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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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But at least they let them reference they aren't good people, and acknowledge their mistakes.

Contrast that with Anna, the former POLICE COMMISH, giggling and smiling over blowing away an unarmed man.


Franco is an unconvicted serial killer who has been joking about his crimes for years. Anna shot a hitman who'd killed her lover in the line of duty.

  • Love 9

Dante is such a douche.  Bro, you lose any moral high ground to warn people not to hurt your wife when you cheat on her with her fuckin' cousin!


And what's annoying is he's gonna get on his high horse when he finds out she was harboring Johnny and she won't even have gotten to make out with him. So annoying!  And he's an idiot. What's the total opposite of having the town brain, because simply not just having it doesn't seem enough. Lulu, as is natural, has shown zero sexual attraction to Dillon. Johnny giving her the flowers was cute though.


And Maxie blaming Lulu for giving Dante the separation papers and driving Dante into Valerie's arms was annoying. Separation papers should have been a wake-up call to fight harder, not to stick it in to Valerie.


At least Dante is her husband though? Dillon charging over there to interrogate her was annoying. And lol at Lulu's "crap, it's Dillon!" Poor Dillon. It amuses me how none of the women are into this guy. I hope Tracy isn't away too long.


Was that snot on Nikolas' face? Something was under his nostrils, and it was gross. Tyler sounded like he had a cold so it might have been. Eeeew gross. Why didn't they let the guy wipe his face? ugh. And also, take that stupid bandage off his neck.


I'm starting to think they spend so much time making the women's hair look fabulous that they have no time to spend on the men and that is why all their hair looks like ass.


I don't like Johnny/Maxie scenes now. They feel too contrived now. Alas.


I was glad Valerie told Dante she's not into him stringing her along anymore. It's a step in the right direction. 


She was still too nice to him. Why tell him he had nothing to apologize for? He does! A lot! 

  • Love 4

I was glad Valerie told Dante she's not into him stringing her along anymore. It's a step in the right direction. 


I'm looking forward to seeing where this whole Tracey/Nicholas showdown is headed! It won't put the hospital back in General Hospital, but it's got nothing to do with Sonny and Carly! 


Or Sam. Or Liz.  That's all I care about at this point. Too bad it sounds as if JE will be off screen for a month. Bye, show, until then, if true.

I agree. I don't think Franco is a good person, but except for the hiccup with the brain tumor, I don't think the show has ever tried to sell him as someone other than a person mentally disturbed who just happens to not currently be killing people.

Serial killers/mass murderers have people they love, that love them. Real life proves this. I don't think showing Franco and Nina in love excuses or whitewashes either of them, and I don't think it's supposed to.

But at least they let them reference they aren't good people, and acknowledge their mistakes.

Contrast that with Anna, the former POLICE COMMISH, giggling and smiling over blowing away an unarmed man.


When has Anna ever giggled over shooting Carlos?


I think whenever they have Franco making wacky jokes is the show excusing him. "Look at Franco being hilarious! Isn't he funny! Don't you love him now!"

  • Love 8

What DUTY?

Anna shot an unarmed man for revenge.

Duke was a mobster who ordered hits on people.


Duke got what his business brought to him, that's true. But Anna was working for the law, and Carlos was an assassin she knew had killed a man and was on the run. She took him down and Carlos got the same as Duke. (Actually, he didn't because he's alive and well.)


I have no sympathy for Duke but that's not the point. Anna did her job like she always had, and the show pretending it's some shocking breach of her ethics doesn't fly for me. Anna was killing dudes bigger and badder than Carlos with much more casual regard back when ABBA was playing all the hits in the Cold War. She was a government agent, then top cop, then an agent again. This is what she does, and she has the moral fiber to feel worse about it at times than I personally think she should. By contrast, Franco is a serial killer who gets to kid around about it because he's played by Roger Howarth.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 8

I was glad Valerie told Dante she's not into him stringing her along anymore. It's a step in the right direction. 


I'm looking forward to seeing where this whole Tracey/Nicholas showdown is headed! It won't put the hospital back in General Hospital, but it's got nothing to do with Sonny and Carly! 





And what's annoying is he's gonna get on his high horse when he finds out she was harboring Johnny and she won't even have gotten to make out with him. So annoying!  And he's an idiot. What's the total opposite of having the town brain, because simply not just having it doesn't seem enough. Lulu, as is natural, has shown zero sexual attraction to Dillon. Johnny giving her the flowers was cute though. 


He's the recipient of the town's daily delivery of a low level of carbon monoxide? 

