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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Like, they can, each of them, point to the exact spot where his butchered corpse was! They walk on it everyday!


Well, Nina, at least, makes a point of stepping over the exact spot where his butchered corpse was. She's dainty that way.


Sam was the evil queen from Snow-White, so close, but not quite. :)


That's not Maleficent? I guess I need to brush up on my fairy tales, or else start paying more attention to my little nieces. 


the old Chandler mansion from AMC LA


That's why I thought it looked familiar.

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So in a fit of egomaniacal nostalgia about that fucking hotel room I decided to go back through my own posts on this subject, and sure enough, the twain met. I'd just like to point out that once again, I was right.


other posts from that thread:




I really hope, before Sonny gets out of jail, we see Duke lording it up at his house, just throwing tea bags on the floor willy nilly.




They need to start a show over at the house one of these days and it's like the end of Scarface, only instead of piles of coke Duke is just surrounded by teabags of every color and brand. Just heaped upon the tables and furniture, plus a few economy-size jars of Metamucil or Boniva, pills strewn about. Tasteful male art books. "Who runs this house, Max? Me!"




While Lucy wails in the corner, "Duke, what has become of youuuu!"


Focus groups are ridiculous. I was part of a OLTL one as well and it was frustrating as hell because every time they did a questionnaire you could tell what wasn't going over but they were going to push it anyway. They'd keep coming up with different phrasings and options to make whatever it was a positive response.



"How would you rank the pairing of Carly/Franco?"

"Would you like to see more of Carly/Franco?"

"Would you like to see more of Carly/Franco in a adventurous story?"

"Would you like to see more of Carly/Franco involved with family members?"

"Would you prefer Carly/Franco to Sabrina?"

"Would you prefer Carly/Franco to getting lost in the desert?"

"Would you prefer Carly/Franco to dying of syphilis?"

"Would you prefer Carly/Franco or watching your family eaten by bears and then dying of syphilis?"

"We got a positive response to Carly/Franco from a focus group!"


That was a good day. I'm sorry, I had to.


Back to today's snark.

Edited by ulkis
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I think Emma was dressed up as one of those "Descendants" kids.


ETA...oh, for those who don't know, "Descendants" was a Disney Channel movie about the kids of Disney supervillains.  The Evil Queen and her daughter were part of it.


And it was far better than this show. 


If I have to deal with this shitty story line, couldn't we at least still have BitchFaceCameron?  I loved that little kid's bitchface, and it is sorely needed here. 

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I'm shocked that Maxie and San had scenes.


SHUT YOUR STUPID ASS UP, LIEZ, YOU DISEASED BABOON. If Lucky isn't coming back to get his kids I need Laura to sue for full custody. Liez needs to be stopped. Jakeson is just a fucking idiot. I love how he has no qualms about marrying a woman he's dated for less than a year AND adopting her kids, including the future serial killer.


I don't give a damn about Ava having a sadz. Shut the fuck up. Paul better be playing her.

  • Love 11
But if such a person existed, his life would be so tied up in red tape for not having a social security number and trying to get a new one and thus be able to work, that he probably wouldn't be thinking about enterint into other types of legal obligations. I would imagine that any attorney would advise him to figure out who he is before he possibly embroiled himself into more red tape.

Didn't he say in the midst of "don't know that .... can't answer that one..." that he has a social security card thanks to someone? I remember wondering just how that went and if it says Jake Doe.



Thank you!


When Liz asked Jake to adopt her children with that annoying ass smile on her face I nearly went into a rage blackout. But then I just laughed and laughed. How is BH even doing this story? Props to her tbh.


I continue to love Future Serial Killer Jake. He brings the lols consistently.


I had to fast forward the Dante/Sonny scenes. Just a big fat no there.


Tracy was doing so good and then she said that Sonny was a better choice for Avery than Ava. No. Just no. Avery would be 100% better off with a pack of rabid dogs than either of them tbh. But honestly, Ava's child had a much better childhood than any of Sonny's kids imo.


