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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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No one deserves Sonny, but Shawn. He had to earn those stripes from me. And he has by being so bad. Unless it's like he's really a mole and is a shit shot on purpose.

I bet today Sonny was really missing Jasus. And my God. We got an "Oh my God what if that were Jason!" line from Sam. So you all can prepare for a Borg Christmas and a Greasy New Year. Like ew. I can almost see the fucking promos.

Dramatic voiceover guy "The man they thought they all said goodbye to." Sad Sam. Dumb Sonny. Carly with her mouth open. "Is back." Shocked faces. "Jason returns to General Hospital this fall." Insert someone saying oh my God.

  • Love 5

Dramatic voiceover guy "The man they thought they all said goodbye to." Sad Sam. Dumb Sonny. Carly with her mouth open. "Is back." Shocked faces. "Jason returns to General Hospital this fall." Insert someone saying oh my God.


You already me laughing reading this and imagining the promos EXACTLY as you describe them.  And now I wish SO MUCH that - in the spirit of the show Ron C. writes - that Jason would be recast with Richard Simmons playing the part.  And he returns.  In shorts.  .......   looks like Robin's miracle treatment had a few...ah...unexpected side effects....

  • Love 4
Dramatic voiceover guy "The man they thought they all said goodbye to." Sad Sam. Dumb Sonny. Carly with her mouth open. "Is back." Shocked faces. "Jason returns to General Hospital this fall." Insert someone saying oh my God.


You forgot: "The return that will change Port Charles FOREVER." But otherwise, it's perfect.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 4

I swear to God, some of this goofy, self-obsessed shit they write for Sonny is absolutely intentional, the same way it became under Guza, when IMO Guza began to seriously sour on MB vs. Jason/Burton in the mid-late 2000s. "Don't shoot the chopper, it might be my baby!" Who says that? It's got to be intentional. Along with some of the shit they had him say and do when Morgan caught him and Ava.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 4

I swear to God, some of this goofy, self-obsessed shit they write for Sonny is absolutely intentional, the same way it became under Guza, when IMO Guza began to seriously sour on MB vs. Jason/Burton in the mid-late 2000s. "Don't shoot the chopper, it might be my baby!" Who says that? It's got to be intentional. Along with some of the shit they had him say and do when Morgan caught him and Ava.


"I love you son, you know I hated doing this" comes to mind. Sorry, I just have to quote it whenever I have the opportunity.

  • Love 3

What was with Sonny being all, "I wish I could tell Morgan why Ava is staying with me."  Um, mobster, what exactly do you wish you were free to tell him?  That she knows you killed his brother's biological father?  That you're itching to put a bullet in her and just have to wait until that stupid baby is out of there?  How would hearing any of those things make Morgan forgive Sonny?

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 11

That's one of the funniest things about Sonny, though, that I think is at least semi-intentional from some of the writers, though not always. He's always wheedling people about this stuff, like "c'monnnn! You get it, right?" on the most horrible shit. "I killed A.J., that's why all this had to happen! C'monnnn!" He's like some sort of horrific sitcom dad, his morality is so utterly upside-down and he's just, like, kind of chagrined that people don't understand at this point. Baffled and frustrated.

  • Love 4

It goes hand and hand with him whining when people remind him of the horrible things he's done. "Why can't people get past my shooting my unarmed son in the chest? He lied to me!" "Why can't people stop talking about the time I nearly blew up my daughter with a car bomb? I didn't know she'd be there!"


I can't lie, I kind of love that about Sonny. He's so completely unable to see beyond how something affects him.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 6

That is definitely it. RC never knows how to end a story.


Guza had the same problem - introduce a story with some big event, get the audience hooked, have it run in place for months on end, then end it in the blink of an eye in the most anti-climactic way possible.  I get the feeling the oftentimes Ron just goes straight to the "run-in-place" portion of the formula.


Morgan's dismissive attitude of both Sonny and Ava was epic. Wish more people felt that way.


Wish Morgan would stay feeling that way consistently!


Good Patrick & Anna talk - yes Patrick you should jump at the chance to take Anna up on her offer. Anna taking down Dr. O would be fun to watch.


Can't Anna just take down Dr. O on general principles, rather than having to do it at that asshole's behest?


LW is in trouble because IMO, RoHo & MSt actually have chemistry. Who would have thunk?



