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Dallas - General Discussion

Tara Ariano

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There is no easy answer to that question (seriously JR got shot on at least four different occasions by my count, which is more than most leads in cop shows!)


Having seen the earliest episodes of the original show a while back I think the appeal of JR had a lot to do with Larry Hagman who took kind of a thinly drawn character and gave him a lot of life.  Larry was a charisma blizzard, he could play smart and meanicing very well and he had great chemistry with everyone else onscreen.


The other thing is that (as Larry proved on I Dream of Jeannie) he had great comic timing.  JR wouldn't be nearly as much fun to watch without his insuults and quips.

  • Love 3

Cidre's made her mistakes as a showrunner, but cut her some slack. How many times has a show TWO DECADES off the air returned and even made it to a second season, let alone three (or more)? She's made the show cook again, and lame-brained plots and ridiculous characters are hardly unique to this incarnation (Emerald mines? Miss Ellie going "Murder She Wrote" with Atticus-what's his-face? Laurel Ellis? Mitch Cooper? Eddie Cronin? Johnny Dancer?).

Sorry, but I refuse to give Cidre any slack whatsoever. What she's done is take part of the original to fit and force into characters she's created in her own little soapy telenovella, characters I don't give two shits about. Instead of giving me a show about the Ewings, veterans or even the new generation.  But instead some stupid and lame ass drug cartel storyline, which again, I don't give two shits about and focusing on characters that weren't even in the original.


And it's not even good.


As for the Emerald storyline in the original? Well that took place in the dream season, the season that never happened, so it was erased.


I'm not saying everyone should agree with me, but respectfully, I shouldn't also be asked or told to cut the hack of a show creator any or some slack, when I feel she's chosen to pick and twist canon from the original, a show I loved, with its warts and all, to fit into HER vision of her show. She should have just created her own show without using the name Dallas or its characters. Oh, wait. Didn't she try that before with Cane? Whatever happened to that show?

  • Love 2

So you would prefer Dallas had not returned? Remember that Patrick Duffy has specfically said that he, Linda and Larry only agreed to resurrect the show because they liked Cidre's pilot and felt she "got it." It wasn't really a choice between Cidre and some other Executive Producer, but between Cidre and Dallas remaining dead.


Having said that, you may add me to the list of people who wouldn't mind if the entire Ramos clan took a long walk off a short pier.

So you would prefer Dallas had not returned? Remember that Patrick Duffy has specfically said that he, Linda and Larry only agreed to resurrect the show because they liked Cidre's pilot and felt she "got it." It wasn't really a choice between Cidre and some other Executive Producer, but between Cidre and Dallas remaining dead.


Actually, yes. I remember when I first heard that someone was going to bring this back, and I was like, Fuck no! Leave my memories of the show I grew up with and loved alone. I was all set to hate it and snark on it to my heart's content. When I heard that three of the originals were going to star in it, I said, let's see...and the first season was okay. But the more and more Cidre played fast and loose with the original show's history, the less I liked it.


And maybe Cidre did "get it" at first. I wasn't there. But it's like when my favorite author sells the rights to one of her books to be televised. She can only say good things, and I remember her saying that for one of them, it was  "a good, strong script" and it wasn't. It totally wasn't based on the book at all, and I didn't recognize any of the characters. Or when Heather Locklear was cast to play someone/a character 20 years younger, with dead, botoxed face, and to hear and be told that Locklear had the "bones" of the character when she clearly did not.


But that's just me.

And despite the annoying Ramos clan, Pambecca and Harris Ryland are two Cidre creations that IMHO are as good as almost any character in the original series (Yes, I know Pambecca was technically an original series creation, but she was just a little girl the one time we saw her, with NO indication she'd become what she did. That was all Cidre).

  • Love 2

I'm going to give Cidre some credit.  Some.  The first season of the...reboot?...was good and fairly cohesive, if a bit out there in places (then again, hey, Dallas!).  But it also had the burden--or blessing, depending on your point of view--of world-building, or rather re-building, in order to get everything off the ground while blending in the new folks.  And the latter it did pretty darn well, all things considered.  (It admittedly also set up Chris's raging self-righteous streak, and Elena was more of an objective than a character then, so points off for those.)


