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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Even on a re-watch that Patrick and Anna conversation was such a wtf convergence of Ron's special brand of bullshit it still just-I can't even.

So poor Emma goes to Anna, informing her Nana that her mum and dad are getting divorced, thanks to that idiot deciding it was perfectly fine burdening a little girl with that sort of crap, and now Patrick has had time to ask Alexis to draw up the divorce papers but he still hasn't discussed it with Robin, or perhaps he has but we just weren't made privy to that conversation...and then Anna basically pats him on the back for it? The fuck?

Let's add that Patrick acts as if he doesn't remember Robin being forced to go with Victor. Yet he won't tell Anna or Sam where Robin is & what she's doing.

Fuck you, Ron. Fuck you!

If Liz did a double, that means she worked 16 hours & they've stated she worked over night. Basically she worked from 3pm to 7am. Trust me, there's no second wind from that. It's called taking your ass home & going to sleep.

Why did Felix leave from working overnight, walk through the park with Liz & basically go back to work.

The kid scenes made me think I was watching Nickledeon or the Disney Channel.

I hate Levi

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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What? What in the BLUEDILLY FUCK?! Are you saying Anna agrees with this passive aggressive douchetastic move of Patrick's?



Not only agrees, hold onto your blood pressure, she actually told him that she "understood why". That's right, she got it, she got why this man not only dragged his daughter into entirely adult matters that didn't need to yet involve her, not without first having a face to face adult powwow with her mother, but Anna, even after hearing everything, pretty much gave Patrick her blessing since Robin did "just leave" the way she did so she couldn't rightly blame him for thinking their marriage was done and over.


It was...no words really.


Let's add that Patrick acts as if he doesn't remember Robin being forced to go with Victor. Yet he won't tell Anna or Sam where Robin is & what she's doing.



But he can't or else he won't be able to play the victim, I mean-display his hurt and pain over his wife abandoning him...

  • Love 5

Oh, hell to the no. Anna wasn't ever the perfect parent and she made a lot of mistakes - but no fucking way she would ever NOT take her daughter's side.

Dare I hope that if Anna ever gets the full story, she will punch Patrick in the face for withholding key information and playing the martyr? Nah, that would make too much sense.

Flames, flames on the side of my face!

  • Love 3

I have a feeling someone showed that fuckwit the scene of Anna and Robin where Anna tells Robin she better hurry up and marry Patdick, before someone else snatches him up, because he's SUCH A GREAT Catch, and Robin is so frumpy and boring, NO ONE else wants her...and so he decided hey, see? Anna is Patdick's champ, and he NEEDS someone in his corner, because Robin is such a selfish bitch, who only cares about doing what SHE wants to do...so, her agreeing with Patrick isn't out of character!


What's that, you say? Oh, right. Robin wasn't really threatened. Victor was just being coy. After all, she can use the phone, we feed her, and she's got a better bed...not a cot this time around.

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There have been a lot of times I could take or leave Robin, but the writers' transparent dislike of the character is so damn annoying.

Yeah, we get that it isn't fun or flashy or easy to write for a normal, earnest person and you resent having to do it - but some audience members like her and so would other characters! This ish has been going on since the Guza days, and it's nonsensical.

Geez, this must be how AJ fans feel ...

  • Love 5

I think I may have to swim out to the barge because I've just about had it with this show. I'm sick to death of the GH kiddie hour. I do not care one iota about these little brats and this boring summer camp shit. Add to that the Levi character. I'm usually a sucker for an accent, but geez Louise there is not one thing appealing about this guy. And then we come to Nina.....was never really a fan of MS when she was on Y&R, but I didn't realize how much her acting tics got on my nerves until I saw her playing this character. She's annoying to the extreme.

  • Love 5

Whomever is gonna play NuJason better be hot, a damn good actor, and ready to Hulk Smash things.

I'm bored. I want a new character or someone Hulk Smash someone and go on a drunk truth telling tour.

God, I miss you, AJ.


I have personally Mary Sued myself into scenes for the few past years, happily going around the canvas on a truthtelling tour.  Telling Carly she is an awful mother and that Todd is using her, then telling her she got a gigolo living under her roof who was a psycho who hurt her kids and her friend and that Jason would be ashamed of her; telling Maxie she's a fool for being suckered in by the dumb kangaroo; taunting Sonny with my knowledge of what he did and I will be going to Michael and telling him and on and on.  


Sometimes, I even imagine I'm drunk doing it!  It is so much fun.  Then I go find Ron and give him the what-for as well.

  • Love 4

Even on a re-watch that Patrick and Anna conversation was such a wtf convergence of Ron's special brand of bullshit it still just-I can't even.


