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S06.E01: First Time Again

Tara Ariano
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Here's the problem with Rick's plan. He correctly surmises that the quarry has been largely responsible for the success of the ASZ because it lures walkers into a trap before they get to the settlement. The only real issue is that the trucks blocking the exits of the quarry are in danger of failing. So rather than maintaining the status quo until a more permanent solution can be found, Rick decides to turn them loose into the countryside. It just seems like the worst solution. At a bare minimum this plan puts Glen and the other people who go on runs in more danger because now they have to dodge 10,000 newly released walkers while picking up Spam and espresso machines. It's hard to believe they couldn't just get a few more trucks to shore things up for a while. That would buy them time to find some dynamite and block the exits with rubble or knock them down completely. For a guy who says he doesn't take risks anymore Rick sure did put a lot of people in harm's way.

Agreed. I thought that releasing the zombies was a dumb idea. They almost knocked down the ASZ fences. Why didn't they put some of those cars nears the quarry as additional blockade, ? Runs will be much more difficult now.

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"For a little while longer" being the operative phrase. If Rick and co had never come, they wouldn't even KNOW about those walkers in the quarry. And the semi would have fallen regardless. Eventually that herd might have roamed right up to ASZ's walls, and no one would have been prepared. Also, the Unfair Wolves are out there - and the ASZhats would have been woefully unprepared to handle them. 


What's worse is that they DID know about the quarry.  Heath at the town hall meeting in the living room mentions that when they first saw it on early scouting runs it was a camp of a dozen or so where everybody had turned.  They knew there were walkers there and since it was blocked off chose to avoid the area on subsequent runs after that rather than at least keep an eye on the situation. So the ASZhats have at least been consistent in their practice of ignoring anything they didn't want to deal with in apparent hopes that it would either go away or resolve itself without inconveniencing them.


The ground underneath the tractor trailer blocking the path was going to give way sooner or later and they'd still be where they are now. 

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May I also say that Carter was absolutely right in not trusting Rick? I mean, it's the same dude who had a nervous breakdown while waving a gun around not three days ago. Where Carter went wrong was in his absolute incompetence at staging a coup. You always have a lookout, amateur. Or at least make sure there isn't someone in the pantry while you talk murder.


Carter was Dead Man Walking before CDB ever showed up. 

Eugene was able to sneak up on him, after all.  I mean... Eugene!!!

The only way this idjit is surviving the zombie apocalypse is locked in a bank vault.  Maybe.


It seems like their entire time in Alexandria has gone by rather quickly.  Heath said that his scouting party had been gone for a couple of weeks.  Heath was gone when Rick's crew arrived.  So all this Alexandra stuff happened in less than 2 weeks?  Group arrives, tries to assimilate, receives jobs, goes on runs, Noah dies, FFP betrays them, Sasha has a mental breakdown while hunting walkers, Rick falls in love, loses his shit, gets knocked out by Michonne, kills the guy who killed Reg....all this in 2 weeks???!!!


Hey, idle hands and all that....   ;>

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It seems like their entire time in Alexandria has gone by rather quickly.  Heath said that his scouting party had been gone for a couple of weeks.  Heath was gone when Rick's crew arrived.  So all this Alexandra stuff happened in less than 2 weeks?  Group arrives, tries to assimilate, receives jobs, goes on runs, Noah dies, FFP betrays them, Sasha has a mental breakdown while hunting walkers, Rick falls in love, loses his shit, gets knocked out by Michonne, kills the guy who killed Reg....all this in 2 weeks???!!!


Ha! You should try Under the Dome.


I actually didn't think Maggie and Glenn's cryptic conversation was about a pregnancy, I just thought the other, unstated reason Glenn wanted her to stay was just that he wanted her safe. They're both tough and able, so he didn't want to say it. I definitely see how many of you saw a possible pregnancy in that.

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I'll never understand walker physiology. A mummy prop from a Halloween haunted house was sturdy enough to to eat Carter's face, but fleshier-looking walkers managed to puree themselves by simply walking into walls.