  • Love 8

Dillon should have beaten Dante with a jar of mayo.


Still don't feel sorry for Val, if that's what the writers are going for. 


Liez is so disgusting. Some man is supposedly peeping through her window and her undead child is clearly in need of a psychiatrist and some meds but she's STILL crying about Jason dumping her and whining about big bad meanie Sam. Gah, how about you STFU and get your priorities straight and then find a psychiatrist for yourself. I swear she cares more about losing Jason's dick than she does about making sure her child is ok.


Why does Tracy have to blackmail Hayden? Why can't Hayden go after Nik because he TRIED TO HAVE HER MURDERED? Also, if Hayden had a damn brain she would call Tracy's bluff. Does she know what town she's in? Whatever scandal she was involved in can't be any worse than what 98% of the people in that town have done. And if she's so worried about Nik dumping her all she would have to do is remind him that she took a bullet to the head because of him. This show is so stupid. 

  • Love 16

The answer is: Someone has to be the villain for Nik and Hayden's star-crossed love and they don't want us to think too much about what Nikolas did, so it's time to make someone, anyone else the heavy and as usual poor Tracy is nominated.


It's an old, tired and lazy soap trick that's become much more prevalent over the last 20 years and it's really lame every time. Create a misdirect by making someone else the bad guy who is taking advantage of the actual bad guys. No: Nik and Hayden are hot together but bad people and we want to watch them do bad things. Leave it at that.

  • Love 5

The answer is: Someone has to be the villain for Nik and Hayden's star-crossed love and they don't want us to think too much about what Nikolas did, so it's time to make someone, anyone else the heavy and as usual poor Tracy is nominated.


It's an old, tired and lazy soap trick that's become much more prevalent over the last 20 years and it's really lame every time. Create a misdirect by making someone else the bad guy who is taking advantage of the actual bad guys. No: Nik and Hayden are hot together but bad people and we want to watch them do bad things. Leave it at that.


I think the way Nikolas looked like hot garbage today should be the heavy in their relationship.

  • Love 8

Why show, why?


I don't see why they just don't make polygamy legal in Port Charles USA if it isn't already and have Jason marry both Sam and Liz.  At this point I don't want either one of them with him but if they are making the characters that stupid and desperate that they would invest in a man who has been and always will be wishy washy about his feelings for both of them, just freaken agree to disagree and split the difference.  That way when the wind blows in a different direction, there will be no wondering who he is in love with.  He already has them both, so only has to change homes, beds, and kids.  Carly can keep adding insult to injury and be allowed to freely barge in to either home.

I see two plusses:  1) The storyline in itself will be a creative change and improvement; 2) Both obnoxious uberfanbases can be appeased and we don't have to hear about it day after day.  Oh wait, that will never happen.  It will inevitably turn into Sam v Liz II: Who Is The Better Polygamy Wife Boogaloo.


I think we're onto something here: a Disney Channel crossover with Mickey killing Sonny, a Discovery Channel crossover with Sam and Liz as sister-wives, an HGTV crossover with Nina & Maxie showing up a people's homes, throwing random paint all over and then telling them the results are edgy.


If that doesn't work, can we start a Go-Fund-Me page to buy the writers a new idea? Because I'm ready to pay these people to end this Sam/Jason/Liz crap forever. I cannot believe that anyone in the viewing audience is actually enjoying watching this for the 10,000th time. Some people like Jason with Sam, some people like Jason with Liz, and some people, like me, like Jason best paired with a coffin. You can't make us all happy at once by running the same lather/rinse/repeat triangle for 10 fucking years. Please, stop. 

  • Love 7

The answer is: Someone has to be the villain for Nik and Hayden's star-crossed love and they don't want us to think too much about what Nikolas did, so it's time to make someone, anyone else the heavy and as usual poor Tracy is nominated.


It's an old, tired and lazy soap trick that's become much more prevalent over the last 20 years and it's really lame every time. Create a misdirect by making someone else the bad guy who is taking advantage of the actual bad guys. No: Nik and Hayden are hot together but bad people and we want to watch them do bad things. Leave it at that.


It really was my mistake for liking the Tracy/Rebecca Budig alliance for even one minute.


And yeah, the writers have no idea why Nikolas is doing what he's doing.  Jason pressed him today on why he's going so hard against Emily's family and there was kinda no answer.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 4

And yeah, the writers have no idea why Nikolas is doing what he's doing.  Jason pressed him today on why he's going so hard against Emily's family and there was kinda no answer.


