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Teresa Checks In Part 2: Mr. Mom For The Shore

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I had no idea there was even such a think as Gucci dinnerware.  How much does that stuff cost?  Crazy.  And stupid as hell. They're plates.  Jeez.

Me too! I've actually now looked for Gucci china dinner service on the Internet every way I can think of and have come up with basically nothing. I used to have a pretty stupid china dinnerware obsession (don't judge - though you probably should). Five complete sets that I hardly ever use - but at least they were parental hand-me-downs or bought on Ebay when it was still a good bargain.

I'm also with the above poster (not quoted) Joe Giudice is still one of my favorite character's on "reality" TV.

BTW - Glad to see the fabulous snark back on the board! I may need to watch the last episode.

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Me too! I've actually now looked for Gucci china dinner service on the Internet every way I can think of and have come up with basically nothing. I used to have a pretty stupid china dinnerware obsession (don't judge - though you probably should). Five complete sets that I hardly ever use - but at least they were parental hand-me-downs or bought on Ebay when it was still a good bargain.

After inheriting a few sets I used to have thing for china too so I'm not judging you Jenniferdc.  But  I'm confused because I thought Gucci has only been in the plate business a few years (2013 according this NY Mag article:





But here is Teresa showing off her Gucci dishes and high end custom kitchen - all the things she "couldn't live without" early on in the franchise: 



Maybe they should play this every time they wonder what happened?  




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What was up with Teresa asking Gabriella if she was watching the World Cup? Presumably she was talking about soccer, and not rugby, as Gabriella is supposed to be this great soccer player...Is Teresa in some kind of prison time warp that brings her back to 2014? Or is she just completely clueless?

The 2015 Women's World Cup - USA Women's National Team won!


ETA: You beat me to it, Thatsfunny!

Edited by SoCal4Us
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After inheriting a few sets I used to have thing for china too so I'm not judging you Jenniferdc.  But  I'm confused because I thought Gucci has only been in the plate business a few years (2013 according this NY Mag article:





But here is Teresa showing off her Gucci dishes and high end custom kitchen - all the things she "couldn't live without" early on in the franchise: 



Maybe they should play this every time they wonder what happened?  

Maybe Teresa's Gucci dishes are actually fugazi (to borrow a term from the show).  It wouldn't surprise me that she would try to pass something off as the real thing if they weren't, although I do believe she would shell out thousands of dollars for dinnerware as well.

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Just starting to watch the episode now but had to pause it to ask: In the mail salon scene Melissa is wearing an upside down triangle necklace. It looks like a smaller version of the necklace NJ State Police wives and relatives wear. Any idea why she would be wearing that?

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After inheriting a few sets I used to have thing for china too so I'm not judging you Jenniferdc.  But  I'm confused because I thought Gucci has only been in the plate business a few years (2013 according this NY Mag article:



Thank you so much Cosmocrush! Finally an image of what Gucci dinnerware looks like!

We both could definitely get better for the money.



But here is Teresa showing off her Gucci dishes and high end custom kitchen - all the things she "couldn't live without" early on in the franchise: 



Maybe they should play this every time they wonder what happened?

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Quick! Sign Dad up so he can snark with the rest of us. 


I wish, he's always trying to get my brother and I to watch things we're not completely into so he can have someone to talk about it with, and I've told him 1,000x there's an internet full of fun people for this very thing! Though recently he's discovered the entertainment of reading peoples stupid comments on news articles online, so maybe he's heading in the right direction.


I died laughing when Melissa pretty much told Joe that if she were in Teresa's shoes she'd pretty much miss her kids first and foremost. You could see on his face that he really didn't get it, he's an idiot.


I liked that too. Joe has always come off as someone who only had kids because you're suppose to and I think he does love them, but I don't think he enjoys them a whole lot. Giudice, for all his many faults, has always seemed more interested in his kids in a way, and he's never come off as viewing them as competition for attention, which Gorga has many times when it comes to the kids and Melissa.


