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S03.E02: Whispers In The Dark

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Ok, can someone please remind me what the copralite that Jenny's been carrying around is? And has she always lived in that trailer?

And anyone know where the "train station" is? Very cool building.

So Danny was at the academy with Abbie--yet now he's in charge? Wut?

I'm really not feeling Betsy; maybe her manner of speech is too modern, I dunno.

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And anyone know where the "train station" is? Very cool building.


Somewhere in GA, I'd guess. That was a fairly good rendition of a Metro North sign (Helvetica Bold) but that looked nothing like Tarrytown.

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Wow. Those Betsy Ross scenes are just ... not good. She changed clothes... why? If she wasn't distracting Howe "that way" why was she suddenly wearing what looked like the general's uniform? And the actress is badly cast, in my opinion. 


The new boss for Abbie, on the other hand, I thought was quite good. I also got a kick out of Ichabod's reaction to the man. Silly, I know, but true.


Joe is going to be a great addition. He didn't make much of an impression on me initially, but I really liked his interaction with Jenny. And I can't get over how much he looks like Clancy Brown.


I think they're trying to rehabilitate Ichabod somewhat with his cleaning house and cooking and acknowledging his owing Abbie for the place to live. I liked that Abbie gigged him some when he went off on one of his rants.




So Danny was at the academy with Abbie--yet now he's in charge? Wut?



Yeah. I thought Abbie's swanky office was pretty crazy given how recently she left the Academy, but in charge of a regional office - that's meteoric. 

Edited by bethy
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I too liked that the side characters weren't wrapped around the Witnesses.  Jenny's old acquaintance was really cute!  I hope we see him again.


I don't know where Ichabod's territorial behavior came from, but I love that he's acting more like a real person rather than making grand speeches all the time.


Love that Ichabod and Abby figured out the bad guy already.  So far, this season is looking good.

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The whispering wraith was creepy as all get out.


Loved the opening scene between Abbie and Crane. He still has a long way to go to repay all she’s done for him, but I liked that he was at least trying by cleaning the house, washing clothes and cooking dinner, even if the later was burned up.


Enjoyed Abbie telling Crane that she’s full steam ahead with her career. I liked the scene with her new boss too. It’s obvious that she still has some feelings for him and the way things played between them I think he might’ve been the one to break things off.  And then we learn that she tracked down her father. I’m intrigued by this.


I’ve always seen the chemistry between Abbie and Crane, but tonight was the first time I saw him acting a little jealous of the attention Abbie was getting from a male other than him. Interesting.


Glad to see Joe Corbin is back. I really liked him last season and he did well tonight. However, I thought his story with Jenny made the episode a little disjointed. If Jenny was in town, I find it hard to believe that she wouldn’t have been helping out with the wraith case.


I’m not feeling Betsy Ross at all. Her scenes were terrible.  She added no value to the wraith storyline.


Pandora is certainly powerful, but it would be nice to get a smidgen of a clue as to what her agenda is. Right now it seems she’s just bringing evil to Sleepy Hollow just to be bringing it. 


I like this episode better than the last one, but like I said before this episode felt a little disjointed, especially at the end with all the tacked on scenes.

Edited by Enero
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Enjoyed this episode too!

And Crane was jealous as heck of Daniel - for LG to say that Daniel would be jealous, clearly Crane went all possessive... that was quite a pissing match between the two over Abbie.

And the lingerie scene... *faints*

Jenny and Joe!! Jenny saves Joe - and kicks ass while she's at it. Just great stuff.

And I'm sorry - but no to Betsy Ross. I tried - I tried to be rational and fair but Nikki Reed is awful in this role. She's so modern in speech that it takes me out of EVERY scene she's in. When she tries to be "sexy" or witty it just falls flat. And she's so forced with Ichabod - are we supposed to be seeing romance there? LOL - cause all I see is the female version of Urkel trying to push up on Ichabod and failing. She's so unnecessary - what is she gonna know EVERY monster in Pandora's box?


And Abbie has been spying on her dad and trying to work up the courage to visit him. Awwww!

Ichabod was definitely the one who clearly "needs" Abbie - this is gonna turn into a situation where Abbie will have the chance to go off with Daniel or stay with Crane...

I think the immigration lawyer girl will be Caroline 2.0 with Crane clueless. He's too wrapped up with Abbie honestly. If I didn't know better, I'd say he's low key pining for her.

The show still needs to figure out the "layering" and how to layer in intrigue and plot and stuff, because it feels a little procedural (okay a lot) - but it's looking much better.

And the monster terrified me when it appeared in the back seat of that guy's car. I did scream at that. Stuff appearing in a rear view mirror like that always freak me out.

Edited by phoenics
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In my humble opinion, there was a lot of awkward line delivery in this episode--maybe it's the writing?  Fave part of the episode was the convo between Ichabod and Abbie at the end; I hope there's some followup with Abbie's father.