The writers need to end Evil Nik as soon as possible since they clearly don't know how to believably justify what he's doing. Just give him a brain tumor or a mental illness or say Helena was poisoning him and be done with it. Sure, it's incredibly lazy, but it would fit right in with the rest of this trash on display. 

  • Love 4

Jason "takes the moral high ground" by refusing to go along with Nik's plan, citing it's the right thing to do and so on.  He can look his boys in the eyes etc if he goes to prison.


Not once does it seem to occur to him that, had he just kept his temper, he wouldn't be in this mess.


Jason's violent behavior is ok because....The Lie.  


I am getting rather sick of this 'biggest lie that's ever been lied' being used to justify everything from Jason's temper/violence to basically any and all horrible things happening to Liz - enough already.  

  • Love 5

There's something about KMc because everyone she shares scenes with tend to light up. 


I have been thinking about this since yesterday. I mean even BM, who barely knows her, was just beaming around her. You can just tell that everyone around her is so fond of her.


So minus the Dante/Valerie scenes I actually enjoyed this ep. Sure, if I look more closely at everything (and read here about how horrible it all definitely was!) then I'll go into a rage blackout, but on the surface I liked it.


Johnny was looking so fine today. Ugh I like him and Lulu together so much why can't they just go there dammit. Dante sucks now anyway just move on!

  • Love 4

I'm wondering if Thompson leaving might actually have a small impact on the ratings.

I know that typically no one person affects the ratings.  The show practically revolved around Jason & Burton leaving did nothing to the ratings. BUT, playing devil's advocate with myself, I would argue that Burton left right when the show was creatively on an upswing.



Actually, from what I remember at the time, the ratings DID go up to a point when Burton left. Obviously they went down over time as the writing quality plummeted back down, but I do have memories of the ratings improving during that time period, and not just from an overall creative upswing, either. SBu leaving was a BIG deal. 

There's something about KMc because everyone she shares scenes with tend to light up. 



I have been thinking about this since yesterday. I mean even BM, who barely knows her, was just beaming around her. You can just tell that everyone around her is so fond of her.


It's simple, really. And I know I've said it before, but it's true, because it bears out in the scenes we see of Kimberly with other actors: She's a MEGA chemistry magnet.  Hell, even Steve Burton became animated and his baby blues sparkled with more light and got all sparkly when he was in scenes with her, and this was after his crush and more recently.


So, not surprised at all that she and Billy had oodles of chemistry and sparkle as well. Too bad the cheapskates didn't have time to "redo" Jason and Robin scenes with Kimberly and Billy, heh.

  • Love 6

Why show, why?


I don't see why they just don't make polygamy legal in Port Charles USA if it isn't already and have Jason marry both Sam and Liz.  At this point I don't want either one of them with him but if they are making the characters that stupid and desperate that they would invest in a man who has been and always will be wishy washy about his feelings for both of them, just freaken agree to disagree and split the difference.  That way when the wind blows in a different direction, there will be no wondering who he is in love with.  He already has them both, so only has to change homes, beds, and kids.  Carly can keep adding insult to injury and be allowed to freely barge in to either home.

I see two plusses:  1) The storyline in itself will be a creative change and improvement; 2) Both obnoxious uberfanbases can be appeased and we don't have to hear about it day after day.  Oh wait, that will never happen.  It will inevitably turn into Sam v Liz II: Who Is The Better Polygamy Wife Boogaloo.

I'd rather see Sam and Liz have a knock-down drag-out fight which ends with them realizing they really love each other and not these dudes (Lucky, Jason), and that the guys were the only way to express their love for each other because they weren't ready to come out. Then we will see the best love scene in GH history as both ladies are capable of bringing it. They sell Liz's house and JaSam's PH and use the money to buy Robin and Patrick's house to live in as a "fresh start". Boom. Done.

  • Love 7

Why show, why?

I don't see why they just don't make polygamy legal in Port Charles USA if it isn't already and have Jason marry both Sam and Liz. At this point I don't want either one of them with him but if they are making the characters that stupid and desperate that they would invest in a man who has been and always will be wishy washy about his feelings for both of them, just freaken agree to disagree and split the difference. That way when the wind blows in a different direction, there will be no wondering who he is in love with. He already has them both, so only has to change homes, beds, and kids. Carly can keep adding insult to injury and be allowed to freely barge in to either home.

I see two plusses: 1) The storyline in itself will be a creative change and improvement; 2) Both obnoxious uberfanbases can be appeased and we don't have to hear about it day after day. Oh wait, that will never happen. It will inevitably turn into Sam v Liz II: Who Is The Better Polygamy Wife Boogaloo.

