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S10.E19: Baptism By Fire

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I can't blame Vicki for not wanting to interact w/ those women. She was very defensive this season (more so than her default defensiveness). She had good reason to feel defensive. She was piled on.

I never really liked Vicki. She started to grow on me a little last season.

Now, I just feel sorry for her. No one deserves to be treated the way she has been treated.

In real life, I absolutely wouldn't blame her (though I think she brings it on herself). On a reality show? Yes, I blame her. In exchange for money, she has to interact with and vacation with women she doesn't like. Part of the job. If she gets to the point where she refuses to film with others...well she gets on dangerous ground. No one is irreplaceable on these franchises, even OGs. I don't think she'll get to that point, but if she makes big demands about what she will show and what she will not show...that is usually the beginning of the end for a HW.
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I'm a little bit offended by this baptism. I'm offended by how they they are turning what's supposed to be a solemn and sacred occasion into a season finale party.


I agree.  I'm not a Christian, but it bothered me too.


Perfect ending to a season filled with things that were offensive, uncomfortable, and not at all entertaining.  

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Brooks report mixed up two different imaging places . The Newport imaging which has not done pet scans since 2009. They refer you to Hoag Hospital and Newport doctors imaging.

There is no way a real Dr. Who regularly scheduled these tests makes an error in the name and place of services.

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Do you know when Vicki told Billy and Rhonda?  If she told them after Shannon already told everyone, then it's fair game.  Besides, they live in Chicago, not OC.  Who are they going to tell, Abe Froman? I believe Vicki was telling the truth in Tahiti.  At that time she had not told anyone.


As for Heather not talking about or telling anyone about The Affair; only Shannon said that.  David said Heather knew about The Affair, so she must have talked to someone about it for it to get back to David!


Also, does anyone really believe she didn't tell Terry?  I'd bet my life savings she did.

On WWHL Vicki said she told her brother and Rhonda the morning of the Babtism about David cheating on Shannon.

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Three things stuck out to me:


1. When Tamra was in the limo, telling Vicki about Newport Imaging not doing PET/CT scans...I think that was when Vicki realized she'd been duped.  Her expression changed, and she got quieter.  It read to me like her lightbulb moment.  I like Vicki, and while I certainly don't think she's any kind of paragon of virtue, I do feel bad for her because she never questioned her man, and in that moment, I feel like she realized that maybe the other women were right.  Personally, I don't think Vicki perpetuated a scheme...but I do think she was duped, as well.  IMO, she has a lot on the line here, especially with her business, and I think she may be the biggest victim of Brooks after all--they might be broken up, but he could very well have compromised her livelihood with his grifting bullshit.


2. Tammy "Tits" Knickerbocker received a LOT of screen time, and the inclusion of Vicki's "I miss you so much!" exclamations on several occasions makes me wonder if she's being scouted for a return.  I would LOVE THIS, as Tammy is one of the (near) originals I found fascinating for her 2 seasons.  I hope Tammy gets added to the cast for next season :)


3. No Jeana...at least in the present.  I enjoyed seeing her get a face full of wine again, as that clip never gets old, but I'm very glad she wasn't included in the finale party.  I can't stand that woman and her bullshit, so I hope the rumors of her return were greatly exaggerated and will not happen next season.



EDIT: Just watched Shannon's periscope video...doubting Vicki now.  Can't wait for the reunion; hopefully things become more clear...

Edited by strongoxman
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Who/What is the source for the 2008/2009 Newport Imaging dates?

Who else but Meghan PI.

A few episodes ago Tamra was telling someone about the Vicki/Brooks story, and she said "My spiritual adviser told me Brook's doesn't have cancer".   This was after her new found religion.  But, she's referring to that psychic as her spiritual adviser. . . so where does that leave her "pasture"?

Out in the woods!

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I don't see how Shannon can keep saying she's Vicki's best friend when they've only known each other 2 years at the most. She even asked something about how could Vicki show Brook's Pet scan results to Tamara when Shannon was her best friend. Since when does she think she's more of a friend of Vicki's than Tamra who has known Vicki and been her friend (even if it has been on/off) for years? And then, just because she is no longer friends with Vicki, she divulges the big "secret" of David's affair to the two women who went out of their way to make her look like a raving lunatic last season. All of a sudden she can "trust" them. Shannon is such a putz!!! Whatever shit Tamra puts her through next season is well deserved if you ask me. I can't wait to witness it!

