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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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And because I'm a research nerd, here are the more recent slogans:


~ ABC Family Mob War

~ Frank is delusional.

~ This show is stupid.

~ And, yes, I like Nina/Franco, too. That's what this show had reduced me to.

~ I will not be counted as a 'viewer' of this gutter sludge.

~ Your facts and logic have no place here.

~ *raps Show with newspaper* Bad, Show, bad!

~ This proves it: ABC wants GH to die.

~ Well someone in the writing room forgot that

~ It doesn't have to make sense, nothing else does.

~ I was ready to have someone run over my brain stem with a tractor before the show was barely five full minutes in.

~ I cannot believe I sat through this episode ... I say that every day.

~ My soul drowned in its tears ... I feel dead inside now ...

~ I'm going to need a new TV sooner rather than later, because my foot is going through it.


If any of these are yours, trademark them now before I set up my booth at next year's FCW.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 6

Patrick apologizing to Sabrina was so fucking disgusting.


Patrick apologizing to Sabrina was long overdue, and also too little, too late.


However, that does not mean that this:


Try apologizing to your captive, tortured ex, you mullet head douchebag.*


.. does not still apply.


I am a Liz fan and , my god, they are writing her so pathetic. Girl have some dignity.


It's hard to have dignity when lying under a bus staring up at the strutwork as it backs over you yet again.


Apparently GH has decided that Liz fans are expendable.  It's the only explanation for why they are working so hard to drive them away from the show.


So Jason getting teary eyed (how very Jason of him...) over the thought of "hurting" two good women was so anvil of "plot point" heavy I think it gave me a concussion. Of course he thinks so now but just wait, dear viewer/s, until he finds out that Liz in fact "knew the truth all along"!.


I hate this show.


They are doing this to granddaughter of Steve Hardy.  THE. GRANDDAUGHTER. OF. STEVE. HARDY.  It's sickening.

Edited by yowsah1
  • Love 8

When the show is so bad that the only thing I could focus on was that Valerie didn't take a grilled chicken sandwich with her when she left, you know it's bad. She and Maxie looked great though.


I shouldn't have, but I did kind of laugh at Sam telling Liz she was delusional and in love with the Jason she made up in her head.


The rest? Sucked.

  • Love 10
Patrick apologizing to Sabrina was long overdue, and also too little, too late.



I honestly don't know what Patrick had to apologize to Sabrina about.  He had no hand in his dead wife turning up alive at his wedding to Sabrina and after the initial shock of it all he took Sabrina's feelings into consideration every step of the way.   The bottom line is he had to make a choice and he chose Robin while trying to be as kind as possible when ending things with Sabrina.  Sure is sucked for her but it would have sucked more if he tried to be with both of them,


Conversely, while he spent that month between Thanksgiving and Christmas wringing his hands about the choice he had to make and how Sabrina was hurting, he didn't bother to ask Robin once about the hell she had been through.  Didn't even say I want you to get checked out to make sure your HIV is under control.  He was too focused first on his pain and then on Sabrina's

Edited by camussie
  • Love 15

I honestly don't know what Patrick had to apologize to Sabrina about. He had no hand in his dead wife turning up alive at his wedding to Sabrina and after the initial shock of it all he took Sabrina's feelings into consideration every step of the way. The bottom line is he had to make a choice and he chose Robin while trying to be as kind as possible when ending things with Sabrina. Sure is sucked for her but it would have sucked more if he tried to be with both of them,

Conversely, while he spent that month between Thanksgiving and Christmas wringing his hands about the choice he had to make and how Sabrina was hurting, he didn't bother to ask Robin once about the hell she had been through. Didn't even say I want you to get checked out to make sure your HIV is under control. He was too focused first on his pain and then on Sabrina's


And I'm assuming he was apologizing for not choosing Sabrina since he now claims picking Robin was a mistake.

I have missed a few episodes but did Valerie seriously tell Maxie to tell Lulu to take Dante back because he's 'such a great guy!' Hasn't it only been a few days in General Hospital time?! What the Christ, woman!


The smug radiating off her today made me want to punch her. 



Her lack of self-awareness is so glaringly obscene it doesn't seem possible.


Should she be shunned by society and forced to stitch a scarlet A on her back? Of course not, but the girl could at least have the decency to see things from the perspective of a wife who is positively reeling from the fact that her husband cheated on her, with a family member no less.


You don't just blink and get over it, you don't just wake up one day and say, "well I think I'm done being mad and hurt now, bye bye bygones! Let's go have that other baby!".