Ironically, I think it all comes back to J.R.  He was the show, even when the show wasn't about him, and Cynthia Cidre respected--or had to respect--that.  When Larry Hagman died and Team Cidre blatantly had to scramble to work it into the show, after that point was when it really started to go further afield.  Thus, the borderline crazy-ass arc from the EE rig bombing onward through Joaquin! to this third season.  We're not all the way to Cane territory yet (though as a casual viewer of telenovelas...yeah...), but her desire to go bigger and badder can't exactly be denied.

Edited by Bill C.

I only watched the first 4-5 seasons of the original Dallas. This new version is very good. I loved seeing Larry Hagman in the new version, so it was a loss when he passed away.


I noticed the show has three actors who appeared on Desperate Housewives. They should bring on a fourth. Bring on Eva Longoria to play a Latina villain, maybe affiliated with the drug cartel group that Christopher visited. That would be good.

This new version is terrible compared to the original. I would even say it is worse than the later seasons of the original. It is far too plot driven and it took 3 seasons for Cidre to admit it was a soap and attempt to write it as such (albeit a predictable, generic one). The casting was bland and the lack of character development is baffling on a family saga. 


With the original if you look at when the show really started cooking (I'd say season 3, the first fully serialized one), they could have a HUGE cast a characters and it created a world and scope. Everybody didn't need a major role, but they were still important. Who Shot JR captivated the world because over 30 episodes they carefully built reasons for that entire city to want to shoot him. It was like a page-turning book--you couldn't wait to see where the story went. Here I feel they jump from moment to moment and far too often (like Ann in season 2) they TELL us how to feel about the characters instead of developing them in an organic way. 


A good example is the use of characters from the original series. I'm not saying they all need to be regulars or recurring, but when they appear they should serve a purpose. Why not give Lucy a daughter and let her interact with John Ross, Pamela and Elena? Why not use Lucy as a talk-to to help delve into the psyche of Ann? Instead of having Camen around I'd have Lucy in that capacity. Then with Sue Ellen and Bobby I felt the show hit on something good with Gary and Val. Especially with JR gone it would've been nice to have Gary around. Had they developed the story they introduced it could've been worth watching. Have Val come in and out to fight with Sue Ellen over Gary and then involve him in Sue Ellen's alcoholism which would've been a natural progression for both characters. Plus due to him being Bobby's brother it would've thrown him into the mix and created more of an umbrella storyline. I also don't think Sue Ellen and Gary had to truly be a couple to create a good story. Simply the fear of Gary cheating or an emotional affair would've provided them with material. I often notice things like this where the new show will have a good idea, but they don't know how to develop and plot them over the course of the season. They are horrible at cliffhangers, which is apparent from the fact that it took 3 seasons for us to get one. Then when we get one it's a repeat of one we already got.

  • Love 3

The problem with any Gary/Val storylines: The two characters have nothing to talk about. Remember that Cidre and co. are not allowed to use anything from Knots Landing such as characters (like Gary and Val's additional children), plot points or whatever. They can only use what was on Dallas. So while Gary and Val can talk about Lucy all they want, they can't talk about the twins Betsy or Bobby. Karen Fairgate (who did appear on KL's backdoor pilot) could show up, but she could not be Karen MacKenzie or refer to Mack in any way. This also means that Gary and Val can't talk about ANYTHING that happened since they were on the original show (and except for the finale, neither of them appeared after the dream season) unless it had nothing to do with KL, and it would probably be more trouble than Cidre wants to put up with. This is also what scotched plans to bring Abby Cunningham in for an appearance or two, and explains why the Gary/Val arc on the new show never actually featured them having a conversation with each other. IIRC, Ted Shackelford and Joan Van Ark had already been hired when Legal nuked the entire planned arc (which would have featured Abby), necessitating major last-minute rewrites.

What have the ratings been like? Maybe there's not much competition then and they hope more people will watch. However given the path the story lines went this year if they continue that way they'll lose more viewers - like getting rid of the Ramos family would be a step in the right direction.

