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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Happy New Year to all of you! No need to wish me a safe one, unless I sprain my finger using the remote control or something. Cheers to me.


Watched the last two episodes today. Bunch of boring ass filler IMO. I have nothing against Robin, but I find her painfully boring, so the whole bridge conversation with Jason was one big yawn. Especially since I haven't been watching as far back as that. I'm ready to move on to the next damn thing. These stories are all so coma worthy.


I did much like everyone else enjoy Curtis and him calling Franco a punk ass. Plus, he's yummy to look at.


As the CFP is on my TV right now, I guess I should mention it. But yeah, completely forced and awkward, although like peachmangosteen I thought it was kind of funny. And if UGA had made it, I would have loved them pimping it out. I do think it was realistic for Kristina to be there looking for hot guys, although she and Michael definitely have chemistry.


KeMo is fun to watch around Billy, I love the way they light up and smile around each other.


Here are the people I want to see MORE of in 2016: Jordan, Lucas, Brad, Lucy, Scott, Ric, Curtis.


Re: Ava and the recording. She was put on trial, the recording went missing so there was no evidence to present against her. Scott orginally had it, he defended her. Then it went missing and Paul has it now and is blackmailing her with it.

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Am I evil for hoping that before Robin leaves PC, she out the fact that Morgan is Avery's father and that Snarly fooled around with the Paternity test.


I think that Carly is guilty. But if anyone exposed that Avery is Morgan's, Carly and the Moobster would probably just shift gears and start defending and promoting Morgan's right to have custody of the kid, instead of Ava. That move could still get Avery back under Moobster's roof to live. Now we all know that Morgan could not raise a fruit fly, much less a human baby, so the Corinthii would work it so that Morgan and baby would live with them again.


BTW, I think that Valerie is probably feigning an interest in sports to attract the interest of eligible men.

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I think the Network is making Frank and The New Writers undo RoHo as Franco and other stuff Ron did. That's probably a big reason why we never hear about Sonny murdering AJ anymore.


If show wants to retcon A.J.'s murder into him being held prisoner along with Robin by the Legion of Doom because reasons, and in 2016 he manages to escape and make his way back to his beloved son, I won't complain.


I hope Patrick remembered to change the sheets between sexing Sam and Robin. Boy hardy, he scarcely skipped a beat between them. Maybe the good Doc thinks that women are all the same in the dark.


I just can't get over how the show won't let that douche be without a warm hole to stick it in for even a few days.  No sooner does he break up with one chick then his next backup slampiece is right there ready to go.


One of the many reasons I will not be missing Patrick Drake at all.


Happy New Year, everyone!  :)

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Happy New Year everyone! 


My resolution is to try and find the positives, more than the negatives with GH. I've got my work cut out for me.


We are lucky in the sense that we still have our soap to watch (so many great ones are long gone), so lets hope the new writers can set things right and get back to telling well balanced, compelling stories with healthy relationships between friends family and love interests. And maybe put the hospital back in General Hospital. 

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[...D]  ouche be without a warm hole to stick it in for even a few days.  No sooner does he break up with one chick then his next backup slampiece is right there ready to go.


One of the many reasons I will not be missing Patrick Drake at all.


! want to take out a full-page ad in P C's Crimson to broadcast this post.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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so the whole bridge conversation with Jason was one big yawn. Especially since I haven't been watching as far back as that.

Not saying it would change your mind, especially if you're not into Robin, but I do think it's important to have watched JnR and watched Robin's struggle in the '90s to really be interested in those scenes. Especially to be able to catch the little things like the reason he was drawn to the bridge, him saying Jason was an idiot for leaving her, there were lots of callbacks to things that would be hard to understand if you didn't see it.

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I do think it's important to have watched JnR and watched Robin's struggle in the '90s to really be interested in those scenes.


I didn't see any of the Robin and Jason stuff back in the day, but I still loved all of that stuff on the bridge. It was interesting, well written and well acted. A rarity on this show for sure.

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I didn't see any of the Robin and Jason stuff back in the day, but I still loved all of that stuff on the bridge. It was interesting, well written and well acted. A rarity on this show for sure.

That's really cool to hear. I thought it was very well-done but I know my opinion can be clouded because I love their story and their past.

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All those BM/KMc scenes did was make me wish they'd been able to do a quad after all - I really wanted them to try Miller's Jason with Robin, and still do. They were solid together and they both did good work. (For the record, I also think BM has great chemistry with Kelly Monaco, much easier and at her own speed than Steve Burton.)