Shannon was naive to ever believe any of these women are real friends. At best they are work acquaintances. These shows make true friendship impossible cause you never know which HW you have to throw under the bus next season to have a story. A reality show is just that "a show." In real life we're not televised, making possible hundreds of thousands of dollars, to create a storyline with other cast members. The relationships are under a pressure cooker jacked up on HIGH! IMO, survival of friendships and marriages seem less likely when you allow an audience to participate along with producers, story editors, network executives and advertisers.

Edited by talula
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We've heard rumors that Vicki will insinuate and/or claim that she was duped by Brooks.


Of all the talking heads we've seen over the years, this one has to be the most revealing.


And so it begins.........




I don't believe everything happens for a reason.

There is no reason for Tamra to happen to TV.

 Who was it who said "God is dead"?


Obviously Rhonda and Billy are still ticked at Shannon for having to give up their bedroom in Mexico-guess they didn't like the little bed either.  I believe Billy's tweet when the episode aired was: "Hope you all watched the RHOC tonight. Gave up my room cause Shannon couldn't sleep close to her husband for a change.  #cmonman" 

Seems Vicki shared a lot with her family.

Was Billy dating last season when that happened? I recall him being alone at the house in Tijuana.
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Thanks!  I was scratching my head when Shannon said that about never talking to Brianna.  If this is true, Vicki is more stupid than I've always thought to create such a provable lie.  What did she expect Heather or Terry to say once they found out she spread such a lie?  It makes no sense at all to make up a story like that.  smdh


I still don't understand why Heather wouldn't have called Vicki the moment she heard about this lie.  I would be seething if someone lied on me like that and would have to confront them about it right away, especially since it put Terry in a bad light as a physician.

 I suspect part of the reason was so Heather could tell it in front of the cameras, and what better time than during the finale?


Well, this IV lie definitely tipped the scale for me in the direction of Brooks is lying about having cancer and Vicki was in on it.  The reason I believe Vicki is in on it is not only the IV lie (because if Brooks really has cancer, why this lie?), but she also actually said she went to some of Brooks' chemo treatments but not his doctor appointments.  They are both despicable pigs and they had better pray for forgiveness and apologize to all of those who are battling cancer for real.  I now know how Meghan feels knowing that Brooks and Vicki are pretending he has cancer for a storyline while poor LeeAnn fought for her life and lost to cancer at the same time.  I don't see how they can look at themselves in the mirror daily.

  I forgot where I read this, but I think it was when TwoP was still around, but I recall someone claiming Vicki is a liar and he couldn't waitofor her lieing and business scams to catch up with her.


Meghan came up with those reasons after she decided what's his name was faking his diagnosis. That only supports my point.

I will not believe anything originating from Tamra, including this specious storyline.


Speaking of storyline, did Shannon's yelling at Vicki about being being dragged into her story sound dangerously close to breaking the 4th wall?

Edited by Ubiquitous
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I have been looking forward to Icky "getting hers" since this series began. She has been a bully, a hypocrite, attention whore and a liar since day one. She and Tamra are mirror images in many ways, bad taste in clothing included. Throwing sh*t at her own daughter was just one more way to try to deflect from her own web of nonstop lies. She is disgusting. What a joke to think anyone would trust her with their finances.

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I'm Catholic who only goes to church on Easter and Christmas, so you know, I'm pretty lax about religion. However, seeing Tamra's ass cheeks through her dress as she exited the pool was just offensive. She seems to think that being baptized has given her a free pass to act like a bitch and then be "forgiven" just because. She just doesn't get it. This whole story line seemed soooooo fake and offensive. She's just gross.

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If she gets to the point where she refuses to film with others...well she gets on dangerous ground. No one is irreplaceable on these franchises, even OGs. I don't think she'll get to that point, but if she makes big demands about what she will show and what she will not show...that is usually the beginning of the end for a HW.


Yes. Exhibit A = NeNe Leakes.

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As mentioned by many of you in this thread, and the threads for other episodes, WHY is someone (Vicki) away for EVERY significant/serious cancer treatment for the man she claims to love so much?

THAT there is the first root of all our suspicions. Not the hinky psychic's proclamations. (Focusing on the psychic just confuses things....takes away the focus from the real inconsistencies and lies.)

The second reason for serious suspicion is that faux medical document Brooks was brandishing for all to see. I mean, not all....just Tamra.... The person whom he tried to discredit previously.

I can think of other inconsistencies but those are the two that seem to lend the most credence to Brooks being a liar.

