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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I don't think Jason is going to care about the whole 'Sonny murdered AJ after years of stealing his kid and terrorizing him, plus denying the Qs a right to know Michael'.


When he found out Carly had been involved in the cover up of AJ's murder, Michael's father, he told her, in all sympathy, that he felt sorry for HER. Because, you know, Michael was SO HURT and ANGRY and had shunned Carly as a result and Carly was all butthurt over Michael being mean to her. Jason felt sorry for her. Poor Carly!


He wasn't disgusted or shocked or horrified. He'd already met Michael, liked the kid, and there was zero outrage on the kid's behalf. He wasn't bothered AT ALL by what she'd done to another person. He was SHRUG.


So, there probably won't be anything to Jason being told/reminded that Sonny murdered his brother, Michael's father and Monica's oldest son.

Edited by Vella
  • Love 3

Everything about this Jason reveal has been anticlimactic.  Keeping his identity a secret for a full year may have been one of the worst GH writing decisions ever.  And there have been plenty of bad ones.


For the past few weeks, DZ has been playing every scene with dead eyes.  Very dead.  Like a shark's eyes.

Edited by amaranta
  • Love 12

Everything about this Jason reveal has been anticlimactic.  Keeping his identity a secret for a full year may have been one of the worst GH writing decisions ever.  And there have been plenty of those.


For the past few weeks, DZ has playing every scene with dead eyes.  Very dead.  Like a shark's eyes.


Maybe his soul is something Frank asked for when re-signed? You never knooooooooooow. "Give me your soul and the writers won't throw any short jokes in!"

  • Love 5
Billy Miller looked really uncomfortable during the Friday episode. Imo he went from doing decent work to just being bored. Like, he seemed like he didn't want to be in those scenes either. Mr. Miller, have you been reading the message boards?




I thought that he was trying to portray Jason as being "conflicted and lost" over what to do now, including why he even bothered to go see Sonny. Despite having no memory of their friendship he still knows they were once "besties" and decided he needed advice because he has no one else to turn to, aside from Carly and even the lug nut isn't so dense that he couldn't see her hearing the news and then start crowing and doing a jig over being right and then she would tell him that he must now never, ever, ever forgive Liz.


Jason doesn't know whether or not to turn away from Liz and see about perhaps actually interacting with his actual wife, or he can forgive her and accept that he is a hybrid of Jason and Jake now; he was once Jason and shares his past ties to half the town, and he is also Jake Doe, this supposed "new person" who made up this brand new life for over a year.


Frankly I think Billy himself is pretty lost right now because this show is not giving him any real direction as far as I can tell. What does the character even want? What is he fighting for? There's nothing about him that screams he's passionate about any of this which is why Billy comes across as being bored or checked out in his scenes, imo. He isn't given anything to do or say that really matters or means anything.


Only on this show would a character reveal be so built up on the flimsiest of reasons, so many characters sucked into the story-line that really have no business even being there, and then when the truth is told after an agonizingly too long period of time pretty much everyone is left appearing not to give one, let alone two, shits about it, especially the person whose identity has been exposed.

  • Love 3

I don't think the way Kelly says family is due to her hearing loss, for what it's worth.  I am usually the first one defending her against the whispering digs, but I think in this instance it's just her Philly accent.  Kristen Alderson says it the same way.

Thank you.  And I wasn't "making fun" of a disability and resent the implication made by an above poster.  First off, I didn't know she had a hearing loss (it can't be assumed every poster on this board has seen every post).  Secondly, it's not a 'monotone' sound I was even discussing.

Edited by Cheyanne11
  • Love 10

I don't think the way Kelly says family is due to her hearing loss, for what it's worth. I am usually the first one defending her against the whispering digs, but I think in this instance it's just her Philly accent. Kristen Alderson says it the same way.

It is the accent. You should see how we pronounce words like "home" and "phone" too. One syllable words stretched out to 2 sometimes 3 syllables.

Don't know what that other poster is talking about. While unnecessarily defending KeMo, it came off like she was saying Philly people sound disabled.

Edited by instant karma
  • Love 7

Word. I have bipolar disorder and crohns disease. I go on and off prednisone a lot, which I'm sure SK and BM do as well. The fat jokes about AJ and shit writing for Sonny's bipolar disorder is more insulting than anything I've ever seen anyone on the Internet write.

Which btw, Morgan saying that he felt like he was taking a trip back to Earth on Friday was the most accurate GH has ever written mental illness imo. That's exactly how I feel after a manic episode.