I liked Daniel immediately and it's nice to see Joe back.  And I can't figure out if they're trying too hard with SBR or if they're not trying hard enough. 


Pandora is creepy as hell, but the rhyming may get old quickly.  I hope we get some more backstory into her soon.


Sidenote: I see Sleepy Hollow is continuing its tragic wig tradition with Pandora's wig. 

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I liked this episode quite a bit... there were a few clunky bits, and a couple of weird edits, but overall, I think it was good.  Happy me.


The good:


Ichabod cleaning and singing.  Love for a man to do the housework! Hee.  Cooking fail, though. LOL  Maybe if he'd had a wood stove, it might have gone better. ;-)


Jenny and Joe.  That relationship feels organic and like it'll be interesting to watch.  I found myself hoping for Jenny to let him in, so that's a good sign.


Abbie's new boss/former beau, Daniel... doesn't feel like he'll be awkward in the role at all.  A good fit.  Still don't know if he'll be able get me to get over the loss of Irving, but already like him more than Reyes.  So I'm cautiously optimistic.  Nicole Behari is great at giving every interaction her solid presence and immersing herself completely in the scene, so their scenes worked pretty well for me.


Abbie's father!  Whoa.  That could be a really interesting direction to take things.


Supportive Ichabod, urging her to take credit for taking the hard step of acknowledging her desire to know about her father.  Seeing through a tiny crack in her walls.


I also like the set up that Abbie's got her boundaries and still has the control thing, and that Ichabod is determined to find a place in this world. That gives promise for future development in both areas.


The bad:


Dear God, Betsy Ross.  I don't know what it is... the voice or the acting choices... too much trying, I guess.  She's just not working for me.  Sure we got information about the wraith, but I found myself really wishing we could get back to the present day during those flashbacks. 


Abbie's mega-tech skills.  Teasing out sound information from a recording is a good bit harder than she made it look, and I'm surprised she would even begin to have that particular skill.  Oh, well... hand wave away.  Too much tech background here in this house, so we had to stop for a minute to say "what?"  But yeah... wave it away and move on.  Quantico is just that awesome at teaching every possible skill in less than 9 months.  Ok, writers.  Whatever.


The awkward introduction of Daniel.  Not really necessary to make it so blatantly a weird vibe with Ichabod, this early in the game.  I think it might have been more interesting to have the men meet later.  But I guess the writers felt the need to get the set up done in a hurry.  So again... hand waving.




And I can't get over how much he looks like Clancy Brown.



I forgot about that!  But yes, that was impressive to see them both in the same quick scene.  Never noticed it last time Joe was on, but now I'm thinking "Great Casting!"  Well done, Show!

Edited by CalamityBoPeep
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I need my memory jogged. Is Joe still a wendigo?

No they cured him with a potion, spell, and some spiritual words or something that they got from Big Ash's Sharman (hopefully I spelled that right)!

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And Crane was jealous as heck of Daniel - for LG to say that Daniel would be jealous, clearly Crane went all possessive... that was quite a pissing match between the two over Abbie.

Ichabod was definitely the one who clearly "needs" Abbie - this is gonna turn into a situation where Abbie will have the chance to go off with Daniel or stay with Crane...

I think the immigration lawyer girl will be Caroline 2.0 with Crane clueless. He's too wrapped up with Abbie honestly. If I didn't know better, I'd say he's low key pining for her.



I laughed out loud when Crane did his deep bow to the girl and came out of it right in her flustered face. An accent and old-worldly manners? What's not to swoon over? I think Crane is going to have to deal with figuring out who/what Abbie is to him this season. And I think Daniel is going to force the issue for him. He was in shock when he first landed in Sleepy Hollow, then obsessed with family drama, and took Abbie for granted. In a sense Crane's been in crisis since he and Abbie met and with that trauma comes selfishness - because you don't have the emotional capacity to look outside yourself. I like that they seem to have him waking up from the selfishness of the first couple of seasons. We'll see what happens. 

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Abbie's mega-tech skills.  Teasing out sound information from a recording is a good bit harder than she made it look, and I'm surprised she would even begin to have that particular skill.  Oh, well... hand wave away.  Too much tech background here in this house, so we had to stop for a minute to say "what?"  But yeah... wave it away and move on.  Ok, writers.  Whatever.

I thought maybe she picked it up in Quantico?

Also - Nicole Beharie played it SO perfectly - being caught in the middle between Daniel and Ichabod.

When Crane was all like "We were having dinner at home..." and then Abbie was like "He's headed home..." all awkward, lol... it was so funny.

Edited by phoenics
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Somewhere in GA, I'd guess. That was a fairly good rendition of a Metro North sign (Helvetica Bold) but that looked nothing like Tarrytown.