I continue to be impressed that rotting zombies shuffling around all day still have their shoelaces neatly tied. I can't keep mine tied a whole day.


I'm more amazed none of them are in fabulous 6" heels.  All these walkers wear sensible shoes?  Puh-lease.


Also, I think Maggie and Tara bonded during their GREATM time together. We don't need to see it all, it's believable to me.


Agreed with whomever said they connected with Heath quicker than anyone on FTWD. I still don't remember half the names on that show, but Heath captured me the first few minutes on screen.

Edited by LadyArcadia
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So many great things about this episode, I can't hardly stand it.  Starting with Lennie James' name on the credits!  Some of my favorite moments:

- Rick's amused attitude toward the I Hate Rick Club (and thanks to whoever it was that came up with that name) - "yeah, if it was me, I would have posted a lookout"

- Glenn giving Nicholas the hairy eyeball when he sensed Nicholas was about to volunteer: like "yeah, I'll forgive you for trying to kill me 3 times, but no way I want to work with you"

- Rick's awesome flying tackle of Ron to keep him from going over the edge

- Abraham's wonderful demonstration of going to the zoo, and Sasha's side eye of him

- Really liked that they ended up having to 'do it live' without enough time to plan for any contingencies - made the inevitable catastrophe totally understandable

- Adored Eugene's Corporal Klinger moment at that gate: "What's the password?"  "Open up or I'll beat your ass."  "Close Enough."

Mostly I love this show more than just about anything else on TV, and can't believe it's related to "Fear the Walking Dead".   Sort of like Dennis and Randy Quaid.

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Carter was Dead Man Walking before CDB ever showed up. 

Eugene was able to sneak up on him, after all.  I mean... Eugene!!!

The only way this idjit is surviving the zombie apocalypse is locked in a bank vault.  Maybe.



"Time enough at last."

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I'm more amazed none of them are in fabulous 6" heels.  All these walkers wear sensible shoes?  Puh-lease.

The walker-plague must acutely affect ankle strength. Those in high-heels toppled over and were trampled.

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I just feel like there are certain things you can't afford during a zombie apocalypse - pride, compassion, anger and grudges.


I didn't feel sorry for Dr. PD. I had a little compassion for his kid. If he felt that strongly then perhaps his mother and the rest of the Self Righteous Neighborhood Association should have stood their ground and buried him anyway. But just like they all sat around while he terrorized and beat her they stood there and let Rick shove him in the trunk. Because going against Rick or Deanna would have meant they would be outside the walls so once again their compassion for his corpse was short lived. You were able to get enough people together to plan a whole John Wilkes Booth plan of attack! I will admit to being bias for Camp Dinner Bell but I just can't with the people in this town

Edited by Boofish
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Ha! You should try Under the Dome.

I actually didn't think Maggie and Glenn's cryptic conversation was about a pregnancy, I just thought the other, unstated reason Glenn wanted her to stay was just that he wanted her safe. They're both tough and able, so he didn't want to say it. I definitely see how many of you saw a possible pregnancy in that.

I wouldn't have thought pregnancy except they had a similar cryptic type of exchange at the beginning of S4? when Maggie thought maybe she was pregnant. Glenn didn't want her to go on the run that day because of it. He's never really seemed to have much of an issue with Maggie being in the thick of things otherwise.
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It seems like their entire time in Alexandria has gone by rather quickly.  Heath said that his scouting party had been gone for a couple of weeks.  Heath was gone when Rick's crew arrived.  So all this Alexandra stuff happened in less than 2 weeks?  Group arrives, tries to assimilate, receives jobs, goes on runs, Noah dies, FFP betrays them, Sasha has a mental breakdown while hunting walkers, Rick falls in love, loses his shit, gets knocked out by Michonne, kills the guy who killed Reg....all this in 2 weeks???!!!


Life is greatly accelerated in a war zone.  It creates a sense of urgency like nothing else.

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As for Judith, I'm afraid I have to disagree.  I thought it was such a shame that babies grow faster than shows are filmed, because Judith last year was amazing and actually seemed to be in the scenes as well as being comfortable with the actors.  This year's Judith seems distracted by everything off camera and just kept looking around.  