So poor Emma goes to Anna, informing her Nana that her mum and dad are getting divorced, thanks to that idiot deciding it was perfectly fine burdening a little girl with that sort of crap, and now Patrick has had time to ask Alexis to draw up the divorce papers but he still hasn't discussed it with Robin, or perhaps he has but we just weren't made privy to that conversation...and then Anna basically pats him on the back for it? The fuck?


I assume the meeting with Alexis took place on Ron's Twitter feed.  Ditto his divorce conversation with Robin.


I can't hate on Britt for that. If Dr O was my mutter, I'd call her for advice on everything.


So would I.  Then I'd do the opposite of whatever she advised me to do. 


I assume the purpose of Lila's Kids is to give Audrey, Lesley, and whatever nanny has been raising Joss some time off? 


We learned why Nathan is always shirtless. He only owns a handful of clothes.



And it appeared to be mostly pants. 

Edited by KerleyQ
  • Love 3

Someone needs to explain to me like I'm Sonny, how anyone buys Nina's story that she still needs that whelchair. Supposedly she's too weak and unsteady following her looooong coma to manage the strength, stamina and balance to walk or stand but she wheels herself around frenetically like she's training for a Paralympic sprint event.


Shut up Felix.

  • Love 6

There have been a lot of times I could take or leave Robin, but the writers' transparent dislike of the character is so damn annoying.

Yeah, we get that it isn't fun or flashy or easy to write for a normal, earnest person and you resent having to do it - but some audience members like her and so would other characters! This ish has been going on since the Guza days, and it's nonsensical.

Geez, this must be how AJ fans feel ...



I think I may have to swim out to the barge because I've just about had it with this show. I'm sick to death of the GH kiddie hour. I do not care one iota about these little brats and this boring summer camp shit. Add to that the Levi character. I'm usually a sucker for an accent, but geez Louise there is not one thing appealing about this guy. And then we come to Nina.....was never really a fan of MS when she was on Y&R, but I didn't realize how much her acting tics got on my nerves until I saw her playing this character. She's annoying to the extreme.


I go so often I keep an outboard .I will send it over for you .Funny They couldn't afford to pay other actors but the kids just keep on coming. Guess we know now why Disney owns ABC. Everytime I break down and watch I regret it. Today was a major loss I will never get back. Even with Anna on. Did having the baby make maxie this stupid, or has she aLways been ?

  • Love 2

Wed yes. Today, no. Just because Rafe may or may not bite it. The feels!

And today Maxie was like I'm Laura Ingalls Wilder and I'm kicking Special Kitty out!

We learned why Nathan is always shirtless. He only owns a handful of clothes.

Pat/Anna talk and stuff. Nina is crazy.

Thanks Grrpants09!  


I saw today's episode  Maxie looked like she was already dressed for the outback in the 1800's.  Oh that was awful!

  • Love 1

Today was so bad that I took a break halfway through to clean my cat's litter box because I was so bored. I can't stand the kiddie storyline and I'm starting to find it a little bit creepy that there's so much focus on having them play out love triangles.  Also, it's exasperating watching Britt, the child of two criminal masterminds have to go to a 7 year old for help in scheming.  It just makes her look almost as dumb as Maxie, and no one looks dumber than Maxie right now.  Since Nina is apparently psycho and had a hand in helping us get rid of useless Rafe, can they just have her in her wheelchair in the park one day, and she sees Levi shirtless, and then beats him death with a hammer for the full hour of GH? It would be the first episode worth watching in awhile and would probably improve the ratings.  

Edited by sashabear21
  • Love 12

Back in my pre-med days, one of my first assignments as a volunteer at the local VA was to record the time of death of a guy they had just removed from life support in ICU.  The rest of the staff had other patients and the patient had no family, so he was lying alone.  I took my books went into his room, intending to study.  


This guy was in rough shape, looked homeless and alone.  He was completely out of it.  All I had to do was watch the machine and record the TOD when the heart monitor stopped.  I was young and had never seen anyone die before.   This guy was someone I would have never voluntarily touched if he was awake, and I had a lot of homework.  But...I found myself sitting by his bed, holding his hand, and talking to him.  It was a beautiful day outside, I talked about that.  I chatted about my studies.  Whatever I could think of.


After about an hour, he died, quietly and peacefully.  I collected my books and went back out onto the ward.


I think it's human nature to reach out, to touch, to connect with the dying.  GH missed the boat here.


This post brought tears to my eyes.  What a sad/beautiful story and what a wonderful person the poster was to show such kindness to a dying stranger.



