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S31.E03: We Got A Rat

Tara Ariano

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I bet Woo wishes he was on a different tribe or have voted with Shirin and Spencer to possibly get Abi out. Right now it looks like Woo is at the very bottom of his tribe. Woo is being too naive and trusting of his tribe mates and I understand for the most part he tries to play an honorable game, but it seems he hasn't learned from his mistake during his season. Woo is too honest and trusting for Survivor. He should maybe apply to be on The Amazing Race.


I'm wondering who's going to be the first person to be caught getting an idol via IC? My bet would be on Abi. She gets it, she'll probably jump up and down out of sheer joy. 


I do agree on Fishbach needs to go, he's forever looking for an idol and can never find one or the clue. I'm wondering those that are forever on the hunt for it, are realizing that there are no idols on camp like Fishbach. All that searching and it's not in weird shaped trees, rocks, water, etc.  I can only imagine him being on the losing end of an IC and just being paranoid as all hell. If he doesn't want to be viewed as the outcast, then he needs to start upping his social game because his tribe are just going to believe that he's forever out looking for an idol and feel the need to get rid of him more than anything.


I did like that Tasha was able to work her way from the bottom to being the decision maker on who's going home, and that's mostly because PG and Abi are forever causing dissension among the ranks. Now that PG is gone I wonder who Abi is going to be a bitch to now or will she finally mellow her ass out. 


I really hope Terry is blindsided and gets eliminated, he annoys me. I was happy that the tribe Spencer was on won. I also agree that I don't think Spencer is as unemotional as the editing made him out to be with that story about his girlfriend. The fact he doesn't respond with an "I Love You" doesn't make him unemotional. IDK if talking about your personal life is the best way to go about gaining people's trust. Like Savage and that supermodel story, I would have voted him out, supermodels make a lot of money. 

  • Love 4

I wasn't that sad to see Pei Gei go. I really liked her in her first season, but she didn't seem very interesting this time from what we were shown.

I think idiot Abi will provide way more fire works.

I was disappointed in her, but I do think her comment, "Good luck Woo!" was rather prophetic.

Poor Woo has been on the outside of every vote so far.

I not so sure Varner being branded as a rat is very fitting, weasel is more like it.

He could have tried to confront Tasha's disapproval head-on at camp.

I think he should have said, "So what? I was talking to one of my allies, need I remind you that you and Savage are the outsiders here?"

I think that might have been the only way to keep the four them from cracking. Then again, Abi probably would have bolted no matter what.

When the tribes are swapped like that, the color of your buff is meaningless. Especially when you are headed for tribal council.

I was disappointed in Varner looking so weak against Tasha. I'm not sure that him acting guilty was the right move.

When you are caught red-handed doing something, a very effective tactic is to act proud about it.

  • Love 1

Did anyone catch what Varner was mouthing to Wigles? I thought he was mouthing Monica's name.

I also thought it was something about Monica, but I don't understand what was so damned important that he had to do that.

And then he acted very wimpy after getting caught, very disappointed in Varner.

Wait, what? Don't they all know everyone still has friends on the other tribes? Weren't they using the, "I'll get you in with my friends after the merge," as a reason to align with them? So what's so bad about waving to one of your old friends and mouthing a few words? How does that make anyone a rat?


Varner was dumb to act like he had been caught doing something bad.

Edited by ToastnBacon
  • Love 2

Well! Peih-Gee seemed to totally wreck herself this episode, by not checking herself.  All she had to do was not let Abi get to her, or better yet not flip on her alliance in the first freaking place.  But I guess Abi is just the agent of chaos you cannot control.  I hope she continues to destroy the games of everyone who tries to use her, like a non-self-aware Sugar.  Against the apparent feeling of this forum, I still love Abi, and Varner too.  I feel like Varner did pretty well with his damage control.  Keeping quiet (as much as we saw) and letting the others implode worked well, and I believe his strong statements pointing out that Tasha and Savage had taken control was a good idea.  (Andrew seemed pretty unhappy with it, so of course I gotta love it.)  I do not know why I can't stand Tasha.  It doesn't make any sense, I feel bad about it.  Obviously her thing today worked exactly the way she wanted it to, and she played her minority position well (something she never did in Cagayan; that's a second-chance change-your-game moment for ya.)  Yet I found her tattling and time-out gesture incredibly irritating, and she was just as bad as Kass when it came to the "redemption" thing about the challenge.


Spencer is the opposite: I don't want to like him, but I sort of do.  He's got the same hilariously blockheaded "MY BRAND NEW IDEA: SOCIAL GAME!" confessionals as Terry, but again like Terry, actually does play it pretty well.  I think his thing with Jeremy was actually a brilliant "move".  I've read somewhere that if you really want to manipulate people, you don't help them, you ask them to help you; they will convince themselves that they like you because here they are helping you, there must be some reason.  (I don't know if this is true, but.)  Putting himself in the position of asking Jeremy for love advice is like 100% the best possible way to win Jeremy over, I think.  One thing I've learned about Jeremy (who I like) is that he's pretty convinced he has everything figured out, and also, as we know, he really loves his wife.  Good play, Spencer!