  • Love 5

They actually have an idea for a good story, because I know for a fact that young people, especially, find adjusting to medications for bipolar disorder difficult. They have to part with things they like about themselves. One friend told me once that it was awful because he felt "blanded out," and he also lost his amazing recall.  


I just don't think this actor playing Morgan is that great, so I don't have high expectations that the story would deliver on its potential even if it were well written (which is a big "if"). I also can't stand most of the characters in Morgan's orbit. 

  • Love 2

Tbh, I'd rather see Michael having been written as the one with bipolar disorder. First of all, Chad Duell would pull it off better, and it'd be better than a "WTD" story for Michael. Also, it'd show that mental illness can happen to anyone- even the so-called "normal" ones. Quite often, you don't see mental illness. It's not gangs, guns, and sex. It's pushing yourself too hard, not feeling enough. Things like that. I hate that Morgan is now the "messed up" son, while Michael is "perfect". It's too Jason/AJ, when Michael Quartermaine is actually an interesting character in his own right. I'd at least like to see PTSD explored with Michael and Jason. I also hope that BC grows more as an actor or gets recast.

  • Love 1

Tbh, I'd rather see Michael having been written as the one with bipolar disorder. First of all, Chad Duell would pull it off better, and it'd be better than a "WTD" story for Michael. Also, it'd show that mental illness can happen to anyone- even the so-called "normal" ones. Quite often, you don't see mental illness. It's not gangs, guns, and sex. It's pushing yourself too hard, not feeling enough. Things like that. I hate that Morgan is now the "messed up" son, while Michael is "perfect". It's too Jason/AJ, when Michael Quartermaine is actually an interesting character in his own right. I'd at least like to see PTSD explored with Michael and Jason. I also hope that BC grows more as an actor or gets recast.


Well, the Qs had their issues, but I don't think they had a bipolar illness with any family member. Or the Spencers. (I think Luke just had douche-itis.)


So Morgan does make sense here, since Sonny has it. And I'm sure the show will handle it with the same lack of sensitivity as it did with Sonny and OJ will be the cure all, again.

  • Love 2

Well, the Qs had their issues, but I don't think they had a bipolar illness with any family member. Or the Spencers. (I think Luke just had douche-itis.)


So Morgan does make sense here, since Sonny has it. And I'm sure the show will handle it with the same lack of sensitivity as it did with Sonny and OJ will be the cure all, again.


Maybe they should have given it to Dante or Kristina. And goodness knows DZ (and probably LA) would probably handle it better than BC, although from what I've seen he hasn't been horrible.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 8

Difficulty adjusting to meds is definitely realistic, but if I'm supposed to invest in this as an Emmy-worthy story, we should have seen Morgan in therapy the last few weeks. Note: I am not saying I wanted to see that.


Oh it existed. Tasted like orange and to this day I hate that taste...




I don't know what started this conversation--I tune the babies out--but I can confirm I've had plenty of orange baby aspirin in my life. It definitely exists.


A few days late because I just caught up, but I was pleasantly surprised by Bobbie taking Valerie out and showing her a lack of judgment. I think I mainly liked it because it was so unexpected and showed self-awareness from Bobbie. She made it clear she loves Lulu, too, but I like that she isn't just instantly writing Valerie out of the family. Dante, though, they could all write him out. I don't even recognize him right now, and I'm glad he finally doesn't really recognize himself, either.


I thought BM and BH did the scene of Liz confessing quite well, especially BM. Going to Sonny was obnoxious, as was Jason saying Carly was right (that'd always be obnoxious, even if she said the sky was blue), and I hope he doesn't instantly fall back in with them, because that'd be a case of my waning interest. 


I don't think Patrick forced Sam into telling Emma about the break-up. She jumped right in with it. I thought those scenes were great all week, minus Patrick throwing things, because that was OOC to me. I'm glad Sam finally accepted and admitted that what she feels for Patrick is not the same as what she feels for Jason. It was right for both of them to stop pretending. They were never a great love; they were two people grieving and finding comfort in each other. Patrick may not be still grieving Robin's life, but he is grieving what he thinks became of their relationship. Still is, imho.


I missed the Thanksgiving episodes--worth checking out?