So, basically, just like a young Carl?

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I appreciated the black and white scenes because I am apparently one of those dense people who would have been completely confused if we hadn't had black and white to denote a flashback.  I also like that it kept alternating, and we could see how and why things got to where they did in the present day.


Didn't they tell Heath that there were only 12 people in the Alexandria community.  He said 13 then corrected to 12, accounting for Pete's death.  There were way more than 12 people building that fence of sheeting.  Heath, a woman, and a younger looking guy that resembles Chris Pratt (shown in the scene in the house when Carter was overheard by Eugene talking about taking Rick out) joined, but that's only 3 more.


I'm glad Carter is dead because I kept confusing him with "Tobin".  Who is Tobin again?  Deanna seems to rely on him a lot.

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I like the black & white.

Heath, yes!  Aaron CAN'T be the only one in ASZ with skills.

Eugene needs to find something useful to do.

As far as Carol having a romance, I have my union card and am free to travel to Atlanta.

And about burning the quarry, a friend just got into the show and asked why one wouldn't want a flamethrower as weapon of choice.  I told him that it results in your having to wrestle with Johnny Storm.

Did the preview show Enid faceplanting on the steering wheel of a car?  Was that the source of the horn?

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I believe Tobin is the one who said Abraham should be in charge of the wall project after he wimped out during a small walker attack last season, and was the one in the I-Hate-Rick-Club who said, "he was talking about it (essentially)" about Carter talking about killing Rick.


I can't blame Rick for not wanting to recruit more people. 90% of the people he meets are either useless sheep or socio-paths that try to kill and/or eat them.

Edited by morgankobi
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You know, I wanted to be all "no way, come on, the audience is not that dumb!", but then I remembered a very spirited discussion I had with a friend of mine about the season 4 premiere and she just COULD. NOT. UNDERSTAND. what was in Irish woman's bag (dead husband's head, dude, it was pretty friggin' clear!) and kept insisting that it was a plotline left dangling for a reason, and it would probably come up again in the mid-season finale...so, you're probably right, and there would be a lot of complaining about confusing flashbacks.



May I also say that Carter was absolutely right in not trusting Rick? I mean, it's the same dude who had a nervous breakdown while waving a gun around not three days ago. Where Carter went wrong was in his absolute incompetence at staging a coup. You always have a lookout, amateur. Or at least make sure there isn't someone in the pantry while you talk murder.


That's a good one. I lean more toward feral Rick, so for me it's "He's mine" while advancing, covered in Joe's blood, to gut the horrible man threatening his son.


Well since we're doing the Psycho But Sexy Greatest Hits, let me add one more:  (thumbs a red handle) "I made you a promise."  - Hella bloody and hella sexy.

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What's worse is that they DID know about the quarry.  Heath at the town hall meeting in the living room mentions that when they first saw it on early scouting runs it was a camp of a dozen or so where everybody had turned.  They knew there were walkers there and since it was blocked off chose to avoid the area on subsequent runs after that rather than at least keep an eye on the situation. So the ASZhats have at least been consistent in their practice of ignoring anything they didn't want to deal with in apparent hopes that it would either go away or resolve itself without inconveniencing them.


I was under the impression that Heath and his little scouting team knew about it, but didn't tell the rest of ASZ. So essentially, the community didn't know and could have easily been mowed down. But maybe I heard him wrong in that scene. But yea, if they knew and did nothing...STUPID. 

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I liked the B&W.


Epic walker horde. But I was also thinking, why the hell don't they just firebomb the quarry? So what if it drew more walkers - good! They'd fry right along with the hapless zeds already in there. Just keep a BIG BONFIRE going. It's not like any of them would climb out, and the fire would keep burning as long as there was fuel (walkers), but not jump the rocks. I think they missed a big chance.


I didn't mind the B&W. It was just a device to let us know which scenes were flashbacks and which were not. Would have been very confusing without it.


Yes, I don't understand why they wouldn't just use the quarry as a giant attractor/destructor for the walkers. Like a bug zapper. Pretty soon the walker numbers would be way, way down. Seems like it would not have been that difficult for these people to patch up the trucks and keep the walkers in there. Oh, well.