I have no real objection to anything that's gone down with Sam, Patrick and Robin in the last two weeks aside from the super-rushed story. They have finally gotten around to having Patrick admit the truth about his rushing to move on from Robin, so that's enough for me. I don't think the show in any way canonized the Sam/Patrick romance or made it out to be superior to Scrubs or Robin; I don't see it and I know how to look when a show is trying to slip me some subliminal shit, much like how I felt Guza and JFP spent years making Robin out to be Priggish Missus Lucky for landing Patrick while he kept his quasi-inappropriate friendship with Carly going on the side. I didn't see that with Sam and Patrick and it just didn't bother me how the writers handled that material. I think they've done about the best they could do with the ridiculous amount of time Frank left for this story to play out even though he knew JT was out months and months ago and was clearly gambling on keeping him anyway. They're together, they're happy and they're free and that's all I care about here.


I still care nothing for Liz's future and I can't believe they're trying to make me care about Franco's latest romantic woes. Also Dillon's head looked like a giant paintbrush the other day. I am amazed they ended another year with Morgan up to some dumb fucking shit. "I gotta go help my dad." Really?!


With the exception of the Lindsay Morgan unpleasantness Michael and Kristina have always had inappropriate Flowers in the Attic chemistry, especially when Drew Garrett was in the role. Back in those days when they were on the run together on some tropical island in beachwear, I was convinced the show was very heavily testing the waters and seeing how far they could go. They've never pulled the trigger and I don't think they ever will.


Here's where I'm going to say again that RoHo hasn't been playing The Franco. There haven't even been any reenacted fuzzy Jason/Franco memories. 


Franco had footage of himself talking to Carter, Michael's rapist. Same actor.

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I don't think the show in any way canonized the Sam/Patrick romance or made it out to be superior to Scrubs or Robin.

Well, that would have been impossible. But I do think they tried to make it more than it was. I think they're the first soap couple in history to tout being a family without actually spending time together as a family. Then again, this is the same show that has the first soap couple in history to never be on-screen: Felix and Donny!

They're together, they're happy and they're free and that's all I care about here.

True, true.

  • Love 3

If the writers want the audience to forget about Franco's serial killer rapist history they should just kill him off. Disembowel him and leave his entrails on the street for animals to eat. Done. And do not, I repeat, DO NOT, even think about giving RoHo another character to play. He's overrated and not worth the trouble. Bye. 

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For some reason, he had a part running crookedly down the back of his head. I don't know who's doing the men's hair on the show, but clearly that person has a nefarious agenda.

Everyone's, except Fin' s, hair looks like complete shit now. Either the hair person/department hates everyone except her or she has it in her contract that they arent allowed to touch her hair.

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Nope...unfortunately.  Had a 4 ep binge today and damn there was actually some good stuff once in a while.  Liked JnR (hadn't seen any of the 90's stuff....good thing since I just can't with SBu). 


Jason/Sam were cute at points.  Missed somehow the inappropriate chem with CD and LA.  Morgan is an idiot (yeah, I said it).  Go Tracy!...kickin' Paul to the curb.  


Loved the NYE dresses (and dammit I want Nina's necklace), Lulu and Johnny....'cause I loooove BB.  Curtis is yummmmy and can bust Franco's chops anyday.  I want a Curtis/Jordan hookup.  Man, the pretty, the pretty......


Val's hair was dyed and horrible cut.  As has been mentioned the hair dep't is slipping lately.  But the thing that really annoys me as a theatre/movie geek is the lighting.  For the last few months now it's from really high and very harsh.    


I could go on but just a belated Happy New Year to all!  We always stay home and invite friends and son for a literal pig-out.  Pork/sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, carrots, corn, apple cake....mmmmm.....apple cake.....


Have a great 2016!         

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I'd like to think she has that clause in her contract. 


I'm convinced she has some deal where she gets to handle her hair, makeup, and wardrobe.  I could be entirely wrong, but if I am, then she is the only woman alive who could consistently, day after day, manage to make the hair, makeup, and wardrobe departments of this show look so good.  

Edited by KerleyQ
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Maybe Fin knows how to direct them?

Has Billy Miller always spoken with a clenched jaw or is that how he sees Jason? Don't recall him using it at Y&R or AMC. Someone needs to just tell him to pronounce his words. It's like he's spitting some lines out, but then scenes with Robin on the bridge it's not bad. So is it some scenes he's very angry or tense or annoyed? I specifically noticed it happens when Carly or Spinelli talk about how great Jason is. Dude grits his teeth.

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I haven't watched this show for years but finally broke after reading comments here and watched a couple of Robin/Patrick scenes.

You guys what did they do to JT's HAIR?! Why did no one warn me about the hair?!

Because there are no words? CBS did clean him up, see the News thread. Or perhaps he cleaned himself up. The ABC hair department must have lost out this quarter to leg tingles and the fake snow. Better luck next time.