I am hoping against hope RH and MSt get some good writing and the pairing actually goes somewhere.  Unlike the supposedly amazeballs chemistry RH was supposed to have with LW, which never existed beyond LW's press releases, the chemistry here is the real deal.  Ron can then do to the character of Carly what he did to A.J.  Carly's destruction/exit from the canvas is long overdue.


If Ron hadn't been trying so hard to make Sabrina & Purina happen SamTrick could have been developed over a year ago.


KeMo was a hate object for fans for a good two years after she came on the show, why on Earth would anybody want her to paint a target on her back again?  To watch her struggle and fail to try and make a scene work as JT tanks away, and then everybody on the message boards blames her for the scene not working?  Then there is the fact that at this point, Patrick as a character has become such a horrible self-absorbed narcissist that I can't see why any woman would want to waste even two seconds of her time on him.


Pair Patrick with Kiki.  She's the only female character I hate enough to stick in a no-win situation like that.

Edited by yowsah1
  • Love 1
I need at least one person onscreen to explain to the Moobster that you shouldn't want to kill a pregnant woman regardless of who the baby's father is.​

Right?  Or maybe even that, gasp, killing or threatening to kill everyone who gets on your nerves is maybe, just possibly, not exactly healthy, moral, or legal?  


The more I think about it, the more I think a Sam/ Patrick/ Returned Jason Q (I'm hoping against hope that he won't return as Hitman Jason) story could be really interesting to watch.  There's a lot of history there on all sides, and there would be a lot of complicated feelings to explore.  And I think the actors could pull it off, assuming the new Jason actor is good.  Sam still loves Jason, I'm assuming Jason would have his memory but be different and would still have (mixed) feelings about Sam, Patrick and Sam could be in the throes of a new relationship, the Patrick/ Robin/ Jason history would complicate it - it could be really interesting.  


I've come to the conclusion that I just do not like the actress who plays Nina, nor do I like the character.  She really annoys me, with the way she talks, her mannerisms, the writing, the .. everything.  And I'm kind of sorry they didn't do more to explore what it must be like for her to all of a sudden be physically 20 years older but mentally/ emotionally in her, what, mid-20s?  If they had explored that aspect of coming out of the coma, maybe some of her breathless immature plotting and scheming and over-acting wouldn't have turned me off right away.  But still, don't love the actress.  

  • Love 4


Patrick needs to take his fired ass out of town to find Robin.


There fixed that for you.


Dear, Ron

Patrick comes off as a fuckingidiotdouchecanoe when he talks about Robin as if she is free & working at the best facility ever of her own volition. He knows Robin was forced into this decision per your own writing.




I love this post so much!

  • Love 4
Can't Anna just take down Dr. O on general principles, rather than having to do it at that asshole's behest?


You'd think she would've gotten on that already, right?  I mean, I know she has an entire, failing police department to run, but she could take an afternoon off to plot Dr. O's take-down.  If all of Anna's awesomeness hadn't been sucked out of her in recent years, she totally would've taken care of this problem months ago. 


Can any random chopper use GH's helipad?





I feel like that's a tad unrealistic.



Everything about this hospital is bizarre at this point. 


If PC were a real place, and I were injured in it, I would drag my bleeding carcass over the county line to avoid being brought to the hospital that is (1) run by a kidnapper/torturer, and (2) staffed with people like Britt and Franco.

So Snarly thinks that Morgan will come around to Sonny. What about when and or if Sonny kills Ava after she births either Morgan's son or his brother. Somehow I don't think that he will be ok with that.


As for Anna going after Dr. O., hell her boyfriend is working for Sonny and she doesn't seem to care anymore. She even allows Emma to be around that jerk.

Right?  Or maybe even that, gasp, killing or threatening to kill everyone who gets on your nerves is maybe, just possibly, not exactly healthy, moral, or legal?  


The more I think about it, the more I think a Sam/ Patrick/ Returned Jason Q (I'm hoping against hope that he won't return as Hitman Jason) story could be really interesting to watch.  There's a lot of history there on all sides, and there would be a lot of complicated feelings to explore.  And I think the actors could pull it off, assuming the new Jason actor is good.  Sam still loves Jason, I'm assuming Jason would have his memory but be different and would still have (mixed) feelings about Sam, Patrick and Sam could be in the throes of a new relationship, the Patrick/ Robin/ Jason history would complicate it - it could be really interesting.  