-smacks self- derp, of course. It's one of those buildings down by UGA in Atlanta, i think. That's why it looks familiar; i think i've been in it..... Or very similar.

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Something about this season isn't working for me. Needs more joy or excitement or something.


It's pretty much going through the motions.


SH was at its best when it was fun and ott, remember when they fought against a gun toting Headless Horseman instead of being low rent Supernatural doing creature of the week?

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-smacks self- derp, of course. It's one of those buildings down by UGA in Atlanta, i think. That's why it looks familiar; i think i've been in it..... Or very similar.

Do you mean Georgia State? UGA is in Athens, right?

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There was really quite A LOT going on in this episode and I'm not sure all of it was needed. Why do we keep getting Discount Betsy Ross who is adding nothing to the narrative but her boobs and strip-tease taunting of old ass revolutionary Generals? Again why; cause as I stated she brings absolutely nothing to the narrative IMO. I'm starting to feel like she is the comedic relief for this season because I've been laughing at her since she made her first appearance. She completely takes me out the scene with her voice and her non-acting capabilities. Oh well on to other things. 


The monster of the week reminded me of the Dementors from Harry Potter but that's okay. It popping up in the rear view mirror made me jump a little.


The Shard of Anubus wasn't that in The Mummy movie the one with the damn kid?


Liked Joe, like Jenny kicking ass. Like the pairing of those 2 together and that they are having their own mission. 


Liked that Ichabod became a bit protective a tad bit jealous of Daniel. Loving all the interaction without interruption they are giving Abbie and Ichabod this season so far.


Like Pandora I'm wondering what the branches of her tree has in store for Sleepy Hollow. She is playing creepy quite well.


Everyone seems to be a good fit except for Discount Betsy Ross for me right now she's 2-0!


I will be tuning in next week. Are they doing the crossover during the week of Halloween?

Edited by Ann Mack
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The episode was pleasant enough, with the exception of Ross.  Between her and Katrina, this show's otherwise good casting department really doesn't seem able to find a compelling white woman to save its life (and I've liked Nikki Reed in other roles, but nothing about this performance is working; granted, the writing for her isn't great either, but some natural charisma would go a long way).

Edited by SeanC
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Do you mean Georgia State? UGA is in Athens, right?

Yes, down there by the public library. The college that seems to be eating all of the buildings down there.

You'd think i would have remembered that; i went to both of the Sleepy Hollow panels at DCon and they talked about the move to GA...

Edited by janeta
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I thought maybe she picked it up in Quantico?



I was probably editing above at the same time you were posting this.  Not quick enough fingers, on my part.  Heh.


Yes, the Quantico thing occurred to me too, but then I kind of hit a wall... I don't know just how much she was supposed to have learned in the tiny amount of time she was there.  I'd think they'd spend a lot of time on other aspects of training, and that the whole tech guru part of things would be further classes for those with the skill base.  I don't know... it just seems like something that wouldn't be part of the standard education for the average FBI agent, but honestly, I have no clue how officer training works.  In the Navy, you can specialize.  LOL  I know that.  My dad was a computer guy in the Navy (a very highly specialized one, which he can't really talk about), starting back in the day when computers were massive things in huge rooms (the 60's), until the 80's, when he retired.  I just got nervous watching Abbie automatically be able to do it.  If they give her every possible skill she needs and handwave it as "Quantico", that's going to get old really fast.  Kind of like Grey's/Private Practice's Addison Shepherd being a medical specialist of every possible thing female-related.  Just wouldn't happen.


Obviously, it's only episode 2 though, so a bit early to worry about Abbie's skill set from Quantico.

Edited by CalamityBoPeep
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The sublime:

The conversation between Abbie & Ichabod on the porch at the end.  it was so well done, beautifully lit (seriously, Mison and Beharie were both so pretty in that scene it was like looking into the sun). and fantastically acted by both of them.  Especially Beharie.


The good:

I liked the incorporation of Joe.  His and Jenny's conversation at the end unconsciously mirrored Abbie/Ichabod's.  But they seem like they are gonna be on their own adventure.  I get the feeling their adventure is going to eventually dovetail with the big story for the season.


Ichabod and Abbie as roommates.


Ichabod's reaction to Daniel.  LOL


The bad:

Dear Gods Betsy Ross.  I was trying not to be negative.  I wasn't impressed last week, but thought maybe I was being harsh.  But damn.  She was bad.  Just terrible line reading, did not sound convincing.  She makes Katia Winter look like fucking Meryl Streep.

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I hate that Daniel is Abbie's boss. Abbie clearly is still in love with him, but that fact is going to stop a love story between them dead in its tracks. Such a waste of good chemistry!


I'm bracing myself for the storyline about Abbie's father. It was heartbreaking enough listening to Abbie talk about finding him. Someone give her a hug!


