sacrebleu January 5, 2016 Share January 5, 2016 My guess would be that Patrick is the one who gets the job. Given how brilliant he is supposed to be. That said his tenure as CoS of GH on NS2 was disastrous and he hated doing it. On the other hand Robin was a decent CoS although there was griping about some of the regulations she put in place (like different departments having different colors of scrubs as if no other hospital has ever had a policy like that) Having not seen today's show yet, I can only speculate. I'd assume Patrick has the job offer. Robin has a very mysterious multi-year gap on her resume. I suppose she could say she was doing privately funded research on raising the formerly dead (Jason) and frozen (Stavros and Victor), as well as curing.. plutonium poisoning (Luke and Jerry), but I'm not sure the job offers would come pouring in. Link to comment
TeeVee329 January 5, 2016 Share January 5, 2016 Well you'd think Robin would have little trouble attracting research dollars given her success at raising the dead. Maybe she'll get a offer from stepdaddy David. ;) 8 Link to comment
backhometome January 5, 2016 Share January 5, 2016 Sounds like I will only be watching the Davis girls scenes. Everything else sounds dreadfully boring. 2 Link to comment
GHScorpiosRule January 5, 2016 Author Share January 5, 2016 (edited) I won't lie; after reading about Kimberly losing her baby, watching Robin today made me so very sad for her as well as admiring her, because these scenes had to have been shot shortly after she lost her baby girl. That said, I loved her comment about how the shebeast being a grandma was so appropriate--for her. And Sonny laughing with her. Y'all know I detest that midgety moobster, and I suppose because he was there when Stone was diagnosed and died, as well as when Robin was diagnosed, she had the conversation about her health with him. And that was pure Maurice, so happy to see Kimberly. And so Sonny, offering to off Jerry, just like he offered to whack Lisa; and I appreciated that, and could almost, almost forget those words about escorting "Miss Scorpio" out the door. Loved Robin's "Learn to speak English" before she walked in the door. I am grateful at least, that I was spared dialogue where Obrecht "magnanimously" decided to hire Robin back, with a cut in pay. But saw red and almost smashed my teevee, when she tried to brush off any responsibility/hand she had in Robin being gone for four years. I was not amused. I laughed and thought, someone is reading the boards here and saw the "Legion of Doom" comments we've been making, and must have told Kimberly about it; I wonder if that was an adlib, loved the way she told Obrecht she must have let her "Legion of Doom newsletter lapse." I think it was Noah who was being offered the Chief of Staff position at Berkley, and I'm going to speculate that when he accepts, Noah will hire both Patrick and Robin at his hospital. Now for the bad: Please. As if Jason having nightmares would have him begging. He was called Borg for a reason; and even when Jerry shot him, he remained his stoic, borged self. And that begging, just made me roll my eyes. And yeah, legally, LUCKY is Jake's father, so Liz and Jason will have to get his okay to allow Jake visits with Jason. But then again, Lucky's a deadbeat dad don'tchaknow, and left Jake with Liz and "Jake" knowing he was Jason, so Diane will be able to draw those papers and file it with the court with no problems whatsoever. Robin was indeed AWESOMETACULAR. Though I do wish she'd gone of Obrecht's throat when that heinous psychotic tried to brush off what happened to Robin as "personal problems." Edited January 5, 2016 by GHScorpiosRule 6 Link to comment