  • Love 6

I'm glad they varied the background music for the Metro Court breakfasters. Instead of the usual rolling, thunderous dramatic music that is so distracting with its undercurrent of violence and discord, the Metro's music was a graceful Christmas carol (AKA the Elizabethan "Lady Greensleeves," for those in the audience who were not celebrating the Christian holiday season).  The embarrassing fight, clash and clatter of dropped dishes, and screaming of Ava/Kiki/Morgan/Carly was particularly ironic, ill-mannered, and tasteless set against that peaceful music.


Later in Sonny's boxing establishment, the dramatic music was back.

  • Love 1

I think that when NuJason regains his memories, if he ever does. He may become a combination of Jason Q and Jason M. but I don't see his returning to be Sonny's favorite hitman and Snarly's BBF. He is going to be his own man because he seemed to be disgusted by his hitman's skills.He is no longer Sonny's soldier boy.

Wait. Aren't Jason as Jake and Cujo besties too? I don't see him treating her like a stranger, and like the old Jason, he lets her foam at the mouth blather about Liz and who he used to be and his love for being Sonny's hit man.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 3

Because he has actually been viscerally disgusted at the mere thought of being a hit man. Also, BM seems to be playing it like he's detached from Sonny/Carly. He's "friendly" with them, but that kind of friendly you are with your troubled neighbor who drinks or gets drunk a lot. He only seems to care about Sam, Danny, Michael, and thinks Monica is a very nice lady. He actually respects Monica and cares about ELQ.

  • Love 2

Because he has actually been viscerally disgusted at the mere thought of being a hit man. Also, BM seems to be playing it like he's detached from Sonny/Carly. He's "friendly" with them, but that kind of friendly you are with your troubled neighbor who drinks or gets drunk a lot. He only seems to care about Sam, Danny, Michael, and thinks Monica is a very nice lady. He actually respects Monica and cares about ELQ.


Has Jason even mentioned Monica since learning who he really is?   


Because on Friday's show, I only heard him mention Liz keeping him from Carly, Michael, Sonny, Danny, and Sam.  I think.  Bill's failure to enunciate makes it very difficult to understand anything Jason says.  

  • Love 2

I think that when NuJason regains his memories, if he ever does. He may become a combination of Jason Q and Jason M. but I don't see his returning to be Sonny's favorite hitman and Snarly's BBF. He is going to be his own man because he seemed to be disgusted by his hitman's skills.He is no longer Sonny's soldier boy.


Don't hold your breath....this is the same thing that happened when he lost his memory in 05.  He was disgusted that he was a hitman, and made it clear to Sonny that he was done.  He even got some job on the docks for a while until he got sick again and needed the brain surgery.  But as soon as he got his memories back everything went back to how it was before.


Has Jason even mentioned Monica since learning who he really is?   


Because on Friday's show, I only heard him mention Liz keeping him from Carly, Michael, Sonny, Danny, and Sam.  I think.  Bill's failure to enunciate makes it very difficult to understand anything Jason says.  


He made a sweeping comment about "and what about my family?"  He had just mentioned Sam and Danny, so I assumed he was referring to Monica/The Q's/Michael.

  • Love 4

Because he has actually been viscerally disgusted at the mere thought of being a hit man. Also, BM seems to be playing it like he's detached from Sonny/Carly. He's "friendly" with them, but that kind of friendly you are with your troubled neighbor who drinks or gets drunk a lot. He only seems to care about Sam, Danny, Michael, and thinks Monica is a very nice lady. He actually respects Monica and cares about ELQ.



Don't hold your breath....this is the same thing that happened when he lost his memory in 05.  He was disgusted that he was a hitman, and made it clear to Sonny that he was done.  He even got some job on the docks for a while until he got sick again and needed the brain surgery.  But as soon as he got his memories back everything went back to how it was before.


It's hard for me to say Jason is disgusted by the mob life because I don't really think he has much of an opinion on anything. He's barely even an autonomous person. He usually just does whatever he's told or lets others make decisions for him.


If Jason were going to become a hybrid I would assume he would be a mix of Jason Morgan and Jake Doe. But what usually happens in these situations on soaps is that the person regains their memories and forgets about the personality they assumed while suffering from amnesia. I expect the Jason Morgan personality to "override" the Jake Doe personality.

  • Love 6

Has Jason even mentioned Monica since learning who he really is?   


Because on Friday's show, I only heard him mention Liz keeping him from Carly, Michael, Sonny, Danny, and Sam.  I think.  Bill's failure to enunciate makes it very difficult to understand anything Jason says.

Eh, I'm referring to him actually showing up to her invitation to Thanksgiving. He seemed to really want to see her, as opposed to before.