No, no, just HELL No.

Sam did her time in Jason hell why say such horrible things like this why even put it out in the universe? What has Saint Sam done recently to wish that she be contained in Jiz hell?

Haven't I suffered enough? Haven't Sam?The fans? Why?

  • Love 3
Liez is so disgusting. Some man is supposedly peeping through her window and her undead child is clearly in need of a psychiatrist and some meds but she's STILL crying about Jason dumping her and whining about big bad meanie Sam. Gah, how about you STFU and get your priorities straight and then find a psychiatrist for yourself. I swear she cares more about losing Jason's dick than she does about making sure her child is ok.



Honestly, when her response right after Laura gives her theory of why the strange man could be Cassadine related, was that she thought losing Jason was hard enough and then she launched into some speech again where she's practically sneering about Sam like Sam is the one who has wronged her, I thought, "there's really no hope..." 


I am also amused at how pissy Nikolas got at Jason's mentioning Emily like Jason was actually hitting a nerve. I might believe that were the case if the writers hadn't turned Nikolas into this cartoon no-neck villain that he is now. I don't buy that guy gives a shit about poor dead sainted Emily (who I never liked once Amber Tamblyn left for the record) so them making it seem like Jason was actually getting to him by saying those things about Emily just made me roll my eyes. But I did enjoy Jason wiping Nikolas douchy smirk off his face for a few seconds at least. 

  • Love 7

It's like Robin and Patrick never existed—no one mentioned them or the wedding or them leaving today. Maxie, at least, could have had a line to Private Mayo. I really liked her dress. Wardrobe has been on point with the dresses lately.


Ugh to Rebecca Budgie's sekrit identity. Who gives a bluedilly fuck? Certainly I don't. Ugh again.


Nik needs to get that battalion of Cassadine lawyers looking for hidden bank accounts. You know there have to be at least two or three somewhere.


And I'll give the show credit, they really made Nic look disgusting enough that I believe he's spent several days in the hospital, not showering.


There are such things as sponge baths, and Nik could at least dab a washcloth across his face.

  • Love 3


And I'll give the show credit, they really made Nic look disgusting enough that I believe he's spent several days in the hospital, not showering.

Is it just me or did the bruises and cuts on his face look worst today than yesterday?  Like someone retouched them between the taping of the episodes.  



Ugh to Rebecca Budgie's sekrit identity.

Maybe she married Brad so that they wouldn't have to testify against each other.  Wait.  No, that was Rosalie's big bad sekrit.   My bad.  



It's like Robin and Patrick never existed—no one mentioned them or the wedding or them leaving today

Liz was still wearing her dress.  I thought for sure Laura would ask.  



Jason pressed him today on why he's going so hard against Emily's family and there was kinda no answer.

He did tell Hayden that he wants Spencer lifestyle to remain status quo.  

  • Love 1


I LOVED Robin's, Maxie's, Liz's, and Emma's dresses, Anna's not so much. If maxie is such a great wedding planner why would she forget the rings and the officiant???


Word, Blackie! Maxie hassled the bride by going up to her all ablubbering "I RUINED YOU WEDDING BAH BAH I forgot the clergy..." and everyone knows that rings are such a symbolic and yet necessary part of the wedding. Maxie needs to grow up, but she's also comedic at some (low) level.



...can they move this whole Hayden thing along? Please don't let her true identity take a year to come out. I can't abide another Jakeson fiasco.


When Tracy referred to  Beecher's Corners today while threatening to expose Hayden, I started wondering if Hayden is a long-lost character or cast member who is returning with a new (plastic surgery) face or is the daughter of some old GH character who came from Beecher's Corners. That place seems like a kind of symbol for prequel stories and characters who developed on GH.


  • Love 1


Yeah, but that doesn't explain his treatment of the Quartermaines, telling them they deserved it for being mean to Emily and the like.

I think that's the excuse he's giving because he doesn't want to admit to them that he's a terrible father, who allows his snot nosed son to rule the roost.  

Edited by Perkie
  • Love 1


I bawled the worst when Robin broke down when she told Emma she would never leave her again.


[sorry for this probably unpopular opinion, but...] Robin's speech was a BIG eye-roller for cynical me. If Anna and Robert came to California and said "Oh Robin we have the turrible sadz--you just have to come with us to do Mission X because We Are Family (same song playing in the background), Robin wouldn't even leave a scribbled note for Patprick and Emma--saying instead "Boy howdy, let's party and bust bad dudes with the 'Rents!".


