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S01.E04: Bone May Rot

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I see "May" and that led me instantly to "Or Maybe Not".  Which is irritating, because it suggests they are going to do the "oh wait, she might not be Taylor Shaw after all".  But Stapleton is going to continue to have a huge BLINDSPOT when it comes to this issue, and he's going to spend the entire first season insisting that she is Taylor.

  • "Me Try Naboo"


How wude!

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It's "Or Maybe Not" 


All together it reads "Who is Jane Doe (pilot), Taylor Shaw, The Missing Girl, Or Maybe Not"


Lol. If they gave the reveal in the 3rd ep then take it back in the 4th, that would still be faster than most shows. 

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It's "Or Maybe Not" 


All together it reads "Who is Jane Doe (pilot), Taylor Shaw, The Missing Girl, Or Maybe Not"


Lol. If they gave the reveal in the 3rd ep then take it back in the 4th, that would still be faster than most shows. 


Thanks, if they do take it back...XD.

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So basically they're spending more time and energy on cleverizing the TITLES of each episode instead of actually writing decent episodes? Okay.


And I don't see why Whatsherface can't wear long sleeve shirts. We don't need to see the tattoos all the time and it would be easier on the actress, I'm sure.

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Once again, thank you Reede, for saying what needed to be said.  Yes, Jane, you are a liability.  You mean well, but you're still a liability.  Unfortunately, Weller the dimwit will continue to bring her along on missions, so for Reede's sake, I hope his words to Jane don't come back to haunt him.


Did Patterson's boyfriend seem off to anyone else?  Like he was a bit too eager to know what was going on?  Wonder if he's working for the baddies.  


Speaking of which, they're finally trying to flesh out the supporting cast.  Patterson's bf, Agent Whatshername's gambling addiction and so forth.  


Like there was any question of Jane charging in like a rhino to save Weller's life at the last second.  Gotta fill that ass-kicking quota in this week, right?


I'm thinking that they pulled a switched-at-birth scenario with Jane.  She was born in Africa, but she was switched at the hospital with the real Taylor Shaw.  To be honest, I don't care.  The mystery of Taylor/Jane no longer holds any interest for me because she's tied to that boring plank of wood known as Weller, and Jane's verging on Mary Sue levels, anyway.  

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I honestly didn't understand half of what Weller said in his talk with Jane near the end of the show. Stop mumbling and move your lips dude.

Was waiting for Everybody was Kung-fu Fighting to start playing when Jane came in with a flying kick to fight the bad guy.

I love Rob Brown and his suits and common sense. I do not love Weller or Jane which is unfortunate since they are the leads.

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Sorry to anyone who likes this show, but I've decided that watching it is like television macular degeneration - I like all the supporting characters, but I just cannot watch the 2 leads.  (Ha ha, I guess I have a blindspot.)  I hate the way the they are written, I hate the way they act, I hate the way they're dressed (Jane:  get a long-sleeved turtleneck, we won't forget that you have the tattoos and learn to blink; Kurt:  get a clean shirt and tie, we know you are a rebel), I hate the way Jane turned into Captain Exposition.  I had to force myself to wait until the end (I will never watch this show live again, although I probably won't watch it at all), just to see the customary Michael Gaston end of episode reveal.


I think they're just cramming too many mysteries/issues in this show, instead of just focuing on the tattoos (and the narrative associated with them), which I would think would provide enough interest for the season.  So, we've also got the Taylor/not Taylor kidnapping and associated Kurt angst and Daddy issues, Operation Daylight, gambling agent and a few more I just can't think of right now.


Does anyone know if that UV plot point is true, that there is a CDC location specific UV frequency?

Edited by mjc570
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So the plot of this episode was an abridged version of 12 Monkeys, minus the time travel?


Maybe not, maybe Jane is Taylor Shaw's granddaughter from the future that was born in Africa.


Or we can go with someone put that tooth in her mouth and that's why it fell out so easily. Or just go the simple route and she's not Taylor Shaw. 


But one thing is for sure, Weller is annoying. I get losing a friend at 10 is hard and he was supposed to be watching at her 10 years old. He just seem really obsessed with her. I can see why his team his worried. 