peachmangosteen January 5, 2016 Share January 5, 2016 (edited) Weirdly I kind of liked the Franco /Nina scenes. Of course I don't think of RH as "franco the serial killer" and I block out most of Nina's annoying behaviour, if I do that then a story about a woman who was in a coma for 20 years and was tentative about sex kind of makes sense; in a vacuum. It relates to nothing on GH. But in total isolation, without any backstory of the characters, I kind of like the scene. Of course that is no way to write a soap, having characters that have to be seen in such isolation to even be tolerated. This is true of a lot of stuff imo. If I just disregard everything that has happened I can enjoy scenes quite often tbh. Just pretending most things didn't happen is really the only way to get through this show without having a rage blackout. But, like you said, terrible way to write a soap. I am not a huge Robin fan. I just haven't seen much of her and so I normally just find her a bit boring. But she was fucking killing it today. I just loved everything about how KMc was playing everything and everything Robin did/said. I just enjoyed the hell outta everything Robin today, even the Sonny scenes. WTF at Molly monologue-ing about not having sex being the the voice over of a montage. I was literally lmao! Jordan's hair was on point today. It makes me sad but I'm kinda mostly over Anna and Jordan, but I still kinda liked their scenes today. Fucking Liz. She is so annoying, I can't. But her makeup and hair were fantastic today. Her shirt, however, was hideous. Edited January 7, 2016 by peachmangosteen 4 Link to comment
Tiger January 5, 2016 Share January 5, 2016 Good Lord, I hate defending Duke. HATE it. But when the show re-introduced Julian, he was targeting Duke. Julian was smirking (well, he's always smirking, but still) when interviewing Duke for a job about his 20-year work gap. The clear implication was that Julian knew where Duke was all along. Julian relished that fact. Ron loved to play it both ways, so he only had Robert and Luke say that the Jeromes were responsible for Duke being imprisoned. But Olivia was dead by then. They all were dead by then but the mistress and Julian. WPP or not, I think we're supposed to understand that Julian reached out to his goons who made it happen. All the miscarriage stuff was bullshit, as that was all Olivia. I hate that Ron made Anna *coughanddukecough* look like a fool having them go on about that. But Julian did target Duke from the get go. And he did order Duke's death in the end. Look, Duke paid for his hit by being killed. I think it's only fair Julian suffer the same fate. Then, I'll happily agree that she should sing a chorus of Let it Go. Dewq covered up AJ's murder and tried to murder Jordan. He can go fuck himself in kitty hell for all I care. 14 Link to comment
jsbt January 5, 2016 Share January 5, 2016 Time for Obrecht to die again! 3 Link to comment
TeeVee329 January 5, 2016 Share January 5, 2016 Y'all know I detest that midgety moobster, and I suppose because he was there when Stone was diagnosed and died, as well as when Robin was diagnosed, she had the conversation about her health with him. IIRC, when Robin came back from the dead, they had a similar conversation about her health/the HIV so I figured that was a callback to that. Oh course, what she should have said is, "What's this I hear about you murdering AJ Quartermaine?" 12 Link to comment
Francie January 5, 2016 Share January 5, 2016 (edited) Time for Obrecht to die again! I haven't watched the show since the Christmas episode, and have no idea of the context, but I wholeheartedly agree. May her death be magnificent. And final. And involve a hat. Edited January 5, 2016 by Francie 3 Link to comment
backhometome January 5, 2016 Share January 5, 2016 Sams hair was so great today. And the white shirt was nice. Love the Davis Girls scenes. Though I wish they would stop with the JaSam stuff. I have a confession to make - I do actually enjoy Sonny/Robins relationship. I just forget the time he shot her in her own house. And I know Robin does kiss his ass but I enjoy it for nostalgic purposes. MB seems to light up with KMc. Jason actually having a brain in thinking of join custody. Of course its Lucky who. And Cam/Aiden are left out once again. 3 Link to comment
Oracle42 January 5, 2016 Share January 5, 2016 Time for Obrecht to die again! I want the entire shitty family to just disappear 3 Link to comment
fishcakes January 5, 2016 Share January 5, 2016 I give BH a lot of credit for how magnificently she's playing Liz as pathetic. When Jason said, "we should make this official," her face started to light up like, "OMG you still want to marry me," and then just as quickly fell when it turned out he only wants partial custody of his wooden son. I know she'll bounce back eventually and then be boring again, but I'm really enjoying crazy-pants Liz. Poor Michael staring at the sonogram. He misses his giant baby. 8 Link to comment