Val's mom needs to return from the grave, or maybe her teenager self can appear and slap the daylights out of her dumb daughter and set her straight. Or maybe Bobbie (who?) can do it.



Did they move Portland?  Jakeson must have a supersonic bike.  And he's fresh as a daisy.




Robots can't sweat.


You just can't beat the wormhole travel this show loves to engage in.


Hey, we're on the East Coast, how long does it take to go cross country? |25 minutes later| Oregon has such lovely Fall weather this time of year!


But I still can't get over how Spinelli was basically reciting a love poem to Jason. Not that it shocked or surprised me but just the fact that it was so believable that he'd be so over the moon and overjoyed to have his "Stone Cold" back...disgusting.


And between Spin basically nuzzling Jason's crotch like a good little puppy and Sam, yet again, recollecting how Jason "saved" her and turned her into a "decent person"...my ears and ears were almost bleeding.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 7


I shouldn't have, but I did kind of laugh at Sam telling Liz she was delusional and in love with the Jason she made up in her head.

Sam's whole diatribe was pretty much BS, though. Liz never tried to change Jason, she never insisted he be a 9-to-5, eat dinner as a family guy. That's the same obnoxious Carly-esque "she can't handle the life" crap the show tries to shove at the audience. Like supporting criminals is somehow really great.


Liz had moved on with AJ, and with Ric. She fell for Jake before she knew who he was. She wasn't perpetually hung up on Jason, real or imagined. 


The show is totally trolling the Sam/Liz factions. As a Liz fan, the oncoming trainwreck that will be this reveal is gonna be brutal. 

  • Love 10

Sam's whole diatribe was pretty much BS, though. Liz never tried to change Jason, she never insisted he be a 9-to-5, eat dinner as a family guy. That's the same obnoxious Carly-esque "she can't handle the life" crap the show tries to shove at the audience. Like supporting criminals is somehow really great.


Liz had moved on with AJ, and with Ric. She fell for Jake before she knew who he was. She wasn't perpetually hung up on Jason, real or imagined. 


The show is totally trolling the Sam/Liz factions. As a Liz fan, the oncoming trainwreck that will be this reveal is gonna be brutal. 

Yep.  And it's pathetic how many years the show has perpetuated that Carly and Sam are somehow amazing and awesome and lovewiththeirwholehearts because they sit back and smile as Jason kills people.  In what universe is that worthy of praise?  


And I'm still rolling my eyes from Sam's speech the other day about how Jason made her a better person.  Because going from con woman to the wife of a hitman is truly a step up.  


Shut up, Sam.


Shut up, Carly.


Check yourself into Shadybrooke, Liz.

  • Love 10

I think I finally figured out why this whole Jason story bothers me, even though I of course want JaSam to find their way back to each other and Liz to get a HARD fall sooner rather than later. Everything around this story is SO overwrought and piled on top of each other, horrible thing after horrible thing.


1) The story starts with someone (Robin) getting kidnapped to jump-start the storyline

2) Not only is she kidnapped, but her family is in danger if she tells the truth

3) Not only is she in danger if she tells the truth, but months later the aforementioned kidnapper engineers a car accident to harm her husband and mother of his child, causing the death of a baby and potentially harm to her (Robin's) daughter

4) Not only that, she is kidnapped from the original kidnapping and chained to a wall once her work is done and Jason is alive

5) Not only that, but the day CC explodes, the kidnappee's mother and potential rescue is literally a door away but they don't find her

6) Not only that, but once the kidnappee and the one she saved escaped danger and made it back to safety, the kidnappee was kidnapped again and once again her family was threatened

7) Not only that, the one she saved made it all the way to the doorstep of a friend's house only to get taken again

      -- escaped the car only to get pummeled by a car on a ditch road

8) Fast forward some months. Not only is the amnesiac Jason Morgan in a new relationship, but his wife is too

9) Not only are they in new relationships but they both end up serious, just in time for the secret to be revealed

10) Not only is one relationship headed toward marriage but both are

11) Not only are both relationships headed toward marriage but it all comes out at one of the weddings

12) Not only did one person know the secret and refuse to tell for personal gain, but the woman Jason Morgan is going to marry knows as well, and is content to spend the rest of her life lying to keep the secret

     -- Actually, a good group of people know the secret and for a variety of reasons are willing to ruin a variety of lives in different ways to keep the secret

13) The original kidnappee that started this story is STILL kidnapped a year later and no one seems to care or notice


And I am sure there's more and / or I'm forgetting things.