On the third hand, I don't want to like Andrew Savage, and I don't!  Shut up with your self-dramatization, Andrew!  I do want to like Kelley Wentworth, and I do!  Go on and put the heat on Terry, Kelley!  One funny thing is that Jeremy, who according to Andrew is just stuffed full of morals and values, will almost certainly keep his idol 100% to himself; but Stephen, as he mentioned in his talking head, would surely use it to solidify his alliance (which was the only thing his idol was used for in Tocantins...I actually whooped when he said that because I had talked about him using the idol that way on this very forum!)  I continue to think Stephen is OK for the time being, though I'm surprised he and Spencer haven't gotten together the nerdlliance already.


This might be my own hang-up but I feel like we got more shots of Monica's butt this episode than we've had shots of Monica's face this whole season.  Also, it is indeed incredibly unfair for Angkor not to get any rice. 


Varner was so stupid to do that during the IC. WTF?? He couldn't wait until he got back to camp to his little signals?? Idiot. He's the one playing too damn hard.


Jeff and Kelly are not on the same team.


A poster above said it looked like he was saying 'get Monica'.  But, 'get her' as in align with her or vote her off?  Monica seems like an odd choice to target, and if anyone was on the outs over there it was Stephen.


Has to be align with her, if he was saying something about Monica.  She was not up for the vote.  I think it was a good idea: guessing that little, female Monica would be low on the totem pole of Macho Tribe makes perfect sense.  There's no way Jeff could know that Stephen was on the outs.  Have to remember that what we the audience know and what the players know are almost completely different.

  • Love 9



Really interesting episode, wasn't sure if it was going to be PG or Abi. I wish it had been Abi though. and I was laughing at Abi's comments at the voting, all that totally applies to her.

Seriously.  In almost every single talking head Abi has given in which she has spoken negatively about another player she was complaining about traits that apply directly to her.  The woman has zero self-awareness, but at least she is good for a laugh.


Man, the third tribe doesn't have a chance. They didn't even leave them rice? I like the "survivor" aspect of Survivor, but that seems like a clear disadvantage.

Didn't Survivor learn anything from the Have/Have Nots season?  This twist was so unfair.  I think they should have had some PAs build the 3rd tribe a comparable shelter and given them some rice.  This season is interesting enough without manufacturing drama by screwing people over so unfairly.


Then why, all of sudden split into three tribes?    It seemed Spencer was doomed if stayed at two tribes.

Every time Survivor has done 3 tribes in the past it has been 3 tribes of 6.  I would be far more suspicious if they had switched to 3 tribes when the numbers were uneven.  I guess they could have waited for 3 more people to be voted off and switched when each tribe would have 5 people, but I think that is too few to start with and the twist would only last for an episode or 2, so why bother at all?



Spencer is a real prize isn't he:? Anyone who has to WORK at showing emotions or any interest in other people...well I'll just have to shake my head. 


There are dozens of reasons why someone may have trouble showing emotions or interacting with people "normally", and the so-called "normal" people love to make others feel like crap about it even when it is often something that they have little control over.  This comment is more insensitive than anything I have seen Spencer say or do.

  • Love 21

Varner is trying to harness Abi's crazy in the manner of a bull-rider trying to last eight seconds on a bucking bronco.  It works for the first two votes, but tonight, we might've seen it go off the rails since Varner himself was threatened and (as was noted upthread) he went into pure 'anyone but me' mode. 


As we've seen, Abi holds a grudge for a long time and her snide little comment about Woo's two votes against her means that she had him directly in her sights.  The most obvious play in the world would be for Varner/Abi/Woo to vote out Tasha/Savage after their next loss (I'm more or less assuming they'll lose again since the odds are so stacked against them from a food/shelter standpoint alone) yet Abi doesn't operate on reason.  If she thinks Tasha/Savage can get her 'off the bottom' and into a better spot in a merged tribe or if things are reshuffled into two tribes, Abi will make that move and screw over Woo.  Varner can't afford to lose a guy like Woo, who seems like a pretty vote to have along in an alliance.


Ironically, BOTH Varner and Abi could be screwed since they happen to be in a tribe with Andrew "Physical Strength Above All" Savage, who will likely balk at voting Woo out.  We could now see Savage/Tasha team with Woo to get rid of the weaker Abi or Varner himself.

I was wondering if Kelley is keeping an eye out during challenges for anyone on other tribes trying to sneak an idol since she knows the trick.  Then again, there's simply so much going on during these things that you have to stay focused on your own tribe's work rather than observe others....yet the person snatching the idol also has to be subtle about it.  Man, do I ever love this new HII twist, it's very cool.