ulkis January 5, 2016 Share January 5, 2016 I am not a huge Robin fan. I just haven't seen much of her and so I normally just find her a bit boring. But she was fucking killing it today. I just loved everything about how KMc was playing everything and everything Robin did/said. I just enjoyed the hell outta everything Robin today, even the Sonny scenes. Fucking Liz. She is so annoying, I can't. But her makeup and hair were fantastic today. Her shirt, however, was hideous. Yeah I actually liked the Sonny and Robin scenes, what I got to see of them. I feel like Robin is one of the few people who bring Sonny up instead of him corrupting them a little to his level. The Berkeley set up was so clunky in the beginning. Why not just bust out a brochure while they're at it. Thanks guys, if you hadn't said so, I might have been worried the Berkeley school system wasn't good! Liz's "I didn't think I'd have to shuttle him back and forth between two homes" was pretty ballsy. You get a 10 in the passive-aggressive contest! 6 Link to comment
camussie January 5, 2016 Share January 5, 2016 I enjoy Sonny/Robin scenes as well. Probably because he seems interested in her well being and almost always asks her about her health. It is nice to see someone on the show say hey is your viral load okay after this latest captivity? 6 Link to comment
truthaboutluv January 5, 2016 Share January 5, 2016 (edited) Liz's "I didn't think I'd have to shuttle him back and forth between two homes" was pretty ballsy. You get a 10 in the passive-aggressive contest! You know what cracks me up in all this and any other time Liz goes on about Jake and the boys and acts like them not having Jason there is the biggest tragedy, is that she and everyone else, hell including Jason himself, conveniently ignores the fact that Jason HAS another kid. So I guess it would not be traumatizing and life destroying for Danny to have to shuttle back between Jason and Sam, especially if Jason had married her. But oh no, how will her boys survive with having to go back and forth between her and Jason like plenty of people do everyday. And yeah, she'll sell the crap about "the boys got used to him being there..." but its her own damn fault for making them get so used to Jason there all the while she knew she was lying to him and that it would likely blow up in her face. I did enjoy the Alexis and her daughters and hell even Julian, scene today. Even if everyone practically ran off before eating anything but it just felt so normal and like something people actually do in real life and I feel like that's what soap operas have lost throughout the years. Everything is one contrived moment to the next. There are rarely scenes of people just being with family and hanging out. Edited January 5, 2016 by truthaboutluv 12 Link to comment
CPP83 January 5, 2016 Share January 5, 2016 They were basically like I am just now able to breathe again...good god that is brilliant. How I miss that show, though I do like his new digs. But if that clip had played instead of today's episode I would have been quite the happy camper. I cannot with Alexis and her spoiled brats. I find nothing appealing about those girls. Of course Molly is going to defend Ric as he is her father, and Julian did some shitty things to him, but he didn't lock him up in a panic room with the implication that he was going to cut a baby from his womb and then give it to his "true love", leaving Ric then to die. So she can have all the rows of seats for all I care. And Kristina is Sonny's kid so...really that seems so self explanatory. Her own dad has nearly killed her ass how many times? And yet who was getting smooches and "Daddy and daughter" time over the holiday from her? And can Alexis act like a grown woman for once? The way she seems to grovel to her own children is just sad and pathetic. She knows Julian is no worse than those two little pampered princesses' fathers, so acting as if she needs to defend her relationship with him all the bloody time is needless and pointless and further nonsense. Everything else just...I don't understand how so many characters can appear in one episode and yet it be so boring and un-entertaining? At least Robin and Patrick are about to tear the hell out of there and not look back. Maybe Patrick will enter the real world again and realize how stupid his hair looks and finally get a damn hair cut. How did Robin not punch Dr. EvO right in her face and then keep going until there was nothing left? Maybe I'm projecting but still...I might have actually enjoyed that, and by "actually enjoyed" I mean I would have cheered and thrown confetti and set off fireworks. 5 Link to comment
