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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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It's ridiculous.  Never mind that their rap sheets are the same (both are mobsters, both are murderers, both slept with their children's significant others), by all accounts, Kiki's upbringing was totally normal and free of kidnappings, car bombings, and a parade of new stepparents.


I have to say that for a woman whose mother is a ruthless, murdering mobster not afraid to "catch dick whenever she wants" (TM Amy Schumer) and whose father was assumed to be a famous artist with a hobby that encompassed serial killing, Kiki is surprisingly normal. Annoying as hell but normal.

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I have to say that for a woman whose mother is a ruthless, murdering mobster not afraid to "catch dick whenever she wants" (TM Amy Schumer) and whose father was assumed to be a famous artist with a hobby that encompassed serial killing, Kiki is surprisingly normal. Annoying as hell but normal.


And Kiki didn't even know about Daddy SERIAL KILLER until she came to Port Charles.

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It's ridiculous.  Never mind that their rap sheets are the same (both are mobsters, both are murderers, both slept with their children's significant others), by all accounts, Kiki's upbringing was totally normal and free of kidnappings, car bombings, and a parade of new stepparents.

The only appropriate outcome of this is to have Mac Scorpio awarded custody.

I'm pretty sure it's codified in Port Charles Child Welfare law.

"For any child who has been determined to have unfit parents or who has otherwise been abandoned, custody shall automatically be awarded to Malcolm "Mac" Scorpio (hereinafter "SCORPIO"). Visitation rights of said parents will be determined in accordance with SCORPIO's sole discretion."

Edited by Francie
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I feel like someone should tweet this to FV.  Daily.

People might be better off tweeting it to Passanante and Altman. They appear to read their timelines. I'm pretty sure Frank has an assistant who maintains his twitter account.

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How is Franco insured? What is Franco's current job? Why do people act like he's just some guy? He is a serial killer!


I realize this a soap trope to a certain extent - allowing people who've returned from the dead, been possessed, hosted space aliens, are currently a hitman, formerly a serial killer, etc, to roam the streets and act all normal. I can't get too flipped out about it on a daily basis because, well, Sonny and Jason, BUT 


But, who the hell thought "I know, we'll bring back Franco and make him part of Port Charles daily life" was a good idea? Yes, Prospect Park, etc. Yes, hubris. Yes, hissy fit because someone thought they had the right to those characters, blah blah blah. But WTF? 

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I realize this a soap trope to a certain extent - allowing people who've returned from the dead, been possessed, hosted space aliens, are currently a hitman, formerly a serial killer, etc, to roam the streets and act all normal. I can't get too flipped out about it on a daily basis because, well, Sonny and Jason, BUT 


But, who the hell thought "I know, we'll bring back Franco and make him part of Port Charles daily life" was a good idea? Yes, Prospect Park, etc. Yes, hubris. Yes, hissy fit because someone thought they had the right to those characters, blah blah blah. But WTF? 



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How is Franco insured? What is Franco's current job? Why do people act like he's just some guy? He is a serial killer!

How dare you! He is an ARTIST. That's a way of life, not a JOB. It's as essential to him as breathing....and murdering.

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I don't think it's weird that Liz's kids are the only ones at the wedding. Spencer's a turd and would make the wedding all about him, so it's just as well he isn't there, and Emma doesn't need to be there just because Patrick is. It doesn't seem like there are a ton of people there anyway. The ceremony is interesting only to the people who are getting married. Booze and food is what everyone else is there for. As long as Patrick or Sam remembers to bring her a piece of the cake, Emma will be fine.


I'm a bit surprised Sonny didn't try to weasel his way onto the guest list. I guess there's still time, as he could conveniently stop by after his custody hearing.