The gray area is whether Vicki is 'in on it' or not? Who knows? I haven't seen anything to sway me enough either way.

Normally I wouldn't delve into the is he/isn't he... Is she/isn't she questioning, but, as I have mentioned before, I had someone in my life lie about having terminal cancer so I am not in the "how dare you question if they have cancer" :gasp: camp. I'm now cynical enough to focus on questioning what is and what isn't credible information.

The other thing I wanted to mention was when Vicki asked, in a TH, what Brooks' hypothetically lying about cancer had to do with her. Well, Vicki...if you are being duped by him your friends would be worried about you! For a narcissist, I couldn't believe she didn't see/articulate that self important perspective (heck, maybe she did and it got edited out?)

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I think he made it up to move into her house;  he didn't move in until after he went public with his health.  But then at some point she found out/figured it out/something and instead of tossing his ass out and admitting  she was duped she made the ill-fated choice to go along with it and back him up.


I may be completely off, but my memory is insisting that Vickie DID break up with Brooks sometime last year -- and started dating a wealthy guy? Something like that. Then the next thing I remember, regarding the story, was breaking news that Brooks had cancer and they were back together. This was before the season started. Does anyone else remember this?


My point: I think you are right about Brooks pulling this scheme to get back with Vikie's reality show money.

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Okay, I'll explain it again:


1. Vicki calls up Briana in OK and tells her Brooks became deathly ill from chemo, so ill Vicki was forced to call Terry and ask him what to do. Terry then sent a doctor colleague to Vicki's house to hook Brooks up to an IV - according to Vicki's story to Briana.


2. While lunching with Tamra Briana tells Tamra about the phone call from Vicki talking about Brooks,Terry and the IV.


3. Tamra asks Heather if Terry did indeed send a colleague to tend to Brooks while he was dealthy ill from chemo and if said colleague put Brooks on an IV.


4. Heather asks Terry if this ever happened. Terry said absolutely not! That even if Brooks had called him (which he did not) he would have sent Brooks to the ER 

    as that is what is proper medical protocol.


5. When Heather and Shannon are talking about Brooks Heather shares the story Tamra told her about Briana getting a call from Vicki with the lie about Terry

     sending a colleague to Vicki's home to tend Brooks.


6. Shannon then shares with Heather that Vicki called her with the same bullshit story about Terry, a colleague an an IV. Shannon siad she hear it from Vicki

    herself, not from Briana.


7. This is why Shannon made a point to say she has never ever spoken with Briana, to be sure it was understood that Vicki told her the IV story, not Briana.


Hope that help clear it up for you :)

I was falling asleep. Did we hear Briana tell Tamra the story about Brooks and the emergency IV at the lunch? If it was off camera interesting that tptb missed it or choose to not show it.

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I was falling asleep. Did we hear Briana tell Tamra the story about Brooks and the emergency IV at the lunch? If it was off camera interesting that tptb missed it or choose to not show it.

No, we didn't see/hear it. Heather said on Twitter that it had been discussed on the show prior to last night, but Bravo didn't show it to us. I would imagine they wanted to save it for the finale to enhance the drama. All season long there have been all these random questions, but really for most of us, this little nugget seems to indicate that Brooks is a liar.

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I can't blame Vicki for not wanting to interact w/ those women. She was very defensive this season (more so than her default defensiveness). She had good reason to feel defensive. She was piled on.

I never really liked Vicki. She started to grow on me a little last season.

Now, I just feel sorry for her. No one deserves to be treated the way she has been treated.




I may be completely off, but my memory is insisting that Vickie DID break up with Brooks sometime last year -- and started dating a wealthy guy? Something like that. Then the next thing I remember, regarding the story, was breaking news that Brooks had cancer and they were back together. This was before the season started. Does anyone else remember this?


My point: I think you are right about Brooks pulling this scheme to get back with Vikie's reality show money.


My issue with Vicki is at any time she could have sat down with Heather and/or Shannon and LISTENED to them, instead of running away or cutting them off.  They honored her wishes and never more than one person spoke to her at once. However, Vicki seemed to have Brooks around when she wanted someone to go after Shannon.  Same with Rhonda, I don't see why or how Vicki requiring proof of David's affair would have been relevant. I feel the opposite people deserve the truth, not  made up stories of Terry's colleague rushing over in the middle of the night to administer an IV.  Vicki has put herself in the place that she cares about is her sponsors, her brother and her daughter.  They do not interest me as a group or individually.  They just are paid shills.   Vicki may wish to present her life on reality TV with restrictions and made up scenarios but I don't think the others are quite ready to live the double life only to be exposed.