The flashbacks continue to be the worst part about this show. The acting from everyone was deplorable, not just Sexy!Smart!Betsy! Fs to everyone involved.


Another day, another woman thrown at Ichy's feet and yet he remains unattractive. Who wrote this episode again? Please, don't say Dudebro No.2 Metzner!

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I just want everybody to know I can sing and have sung "Big Bow Wow" a capella. (It's an old sea shanty and that type of music is kept alive among folk singers in my part of the world.)

Now I want to be a drunk patron in that karaoke bar yelling at Ichabod: "General Taylor! Do General Taylor - no wait! Do Sam Hall! Sam Haalll!" (hiccups)

So yeah, I got a real kick out of that part.

Liked Reynolds, loved Joe. Betsy - honestly, the storyline better make her a 21st century woman sent to Crane's past somehow because there is no way I can accept that this kind of overtly modern shtick is anything but deliberate. These writers know how to create the more formal dialogue of the Civil-War era; we've seen ladies and how their actions follow suit. Betsy sticks out as so awkwardly current, she is *exactly* how one would picture a modern woman stuck in this time, who can take charge and take action but can't choose the right fabrics for her dress or figure out the nuances of this era of English. They *know* how to get the right atmosphere for Crane's time; this has got to be on purpose!

I like the little nod to literature with Crane seriously contemplating naming names - the Ichabod Crane of the story was supposed to be a noted coward, right? So it felt like a little nod. I personally would have found it an intriguing development if he *had* named them - talk about a dark secret! - but Fandom would have crucified him and the writers never would have saved it.

I liked that he encouraged Abbie to talk and that he listened until she was finished, 100% absorbed and didn't so much as interrupt. I thought he was trying to show her the he would respect her "fences" but also actively wanted to be there for her should she choose to share. We saw in the archives that he immediately backed down when she made the pointed comment about boundaries; on the porch she didn't say anything, and I think that's why he gently kept coaxing her to unburden herself - he picked up that she wanted to.

Please tell me with Joe and Jenny working together we can get some more Corbin flashbacks!

ETA: I'm really happy that Abbie has more going on in her life than the job and an old flame. This situation with her father is complicated and I want to see how she deals with it.

Edited by Miss Dee
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To echo others, I really liked Jenny and Joe working together, and Crane and Abbie's porch conversation near the end was excellent.  I'm interested in where they're going with Abbie's dad.  The stuff with Daniel was pretty good too.  When they said they knew each other from "academy," did they mean FBI training (which would be really recent) or some other academy?


Busty Ross is terribad.  She doesn't make me angry; more like astounded by how awful she is.

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I loved the episode. Loved it.  I am almost giddy over it. It was much smoother than last week's, it managed to pack in a lot of plot and character building without awkward pacing, which was an issue for me with the premiere. 


Reynolds is not a dick!!! In fact he seems like a lovely, warm, grounded man. And he wasn't shooting sour looks at anyone, which was my number one fear about the character.


The Joe and Jenny scenes were good, they brought him back into the fold nicely. I liked her concern for his welfare. 


Ichabod and Abbie were so delightful in their at-home scenes that I could forgive the eye-rolling cheesiness of a failed dinner puffing forth smoke like a tiny peevish dragon. The end scenes were especially appreciated, not only because of Ichabod's genuinely respectful and solicitous behaviour but also because he was a bit more like the self-assured Captain Crane of history and less like the arrogant Ichabod who put his interest in his faithless family of smug, threatening crackpots above his duty as a witness, mistakenly hoping he could juggle both.


Betsy Ross? I just don't get it. I assume it's meant to be purely comedic and the humour is flying over my head or beneath my notice. Or something. As Phoenics said "she's so forced with Ichabod - are we supposed to be seeing romance there? LOL - cause all I see is the female version of Urkel trying to push up on Ichabod and failing." I suspect she's supposed to be goofy, mostly because that's the only explanation that works for me. Also, I don't think it's just her modern sounding manner of speaking that's a problem, her whole cadence was just really off, especially when she was flirting with Howe.  Was she supposed to be clumsy? That's certainly how it came off to me and yet that flirting somehow led to her running around in colonial underwear, go figure. Her line delivery when she yelled at the wraith was in the same camp of awfulness as Erika Kane telling off a bothersome bear. (Maybe someone spiteful recommended she use Charity Rahmer as an acting coach)

Edited by yuggapukka
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No disrespect to anyone intended, but I thought that episode was awful, enough to make me think seriously about giving up on this show. 


I've liked it very much,  from the first episode through last week (some episodes more than others, of course), even Katrina didn't really bother me.  This episode just didn't have the charm and wit that I like, I don't care at all about Joe and don't like to see Jenny sidelined.  I thought the dialogue was strained, and even Ichabod and Abbie didn't seem as good-looking as usual, although Jenny was even more beautiful. 


