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S31.E04: What's The Beef?

Tara Ariano

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They didn't get rid of Abi because she had a pregame alliance with Shirin and Spencer. Shirin knew that Vytas had pregame alliances with different folks and wanted him out because of those alliances. Shirin thought that she could work with Abi.


I actually think that pregame alliance points to what cooksdelight has been saying about Abi all along. Abi is a different person outside the game. Shirin got along just fine with Abi and thought that she could work with Abi because of that. Then Shirin had to play with Abi and that was a totally different story....


Peih Gee wanted to vote out Abi but was overruled by Shirin and Spencer. She knew that she would not fit into the other alliance because Terry had told Peih Gee she would be sixth so Peih Gee went along with Shirin and Spencer's decision. I think they all regret not voting Abi out first.

  • Love 4

and at one point was RUNNING towards the pile of puzzle pieces with a piece in his hands, and slowed down just before he ran into the pile so he could drop his piece on it. There's no way he wasn't seeing through that blindfold.

With Probst saying Joe is getting puzzle pieces all by himself.

That makes me wonder if Probst wasn't encouraging the contestants to nudge the inner blindfold out of place just so they could finish the challenge.

Something I noticed about Kass when she was shouting commands was that her voice was aspirated and she was just using her throat to yell.

I'm sure it was impossible to understand. You need a more baritone pitch and to push it from your diaphragm to be heard at distance.

I guess there isn't a chapter in Dale Carnegie's book on using a command voice.

  • Love 7


Bored with the Abi show now. Watching someone inflict their emotional problems on other people wasn't entertaining when Randy, Shamar, or Brandon did it, and it's not entertaining now. She doesn't need to be on TV; she needs counseling and a nice big glass of It's Not Always About You.


I agree with this, and Tigershark's assessment. Bottom line, Abi is ruining this season for me. I'm not interested in watching her antics week after week.


My initial reaction to her inclusion this season was there was no way anyone voted for her to return, and that the producers placed her because they knew she'd bring the crazy drama. I don't think the producers fully trusted fans to vote for who should return because they feared the whole cast would be filled with nice, reasonable people who wouldn't bring any crazy to the table so they threw a couple of proven crazies into the mix to stir the pot. She was insufferable during her first season and she's just as bad now. 


However, I've read that a lot of people saw interviews with her and she somehow endeared herself to them, and I also realize a lot of people actually enjoy that kind of crazy, so I'm willing to give the show the benefit of the doubt that people did vote for her.


I had to laugh, thought, when Varner said he felt obligated to the "millions" of people who voted for him. Uh, no. I seriously doubt "millions" voted for anyone. 


From a strategic standpoint it makes perfect sense to drag Abi all the way to the end because she's the ideal got. It's just that I don't enjoy watching that. 

  • Love 4

I agree with this, and Tigershark's assessment. Bottom line, Abi is ruining this season for me. I'm not interested in watching her antics week after week.


My initial reaction to her inclusion this season was there was no way anyone voted for her to return, and that the producers placed her because they knew she'd bring the crazy drama. I don't think the producers fully trusted fans to vote for who should return because they feared the whole cast would be filled with nice, reasonable people who wouldn't bring any crazy to the table so they threw a couple of proven crazies into the mix to stir the pot. She was insufferable during her first season and she's just as bad now. 


However, I've read that a lot of people saw interviews with her and she somehow endeared herself to them, and I also realize a lot of people actually enjoy that kind of crazy, so I'm willing to give the show the benefit of the doubt that people did vote for her.


I had to laugh, thought, when Varner said he felt obligated to the "millions" of people who voted for him. Uh, no. I seriously doubt "millions" voted for anyone. 




Read somewhere (maybe here!) that Wiglesworth got the most votes, followed by Varner.  Can't find a link.

While I think they might have done this regardless, I wonder if it is to avoid confusion with the other Kelley (especially since her last name also begins with a W).  


Wigglesworth has barely shown up on the radar this season. For someone production has appeared to be courting to come back to the show for over a decade I'm surprised she doesn't get more face time on the show. I'd forgotten how much I disliked her back tattoo in S1 until they showed it again last night.