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So Jane is pretty much causing these situations right? Every time they investigate a tattoo, they spook a bad guy into accelerating their plan.


How are all these cases/tatts connected? I don't think it's just Project Daylight. How did Shadowy Conspiracy know about the specific vials when they said only 2 people had access?


I guess I appreciate them trying to round out Hispanic Agent, but a gambling problem is extra stuff I don't care about. At least Patterson's boyfriend helped solve a puzzle. Sensible Black Agent continues to make sense.


Weller didn't annoy me, but then I've kinda stopped paying attention to him. I still interested in the central mystery, although I can see it's probably going to get overly complicated. Things are moving along, at least. That's more than I can say about Quantico, which I may drop soon.

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Or just go the simple route and she's not Taylor Shaw.


Wouldn't that be a waste of time.


Did Patterson's boyfriend seem off to anyone else?  Like he was a bit too eager to know what was going on?  Wonder if he's working for the baddies.


That would be yet another Blacklist similarity then.


The mystery of Taylor/Jane no longer holds any interest for me because she's tied to that boring plank of wood known as Weller, and Jane's verging on Mary Sue levels, anyway.


The mystery really didn't do much for me.  So she may be or may not be some long lost neighbor or possibly a relative.


But one thing is for sure, Weller is annoying. I get losing a friend at 10 is hard and he was supposed to be watching at her 10 years old. He just seem really obsessed with her. I can see why his team his worried.


He just comes off as creepy and obsessed at this point.


I hate the way the they are written, I hate the way they act, I hate the way they're dressed (Jane:  get a long-sleeved turtleneck, we won't forget that you have the tattoos and learn to blink; Kurt:  get a clean shirt and tie, we know you are a rebel), I hate the way Jane turned into Captain Exposition.  I had to force myself to wait until the end (I will never watch this show live again, although I probably won't watch it at all), just to see the customary Michael Gaston end of episode reveal.


IA, this show just rubs me the wrong way in almost every way.


I honestly didn't understand half of what Weller said in his talk with Jane near the end of the show. Stop mumbling and move your lips dude.


Just dull exposition and it's a shame too since I like both actors on other projects.

Edited by Free
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Oh, great: she might not be Taylor Shaw after-all.  Not surprised, but I'm still disappointed they are dragging this out.  At least they were still calling her Jane anyway, so it won't matter that much.  At this point though, maybe I should just call her Sif.


They kind of shot themselves in the foot a bit with that Reade/Jane scene, because all it did was make me wish this was another show, where Reade was the head agent instead.  First, while they aren't setting the screen on fire or anything, at least Rob Brown and Jaimie Alexander kind of peak my interest when they are together, as opposed to the anti-chemistry Jaimie seems to have with Sullivan Stapleton.  More importantly, I think the show would be slightly better if the head agent guy didn't full buy into everyone and was a skeptic (or the "Devil's Advocate", if you prefer that term), to the all constant "Let's just follow the tattoos and hope for the best!" method the FBI is doing.  To be fair, Weller was a bit like that earlier on, but now he's totally "But she was my childhood friend/crush!  Leave her alone, you jerks!" about it, and I'm about done with it.


Of course, it would help if these tattoos actually lead to interesting cases.  Oh, look: scientists are unleashing viruses on purpose because they think Earth is getting too populated and we weren't meant to "find the cure."  Yeah, I've seen that before.  Pretty sure The Blacklist alone did that twice, at least.  Lame-ass tattoos.


So, Patterson has a boyfriend, who occasionally like to dabble in the classified files she brings home like a dolt.  Either he will be evil, or someone will find out, and will try to harm him.


Tasha (I know her name!) finally gets a subplot which is.... she has a gambling problem.  Lame.  Unless it hilariously ends up being part of the tattoos.


Michael Gaston is still being creepy, and Mayfair is still being cagey.  Nothing to see here.


Get it together, show.  I won't even pretend that I won't keep watching this for Jaimie Alexander, but I can regulated you to On Demand status, and just start watching Fargo live instead.

Edited by thuganomics85
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I sure would like to see Jane up close and naked.  For purely scientific reasons, of course!