  • Love 8

The shot of Keith attempting to get into a hammock (something he clearly has not done before) was priceless.


Just once (maybe not this season because I'm rooting for too many others), I would like the jury to give the million dollars to the goat, if only so people will stop keeping obnoxious people like Abi around. 


That's an interesting suggestion!  There's a name for this kind of thing in game theory, but I can't think of what it is.


Don't mind the shuffle, but really don't like creating two tribes of 'haves' and one of extreme 'have nots.'  That may have been a critical deciding factor in who won the IC and who went to tribal. 


Yeah, they should have given them a little more in the way of supplies, or compensated them with food or an extra HII clue, something.

  • Love 2

I was wondering if Kelley is keeping an eye out during challenges for anyone on other tribes trying to sneak an idol since she knows the trick.  Then again, there's simply so much going on during these things that you have to stay focused on your own tribe's work rather than observe others....yet the person snatching the idol also has to be subtle about it.  Man, do I ever love this new HII twist, it's very cool.


There is some down time, e.g. during the puzzles unless she is working on them.  That might be her best bet to sneak some looks at the others.  Not much time, though, and she could also tip off anyone who finds an idol (Jeremy in this case).   


I wondered if:


a.  Since Kelley is on a new tribe, is she looking for the clue to another idol?


b.  Is she looking for idols during the challenges?  Sounds like without a clue, there is no idol, but she wouldn't know that. 


Agree totally with you, the idol twist is great. 

OK some more thought out thoughts.


Angkor got screwed. Forget the draw and who landed where, they should have had building materials and food at their camps. They are not responsible for not having anything, it wasn't like they got to the ship and took nothing off. THey should have had some sort of equipment that was simlar to what the other two tribes had when they started.


Instead they were sent to a camp with no building materials and no food on day 7. They have to build from scratch without the benefit of the last meal at Ponderosa and good rest in their system. Then they had to go to a challenge. So they had a ton of more physical work to do, with no food to sustain themselves and no shelter to protect themselves from the elements while the other tribes had rice and chicken or some other food and were able to rest out of the rain. That is an unfair disadvantage.


At least give them the same building materials they all got off the ship, bamboo, axes, ropes and the like. Toss in some rice/beans and some chickens. They were totally screwed.


And it really sucks that the most dysfunctional relationships end up over there.


Abi is playing the role of the goat and she knows it. It advances her but she has no chance to win.


Jeff is playing hard and fast and risky but he is playing. At the same time, I don't think he has a chance of winning because he is flipping as much as Abi is. The difference is that he is not an emotional train wreck.


Peih Gee gets screwed because Abi is an irrational, emotional train wreck. She had no chance to try and develop a good relationship with Abi because Abi decided from minute one she didn't like Peih Gee.


Woo is once again clueless.


Honestly, I don't have a problem with the four of them going home. Varner is playing too hard. Abi should never have been put on the show because she is an emotional, irrational, awful player. Woo should never have been voted on because he never really played the game and has been clueless both seasons he played.


Seriously, no need for a merge until these twits take each other out because they are all playing such awful games.


But they did get screwed over by Production and that was flat out wrong.

  • Love 9

Why did Peih-Gee call out Woo at the end? Was she really offering him support or was she throwing him under the bus? He rolled his eyes like he wished she hadn't said anything, but clearly they were aligned.

From the look in her eye, I think it was a little bit of "You're screwed, take that!" and a little bit of "I'll miss you, good luck." It was dumb, in my opinion, because anyone who thought Woo was on their side, not PG's, will want to get rid of him.

I was really glad someone found a clue and an idol. Those are fun. His was easier than Kelly's. Of course everyone would be looking up right then. I wonder if we'll see a situation where two of them find the same clue to the same idol and realize they're both going for it, during the challenge.

Each camp gets one clue. One idol on THEIR challenge apparatus. If Angkor finds a clue, and Bayon finds a clue, the idol will be on their own apparatus. If one person who has the clue happens to glance over and see that the other team has an idol hidden in the same place, that would indeed be fun to watch. It would give them the advantage of knowing who on the other tribe has an idol. Could come in handy later.
  • Love 3

Abi said that to Woo because she is an emotional, irrtional trainwreck and loves to rub it in that some how or another she is still there. She is going to target Woo because he had the audactity to vote for her insane ass twice.


I really don't like Abi. Why the hell did anyone vote for her? I fail to see how anyone sees this as good Survivor play and any form of entertainment.