WTF is this shit with Ava/Paul. When she started crying and hugging him I was like 'jigga wha?' And then he kissed her and I was just dumbfounded. Where is this going?


LOL at Jake getting a text and apparently being kidnapped in the promo. I assumed maybe it was someone throwing a bachelor party for him, but like does he even have any friends? Sam and Spinelli are busy trying to find out who he is so I don't see how it's them. Carly, I guess.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I continue to find this Jakeson story funny all around maybe it's because I've seen like two scenes or its just a horrible story and what else can you do but laugh but I'm also not mad at Liz.

I don't care if Liz walks away from this badly writen story with Jason(Sam is better off without the serial killer) and no consequences I just don't want her smirking in Sam's face.

Ugh this show is still bad.

Edited by Jazzy24
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I continue to find this Jakeson story funny all around maybe it's because I've seen like two scenes or its just a horrible story and what else can you do but laugh but I'm also not mad at Liz.

I don't care if Liz walks away from this badly writen story with Jason(Sam is better off without the serial killer) and no consequences I just don't want her smirking in Sam's face.

Ugh this show is still bad.

This episode in particular was so freaking hilarious in terms of Liz and Jakeson's behavior.

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Every once in a while, a character, usually a woman, is wearing something so ugly that I can't focus on anything that's going on in the scene; that dress Ava was wearing -- those black lace sleeve inserts. Really?! -- was so hideous that I didn't hear a word she or Tracy said.

Edited by wonderwoman
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To chime in on the Jakeson stupidity, Google Benjamin Kyle. That's a real guy who woke up mysteriously beaten by a Burger King dumpster. There's lots of argument as to is the guy faking it or not, but he had to be given a shed with a small bed to live in. I'm sure he'd love a stalker nurse. I think it's been 11 years, and no one will marry him nor let him adopt their kids. Jason always has it so easy.

  • Love 3

When Maxie first came to Patrick's house, I couldn't decide if she was wearing her Halloween costume or if it was her everyday wear.

eta. It didn't take long for Paul to suck face with Ava.  (I really can't call that a kiss.)

Dante, Dante, Dante, how bad do things have to be for you to run to Sonny for advice?  And Sonny decrees truth-telling.  After everyone running around lying about Jake's identity, Sonny has to be moral high ground/voice of reason on this show?

Edited by ciarra
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Liked the brief Sam/Maxie scene.  I have a feeling the joy of seeing each other was more KeMo/KSt though. 


But what a lame way to delay the reveal.  Who picks up a book that CLEARLY has a mug on top of it?  It's not like she accidently hit a cup that was near the book.  The cup was RIGHT THERE on top of it.  I mean Maxie is an idiot, but that's Morgan levels of stupid right there.


And really?  Danny is supposed to be asleep?  Hmmm....funny he is awake on the couch, when 2 seconds earlier not only did the door bell ring, but there was a hair dryer going.  I can't believe a 3 year old didn't sleep through that. 

  • Love 8

I was actually surprised that Tracy would've chosen Sonny of the two, especially since they're both equally horrible.

Sonny never took up residence in the Q mansion, though. (Do you remember when Franco was supposed to be Jason's twin, and Ava claimed Kiki was Franco's? Ava moved in.) While Tracy hates Sonny, she never had to share a living space with him. Also, Ava killed an unarmed Connie - who I think was a friend of Tracy's? - and encouraged Sonny to kill an unarmed AJ. 

  • Love 4

I continue to find this Jakeson story funny all around maybe it's because I've seen like two scenes or its just a horrible story and what else can you do but laugh but I'm also not mad at Liz.

I don't care if Liz walks away from this badly writen story with Jason(Sam is better off without the serial killer) and no consequences I just don't want her smirking in Sam's face.

Ugh this show is still bad.


I'm not mad at Liz but damn if I'm not cringing through all those Lake scenes. She must be out of her godforsaken mind now to bring up adoption. I did sort of giggle when LJ said sure he can adopt me but he doesn't have to he's my real dad. Oh lord. Major props to BH and BM playing this farce. I can't keep mentioning enough this is pretty hard to watch for a variety of reasons.