We've had four cases so far, each a major crime, each predicted by a small area of tattoo from Jane's body.  But she's covered in the things.  Dozens and dozens of them.  So, whoever is responsible for the tattoos, somehow knew about dozens and dozens of serious criminal endeavours, some serious enough to result in millions of deaths globally.


How did they discover these crimes in the making? Did CDC plotters get drunk in a bar and talk loudly about their plan?  Did drone-pilot guy get drunk in the same bar?  How am I supposed to believe that someone found out about all these secret plans?  So, they decide the authorities should be informed.  Did they send an e-mail?  No.  Did they make a phone call?  No.  Did they slice up a papyrus reed and squeeze ink out of a squid?  No.  They got some woman with African teeth, wiped her memory, tattooed a bunch of cryptic clues all  over her body, and left her naked, in a bag, on the pavement, in Times square.  As you do, I'm sure, without having to be completely deranged yourself!

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So Jane is pretty much causing these situations right? Every time they investigate a tattoo, they spook a bad guy into accelerating their plan.


Pretty much.  I think the FBI is making the problem worse by taking Jane along.  The perp sees Jane, realizes they've been caught, and either takes off or goes through with their dastardly plan.  Couldn't the agents wear discreet surveillance cameras so Jane could see the surroundings without having to be there?  


What cracks me up is that they always stumble on the tattoo that's related to the CotW.  Now, if the tattoos had some kind of pattern or sequence for Patterson to follow, it would make sense that they know which one to focus on.  But just randomly stumbling on the right tattoo before it causes some global meltdown every time?  RME.  It's just more nonsense in a show with too much of it already.

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It's just more nonsense in a show with too much of it already.


Yup, just random cases for the procedural aspect.


So Jane is pretty much causing these situations right? Every time they investigate a tattoo, they spook a bad guy into accelerating their plan.


They are, they always seem to make things worse, when they're not constantly telling off Jane to not come or not get into danger.


Pretty much.  I think the FBI is making the problem worse by taking Jane along.  The perp sees Jane, realizes they've been caught, and either takes off or goes through with their dastardly plan.  Couldn't the agents wear discreet surveillance cameras so Jane could see the surroundings without having to be there?


Then they can't conveniently bump into the villain of the episode.

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OK, you know what, I really don't need all these gory blood spatter shots... thanks.


Glad to see some personality development with Reade, Zapata, and even Weller with Patterson at the end. I liked when Reade and Zapata were talking about not wanting to be stuck with Weller in a lockdown, followed by a cut to him pacing back and forth. Reade continues to be the lone voice of reason and I really hope he's spared when Jane glitches. Is it too much to ask that she knocks off Weller at the end of the season?


Those CDC people were... extreme. And how effing stupid are those agents, to stand right in front of the incurable virus they just sealed up? Oh my god! Tape it up, and get the hell out, confirm that it activates on the security cameras! The thing starts to spew and they barely jump, they don't think to run like hell?! Dumb, dumb, dumb.


Laughably predictable that Jane stormed in and saved Weller, and I'm so sick of his smugness re: bringing her along ("That's why we bring her into the field." Oh, shut up). And of course he remembers the day she was brought home... he's obsessed. Maybe he did some effed up things to her and blocked the memories of it, transferred them onto his dad... maybe his dad or whoever orchestrated her disappearance did it both to train her up for whatever reason, and to get her away from Weirdo Weller.


I'm somewhat familiar with the actor who plays Patterson's boyfriend... I dunno, that's kind of his schtick, the peppy, nerdy thing. Considering how much they implied it was a major error on Patterson's part, it would be a nice surprise if he was a good guy. I like your idea, @thuganomics85, maybe he'll be harmed, especially since he doesn't seem to understand or care that this is classified business (because your girlfriend's FBI documents are totes jokes, right?). Did have to laugh, though, that part of the tattoo he was deciphering was partially a maple leaf, and the actor is Canadian. Nice.

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Bad writing alert: they telegraphed that she wasn't really Taylor Shaw the moment we saw they were STILL calling her "Jane" in personal interactions. It made NO sense, which is why it was supremely bad writing.


I mean it would be different if they'd been calling this woman "Jane" for years. But it clearly has only been weeks at most.

