if they fix the walls and the blind spots, it's done as a story. There's no opposition there. Deanna is team Rick, most of the fighters died in the past couple of episodes and everyone else has seen CDB save the day. Something new has to be coming in terms of antagonists and I'm going to guess whatever is coming will be how Glenn survives.

  • Love 3

Alexandria is done. Even if they fix the walls and the blind spots, it's done as a story. There's no opposition there. Deanna is team Rick, most of the fighters died in the past couple of episodes and everyone else has seen CDB save the day.

Load up the remaining vehicles with supplies and head for the nearest Virginia Department of Corrections facility.....with plenty of space for farming.

  • Love 3

I guess AMC can only have one Asian male hero on its network at a time.  In November they're debuting Into the Badlands starring Daniel Wu.


I want both Glenn and Rick to escape by camouflaging themselves with dead body parts - as a callback to season 1 when they smeared guts all over themselves to walk through walkers from the store to the parking lot in Atlanta.


I think TPTB are testing the waters to see if they can kill off an original (and liked) cast member and not affect the ratings too much. If there is little or no effect on the ratings, then I think they would consider killing off all or almost all of the originals and going with a completely different cast next season. 


But if FTWD has taught me anything, it's that the cast is not interchangeable.  If you manage to hit the jackpot with great cast members, don't kill them off!

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 8

Well...on a positive note, the three African-American characters from the road crew survived.

At least there's that. I really like Heath and hope his gall to be put out at Rick's words (If they fall behind leave them) doesn't mean he will be disposed of shortly. I also liked the other ASZer and the fact that he didn't want to be a hinderance to the group. And Anne. Yeah Anne!! She may be an ASZer but she went down like a true champ. It was good to see that not all ASZers subscribed to Leave Them Behind.


Not Glenn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by GodsBeloved
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Has there ever been a character that just . . . disappeared? Fate unknown?


I'm not saying I think Glenn is dead (or not), but if he is, how will anyone know for certain? Once the smoke is cleared, will they send a team back to that little town and find his shirt, or, maybe, the walkie-talkie? I can see Maggie wanting to do that.


Also, I've seen some people asking, but I haven't seen any theories yet: What the hell was Daryl doing (or not doing)? Did he have to go take a leak?

Ok, glossing over the whole Glenn of it, because I refuse to believe he's dead and I'll keep living in my lovely little world of alien abductions rather than zombie mutilations, thank you, there was a lot I loved about the episode. Mostly that it was horror movie fun, complete with horror movie tropes and horror movie feel.

I think this show is at its best when it doesn't have pretensions and artsy aspirations but embraces the campy fun of zombie hordes and horrible situations, and yeah, the point of the show is still humanity and how humans react in the face of unthinkable horror, but we don't need long, cryptic and honestly a bit pedestrian philosophical discussions. Just let them run in the woods stalked by zombies, twisting ankles left and right.

Heath hidden behind a tree while Rick tells Michonne and Glenn to just leave the ASZhats behind if they slow them down? How incredibly high school, how awfully fun.

The RV that stops working at exactly the wrong time? How amazingly inconvenient, how terribly fun.

I'm just disappointed there were no zombified guinea pigs or hamsters in the pet store, that would have taken the campy horror up a notch.

WTF was the whole point of Daryl in this episode? If a character has a "storyline" that has him decide to follow Rick's directives, then change his mind and try to get to Alexandria, then change his mind again and rejoin his original mission, why not simply cut him out of the episode? Give me more time of Michonne schooling newbies, or Rick taking down wolves, or Glenn being beamed up by Scotty in the Enterprise miraculously unharmed. Either use Daryl or don't use him, having him driving his bike in circles just annoys me, no matter how cool Norman Reedus looks on a motorcycle.

  • Love 11

Has there ever been a character that just . . . disappeared? Fate unknown?

I might be living in total denial, but this is the sliver of hope I am hanging onto that he is still alive.

There is nobody there to see or report back his death. Until I see a half-eaten body or Glenn as a zombie I will live in my happy world that he is still alive and kicking!

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My SO actually said (as Glenn and Nicholas were climbing on the Dumpster): "So what kind of deus ex machina can we expect at this point?" Then, when Glenn apparently died, we were both like, "Really? Whoa."


I think for Glenn to get out of that scenario would be an insult to viewers' intelligence. Scott Gimple - you wrote that big check, so you really need to cash it.