  • Love 16

Bayon really lucked out with that tribe swap. They ended up dominating two of the tribes. And then the third tribe, they were on the bottom, but still ruled that tribe. Part of that was just sheer luck - to have Abi and PG on the same tribe. But I also thought Tasha and Savage played it really well. They worked the members of Ta Keo, without overdoing it. It was thrilling to watch it go from Varner to Abi to PG, and round and round and round. I can't stand Abi and had no real attachment to PG, so I didn't care either way. I was just glad it wasn't Varner. 


I don't really get the big deal about him trying to talk to Wigglesworth. The challenge was over. It's not like they were trying to help each other win or sabotage their teams or something. I couldn't even tell what he said, but it might have been totally innocent. I think Tasha jumped the gun a bit with that, and I was sure Varner was a goner. How fortuitous that he ended up on a tribe with Abi. I laughed so hard when she said VARNER need to go for being "unpredictable". Pot - kettle. 


Overall, it's just really interesting seeing the new dynamics. I think Spencer is doing a great job forming a little bond with Jeremy. There was the girlfriend story, but then they completed the puzzle together as well. They seem to work well together. It will be interesting to see if that changes anything at the Bayon camp.


I also just love the new Idol placement, watching Jeremy surreptitiously retrieve his from the back of that chest was great!


Lastly, someone please tell me why Woo was allowed to work on a puzzle. That guy....seriously. And his shocked face at tribal. Again! I almost feel bad for him. It's as if no one ever bothers to tell him anything. One day he's going to snap and go Woo-crazy on them!

  • Love 4

I really don't like Abi. Why the hell did anyone vote for her? I fail to see how anyone sees this as good Survivor play and any form of entertainment.


I respect the position you take, but I clicked "like" a week or two back when someone said they wanted Abi on every tribe, every season, and I have to own that.  I guess I find it entertaining, the chaos she sows.

  • Love 6
I think that might have been the only way to keep the four them from cracking. Then again, Abi probably would have bolted no matter what.


Yup. I absolutely think Abi was going to want to work with the new tribemates and there was little and less the other 3 could have done to persuade her otherwise. 


I was disappointed in Varner looking so weak against Tasha. I'm not sure that him acting guilty was the right move.

When you are caught red-handed doing something, a very effective tactic is to act proud about it.


This is true. While I don't think it was necessarily a big deal, he made it into a bigger one by how he responded. He could have just said something like, "I was asking her if she was okay because it looked like she got hurt out there".


I do want to like Kelley Wentworth, and I do!  Go on and put the heat on Terry, Kelley!


She's a clever little whipper snapper. I don't dislike Terry, but I thought it was smart of her to start planting seeds against him in case they end up at tribal. It's likely going to be one of them, and she surely doesn't want it to be her!


yet Abi doesn't operate on reason.  If she thinks Tasha/Savage can get her 'off the bottom' and into a better spot in a merged tribe or if things are reshuffled into two tribes, Abi will make that move and screw over Woo.


I liked how she was all, "I'm on the bottom with you guys, I'm not on the bottom with them". Do what now? How is that????

  • Love 8

I get Spencer. When I brief, I include notes in my copy to let people complete their questions, think about the question then respond. Make eye contact and don't squirm. Don't bounce your legs. Listen more then you speak. When I am interacting with people at work I remind myself to ask about their family/hobby/life/dog because it honestly is not second nature to me.


So I understand Spencer's needing to remind himself to connect more on a personal level and to open up to folks a bit. It really isn't second nature to many people.

  • Love 16

No, Varner - NOOOOO!  Stay under the radar, sweetie!  Stick around, your accent makes me all swoony!


Fishbach  - this is his second stint on Survivor and he cannot open a coconut??  Wouldn't one practice - I don't know, SURVIVAL skills - if one is going to be on Survivor?


LOVE Tasha's attitude.  She's all, "make it RAIN because I love everything!"  In stark contrast is Savage, who makes me cringe every time he opens his mouth with his devastated whisperings of doom.  Sheesh.  


I don't love when Probst points out that someone is panicking, like he did with Spencer at the challenge.  One, it didn't appear that Spencer was particularly panicking at that moment, but I'd imagine if Probst shouts it out like that, one might being to panic due to being called out.


I was hoping they'd show a little bit of Kelley Wentworth glancing around during the challenge, trying to spot someone acting suspicious.  She had to have known that there was another idol hidden.  Maybe the challenge was just too intense, but I love how Jeremy designated himself the keymaster, since this gave him the best chance to grab the idol.  Well played.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 7

I respect the position you take, but I clicked "like" a week or two back when someone said they wanted Abi on every tribe, every season, and I have to own that.  I guess I find it entertaining, the chaos she sows.

See, I don't like that kind of chaos. I don't like Russell. I don't like Kass. I don't like Abi. Creating chaos for the sake of chaos is not a viable strategy to win anything. It makes it hard to do anything at camp. It makes it hard to win challenges. It makes it next to impossible to win the game.