I think the problem with the "strategy" of some of these players (Tasha, I'm looking at you) is that they are thinking too many steps ahead.  While it's good to keep the long-term in mind while playing, you have to keep in mind that before you can get to point D, you have to get to points B and C first.  The tribes seem hell-bent on getting rid of people that will be threats post-merge, but they forget that you are in a much better position if you go into the merge with numbers.  You will have the numbers if you win challenges, so it makes the best sense to keep the players around who will help you win the challenges.  In the early stages, you want to get rid of someone who is weak and is causing a lot of tribe dissension.


I completely agree with you on this one. I've always kind of thought pre-merge you get rid of people who aren't much help in challenges. Once you're really close to the merge, it might not hurt to take out a big threat, especially one who's not in your corner. But when you're taking out strong players the first few weeks, it's no wonder your tribe keeps ending up at TC. 

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 3

Don't care about the rest of the morons and I hit mute every time Abi opens her mouth.

I know that English is not her first language, but I can't stand her voice.  It's like nails on a chalkboard to me.  I don't know if it's the monotone, or the diction, or the accent, or what, but it drives me nuts.  And I've known or worked with a handful of Brazilian women, and they sounded perfectly pleasant, so my conclusion is that it's Abi and has nothing to do with being Brazilian.


Also, what's up with her cornrow braids, and how are they still like that?  Is someone on the tribe actually doing her hair for her?


It's really obvious when the show spent almost the first third of the hour focused only on the Angkor tribe that they were going to lose the immunity.  The following people have had little to no screen time:  Keith, Kimmy, Monica, Kelly Wigglesworth, Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera la puerta.  Even Golden Boy Joe and self proclaimed Khaos Kass (until this episode) hadn't gotten much time.  Instead, it's ALL ABI, ALL THE TIME.

  • Love 2

And I definitely think that Joe had to be able to see at least a little during the IC.  At the end, he was walking way too straight, with way too much purpose, and not even holding his hand out in front of him to make sure he didn't run over anything.  


What made me wonder the most was how he managed not to pick up the wrong color.


I will agree that the real Kass is somewhere inbetween the Chaos Kass and the Kass we saw tonight but I think that is the case for all people. I can be a raging bitch when I am frustrated or upset. I am also a loving wife and mother who has many good moments with ehr family and friends. I am also someone who plays on her iPad too much when her toddler is playing with his trains.


Heh, I am guilty of this too.

  • Love 3


and at one point was RUNNING towards the pile of puzzle pieces with a piece in his hands, and slowed down just before he ran into the pile so he could drop his piece on it. There's no way he wasn't seeing through that blindfold.


Agree.  You could see everyone else moving very slowly for fear of getting squashed or ramming into one of those heavy puzzle pieces, and there's Joe zipping around pretty confidently.  That team was behind by half their pieces and in no time caught up to the other teams because of amazing Joe.  I call foul!

  • Love 1

Wigglesworth has barely shown up on the radar this season. For someone production has appeared to be courting to come back to the show for over a decade I'm surprised she doesn't get more face time on the show. I'd forgotten how much I disliked her back tattoo in S1 until they showed it again last night.

She was always quiet, maybe she's not saying anything camera-worthy?

Joe is a surfer too, right?  So I'd bet his spatial sense is pretty well honed by needing to memorize his position in relation to reef, rocks, other surfers, pier, beach and other hazards when his vision is compromised.  In that case, maybe a good look at the challenge set up before the blindfold might have been enough for him to walk the course with confidence, especially with the callers giving a clear homing beacon and the center of his coordinate array.  I'll buy that.




What made me wonder the most was how he managed not to pick up the wrong color.


and at one point was RUNNING towards the pile of puzzle pieces with a piece in his hands, and slowed down just before he ran into the pile so he could drop his piece on it.


Both of these points definitely lead one to the conclusion that he had to have been able to see something through his blindfold.

With regards to Joe's blindfold, some of your questions were answered on Kass' twitter. She said that she gave up on Terry and Keith and focused on Joe. It must be editing. Also, there's a pad before the actual blindfold.

Conversation between Kass, Joe, Stephen and PG about the blindfold is hilarious. Check their twitter account. Funny as hell.

  • Love 3

I believe Tasha has been braiding her hair. I seem to recall Kass making a comment in their first season that she didn't want to braid hair with the girls.