Vicki, Billy and Rhonda's whole case, so to speak, is it was suggested by Vicki's friends that Brooks needed to produce something tangible to go along with the narrative they was putting out there.  Somehow that was unconscionable but lying to friends and family is okay?  Brooks threw enough inconsistencies out there that left his defenders with no choice but third party proof. 

I may be completely off, but my memory is insisting that Vickie DID break up with Brooks sometime last year -- and started dating a wealthy guy? Something like that. Then the next thing I remember, regarding the story, was breaking news that Brooks had cancer and they were back together. This was before the season started. Does anyone else remember this?


My point: I think you are right about Brooks pulling this scheme to get back with Vikie's reality show money.

It was pretty much a PR story that never got any legs.

No, we didn't see/hear it. Heather said on Twitter that it had been discussed on the show prior to last night, but Bravo didn't show it to us. I would imagine they wanted to save it for the finale to enhance the drama. All season long there have been all these random questions, but really for most of us, this little nugget seems to indicate that Brooks is a liar.

And Vicki.  Vicki is the one that passed the story along.

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I suspect part of the reason was so Heather could tell it in front of the cameras, and what time than during the finale?

I forgot where I read this, but I think it was when TwoP was still around, but I recall someone claiming Vicki is a liar and he couldn't waitofor her lieing and business scams to catch up with her.

Speaking of storyline, did Shannon's yelling at Vicki about being being dragged into her story sound dangerously close to breaking the 4th wall?

Those imbeciles inserted themselves, with great effort, into one of the most offensive (Tamra's date rape by proxy wins the most offensive title) and idiotic storylines ever pulled out an orifice.


Edited by Scrambled Fog
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* Per Tamra, you can't argue with a pastor. It's illegal and you'll go to hell!


The same rules must not apply to a priest. Otherwise, I'd have spent the entirety of my elementary years behind bars. (Catholic school kid)


On WWHL Vicki said she told her brother and Rhonda the morning of the Babtism about David cheating on Shannon.


Interesting. That just helps further my suspicion that Vicki told them because she WANTED Ronda to say something. Ronda is her new "warrior"!

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Now, I just feel sorry for her. No one deserves to be treated the way she has been treated.


Vicki is paid to do this and it is clear that every participant/actor agrees to the terms that imply that you take your turn being the victim.  C'mon, she's playing her part, collecting her paycheck, plain and simple.  I wouldn't feel any more sympathy for Vicki than I would someone who gets their head chopped off on American Horror Story.


And seriously, you can order an at-home IV just like you can order a pizza delivery???  What in the world, why not just go to the ER?  That right there seems pretty sketchy to me. 


I enjoyed seeing Lynne and Tammy again!  It would be fun to bring back some of these "oldies" from time to time.  I'm really wondering what story line Vicki is going to come up with next season to keep her interest alive.  Oh yeah, bring back Donn. 

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My issue with Vicki is at any time she could have sat down with Heather and/or Shannon and LISTENED to them, instead of running away or cutting them off. They honored her wishes and never more than one person spoke to her at once. However, Vicki seemed to have Brooks around when she wanted someone to go after Shannon. Same with Rhonda, I don't see why or how Vicki requiring proof of David's affair would have been relevant. I feel the opposite people deserve the truth, not made up stories of Terry's colleague rushing over in the middle of the night to administer an IV. Vicki has put herself in the place that she cares about is her sponsors, her brother and her daughter. They do not interest me as a group or individually. They just are paid shills. Vicki may wish to present her life on reality TV with restrictions and made up scenarios but I don't think the others are quite ready to live the double life only to be exposed.

Vicki, Billy and Rhonda's whole case, so to speak, is it was suggested by Vicki's friends that Brooks needed to produce something tangible to go along with the narrative they was putting out there. Somehow that was unconscionable but lying to friends and family is okay? Brooks threw enough inconsistencies out there that left his defenders with no choice but third party proof.

It was pretty much a PR story that never got any legs.

And Vicki. Vicki is the one that passed the story along.

I agree Vicki should have sat down w/ the women individually like a normal person.