My understanding is that the ratings for Season Three, Part 1 were lousy-to-mediocre. Part 2's ratings will determine whether a fourth season happens.

I never heard there were any real plans to bring Abby on, but I'm glad it didn't happen. I would hate to have seen them ruin that character as well. If they want to use more of Knots Landing all they have to do is consult David Jacobs, who could be a great help to them. Considering how they treated him I can't blame him for not giving them blind control over Knots as well. Regardless, I don't think they need to mention Knots Landing or Bobby and Betsy. They wouldn't be central characters their function would be to support Bobby and Sue Ellen's stories and provide texture to the show. Hell, even with the Dallas characters most of their past is made up or ignored, so why would it be any different for Gary and Val? Where are the mentions of Lucas? Why not mention Cally and JR's son at his funeral? Where was James? My point being that their Knots Landing history isn't really relevant when they also have such deep roots in Dallas. 

  • Love 1

I never heard there were any real plans to bring Abby on, but I'm glad it didn't happen.

Cidre specifically name-dropped Abby in a post-Season One interview (which was linked on the old TWoP forums).

If they want to use more of Knots Landing all they have to do is consult David Jacobs, who could be a great help to them.

It might be more complicated than that. It would be a matter of who legally owns the intellectual property of Knots Landing, and it may not be David Jacobs himself.

Considering how they treated him I can't blame him for not giving them blind control over Knots as well.

Details? I'm not aware of Cidre (or her representatives) even having met Jacobs. IIRC, he had very little involvement in Dallas once Leonard Katzman took over early in the show's run.

Where are the mentions of Lucas? Why not mention Cally and JR's son at his funeral? Where was James?

When none of those characters showed up or was even mentioned at JR's funeral or will-reading (where James WOULD have been mentioned, if only to cut him out of the will), I assumed Cidre simply wasn't going to use any of them. Either they never existed in this timeline or have already died.

My point being that their Knots Landing history isn't really relevant when they also have such deep roots in Dallas.

Remember that Gary and Val, combined, were in maybe 6 or 7 episodes of the original Dallas, none of them after Bobby's funeral early in the dream season. Edited by Sir RaiderDuck OMS
Cidre specifically name-dropped Abby in a post-Season One interview (which was linked on the old TWoP forums).


She mentioned Abby, but she mentioned lots of characters. There were never any rumors that Gary and Val's return would've involved Abby. The major re-write came from the fact that Larry Hagman died and the story originally involved him.


It might be more complicated than that. It would be a matter of who legally owns the intellectual property of Knots Landing, and it may not be David Jacobs himself.


David Jacobs has gone on the record stating this. He's also mentioned how when the show started he contacted both Warner Brothers and Cidre with ideas and offers to help them and they didn't even show enough respect to respond. He said he didn't want to be a showrunner or producer, he simply was offering consulting work as someone who has knowledge of Dallas and how to write a serialized show. 


When none of those characters showed up or was even mentioned at JR's funeral or will-reading (where James WOULD have been mentioned, if only to cut him out of the will), I assumed Cidre simply wasn't going to use any of them. Either they never existed in this timeline or have already died.


The fact that they weren't even mentioned shows what a bad writer Cidre is and how little she knows the show. JR's death should've brought those characters out. There was just no point to any of it and the silly stuff with JR killing himself and "JR's Masterpiece" was ultimately forgettable. Soaps work when you care about the characters and the family and the emotions. There was so much potential lost.


Remember that Gary and Val, combined, were in maybe 6 or 7 episodes of the original Dallas, none of them after Bobby's funeral early in the dream season.


It doesn't matter how many episodes they were in. Based on the way the original series was written in those 6 or 7 episodes, hell just in the two part episode that introduced them, they were better developed than ANY character on this new Dallas. We knew their backstory, where they were in the present, how the fit into the Ewing family, etc. The fact that they weren't in Dallas is what makes it so exciting because it's a fresh relationship. It wouldn't be recreating JR and Bobby's relationship because Gary is different and the way Bobby feels about him is different. The problems Gary brings to the family are different as well, but he is useful in many ways. 