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I was under the impression that Heath and his little scouting team knew about it, but didn't tell the rest of ASZ. So essentially, the community didn't know and could have easily been mowed down. But maybe I heard him wrong in that scene. But yea, if they knew and did nothing...STUPID. 


 I though Heath had seen it was a small camp that got overrun. So maybe 15-20. They didn't do runs that way, so they didn't know it had become a huge zombie trap.

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Didn't they tell Heath that there were only 12 people in the Alexandria community.  He said 13 then corrected to 12, accounting for Pete's death.  There were way more than 12 people building that fence of sheeting.  Heath, a woman, and a younger looking guy that resembles Chris Pratt (shown in the scene in the house when Carter was overheard by Eugene talking about taking Rick out) joined, but that's only 3 more.


Heath was asking Eugene about HIS group, that had just recently come to ASZ. Eugene corrected the number because they lost Noah.

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Speaking of Carol, I did not think she was flattered by Morgan's observation. I think she was annoyed that someone could see through her cover. And her response to him was exactly the same as Stahma Tarr's on "Defiance" when she found out that Nolan could see through her facade. Now, I'm not convinced that Carol is as dark as Stahma, but you know what's a little bit scary? I'm not entirely certain she isn't, either.

Edited by CletusMusashi
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I don't know why they don't go historic old school. A trench/moat type structure around the outskirts of the fence line will catch the walkers when they fall in, where they then can be killed or burned. I agree that they could have reinforced around the top of the large pit with the metal that they used to redirect the walkers and then poured some gasoline, kerosine, jet fuel, alcohol, paint thinner, and get a fire going in the pit. They could have killed a substantial portion of them. I don't understand why they aren't using some type of mechanical apparatus to attract them into the pit, where they will fall it and have them decapitated when they approach it. These types of techniques have been used for hundreds of years, you do not need electricity for these structures. The numbers of walkers are so high, they need a much more efficient method to take them out in large batches and keep it going. traps and decapitation, herding them with lights or noise and then kill them in pens might work. 

Seems like a moat would be the ideal solution around any settlement. It's easier to dig down than to put up walls solid enough to keep walkers out. Put stakes in the bottom of the moat, and your only problem will be cleaning the fallen walkers out of it so your moat doesn't fill up. If anybody would think of that, it would be Morgan. Wouldn't it?

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Didn't they tell Heath that there were only 12 people in the Alexandria community.  He said 13 then corrected to 12, accounting for Pete's death.  There were way more than 12 people building that fence of sheeting.  Heath, a woman, and a younger looking guy that resembles Chris Pratt (shown in the scene in the house when Carter was overheard by Eugene talking about taking Rick out) joined, but that's only 3 more.


He didn't mean 12 people in ASZ total, he meant 12 as in his crew of CDB. I'm not sure we've been given any actual population size of the Alexandria residents, but I would think maybe 50-ish people altogether? There seems to be a decent amount of people within the community, we just haven't met them all yet since supposedly CDB has only been in town for about 2 weeks...and that makes sense because even though a good bit has happened it happened concurrently and not consecutively. I could believe that not a whole lot of time has passed overall.

Edited by fliptopbox
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As for Judith, I'm afraid I have to disagree.  I thought it was such a shame that babies grow faster than shows are filmed, because Judith last year was amazing and actually seemed to be in the scenes as well as being comfortable with the actors.  This year's Judith seems distracted by everything off camera and just kept looking around.


So, basically, just like a young Carl?

Or Shane, with his buzz cut.  Crouch. Rub head. Look around. Repeat.

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I like Heath! I'm so glad it's back although I do think this plan is trouble in the long run. They need to kill em not steer them cuz any damn thing will turn them back around again.

Kyle Gallner played Beth's five minute BF, who died in the S4 premiere.

Keisha Castle-Hughes played the woman who tried to escape Rape Cross General.

Only to get bitten, then captured and later found dead by Beth in Dawn's office.