The dementor was just pathetic, no personality at all, certainly no Headless.  Maybe I was just in a pissy mood, but I didn't like all the faces NB makes (and I've really liked her up to now).  If Busty Ross (ha ha, Senna, good one) is going to be a recurring character, as I'm afraid is the case from the credits, then I definitely am not going to bother watching.  I used to think TM had chemistry with everyone - but I see that is not correct.

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Abbie must be doing very well financially at her new FBI job - nice, large house with a gorgeous veranda. Maybe it's just a rental.


Not liking the Betsy Ross character.


I enjoyed the domestic Crane cleaning scenes. Dinner would have to be in the oven for a very long time for it to burn, unless it's in the broiler. I liked Crane with the Windex (or no-name version) bottle.


I liked Reynolds and his introduction. He did seem a bit young to be a Regional Director. He's also a reflection of who Abby may have become if Ichabod hadn't come in to her life.


Even though all the evils that were let loose from Pandora's  box, Hope remained. Would like to know more about Pandora's agenda.

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The acting from everyone was deplorable, not just Sexy!Smart!Betsy! Fs to everyone involved.


I had a bad feeling since they kept hyping up Sexy Betsy Ross since it should've been a more interesting take on the character instead.

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Responding before I read the thread.


Good episode. Very enjoyable episode. Creepy, fun, shippy and just awesome.


Now for the nitpicks. Hey writers, I see you there. I see you channeling the Harry Potter Dementors most exclusively. Not that I wasn't creeped out by them. but damn....If that creature was sucking the soul by the mouth..yeah well...Dementor. In this show, that demon = Dementor. Not that I mind, because you are cribbing from most excellent material. But that's what I immediately thought. And the earlier scene showing the "shadow mist: following Pandora - I couldn't help but think of the Smoke Monster of Lost.


I will say this - I'm loving the more creepy elements that Cliff and co are bringing to the show. Loving it. Bring it on. This type of show needs the creepy element with it. So thank you.


So kudos, show. Creepy effects and awesome.


Speaking of Pandora. Yeah, like her. Like her lots. She is introducing that creepy and evil element that I want to see. Her presence and purpose is slowly being unveiled, one episode at a time, and it's awesome. The little bits of her doing her magic, then her interacting with the modern public as a modern person - love it. Shannon Sossaman is killing it. Love her. Want to see more! THIS is a good "Big Bad"


Now, the not so loved. Yeah....Nikki Reed as Betsy Ross...No. Bad casting, tbh. She speaks too modern, and she seems to just be a plot point. Out of all of the brilliant actors that appear on this show, she is one that is not so....talented. There was another who was killed off (hint hint redhead), but the disparity is quite jarring. It takes one out of the scene, the scenario, etc etc. She is not a good fit, whilst everyone else is.


Now for the scene that my stupid shipper heart rewatched ten times...that bloody porch scene. That Porch Scene. That scene killed me. From tiny Abbie walking onto the deck (the same height as a seated Ichabod!!), from his teasing and flirting about her revealing her secret, to Daddy!Mills being alive!! (knew it!!) to more Crane!flirting and that bloody connection these two actors can seemlessly have.


I can't take it.


Clifton Campbell. I can already tell that you are the most excellent showrunner for this show. Even if it only lasts a season, it will have been worth it - because this awesome man is at the helm.


*le sigh*


ETA: Tom Mison - you have a beautiful (sexy deep) singing voice that is just lovely.

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Pokes head in. Is it safe? Based on my bitching will I be mollified or incensed with the intro of her new boss? Please tell me he doesn't have "LOVE INTEREST" stamped on his forehead. Is it at least better than Hawley's intro? 


I feel the need to confess I watched The Originals instead. I know...*head hanging in shame*

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Who the hell thought it would be a good idea to cross Dementors and Vashta Nerada? Thanks to the FX team, I'll be in for an uneasy sleep.

I suppose I could watch the beginning and end scenes for sweet dreams fuel. Those were great.

Shannyn Sossamon is really bringing the creepy menace. I hope it continues.

Titsy Ross still reeks of Trying! Too! Hard! I'll give her two more appearances to either dial it back or ham it up so I can at least have a laugh when she appears.

Jenny and Joe were enjoyable. Nice that their storyline didn't really tie into the main plot (as far as we know) but was still engaging.

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Oh gosh. I really liked this episode a lot.  Loved all the Ichabbie moments and not gonna lie. I totally teared up with that conversation on the porch. 


Miss Jenny back to being her kickass self and being all worried about Joe.


Sexy!Betsy!Ross sucks.

But Pandora is pretty great.


And yes, the camisole was just him helping Abbie and repaying her in little ways by cleaning her house and cooking. That scene was so fun.


I'm feeling all happy here.