I've come to the conclusion that I just do not like the actress who plays Nina, nor do I like the character.  She really annoys me, with the way she talks, her mannerisms, the writing, the .. everything.  And I'm kind of sorry they didn't do more to explore what it must be like for her to all of a sudden be physically 20 years older but mentally/ emotionally in her, what, mid-20s?  If they had explored that aspect of coming out of the coma, maybe some of her breathless immature plotting and scheming and over-acting wouldn't have turned me off right away.  But still, don't love the actress.  


Her repeating everything twice gives me chills of annoyance. 

  • Love 2

Nina and Franco: Two characters I can FF. Thanks for putting them together, Ron!


I'm digging lumberjack Patrick. It's a nice change from all the waxed mannequins the show traffics in.


So I guess Patrick and Robin are definitely getting a divorce. Fuck you, Ron. There were a lot better ways for that to happen than what's going on now.


The anvils for Jason's return were pretty thick.


Nice to see Carly getting a taste of her own medicine. She's not the only one who has relationships with people of the opposite sex.

  • Love 2

Gosh, isn't it sad that Silas and Sam have broken up?  I'm really going to miss the lighthearted, laughing, breath-of-fresh-air, sheer all-around FUN that those two brought to the screen!  They were like a sunny day after a week of rain.


Bull puckey.  While I think those two had some chemistry as McBain and Sam, this incarnation has been like nails on a chalkboard - or at least, it was until The Nina showed up.  Then it was like a crazed baboon with her nails on a chalkboard.


Now I just need to see if Hallmark has a line of "I don't give a fuck" cards so I can send them one.

  • Love 4


Julian and Ava fucking won for me today.


Ok, so I totally read this a different way at first.  "Wait, WHAT?!  Aren't they siblings?!"


Not going to lie, I wouldn't hate it. Yeah, I'm pretty sick. Just in my fictional life, though, not in my real one. I blame V.C. Andrews.


I'll start off with them, because I agree completely. I owe Julian a debt of gratitude for helping Ava to escape Scummy. The rage I was feeling was going to cause me to have blackouts, I swear. But the ending was so hilarious, one of the things that this show does still get me to do is laugh. Sonny again showing how much he cares about Morgan. Zero. Zip. Nada.


The beginning with Franco and the fake sex was really gross. It wasn't actually something I would expect from a Kate Hall episode. Definitely seems more like Scott Sickles. But I don't have a problem with him and Nina. It was the only time I haven't hated both of them. I liked that he found her list and basically told her she was BS.


Woo hoo, my other girl is finally free too! Talk about a long prison sentence. I've been hating every minute of Siam since they started. Samtrick will barely even get off the ground and then Frozen JasePop will be back in town. Great preview of the promo upthread. ME continues to have no personality.


Haley is just such a beautiful girl. I've really enjoyed watching her grow up onscreen. I saw a picture of Molly, Krissy and AS' Morgan the other day, and she used to look so young, even just a few years ago.


I feel like I'm Connie (which I really hate since I despise the character for a) existing and b) having Ava being her killer), but in regards to the show overall, I both hate it and love it. Or, I'm addicted like Cokehead/Heroin addict Rafe.

  • Love 3


Gosh, isn't it sad that Silas and Sam have broken up?  I'm really going to miss the lighthearted, laughing, breath-of-fresh-air, sheer all-around FUN that those two brought to the screen!  They were like a sunny day after a week of rain.


I love this snark so much I want to have sex with it's cousin in the same office where it died barely/almost 2 months prior in my arms.


I don't care about anything else today, I am just so happy the depress-fest that was Siam is over (at least for now).

  • Love 2

Color me shocked that they had Sam/Silas break up & are possibly going there with SamTrick. I never expected this much.


I'm refusing to take bait.  I still don't believe it.  That break-up was... weird.  On one hand, it felt way more final-seeming than I was expecting--there was an actual conversation about how and why things weren't working, which generally comes across as more serious and final than the door-slamming pouty fight that I was expecting.  (See:  "your wife had a WILL???")  On the other hand, the how and and why that were discussed made absolutely no sense.  Silas looks at Nina like she's someone's annoying pet he's been asked to babysit and pays maybe 10% attention when she's talking.  But Sam is breaking up with him because she thinks he still has feelings for her and that his life is with her now?  Sam wasn't more than 10 feet from Silas for 6 months.  But she hugs Patrick twice, and now she's supposedly neglecting Silas for the sake of Patrick?  I'd maybe believe this was real if the things that were coming out of their mouths accorded even a little bit with what we've seen on camera.  I'm going with fake-out.  I give it two weeks.  Maybe a month, tops.