GHScorpiosRule January 5, 2016 Author Share January 5, 2016 How did Robin not punch Dr. EvO right in her face and then keep going until there was nothing left? Maybe I'm projecting but still...I might have actually enjoyed that, and by "actually enjoyed" I mean I would have cheered and thrown confetti and set off fireworks. I know! And there was no Patrick in the room to pull her away, like he did two years ago! Shallow, but my GOD, what was that color of nail polish that Alexis had on? Is she thinking she'll be in jail soon, so that her nails will match the prison gray? And only on this fakakta show is the District Attorney, an elected position, considered a member/employee/whatever of the PCPD. Only in Port Charles, y'all! Link to comment
Baxter January 5, 2016 Share January 5, 2016 Dewq covered up AJ's murder and tried to murder Jordan. He can go fuck himself in kitty hell for all I care Not to mention that AJ was the first person to give him a job this time around. Duke was always talking about loyalty, but where was his loyalty to AJ? Considering that Duke knowingly and whole-heartedly threw himself into the mob world, even putting out a hit on Jordan, he took his chances with being a target. As far as I'm concerned, any of the characters involved in the mob are not innocents and are taking their chances at catching a bullet. I wish Anna would accept that Duke's hands are just as dirty as Julian's and Sonny's, but instead she acts like he was an innocent victim of mob violence. KMc killed it today! MB just lit up when she walked in the room. I like the idea of Scrubs going to Cali and hanging out with Noah. It makes sense and is a nice nod to the Drake family. Now, if only we could get a comment about Matt being paroled (or - better yet - pardoned!) and living in Berkeley. Liz's passive-aggressiveness was ramped up today. Poor little Jake has to be shuttled between his mother and bio-dad. Um, Liz, take a closer look. That kid has much bigger problems. 7 Link to comment
HeatLifer January 5, 2016 Share January 5, 2016 (edited) I enjoy Sonny/Robin scenes as well. Probably because he seems interested in her well being and almost always asks her about her health. It is nice to see someone on the show say hey is your viral load okay after this latest captivity?Right? Like, fuck, I hate when this show makes me like Sonny, but he was such a freaking cutie with her. Laughing at her Grandma Carly dig, laughing at the 5x marriage shit, asking about her HIV, wanting to kill Jerry. Stop it, show!Patrick calling Robin a genius doctor made me squee. I always loved when he recognized her medical brilliance. Took me back and made me all nostalgic. And I like how he let it be her decision, but they were both on the same page anyway. KMc killed it today! MB just lit up when she walked in the room. I like the idea of Scrubs going to Cali and hanging out with Noah. It makes sense and is a nice nod to the Drake family. Now, if only we could get a comment about Matt being paroled (or - better yet - pardoned!) and living in Berkeley. Them moving near Noah really is full-circle for Patty/Scrubs. He couldn't stand his dad when he first came to town, but now he's on the phone all ILY. And Noah always wanted Patrick with Robin. Edited January 5, 2016 by HeatLifer 13 Link to comment
GHScorpiosRule January 6, 2016 Author Share January 6, 2016 What I loved and giggled at was Patrick telling Robin that he (Noah) was glad/happy that Robin was home and safe...again. Just the way Patrick said it, it made me giggle. I have to go back and see what the actual words were. It made me happy and made me forget pod!Noah, telling Patrick that Sabrina was "perfect" for him, and that he'd been Skyping with her unknown to Patrick back during that dark year. 3 Link to comment