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I realize this a soap trope to a certain extent - allowing people who've returned from the dead, been possessed, hosted space aliens, are currently a hitman, formerly a serial killer, etc, to roam the streets and act all normal. I can't get too flipped out about it on a daily basis because, well, Sonny and Jason, BUT

But, who the hell thought "I know, we'll bring back Franco and make him part of Port Charles daily life" was a good idea? Yes, Prospect Park, etc. Yes, hubris. Yes, hissy fit because someone thought they had the right to those characters, blah blah blah. But WTF?

Here's the thing, Jason/Sonny are gross criminal assholes who have made conscious choices to be murdering assholes - they can also choose not to (that they haven't is another post)

Franco was a serial killer for decades. He was operating under a compulsion that he could not or would not control that existed in accompaniment with a sadistic streak that STILL EXISTS. The tumor was probably but not definitively the cause of the serial killing and he's just wandering around my soap town with no required therapy or parole officer.

I just...wtf

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Emma doesn't need to be there just because Patrick is




But she's also very close to Cameron, a little "too" close frankly, and also Liz as well, so I could see how she'd have a place there on those merits alone, not just because she's Patrick's daughter.


But it isn't as if I'll miss them not being there personally. The very people being married shouldn't be at this wedding.

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Franco was a serial killer for decades. He was operating under a compulsion that he could not or would not control that existed in accompaniment with a sadistic streak that STILL EXISTS. The tumor was probably but not definitively the cause of the serial killing and he's just wandering around my soap town with no required therapy or parole officer.

I just...wtf

The same thing is true of Luke with a Dark Side. Just because he was ... I guess mentally ill? ... he gets treated for a couple weeks and released. No repercussions whatsoever. I love how he just showed up on Anna's doorstep all, "Hey, I'm out of the looney bin, I'm good now." and Anna just accepts that with an, "Okay, give me a hug!" She should have karate chopped his butt and then called Piney Miscaivage Shadows or wherever he was.

It would serve the citizens of Port Charles right if either of those serial killers just wiped out the entire town, and have them say, "Well, can't say they weren't put on notice that they were in danger."

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How is Franco insured? What is Franco's current job? Why do people act like he's just some guy? He is a serial killer!



He's a serial killer in PC, doesn't that automatically make him "just some guy" to this group of morally devoid morons?

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Emily would be okay with Liz keeping her brother's identity a secret and hoarding him all for herself...? Yeah, okay, sure. Emily would not give a damn about Monica, their mother, suffering and mourning him at all, Nik? Bite your tongue, then swallow and choke on it.


Liz deserves every single wave of devastation and destruction that is about to roll her way.


Carly going on about how "Jake" was built just like Jason, with the same eyes and hair and nonsense made me think "liar!" at every turn.


And one has gotta love how Carly was so willing to attack Jason over not wanting to be Jason because he was just so "damn amazing" before.


Maybe he doesn't want to be his old self because he's been able to learn all about who he was as a complete stranger and it disgusted and horrified him that anyone could or would willingly live their life that way.


Billy was doing a lot of gritting his teeth today. His dentist must have a time with him.


Sonny is so utterly full of shit it's colouring his eyes.


Telling Michael how much he "cares" about his damn kids while the little asshole smiles as if that greasy pig didn't murder his real father like a coward, like a true piece of trash that cares only for himself and no one else...can't deal with it. 


All of five seconds of real!Kevin, but did he ever look good. 


I am so sick of Anna and her weeping and obsessing over Duke and I still want to pretend that she had nothing to do with Carlos' demise. Finola is just being wasted, WASTED!, with all this bullshit.


No comment about the new doctor except to say that I think he's another pointless hire as far as I'm concerned. They already have real!Kevin, just start using him you slaggards


And Paul and Ava making out...oy, and eww.

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KEVIN!!!!  But what a waste.  I'm sure that Jon Lindstrom's schedule was a factor here, but really, one day of scenes with Anna and then ten seconds of him introducing this new character?  Lame-o.


Jake(son) being almost angry with Carly's insistence that he was Jason kinda made me smile.