Yes Dante go to Sonny for advice about women and cheating on them, not quite as cringe worthy as Lake but almost. At least that story will come out now interesting to see if Lante will be left standing after it all.


Back to Monday's episode another thing that can't be said enough shut your pie hole Carly about everything in life especially Michael. He's a damn fool for taking those idiots back into his life...rage

  • Love 3

Yes Dante go to Sonny for advice about women and cheating on them, not quite as cringe worthy as Lake but almost. At least that story will come out now interesting to see if Lante will be left standing after it all.


Whatever happens with Dante and Lulu, the one thing for sure I don't want is for Lulu to turn to Dillon.  His arrogance that he's the better man for Lulu than Dante, and that he and Lulu are a sure thing once she learns the truth about Dante, is infuriating.  His referring to Dante as holier-than-thou the other day was laughable.  Pot meet kettle.  Didn't Dillon, himself, cheat on Georgie, under very similar circumstances?  If anything, he maybe ought to have some understanding of Dante's side of things.  He keeps prattling on about wanting to do what's best for Lulu, when what he really wants is to do what's best for himself.  Ugh, I've really come to dislike Dillon.

Edited by Fellaway
  • Love 7


Did Lucky adopt Cam when he was married to Liz the first time?  No.  Did Lucky adopt Cam when he was married to Liz the second time and before Jake was born?  No.  Lucky tried to take Cam and Jake when LnL2 divorced the second time and Diane whooped his butt because he never adopted Cam.  Cam was born in 2004 and Lucky has had plenty of time to adopt that boy even when he found out that Aiden is his son.  Lucky would rather spend his time crying, staring at pills on the floor or off helping orphans.

The fact that Lucky did not adopt Cam is due to the Glorification of Jason at the expense of Lucky that went on while Guza was writing. Ron never really had the chance to play with Lucky so this cannot be laid at his doorstep. But Guza systematically took the character who should have grown into the shows lead (all of Luke's skills, all of Laura's Heart, trainned by Mac and Robert, with Scotty's legal knowledge (Scott and JJ/Lucky had a complex relationship), and all of Sonny's connections) and destroyed him while poor GV played him in order to build up St Jasus


That said, adoption and biology have nothing to do with Fatherhood. I have never adopted my step daughter but she will tell you she knows no other Dad and one kid I took under my wing years ago when his family neglected him changed his last name to mine when he became an adult.

Edited by Fylaki
  • Love 12

I'm not mad at Liz but damn if I'm not cringing through all those Lake scenes. She must be out of her godforsaken mind now to bring up adoption. 




Yup. I didn't see it but had a WTF reaction to the recap for several reasons. A man without an identity can't fill out legal documents. Also I guess adopting Cam is plausible assuming Lucky never adopted him. But Liz and Lucky were married when Jake was born, so Lucky is Jake's legal father. Lucky is also Aiden's father. We also know (thanks to TG's retirement storyline) that Cam and Aiden Skyped with their Dad once a week before Lucky got kidnapped. Lucky has not given up his paternal rights, so Liz asking Jakeson about adoption is absurd. I hate Liz getting thrown under the bus by these writers for 'love of Jason/the great JaSam love.' Ugh. 

  • Love 5

poor Cam has got to be so messed up thi is the time to end up aging him but I guess they need to focus on evil Jake lol


Totally, having Cam be a teenager here would really juice the drama.  But I suspect the non-children of Jason will be banished back up to the attic now that Halloween is over.


Has any lip service been paid to Liz's parents and/or sister being invited to this wedding?

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 4
How is BH even doing this story? Props to her tbh.


She's way too tactful to ever say anything, but I really do wonder what she thinks. Maybe she's just grateful that  Liz has a POV, nutty as it is, in her own story.


Didn't Dillon, himself, cheat on Georgie, under very similar circumstances?