I also refuse to get my hopes up for my beloved SamTrick.  The show has let me down too often in the past!


For the rest of the show:


Julian looks lovely in his undies, but I wish someone would tell him not to sit on the edge of the bed with his legs spread apart like that.  It was really not a flattering posture.  Lying to Molly is stupid, but whatever.


Love Patrick and Anna.  Love them talking even when the crap they're saying makes no sense.


Did not watch anything else.

Edited by Rancide

  On one hand, it felt way more final-seeming than I was expecting.  On one hand, there was an actual conversation about how and why things weren't working, which generally comes across as more serious and final than the door-slamming pouty fight that I was expecting.   On the other hand, the how and and why that were discussed made absolutely no sense. 


This I totally agree with but it had me ROTFLMAO the way Sam was all weepy and Silas eeked out two whole tear and don't even get me started on the music. If I just turned the scene on and didn't know these people I'd think Sam was going off to prison(and to me life with Patdick WOULD be prisoner of warish) or was dying of a termial illness. It was so damn cheesy like they would NEVER even see each other's face again ever. It was funny as hell to me. When Nina rolled up to Sadlas I just wanted her to stand up out of her chair and do a dance to Weird Al's Tacky. That would have been epic!


Patrick just annoys me on so many levels, just the way he arrogantly stands while talking to Robin's MOTHER for gosh sakes about his PAIN just makes me want to throat punch him. I seriously almost despise him more than Levi just for standing around looking like a douchecannon.  There is something about his pathetic man pain apathy that makes me twitch. Like everything just "happens" to him and he is powerless to stop it yet he does NOTHING to try and stop it but look like a douche! Add to that Anna and Sam enabling his behavior....i.....just ...can't. Where's my vodka!

  • Love 1

Not going to lie, I wouldn't hate it. Yeah, I'm pretty sick. Just in my fictional life, though, not in my real one. I blame V.C. Andrews.


I'll start off with them, because I agree completely. I owe Julian a debt of gratitude for helping Ava to escape Scummy. The rage I was feeling was going to cause me to have blackouts, I swear. But the ending was so hilarious, one of the things that this show does still get me to do is laugh. Sonny again showing how much he cares about Morgan. Zero. Zip. Nada.


The beginning with Franco and the fake sex was really gross. It wasn't actually something I would expect from a Kate Hall episode. Definitely seems more like Scott Sickles. But I don't have a problem with him and Nina. It was the only time I haven't hated both of them. I liked that he found her list and basically told her she was BS.


Meh, I wouldn't care either. Siblings in fiction do freak me out, but they have to FEEL like siblings. Liz and Nik gross me out because they were de facto in-laws pretty much from 1998. Julian and Ava, who only been on screen for a year but haven't particularly acted brother and sister-ly or Britt and Nathan, who have the lamest most contrived sibling relationship ever, especially them, I don't care. I'm not gonna ship them but I'm not gonna clutch my pearls in shock.

Did Sonny actually tell Shawn not to shoot at the helicopter, in case it crashed, because the baby could be his?  Um, I guess it'd be okay, then, if the baby was just Morgan's?  Did I mishear that?  Surely, even Sonny is not that sefl-absorbed? 


What am I saying?  Of course, he is.


And Patrick.  Did he really say "complicit" instead of "implicit", like closed captioning said?  'Cause I don't think that word means what you think it means, writers. 

And of course, shooting a helicopter down in a city is never good because it can spiral out of control, crash and kill innocent people on the ground.  Or crash into the roof of the hospital and kill everyone on the roof.  (which I don't think I would have minded) It was such a stupid scene.  Why couldn't they have them just look at the sky helplessly like normal  people?

  • Love 3

That's one of the funniest things about Sonny, though, that I think is at least semi-intentional from some of the writers, though not always. He's always wheedling people about this stuff, like "c'monnnn! You get it, right?" on the most horrible shit. "I killed A.J., that's why all this had to happen! C'monnnn!" He's like some sort of horrific sitcom dad, his morality is so utterly upside-down and he's just, like, kind of chagrined that people don't understand at this point. Baffled and frustrated.


There's always been this absurd element of "man, why you bringing up old things?" to Sonny.  I mean, he only shot Dante in the chest that ONE time, and had Olivia told him sooner that Dante was his son, he never would have done it.  

  • Love 6


Now now, we can't nitpick them for not knowing what words mean, after all they keep putting Franco and Carly together as a "romantic pairing", Sonny is a "honorable man", and Shawn is a "good shot".