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I said it last week, & I'll say it again this week. She's not Taylor Shaw, somebody screwed with her DNA.


Did Patterson's boyfriend seem off to anyone else?  Like he was a bit too eager to know what was going on?  Wonder if he's working for the baddies.  

I was wondering if he worked for the CIA. And was it just me or did anybody else think discussing classified information on their phones was not smart?


Or we can go with someone put that tooth in her mouth and that's why it fell out so easily. 

I can go with that theory too.


I'm still having a hard time buying this whole thing of them deciphering the tattoos to figure out a crime. The 2 leaves overlapping to look like a bird logo was a real stretch, does whoever tattooed her want them to solve the crimes or not? Why make them so ridiculously complicated if you want them to be solved, or why tattoo her at all if you don't? 

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So in episode two we established that the tattoos were meant to lead one to another with the mysteries unfolding in a pre-arranged sequence. I took issue with that because as I said before, how do you get these things to line up in the first place? The writers must have realized the same thing because they've abandoned the one tattoo leading to another idea for the past couple episode and now just have the characters investigating whichever one they randomly figure out. Unless of course Patterson's boyfriend is a bad guy and deliberately led her to this week's conclusion. But this depends on two things: Patterson dating the guy in the first place and Patterson disregarding procedure and bringing classified files home where her boyfriend could peruse them.


I loved that they actually called for help from local authorities in this episode. Having the State Troopers intercept the car on the open road was brilliant- because all the action takes place over a loudspeaker they didn't even have to cast anyone to play a County Mountie. They kind of forgot about this idea by the end of the episode however, necessitating Jane jumping to the rescue rather than some CDC bio-commando.


I feel like the agents who were bickering about each other's dating habits will end up dating each other.


The CIA gets to be the bad guy again. This show, Homeland, Hawaii 5-0... are there any shows out there in which the CIA gets to be the good guy? Even once in a while?

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Just because main asshole guy says he remembers Taylor coming home from the hospital does not mean Jane isn't Taylor. He didn't talk about her mother being pregnant, just when she came home. So newborn Taylor could have been born in Africa and brought to the US, maybe thru adoption? And the man who took her could be her real father who maybe finally found her or something. Considering main asshole guy was only what? Maybe 5 when it happened? He may not understand everything that happened surrounding Taylor ending up next door. Also, if the mother was somehow involved, maybe the baby she brought home was a different baby than Taylor.

I'm still enjoying the show for what it is. I broke up with my regular show and like the current storyline they seem to be playing out for the main couple, we are never, ever getting back together. So I'll keep watching with no expectations as long as I'm entertained.

Edited by Badsamaritan
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Weller was 10 when Taylor disappeared at most he was 4 when she was born. He would not be able to remember that or even know where she was brought home from. Unless he was obsessed with her when he was 4 which makes him really creepy.  If he acted the way he acts now, I'm surprised the cops didn't think he took her. 

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So in episode two we established that the tattoos were meant to lead one to another with the mysteries unfolding in a pre-arranged sequence. I took issue with that because as I said before, how do you get these things to line up in the first place? The writers must have realized the same thing because they've abandoned the one tattoo leading to another idea for the past couple episode and now just have the characters investigating whichever one they randomly figure out.


Exactly, how would you be able to figure out which one starts the sequence.


Unless of course Patterson's boyfriend is a bad guy and deliberately led her to this week's conclusion. But this depends on two things: Patterson dating the guy in the first place and Patterson disregarding procedure and bringing classified files home where her boyfriend could peruse them.


He seemed weird, I was wondering if they were going to pull another Tom Keene or not.

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Well, Reade and Patterson are officially my favorite cast members. Reade and Zapata at the beginning, the Tinder/dating jokes, that was kind of cute. Patterson and her boyfriend, also cute. I do appreciate that the show hasn't made Patterson a total nerd stereotype. She's cute, wears cute clothes, has a hipster-nerd boyfriend instead of a Sheldon Cooper one.


The flip side, of course, is that I want to see Reade and Patterson more than the two leads. They still bug, and her rushing in to kick the bad doctor made my eyes roll SO HARD. I'm already dreading their first kiss something fierce.