  • Love 7

The angle of Robin's dangling kidnapping aside, ...a lot of what you listed is soaps.  People conveniently just miss each other, people have amnesia, people have their lives blow up on their wedding day, etc. 


The problem is the execution, which has been mostly plodding and/or badly written.  Think how much better this would be a) if Liz didn't know and b) if the writers had actually invested in Sam and Patrick's relationship instead of just jumping them from plot point to plot point.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 8

The angle of Robin's dangling kidnapping aside, ...a lot of what you listed is soaps.  People conveniently just miss each other, people have amnesia, people have their lives blow up on their wedding day, etc. 


The problem is the execution, which has been mostly plodding and/or badly written.  Think how much better this would be a) if Liz didn't know and b) if the writers had actually invested in Sam and Patrick's relationship instead of just jumping them from plot point to plot point.


Your option B might have made this story a lot better, actually. If they had started SamTrick after the "deaths" and skipped Sam/Silas and Patrick/Sabrina entirely.

  • Love 1

I don't think Sam was trying to brag by telling Liez she can't handle being involved with a mobster long term, just stating a fact, Liez isn't the type of person who can settle down with a mobster, which is fine, but she needs to accept that. Just like she needs to accept that Jason already told her ass that he didn't want her. Liez seems to have a hard time accepting inconvenient truths.

  • Love 10

This tiresome bullshit over the SERIAL KILLER being falsely accused for nearly killing (sadly not) Carly is so infuriating.


Oh yes, let us all wring our hands worrying about whether or not this "innocent" man will be unfairly prosecuted and persecuted for something he didn't do, because god forbid he actually be strung up for all the real crimes and murders and kidnappings and near rapes and real rapes he's responsible for.


"Oh how dare anyone blame Franco for something so heinous and horrible! He would never, ever just run someone off the road and leave them without stopping or offering aid! It isn't like he's a former SERIAL KILLER or anything?!"


Ye gods! I want him dropped into a vat of acid or a tank of water with sharks wearing bloody laser-beams on their heads.

  • Love 10

I just caught a scene of today's show and it really is fascinating watching Elizabeth speak to Sam and her snide comments towards her about how she couldn't wait to hop back on Jason, because she acts like Sam and Jason was some fling or just dating and then Jason "died". It's like she is completely delusional to the reality that that two were happily married with a child before Jason "died". Crazy doesn't even begin to explain it. 

  • Love 11

There is a lot of smugness that needs to be wiped off of faces:


1) Liz - for just everything involved with this storyline

2) Nicholas - for being a first class douchebag by going along with this scheme of Helena's and then acting as if Jason's return is no big deal

3) Hayden - for her church "I knew all along" dance with Liz

4) Carly  well, just because.....


And I could just go on from here, but I need closure on this whole freaking thing and not just another six months of "will he, won't he" and "will Liz get caught" shifty eyes....

There's my t-shirt "Shifty eyes and dirty Liez"



  • Love 2

Can I just say that I absolutely adore Constance Towers.  I mean, Helena's crazy and a sociopath, but Constance just kicks all kinds of ass.  She commands every scene even while sitting on a bed, sucking on oxygen.  And as much as I like Sam and Liz,  I had to laugh when Helena called them Tweedledee and Tweedledumber!!


Now, onto today's recap for those who haven't watched or aren't planning on....


Nathan tells Franco and Nina that there's a boatload of evidence that his car caused Carly's accident.  Franco denies it then realizes that it was Kiki so admits that he swerved to avoid a raccoon.  


Morgan tells Kiki that Franco's been arrested so they head to the station.  Franco says he'll take the fall since she's turning her life around (she's been sober for two days and is late for her first day on the job as an MC waitress).  


Kiki accepts that but then starts to feel guilty.  Morgan tells her that they need to leave town to start fresh, away from her evil mother and his meddling parents and she agrees.  Apparently they'll be using Monopoly money since neither had a job with resources. 


Nina figures out that Franco's covering for Kiki and confronts him.  Nina says he's enabling Kiki and he'll go to prison for attempted murder.  Nina tells Nathan that Kiki is responsible.  


Jason gets onto the compound on Cassadine Island only to find Nikolas there, who apparently took the Super Duper Time Machine to get there ahead of him.  Nik says Helena's too sick to see him, but Jason's got a gun.


Sam and LIz are on a flight to the island and getting snarky with each other, throwing drinks on each other untl the flight attendent tells them to knock it off.  Liz questions Sam's love for Patrick and what she'll do if Jason gets his memories back.  Sam feels Liz has always tried to change JAson and can't accept him for who he is.  Back and forth until both agree to work together because Jason needs them both.  