No one should be playing who does not want to actually win the big prize. They are not all going to be playing a game that will let them win, luck might screw them over but their goal should be to win. Abi doesn't play to win. She knows that. She knows that her emotional overraction to everything is bad for her but that is what she does. THen she smirks and smiles and rubs it in when she stabs someone in the back for no good reason. She gloats.


So she is playing a crappy game, ie she cannot win, and she gloats. Hate that. It is not entertaining to me because the point of being out there is to try and win the game.


There is no way to contain or work with Abi. It is not possible. So watching her attack others, stir the pot, create tension and act as awfully as she does is not entertaining to me. It is the exact opposite of entertaining. And a part of me thinks that it is unfair. Unstable people should not be out there and I count Abi is unstable. She cannot control herself, she makes snap judgements about folks and then acts like a complete bitch. She is not Brandon crazy but she is Ja'Tia crazy and that is not enjoyable.


I don't like Phillip. I don't like Brandon.

  • Love 22

I am right with you in not wanting Russell, Kass, Phillip, or Brandon on my TV screen.  (Ja'Tia I don't remember.)  But for me, Abi is different.  I guess she's more comical?


I disagree though in more general terms that every Survivor season should be composed of 16 (or 18, or 20) players who all have a legit chance to win, and who all are doing their rational best to achieve that end.  I think it's good to have some who sort of run interference, act as roadblocks or spoilers to make it a more difficult obstacle course for the others to navigate.

  • Love 7

I wondered if:


a.  Since Kelley is on a new tribe, is she looking for the clue to another idol?

Kelley is still on Ta'keo (sp), isn't she, just with new people? She already has the idol for her site and Jeremy has Bayon's idol, so there's just Angkor's. I wonder if anyone will find it or if they'll be too busy squabbling with each other to look.


Of course production could hide new clues & idols, so Kelley could find another one.

  • Love 2

I, too, understand Spencer's decision to focus on developing emotional relationships. When I'm in various situations, I try to think logically about how to best resolve them-placing tasks ahead of emotions with the idea that once the crisis/situation is over then I can talk to people. However, people who think and process differently think I'm not emotional enough. We all think in different ways, and they are all valid. What Spencer seems to be doing is adjusting his processes to those of the rest of the tribe-which isn't easy.

Jeff got outplayed by Tasha. I think he was too caught up in the moment to consider any possible consequences. Tasha, who already knew that she and Andrew were in trouble, saw his communication and immediately seized on it. Good job. I also think that Tasha and Andrew aligned with Abi as they considered that Pei Gei may realign with her former tribe mates while Abil really was on her own and more likely to stay with them.

What does it say about the tribe that Woo was their strongest puzzle solver? And that he figured out how to place the pieces (spatial understanding) and really almost caught them up to the second place team. All in all a much better puzzle solver than Shirin, and it must be killing her...

I, too, understand Spencer's decision to focus on developing emotional relationships. When I'm in various situations, I try to think logically about how to best resolve them-placing tasks ahead of emotions with the idea that once the crisis/situation is over then I can talk to people. However, people who think and process differently think I'm not emotional enough. We all think in different ways, and they are all valid. What Spencer seems to be doing is adjusting his processes to those of the rest of the tribe-which isn't easy.

Jeff got outplayed by Tasha. I think he was too caught up in the moment to consider any possible consequences. Tasha, who already knew that she and Andrew were in trouble, saw his communication and immediately seized on it. Good job. I also think that Tasha and Andrew aligned with Abi as they considered that Pei Gei may realign with her former tribe mates while Abil really was on her own and more likely to stay with them.

What does it say about the tribe that Woo was their strongest puzzle solver? And that he figured out how to place the pieces (spatial understanding) and really almost caught them up to the second place team. All in all a much better puzzle solver than Shirin, and it must be killing her...

  • Love 6

Last week it was Andrew and the supermodel wife.  This week Spencer gets the relationship spotlight story.  Dan must be seething at home.


LOLOLOL *snort* LOL...oh my goodness, yes!  Dan, whose love for his wife is like that which you read in books...he's probably super busy practicing in the mirror again, for when he gets the call for "Survivor: Worst Players Ever: Second Chance."

  • Love 8

Andrew and Tasha are very lucky that they got on a tribe with a bunch of idiots because they played being in the minority so damn terribly. Like I was flabbergasted at how horrible they were playing. Just truly atrocious. But lucky for them Abi is a completely irrational and vindictive player and Woo and PG are stupid.


I am so very over Abi. She's just awful and not in an entertaining way like before. But I do hope she continues to screw over people because that is funny. But she needs to start setting her sights on people I hate now, dammit! Which honestly in probably at least 50% of the players so statistically it should happen soon.


Kelley continues to be the only player I'm actually really liking and rooting for. I think I like Kimmi, Monica, and Ciera, but considering they are apparently mute, it's hard to tell.