Things I'd like to see added to the show - chapstick for Jane, as noted; a shaving scene for Weller because that neck-beard is a NO; Weller being forced to dress in a quasi-professional manner, at least.


Things I'd like to see removed from the show - the entire overdone gambling cop sub-plot; Australian accents; eyeliner.

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Okay, so this show was so gripping that I fell asleep before the end.


But if Jane lost that tooth from being punched in the jaw, wouldn't she have a gap in her grin? People don't lose molars from getting slugged, they lose those front teeth.


Yeah, I know ... why bother nitpicking.

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The CIA gets to be the bad guy again. This show, Homeland, Hawaii 5-0... are there any shows out there in which the CIA gets to be the good guy? Even once in a while?

I don't know, given that I only ever hear about them bungling things and assassinating people in the real world it's not difficult to imagine that good guys might be in short supply in that agency. At least the FBI is trying to stop people from being killed, rescue kidnapping victims, and the like.

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Shouldn't they also be more worried that the person/people that did that to Jane have knowledge of crimes that haven't happened yet (or will happen the minute they see one of her tats)?


I also agree with why is the head FBI guy dressing casual while everyone else is dressed in business wear? Shouldn't he be wearing suits? 

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Just because main asshole guy says he remembers Taylor coming home from the hospital does not mean Jane isn't Taylor. He didn't talk about her mother being pregnant, just when she came home. So newborn Taylor could have been born in Africa and brought to the US, maybe thru adoption? And the man who took her could be her real father who maybe finally found her or something. Considering main asshole guy was only what? Maybe 5 when it happened? He may not understand everything that happened surrounding Taylor ending up next door. Also, if the mother was somehow involved, maybe the baby she brought home was a different baby than Taylor.


This makes perfect sense, & the way the show has been going, it's sufficiently convoluted & confusing for it to happen. If this plot turns up on the show, I'm going to blame you :-)

Shouldn't they also be more worried that the person/people that did that to Jane have knowledge of crimes that haven't happened yet (or will happen the minute they see one of her tats)?


I've been wondering about this too, nobody seems to be at all concerned that there is someone, somewhere who can apparently see into the future (is Jane part of The Minority Report department?) & see crimes that are going to be committed. Nobody even wonders how it's possible.

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I keep thinking this has to settle down at some point. Hopefully with a full season order that will be sooner rather than later. Not everybody needs a subplot, especially not this early. But I am a sucker for the concept and the mysteries. Keep bringing the ludicrous! 

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I'm still having a hard time buying this whole thing of them deciphering the tattoos to figure out a crime. The 2 leaves overlapping to look like a bird logo was a real stretch, does whoever tattooed her want them to solve the crimes or not? Why make them so ridiculously complicated if you want them to be solved, or why tattoo her at all if you don't?

The person who tattooed her and wiped her memory would have been better printing out the clues on regular white printer paper, locking/hiding those clues in a safe, and tattooing maybe only THAT clue - the clue to the safe - on Jane when he/she/them left her body in Times Square. Or you know, simply left a note with her? I mean, it was a very visible place to leave her so a note would have been good too and much less effort.


But then we don't get the drama/extreme look of the tattoos.


I'm still so confused about Weller's connection to Jane and why it's so important to him. So he's at least 5 or more years older than her, right? He said he would look in after her, because her mother worked. Then the newspaper clipping stated a Five-year old girl disappeared, but wasn't she supposed to be ten? And again, I just can't relate to him being still so messed up that his neighbour he knew as a kid disappeared. His family falling apart, yes. But then, I would expect him to be resentful of her, not all moony and sentimental.

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I'm not happy that they're dragging the Taylor or not Taylor. It's a mistake imo.


I'm having fun watching this show. I don't try to make sense out of the general plot because the premise isn't realistic, so I just enjoy the ride.


I like Weller. He's a control freak, but nobody in universe seems to think that it's a quality. It actually makes sense with Taylor being taken "on his watch" when he was so young (that's why  a kid should never be saddled with the responsibility of another kid). I can't say for others, but if it had happened to me I don't think I'd ever get over it and it would haunt me for the rest of my life. 