Caroline made a comment once about how weird Joe and Teresa's relationship is right? I remember it being pretty tacky coming from the woman who is way too invested in her childrens lives, and probably Chris Laurita's, and rather backstabbish because she had been presenting herself at the time as a friend to Joe Gorga. I don't remember what season that was, though.   It was the season 4 reunion where I thought Teresa made some hilarious grossed out "WTF? Ew!" faces when Gorga went off on how he and Giudice used to be so close and they thought they were cousins or something.


I tried looking up Gucci plates for the hell of it. Huh, all I came up with was the article linked above about them too, which is dated April 2013. It would be hilarious if Teresa made up having them, upon hearing they might be coming out with plates, and needing to be in on some exclusive, but they don't exist. I even looked on Ebay, there was a small plate of some kind but it looked more like a collectable than anything else. At any rate, if she did buy Gucci plates, nice to know she had her priorities straight in 2013/14 when they came out and various bankruptcy claims and court cases were going full speed ahead... and some people wonder why it's so hard for some to believe the Giudices can't learn a thing from this all. Prison has changed her so much she was sitting there one day needing to tell Gia how important it is to show them off, because, y'know, ya gotta put up a great smokescreen. I did laugh at the way Joe said "it's only the Gorga's! We could use paper." It actually made me think of a Buffy, where Joyce wanted Buffy to go look for the nice plates because Giles, Willow and Xander were coming for dinner and Buffy huffed "they're regular-plate people!"

Edited by Gigi43
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I don't know why her lying about Gucci plates is so funny to me, maybe it's the straw that broke the camel's back!

Gucci usually has its logo platered all over the products, and you KNOW Melissa flipped the plate over as it was handed to her to check.

Maybe Christmas was like the scene in the Birdcage with Teresa lading food on the plates as the guests try to get a look at the design.

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I can't watch this anymore because I'm too poor to afford it, but I used to love watching the show for the Milania moments, especially when she'd take on big Joe. My all-time favorites: "get me pizza you old troll" and the episode with Joe strapping the suitcases to the top of the car - I believe she was calling him a gorilla, wish I could find it online. Either she's incredibly ballsy or a budding sociopath. Here's a link to the first one (it's at the end): http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-jersey/season-3/episode-320/videos?clip=17270079

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I have a feeling Joe will leave the country before he's scheduled to surrender. He hangs with upstanding people getting a forged passport is not beyond the realm of possibility.

I've thought that for a long time. I think it's something that's been planned for a while now.

I'd he did run to Italy, are they under any obligation to send him back?(For the life of me I can't think of the right word). Would they have to send him back to do his jail time here?

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I found this with a screenshot of the plates from 2011:


They looked different in the show Sun, maybe darker? I also could swear Kim Zolciak had Gucci place settings on RHOA.

I only made it a few scenes in on this week, I'll try again later. Whoever said I enjoy watching Milana but would want to have her in my house nailed it.


I think Kim Z has Versace plates, not Gucci. 


Did anyone besides me catch the countertops in Tre's kitchen? It looks like the different sections are turning colors. 

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I liked that too. Joe has always come off as someone who only had kids because you're suppose to and I think he does love them, but I don't think he enjoys them a whole lot. Giudice, for all his many faults, has always seemed more interested in his kids in a way, and he's never come off as viewing them as competition for attention, which Gorga has many times when it comes to the kids and Melissa.


This.  Thank you for the mind nudge.  He said something to Joe? in a TH? like I don't know how you do it, I really couldn't.   And I was like you couldn't what? Be with, raise your children, even under a circumstance where you were forced to because you're their only remaining parent?  Ya'll, what the fuck?   So, from a physical standpoint, excluding horse play and sports does this mean we've never seen him do a hands on thing with his kids?  What does he think he'd do instead have his mom come over every day?  Sorry to ramble, that's just bizarre as hell to me.  I mean the meathead is in the bathroom making a pretty good looking actually ponytail and Gorga's whole thing is I'd miss my wife because I wouldn't know what to do with my own children.   Oh yeah and I couldn't go without releasing the poison a few times a week.   What a prince.


You're cute as can be, all of youse.  

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I found this with a screenshot of the plates from 2011:


They looked different in the show Sun, maybe darker? I also could swear Kim Zolciak had Gucci place settings on RHOA.