  • Love 4

A place for those of us that loved the Original Recipe! Where we could see the layers of original Magnificent Bastard, known as J.R. Ewing, the various plots, schemes, love stories and triangles!


And for all the disgust, snark and contempt that the "Dream" Season gets, there sure were a lot of other shows, sticoms that used the same recipe!


Let's start with the unofficial first season: the four part mini-series. Where J.R. and Sue Ellen had their own little, teeny tiny house across the yard from the family home, hee. This home disappeared when the show was picked up and EVERYONE lived in the main house on Southfork.

When is this POS coming back?  I think it's soon, right?  I'm on the fence as to whether I want to keep watching.  I hate everything Ramos - Elena, Carmen, Drew, Joaquin/Nicholas.  And this show is way too much Ramos.  It's not even really "Dallas" anymore.  They should call it "Mexico".  I hate all of the Mexican-related storylines.  I don't care about the drugs, the cartels, the CIA, any of it.  


I want more Ewings, less Ramos.  If this show can't do that, I'm done.

  • Love 2


The final episodes take place in the span of about a week. “The whole season only takes place in about 22 days,” Cidre said. And that means the second half of the season will take place over the span of a week to 10 days, Cidre said. So with that, fans can expect things to pick up right where we left off. “The next episode is basically the hospital where Sue Ellen is taken for smoke inhalation and Pamela’s there because of the overdose, so it’s sort of a hospital episode. It’s really good. Episode 9, 10, 11, they got better because all of our stories start to come together and climax.”


The fire was Sue Ellen’s wake-up call. “And the rest of the season is pretty compressed,” Cidre said. “There’s some physical danger for Emma and Ann and then John Ross, so she’s involved in that because of course as a family, she’s quite worried about it and all of that, and then come season four, we’re going to take her in a completely different direction vis-a-vis her addictive personality.”


Pamela hasn’t forgiven John Ross. “He keeps trying to apologize but she’s not having it. So yeah, so that’s sort of their path for the rest of the season. It’s very very rocky and she will have none of it and she wants revenge.” And for those of you thinking Pamela’s overdose was an accident, think again: “At first, it was just going to be a ménage a trois and then I thought no no no, she’s going there to punish them. She’s going to overdose and make sure that every time they look at each other, all they think about is vomit.”

Nicolás’ wife is sticking around for a bit. Cidre revealed that Nicolás’ wife will be in at least three more episodes, but she can’t guarantee much more than that. “She has an important part in the conclusion but it’s not like a delicious long scene like we had hoped. I was even thinking of her for season four, but I think she just took a show. She was awesome. She was gorgeous and just perfect for his wife.”


There’s a new cartel boss in town. Cidre said the cartel will remain the biggest threat to the Ewings, along with the Rylands. “We didn’t mean it to be that big of a cartel season but then we cast it well. I loved Antonio [Jaramillo], the guy playing Luis. And then [he] has a boss whom I don’t think you’ve met yet, and we cast that really well too.” As for Drew, he shouldn’t have the Ewings too worried. “Drew is a threat but that’s an emotional threat, and he has some wonderful turns coming up in the next two episodes. It’s either at the end of 9 or at the end of 10, he has one of my favorite scenes of all time,” Cidre said.

Harris will return to his old ways. Fans have gotten to see a bit of a nicer side to Harris as of late, but don’t expect that to stick. “I was challenged at the end of season one because he was such a scumbag with Ann,” Cidre said. “And I said, ‘I bet you we can rehabilitate him.’ And everybody said, ‘You can’t do that,’ and I said, ‘Watch. We’re going to make his mother worse.’ And so we brought in Judith [Light]. And she rehabilitated him and then we made him part of the CIA, so we sort of got him halfway there and you see that he really cared about her and that there’s a lot that went wrong because of his mother. But Mitch [Pileggi] is so good at playing bad that believe me, by the time we’re done, we’ll be back there again.”


Southfork will rebuild (and add a wing?). Although it won’t happen this season, Cidre is already planning to have Southfork rebuild post-fire in season four. “For season 4, we are going to jump ahead six months. And then the house will be rebuilt. And we’re hoping to even add a wing to it somehow in CGI. We’re going to explore that because it’s just pretty hilarious that there’s 5 billionaires living in a three bedroom house,” she said.