He seems a tad less intense than in the previous episodes, though. Jane sounded more grounded, less on the edge, too, maybe thanks to finding an identity. I hope the "maybe not" stupid move (imo) will not destroy it.


The whole episode had a bit more relaxed feel, with a little humor here and there. Maybe it's thanks to more Patterson. I really love her. I was  worried that she might be in danger because of the file. Now I'm more worried about her cutie boyfriend. I particularly like her interactions with Mayfair, who sounds more and more like a Skinner. After this episode, I don't think she's dirty herself and I'm glad for it because I love Marianne Jean-Baptiste.

I like Reade fine, and I understand his concerns about Weller's reaction to Jane. OTOH, she also seems able to calm Weller down in situations where he isn't manageable, and that obviously preexisted her arrival, like the lockdown. I feel that he should trust Weller a little more, considering what he said about his competence. He's right that Weller has tunnel vision, but I don't feel that Reade has showed more flexibility in his stance. It seems to me that he's as convinced that Jane is solely a liability as Weller is that she's only an asset.


I wonder if Zapata's gamble problem is going to make her fall in the clutches of Evil CIA director. He might be looking for a weak link in order to bypass Mayfair and get to Jane, and this is the kind of intel he could easily get.

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I said it last week, & I'll say it again this week. She's not Taylor Shaw, somebody screwed with her DNA.

Not with the DNA in her body. That's science fiction (I mean this whole thing is, but that would be overt science fiction).


What was screwed with were Taylor's samples. Someone with access to where ever they were kept substituted something taken from Jane--thus... a match.

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Not with the DNA in her body. That's science fiction (I mean this whole thing is, but that would be overt science fiction).


What was screwed with were Taylor's samples. Someone with access to where ever they were kept substituted something taken from Jane--thus... a match.

While I wouldn't put it past them to put the overt science fiction in (they've apparently got someone who can see into the future) I'll buy screwing with the samples, or the findings, or Patterson just lied.

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Not with the DNA in her body. That's science fiction (I mean this whole thing is, but that would be overt science fiction).

What was screwed with were Taylor's samples. Someone with access to where ever they were kept substituted something taken from Jane--thus... a match.

Yeah, I think they telegraphed that pretty clearly when they revealed Taylor was only raised by her (now deceased) mother. (And she'll have been cremated, I'm sure.) But with no siblings and only the one known parent, there are no other DNA sources to hit to confirm her identity but whatever samples the police might still have on file from her case, and those would be comparatively easy to swap out, especially when you consider some of the other logistical improbabilities involved in the Jane situation (omniscient tattoos for starters...).
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I liked that they didn't solve this particular mystery until 90% of the bad guys' plot had unfolded but as much as I like that it makes me wonder:


What if they had focused on a different tattoo instead?

What were the CDC conspirators waiting for?


So to counter that we have Patterson's boyfriend leading her down the path the FBI is supposed to follow. But how does he know exactly which conspiracies are ready for go time and which ones can stand by? How did he know she would bring her work home and leave it laying on the table where he could read it? Or is he actually innocent and just criminally curious with a great sense of timing?

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I think we're supposed to believe he just fortuitously happened to solve one tattoo puzzle, which lead to the prevention of one crime.  Now, if he starts solving these things on a regular basis, I'll cry foul!  In fact, given even the gentle bollocking Patterson received from Bethany Mayfair, if she even takes those pictures home again, I'd have to say it was odd.  And if the BF specifically asks her to bring them home, she should be very suspicious of him.

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I have expected the boyfriend to make a secret phone call to some boss figure at some point in the episode.  It not happening though doesn't mean it won't later on.


Also, I think we're already supposed to assume that gambling debt for the female agent is going to be taken over (if its not already owned by) someone who's part of The Evil Conspiracy.


So basically in different ways several members of the team have or will be subverted (since the boss already is, to a large degree--although it's not clear if the conspiracy circle she's part of with Evil CIA Guy has any relation to the overall Evil Conspiracy responsible for the Tattoos. I mean probably not, since they wouldn't be afraid of reveals from the tattoos if that were the case. That conspiracy are TARGETS of the other one, basically.

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