And wasn't that cheating with Lulu? Private Mayo is rivaling Morgan for Dumbass of the Year right now.


one kid I took under my wing years ago when his family neglected him changed his last name to mine when he became an adult.


Aww, that makes me a little teary. Props to you, Fylaki. A friend of mine is fostering a kid who's been having some trouble, and I have such admiration for people who choose to do that.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 10

She's way too tactful to ever say anything, but I really do wonder what she thinks. Maybe she's just grateful that  Liz has a POV, nutty as it is, in her own story.


Yea, I could actually see her being happy that she actually gets to do something. She's certainly giving it her all, unlike some other actors who make it pretty clear they hate their stories.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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About Audrey today.  It was nice to see her and all, but if she wasn't actually going to share scenes with Liz and was just voicing over a letter filled with platitudes about her and Jake(son)...what exactly was the point?  And if Audrey is in Vienna, who is babysitting Liz's children?!?!


It's not something they could have helped, but having a kidnapping cliffhanger lead into a bachelor party, like, two days after Days did it looks kinda dumb.


The reveal about the Dante/Valerie ONS was luh-ame.  As was the off-screen contrivances to get rid of Spinelli so Carly could see the Jason info first.

  • Love 4

The reveal about the Dante/Valerie ONS was luh-ame.  As was the off-screen contrivances to get rid of Spinelli so Carly could see the Jason info first.


Both were super contrived. Dillon doesn't scrap the fucking backstage reel and decides to trust the doofus? The remote doesn't work?? 


Valerie wants to be a cop?? Er, okay? How about a friggin' hospital worker, show?


Not that I think Morgan should wait around for Kiki forever, but does he actually love her? I'm confused as to what Morgan and Kiki are supposed to feel for each other.


I only read a recap, so I could be confusing things.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 4

Not that I think Morgan should wait around for Kiki forever, but does he actually love her? I'm confused as to what Morgan and Kiki are supposed to feel for each other.


Kiki especially, I don't get.  She told Morgan in no uncertain terms that she hates his guts, but now she's hurt that he listened to her and is trying to move on?

Edited by TeeVee329

Audrey's note to Elizabeth was so WTF, like she hasn't witnessed the past 10 + years of Liz's life. For one thing, hardly the first time Liz will be a wife. The locket with Liz's teenage pic opposite Audrey's was really touching/sweet, though. 


LOL that Jakeson's "friends" consist of his bff with no boundaries, his nephew and his wife. What a lame bachelor party. The only interesting moment was Sam's desire to kiss him/him seeing her in a not-just-friends kind of way as she hugged him at the end.


Molly looks gorgeous in her costume, and all that come's out of TJ's mouth is envy that their friend and Morgan are about to hook up? Classy. 


Dillon is indeed a dumbass as others have mentioned. But at least the footage also makes him look shitty. 


I actually liked Anna chasing after Ghost!Carlos as Sabrina is melancholy over not knowing if the baby is Carlos' or Michael's. I thought Felix would have a more melodramatic reaction to that confession.


ETA: Avery in her Halloween costume is super adorable. Kiki dressed as a pirate era hooker (?) and snarling at her mother - not even a smile for baby sister - is not an attractive look. Did she actually want Morgan to be lusting after her for the night? Seemed like it by her line to Molly and TJ. That's just sad. Also, you'd think Ava would want to get the hell away from Nina (especially with the baby in her arms) the moment she saw her with Kiki and NotTodd!Franco.

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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LOL at all the random day players at Jakeson's bachelor party.


Kiki especially, I don't get.  She told Morgan in no uncertain terms that she hates his guts, but now she's hurt that he listened to her and is trying to move on?


But he's irresistible!


Also, a continuity error I saw mentioned elsewhere. Liz and Jake(son) made a big deal of saying their wedding is November 6th. But today in GH time, it's Halloween. And the wedding is tomorrow.


That's typical soap, though. Remember when it was Halloween for a month and then suddenly Thanksgiving?


I don't understand why the Haunted Star bouncers don't know Molly is a minor. She's not some unknown girl.

Edited by dubbel zout
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