I have a feeling someone showed that fuckwit the scene of Anna and Robin where Anna tells Robin she better hurry up and marry Patdick, before someone else snatches him up, because he's SUCH A GREAT Catch, and Robin is so frumpy and boring, NO ONE else wants her...and so he decided hey, see? Anna is Patdick's champ, and he NEEDS someone in his corner, because Robin is such a selfish bitch, who only cares about doing what SHE wants to do...so, her agreeing with Patrick isn't out of character!


Sadly, yes.  Anna taking Patrick's side over her own daughter has been well established on this show.  Let us recall, when Robin returned from the dead at Patrick and Sabrina's wedding, Anna was all, "Patrick may reject you out of hand, so suck it up and deal!"  Apparently an inviolate rule of writing this show is that Patrick Drake must be propped at all costs.

Sadly, yes.  Anna taking Patrick's side over her own daughter has been well established on this show.  Let us recall, when Robin returned from the dead at Patrick and Sabrina's wedding, Anna was all, "Patrick may reject you out of hand, so suck it up and deal!"  Apparently an inviolate rule of writing this show is that Patrick Drake must be propped at all costs.


I don't know with all the cougar jokes made around here about Anna maybe she secretly wants to jump her son-in-law. I mean GH is as incestuous as it gets so it would be normal to want your daughter's husband right?


And, GH, you are no Friday Night Lights.


It's not even Pee Wee Football. What the hell did I just watch on my screen? I mean, how is this supposed to pass for compelling entertainment? Kids at camp, Britt taking love advice from SPENCER, for god's sake, Maxie being the most stupid human to ever walk the earth, more Silas crap, yadda yadda yadda. What exactly about this episode was supposed to be can't miss, Frank? Hmm?


I think the only thing that I found some form of pleasure in was Rosalie shading Felix, because obviously. And I would normally love a Hunger Games reference, but it was ruined because it was uttered by Spencer.



I mean GH is as incestuous as it gets so it would be normal to want your daughter's husband right?


Well, it worked for Ava and Morgan. Until they fucked it all up every which way they could.

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As stupid as it was, the confrontation between Silas and Dr. O was kind of fun. I enjoyed watching Silas get in Olbrecht's face—not enough people do that—and O gave as good as she got.


I'm kind of shocked the flashback to Levi calling ICE on himself had him in a different shirt. Someone was paying attention.


The kiddie stuff is execrable.

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It seems like I'm in the minority, but I really liked today's show.  It was about to be the first one I'd watched ff-free all the way through in (literally) years when Levi showed up towards the end of the show and blew it for me. 


I didn't exactly love everything that happened today, but I do like the direction things seem to be heading.  Instead of being caught in their little 2-person bubbles, characters were out and about, various storylines overlapping and intersecting.  Lots of it took place at the hospital.  Even the crap I hate, like, effing Nina and the stupid kiddie quad, is helped along by being folded into larger stories I do care more about, like Silas/Sam/Patrick/Robin/Jason and Nikolas/Britt/Liz.  Maybe I'm just being Pollyanna, but I feel like there's been a shift recently.  I feel like we've had months and months of crap 2-person storylines whose conclusions everyone knew before they even started.  E.g., Silas and Sam search for effing Nina's "killer," Nik and Britt hole up at Wyndemere long enough to fall in love enough that he can be hurt when he finds out about Ben, Carly and Franco do whatever the hell they were doing (hey, I don't watch them, but as I ffed by I was able to see they only ever seemed to talk to each other).  It's starting to feel like maybe having bored us to death getting various pieces in place, RC is ready to unleash some actual multiparty story arcs whose conclusions are not entirely foregone. 


I hope.  At the very least, people seem to be expanding their pods a bit.  That's always a good thing.

Edited by Rancide
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Too bad Nathan had to be kicked out of that apartment when there were already several good reasons for him to have left on his own.  I'm not sure what to make of this storyline.  I guess it's necessary angst for the presumed Maxie/Nathan relationship, but boy is it terrible angst.  I feel like they could've come up with something else as angst because this makes both Maxie (especially Maxie) and Nathan look pretty bad by being manipulated and had by Levi.  So, where will Nathan live now?

Edited by Syndicate

 So, where will Nathan live now?


Well he could live with Julian at the park, or I'm sure the Brownstone has a few more rooms then he and the werewolf can walk around shirtless all day.

Wait scratch that, I'd rather he and JULIAN walk around shirtless in the park. MEOW!


Maxie is about to cross over to my bad list. Nathan admited he'd kill Levi if not for Maxie. Her only saving grace was offering to go back to the land of OZ with Levi. Yes run far far away and never come back! I would willingly sacrifice Maxie to get rid of the Dunklemonkey.