Hee!  Yes, and calling Sonny a "good father."  Point taken.  Because Sonny and "good father" is an oxymoron.



Ugh I felt so much annoyance today when Carly was like, "oh I think in time Morgan will get over it." WHY DO YOU WANT HIM TO GET OVER IT? Don't you care a LITTLE that Sonny slept with Morgan's girlfriend and may have impregnated her, Carly?


Carly and "good mother" is another oxymoron.  



Same here. I hate Ava, but I never wanted her held hostage by Sonny. While she is pregnant.


Yes, and considering what Ric did to Carly when she was pregnant, I'd add Carly and "decent human being" to the oxymoron list.  I can't say I really like Ava, as a character, but I do find MW an interesting actress, and it bothers me that she seems to be being sidelined now, in favor of their shiny new toy in MS.  For months, Ava was everywhere, finding a way into just about every storyline on the canvas.  Now it's the all singing, all dancing Nina they're shoving down our throats.  Makes me worried about MW's continued tenure on the show, because if it came down to it, I'd keep MW over MS, hands down.  Of course, in a few months, they're likely to have another new shiny toy to eclipse MS.



Guza had the same problem - introduce a story with some big event, get the audience hooked, have it run in place for months on end, then end it in the blink of an eye in the most anti-climactic way possible.


"Payoff" seems to be a word soap writers, at least GH soap writers, don't know the meaning of anymore, either.



The more I think about it, the more I think a Sam/ Patrick/ Returned Jason Q (I'm hoping against hope that he won't return as Hitman Jason) story could be really interesting to watch.


Of course, that's the real world reason why they chose to break up Silas and Sam.  But for the characters, I'm blaming Jason.  Sam's love for him is so very, very great that, by extension, she has more faith in the man who saved her great love than she does in her current boyfriend.  Much like all men take a backseat to Sonny for Carly, even though they're divorced, all men take a backseat for Sam, even though she's "widowed."


When Jason comes back, I really, really hope it's Jason Quartermaine.  I waited for years for him to get clunked on the head and get reverted back to Jason Q and it never happened.  They owe me.

  • Love 1

They owe us all a Quartermaine or two. Franco and random Ned appearances aren't good enough. Snag Ned ft, but thanks for de Q'g Franco. We did not need a fucking Jasus twin. I'd rather Franco as James Franco just be in love with him and fight over Jasus with Sonny. I'd watch that shit. But Franco the loveable, huggable artiste? No. And yes, I liked the scenes with Frank/Nina, but bitch please. Franco crafted elaborate revenge schemes on Jasus for years and he can't spot a stupid childish revenge list? No fucking way. Did they remove his brain? What kind of surgeon is Patrick?

  • Love 2
So Snarly thinks that Morgan will come around to Sonny. What about when and or if Sonny kills Ava after she births either Morgan's son or his brother. Somehow I don't think that he will be ok with that.​

Well, Dante came around to Sonny after Sonny shot him point-blank in the chest, so it's not really out of the realm of possibility that Morgan will get over it.  Mind you, I'm not condoning it, just saying that in the show's reality, everyone eventually forgives Sonny for everything, so Carly isn't completely out of her mind for thinking Morgan will eventually be okay with Sonny killing Morgan's baby mama/ Morgan's sibling's mama.  I hate it, but it's true.  


Which brings me to yet another Sonny rant.  It's just such total bullshit that everyone always forgives Sonny.  Sure, soaps have such outrageous stories that characters have to be forgiven for some stuff that we would never forgive people for in real life, but on this show it is so totally uneven.  Look at AJ, for example.  His bad acts were, on the whole, nowhere near the level of Sonny's.  NOWHERE NEAR, even counting the kidnapping of/ faking death of kids.  And he was never forgiven.  Sonny almost kills at least two of kids, and is at least indirectly responsible for Mikey's coma and rape, not to mention shooting Carly in the head and a thousand other terrible awful no-good things, and he is always forgiven.  Even worse, in my mind, he's forgiven without ever having to express any remorse.  It's maddening, and I hate it. 

  • Love 8

Sonny is responsible for Michael's rape in prison. Jason carefully brokered a peace with AZ in which AZ would keep Michael safe in prison in exchange for Sonny leaving JZ alone. Sonny had such a hair up his ass that he negated that peace and AZ no longer kept Michael safe. I wish that the writers, Jason and Michael remembered this. Sonny ruins everything including his son's safety.