ETA: I just can't help it. I'm a Supernatural gal and I just keep thinking "Ichabod, call the friggin Winchesters for help!!" I need my SH/SPN crossover badly instead of the stupid Bones/SH crossover. I just need Dean Winchester and Ichabod Crane to work together more than is reasonable. I DO NOT CARE IF THEY ARE ON DIFFERENT NETWORKS.

Edited by catrox14
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Wow, Nikki Reed is bad....like really really bad. I think she might even be worse than Katia Winter. What were they thinking casting her? I don't know if she's better in modern day roles, but she sucks as a colonial woman. What the heck is going on with her voice? Is she trying to go for some kind of accent? Whatever it is, it doesn't sound remotely historical. And is she supposed to be bad at flirting? It came off like that scene in Focus where Margot Robbie is trying to show Will Smith her sexy con woman act and he was like "No. Did that feel sexy? Cuz no."

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ETA: I just can't help it. I'm a Supernatural gal and I just keep thinking "Ichabod, call the friggin Winchesters for help!!" I need my SH/SPN crossover badly instead of the stupid Bones/SH crossover. I just need Dean Winchester and Ichabod Crane to work together more than is reasonable. I DO NOT CARE IF THEY ARE ON DIFFERENT NETWORKS.


It would make more sense than the Bones crossover.

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Well this reviewer just wasn't feeling this episode: http://www.avclub.com/tvclub/sleepy-hollow-secrets-can-kill-226564


LOL this guy's comment had me cracking up:


Sean_C • 2 hours ago
"This show has a generally reliable casting department, but between Katrina and Betsy, evidently white women are their Kryptonite.

I've liked Nikki Reed in other things, but there is nothing about this performance that works. Granted, the writing for her isn't spectacular, but some charisma would go a long way."

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"Half the colonial army were after my Bedfordshire Clanger!" Ahahahahaha!

I think I am on board with them having a Big Bad that basically generates Monster of the Week episodes out of a box like pieces of paper pulled from a hat. It sounds uninspired, but I feel so burned by last season "keep it simple stupid" seems like a good motto?

Something I am NOT on board with is Betsy Ross. Is she going to turn out to be a robot from the future? Because that's what the actress' line readings would seem to indicate. I have zero problem with Ichabod love interest stories, but I feel like Mison is busy trying to act while she is doing bad (robot) cosplay.

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I enjoyed this episode but...


I'm not even mad at her, I'm just confused. ARE we supposed to think she's odd? Is Ichabod supposed to be as weirded out as he seems to be, to me? Did she really cuddle up to him on that wagon and did he really look at her like "you're in my personal bubble?" Because that's what I saw.

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I can understand all the hate towards Betsy Ross, and really, she hasn't delivered too much to be happy about, but I'm actually really on board with the concept here.


I mean, Katrina failed as a character because the writers tried to make her a kick-ass hero AND a dangerous villain. And failed miserably. In trying to have her do both, she came across as totally ineffectual in all areas. She wasn't all in, no matter what she was doing. As Ron Swanson wisely said, "Don't half-ass two things. Whole-ass one thing."  In killing her off, the show now seems to be trying to replace her with an actually believably evil witch to carry that aspect of her story, AND an ally (and love interest? I guess?) for Crane who actually has the potential to get shit done. Thereby filling the Katrina-shaped hole with two new characters who can actually DO what Katrina just couldn't, in each of her dual purposes on the show.


Betsy hasn't impressed so far, but I'm not willing to write off her character just yet, just because the actress isn't clicking. This is only episode two, and we don't yet have an idea of what function her character will play in the overall narrative (it kind of feels now like they're buying time until we get to that), so I'll be curious to see what happens with her. I don't want to approach her pessimistically, because after going to the extreme of killing off Katrina and basically crashing and burning the whole show to hit the reset button at the end of last season, I kind of feel like the writers have probably put some more thought into how to NOT make a character into a total disaster and maybe have come into this season with a plan that shows they've learned from their mistakes.


I know it doesn't look like it NOW, but I like to stay optimistic! I'm actually pretty happy with the way the season is going so far in every other aspect, so I'm willing to put in some time to see what the grand plan is for Betsy Ross.

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I don't know how the actress who played Betsy was cast. It was like they published an ad that said "The first 30ish year old to get here, gets the part". I'll say it even if no one else will. She's a bad actress.  The flashback scenes seemed forced. I think after last season, they need to ease up on the "love" interest and show Ichabod interacting with other characters instead. 


I did really enjoy the modern day parts of the episode.  The casting of the Sheriff's son was really good.  He looks so much like him.

I found the opening scene with Ichabod singing and cleaning to be pretty awesome. 

The shadow was really creepy.

I am really starting to enjoy this show again. Although every time we see Betsy my stomach sinks a little.  If they could just fix that part, this show could be super awesome.