Officer Rapist catches Beth there, tries to get in her pants but she clunks him on the head.

Leaving him there, to be attacked/eaten by Keisha's newly reanimated character.

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I believe Tobin is the one who said Abraham should be in charge of the wall project after he wimped out during a small walker attack last season, and was the one in the I-Hate-Rick-Club who said, "he was talking about it (essentially)" about Carter talking about killing Rick.

Ah, ok thanks.  So Tobin is the guy in the house that I was calling "Not Chris Pratt".  I believe he was standing next to the lady in charge of the securing the guns.

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I was under the impression that Heath and his little scouting team knew about it, but didn't tell the rest of ASZ. So essentially, the community didn't know and could have easily been mowed down. But maybe I heard him wrong in that scene. But yea, if they knew and did nothing...STUPID. 


I think it is entirely possible to read that scene as the community at large didn't know about it.  But Heath (I keep typing that as Health and having to correct. Ugh.) and whoever he was scouting with did notice it.  He says after their discovery they chose to go on runs in a different direction and didn't go back there because "who wants to camp next to that" or something along that vein.  Neither Deanna nor anyone else comments either way as to what they did or didn't know.  But either way, it points to yet another case of these people not recognizing a danger nearby.


I found it pretty consistent with the scenes of the three at the farm implement dealership, where we learn that people have been passing the building full of walkers for forever and nobody thought to do anything about that either.  Everybody in the scene who isn't Glenn seems just incredulous that they're going to purposely open the doors to take care of it.

Edited by nodorothyparker
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All I kept thinking was that the old man in LA pied-piper-ed a herd of zombies with no planning, help, or strategically-placed walls.  These people should've had no issues.


Possibly, but the Atlanta crew were trying to keep all of them in line and not wander off to attack others in or around Alexandria.  Salazar couldn't have cared less about the other residents of his "safe zone" or the hospital and if some or even all of the horde got distracted and ate the neighbors and other patients, oh well. The stakes were far lower for Salazar. 

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I never recognize her any more.  Every time it's "Who's that pretty woman?"  OH... Rosita.  Her look in ASZ is so much softer than it was out on the road.  She's showing herself to be hella useful these days.  

But speaking of looks.... confession time:  When we saw Heath in the beginning, in those B&W scenes... I thought he was a woman.  

Yeah, that hairstyle is an odd choice for a man with such feminine features.  


Am I the only one who squealed at the Judith sighting?

I'm afraid my reaction was, "Who's that baby, and what have they done with Judith?"  Pretty baby, though.


Ugh, I still cannot muster one ounce of affection or patience for Eugene and Abraham. And I'm still pissed at TPTB for clumsily cramming such cartoonish (pun intended) characters into my beloved show.  


Edited to add:  I was just checking Sonequa Martin-Green's Twitter feed and found out that her husband, Kenric Green, played someone called "Scott" in this episode. Does anyone remember him? I was pretty tired last night and missed a lot.

Edited by Portia
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I'm more amazed none of them are in fabulous 6" heels.  All these walkers wear sensible shoes?  Puh-lease.


Also, I think Maggie and Tara bonded during their GREATM time together. We don't need to see it all, it's believable to me.


Agreed with whomever said they connected with Heath quicker than anyone on FTWD. I still don't remember half the names on that show, but Heath captured me the first few minutes on screen.

It's so funny you mention the heels. I only really noticed this last night. Probably because I have been dealing with terrible tendonitis in my ankle, most likely caused by years of wearing heels and it is so much better after almost 3 months of icing, and wearing flats. I have been thinking it's time to try out the heels again ( part of the time anyway) and I noticed last night that even though they show female walkers decked out in dresses or business suits, but yeah, not a single pair of heels.


I feel like a kid playing dress up in my business clothes and flats. I have never gone for 6 inch, but there should definitely be a lot more walkers in 3-4 inch heels. Or barefoot because the way they shuffle they would probably lose the heels pretty fast..   

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Exactly. It would have been a competition to see who got to them first, the large herd of walkers or the Wolves. Without Rick and his people, the Alexandrians would be certainly doomed, now at least some of them have a chance of surviving the walkers and the Wolves.