Edited by Cattitude
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Now if they wanted Sam or Alexis to go topless, it with boast rating and take away the sexual harassment argument but until then It is a serious double standard and I am sorry I just can't help but think that Ron is doing it in a self serving way.​

Having men topless but not women may be a double standard, but the fault is not with the show. It's with the FCC/ network executives.  Naked-on-top ladies are not allowed on network tv, and certainly not during the day.  Men?  Totally okay, any time, on any channel.  And I don't see any sexual harassment argument to be made here - many women on the show get as "naked" as the censors allow them to be, and often.  It's kind of expected on a soap.  


I liked Maxie's dress today.  But I am hating, more and more, how she refuses to get a clue.  Said it before, but I think it bears repeating: Maxie was never this gullible or stupid, and it's infuriating to watch.  Sure, she doesn't trust her gut right now, but Come. On.  


I didn't mind Anna telling Patrick that she understood why he was wanting a divorce (unpopular opinion day for me, I guess!).  Robin "died", reappeared, and then voluntarily (as far as Anna knows) left again - anyone would get why the left-behind spouse was done.  I didn't see Anna taking Patrick's side so much as trying to just be supportive.  But I do wish Patrick would tell Anna what Robin is really up to and why.  


Nina is so over the top and so bad, she reminds me of the now-defunct Passions.  

  • Love 8

Nathan definitely should put Maxie on blast for the way she's been treating him. Nathan has gone above and beyond for Maxie where Georgie's concerned, only to be repaid with scorn, insults and accusations. Since Nathan has risked his career and reputation for Maxie's sake when he didn't have to, the least she could have done re the ICE situation was given him the benefit of the doubt. When Maxie learns the truth about Levi, she'll not only owe Nathan a huge apology, if she does want Nathan, he should make her earn him


Today, listening to Maxie shriek and learning how she unfairly changed the locks on the apartment door, I began to wonder if she has deeper psychological problems than we've guessed. Did the pregnancies, miscarriage, and surrogacy all trigger deep cracks in her mind and emotions, fueled by hormone imbalances? Her irritability and moodswings remind me of borderline personality disorder. I wouldn't be at all surprised if she is deeply depressed too. The fact that she is so clingy to Levi, letting him think for her and manipulate her,  speaks to a raging, full-blown abandonment issue also. I heard deep unhappiness behind her shrieks at Nathan.


Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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how anyone buys Nina's story



I really can't stand ME's acting and for now, am grateful that there is a shiny ball (in the guise of Nina) that distracts the yawn from forming over my mouth during the all too many Silas scenes.  Unfortunately, NO ONE CARES has been sucking down way too many minutes both with and without Silas in her scenes.  Maybe Sam keeps her guys excited in bed, but on screen - not so much.

  • Love 2

*small voice*  I loved Passions.  It was a hoot.  Juliet Mills (yes, that Juliet Mills) played a witch, there was a closet door to hell and enough tears shed by Theresa to float the ark.  I recommend a couple glasses of wine and a bowl or two for optimum enjoyment.


Maxie is getting to the 'too dumb to breathe' stage.   Still haven't figured out what Dunklemonkey (hee...love that!) is up to but I still suspect it has something to do with the Aztec Princess necklace.


Maxie's dress wasn't too bad but she's waaay too short to carry that off.


Nathan come stay with me under one condition.....no shirts at any time.  I'll serve breakfast in bed every morning..;-)

  • Love 6

They were great at first but all this uneccesary angst has me hating [insert character, storyline and/or couple of choice].

I added the bolded part. IMO, the prolonged unneccesary angst is the problem with 95% of the show. I have frequently wanted a storyline to end or worse just didn't care about the story or ending anymore. At this point, I'm tired of Maxie. She was never this naive or stupid. I've also decided I'm not going to play close attention to Nathan/Maxie until all the Levi angst is over. I just can't but up with this shit anymore.

Ron doesn't know how to write natural conflict/emotions or how to end a story.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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Are there no longer rooms above Kelly's? What about Sonny's old penthouse? Why can't Julian and Nathan live in one of those places instead of the park?




For some reason no one has money anymore. I get the show is poor but why are the characters? Britt's a doctor who is shacking up with Brad because she can't afford a room anywhere else? Julian should have the money to buy up an entire block of houses if he wanted to, yet he's shacking up on a park bench when he isn't spooning Alexis at her place. I know they can't build sets for everyone left and right (that's what happens when you have 50 flippin' characters to misuse) but this is just ridiculous.

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