I think maybe they should have made the actress who plays Betsy a guest star - just to see how it goes - rather than just thrusting her on the viewers as a regular.  

Edited by Commando Cody
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I can understand all the hate towards Betsy Ross, and really, she hasn't delivered too much to be happy about, but I'm actually really on board with the concept here.


I mean, Katrina failed as a character because the writers tried to make her a kick-ass hero AND a dangerous villain. And failed miserably. In trying to have her do both, she came across as totally ineffectual in all areas. She wasn't all in, no matter what she was doing. As Ron Swanson wisely said, "Don't half-ass two things. Whole-ass one thing."  In killing her off, the show now seems to be trying to replace her with an actually believably evil witch to carry that aspect of her story, AND an ally (and love interest? I guess?) for Crane who actually has the potential to get shit done. Thereby filling the Katrina-shaped hole with two new characters who can actually DO what Katrina just couldn't, in each of her dual purposes on the show.


Betsy hasn't impressed so far, but I'm not willing to write off her character just yet, just because the actress isn't clicking. This is only episode two, and we don't yet have an idea of what function her character will play in the overall narrative (it kind of feels now like they're buying time until we get to that), so I'll be curious to see what happens with her. I don't want to approach her pessimistically, because after going to the extreme of killing off Katrina and basically crashing and burning the whole show to hit the reset button at the end of last season, I kind of feel like the writers have probably put some more thought into how to NOT make a character into a total disaster and maybe have come into this season with a plan that shows they've learned from their mistakes.


I know it doesn't look like it NOW, but I like to stay optimistic! I'm actually pretty happy with the way the season is going so far in every other aspect, so I'm willing to put in some time to see what the grand plan is for Betsy Ross.

An observation and opinion doesn't necessarily translate to hate. I'd rather look at it as observational criticism. But Betsy Ross is a BIG part of the root problem IMO that they had last season. Waiting around to see how "Sexy Betsy Ross (SBR)" (their description not mine) is going to be different and not a Katrina 2.0 (minus the witchiness). The show has a fan-base that lost quite a bit of faith in it because it's own show-runner tanked it. IMO when that happens you aren't given too many free passes before your fan-base moves on. Last years show-runner was determined Katrina was going to be involved to the point of trying to make her a lead (no one can tell me differently, Goffman was gunning to sideline Abbie) to the detriment of the show. Now granted they have by no means gone as far as to pull a bait and switch like last season but they are still trying to insert someone to be Ichabod's "love interest" or at least someone to do a little flirty flirt with him (by the way she sucks at that too).


Bringing on SBR as a "regular" indicates the show plans on utilizing her a lot. With that being the case you would think some kind of chemistry screening (with Tom), acting screening (overall & with Tom), hell any kind of screening would have been done (for the benefit of the show) to ensure the selected actress could actually carry the role. Every review I have read thus far is saying Betsy Ross is the weak link (if there are some positive reviews out there for her I haven't come across them) and I agree with ALL of them (the reviews). They DO NOT have the luxury of hoping fans will wait around to see if Betsy Ross gets better. They should have gone with someone who when she walked on screen fans would have said GO ON... Betsy not GO AWAY... Betsy IMO.


The story line may get better, those around her may hide some of her horrible acting, but a Meryl Streep level performance or even a decent acting performance is not coming out of Nikki Reed any time soon IMO.

Edited by Ann Mack
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Ichabod and Abbie being roommates was my favorite part of the episode.  Especially the bit of Ichy trying to clean up around the house.  Not quite enough to make up for the way he treated her last season, but hey, progress!  Plus, I'm pretty much blocking out all the worst of it.  I just vaguely remember it involved a whispery witch and John Noble hammy it up badly.  That's what I keep telling myself...


I'm trying to keep an open mind, but Betsy Ross really is a, well, bust in my eyes.  Nikki Reed must have been good in a past role or something, but I'm not seeing anything from her that warrants all the hype I've been reading.  She still sounds way too modern, isn't selling the "badass" moments, and is just an overall miscast.  I mean, the role itself is going through a lot of the "tough, hot, badass woman" troupes, but I can think of several actresses off the top of my head who would have at least sold the character.  Did they even have an audition process for this role?  I just can't buy that Nikki Reed was the best choice for what is clearly going to be a big role.


At least they did a better job with the Daniel guy.  I remember the actor from that blink and you missed it show, Chaos, last year, and I thought he was good there too.  I already like the rapport he has with Nicole Beharie, and I'm curious to see more of them.  I also hope he interacts with Ichy some more.  And doesn't end up being evil or anything.


Cool to see Joe again, and him teaming up Jenny.  And I love it whenever they show a picture or clip of Sheriff Corbin.  Clancy Brown will never not be awesome.