  • Love 1

Don't hold your breath....this is the same thing that happened when he lost his memory in 05.  He was disgusted that he was a hitman, and made it clear to Sonny that he was done.  He even got some job on the docks for a while until he got sick again and needed the brain surgery.  But as soon as he got his memories back everything went back to how it was before.

He went back to work for Sonny before his memories returned because Manny attacked Jason and Sam in Hawaii and he realized Javier would be going after Sonny. But yeah, once his memories returned and he healed from brain surgery, it was business as usual.

Because he has actually been viscerally disgusted at the mere thought of being a hit man. Also, BM seems to be playing it like he's detached from Sonny/Carly. He's "friendly" with them, but that kind of friendly you are with your troubled neighbor who drinks or gets drunk a lot. He only seems to care about Sam, Danny, Michael, and thinks Monica is a very nice lady. He actually respects Monica and cares about ELQ.


Jake/Jason ALSO cares about Liz, Cam, Aiden and Jake since he's been in the boys lives for over a year and the last seven months with Jake.

Because he has actually been viscerally disgusted at the mere thought of being a hit man. Also, BM seems to be playing it like he's detached from Sonny/Carly. He's "friendly" with them, but that kind of friendly you are with your troubled neighbor who drinks or gets drunk a lot. He only seems to care about Sam, Danny, Michael, and thinks Monica is a very nice lady. He actually respects Monica and cares about ELQ.


Jake/Jason ALSO cares about Liz, Cam, Aiden and Jake since he's been in the boys lives for over a year and the last seven months with Jake.

  • Love 1

It really makes me sick that Carly and Sonny will get Jason Morgan completely back while Monica won't get Jason Q. Why can't he just have his Jason M's memories also completely erased. I feel bad for Sam and Michael, for sure, but he can always rebuild the relationships with them and it wouldn't really hurt either of them to really experience what Monica, Alan and Edward went through.

  • Love 8


If Jason were going to become a hybrid I would assume he would be a mix of Jason Morgan and Jake Doe. But what usually happens in these situations on soaps is that the person regains their memories and forgets about the personality they assumed while suffering from amnesia. I expect the Jason Morgan personality to "override" the Jake Doe personality.


Two personalities...any chance the future Jason might have multiple personalities, and switch between them without knowing or being able to control it?

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd

I have a sinking feeling that it is just a matter of time before Jason, like Michael (who quickly drank their kool-aid), is magnetically attracted to the Corinthos lifestyle and inner circle again. He went to the boxing gym to see Sonny while avoiding Carly. Together, when Sonny and Carly brainwash someone, the victim can't seem to resist going back. Almost telepathically, Carly chose that time to go to the gym too.


The brain and emotions of their victim are warped, I think, because the victim is usually vulnerable and going through an alienated phase, especially from family and blood relatives (Jason's current state, of course).


All that Sonny has to do is sigh and wonder who tried to kill him, which is still a mystery, I think. Jason will loyally try to find out--perhaps with a salivating Sam in tow as a detective (sort of a Goth Nancy Drew; I don't like Sam). Carly will probably continue to use any pretext to contact and work on Jason. Maybe he will move into the Corinthos domain; or Carly will use heavy emotional display to get Jason to "watch over and protect" Morgan. Carly then will have an easy excuse for checking with Jason about Morgan, touching or grabbing Jason during her "concern".



Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 5

He made a sweeping comment about "and what about my family?"  He had just mentioned Sam and Danny, so I assumed he was referring to Monica/The Q's/Michael.


Yes, he actually did mention Monica by name, which is why I thought, stupidly of course, that he would go to her. But maybe since Midgety Moobster and Cujo are very familiar with lies, and lying or whatever, thought that Moobster was the one to go to? I dunno. I got nothin'.


I suppose he didn't go to Monica because he still doesn't remember that he was Jason Morgan, let alone Jason Quartermaine?


And I don't recall anyone saying that Jason Q. was gone "Forever!" due to the brain damage, since there are some elements of Q that remained-such as Jason Morgan knowing how to do a tracheotomy on Nik during that shooting where Nik couldn't speak for awhile.  Plus, this is a soap, which I keep hearing when any of us vent over other stuff. You know, like back from the dead, to name one.

  • Love 2

I might be wrong but I thought that NuJason went to the gym to hit the punching bag and Sonny just happened to be there.


He did. BUT the gym was closed. BUT the guard knew that Jason was the boss's "BEST FRIEND" so he let him in. He could have just left when he saw Sonny was there, but no, he had to unload and confide to him and ask him what he should do.