dubbel zout January 6, 2016 Share January 6, 2016 I wouldn't call Paul a mole (if that's who Anna was referring to). He's more of a scheming opportunist. Maybe Alexis wil remind Liz that in the eyes of the law, Lucky is Jake's father. But I doubt it. They're sure wrapping up Patrick and Robin quickly. So why is it taking years for the Jason story to be over? 1 Link to comment
BestestAuntEver January 6, 2016 Share January 6, 2016 The genuine smiles on KMc, JT and even MB's faces made me smile. This show is typically so dreary and forced and to see real excitement and joy was a treat. 9 Link to comment
GHScorpiosRule January 6, 2016 Author Share January 6, 2016 The genuine smiles on KMc, JT and even MB's faces made me smile. This show is typically so dreary and forced and to see real excitement and joy was a treat. Also seeing Robin waving to fellow colleagues/whoever was not in view of the camera, while Patrick was finishing up his call with Noah. made me smile foolishly. They're sure wrapping up Patrick and Robin quickly. So why is it taking years for the Jason story to be over? Because TAIC waited until the last minute to film in TWO DAYS Patrick's/JT's leaving the show and for the time being, Billy Miller is remaining, so why hurry this dreary story along? 3 Link to comment
dubbel zout January 6, 2016 Share January 6, 2016 Billy Miller needs to leave, then. 5 Link to comment
JaneDigby January 6, 2016 Share January 6, 2016 Weirdly I kind of liked the Franco /Nina scenes. Of course I don't think of RH as "franco the serial killer" and I block out most of Nina's annoying behaviour, if I do that then a story about a woman who was in a coma for 20 years and was tentative about sex kind of makes sense; in a vacuum. It relates to nothing on GH. But in total isolation, without any backstory of the characters, I kind of like the scene. Of course that is no way to write a soap, having characters that have to be seen in such isolation to even be tolerated. On the other hand I cannot view Sonny in any other context, and can't stand Patrick standing by smiling while Robin slobbers all over him. I'm in the same boat. I think not ... experiencing the Franco crap makes it possible to ignore it in small doses. I've witnessed too much Sonny to ever forget it. Link to comment
GHScorpiosRule January 6, 2016 Author Share January 6, 2016 Okay! Here is what Patrick told Robin what Noah said: "He wanted to say how happy he was that you were back home safe and sound...AGAIN." And Noah is on the selection committee for the new Chief of Staff; he was asking Patrick for names of candidates for that position. I'magonnafanwank that Noah will probably nominate Patrick, and hire Robin to be on staff. Or maybe choose Robin and hire Patrick to be on staff...or just hire both Patrick and Robin to be on staff. 3 Link to comment
Dandesun January 6, 2016 Share January 6, 2016 I can just see Noah selling the move to Berkeley. "We're getting hit by a major El Nino this year so there's a lot of rain right now... doesn't mean the drought's over but it helps... anyway, we've got lots of wonderful dining and shopping here, San Francisco is just across the bridge although you'd take the BART. Beautiful wine country less than an hour to the east in Napa. Great farmers markets, one of the finest restaurants in the country... and no Sonny Corinthos!" 14 Link to comment
TeeVee329 January 6, 2016 Share January 6, 2016 Was the talk of Molly wanting to move into the dorm meant to indicate we're going to see less of her than we already do? Link to comment
mybabyaidan January 6, 2016 Share January 6, 2016 Sams hair was so great today. And the white shirt was nice. Love the Davis Girls scenes. Though I wish they would stop with the JaSam stuff. I have a confession to make - I do actually enjoy Sonny/Robins relationship. I just forget the time he shot her in her own house. And I know Robin does kiss his ass but I enjoy it for nostalgic purposes. MB seems to light up with KMc. Jason actually having a brain in thinking of join custody. Of course its Lucky who. And Cam/Aiden are left out once again. I HATED her shirt today. Maybe on its own it wasn't so bad, but it looked strange with the leather jacket. Her hair was on point though. I have always loved the Sonny/Robin relationship too, I can't help it. I was a devoted Stone/Robin and Sonny/Brenda fan. I can't