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Giving Vicki the benefit of the doubt if she was out of town when Terry sent a colleague over, wouldn't you think before telling Briana or Shannon, Vicki would call either Heather or Terry and give the a heartfelt thanks for providing the emergency care?  Vicki does have some manners.  It makes me think that Vicki was trying to build a very strong ally in Shannon.  Couple that with the off screen pleas of Vicki's-where were you at the City of Hope, or staying up all night with Brooks holding his hand?  When all else fails they are bad friends for not continuing to grieve Vicki's loss of a mother.  Or they are in shitty marriages based and are essentially gold diggers living off their husbands' fat wallets.  


Vicki has kind of dug her own grave with this one.

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Vicki is paid to do this and it is clear that every participant/actor agrees to the terms that imply that you take your turn being the victim. C'mon, she's playing her part, collecting her paycheck, plain and simple. I wouldn't feel any more sympathy for Vicki than I would someone who gets their head chopped off on American Horror Story.

And seriously, you can order an at-home IV just like you can order a pizza delivery??? What in the world, why not just go to the ER? That right there seems pretty sketchy to me.

I enjoyed seeing Lynne and Tammy again! It would be fun to bring back some of these "oldies" from time to time. I'm really wondering what story line Vicki is going to come up with next season to keep her interest alive. Oh yeah, bring back Donn.

Paid or not paid, I don't feel people should be treated that way.

Edited by Scrambled Fog
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For such a holy experience Tamra said 'frickin' ' in her pre-baptism speech. Classy. I also like how one minute Vicki is talking about Jesus and the next she's screaming the F -word. Smh.



I like that she added that to her speech.  It was real - she's still going to be herself, Tamra that swears.  You can be religious and say the word frickin', the two behaviors are not mutually exclusive.  I like that she is becoming religious and will be more spiritual, but she's still going to be Tamra.  To do otherwise IMO now THAT would be phony.


And then contending that Shannon "got what she deserved": mind-blowing.



When she ever said that I was blown away!  Wowwww Vicki - really.  She is just so self-centered and narcissistic, it's really like a disorder with her.That is seriously burning bridges!  Sad for their friendship because they really did seem like real friends that went beyond the show.  

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I honestly think she was duped by him, in the beginning.  I think he made it up to move into her house;  he didn't move in until after he went public with his health.  But then at some point she found out/figured it out/something and instead of tossing his ass out and admitting  she was duped she made the ill-fated choice to go along with it and back him up.  That's why she wasn't making his illness all about her like she did when Brianna was sick.  She's not an actress and if she knew he was really as sick as he said she would have been boo-hooing all over the place instead of jetting off here and there.  

I don't think she was in on it from the beginning but it looks like once she found out she rolled with it which is almost as bad.


I agree with this. I also think she had a financial reason to go along with it. Vicks became complicit when she launched a business with Lenka, the detox grass lady




Vicks is all over the interwebs talking about this miracle mixture. Why do you think that Brooksie always ha one of those green shakes in his hand. Product placement! And it would have probably ended up with an announcment that Brooks was cured, so everyone needs to get with the program. But that never happened because it blew up in their faces. Vicks was up to her neck in it. The IV was just the last straw. So typical Vicks, drama and hyperbole. I'm sure she told Shannon that Terry arranged for an IV. Like Terry, as much of a jackass as he is, would actually order at home treatment for a cancer patient who is undergoing chemo. What a load of bull.


Tamra seems to view a baptism as a free pass for all the shitty things she has done. That's not the way it works, Tams. 


How long does it take for someone to leave a party? I mean seriously. If you want to go, then go. It takes 30 seconds to walk out the door. I'm not sure if it was Vicki or the other women who kept stalling. I was having visions of the producers doing a body block in front of the door so Vicks couldn't leave and simultanously pushing the others out to the lobby to keep the drama going. 


Megan PI was a non issue in this ep. 


I felt bad for Shannon. She really thought Vicks was her friend. Oh Shannon, their are no friend among these fools. 


Billy and Rhonda reminded me of when Jimmy Carter was elected president and brought his redneck brother Billy to the white house, where he sat on the porch and drank Billy beer all day. Rhonda was such an asshole. Records of what? It made no sense.


Glad the season is over. I thought Andy was treating Vicks with kid gloves on WWHL. Never asked about cancer. I want to see Tams apologize to Alexis for her Jesus jugs comment. That should be rich.

Edited by poeticlicensed
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At the baptism Heather was once again the only one who dressed approriately for the occasion, her age, and her size. She's a pompous poseur but she dresses well most of the time. I've seen a few clunkers on her I didn't care for but again, even they were always age, size and occasion appropriate. I LOVED her dress at the baptism!! LOVE IT and WANT IT!!