I only made it a few scenes in on this week, I'll try again later. Whoever said I enjoy watching Milana but would want to have her in my house nailed it.

I think Kim Z has Versace plates, not Gucci.

Kim Z has the Versace plates, but Tre bought profoundly expensive Hermes china for Nene's sham of a wedding to Gregg while she and Joe were in the early stages of their financial collapse. Just totally unconscionable. 

That said, I'm not sure they're lying about the Gucci dinnerware as much as just ignorant about what-all kind of crap they have in that mausoleum they call home. Which isn't to say I'd put it past them to lie, but it seems just as likely that they've lost track of the myriad shit they have amassed (on other people's backs) over the years. My research for Gucci plates/china/dinnerware has been fruitless as has everyone else's.

Edited by MollyZee
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But here is Teresa showing off her Gucci dishes and high end custom kitchen - all the things she "couldn't live without" early on in the franchise: 



"I didn't want it to look like a figerator, I wanted it to look like a fancy, furniture piece."


But the best part is at 2:04, "Black hair, green eyes. Black...black hair, green eyes." [Head tilt, points]  LOL 


This woman is so stupid that if I gave her a penny for her thoughts I'd get change back.

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"I really doubt they will deport Joe. Just don't think it will happen." (can't get quotes to work properly)

I agree with this. Law enforcement won't even deport violent criminals who are in the country illegally, I don't see them deporting Juicy. I did laugh when he said he doesn't know the laws in Italy. Didn't stop him here! Plus, what laws is he talking about? Don't lie, don't cheat, don't steal. It's not rocket science.

I also think Joe will be a-ok in prison. He won't be in with murderers or rapists. It's weird to say but I actually think it's going to be pretty easy for him.

I think all the girls are pretty in their own way. That sounds like an insult but I promise it's not, lol. Gia seems really mature and level headed for her age. She's got a lot to deal with and I think she's doing great.

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Enough with the phony baloney family sympathy.  The Gorgas are so THIRSTY.  They are terrible actors.  It could not be more obvious they really do not have a relationship with the Giudices.

Edited by escape
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You're cute as can be, all of youse.



You're killing me!  LMAO!


JoeG has too many faults to list, but it was nice to see him stepping up and being verbally affectionate and hands-on with his daughters.  That conversation between JoeGo and Melissa about missing the kids vs. your spouse was very telling. You just KNOW that he continued that discussion with her off-camera...

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Several people here have mentioned Tre becoming institutionalized in prison.  I highly, highly doubt that has happened.  For one, it generally doesn't happen after a year in prison where someone has not had problems like being shoved in solitary most of the time.  Institutionalization refers to deficits in social and life skills one gets after a long time in prison, or lately from, it seems, issues like being in solitary for most of the time while not necessarily being in prison a long time.  


Teresa has been in there for a year, hasn't been treated badly, hasn't been beaten, shoved in the hole, all that fun stuff.  She's not going to lose social and life skills in one year like that.  Compare her to that poor kid who was in jail for three damn years for stealing a backpack.  Which he didn't do, and they had proof of, but kept him in prison for three years instead of just having a trial or dismissing the cases.  He was in solitary most of the time and developed a whole host of mental problems.  He ended up killing himself a year or two after he got out of prison because of the problems being in prison like that caused and he couldn't function outside of prison.


The references to her looking better in prison in no way mean she's institutionalized.  Rather, her stress has lifted because of a variety of reasons.  Fear of the unknown of prison is gone, the stress of prosecution is gone, her kids are doing great considering the situation, she no longer has to put on a front but just has to put her head down and go forward from now.  I bet I would look a ton better if all those stressors were removed from me.  

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The camera operators are AS obsessed with those effen ugly front doors as I am.  Or maybe they know something that we don't and are trying to send the viewers a message. 


Like...they're made of the melted down jewelry and gold fillings of the Guidice's victims, are hollow inside and filled with hundred dollar bills.  That's one place the feds didn't look!  As soon as Teresa gets out, Joe will take the money out, sell the doors and their hideous accoutrements for cash and run for the hills of Saronno with Tre and their four beautiful dawtuhs.