The Cliff Barnes storyline is resolved by season’s end. “It will be resolved for sure,” Cidre said of the whole Cliff-Barnes-being-framed story. “It’s resolved, it all comes out, and Pamela deals with it. I think it’s in [episode] 11—it’s almost like a one-act play, and it’s where Elena finally figures it all out and then the chickens come home to roost because she gets a hold of J.R.’s letter, and so she realizes what’s happened and she just accuses all of them in like a scene from Clue. It’s a really really good episode.”


Bonus Scoop: Juan Pablo Di Pace teased what’s coming up for his character, the very mysterious Nicolás: “He’s always like five steps ahead of everyone else because it’s all a big lie. This guy has been used to lying since he was a kid. He grew up in the streets so he had to survive in a way, and I think he survived by lying to everybody, hence the change in the name from Joaquin to Nicolás. And he built up this whole personality on lies so he went and learned how to speak well and learned how to dress well and made all that money and now, on the outside he looks like this James Bond refined man, but on the inside, he’s a street rat, so he just plays everybody.”

And in terms of Nicolás puncturing Elena’s diaphragm in the finale, Di Pace talked about where the couple will go from here. “The one true thing about him that I will say is that he does adore her,” Di Pace said. “She’s the love of his life. So to puncture that diaphragm is to secure that. He knows it’s all going to go down the drain, the shit’s going to hit the fan at some point, [and] she’s going to find out at some point things about him that he doesn’t want her to know, so I think it’s a way to secure her and say, ‘OK if you’re going to hate me, at least we’ll be tied for life.’ That’s how twisted he is. He’s really really twisted. But there’s even more stuff that you’ll see. He’s not a nice person.”


So, it seems there is an even heavier focus on Mexico and Ramos. The cartel plays a bigger role. Princess Elena figures it all out. Drew has this great scene. More Nicholas being a bad man. Elena is pregnant. The only thing they didn't add was that Carmen opens her own food truck serving her oh so delicious empanadas.

But of course, per Cidre, it's all "SO GOOD".

No mention of Bobby or Christopher.

I'm done with this show. Hasta la vista, Cidre.

  • Love 3

Is it wrong that I giggled, wondering what those EMTs were thinking when they walked in on the Pam, Emma, John Ross threesome aftermath?

I just can't with the Judith Light character anymore. She was fun for about two seconds, but the whole Ryland family freaks me out now. Ugh, make it stop!

Nicholas' associates in crime are going to take over the entire government of Mexico? Oh geez. At least this show is still trying to be realistic (rolls eyes). This whole cartel business is too much.

Heather is a twit. "I won't believe it til Bo tells me himself!" Yes, Heather, I'm sure Bo would admit it to you if he's an arsonist. (Though it turns out he's not!)

That black turtleneck and leggings outfit on Elena was bizarre. Is she a cat burglar now?

I hate that Sue Ellen wrongly took the blame for the fire.

So long, Elena's idiot brother.

  • Love 1

One Ramos gone, 2 more to go. Now we have to put up with Mama Ramos' shrieking about her son next week. Sheesh.

Looks like we can finally move on with the Sue Ellen is an alcoholic story.

Happy that Pamela told John Ross to get lost and Bobby seems to have had enough of Ann.

Thought Mama Ryland wasn't that bad (considering some of the other new characters) but her scene with Emma has me thinking otherwise. What else can they do with Emma than stir up trouble with John Ross? She's useless.

  • Love 1

I actually liked the entire episode, not sure if that's due to the fact that I was missing it so much but I do admit that the last part with Drew managed to shock me. I didn't think they would do that in the first episode or that it would actually elicit a response from me but it did. Good job show, and I too am hopeful that the Sue Ellen drinking arc is over. To me that was a major transgression for this show to go back there, even if JR's death was the last push over that edge. Can't wait for Pamela's turning of the screws to John Ross.

Forgot to ask, how many episodes are we getting this time around?

Edited by missbonnie
  • Love 1

I really liked the episode, even though it really made me mad. I guess b/c to be a good drama it needs to cause conflict.