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Newsflash show, no matter how much tinkly emotional music you play in the background, Nikolas and Liz will still be horrible shitty people.  And yeah Nik, Emily would give her blessing to Liz to marry an already married man, and keep him away from his mother and kids.  Suuuuure.   You knew Emily well. 


I love how they figured out how to usher a bunch of people out of the wedding before the reveal.  Lets bring the kids to get ice cream, and let's have Mikey bring Sonny a suit...you know because Sonny has nobody else in the world that can go get it for him so Michael could at least see the ceremony.


Really Jason?  You had no feelings of connection?  So you dreamed up all of those flashes of Sam?  He either better be trying to fool himself or I am going to need Sam to kick him in the balls.

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The worst damned thing about all this is, naturally, Liz's part in this shitfest isn't exposed NOW along with it. A year plus of such crap has been MORE than enough.


Hope Days, which is really on fire right now, crushes this show ratings wise.

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And yeah Nik, Emily would give her blessing to Liz to marry an already married man, and keep him away from his mother and kids.  Suuuuure.   You knew Emily well.


So gross.  Now I need Ghost!Emily to come back and knee him in the nuts.  "Stop doing shitty things to my family and lying that I would be totes cool with it!"

Felix/Epiphany are so pointless. 


The show's use of them is so dated.  Was there some reason given why they aren't allowed dates?  Would it distract them from sassily supporting Liz?

Edited by TeeVee329
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All I'm gonna say about the Jason stuff is FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And LOL @ Anna screaming about her granddaughter when her daughter has been a prisoner for over a year. It's all so hollow at this point.

Edited by HeatLifer
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KEVIN!!!!  But what a waste.  I'm sure that Jon Lindstrom's schedule was a factor here, but really, one day of scenes with Anna and then ten seconds of him introducing this new character?  Lame-o.

The casting call went out awhile ago for the new doc character. I think they brought Lindstrom in for the purposes of smoothing over his entrance. Having Kevin pass the torch, so to speak, to New Doc is supposed to be a preemptive smoothing of ruffled feathers. If the new doc had just shown up without explaining why Anna wasn't going to Kevin, viewers would have balked.

The writers are hearing us, in baby steps.

Edited to add: Please forgive all the mixed metaphors. I'm less than two hours away from a seriously needed happy hour.

Edited by Francie
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"It's all going to come back to bite you." "Or not." Excellent burn, Nik. You're a douche, but that was well played.


Dr. Andre Maddox is hot. Me likey.


I have to say, they did a good job with the physical casting of Miller to be Jason. That morphing from SBu to BM wouldn't be so easy if their bone structure wasn't so similar.


"I'm looking at this, and I don't feel anything." If that isn't proof he's Jason, I don't know what is. Heh.


Jake(son) being almost angry with Carly's insistence that he was Jason kinda made me smile.


That was very satisfying for me, too.

Edited by dubbel zout
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The casting call went out awhile ago for the new doc character. I think they brought Lindstrom in for the purposes of smoothing over his entrance. Having Kevin pass the torch, so to speak, to New Doc is supposed to be a preemptive smoothing of ruffled feathers. If the new doc had just shown up without explaining why Anna wasn't going to Kevin, viewers would have balked.

The writers are hearing us, in baby steps.

Edited to add: Please forgive all the mixed metaphors. I'm less than two hours away from a seriously needed happy hour.


I knew all that and I get all that.  But I also saw a lot on people on Twitter (who probably don't know anything about Jon Lindstrom's other commitments) saying, "Why is veteran character Kevin leaving and this new guy staying?".


Put it this way, what if Anna had been off the show for a year?  And then she shows up to help with a case in an episode.  And then the next time you see her, she's introducing a new WSB agent and leaving.  It's a little bait and switch-y.


That said, I am amused that Kevin is apparently the only doctor at GH that cares about personal relationships compromising medial care.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Sonny going on about Avery being the cutest girl as if he doesn't have another daughter, then going on about how his kids are everything, is classic Sonny.