Otherwise, I can't imagine why they keep giving us close ups.  So ugly - front and back.  They look like a nightmare.  Like they could come alive and eat me.

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Kim Z has the Versace plates, but Tre bought profoundly expensive Hermes china for Nene's sham of a wedding to Gregg while she and Joe were in the early stages of their financial collapse. Just totally unconscionable. 

Theresa bought Nene a SINGLE Hermes plate, after which Nene declared her a rich bitch.

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SINGLE Hermes plate

Was this to go with the Hermes bag? I'm pretty sure she gave her the bag as well.  I remember Nene unwrapping the bag and saying that she gave it to her. I even think Greg, her husband, made a joke because how does a Hermes bag equal a gift for him, isn't he part of the wedding too. Of course Nene let him know, that the wedding wasn't about him.

Edited by represent
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Theresa bought Nene a SINGLE Hermes plate, after which Nene declared her a rich bitch.

Reports about this are vague but sources have Teresa purchasing as much as $7,200 worth of Hermes china for Nene. I doubt very much that Tre would ever send just a single dish as a gift to a co-OG wife, and ROL confirms it in a series of direct quotes from Nene:



More info: http://thestir.cafemom.com/celebrities/161371/teresa_giudice_gives_nene_leakes

NeNe had asked for $7,000 worth of china from the famously pricey French brand, and although there's no word on whether or not Tre and Juicy purchased all of it, NeNe "innocently revealed that Teresa gave her one of the most generous gifts" and said gift is reported to be said china.


(Edited to add text)

Edited by MollyZee
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The fact that Joe never became a citizen just baffles me. I am a legal resident (like Joe) which means I have a green card (like Joe) which means I am legal, I can work and I pay taxes (Joe did not). He moved here when he was 1, not sure how long after the move his parents became citizens, but you would think if they became citizens, he would follow? I am currently going through the process of becoming a citizen and it really isn't that difficult if you're a green card holder and married to a US citizen (which both Joe and I are). You pay a fee ($680 for me, which I'm sure the Guidices could have afforded at some point), you get fingerprinted, then you go take the civics test and if you pass, you get sworn in. That's it. He could have done that at any point in his life. He probably never thought he would get deported for breaking the law. If he does get deported, I do see Tre and the 2 younger ones going with him. By the time he gets out, Gia will be 18/19 and hopefully in college so there would be no reason for her to go. Gabriella could also stay to finish high school, possibly living with family.

And I see Milania becoming a very powerful mob boss.

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I'm sorry if this offends but what the hell is Nene - a woman on the far side of forty, with money of her own and marrying the same guy for the SECOND time -  registering for, in the first place?  The tackiness of these women never disappoints.


And for Teresa to have purchased such expensive items (and a handbag??) for Nene tells me that Teresa isn't above being a total suck up.  And stupid.  But I think I said that about her once already today.

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Enough with the phony baloney family sympathy.  The Gorgas are so THIRSTY.  They are terrible actors.  It could not be more obvious they really do not have a relationship with the Giudices.



I especially see this with Melissa. She is trying SO hard to insert herself into everything. But Tre is denying her left and right. Email chain? De-nied. Visitor list? De-nied. It's kind of hilarious. 


I do think the two Joes have a genuine friendship, though. Didn't they all grow up together? When the sibling infighting isn't going on, those two seem to have a lot of fun together. 



My favorite moment of the show was when benevolent Auntie Melissa was praising Melania for being such a good little girl at the salon - cut to the little she-devil stealing an emery board. Dead!!!!


Gabriella continues to be my favorite. She's just trying to keep it all together, bless her little OCD heart. 




Do Juicy and Tre really think the little ones don't know where she is??? They're answering the damn phone calls that plainly state, "This is a call from a federal prison". Come on now. 