It gives you something to do and when my hair is super dirty, I'd rather have it braided.


"Sure, no hard feelings but how do you think that made me feel?" was this episode.  In the first episode it was "I'll let bygones be bygones" but let me keep harping on PG "stealing" my bag.  It's all about her.  And because people see her as the ultimate goat, we'll be stuck with her selfishness for the rest of the game.  When she will lose.


Was that a moth or a bat at the TC?

  • Love 2

Here is the thing, Andrew and Savage want to keep the tribe strong so that they can win something and not go to tribal. Abi is thinking the same way. So the question becomes who is more likely to help the tribe in challenges? And in no world is Jeff the answer to that question.


Jeff's sales pitch was brilliant but Woo actually had a good counter. Woo might have watched Spencer's pitch to Tasha a few seasons back because that is pretty much the situation. We don't know when the tribes are going to swap/merge and we need to win. Who will help you win Ja'Tia or Spencer/Woo or Jeff.

What's interesting in that both cases did have similar conditions.  But there was also a difference.  Tasha and Kass kept Spencer only because he'd help them in challenges, but had at least considered keeping J'Tia, anyway, because they felt they could trust her more.  They didn't trust Spencer much because of his prior alliance with the now-gone Garrett.  J'Tia had been very loyal to them because they'd saved her over Garrett.  In this case, Woo was kept over kept both for challenge performance and because they felt they could trust him more.  Jeff scored a big zero on both criteria for Andrew and Tasha.


When did the rule that you can't sit players in back-to-back challenges fade away?  Has Ciera played in any challenge yet?  That doesn't seem fair.

She played in the first Immunity Challenge of the season, and she played in the first Immunity Challenge after the swap into three tribes.  But that's all.


For as much as he may have been overplaying earlier, I feel like Varner way underplayed this vote. Woo had no shot at swinging Abi's vote through private conversation, but Jeff could have done it. Based on the fact that the only at-camp conversation we saw between Abi and Jeff was that exchange at the water well with Tasha present, I'm going to guess that Tasha glued herself to Abi's side and/or kept tabs on Varner's movements all day to prevent those 2 from talking alone.

That's exactly the case.  Tasha even said in a confessional that she was going to stick with Abi like glue and not let Jeff get to her alone.

Re: Joe running during the IC:

Maybe he is just reckless.  He probably bumped into plenty of people, but showing the times he stupidly plowed into somebody wouldn't fit the Joey Amazing narrative as much as showing the 2 or 3 times he made it back smoothly.


Re: Sitting out challenges 2x in a row:

IIRC the show used to have tribal reward challenges every episode, and there was real strategy involved in the decision to sit someone out in the reward so that they would be available to do the immunity challenge.  Now tribal reward challenges are few and far between and it seems like the same people sit out immunity challenges over and over, so maybe the rules have changed or maybe the count starts over after each tribal council.

With regards to Joe's blindfold, some of your questions were answered on Kass' twitter. She said that she gave up on Terry and Keith and focused on Joe. It must be editing. Also, there's a pad before the actual blindfold.

Conversation between Kass, Joe, Stephen and PG about the blindfold is hilarious. Check their twitter account. Funny as hell.


That makes sense.  That under-blindfold always has some big, thick orbs sewn in.  I'm pretty sure no one's seeing under, around, over or through it.  If the coast was clear and Joe could hear Kass, why wouldn't he run?  And if he finagled is blindfold, wouldn't the 3 dozen production people responsible for challenges have noticed? 


People need better tvs, I think.  Didn't anyone else see Joe's hairless armpits, standing around camp laughing at Kass?  What's up with that?  I guess for hygiene I can see getting lasered before Survivor...?


Why they put Terry in the first challenge was beyond me but good for Joe for reining it in.   And Woo should've been suggesting they vote out Andrew when they were arguing that he was such a challenge beast he was dangerous to have around after a merge. 


I was really looking forward to this season but it's getting ruined by the Abi show.  Hopefully she's gone soon.  


I was fine with Jeff going.  He's a physical wreck, between COPD and various injuries.  His social game was horrible.  Strategy was absent.  And I would like to see some other people talk for once.  Begging at TC is never flattering.  You had all day to state your case at camp.  Doing it at TC just seems like one final grandstand.  I don't think millions of people voted for anyone.  