I thought Shannon's dress was very appropriate for the occasion and her age, as well - actually, I thought Shannon looked the best last night that she has all season.  

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I don't agree with this at all.  Vicki has a right to be involved with whoever she chooses.  Why should Briana have the right to dictate who Vicki loves?  Should Briana leave her husband if Vicki decides she doesn't like him?  There's plenty of reasons to dislike Ryan, believe me!  Briana has proven over an over that she doesn't like ANY guy her mother gets involved with.  She didn't like Donn until he and Vicki broke up.  Briana is just a spoiled daughter who is used to getting all of her mother's attention even though she pretends it bothers her, and doesn't want to share her mother with any man.  She's a selfish beeyotch!!!  She's really more like her mother than she will admit to.

I'm in total agreement here. In 2010, a woman named Rachel charged Ryan Culberson with Domestic Violence. Even more Interesting is that  Ryan was married to his FIRST wife, Melia (they were separated) at that time and it was also around that time period that he met Briana. Oops, Ryan sort of forgot to tell Briana that he was still married and having a sexual affair with this Rachel woman who he also physically threatened. Ryan has showed his temper on camera and blamed it on PTSD then claimed to be getting therapy for it. But wouldn't you think that Vicki would be dead-set against her Briana marrying a man who has a history of domestic violence and PTSD?  Ryan was definitely NOT the knight in shining armor that Briana painted him to be. To get her man without Vicki being able to interfere, they eloped and closed the discussion on that union. Brooks Ayers is a real dead-beat dad, user and philanderer who also cheated on Vicki and threatened her with physical violence, “because I can (and) that’s what we do in the South.”  Ironically, it was Ryan Culberson that recorded Brooks making physical threats towards VIcki.  Ryan calling Brooks out about domestic violence is just deflecting his own unacceptable behavior onto someone else and Brooks happened to be in the vicinity.


The bottom line here is that both Vicki and her daughter Briana have minds of their own and want what they want no matter who objects to it. Like the saying goes "it's your bed, you make it and you sleep in it", so whatever the fallout or consequences of such choices are they will have to deal with them.

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At the end, when they had the little comments about each HW, I found it interesting that when they showed Vicki, it said BROOKS broke up with her, and is moving to Florida. I wonder how Vicki will spin that on the Finale shows? On other sites, Vicki supposedly said SHE broke up with Brooks. Look out, wealthy Florida women. The master manipulator is on the loose, looking for your money.

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I agree with this. I also think she had a financial reason to go along with it. Vicks became complicit when she launched a business with Lenka, the detox grass lady




Vicks is all over the interwebs talking about this miracle mixture. Why do you think that Brooksie always ha one of those green shakes in his hand. Product placement! And it would have probably ended up with an announcment that Brooks was cured, so everyone needs to get with the program. But that never happened because it blew up in their faces. Vicks was up to her neck in it. The IV was just the last straw. So typical Vicks, drama and hyperbole. I'm sure she told Shannon that Terry arranged for an IV. Like Terry, as much of a jackass as he is, would actually order at home treatment for a cancer patient who is undergoing chemo. What a load of bull.

How long does it take for someone to leave a party? I mean seriously. If you want to go, then go. It takes 30 seconds to walk out the door. I'm not sure if it was Vicki or the other women who kept stalling. I was having visions of the producers doing a body block in front of the door so Vicks couldn't leave and simultanously pushing the others out to the lobby to keep the drama going. 


Wow, I didn't know Vicki was shilling what she's terming an anti-cancer product.  Disgusting.  Absolutely disgusting!  She is absolutely soulless.  Nothing in her to corrupt.  She'll sell a product as if it cures cancer, she'll lie about cancer (I truly don't see how the I.V. story isn't as close to definitive proof as could ever exist that she collaborated in this lie: I have no proof that she was in on it from the absolute start, but it seems ironclad she is in on it now), she'll intimate that she is near-suicidal because her mother died after a long natural lifespan *in response* to anyone asking her anything about this mockable 'cancer' storyline.  Wow. 


About her taking her sweet mincing time to leave: Vicki needs to learn how to work a cape and the lyrics to "Please Please Please."  She is a snouty, injected, untalented James Brown.  She refuses to leave a stage, even when the spotlight shows she has no scruples and a too-tight dress.  Well, well, well.