So, it's official Nik and Liz are on something mind altering, with their Emily shit right?

Thank you Laura Wright for not going OTT hysterical and such.

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"Hey Carly, this is your husband-sometimes-person who threatens to murder you! Call me!"

Haha Jason, Carly ain't never letting go. Have a nice life!

Edited by ulkis
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How is Franco insured? What is Franco's current job? Why do people act like he's just some guy? He is a serial killer!

Hopefully somebody (or a lot of sane, rational people) felt a little uncomfortable with having former serial with no art therapy training or degree what so ever, got him kicked out of his position at General Hospital, otherwise that is what he is still doing?

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Haha Jason, Carly ain't never letting go. Have a nice life!

Seriously. Her motivation may have been self-serving, shitty, and a heaping dose of crazy, but in trying to spare you from a life with Carly forever barking at your heels, Liz was trying to do Jason a favor.

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Seriously. Her motivation may have been self-serving, shitty, and a heaping dose of crazy, but in trying to spare you from a life with Carly forever barking at your heels, Liz was trying to do Jason a favor.


At this stage? Even the horror of Carly is better than Liz now. Yep, I said it. Sorry, not sorry!

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I knew all that and I get all that.  But I also saw a lot on people on Twitter (who probably don't know anything about Jon Lindstrom's other commitments) saying, "Why is veteran character Kevin leaving and this new guy staying?".


Or here's a crazy thought, why not have both in some capacity. It is good to have a youngish male doctor, but it is also good to have vet doctors there as mentors. Why not have Kevin be the new chief of staff. Him stalking Felecia is small potatoes to Obercht kidnapping Robin. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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Really Jason?  You had no feelings of connection?  So you dreamed up all of those flashes of Sam?  He either better be trying to fool himself or I am going to need Sam to kick him in the balls.




That's what I was thinking. All those images of he and Sam doing everything from riding on his bike to being in bed? Not to mention he dreamed about Danny being his kid as well.


Though even if he's just scared and trying to deny what he knows to be true, I'd still like for Sam, or anyone really, to kick him in the balls, just on merit. And then Sonny can be next in line. And then Franco. And then Nik, And then Patrick. And then Jason again...



So gross.  Now I need Ghost!Emily to come back and knee him in the nuts.  "Stop doing shitty things to my family and lying that I would be totes cool with it!"




I would very much be okay with Ghost!Emily paying him a visit for that reason. Seriously, Nik is without shame or decency.

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How is Franco insured? What is Franco's current job? Why do people act like he's just some guy? He is a serial killer!


I was hoping that when all the Prospect Park stuff was cleared up and went away, that we would find out "Franco" was really Todd Manning.  I know Todd isn't popular with most of you, but he is with me, LOL, and he beats a serial killer.  Todd at least had remorse for his wrongs and tried to do better.  They could say he looked like Franco so Helena brainwashed him into being "Franco" to screw with everybody in Port Charles.  Compared to most of the leading male characters on this show, Todd wouldn't appear to be a "Bad Guy", just ornery.  He doesn't even have to be Todd, he could be some new character.


Then they could give custody of Avery to Ava and she could turn over a new leaf (saved by her darling daughter) and be more like Carly was on ATWT.  Always getting into wild schemes then getting her comeuppance and being good again for awhile until some scheme comes to her mind.  This show definitely needs someone who isn't goody-goody but at least feels remorse for the bad things they end up doing and gets some kind of punishment for their wrongs, even it is just public humiliation or something. 


I probably should have put this in unpopular opinions but who reads that (ha-ha).  They're called unpopular for a reason.  That means about the only people who read that thread are the ones with unpopular opinions who post to it, right?

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OMG. This was the *worst*, most drawn-out piece of shit episode *ever*.


I wanted Jake to punch Carly in the throat. Stop wheeeeeeeedling him. Stop TOUCHING him! Ugh.