I just really dislike how Bobby is written, mostly b/c he used to be my favorite on old school Dallas. I mean the man was married to Pamela and he can't cut Ann an inch of slack! ugh! Nothing Ann had done holds a candle to Pam.


They really need to do something with Christopher as a character b/c he is about as connected to the story as a loose button to a shirt.


And while I love that BAMF Pamela is back, I hate that she and John Ross had to be sacrificed to make it happen. I want them to be BAMF as a couple!


I love the Rylands!  JL is just an awesome villian as Grandma Ryland.


And add me to the cheering section of one Ramos down!

  • Love 4


And while I love that BAMF Pamela is back, I hate that she and John Ross had to be sacrificed to make it happen. I want them to be BAMF as a couple!

Same here. Damn, I know I'm probably watching DALLAS for all the wrong reasons, but I loved them as a couple. Can't they scheme and deal together? Emma is so ordinary compared to Pamela. Ughh..John Ross.

  • Love 2

Useless characters:









Drew is gone, good.  He was stupid, aimless and useless and won't be missed by anyone other than Elena and Carmen.  I'm sure Nicoquin will try to convince Elena that the Ewings killed Drew.


I need Harris to give some info on Nicoquin to the CIA so he can get off my screen too.  Shame too, b/c he's a nice looking fellow.


Also, where is Mrs. Nicoquin? She seemed like an interesting character.  Perhaps she can help in Nicoquin's demise.


If they want to bring in a character from Mexico to mix it up, they should bring back the real Marta del Sol.


I'm guessing Show is trying to move Elena & Christopher together so Heather, you gots to go.  They redeemed Bo so you, Bo and Kid can reunite and be one happy family so Elena & Christopher can reunite as well.


Emma gurl, bye.  You were a side chick.  A jump-off, if you will.  Of course you were going to be cast aside.  You deliberately tried to usurp his wife and you have the nerve to act offended?


Annie's another dumb one.  Always lying to Bobby.  Gurl, he tired! Tired of you lying! Tired of having to take the rap, get extra security and beat up Harris because of your lies.  And 99% of Annie's lies are pointless.  And she had the nerve to act SHOCKED! that Bobby told her to pack her ish and go.


I know Sue Ellen confessed to the fire but it seems like a good investigator would quickly figure out burning up a wedding invitation wouldn't have burnt down Southfork like that.  I wonder if they will find Drew's Plug In and accelerant on the curtains?  I don't think this is the last we've heard about this fire.

Edited by drivethroo
  • Love 3

Every time I hear about Heather I have to stop and think "who is Heather?"  I keep forgetting about her and her name.  She is not making any impression on me at all.


I cheered when they shot Drew.  I just wish they would continue to kill off the Ramos family and the entire cartel storyline.  I am watching a show called Dallas.  They keep trying to make this show Mexico.


I love the chemistry between John Ross and Pamela.  I could watch them for the entire hour.  I am glad Emma has been exposed.  She lost the hold on John Ross that Pamela might find out about them.  She can no longer use that to blackmail him into seeing her.   

  • Love 5

Last season Linda looked fantastic and as Sue Ellen started drinking again she looked more haggard which I presume is mostly an intentional acting choice to reflect Sue Ellen's downward spiral to what we see here. 


I, too, wondered what the EMTs thought but then I suspect EMTs see all manner of weird shit in their jobs.  But it did make me laugh.


Did Pamela really fake the suicide attempt or did she make that up on the fly? If she did, that is some magnificent bastardess level of shenanigans. 


Josh Henderson was great here showing John Ross' melt down but man, Josh, that douchey hairstyle has got to go. It does him no favors. 


Unpopular opinion, but I kind of liked Drew and I'm sad that he's gone. I was surprised they actually off'd him.  Sadly, they killed off the wrong Ramos. Yes, Elena I'm looking at you. She's the weak link in this show

Edited by catrox14
  • Love 3

I just can't with the Judith Light character anymore. She was fun for about two seconds, but the whole Ryland family freaks me out now. Ugh, make it stop!

I hate that Sue Ellen wrongly took the blame for the fire.

So long, Elena's idiot brother.