This is sort of where I'm at.  Look, I liked Glenn.  I'm sorry if that's how he really died because nobody deserves to die like that.  But for him to somehow miraculously survive what we saw will require such a huge leap and willing suspension of disbelief that the showrunners can't ever claim ever again that "nobody is safe" and not be met with a massive eyeroll.  They've been veering toward that territory for awhile as it is.


I'm clearly in a minority because I like it from a sheer storytelling point.  If they truly want this to be a show where "anyone can die" then they've written a magnificent story to illustrate exactly that.  To have a major character go alone and senselessly and rather quickly with unfinished business, to not get a drawn out maudlin Tyreese style death is indeed a gutsy move.  It also significantly ups the cost of the series of bad decisions we've seen that have culminated in where we are now, rather than just a bunch of redshirts no one was invested in anyway.


I say all this fully expecting Glenn to pop back up in a couple of episodes for no other reason than audience manipulation.  

Edited by nodorothyparker
  • Love 10
- That pet store must have stunk to high heaven. Pet stores are already pretty stinky with living animals in them.


That pet store was giving me all kinds of snark, which I quickly abandoned when the ending got so intense. But when Glenn walked off on his own before leaving for the feed store and they're all, "What are you doing?" - I thought Glenn was going to say, "I'm going to find a pet hamster for Maggie". 


Look, you could make the same argument that Glenn, in failing to kill Nicholas when he had the chance, brought on his own fate, but I don't hear anyone hating on him for that.


Because Glenn giving Nicholas a second change hurt him and him alone. Morgan's failure to kill has cost plenty of lives and put his old friend at risk. If Rick wasn't such a bad mofo, he'd be dead in that RV right now. And I'd completely put that on Morgan for letting those guys go, and allowing that one guy to take a gun. I still say if Morgan had killed those two Wolves in the woods that one day, there's a good chance the rest might never have ended up in ASZ. No horn would have been blown. The Walker plan would have worked. Etc. Etc. I get the whole thing about not wanting to become ruthless and just kill everyone who MIGHT pose a threat. But it's been clear from day one that these Wolves are psychotic, homicidal maniacs bent on pure and total destruction. I see no good reason not to take them out when you have the chance. 


I won't say he's irredeemable, but he's pretty high on my shit list right now.

I refuse to hate Morgan.  He isn't the first character to make a mistake that has cost lives  I don't know if a 90-minute episode featuring Morgan's spiritual journey is a good idea for next week, but Lennie James will act the living shit out of this episode and any chance to watch Lennie do his thing is okay with me.

I'm with you. I'm still not pleased with him letting the Wolves go but yeah Morgan is still at the top of my list.

  • Love 3

I guess AMC can only have one Asian male hero on its network at a time. In November they're debuting Into the Badlands starring Daniel Wu.

I want both Glenn and Rick to escape by camouflaging themselves with dead body parts - as a callback to season 1 when they smeared guts all over themselves to walk through walkers from the store to the parking lot in Atlanta.

I think TPTB are testing the waters to see if they can kill off an original (and liked) cast member and not affect the ratings too much. If there is little or no effect on the ratings, then I think they would consider killing off all or almost all of the originals and going with a completely different cast next season.

But if FTWD has taught me anything, it's that the cast is not interchangeable. If you manage to hit the jackpot with great cast members, don't kill them off!

I like Tara and Sasha and Maggie, but I've come to the conclusion that I really only care about the Atlanta 5 and Michonne. I think Glenn survives this time, but he''ll be the first of that group to go. I hate shock value but give me more Glenn for now.
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Why do people say stuff like this. Rick is the leader for a reason. Last year some people were acting like Carol should start leading. Its easy to be pragmatic when everything is not your shoulders and when everybody isn't looking to you to come up with plans and make the tough decisions. Most of the time Rick's agression and intensity is crucial to not only his survival but the survival of the people he is leading.


We know Rick, so we (the viewing public) have that advantage. NEw people see his "intensity" or whatever you want to call it and think he's simply nuts. You stand him against Carol, or Michonne or Glenn (when he was alive and able to stand), and you see relatively calm people even as the world is ending. But Rick gets into his nutso thing and people are turned off by it. Who would you rather be led by (assuming you didn't know Rick's full history and what he's done, just based on personality?


(Having said all that, I still like Rick.)

.  I don't like the shows that manipulate and make it look like someone died, only to reveal later on that the person is not dead.  That's like straight out of General Hospital or something.


Don't go dissing General Hospital now!!!