I normally hate Jeremy, but he was pretty great in this ep. Spencer picked the perfect person to play his emotional manipulation game on. As Kimber said, Jeremy fancies himself as the knower of all things and he likes to remind us (a lot) that he 'loves his wife' so that play from Spencer was genius.


Which reminds me, I'm really liking/rooting for Spencer, too.


As for what Varner said, I for sure saw 'Kimmi' but that was all I could make out. Also, what was with Tasha there? Again, her game play was just mindbogglingly bad in this ep.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 3

I've never been a big fan of Peih-Gee or her game play, so I'm not sad she's gone.  I really liked Andrew Savage his first season but I'm not enjoying him much this time around. I do think that the tribal shake-up was meant to benefit Spencer (or at least the timing of it) and I think it is definitely unfair that they weren't even given food. I don't mind when tribal swaps make things uneven player wise or alliance wise, but I don't like when the conditions are so radically different.

I eagerly await Jeff's explanation of the thought process behind giving the 3rd team such and extreme disadvantage.  I assume his twitter page is full of outrage. 


Too bad Varner was not prepared to finesse his signaling Kelly.  He could have shrugged that off as an innocent and friendly hello to a friend.  They all have connections on their original tribes and to pretend they are now only loyal to their new one is silly and transparent.  Good move though Tasha; she is working it.  .


Good move by Spencer to connect with Jeremy in the way that he did.  At the end of the challenge I noticed he made a point to grab Jeremy and include him in the group hug that spontaneously erupted.  He needs allies.   


That baby monkey, my god, how adorable.


I love Wentworth!  I hope she finds another clue at her new camp.

Edited by wings707
  • Love 4

LOLOLOL *snort* LOL...oh my goodness, yes!  Dan, whose love for his wife is like that which you read in books...he's probably super busy practicing in the mirror again, for when he gets the call for "Survivor: Worst Players Ever: Second Chance."

Did he actually say that?

I must have missed it, but that sounds just like him. Every time he got teary-eyed, I thought of people who can cry on cue.

I kinda refuse to believe they really weren't given any food. That makes no sense. Probst even said they would get the same things the other tribes got on day 1 and I'm pretty sure they got rice.

I heard Jeff say that too. I don't think they are in a "have not" scenario.

Their campsite might suck, in that the fishing is poor and there aren't fruit trees near it, but they got a ration of rice and some tools.

This episode had a lot that I should have liked, but I really didn't like the ending.

I get why Pei Gee was voted out, she tried to play relatively low key but she couldn't be low enough and was not high enough. I'll miss her, because she's one player I'd been hoping to see again since China, but [like Brenda before her] she went for a whole new strategy that didn't work for her.

It goes contrary to all I like in Survivor, but I'll be rooting for Woo from now on. The guy always voted for the voted out person his first try, and now hasn't once. I want the trend to continue (sort of), without him never being in any danger of being voted out.

And while I'm on Woo, I must have been the only people in the universe shouting "go Woo" when he was against Spencer on that puzzle - what can I say, it WAS close, and I really dislike how Spencer talked crap about Woo during their first season after never making any effort to get to know him when he didn't need to.

And while on Spencer... if you need to make a conscious effort to be social, you still have a rough path ahead of you in this game. Jeremy was a soft sell, because he thinks it makes sense that you ask HIM, but check your facial expressions in talking heads, you still read very smug to me. YMMV etc.

Someone above mentioned Monica's butt, which I believe I saw more of than Monica's face. Reminds me of the zookeeper in Guatemala (Cindy?) and of Danni in the same season who, having had her butt broadcast mucho, still ended up winning the season :-) [sometimes, when you're a nice looking woman, your butt is better TV that your strategy? has there been an equivalent with any man?]

  • Love 1

I love that Abi is directly or indirectly responsible for the last 2 boots. In a season of many good players, she is an element that you have to deal with in order to win. Like the monsoons.



No, Varner - NOOOOO!  Stay under the radar, sweetie!  Stick around, your accent makes me all swoony!


Fishbach  - this is his second stint on Survivor and he cannot open a coconut??  Wouldn't one practice - I don't know, SURVIVAL skills - if one is going to be on Survivor?



Fish's first season was inland and they didnt have coconuts. I am sure he is not the only one who might be struggling with coconuts and it's not all that riveting but obviously they want to continue the Buffoon Edit.

  • Love 5

ToastnBacon - Dan said something to that effect during the letters from home portion...something like, "I love her like you read about."  I'd forgotten how much I loathed him until now.


And can someone tell me what season Monica played on, and what, if anything, did she bring to the table?  She is the only Survivor I have zero recollection of.

  • Love 1
I love that Abi is directly or indirectly responsible for the last 2 boots. In a season of many good players, she is an element that you have to deal with in order to win. Like the monsoons.