shut off those feelings for those years. Maybe Alexis wil remind Liz that in the eyes of the law, Lucky is Jake's father. But I doubt it. I know Alexis should be professional, but I hope she shades Liz a little. Her lie hurt Alexis' daughter and grandson. I know everyone has pretty much forgotten it by now because Liz suffered for like 2 days, but a little attitude would be nice. The genuine smiles on KMc, JT and even MB's faces made me smile. This show is typically so dreary and forced and to see real excitement and joy was a treat. I loved Chad's reaction when Mo did his little "come here to me" thing....He was genuinely laughing at Mo's delivery. I liked seeing Sam and Molly get a little snippy with each other, like real sisters do. But I thought Sam didn't want to go back to the PH because of Jason? Now all of a sudden her and Danny need a place to live? I liked the Davis/Jerome family stuff, but I would have loved it 10X more if Lucas was there too. 8 Link to comment
TeeVee329 January 6, 2016 Share January 6, 2016 I liked the Davis/Jerome family stuff, but I would have loved it 10X more if Lucas was there too. Who? 5 Link to comment
mybabyaidan January 6, 2016 Share January 6, 2016 (edited) Did anyone catch what Jason was yelling about in his sleep? Liz seemed shady when he asked her what he said and she said "nothing, it was gibberish".... Edited January 6, 2016 by mybabyaidan Link to comment
HeatLifer January 6, 2016 Share January 6, 2016 The genuine smiles on KMc, JT and even MB's faces made me smile. This show is typically so dreary and forced and to see real excitement and joy was a treat. It really was SO cute. They were all freaking giddy in those scenes. 5 Link to comment
TeeVee329 January 6, 2016 Share January 6, 2016 Another random query - is the college roommate Robin mentioned a reference to that friend of hers from Night Shift II, the one who slept with Jagger? Link to comment
backhometome January 6, 2016 Share January 6, 2016 LOL Mybabyaidan, I just get excited when Sam is wearing a color not black. So I loved her shirt. 2 Link to comment
GHScorpiosRule January 6, 2016 Author Share January 6, 2016 Did anyone catch what Jason was yelling about in his sleep? Liz seemed shady when he asked her what he said and she said "nothing, it was gibberish".... "No, Stop. I promise, I won't say anything. Stop...No." From my recollection; hence me rolling my eyes, because those are words that Jason would never say. And the rest was mumbling gibberish by the time Liz approached him. Link to comment
Francie January 6, 2016 Share January 6, 2016 Bear with me with beating this dead horse: Love how the hypocrite Alexis downplays Julian committing murder as a "checked past." STFU. Then GDIAF. I didn't realize "renouncing one's ways" before being caught for a crime means one is not responsible and can get on one's high horse. "Yeah, I killed da guy. But I'm not dat guy anymore." STFU and GDIanotherF. Those two losers were made for each other. [rant over] WTF happened to Robert Scorpio? 3 Link to comment
GHScorpiosRule January 6, 2016 Author Share January 6, 2016 WTF happened to Robert Scorpio? I've heard he will be back. He better be at the wedding!!!!! 1 Link to comment
ulkis January 6, 2016 Share January 6, 2016 I'm getting a little sad now that Robin and Patrick's exits are close to actually being fact. They made the hospital relevant again. It's weird but it will feel a bit emptier with no Robin or Patrick there. 17 Link to comment
LexieLily January 6, 2016 Share January 6, 2016 Someone help me! I actually liked Sonny today! Robin made jokes about Carly and their wedding and Sonny laughed, twice! And he gets major positive points (!!!) for being the first person, on-screen at least, to ask Robin how she is doing in regards to her health / her HIV / her viral load 6 Link to comment
HeatLifer January 6, 2016 Share January 6, 2016 I'm getting a little sad now that Robin and Patrick's exits are close to actually being fact. They made the hospital relevant again. It's weird but it will feel a bit emptier with no Robin or Patrick there. I had this same moment of sadness, girl. I'm happy they're leaving because I don't trust Frank and Co. and want them far, far away from these writers....but then I'm like...they were the hospital! For years! I'm never gonna see them argue about a patient! No more supply closet! No more banter at the hub! It's just weird. And I made the dumbass decision to watch some old clips and it made my TV heart hurt. 7 Link to comment