Is it better to know that your doom is coming and fight against it?  Or to live a little while longer in relative happiness totally unaware of what's to come?  I also wonder how many will come out of it alive, when all is said and done.  

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I always marvel that the walkers' clothing has completely faded (in this episode they were literally a mass of gray) but has otherwise remained relatively intact. I guess we can't have naked zombies walking about because Network TV. 

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The walker-plague must acutely affect ankle strength. Those in high-heels toppled over and were trampled.


Do not doubt the coordination and talent it takes to walk in Hooker Heels.  If I have my 6 inchers on I make damn well sure I'm standing, sitting, or don't have very far to walk.  Those poor walkers who turned in heels are damned to falling down, standing up, taking a step, and falling down again!

Am I the only one who squealed at the Judith sighting?

A lot of babies look similar before they turn 2ish, so I can't understand why they cast a completely different looking Judith.  That baby looks nothing like the Judith before.  My favorite Judith was the one from the cabin in the woods, just because of her WTF Tyrese get this mad man away from me look when Rick ran and grabbed her...lol


So not only do the Alexandrians have Arron and Erik as recruiters but Heath and whoever else as "scouters"?  I wonder what they were scouting?  You would think with all the people leaving ASZ they would have learned how unsafe the place is and made a few suggestions?  I can take Heath or leave him - not really thrilled about ANOTHER character taking away from my favs.


I must say after this episode and probably after seeing interviews with the actor I officially like Eugene.  He is the first walking comic book character that I like.  Abe just needs to die.  Rosita has potential to get into the I like circle, but she'd have to actually have some screen time.

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Edited to add:  I was just checking Sonequa Martin-Green's Twitter feed and found out that her husband, Kenric Green, played someone called "Scott" in this episode. Does anyone remember him? I was pretty tired last night and missed a lot.


When Heath came back there was another guy and girl with him - maybe the guy?

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I hope that Daryl gets his tongue back from whatever cat has got it and lets Rick know that he's no longer the unquestioning, loyal soldier he once was.  Obviously Daryl thinks that other people should have the opportunity to have a safe place to live, just like Rick and the rest of his family.  Rick arbitrarily shutting down the recruiting drives is just another example of how the Ricktatorship is going to have dissenters.



I don't think the cat has Daryl's tongue.  He's not afraid to question Rick, he's just smart enough not to go off half-cocked in some kind of alpha tough guy display, just because Rick's overreacting right now.  As he said way back on Hershel's farm, "I ain't likely to trade haymakers with you on the side of the road."  Like Shane would.


He already made a gentle, prodding comment to him while they were fortifying the "parade route," and I'm sure he'll make his feelings known in a non-confrontational manner.  That is if ASZ isn't destroyed in the near future and it becomes a moot point.


He's a hunter and tracker.  He's patient.

Edited by peach
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 Those in high-heels toppled over and were trampled.

Natural selection.  You can fight it, but it always comes back to Darwin.


I always marvel that the walkers' clothing has completely faded (in this episode they were literally a mass of gray) but has otherwise remained relatively intact. I guess we can't have naked zombies walking about because Network TV. 

On Talking Dead, Greg Nicotero said they had so many walkers, he considered herding them through a car wash to apply the dead color.  He said he'd scan over the crowd and spot a pinkie--a sunburned extra without enough goo--so they'd have to CGI him.  Funny.

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Not enough Michonne for me. I was disappointed since there was very little of her in the pre-season promotion I saw and I hope that it doesn't mean she's going to be on the backburner. She's my favorite character.


I liked Morgan in this episode, but I didn't watch the first seasons so I'm not attached to him, I don't think he's the best thing after sliced bread, and I don't want him to replace Michonne, Daryl, or Carol at Rick's side. I nevertheless loved his scene with Carol, it really clicked for me; and I think he fits the group.