In fact, since Dr O successfully duped everyone with her Anna mask in the past, she could appear to make the announcement as Anna and lure Robin away to a supposed Scorpio Spy Reunion, where Robin would get kidnapped and yada yada....

  • Love 1

Ok. Explain it to me like I'm Morgan:

This ELQ lawsuit. Sam inherited Jason's 9% and gave that plus Danny's inherited % to Tracy and AJ to ThunderDome Death Match fight over it, no? So, Helena and Fluke bought the stocks for um Reasons. Helena gave the stocks to Nik, who then decides to go through the Q's, ELQ stock holders and obtain stock however. But the big deal is that Jason- who gave no fucks about ELQ- can't know who he is. Is this because Jason would legally take his 9% back and take the voting proxy for Danny's %, giving Jason around 9% to vote with? I think they needed 2% to take Nik out. Am I wrong? Also, if AJ were actually alive, then would he get his % and the % that Michael inherited back? I think AJ owned more than 9%, but less than 50%.

Liz is absolutely worried about Jake and the Stalker, hence why she has the police involved, and why she said to today that Jake needs to see a psychiatrist. Not to mention that either next week, or the week after,

she gets him help



Just because she got to talk to Laura about how she's feeling regarding Jason, doesn't mean that she doesn't care about her child, or that she doesn't want to help him. She's not chasing after Jason and ignoring Jake. She's not using Jake's issues to try and get back together with Jason. She's focused on Jake, and just because she did this to herself, doesn't mean that she's not hurt over Jason leaving.

Edited by MissE
  • Love 5

While watching today I had the thought that DZ (Dante) would probably be the next actor to leave. Then I wondered if his awful hair was influencing my thought process.


He signed another contract this past summer. Unless they fire him he's stuck for another two or three years.


[whisper]Although I don't hate his hair, although it was looking kind of greasy today. But if it grows much longer it'll start entering this territory:


Edited by ulkis
  • Love 2


Robin's speech was a BIG eye-roller for cynical me. If Anna and Robert came to California and said "Oh Robin we have the turrible sadz--you just have to come with us to do Mission X because We Are Family (same song playing in the background), Robin wouldn't even leave a scribbled note for Patprick and Emma--saying instead "Boy howdy, let's party and bust bad dudes with the 'Rents!".


I'm not sure I understand what this means. Has Robin recently left her husband and daughter to go catch bad guys with her parents? Did I miss something? She's been kidnapped by bad guys or forced to do the bad guys bidding because said bad guys were threatening her family, but I haven't seen her heading out on spy missions.


I loved the wedding and all the scenes were terrific. I have to admit, I got an allergy thing going on watching it (sniffle)!!

  • Love 8

Yeah - not getting that Robin would take off because her parents wanted to drag her into the espionage game.


If anything, all Robin has wanted is a normal life with her husband and child. She hated that her parents put the spy game ahead of her and that she lost out on years with them and never wanted Emma to go through that. The only reason she left to save Jason was to give him a chance to go home and be with his family - not because she was looking for a thrill. She would have come home immediately after she revived him if Helena hadn't threatened the lives of her husband and child.

  • Love 17

For a viewer like me who didn't mind Liez before, and actually enjoyed her pairing with AJ (although I did side eye the whole brothers thing, especially after I found out about the Niz affair - newer viewer), after watching her lie for 7 months and do variations on the same 'guilty' lie face, everything about her and NotDeadJake is suspect. That's what happens when you lie to people you claim to love. Trust is broken, and in some instances it can't be reclaimed. When she told Robin she'd do it all again, the character reached StruggleWitch levels of dislike for me. Seeing her onscreen triggers a visceral reaction in me and I am just so done with all things Liez and Jiz related. Severe character fatigue, which is now bleeding onto the rest of the show. Since it doesn't appear the character is taking a break, I'mma have to.

  • Love 11

Actually, from what I remember at the time, the ratings DID go up to a point when Burton left. Obviously they went down over time as the writing quality plummeted back down, but I do have memories of the ratings improving during that time period, and not just from an overall creative upswing, either. SBu leaving was a BIG deal.

I distinctly remember the Households rating going from 3 during Tamara Braun's last week to a 2.5 during Jennifer Bransford's first week, and the rating never recovered.

And it clear the drop was directly attributable to her exit since it and that Carly was being recast were highly publicized. Plus Tams' last scene was the Friday claimed cliffhanger and then Monday opened with Jennifer re-doing the same scene.

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