TeeVee329 January 6, 2016 Share January 6, 2016 (edited) Seriously, the hospital canvas is sooo weak right now. Liz and I guess Dr. Maddox are the only medical staff on contract. No bueno. ETA...oh, and of course, Franco the SERIAL KILLER art therapist. #eyeroll Edited January 6, 2016 by TeeVee329 1 Link to comment
camussie January 6, 2016 Share January 6, 2016 And he gets major positive points (!!!) for being the first person, on-screen at least, to ask Robin how she is doing in regards to her health / her HIV / her viral load He and maybe Mac were the only two last time (when she came back from the dead in 2013) who did the same thing. It made it all the more glaring that Anna and Patrick didn't. 1 Link to comment
Cheyanne11 January 6, 2016 Share January 6, 2016 I enjoy Sonny/Robin scenes as well. Probably because he seems interested in her well being and almost always asks her about her health. It is nice to see someone on the show say hey is your viral load okay after this latest captivity? Given just how wrong this show usually gets it, it's almost shocking that the writers seem to remember that Sonny and Robin's unbreakable bond will always be what they shared loving and watching Stone die. And KMc and MB always had a really nice big brother/little sister kind of vibe that's still present. 1 Link to comment
GHScorpiosRule January 6, 2016 Author Share January 6, 2016 (edited) Rewatching now, and this is actually what Jason mumbled in his sleep: "No...Let go of me...please. I promise I won't tell anybody...Okay...mumble, groan...No. Stay! Please Stay!" Liz approaches him, touches his hand, he wakes up and grabs her wrist. I liked what I thought I heard better! But my point still stands. NO WAY would Jason be begging like that. And I'm sure the "stay" is a memory of Sam. Edited January 6, 2016 by GHScorpiosRule 4 Link to comment
Tiger January 6, 2016 Share January 6, 2016 (edited) I'm getting a little sad now that Robin and Patrick's exits are close to actually being fact. They made the hospital relevant again. It's weird but it will feel a bit emptier with no Robin or Patrick there. I'm positively giddy because it means I'm almost free of this piece of shit slathered in gray paint!!! Edited January 6, 2016 by Tiger 2 Link to comment
WendyCR72 January 6, 2016 Share January 6, 2016 It made me happy and made me forget pod!Noah, telling Patrick that Sabrina was "perfect" for him, and that he'd been Skyping with her unknown to Patrick back during that dark year. No, that was Eli Love, impersonating Noah. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. 6 Link to comment
Francie January 6, 2016 Share January 6, 2016 I'm positively giddy because it means I'm almost free of this piece of shit slathered in gray paint!!! Are you bouncing when Scrubs leave, Tiger? Link to comment
Jazzy24 January 6, 2016 Share January 6, 2016 LOL Mybabyaidan, I just get excited when Sam is wearing a color not black. So I loved her shirt. Me too. KeMo looks best in yellow and a simple ponytail it sucks that she haven't worn yellow or a ponytail in years. That's another reason I hate GH their hair/makeup/clothes all suck. KMc also looks best in yellow to. Yellow is both KMs color. Link to comment
yowsah1 January 6, 2016 Share January 6, 2016 ... and no Sonny Corinthos!" SOLD!!!! 4 Link to comment
cmahorror January 6, 2016 Share January 6, 2016 (edited) Loved the Scrubs stuff. Thanks to KMc I was actually was able to watch Sonny today. Anyone else get a kind of meta feeling when Obrecht told Patrick and Robin good luck finding something better? I wonder if both JT and KMc were thinking no problem, already have. I like them moving across the country with Emma for a new start - far away from the exes and the mob. I could easily see Patrick taking over as Chief of Staff while Robin is offered a wonderful position as head of the lab or the research department. Robin's creating a cure for polonium poisoning would more than make up for any gaps in her resume. Edited January 6, 2016 by cmahorror 9 Link to comment
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