I would have liked to mention Glenn in the previous paragraph, but I feel that he interacts so little with Rick and the other "originals" lately. I know he has Maggie, and being the "anchor" of the new characters gives him his own place and importance, but I still wish he'd have more scenes with his old pals. He's awesome, and I hope his bet will pay. He deserves a win outside the marriage lottery. About this, I'm going to fear for him if Maggie's really pregnant.


I give points to Jessie for wanting to protect herself and teach her kids to do so. But considering that she made such a very poor job of it so far and that she doesn't spend her evenings getting beaten to a pulp  anymore solely thanks to Rick getting rid of the asshole she married, I didn't like her sounding imo all snotty about it. Her spawn is going to be trouble, and somehow I see "enabling" written all over her forehead.

OTOH, I loved Rick's reaction because he looked happy and relieved that she'd do what he thinks is the sensible thing, with no trace of that rooster ego that annoyed me in that thankfully quick, but irking triangle at the end of last season.


I wonder if Deanna and Abraham are going to unite and create a Rick Grimes fanclub? And so Deanna makes it to my "love ya" list...


Because it would take a lot, an awful lot, for me to leave Team Rick. He bloodies his hands when he has to, but he doesn't look like he likes to kill or has a lust for violence, so I don't think he's too far gone.

Can he make it alone, and can he stay sane on his own? Certainly no. Can he make mistakes? Certainly yes. But as noted upthread, he has Michonne, Daryl, and Carl here as sounding boards. I don't count Carol; not to minimize in any way her importance, but simply because she's on the "other side" and even more ready than Rick, imo, to go to any length in order to protect their group. Whereas imo Rick considers the Alexandrian as his community -even though it's as a leader more than as a member- I think that Carol still sees them as "others". The dynamics of the group is changing, and I wonder how they're going to weave it in a season that might be heavy on action if the premiere is an indication of what's to come.

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Kyle Gallner played Beth's five minute BF, who died in the S4 premiere.

Keisha Castle-Hughes played the woman who tried to escape Rape Cross General.

Only to get bitten, then captured and later found dead by Beth in Dawn's office.

Officer Rapist catches Beth there, tries to get in her pants but she clunks him on the head.

Leaving him there, to be attacked/eaten by Keisha's newly reanimated character.

I completely and totally did not recognize her, I'd like to chalk it up to my hatred for that episode. 

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I'm more amazed none of them are in fabulous 6" heels.  All these walkers wear sensible shoes? 


All the zombies wearing heels were disabled by those heels.  Zombies do not have the coordination to handle heels and/or those shoes are not made to last this long in these elements.


Ok I just read all of the quotes above me and I really had nothing to add to this discussion.  Nothing beats Candall's "Natural selection" comment.

Edited by Macbeth
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I don't feel like the cat has Daryl tongue. I think he has largely remained unchanged. Even when he didn't like Rick he still followed his lead and listened. It was evident when they went back for Merle and Rick told Daryl they could do it only if they kept a level head and worked together. Then he risked his life to save Glen; that was Rick's plan. When they left camp dinner bell no one forced any of them to follow Rick. But there was Daryl even though he thought it was a terrible idea. He defended him to Carol at the end of Season 2. The only time he turned his back on Rick was to protect Merle and that only lasted one episode. And a few times he has been able to stand his ground (when they took the cops from General Hospital to exchange for Beth) Daryl may not always agree with Rick but he respects his decisions without having to make grand stands and idiotic counter plans (I'm looking at you Carter)

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I think it's obvious that the horn blower is Ron. Otherwise the scene with him and Rick at the quarry was unnecessary. Rick blows his dad's head off with his hand cannon, and Ron is mad at Rick as a result, no, really? And also the conversation with the widow Porchdick doesn't hold any weight without Ron as the horn blower. Those two scenes were in the episode for a reason, and I think that reason is clear.

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So not only do the Alexandrians have Arron and Erik as recruiters but Heath and whoever else as "scouters"?  I wonder what they were scouting?  You would think with all the people leaving ASZ they would have learned how unsafe the place is and made a few suggestions?  I can take Heath or leave him - not really thrilled about ANOTHER character taking away from my favs.