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Joe Gorga has been seen spending more quality time with Gia than his own kids. Maybe because she's at the age where she doesn't have to be "watched"? Aside from moments of playing around, Joe's never been seen taking his kids anywhere or really doing stuff with them, without Melissa. My head -and my fathers- almost spun around when Joe was up Chris Laurita's ass for being a father toward's Nicholas and said in a TH "most men, ya know, leave." That will always be burned in my brain along with his awe that Chris actually took his kid to therapy. I was born with a disability (the congenital version of what Lucious on Empire has, actually.) Some of my disabled friends were raised by single parents, just like some of my non-disabled friends were! And some were raised just by their dad. Rich didn't leave Kathy when their daughter had a brain tumor. Joe seems to constantly live in an alternate world where fathers are kinda disconnected from actually doing things for their kids beyond putting food on the table and being around for dinner, yet he is very into having an relationship with his GodDaughter.


I can't help really suspect the Gorga's being involved in these specials where encouraged by Bravo, to let them be on in order to do thIis special with the Giudices as a stipulation of doing the filming. I can't see Joe and Teresa offering them to be around. I can see Melissa making for of an effort to "be around" for the Giudice girls upon finding out that Bravo may be filming. I believe Rosie might really be coming around for Joe, and Bravo got wind of that and decided to film. I wonder if Kathy and Rich have tried to get in on the filming -they got in on sentencing day after all- but Bravo doesn't find them relevant enough to make JoeGi put up with them. I think these specials are just a test run, if Joe and the Gorga's work, then they'll think Teresa and the Gorga's will while Joe's away, but JoeGi doesn't shit-stir or seem to hold grudges at all, even with dealing with raising the kids fresh out of prison, I bet Teresa would find things to harp on them doing wrong sooner rather than later and it'll be same old stuff as the last few seaons of HW.

Edited by Gigi43
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I know people who were put in similarly controlled environments (inpatient psych units) who had it happen after a few months. She has her kids to help avoid that, but life after prison will be an adjustment for her. I think that people think of hollow-eyed zombies when the y think of institutionalization but the truth is more nuanced than that.


Yeah, institutionalization happens much faster for people who have mental illness who are in a mental health facility or heck who are in plain old jail or prison.  I just don't see it happening to Teresa given her mental state prior to incarceration, her treatment during incarceration (of which we haven't heard anything bad like beating or solitary that fucks with your head that I've mentioned before) and nothing has come from her family or attorneys that signifies a downturn in her mental state.  I'm sure if she were having issues they'd put up a stink to make certain she'd get the help she needed, given that she's a high profile inmate and can garner a lot of attention


Regarding Joe Go's surprise at Chris taking Nickolas to therapy and how Joe Giu treats his girls as wanted vs inevitable...  Remember when he was watching the kids when Melissa went off on a trip somewhere or went somewhere for the day?  And Joe Go called it babysitting.  That's truly what he does, he babysits the kids his wife cares for.  Joe Giu cares for the kids his wife also cares for and so does Chris with his kids.  His attitude is so very obvious.  It's even obvious in how he babysits.  He lets the kids go crazy and doesn't correct them or expect them to behave...and that's not what a parent does most of the time they are with their kids alone.  Babysitters aren't there to raise the kids but to keep them safe and entertained for a few hours and that's how Joe Go approaches his time alone with his kids, and that's partially why he can't see someone sticking around if the kid were disabled or that kids can be more important to a wife than her marriage to her husband.  Or heck that the kids can be more important to a man than the man's marriage is.

Edited by Eater of Worlds
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Does anyone watch The Hotwives on Hulu? It is a parody series on Hulu and on the most recent season (Las Vegas) they parodied this exact thing, with the characters of Yolanda and Carlton from Beverly Hills fighting over Yolanda's husband, who is the Carlton character's brother. I suspect it was a nod to Teresa and Joe Gorga's odd brother-sister relationship


OsteoporoYES! I effing love that show.


I just GOT to be PhePhe and say that yeah, there is one weird-ass dynamic between Tre and Joe G. 

Edited by Duke2801
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I thought that Joe was clearly kidding about letting the wind blow away the confetti. Both he and Melissa laughed after he said it, in a "that would be so bad!" kind of way, not as a stated plan of action.

How do you clean that shit up?

Surprised they didn't release 100 balloons too.

Awful people.