  • Love 12
I'm digging lumberjack Patrick.



He seemed happy with his scenes with Anna whilst singing 'I am never ever gonna leave Port Charles'. 


Note to self:   Be careful what you wish for.  It's been well over one year since there was an extra being used as a patient (the last one was delivering 'Sabrina praises' to Patrick) at the hospital.  Yesterday's abomination (of the opening scene) makes me wish that I could have revoked my desire from being put our forth into the universe with this writing crew.  Yikes.

Edited by sunnyface


And I happen to get a huge kick out of Spencer.  And the people I know who watch GH that I talk with also get a kick out of Spencer.  He's hilarious, we love watching him.  He's fun to watch.  He makes us laugh

I am so past concerned for the kid who plays Spencer that I actually wrote Disney. I mean this with respect to the idea that you think he is hilarious and that some others might as well, but he is playing a 40 year old Nathan Lane/Librace/George Hamilton Count Chocula. There is something unhealthy in making a nine year old boy play a role like this. Weather it is on GH or elsewhere kids playing adults is creepy. Take a look at JJ or AT when they were kids, the material was deep but they were always kids, Spencer is not portrayed as a child but as a middle age man (I stand by the idea that he is Ron's Alt).


Even KA who is now terrible was better as a kid when Starr was a demon child then Spencer is, if Spencer wants to know how to manipulate his parents lives, he needs look no further than Starr


As to humor it belongs on a soap but not like this, this is finger snapping out of living color. They have KS and few do soap humor better. Looking for actors to steal who can do funny get Matthew Asford to come back as Tom Hardy. But please stop exploiting children.


And TR is just fabulous.  Even in the background of the scene, he's always on.

TR is fabulous and yes even in the background. The problem is that Ron let GH's TR get away to YnR, the kid playing TJ is GREAT and should be given more to do, but if you want a Fabulous TR...There is only one Robert Fucking! Scorpio.

Edited by Fylaki
  • Love 4

First, who is AT.  All I'm coming up with is Andrew Trichetta (Jack, OLTL) and I know you're not talking about him!



Even KA who is now terrible was better as a kid when Starr was a demon child then Spencer is, if Spencer wants to know how to manipulate his parents lives, he needs look no further than Starr.


KA's six year old self could act RINGS around her now.  I loved demon child Starr.  She was a spoiled brat, but she used those powers for good:  trying to get her parents back together.  And it was rarely ever OTT (okay, animated Starr was) but she acted liked a kid!  And while I have never seen more than scenes of KMc, again, great kid actor with having to be made to sound like an adult,


Ron, let the kids be kids.

  • Love 2

Do either Ron or Frank have children? I am trying to be open minded about the kiddie quad and am wondering if it is my prospective as a parent (and soon to be grand-parent). if Ron and Frank have no actual frame of reference for children then perhaps that explains some of the crap coming out of the kid quad.


Though, on the flip side TC,LW and BH all have children and so should be inputting how kids act unto their own soap children. A line from  Liz where she tells Cam  "You are too young to have a girlfriend." (Which I bet that Becky would do in real life) and/or Nik telling Spencer "Stay out of Dad's personal business or I will tan your royal hide." would go a long way.


And on the third flip side (?) Tony Geary has no kids and yet when he was playing father to JJ  he was amazing. He never let Lucky behave outlandishly despite making a point to raise him to be independent and self-reliant. And JJ was carrying much deeper material then the current quad.

Edited by Fylaki
  • Love 1


I'll raise you one further.

I liked Chucky MyKill better than these current faux kids. Creepy smile and all.

And do not google him now. Mine eyes! Mine eyes!

I agree at least MyKill was still clearly a child not an old hag.


And why did you tell me not to google it? You know that I HAD to after that.


I'm going to wash my eyes out with acid now be back later

  • Love 2

Can't Anna just take down Dr. O on general principles, rather than having to do it at that asshole's behest?



Amen, yowsah1.


I've hated watching Anna just sit around and take Dr. O's shit.


The woman was instrumental in kidnapping, torturing, and nearly lobotomizing her daughter.


The woman nearly killed the first love of her life, and put him into a 10-month coma.


The woman nearly killed the second love of her life, putting him in on death's door.


The woman lives and breathes within walking distance of her one and only beloved granddaughter.


And Anna's gonna take care of her if (and only if) the man about to break her daughter's heart asks her to?


What kind of fucked up nonsense is that? Defanged Anna sucks ass.

Edited by Francie
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