Judith Light's horrendous overacting continues. SOMEBODY at the Producer level needs to tell her to calm it down. It's like she's not getting that kind of feedback and so is just amping up her performance to caricature levels.

Even though Sue Ellen didn't actually start the fire, she could easily have done so with lighting something on fire then dropping it as she passed out. No issues with her taking the blame if the fire inspectors don't cotton onto what happened.

And this means we won't have to watch Drew (who set the explosion that killed multiple people) get self-righteous time and again. Good riddance.


I think there will be 6 more to finish off season 3.

And AFAIK, whether or not there's a Season Four will depend entirely on the ratings for these last six eps. If you know a Nielsen family, get some blackmail material on them and make sure they watch. :p

  • Love 1

Drew taking a bullet to the head might make this my favorite episode. I hate his useless ads that much.

I love that Bobby was all about your actions are what matter and then it didn't take Sue Ellen long at all to own that she set the fire (even though Drew is apparently to blame) AND fessed up to drinking. I love Sue Ellen. Bobby better stick to his guns with Annie. If I don't get a good scene of Bobby giving Elena hell for going after the people who don't know what JR did I will be furious.

I continue to like Harris.

Oh John Ross. Good for you for telling Emma off and I only hope you change as far as Pamela goes because you're still my favorite. But that hair NEEDS to go.

Over all a solid opener.

Drew taking a burglar to the head might make this my favorite episode. I hate his useless ads that much.

I love that Bobby was all about your actions are what matter and then it didn't take Sue Ellen long at all to own that she set the fire (even though Drew is apparently to blame) AND fessed up to drinking. I love Sue Ellen. Bobby better stick to his guns with Annie. If I don't get a good scene of Bobby giving Elena hell for going after the people who don't know what JR did I will be furious.

I continue to like Harris.

Oh John Ross. Good for you for telling Emma off and I only hope you change as far as Pamela goes because you're still my favorite. But that hair NEEDS to go.

Over all a solid opener.

***auto"correct" changed bullet to burglar and even though I edited the mistake it's still showing up as not edited so I thought I'd at least put in a disclaimer about it incase it's that way for others.

Edited by Gigi43


I'm guessing Show is trying to move Elena & Christopher together so Heather, you gots to go.  They redeemed Bo so you, Bo and Kid can reunite and be one happy family so Elena & Christopher can reunite as well.


I really hope Christopher doesn't reunite with her. She's conspiring against his family and was still hiding her fugitive brother who killed his babies and now burned his house down. Christopher needs to find out what/who she really is and she needs to end up like her brother. 

  • Love 2


Unpopular opinion, but I kind of liked Drew and I'm sad that he's gone. I was surprised they actually off'd him.  Sadly, they killed off the wrong Ramos. Yes, Elena I'm looking at you. She's the weak link in this show

I'm inclined to agree.  As much as I despise the TMSO ("terrible mexican soap opera", for those not familiar), I kind of liked Drew and thought he could fit in.  Maybe become a couple with Emma.  However, Elena, Mami and Nicowhoever and the entire cartel story can die in a fire.  Oh darn, they didn't...???

  • Love 3


I was sorely disappointed we didn't get to see Sue Ellen chugging Aqua Velva.

It would have been hysterical if she had chugged Hai Karate (old school aftershave) and then slapped herself!


Co-sign with all the 'one Ramos down, etc.'; same thing for JH's hair, he was on Access Hollywood the other day and all I could stare at was his hair (okay, he has great arms too but....).  He needs a buzzcut, something other than that current mess.


Daaaaaaaamn, Pamela....from dropping that plastic ring in the trash to mocking John Ross about her 'suicide' and the threesome; now there's the Rebecca Muhfuckin' Barnes I know, hopefully she will have John Ross on a short leash by the time she takes him back, if she takes him back.


Am I the only one that got moist at Hot Daddy calling his mother a whore?  Is there a priest in the house, I need to do a few Hail Marys!  Call me, Mitch Pileggi!


Finally, I like AnnaLynne McCord, just not...on...this...show!  Dang, she brings it down whenever she's in a scene with Christopher.

Edited by Vixenstud
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