  • Love 1
It's insanity as well. What would it take, really? Patrick realizing that how Sam feels for Jason is the same way he feels about Robin still? He is still madly, deeply in love with his wife, his partner, the mother of his child, but he's just so hurt that he's tried, as Sam did, to cover up the pain and anger by focusing on a new relationship, finding someone "new" to love but it's just time to stop it, to end the lie and pretense and finally deal with the split.


Oh, I've no doubt the writers will cook up some half-assed slapped together scene where Patrick mutters a few words to that effect and we will all be expected to forget that his actions have screamed out, louder than any words could possibly ever be, that the one great love of Patrick Drake's life is himself.


Can we limit the outrage against Liz for people that didn't actively hide the murder of the man's brother. So basically Sam, Michael and Monica. Everyone else can take a seat. Really Sonny STFU about the grief that Liz caused you. It was a terrible thing but a worse thing  is murdering a man that you actively terrorized for years in cold blood and screwing a woman on top of his grave.


One of the reasons I am on the barge and won't get off unless and until this Liz bullshit is finally OVER.  (And given the writers propensity to come up with new and ever more vile bullshittery, maybe not even then).  So everybody in town gets to line up to kick Liz when she is down and that's all fine and good, but God forfend anybody be mad at the SERIAL KILLER or the man who shot A.J Quartermaine in cold blood for even an INSTANT.  She gets to be the town pariah but Sonny Fucking Corinthos gets to walk around large and in charge?  The Unholy Trio returns, more obnoxious and sick than ever?


Memo to GH:  You want to know why your ratings suck, there it is right there.  Maybe if you stopped going out of your way to alienate fanbases and started trying to, oh I don't know, win them back, your ratings might improve.  Why is this so hard for you to understand?


I thought BH did a great job despite the limitations.


The one small smidgen of consolation that Liz fans can take from this shit-ass storyline is that BH has taken every single scene she has been given and just crushed it.  If there was any justice in this world she'd be a shoo-in for a Best Actress Emmy.  But knowing how this shitshow rolls, I doubt she'll even get a pre-nom.


So, there probably won't be anything to Jason being told/reminded that Sonny murdered his brother, Michael's father and Monica's oldest son.


It's weird how the new writers have so desperately tried to sweep that ugly fact under the rug.  It's like they think that if they make it so nobody on the show says anything about it, we'll all forget about it and they can get on with the Sonny Worship Hour.  It's like in the Soviet Union when officials who fell out of favor and got executed were airbrushed out of every photo ever taken of them, like they never existed to begin with.  I fully expect within a couple of months to hear dialogue asserting that Monica only ever had one son, and his name was Jason...

  • Love 7

As a Robin fan the only way I would have ever accepted any hint towards Jason/Robin, Part 3 was if one of Jason's many head traumas resulted in him having both Jason Q and Jason Morgan memories.  I always felt like she would be the one woman he would naturally turn to as she was the only one who knew and had feelings for both Jason's.  Frankly I think they should have brought Rebecca Budig on as a recast Robin for just that story instead of the whole being paid by Ric to break up Jake/Liz thing.  A quad with Patrick/Sam/Jason with all of his memories/Robin would have been a heck of a good story as all four of them would have been torn both directions.  

  • Love 2

I've given myself the task of coming up with an alternative to the crapfest that has been Jason's Return. Is it possible to tell the same basic story without trashing half the characters in town? I'm not a soap writer but I think I can do better than this.


Start roughly in January. Jake is in the hospital with a chip or whatever. 


Sloane offers Jake the same deal. Spy on Sonny and all your crimes will be forgiven. Jake doesn't want to but Ric convinces Jake to accept hoping Jake will end up getting killed. Liz still defends Jake and they grow closer while he's in the hospital. Eventually this causes a rupture between Liz and Ric.


Sam and Patrick are together but, here's the catch, they both talk about their exes all the time. It's obvious to almost everyone that these two can't get over Jason/Robin. But, because they're both lonely and they are friends, they fall into a relationship.


Jake is spying on Sonny and learns about Jason. He's repelled by Jason being a hitman but sees that Sonny and Carly genuinely cared for Jason.


Liz doesn't find out about Jake being Jason. Nik does find out and hires Hayden to impersonate Jake's "wife" to get him out of town and away from Liz. It doesn't work so Nike he tries to reveal Jake's identity to Sam but Helena has the tests switched so everyone is angry with Nik for trying to manipulate.