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Because there are no words? CBS did clean him up, see the News thread. Or perhaps he cleaned himself up. The ABC hair department must have lost out this quarter to leg tingles and the fake snow. Better luck next time.


Well, would could have said, "Listen, we think there are shenanigans going on in the hair and makeup departments. We haven't heard back from the ASPCA yet but we're pretty certain someone glued an petroleum-dipped honey badger to JT's head. It looks like the honey badger is dead."

Edited by JaneDigby
  • Love 8

I haven't watched this show for years 


I am surprised, your defense of every negative thing said about Liz made me think you were actually diligently watching this shitfest lol.


Go back to the barge. The show is crap. When I do watch it, it serves as a way to let out frustrations by way of GH forums. I love bashing GH. 

I thought I would come back to this show with the new writers.  But every time I try, it's just a mix of people I don't recognize, people I don't care about, and people I can't even fucking believe are still on this show (Nina and Franco??  REALLY???)  


This show just isn't getting any better, is it?


In defense of the writers, they don't get to decide who stays and who goes. I have no doubt there are some they'd just love to kill off, but can't.  And probably a few they'd like to write more for, but can't because the actor isn't on contract. I personally don't expect RoHo to re sign when his contract is up. Does anyone know when that is?

So....this is the first new episode of the year....Really?


That incredibly awkward love scene with Frina....What is Roger going for with his hairdo/look right now?  I unfortunately looked up a few times during the love scene, and dude looks like an emo singer from an aging rock band....


Listen, I don't like bashing child actors, but if they are going to do a real story line with this Jake, they NEED to recast.  That was painful.


Aren't the 2 new writers women or did I get that confused?  The way they are writing this Lulu/Dante mess is making me seriously doubt that.  This POS cheated on Lulu, and has been DATING the woman he banged for the past few weeks...WHY is LULU the one that is getting shit on here?  Really?  She could bang Johnny right in front of Dante and I would STILL be on Lulu's side.  And I could give a crap about either of them for the most part.  But Dante gets to act all hurt and indignant because he found glasses on a bed?  Seriously?  Fuck you Dante.


I am not wasting my breath with that shitty Liz apology.  It doesn't erase the past 7 months of disgusting shit she has pulled.  And your kid is suffering and confused now because of your lies.  So you can join Dante on the FUCK YOU train.  So I guess that's the HUUUUUUGE fallout from the lie.  That's MUST SEE TV right there.  They should have saved it for sweeps/sarcasm.


What a pile of horse shit. 

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Liez is such a two faced witch. She is always apologetic to Jason's face but if she is talking to someone else she says she`d do it all over again.  And of course Jason has to apologize to her and say how hard this must be for her. Everyone is patting her on the back for this crap.


Why do I think that dead zombie spawn is going to be just as manipulative as his lying mother.


Franco with his hair in his face looked like Todd. 


Dante is trash. Why should Lulu feel guilty.


Sam/Spinelli/Ellie were cute. Though I wish it was just Ellie/Sam. Spinelli is too much.

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Liez is such a two faced witch. She is always apologetic to Jason's face but if she is talking to someone else she says she`d do it all over again.  And of course Jason has to apologize to her and say how hard this must be for her. Everyone is patting her on the back for this crap.


I wouldn't be surprised if Liz got her hands on the Duke mask and peeped in her own window to scare Jake, creating a reason for Jason to come over. She certainly had the remorseful act down when she was apologizing to Jason. I just wish they'd go full on evil with her since BH can play those types of scenes so well. It would certainly make the Liz character more interesting. 

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I forgot to mention my favorite wtf moment....So as HOT as I thought it was.....How LONG were Jason and Sam just standing there having that "moment"???  Enough time passed between the countdown to 3/4 of the bar clearing out....So....just picturing them standing like that for maybe 5-10 minutes (At LEAST) while all the revelers get their jackets/settle their tabs/pass out on the floor/etc.


I know we're not supposed to overthink stupid shit like that, but come on.  It makes it WAY more entertaining than the actual show.

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Am I supposed to assume that Jake got brainwashed, so he is incapable of understanding that Jason and Liz are no longer together, so he can't stay overnight and that they can't be a family? Becuase that's the only thing that makes sense. He's nine, not four.


And yeesh, yes, that was so painful to watch. 


Why is Dante acting as if he was the cuckolded husband? Like others have said (or used this phrase), Dante, take a seat. No, you can STFU and take a thousand gazillion seats.


The fact that the new headwriters have been on this show for years and are shilling this horseshit is disgraceful.


Oh and Spinelli can also just STFU!!!!


What did Ellie do to her hair? Looked like someone took a weed whacker to it.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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