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Reports about this are vague but sources have Teresa purchasing as much as $7,200 worth of Hermes china for Nene. I doubt very much that Tre would ever send just a single dish as a gift to a co-OG wife, and ROL confirms it in a series of direct quotes from Nene:


More info: http://thestir.cafemom.com/celebrities/161371/teresa_giudice_gives_nene_leakes

(Edited to add text)

I don't normally do this, because i typically don't remember shit from previous seasons, but i had such a distinct memory about this particular situation. I found the first episode of season 6 ATL housewives where Nene and Gregg were opening the gifts. They definitely only received 1 plate from Theresa. It came in a thin, square box, and Nene says, "oh my god. What a rich bitch. She got me one of my Hermes plates." I remembered laughing because Greg had a weird look on his face about only getting one plate and asked if it was the kind you could eat of off. Edited by luckyroll3
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Kim Z has the Versace plates, but Tre bought profoundly expensive Hermes china for Nene's sham of a wedding to Gregg while she and Joe were in the early stages of their financial collapse. Just totally unconscionable. 

That said, I'm not sure they're lying about the Gucci dinnerware as much as just ignorant about what-all kind of crap they have in that mausoleum they call home. Which isn't to say I'd put it past them to lie, but it seems just as likely that they've lost track of the myriad shit they have amassed (on other people's backs) over the years. My research for Gucci plates/china/dinnerware has been fruitless as has everyone else's.

I remember that! NeNe made a point of mentioning it in the press, too. 


Regarding the Gucci dinnerware, I don't think they're lying per se. I just think it's another example of them buying some shit that fell off the back of a truck, much like the marble countertops that have begun to turn colors. 

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I finally had time to watch the entire episode and I agree with Ghoulina, Melissa is so thirsty. She was making it sound like she was all into Tre's kid's well being, sees them all the time, is Gia's confidante, yadda yadda, then says that when she heard Tre's voice on the phone when they were over for dinner (presumabley because Bravo was filming) she said that was the first time she heard Tre's voice since she went in. And Tre's tone was decidedly unexcited to talk to Melissa, it was pretty obvious. So one would think that if Mel is spending lots of quality time with the Guidices, she would have been around for at least one phone call.


I was LOL at Joe Gui and his pre prison pep talk from the fat guy with the RICO charge. Bottom line, Joe's major concerns about prison did not include the impact on his family (although I do think he loves his girls), the financial impact, what is going to happen when he gets out, etc, no his major concerns were the lack of wine and the prospect of someone trying to have man sex with him. THen when the guy said they make their own wine (OMG can you imagine), it seemed to make him slightly happier. 


I thought the conversations about masturbation and sex between the two Joe's were creepy. I mean, what brother wants to know about his sister's sex life, or lack thereof. Just weird. 


I feel bad for Gia, being the oldest in this chaos, not just the prison thing, but the TV show, where she has been showcased for years. Milania totally plays it for teh camera. Gabriella and Audriana are so sweet. 


I am assuming that RHONJ will start filing after Tre gets out, so poor Gia can be subjected to more trauma nd tears. I hope for her sake that she goes away to college (like in CA or something) so she can get some peace in her life. 


Joe Gui was such and idiot for not becoming a citizen. I think he probably thought it was pretty cool to say to teh other gumbas in NJ that he was an italian citizen. I think he also probably thought that in the midst of his criminal activity, his italian citizenship would be his get out of jail free card. Unfortuantely that is going to bite him in the ass in the end. 


That diary was ridic and who the hell was that guy?Lawyer? Agent? Publicist? Fogettaboutitwhocares. 

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That diary was ridic and who the hell was that guy?Lawyer? Agent? Publicist? Fogettaboutitwhocares.


The lawyer definitely gives me weird vibes. He seems to know more about Tre than Joe does. He would be telling Joe all this stuff and Juicy was like, "Huh?" It definitely seems like that guy is trying to manage her image more than her defense. 