I think, I may be wrong, but I got the impression Heath and his group were out on a run for provisions, kinda like what Glenn's job is supposed to be? And apparently they did learn how unsafe the place is, they just lacked the foresight or ingenuity to do anything about it, since it seems to me that the ASZhats have had a long standing tradition of ignoring anything that may upset the sense of normalcy they have clung to.



I give points to Jessie for wanting to protect herself and teach her kids to do so. But considering that she made such a very poor job of it so far and that she doesn't spend her evenings getting beaten to a pulp  anymore solely thanks to Rick getting rid of the asshole she married, I didn't like her sounding imo all snotty about it. Her spawn is going to be trouble, and somehow I see "enabling" written all over her forehead.

OTOH, I loved Rick's reaction because he looked happy and relieved that she'd do what he thinks is the sensible thing, with no trace of that rooster ego that annoyed me in that thankfully quick, but irking triangle at the end of last season.

I didn't actually see her as snotty, just concerned about the emotional well-being of her children. She has a point; everything Rick tells Ron might very well be right, but it's still coming from the man who attacked his father publicly, almost strangled him and then killed him without blinking an eye, so Ron is not going to listen, and will probably do the exact opposite just to spite the man who killed his dad (and whose son might also be possibly encroaching on his maybe girlfriend? I don't know and I'm not sure I wanna know, teenage love drama isn't really the main reason I watch this show). So, she's right: Rick can't talk to Ron, because Ron will hate him forever and will never listen to him.

She could have been more polite, but maybe a soft no wouldn't have worked as well as a hard one. I was actually glad to see her finally make a decision, by herself, for herself and her kids, without fear of repercussions.

Everything else in you post I agree with wholeheartedly, though.

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I think it's obvious that the horn blower is Ron. Otherwise the scene with him and Rick at the quarry was unnecessary. Rick blows his dad's head off with his hand cannon, and Ron is mad at Rick as a result, no, really? And also the conversation with the widow Porchdick doesn't hold any weight without Ron as the horn blower. Those two scenes were in the episode for a reason, and I think that reason is clear.


That's who I thought it was.  I didn't even think about the Wolves til other people commented.  They also showed Ron lurking unhappily while Enid held hands with Carl, so all those Grimes are really screwing up his life.  Plus a kid, especially as sheltered as Ron's been, doesn't really grasp the full consequences of what he did.  He's just ruining the plan.  But, I also thought it could be that asshat, Father Gabriel, although that would be require him acting, and inaction, other than tattling, has been his game.  I definitely want to find out!

I don't feel like the cat has Daryl tongue. I think he has largely remained unchanged. Even when he didn't like Rick he still followed his lead and listened. It was evident when they went back for Merle and Rick told Daryl they could do it only if they kept a level head and worked together. Then he risked his life to save Glen; that was Rick's plan. When they left camp dinner bell no one forced any of them to follow Rick. But there was Daryl even though he thought it was a terrible idea. He defended him to Carol at the end of Season 2. The only time he turned his back on Rick was to protect Merle and that only lasted one episode. And a few times he has been able to stand his ground (when they took the cops from General Hospital to exchange for Beth) Daryl may not always agree with Rick but he respects his decisions without having to make grand stands and idiotic counter plans (I'm looking at you Carter)


And I'd add that he didn't even turn on Rick when he banished Carol.  He was UNHAPPY about it, and may have tried to change things if circumstances had allowed, but he was still loyal.

I was actually glad to see her finally make a decision, by herself, for herself and her kids, without fear of repercussions.



And I think this speaks to some people's thoughts that Rick is like the Governor now, or he's too far gone, etc.  Jessie certainly wasn't afraid to tell him no.

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Is it better to know that your doom is coming and fight against it?  Or to live a little while longer in relative happiness totally unaware of what's to come? 


          I'd always take the first option.  Maybe this should be the 4th question Rick asks the people he meets.

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i'm still amazed that after all this time, a zombie can still manage to sneak up on anyone.....with all that noise a zombie make.  they don't exactly tip toe like ninjas when they drag their feet....in the woods drenched inn dead leaves annd sticks.


This show thinks you can sneak up on someone with a tank.  XD

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