Hayden has dreams that Nik is going to kill her and pays Shawn a visit in jail and tells him that Jason was Jake and that his bullet didn't hit her in the head.  Hayden needs help proving it, but worries about getting caught.  Shawn tells her someone can help.  


Jason confronts Helena.  Liz and Sam arrive.  Helena makes fun of them then says she'll tell Jason everything he wants to know.  


Line of the day: 

Helena:  This is a fascinating conundrum Mr Morgan, your wife is here and she brought your fiance.  

  • Love 4

I just caught a scene of today's show and it really is fascinating watching Elizabeth speak to Sam and her snide comments towards her about how she couldn't wait to hop back on Jason, because she acts like Sam and Jason was some fling or just dating and then Jason "died". It's like she is completely delusional to the reality that that two were happily married with a child before Jason "died". Crazy doesn't even begin to explain it. 


Obviously, mileage varies, because I thought it was pretty damn funny that she said exactly what most of us have been saying since Day 1: that Patrick was a placeholder and that he'd be left standing in a cloud of dust once she could get Jason's motorcycle between her legs again. 


I wish RoHo would just get the heck off the show. I'm not seeing any kind consistent characterization of Franco on his part; he even seems to switch midscene, and we're going to be stuck with him. I can accept Nina on the canvas more than him. At least MS seems like she's trying to turn in a decent performance. 


Based on what Helena said today, I'm holding out a faint hope that she discloses the truth about Robin and Jason does become involved in her rescue. 

  • Love 1

Obviously, mileage varies, because I thought it was pretty damn funny that she said exactly what most of us have been saying since Day 1: that Patrick was a placeholder and that he'd be left standing in a cloud of dust once she could get Jason's motorcycle between her legs again.

I think she's right that Sam would ultimately want to be with her husband - but if Liz believed that, it was pretty shitty of her to put her good friend Patrick in this position just because she was thirsty for some hitman lovin'

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 12

I don't care who the characters are or whether I actually like them or not, cat fights never are a good look for anyone, imho, and today's display between Sam and Liz was just...shameful and embarrassing and horrific.


Not to mention they're battling over Jason...the whole mess is gross.


If Jason had shot Nik in either one or both kneecaps I wouldn't have been mad at him.


Why hasn't Shawn been shanked in prison yet? And seriously, is there a reason the prisoners are always dressed in prison grade Juicy Couture sweats?

I think she's right that Sam would ultimately want to be with her husband - but if Liz believed that, it was pretty shitty of her to put her good friend Patrick in this position just because she was thirsty for some hitman lovin'



Liz stopped just short of basically chiseling Patrick an engagement ring herself for him to propose to Sam with. She was more than willing to leave Patrick as the hapless "loser" if it meant she got to keep Jason as his Doe-y self.

  • Love 5
Obviously, mileage varies, because I thought it was pretty damn funny that she said exactly what most of us have been saying since Day 1: that Patrick was a placeholder and that he'd be left standing in a cloud of dust once she could get Jason's motorcycle between her legs again.



I wasn't disagreeing with the fact of Sam being with Patrick because her husband was dead in her mind and so she obviously couldn't be with him. It's just for me, the way Elizabeth said it, crass and with that snide tone in her voice, she made it seem like Jason dumped Sam and she went to Patrick as a warm body until Jason wanted her again. And it's like no, her husband died as far as she knew. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 9

I'm sick of this show acting like Burton Jason or smurf Jason was the love of Liz's life. IT'S LUCKY, OKAY SHOW?


Morgan: the problem isn't us, it's everyone else.


True fact. Everyone else hates you.


Nikolas rubbing his lower lip all over Hayden was not attractive. blerg.


I fell into a light coma during the second to last Nina/Franco scene.


Helena: Well, you're not at the top of my list, but you're on it.


Jason not at the top of her list? That's why Helena is pure evil everyone.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 12

Nothing was worse than Spinelli talking about Jason being the light in so many people's lives. Or whatever the hell he actually said. I had a seizure halfway through the line. 




Thanks for warning me. I will make absolutely sure I never watch this shit . I will watch Robin, Tristan and Anna together then back on the barge. If these three are demonized any more. they are FF fodder also.

Since that plane was completely empty why are Liz and Sam sitting together on a very long flight?


All the other passengers are in the back of the plane, rolling their eyes and trying to avoid a faceful of water. 


Only our hero was brave enough to wade in. #teamflightattendant

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 9
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