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I finally had time to watch the entire episode and I agree with Ghoulina, Melissa is so thirsty. She was making it sound like she was all into Tre's kid's well being, sees them all the time, is Gia's confidante, yadda yadda, then says that when she heard Tre's voice on the phone when they were over for dinner (presumabley because Bravo was filming) she said that was the first time she heard Tre's voice since she went in. And Tre's tone was decidedly unexcited to talk to Melissa, it was pretty obvious. So one would think that if Mel is spending lots of quality time with the Guidices, she would have been around for at least one phone call

I didn't see Melissa as trying to convince us she's spending all this time with the kids. Both she and Joe Gorga said during the previous episode that the wanted to be involved more, but Gorga has told Melissa to not push it and give them some space. Joe Guide even said this episode that Melissa has called several times and offered to drive the girls to things. Do I think Melissa is a camera whore? Definitely. But I do think she genuinely feels bad about the situation and wants to help in some way. She's damned either way, but she's a better person than me. Cause I don't know if I would be so open to helping them after all the shit they said.
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The Gorgas are so THIRSTY.

Yeah, but so is Juicy, since he agreed to film with them. (Although, I've never thought he minded Melissa nearly as much as Teresa.)


This woman is so stupid that if I gave her a penny for her thoughts I'd get change back.

Hee, love that.

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I don't believe for one second that the trip to the shore house was actually on The 4th of July.

No other people on their decks and no red-white-blue patriotic decorations up on any other deck.

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Maybe Teresa's Gucci dishes are actually fugazi (to borrow a term from the show).  It wouldn't surprise me that she would try to pass something off as the real thing if they weren't, although I do believe she would shell out thousands of dollars for dinnerware as well.

Oh - she totally would gladly shell out thousands on what she thought was a "classy" china service. That's what confuses me. Does she have some incredibly rare item (or discontinued cause nobody else bought that crap). At least we should have been able to find it on replacements.com. I couldn't see the Bravo video, they never work well on my IPad (must see ads always seem to be OK though).

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Oh - she totally would gladly shell out thousands onwhat she thought was a "classy" china service. That's what confuses me. Does she have some incredibly rare item (or discontinued cause nobody else bought that crap). At least we should have been able to find it on replacements.com. I couldn't see the Bravo video, they never work well on my IPad (must see ads always seem to be OK though).

As much as it saddens me to admit it, I did try and look up those Gucci plates when that episode aired.  I came up with nothing, also and that raised a red flag for me.  I suppose it's possible that they were made and bought only in Italy, but I'd think they would still come up on a search.  Shaking my head at why I even devote any time or thought to this - LOL!

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As much as it saddens me to admit it, I did try and look up those Gucci plates when that episode aired.  I came up with nothing, also and that raised a red flag for me.  I suppose it's possible that they were made and bought only in Italy, but I'd think they would still come up on a search.  Shaking my head at why I even devote any time or thought to this - LOL!

At least you're in good company! Look on previous pages and you'll see a few of us did too.

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As much as it saddens me to admit it, I did try and look up those Gucci plates when that episode aired.  I came up with nothing, also and that raised a red flag for me.  I suppose it's possible that they were made and bought only in Italy, but I'd think they would still come up on a search.  Shaking my head at why I even devote any time or thought to this - LOL!

Yes- me too! I fully admit it - guilty. Glad I'm not the only one though...IMO it's still somewhat of a mystery. I'll try and find a new topic. Hopefully - unlike Melissa's poop it will grow old soon to me (not promising anything).

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Yes- me too! I fully admit it - guilty. Glad I'm not the only one though...IMO it's still somewhat of a mystery. I'll try and find a new topic. Hopefully - unlike Melissa's poop it will grow old soon to me (not promising anything).

Don't get me wrong - I would like to get to the bottom of the dish mystery, if for no other reason than to possibly catch Teresa in yet another lie. 

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On Tre's house tour awhile back she made sure to show us the front and back of her "Gucci" dishes. If anyone here can figure out if it says Gucci on the back of this plate please let us know. It doesn't look like Gucci to me but it's hard to tell. She also has Gucci stemware.


Edited by mpeeps
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Remember when he was watching the kids when Melissa went off on a trip somewhere or went somewhere for the day?  And Joe Go called it babysitting.

I do remember this and thought it was really odd.  You don't babysit your own children!  I agree with what everyone else has said, Joe Gorga is from that really old school where the man provides for his family financially and the woman pretty much does the rest.  I think I remember Melissa saying once that Joe never even changed a diaper.  I think it's terrible for his kids, but in a way maybe they are better off.

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