I think it'd be cool to see what Luke and Laura would do during the zombie apocalypse. Or the Brady Bunch.

  • Love 2
He had been running, in probably 90 degrees with 90% humidity, and sitting in an RV that probably was like an oven inside from just sitting there.

I have no problem with his level of sweatiness.


Right. Agree. Daryl, on the other hand, had the same level of sweat in his hair when the whole outing started. I just can't even bear to look at him anymore. Someone PLEASE force a bath upon this dude. Jessie, a haircut, I'm begging you. 


Why are people upset with Morgan over Glen's death? He just let a couple random wolves live. It's Carl's girlfriend that led them to Alexandria.


I do not believe Enid is a Wolf or has anything to do with them. But even if you do, and I respect people's opinions, it was Aaron's backpack that led them there, not Enid. 


Shit.  I just don't know.  The more I watch and stare at that scene, it really does look like and imply that Nicholas is on top of Glenn and is the one being torn apart and eaten, but Glenn's reaction is one more of unbearable pain and dying, not just watching (albeit extremely close up) as someone else is getting devoured.


Re-watching the scene is starting to make me change my mind too. The intestines that are flung about are way too high up to be Glenn's. I still don't know how he would survive that, though. Even if they are currently eating Nicholas and not Glenn. I would love Glenn to still be alive, but it feels cheap to me. 


Is everything a flat circle in Virginia?


Apparently. And I think I love you for this reference. 

I like Tara and Sasha and Maggie, but I've come to the conclusion that I really only care about the Atlanta 5 and Michonne.


I like others as well - Tara, Maggie, Abraham, Michonne. But the ATL 5 will always have a special place in my heart, simply because they are the Atlanta 5. Although, I wouldn't be opposed to swapping Daryl for Michonne. Since Sister Wives was also on last night, I'll go ahead and paraphrase - "It feels like Michonne should have been with them from the beginning". 

  • Love 6


I'm clearly in a minority because I like it from a sheer storytelling point.  If they truly want this to be a show where "anyone can die" then they're written a magnificent story to illustrate exactly that.  To have a major character go alone and senselessly and rather quickly with unfinished business, to not get a drawn out maudlin Tyreese style death is indeed a gutsy move.  It ups the cost of the series of bad decisions we've seen that have culminated in where we are now, rather than just a bunch of redshirts no one was invested in anyway.

I'm terribly torn, because I actually like it from a storytelling point of view too. It's the same reason why I wasn't angry at Beth's death; sometimes death is stupid and sudden and horrible, you don't always get to say goodbye, or have witnesses, or have your story resolved. So, a main character dying in a pointless, lonely, unheroic way? Ballsy move, that the rational side of my viewing brain can appreciate and even respect.

But...it's Glenn! I love Glenn! He's in my top 4 characters! I don't want him to die alone and afraid and in pain and without the people he loves even knowing what happened to him! So no, the emotional side of my brain refuses it. He ain't dead! He's fiiiiiiiine! He's just fine! He's somewhere happy and safe! Yay! Surrounded by puppies and rainbows! (I feel the need to specify that the puppies are actual puppies, not undead ones).

  • Love 7

Not only that, but if it was Nicholas' body being torn apart, why was he doing all that screaming when Glenn knows that the only way to avoid being walker food is either killing them first, evading them, or 'playing dead'.  He was both incapable nor doing any of those things in his 'death scene'.


I have both fingers in my ears, he's screaming because someone is zombie chow on top of him. I kinda wanted a heroic gesture by Nicholas, like running and flying leap off of the dumpsters so the zombies took focus off of Glenn for a second, where he could climb the fence to a roof nearby or some such. I will accept crawling under the dumpster because there are only a few left on this show that I can't face the death of. I'm not one of those "Kill Darryl and we riot" people. I could deal with it if he got a better send off. I don't know, I'm flummoxed til next week. 


Oh, and Yvette thinks Enid is a wolf and I believe that and think she took Judith.


Well, I wasn't worried about that until NOW....   although I find it unlikely.  Enid is about her survival, and toting a baby around would make that a lot harder.


So, if a main character is going to be killed, I want to know for sure that person is dead so I can grieve, sob, shout at the TV, etc.  I can't grieve and sob when I'm 'not sure' if someone died.  Some of the emotion and momentum is lost now that we have to wait another week or two to find out if Glenn is actually dead.   The drama of the death moment would be diminished.   But if Glenn suddenly pops up in a week or two, miraculously managing to get out from under all of those walkers, I will feel manipulated.  I will also think it is totally implausible that anyone could get out from that mess. 