Edited by Midnight Cheese
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Tamra is not a trustworthy narrator.

She has a established herself as a chronic liar and instigator.

It would be stupid of me to believe anything she says.

It would only be suspect if Tamra brought forth the story on her own with no other corroboration.

Yes, Tamra told Heather what Briana said. But then Shannon (who I don't believe would lie) confirmed the story. Shannon had not talked to Briana. Shannon heard the exact same story from Vicki. Even taking Tamra and Briana out of the equation, there's still Shannon's version of Vicki's story that Terry sent a colleague over to Vicki's home to attend to Brooks.

You don't have to believe second hand information from Tamra. However, the second hand story matches the first hand account from Shannon. And Shannon's story alone is pretty damning.

After this, I will be shocked if Vicki's company isn't in ruins.

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Vicki claims she never said anything about Brooks and an IV and has never heard the rumor and she may have been traveling. She claims she was in OK when Brooks had his PET/CT so she can't say where or if he had it done. Big,fat lying bitch.

The IV lie is bonkers. Even if I believe Vicki's assertion that Brooks perpetuated this lie when she was out of town, Vicki's behavior in relation to the lie make no sense. So if Vicki truly believed that Brooks got so sick from chemo, you would reasonably expect that Vicki would accompany Brooks to future chemo appointments in case he got that sick again, or you would expect Vicki insist that Brooks get a full assessment by his doctor to make sure he doesn't get that sick again, or you would expect that Vivki would call up Terry to thank him and his colleague for going out of their way to help Brooks. Vicki did none of these things, which tells me she was the source of the lie.

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"Plus, Vicki's reaction about the imaging place was bizarre. She was all "oh okay well I wasn't there." Who says that? She knows they are close to getting proof he is cancer free and wants to dissociate herself from the whole thing IMO. Plus she started insulting Brianna - yeah she knows the truth."


Her reaction was bizarre considering in one of the last episode's the text Vicki sent to everyone specifically said "WE  went to have the pet scan done at Newport Imaging.


Vicki also said "I haven't been going to his treatment , he doesn't want me there."


Vicki then says at Cut Fitness "I've only been to his chemo, not his doctor visits."


Then, in the same scene at Cut Fitness, Tamra replies "You should make time to go, and Vicki says ''I DO''     which contradicts what she said 2 seconds previously.

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So had Vicki taken time either collectively or individually to sit down with Heather or Shannon to review what their concerns were she may have made some smarter decisions regarding Brooks.  Tamra was relishing too much in the shit stirring to try and reach any true resolve.  I guess all the phone calls and texts in the world don't mean a thing when you get a nasty call from Brooks.  I can see why she didn't want to talk to Vicki.

Exactly. This was Vicky's undoing. Had she actually listened to Heather and to Shannon at that birthday dinner for Brooks instead of freaking out, even Brooks told Vicki to calm down, she could have continued to solidify her defense with Shannon in her corner. When it became clear to Shannon there were inconsistencies while suddenly Vicky was turning away from her and going back to Tamra, Shannon realized she was being either scammed or set up again as the odd woman out.

Hearing Vicki spilled the beans to others about the affair was crossing the line. I agree with the poster who said that Shannon was restrained by only calling Rhonda a bitch. We all know if this was RHONJ or Brandi/Faye, thus would have been an ugly brawl. If it happened to Tamra, wine would have been dumped on Rhonda's head.

It's not that Shannon thought Vicki shouldn't be better friends with Tamra, it was that it seemed Shannon & Vicki became closer, and Tamra was more inclined to question Vicki in front of the other ladies. Then, Vicki refuses to talk to Shannon and only communicates with Tamra on the subject of Brooks. She sends Shannon a text telling her she's nasty. Shannon sensed a pact where she was kept on the outside.

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It would only be suspect if Tamra brought forth the story on her own with no other corroboration.

Yes, Tamra told Heather what Briana said. But then Shannon (who I don't believe would lie) confirmed the story. Shannon had not talked to Briana. Shannon heard the exact same story from Vicki. Even taking Tamra and Briana out of the equation, there's still Shannon's version of Vicki's story that Terry sent a colleague over to Vicki's home to attend to Brooks.

You don't have to believe second hand information from Tamra. However, the second hand story matches the first hand account from Shannon. And Shannon's story alone is pretty damning.

After this, I will be shocked if Vicki's company isn't in ruins.

OK, but Tammy Sue's corroboration was a psychic/spiritual advisor.