I love it in a way but then again I don't. I love it because keeping the crazy messed up with some people's game (and I sure hope future contestats leanr that you DO NOT KEEP THE CRAZY, especially so early on - other, mildest crazies will develop with time), but I cannot stand her and her mean face, and wish she had been gone the first week. She's the random luck element all right, but did it have to take such an unpleasant form? (I would trade Abi for Russell in a heartbeat, and I really do not like Russel, that's how much I enjoy her on my screen...)

  • Love 6

I hope Abi finds the clue next week, and thinks she found the actual idol, but doesn't have time to open it until after the challenge, when it would be too late.  She is the only one that I am actively rooting against.  


Good lord, I would never win this game because if I were in Woo's position when Abi smiled her psychotic smug little smile and said, "I can't believe this is the second time you wrote my name down" I would have stood up and been all, "Bitch, you damn right I wrote your name down twice - you're an annoying, shit-stirring asshole who is in need of a good slappening".


Instead, Woo looked like he was thinking "Oh, you're Abi? I thought I was voting for somebody else."


My allergies are acting up and if I am not a mouth breather, I wouldn't be breathing at all.  Perhaps Woo's WTF look is the result of stuffed up sinuses - it would explain the gaping mouth, but not the confused look in his eyes.


That's the most even tribe split I can remember.  All three have an old tribe majority of four with two people on each with huge targets on them.


And each tribe is made up of three women and three men.  Did they have separate trays and boxes for men and women - It looked like they were all picking from the same tray.


Well, Stephen suggested it, and we saw, I guess, tacit agreement in that they then all set to work looking at the same time, but Jeremy immediately said "our...MY idol" when he was opening the clue.  And good for him.


I thought Jeremy was reading the clue and it stated "your idol" or "the idol" and he changed it to "MY idol" because he knew it would be his.  I didn't think there was any sort of agreement to share it, but someone made a comment that it would be good for their alliance if they had an idol.  


Show: "#blindside"

How can it be a blindside when one of the two main people being discussed aloud for elimination, including at tribal council, is the person voted off?


They need a dictionary, because it has been obvious for a while now that they don't know what blindside means.  The only way it would have been a blindside is if it was Woo voted out - he was the only person at tribal who was never up for consideration (and now he is at the bottom). 


Abi is toxic. She is paranoid and confrontational and always plays the victim. It's exhausting. She thinks her shit doesn't stink when it is in reality the stinkiest of all.


When you spend as much time as Abi does stirring shit and talking shit, you get used to the smell of shit and don't notice the stink.


I don't really get the big deal about him trying to talk to Wigglesworth. The challenge was over. It's not like they were trying to help each other win or sabotage their teams or something. I couldn't even tell what he said, but it might have been totally innocent. I think Tasha jumped the gun a bit with that, and I was sure Varner was a goner. How fortuitous that he ended up on a tribe with Abi. I laughed so hard when she said VARNER need to go for being "unpredictable". Pot - kettle.


I don't think his talking to Wigglesworth was a big deal, but Tasha was very smart to convince everyone else that it was a big deal - it took the target off her.  It was going to be her or Savage and she had seen first hand that Savage is pretty persuasive - he was able to bring people to tears because he married a supermodel, so she was likely the next to go if she didn't paint a target on someone else.


However, I wonder if the "Varner is a rat" plan would have worked long enough to save Tasha.  Seemed to me that all Varner would have to do is point out to the other three from his former tribe that "I was just talking to members of OUR alliance" Tasha (and/or Varner) is lucky PG and Abi don't like each other.  


Just once (maybe not this season because I'm rooting for too many others), I would like the jury to give the million dollars to the goat, if only so people will stop keeping obnoxious people like Abi around.


I am afraid that would just lead to seasons where everyone will be obnoxious and try to be a goat.

  • Love 4

I figured the day one rice prize was extra rice.  



Too bad Varner was not prepared to finesse his signaling Kelly.  He could have shrugged that off as an innocent and friendly hello to a friend.  They all have connections on their original tribes and to pretend they are now only loyal to their new one is silly and transparent.  Good move though Tasha; she is working it.  .


I feel like it's smarter to pretend like you're in Abi's position-- "I have no power or real alliances yet so I'd be good for you newbies to align with."   You can't have too many allies out there, or people who think you're playing with them, at least.  Announcing to the whole playing field that you have a final four with those 3 women not on your tribe gives your tribe a huge reason to get rid of you before a merge.  And to not trust you at all until a merge.  

Spencer is the opposite: I don't want to like him, but I sort of do.  He's got the same hilariously blockheaded "MY BRAND NEW IDEA: SOCIAL GAME!" confessionals as Terry, but again like Terry, actually does play it pretty well.  I think his thing with Jeremy was actually a brilliant "move".