THIS.  I love Glenn.  Like, I luuuuuurve him-love him.  But I think he needs to be dead just for some honesty in storytelling.  And I don't WANT him to be dead.  

As far as momentum... I just keep hoping that next week's preview is sort of a fake out, and there's more to it than a quiet Morgan backstory episode.  Because *come on*.   Preview fake-out I'm okay with.  


Was there a visual clue to be had with the amount of sweat that Rick was emitting while sitting in the RV - like a complication with his hand injury, maybe? - or did the showrunners/director just decide to overdo it since Rick hasn't had a reason to really work up a sweat since the last quarter of last season?


His hair and face literally looked like he had just surfaced out of a swimming pool, in at least a couple of the inner RV shots.


Not only has he been running and running as other posters have pointed out, he's also shut up in that RV in the sun.  He should pretty much be melted.  


I thought about Glenn with Dale's RV. He showed Glenn how to get it going again. 

That pissed me off!  The RV won't start after you killed off the guy who learned from Dale how to fix an RV?  Fuck you, show.  That's not cute.  It's just stupid and you're piling on.  

  • Love 1

I think my problem as to Glenn still being alive is that they've already played that card when Glenn and his new-buddy, but-at-the-time-enemy went for their nighttime stroll in the last episode last season. Remember, the scene where Glenn (after being shot by Nickolas) got swarmed by Walkers. But then he bounced back up a little while later. I remember a lot of people going, "Now, how in the hell did he do that?"


Now, I guess they could make that Glenn's super-power. When he gets swarmed, he LIVES.


Rick's superpower is that he can convince anyone in less than two minutes that he's absolutely nuts.

  • Love 9
I hope they don't make a big thing out of Rick's wounds getting infected, after scenes like last season where his banged up face was having a zombie facial courtesy of Alexandria's unexpected guests.

I'm unspoiled so this is a theory based on nothing, but what if Rick's hand gets a non-zombie infection? He has the walker strain already floating around in his system, but just like old Mr. Whatshisname died of cancer in Woodbury and the CDB/Prison folks got the flu, other illnesses still exist and Rick might be affected by one.

  • Love 2

Was the RV was the one Abraham drove to Alexandria?  The one Glenn knew how to fix?  Yeah, I know it ran out of gas outside of Alexandria, but I'm guessing they went back for it later.


Glenn is dead.  Nicholas's dead body would not be spurting blood.  It sucks, but there it is.  As heartbreaking as Glenn's death is, it also killed me to see the animals that starved in their cages.


This means that Maggie is pregnant, right?

I still can't believe that they thought letting the walkers out of the pit was a good idea.  Yes, once the truck fell, they had to move ahead with the plan ... but I can't see why the bonfire would not have been better.

Agreed.  It was a piss poor plan that was doomed to fail from the start.


Incidentally, I have a friend who doesn't watch so she couldn't understand all the wailing going around social media.  To put it in perspective I compared it to how she would have felt if Hurley had been eaten by the smoke monster.

Edited by Haleth
  • Love 2

The Glenn fate partially redeemed what had been a very pedestrian episode. The zombie stuff was all been there, done that. The actual interesting stuff was the continued exploration of the *other* choice in a ZA ... giving up. Abraham asked Michionne about it an ep or two ago. Nicholas gave up this ep. The woman who fell wanted to give up (as did her injured companion) and ultimately did. Rick looked like he was thinking about the option - not to do so, but just that it existed given all they had been through. Now it looks like we are going to hear Morgan's rebuttal to giving up next week.

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Do these folks not understand the idea of a mercy kill?  Annie (I think that was her name) would rather get eaten alive than put a bullet in her head?  You see a guy being ripped to shreds behind a fence and you don't want to stab him with your sword? 



I give Annie credit. She used her bullets to put down as many walkers as she could. I didn't understand why Michonne didn't try to put Married Guy down.

Edited by GodsBeloved
  • Love 3

It's such a stretch, but even if Glenn rolls under the dumpster somehow, it only works if the walkers don't realize it or see him under there. The walkers touched Glenn and Nicholas' feet (but not quite pull them down) when they were standing vertically on top, so a tight fetal position won't even work if the dead are reaching. It he managed to get under there, and then a loud sound distracted the walkers, that's his only hope. I wish it wasn't such a slim chance, because Glenn is the man.

Edited by dannymoon
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