I was just on my way to post something very similar.

The way the entire tribe have to play everything to her ego is exactly the same way that Kermit has to handle Miss Piggy.

That's why Kermit finally cut himself free from that anchor and got a piggy upgrade! But yes I do like the Abi/Piggy comparisons. I wonder if Abi will judo chop someone and get removed from the game if she gets annoyed enough.


Oh and yes, you could see Abi wearing her SuperAbi bracelet a few times this eppy. And when she says it gives her super powers she's so crazy she just might actually be right. Notice she didn't say they were good super powers or ones to be used for good! 

Edited by Wandering Snark

That's why Kermit finally cut himself free from that anchor and got a piggy upgrade! But yes I do like the Abi/Piggy comparisons. I wonder if Abi will judo chop someone and get removed from the game if she gets annoyed enough.

Ah, Denise!  Yes!  That's definitely a step up for him! :)


As for judo-chopping someone, I don't think Abi has the strength for that.

Both of these points definitely lead one to the conclusion that he had to have been able to see something through his blindfold.


Or maybe Kass yelled out to him to stop.  Joe would have been right in front of her... has good hearing... and as someone reports above, Kass was focusing her attention on Joe. 


I often enjoy conspiracy theories, but this one has a pretty plausible, reasonable explanation. 

  • Love 4

Here is a secret scene that we did not see from the Bayon tribe though I cant believe they left this out check it out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mq0Hdjl4mA


Two words:

                          city folk.



Kass having read a book on how to seem sincere.


Waddaya expect?  She's a LAWYER, fer crying out loud.


Good point, as Kass was screaming herself raw.  And I like "Golden Joey."  Or do I like "Joey Golden" better?


Overall, I prefer "Joey G!!!"  :)

People need better tvs, I think.  Didn't anyone else see Joe's hairless armpits, standing around camp laughing at Kass?  What's up with that?  I guess for hygiene I can see getting lasered before Survivor...?


A lot of men are now shaving/waxing their armpits, especially fitness oriented and body builder types. I saw some guy on another reality show awhile back with no armpit hair and commented about it on social media. A personal trainer friend of mine spoke up that he doesn't have any, and a lot of the guys at his gym don't either. It's possible that Joe was getting rid of his before the show, it's kind of a thing now. But who knows?

  • Love 1

A lot of men are now shaving/waxing their armpits, especially fitness oriented and body builder types. I saw some guy on another reality show awhile back with no armpit hair and commented about it on social media. A personal trainer friend of mine spoke up that he doesn't have any, and a lot of the guys at his gym don't either. It's possible that Joe was getting rid of his before the show, it's kind of a thing now. But who knows?

I've been doing it for years, and it doesn't grow back that quickly either. Even after a month it would be barely noticeable from a distance.

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I'm a woman and I'd have more visible fuzz in two weeks than Joe.  I guess he's just fairly un-hairy, or got his lasered.  It's probably more likely the people who prefer hairlessness just go for the laser than repeated shaving and waxing., especially the ones who live in LA or Scottsdale.  Laser removal is pretty cheap now.  I think the Survivor women have been doing it all along.  When was the last time we saw female hairy legs or armpits?  

I like that trend. Lets keep that trend up. Hairy arm pits are nasty. Shave the pits guys, shave the pits


Not for me.  I'm a huge fan of body hair on men because I believe that God intended for men to be hairy in certain places as a way of telling me that they've actually finished puberty.  If I wanted to date something hairless, I'd be dating chihuahuas.

  • Love 12

Sweaty, smelly and gross. Shave it. Either that or don't bitch when women don't shave. If it is nasty for women it is nasty for men. Make it go away.


On Survivor related topic: Abi still sucks. Please let her be voted out next.


It is much more popular amongst men now than when I first started doing it. A man would still earn the metrosexual label for shaving body hair in the early 2000s, but not now.

Oh, Abi is insane, but she provides much needed drama and is the perfect goat. Keep her around as long as possible.