The two of them together are Survivor comedy gold. Jeremy the most sloppily, sentimental,  guy ever and Spencer who can't tell his long time girlfriend he loves her because his emotional bank account only has two dollars in it and he doesn't want to waste it on something rash.


I like Kelley Wentworth's glee over kicking Terry under the bus, but was telling them he had an idol the best way to do it?  Wouldn't that have just made them vote for Kelley?

  • Love 6
Did he actually say that?


He (Dan) did say that, but I assumed he was talking about true crime books - you know, on stalkers and wife murderers and what-not. 



And can someone tell me what season Monica played on, and what, if anything, did she bring to the table?  She is the only Survivor I have zero recollection of.


Same here! Every time someone says, "Monica", I keep picturing Monica Culpepper. But I know that's not right. 

  • Love 1

I figured the day one rice prize was extra rice.  



I feel like it's smarter to pretend like you're in Abi's position-- "I have no power or real alliances yet so I'd be good for you newbies to align with."   You can't have too many allies out there, or people who think you're playing with them, at least.  Announcing to the whole playing field that you have a final four with those 3 women not on your tribe gives your tribe a huge reason to get rid of you before a merge.  And to not trust you at all until a merge.  



Yes, of course that is smarter.  I meant when he was caught (stupid move) he didn't try to finesse it; he caved and quietly freaked out.   

I like Kelley Wentworth's glee over kicking Terry under the bus, but was telling them he had an idol the best way to do it?  Wouldn't that have just made them vote for Kelley?


Well, she didn't outright say he had an idol. She just said he and someone else (can't recall now) were the ones LOOKING the most. Terry possibly having an idol wouldn't necessarily mean they wouldn't try to get him out. In fact, they might find it wise to make him feel really safe and vote him out before he has a chance to play it. But again, she only hinted that he was looking around for one a lot. If anything, she might have been trying to portray him as playing harder than her. "Get him BEFORE he finds an idol". 

  • Love 2

Announcing to the whole playing field that you have a final four with those 3 women not on your tribe gives your tribe a huge reason to get rid of you before a merge.  And to not trust you at all until a merge.  

Precisely.  If Varner is seen as trying to make a cross tribe alliance with Kimmie and Monica then suddenly Woo, PG, and Abi are irrelevant.  Tasha was smart to let them know that their alliance with Varner might not be as rock steady as they thought.  He was looking waaay too far down the road.


I don't believe the 3 tribe switch up had anything to do with saving Spencer.  Even if it had been leaked beforehand that there would be a 3 way break I'm guessing the players didn't know when it would happen.

Edited by Haleth
  • Love 3


"i can 't believe I lost to a guy who can't even fucking swim" -  Wiggles,  15 years ago .


Back in those days, Burnett liked to keep the teams even strength as much as possible. That challenge was specifically designed to eliminate the team with more members. The team with more members would obviously have a heavier boat and a more difficult time managing the challenge.


Wiggles had nothing to do with it one way or the other, it was production.

I'm enjoying Spencer.  He is both outside of himself watching himself play and inside of himself, doing it.  Managing himself while still somehow authentically in it. Which is fascinating to watch.


I am still liking Varner though I thought he didn't react to the Rat situation very well in the moment at the challenge.  By TC, he had recovered enough to spin it properly ("I was saying something to someone I care about on another team" -- perfectly reasonable given the circumstances), plus he knew enough to keep his head down and let others feel like they are in charge.  Up until now, I thought he was playing too visibly, too gleefully, and would burn out or be voted out for his uppityness.  But after last night, bowing into the wings and letting others be "in charge," -- I think he's in a better position now, ironically.  And he got very lucky with the Abi/PG thing.  But of course, I think he has been keeping Abi as a shield all along.


I think Tasha is kind of a boss this time around, but I am still having a hard time liking her.  There's something about her I can't put my finger on.  She's the kind of smiling supportive person at work you give a  hug to when you run into them, but that you can't really trust and have to be very careful around.

Edited by Special K
  • Love 7

Responding to something way upthread: Josh Wigler has never played Survivor, this is true, but he is, for my money, the best Survivor writer currently working. If you're not reading his coverage for Parade, you're missing out on someone whose love for the show is both apparent and contagious, and whose intuition about the game (not to mention trivia knowledge) is excellent.

(Of course, you should be reading mine as well, but since you're already here, I'm going to assume that you already did, therefore going now to read Wigler's writing isn't taking pageviews away from Previously's also-stellar coverage.)

  • Love 1

Someone above mentioned Monica's butt, which I believe I saw more of than Monica's face. Reminds me of the zookeeper in Guatemala (Cindy?) and of Danni in the same season who, having had her butt broadcast mucho, still ended up winning the season :-) [sometimes, when you're a nice looking woman, your butt is better TV that your strategy? has there been an equivalent with any man?]

Maybe that was Vytas' strategy.

  • Love 3

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