I thought Liz looked beautiful. The same with Sam.

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Jason bleating about not having "felt" like he was back home as proof he couldn't be the real Jason was so...it's called amnesia for a reason, dummy!


And since Carly apparently decided to forgo medical attention so she could stagger in behind Jason at the church for the "big reveal", can I hope that she has a bleed on the brain and sooner than later will drop unconscious and lapse into a twenty year coma? She's done her job exposing Jason's true identity so she's no longer needed.

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let's have Mikey bring Sonny a suit...you know because Sonny has nobody else in the world that can go get it for him so Michael could at least see the ceremony.

Can't these people get married on a Saturday like most folk? Because I'm thinking the court isn't open on the weekend. To heck with jobs/school...


And Jakeson may have blue eyes but I sure as hell don't consider his hair to be blond.

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E-Z)  Governor SonnyFanBoy

Monica wouldn't testify for either Sonny or Ava unless she could ensure both of them being blown up and Michael taking custody, Monica needs to do everything in her power to get Governor Dumbass removed and made to look like a failure. And why can't Michael go to the Governor for some help on getting back ELQ since Michael actually saved his daughter. 

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Monica wouldn't testify for either Sonny or Ava unless she could ensure both of them being blown up and Michael taking custody, Monica needs to do everything in her power to get Governor Dumbass removed and made to look like a failure. And why can't Michael go to the Governor for some help on getting back ELQ since Michael actually saved his daughter.

THE WRITERS: LALALALA! Can't hear you! SONNY totally saved Convenient!Plot!Point! LALALALALALALALA!!!

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I was hoping that when all the Prospect Park stuff was cleared up and went away, that we would find out "Franco" was really Todd Manning.


I loved Todd Manning, but Franco is never and was never gonna be Todd. He's done and gone and back in Llanview, and as for Franco, I can't get rid of him fast enough. Roger Howarth was great in his OLTL role, but this ain't it and AFAIC he's gotta go. As much as I enjoyed Howarth on my old show, I don't need him here if he's going to be playing such a horrible character in such a poor way - I'd rather they focus on GH vets and characters, and I think Franco has poisoned the well for him to continue in any role.


I also love Maura West as Ava, but Ava is already a ruthless, vicious killer. I don't think trying to turn her into a more benign soap schemer would work, and when they've attempted to do so before it's flopped.

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Good grief, haven't watched the show since Tuesday I fear I may feel some rage though after today's show. Liz just didn't need to know that Jake is Jason whatsoever. They had built in conflict once she would find out with the rest of them, remember the danger show? Remember how Liz couldn't handle Jason's hitman life? Ugh disgusting.

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For such a big reveal, it was certainly anti-climatic. But then again, I won't be satisfied until I see a justly deserved verbal beat down of Liz.  And what was that crap Nik and Liz were spewing about Emily approving of Liz's deceit? Are they just full on delusional at this point? 


And Carly. Once again, her life has meaning now that Jason is alive. (Sonny who?) I actually did like the way LW played the reveal, but then again I'm mesmerized by her hair. (LW and I have the same type of hair, but I can never get mine to look that good.)


Liz, Sam and Sabrina were gorgeous today, but I wish BH would eat. Her shoulder blades freaked me out.  

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Dr. Andre Maddox is hot. Me likey.




Haha Jason, Carly ain't never letting go. Have a nice life!


I think that's the real reason Jake doesn't want to accept that he's Jason. Knowing that Carly will be stuck to you like glue for the rest of your life is probably terrifying.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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And Carly. Once again, her life has meaning now that Jason is alive. (Sonny who?) I actually did like the way LW played the reveal, but then again I'm mesmerized by her hair. (LW and I have the same type of hair, but I can never get mine to look that good.)


I cackled (in my spirit) when Carly said, "I have known you ever since I walked into a dive bar and saw you and I have never wanted anything more." 

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