Jake was hoping for a history and is disappointed that he's not Jason. He reveals to Sonny that he was spying on him and why. Sonny is furious and tells him that he's obviously nothing like "the real" Jason. Monica, however, takes pity on Jake and tells him the whole story, including how good Jason was before the accident. They bond as friends. Jason takes a job as an orderly at the hospital where he constantly runs into Patrick and Sam, and grows ever closer to Liz. Liz and Jake get engaged. Emma sees and talks about how much she misses having her family together. Patrick decides to move on and create a new family for Emma. He proposes to Sam. Sam confesses to Alexis that she isn't completely over Jason but figures she never will be and it's time she made a real life for her son, too.


Sonny is shot (for some bullshit reason, I'm not fixing that, too) and while he is drugged up orderly Jake comes in and Sonny confuses him with Jason. Carly sees this and gets suspicious, she doesn't fully trust Jake after he spied on Sonny. She puts Spinelli on the case. Spinelli discovers ... yada yada yada and Carly busts into the Liz/Jake nuptials just in time.


Everyone is in turmoil. Sonny can't believe that the man he trusted with his life spied on him. Sam is happy to have "Jason" back but he has no memory of her so she's hurt and confused. Liz is also confused that "Jason" doesn't remember her. She loves "Jake" but she also wants him to have "Jason's" memories.


Patrick is furious. He tries to tell Robin about Jason but she has disappeared. He wants to know where Robin is. Patrick constantly reminds Sam of all the danger Jason exposed her to because he's determined not to lose anyone else to Jason. Sam tries to pretend she doesn't care that Jason doesn't remember her - she's hurt but refuses to grovel - but it's not enough to hold Sam & Patrick together. Sam moves in with Alexis and Julian.


Jake is rocked and the only person who accepts him as he is now is Monica, who tells him she learned her lesson. Whoever he is will be enough for her. He tells her he's not going to be a Q or part of Sonny's "family."


Liz, however, doesn't fully trust that Jake has chosen her. Every time he goes to see Danny she is jealous. If she sees Jake talking to Sam she flips. She's so stressed out she starts taking valium .. by the truckload. All this puts a major strain on things with Jake.


Finally, Carly is determined to get her Jason back. Jake tries to be friends with her but can't handle her intense need for him to be who he was. He pushes her away but she refuses to back off. 


Liz's jealously and erratic behavior are driving Jake away. One minute she's frantic he is remembering Sam, the next minute she's trying to get him to remember her. The big explosion comes when Sonny and Carly have a blowout fight over his impotence (yep, why not) and her willingness to accept Jake. Carly ends up getting drunk at a bar. Jake finds her and gets her out of serious trouble. She's so desperate for him to remember the past and so upset about Sonny that she seduces Jake ....


Afterwards Jake is appalled at his own behavior. He ends up at the docks, where he meets Sam and confesses to her ...


I'm not a writer and that took me ten minutes. It took professionals how long to brew up this annihilating brew? Idiots.

Edited by JaneDigby
  • Love 8

If I never hear the words separation papers again it'll be too soon. 


Liz is straight up delusional. That scene with Diane was her being bat shit crazy.


"Jake and I needed you more than Sam and Danny"  what a bitch. I cant believe she said that to his face. 


Finally someone punched Nik. But I wish Sam/Alexis would be angry at him too. 

  • Love 6

Since when has Diane not liked Liz?  I guess it really does take a village to prop Jasam. 


Nothing was crazy about what Liz said to Diane. She does want him to go back to Sam, so he will go back to murdering people, and she'll get paid. 


Now obviously Liz did this to herself, but she's not wrong that its always been everyone against her when it comes to Jason, and at the end of the day, Liz was right about Sonny and Carly. They don't actually care about Jason, they just want him back to fix up there messes, and kill their enemies.


It would also be nice if Jason acted like Jake meant as much to him as Danny does.

Edited by MissE
  • Love 5
Now obviously Liz did this to herself, but she's not wrong that its always been everyone against her when it comes to Jason, and at the end of the day,


Not really. Because the fact remains, when it got down to the nitty gritty, Jason ALWAYS tossed Liz aside. And that had zip to do with people being against perpetual victim Liz, and the fact that, when it comes down to it, Jason just isn't that into her.


If he was, it wouldn't matter what "everyone else" thinks.


And just to clarify, I hate Jason and also have no use for JaSam, so the above argument has zip to do with that part of the equation, either.

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