OT - my autocorrect is turning me into a worse speller than I already am. I apologize in advance to Heather Dubrow and anyone else who might find that déclassé.

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Yes. Exhibit A = NeNe Leakes.

Exhibit B = Jill Zarin, Alex McCord

And regarding this episode:

Well I have to admit, the IV story has definitely given me pause to doubt Vicki and Brooks. I don't believe anything that comes out of Brianna's or Tamra's mouth regarding Brooks, but I do believe Shannon. I am agreeing with many that Brooks HAD cancer and he and Vicki used it as their storyline. According to Shannon, Vicki was not out of town during Brooks' alleged first chemo session. So that would also mean that Vicki was not out of town for the supposed at home IV hook up. I don't understand why they (V & B) didn't just say they called Brooks' own doctor after the chemo? When my husband went downhill after chemo, I called HIS doctor, not a plastic surgeon that I personally know (which I do).

Gawd, what an awful, awful season.

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I thought Shannon's dress was very appropriate for the occasion and her age, as well - actually, I thought Shannon looked the best last night that she has all season.

I agree.

Shannon and Heather are the only ones who know how to dress themselves.

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Bravo has beaten this story line to death so much that people don't even care if he has cancer or not

I really don't

I love how Vickie was frantically trying to leave and the women where stalking her forcing her to talk about it. So fake, so contrived, so ridiculous. At least the fights on RHONJ are organic and there are true emotions and connections there. This is faker y and stupidity beyond belief. 


This is why I am so bored. I feel like none of these women are friends. They are bad actresses on a poorly scripted show. If I wanted complete fakery I would watch Desperate Housewives with better looking people, better actresses, characters and story lines


Congrats Andy you murdered this show!!! 


I feel like the ONLY person who has a a right to be upset with the fake cancer story line is Terry, who was dragged into the lies. Thats the only person. The rest can STFU


Also I died laughing at the Pastor offering to counsel /mediate/instigate Shannon and Vickie, and Tamras entire fake baptism.Holy hell that was the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen and the only thing mildly entertaining. The rest? SNOOZE

Edited by yogi2014L
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I brought this over for last week's thread-Shannon's feelings on her friendship with Vicki: 



According to Heather on Twitter tonight, the IV story had been discussed before, but was never shown to us. Bravo probably wanting to make the Finale as drama-filled as possible. 


This is what Shannon said in her blog:


I was quite surprised to hear Terry Dubrow say that he never sent a colleague over to Vicki's home to administer an IV after Brooks had his first chemo treatment in October. I called Vicki to see how Brooks was feeling after his first chemo and she told me this story. And to hear that Brianna was told the same story is something else. She and I have never had a conversation. When Heather asks Vicki about it, she responds that she may have been out of town. She wasn't.


It also sounds like there has been no resolution to Shannon and Vicki's friendship, as this blog was written after they filmed the finale.  She had this to say about that:


"I have formed a deep friendship with Tamra and Heather that I didn't think was possible. Meghan and I are moving forward and I think we are beginning to understand each other. My friendship with Vicki has fully destructed. I don't have much hope that it can be repaired."

I don't know what you say to a friend that tells such a blatant lie-I guess that is why they had the pastor on stand by to hand out some forgiveness.  For some reason I think all the women (except Meghan) could survive with Vicki dating a big liar-it was the defense of him and her enlisting warriors that was ultimately her undoing.  I don't think it helped that Vicki said Shannon deserved it.  Not good words during a friendship mending period. 

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Paid or not paid, I don't feel people should be treated that way.


I'm just curious - what way has Vicki been treated that has been so awful? The only one I've seen going way overboard with her is Megan. But Vicki can give as good as it gets. She's been horribly nasty to Shannon, IMO. But as for her "friends", I've only seen them ask questions, try to calmly let her know some things weren't adding up. I haven't seen any of them outright attack her or anything. 

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Yeah it was awkward because she just wanted to get that dig in somewhere on camera. This was Faye Resnick level of this is none of your business on the shit stirring tip.


I was also reminded of those wanna-be's from RHNJ - Penny and what's his name - who started the rumor about Melissa Gorga being a stripper, and then blamed it on Teresa.  Not the best examples of truth and honesty here, but the same premise....I think "Red Bull and vodka-Ronda" was looking for some major air time, too.


And, while I'm on that subject, who, besides 20-somethings that want a quick, hard buzz drinks Red Bull and Vodka??  

Edited by njbchlover
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