  • Love 1

I'm a woman and I'd have more visible fuzz in two weeks than Joe.  I guess he's just fairly un-hairy, or got his lasered.  It's probably more likely the people who prefer hairlessness just go for the laser than repeated shaving and waxing., especially the ones who live in LA or Scottsdale.  Laser removal is pretty cheap now.  I think the Survivor women have been doing it all along.  When was the last time we saw female hairy legs or armpits?  

I suppose it's the trend now, but I kind of miss the days when the Survivors actually looked like survivors.  Shoot, now even two or three weeks without soap or toothpaste, most of them still have pearly smiles, great hair, perfect skin, hairless legs/pits, etc.  It goes against the laws of nature.  Or maybe I'm just jealous because I know I'd look like a hot mess on Day 2.


About Joe: maybe he could see through the blindfold for the same reason that he can do everything else?

Because he's Superman.

LOL, that's the edit he's getting.  If we'd actually heard Kass yelling something like, "Run, Golden Joey, run!  Embrace the Kaos!  There's no one in your way!"  Well, then we might not be so suspicious that Joe could neither see through his blindfold, nor suspect that he is, indeed, Superman.

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My only reason I can think of to not vote out Abi is that I don't want her to go to Ponderosa and torture Jeff and Peih-Gee for the next several weeks.  No one deserves that.  If the remaining players don't want to vote her out because of her goat-worthiness, then they should be subjected to her histrionics.  Having said that, I'm already as sick of her as I ever was watching anyone with the last name Hantz play this game.  

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Their hair has always looked great out there.  Not washing your hair with shampoo is a fairly common thing these days, too, especially among the curly-headed.  And I think when you bleach your teeth the whiteness lasts more than a month, especially without coffee, tea, wine, coke, etc.  


But their skin has always looked gross to me.  Did you see Monica's limbs?  They were covered in bug bites.   Blech.  They do have nice complexions but I think they cast to that.  Or maybe their medical box has some acne cream along with the sunscreen and condoms.  

My only reason I can think of to not vote out Abi is that I don't want her to go to Ponderosa and torture Jeff and Peih-Gee for the next several weeks.  No one deserves that.  If the remaining players don't want to vote her out because of her goat-worthiness, then they should be subjected to her histrionics.  Having said that, I'm already as sick of her as I ever was watching anyone with the last name Hantz play this game.  

I am not worried about that. She apologized to RC at Ponderosa and her cast mates report that she was just fine, even fun, at Ponderosa. I think Jeff gets Abi, his comment to her after he was voted out was said with humor and warmth. Shirin got along fine with Abi before the show. Peih Gee is a smart woman. I think they would all be fine because they all get that it is a game. The others might be annoyed but Shirin and Peih Gee are pretty smart and knew what they did wrong in the situation.


While Abi plays like Russell, she has a very different reputation after the show. That is why Shirin thought she could work with Abi, she knew her off the show.

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Tasha seemed hellbent on getting rid of Varner due to his trying to sneak a message to the other team. She let that blind her to ever thinking of gathering the troops to vote out Abi. Savage would have gone along with that, so would Woo. Slam dunk, Abi is gone and no more having to handle her.

I disagree. I think Tasha saw Varner's signaling to the other tribe as both a genuine long term threat, but more importantly a perfect excuse for her to grab control of the tribe.

I think Tasha and Savage kept Woo and Abi because they are by far the least likely pair to join together to create a stalemate the next time they go to TC.

I will be very surprised if Abi is not voted out next.

  • Love 6

I disagree. I think Tasha saw Varner's signaling to the other tribe as both a genuine long term threat, but more importantly a perfect excuse for her to grab control of the tribe.

She was grasping at anything she could use at that moment.

I think Tasha and Savage kept Woo and Abi because they are by far the least likely pair to join together to create a stalemate the next time they go to TC.

Agree again.

I will be very surprised if Abi is not voted out next.

I hope she sticks around.

She is a goat, but a goat who very often head-butts the goat herder.

I still think a player like Abi can be manipulated to one's advantage, it just takes a lot of work.

She is a goat, but a goat who very often head-butts the goat herder.

I still think a player like Abi can be manipulated to one's advantage, it just takes a lot of work.


I think it would have to be a man.  She seems to have a hard time with women.  If Tasha was smart, her best bet would be to have Savage take her on.  But he's probably not up to it.

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