Case of the week was OK, but the wraith really did remind me of the dementors from Harry Potter, and I was a little annoyed over the big secret being that Ichy briefly considered betraying Washington's spies. As Abbie basically said, he did the right thing at the end, so it really isn't that big of an issue.  But I guess he wouldn't be Ichabod without making mountains out of molehills.


Continue to enjoy Pandora, but I hope there will be more to her soon then just randomly unleashing evil monsters of the week.  Especially if they keep getting defeated after one episode.

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Pokes head in. Is it safe? Based on my bitching will I be mollified or incensed with the intro of her new boss? Please tell me he doesn't have "LOVE INTEREST" stamped on his forehead. Is it at least better than Hawley's intro? 

Sorry, but he does have Love Interest all stamped on his forehead. He is, actually, a Love Interest.

For me personally, the only thing better than Hawley's intro was not the character, but Ichabod's reaction as noted upthread.

Daniel is presented as trusting Abbie's competence, which I like even though it's a blatant way to buy the audience's sympathy, but I can't stand his "I get you so well, I know you so well, I know what you want in life" stance because no guy, you so don't.

I have another beef with this character, as a concept. Abbie has always been presented as hesitating between two ways of life, FBI or  Witness duty. Now that Daniel kind of embodies the former, and considering that Ichabod kind of embodies the latter*, I'm not sure I like the implication that two men whom she has emotional ties with are the face of Abbie's big choice in life.

*It didn't bother me in S1 (I don't think it was a theme in S2, but I spaced out and watched only a couple of episodes) because it wasn't only Ichabod, it was Ichabod and Jenny who embodied Abbie's past and present choices about her role. And now that the conflict with Jenny is solved, she doesn't seem to factor much in the equation.


Did they tell N.Reed to channel Katrina's breathy voice? It struck me in the first flashback. I didn't have the feeling she talked like this in the previous episode. I don't hate the character, but I don't see yet why she's needed.


I loved Joe and Jenny, they have a little brother/big sister dynamic for me and work well. Badass Jenny rules, as always. But I hope that the separate storyline happened just because Joe is slowly introduced as a member of the team. I wouldn't like Jenny to be sidelined to B storyline and to stop getting scenes with Abbie and Ichabod.


My big issue it's that for two weeks in a row, I really couldn't care less about the case of the week. It wasn't what attracted me the most to start with, but it used to compelled me more than this.


There were lots of Abbie/Ichabod and I found the dialogues flowing better, stressing their chemistry even more for me. Abbie's beaming smile was such a nice closure to a lovely scene on the porch. Keep the Witness goodness coming, I'll keep tuning in.

Edited by Happy Harpy
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I'm trying to keep an open mind, but Betsy Ross really is a, well, bust in my eyes.  Nikki Reed must have been good in a past role or something, but I'm not seeing anything from her that warrants all the hype I've been reading.  She still sounds way too modern, isn't selling the "badass" moments, and is just an overall miscast. I mean, the role itself is going through a lot of the "tough, hot, badass woman" troupes, but I can think of several actresses off the top of my head who would have at least sold the character. Did they even have an audition process for this role?  I just can't buy that Nikki Reed was the best choice for what is clearly going to be a big role.



Yep! One in particular I can think of is Gemma Arterton. I liked her in Hansel and Gretel and think she could've pulled this role off. Though she's movies not television and of course there's no way to know if she'd have chemistry with Mison.   


My big issue it's that for two weeks in a row, I really couldn't care less about the case of the week. It wasn't what attracted me the most to start with, but it used to compelled me more than this.



Though I've liked the look of the MOTW for these past couple of episodes, I also haven't been invested in the cases, which I'd like to be. But I think this is happening because we don't know what Pandora's agenda is. We don't know what the stakes are. Before with Moloch, the Horseman and Henry we knew that each monster they faced could mean one step closer to the apocalypse if they didn't stop it. Here we don't really know what's going on. Hopefully the writers will pull back the curtain on what Pandora is up to within the next couple of episodes. 

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So I decided to introduce my new boyfriend to this show last night. He was already rolling his eyes at the premise. I insisted: "But seriously, its actually a really good show". This episode was so awful that I apologized halfway through and explained its never been this awful before. Watching it through a new viewer's eyes, I have no idea what the show writers were thinking this season.


The chemistry between Ichabod and Abbie seems off, if not completely forced. I feel like some of the writing for Ichabod is cheesy and repetitive.

The shadow MOTW was so lame. How far this show has fallen from the Moloch/Andy glory days. All you have to do to defeat it is say his real name? Boring.


So now every Ichabod flashback story is going to revolve around Betsy Ross? Greaaaat. Well, then recast her stat. Because this actress isn't even trying. As annoying as it is that they are going the "Sexy Betsy" route (which is indeed rage-inducing).....the least they can do is get someone who is pretty and can act. I feel like this casting is payback for all the fans that complained about Katrina/Katia. Ugh.

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