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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I'm ashamed to admit this, but I feel like I could actually be quite interested in the story of Nina and Kiki becoming a reluctant family. The thing is though, Franco, as always, ruins it. Sigh.


I loved that Alexis told Julian the truth immediately and that she totally understood why Olivia did what she did/didn't act hypocritical. I was so pleasantly surprised by both of those things.


The show handled the Alexis/Julian/Olivia thing pretty well.  Oh low expectations, you come through again.


Speaking of Kiki, is this mean or is anyone else wondering when she's going to find out about Michael/Sabrina and Sabrina having his baby?  I want the news to send her off the pier.  Though really, the show seems desperate to pretend (the awfulness of) Michael/Kiki never happened to see Morgan/Kiki as something serious, which...no.

  • Love 4


But remember all those "my aunt Denise and Morgan would never do that to me!" lines from Kiki?

Awww, you can't put Lulu in the same category as "I'm allergic to a job" Kiki.



Julian thought his child was dead, mourned it and the opportunity to be a dad from the jump.

Yes, I'll give you that.  But I wish it would have been happiness that the baby was alive before the whole mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, gimme, gimme, gimme,  What exactly did he expect would happen at the hotel? That Olivia would bow down to his almighty and hand over her baby to him?  Ugh, that's behaviour I expect from Sonny, not others.  



But is anyone else wondering why no one pointed out to Sonny that if he doesn't follow the doctor's orders he will be permanently paralyzed? I

That and the fact that he hasn't even started PT yet, so why is he getting so bent out of shape.  I know he's had everything he wants handed to him for the past 20 years, but dude, you have to put in the work yourself if you want to walk again.  

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Awww, you can't put Lulu in the same category as "I'm allergic to a job" Kiki.


It hurts me too, but the writers seem to think characters simply saying things that aren't true is the height of dramatic irony. :(


I feel like the writers had Julian be a jackass just so the audience wouldn't side completely with Olivia. Otherwise, she pretty much has no leg to stand on.


Sonny being an adult about this stuff would give me a rage blackout, so I'm fine with him being a brat about all this. 

  • Love 1

Maxie has shown her true colors to Nathan by convincing him to ask sister Nina for money to boost Maxie's film career. Her cynical manipulation made my jaw drop. Maxie's characteristic "let the other fellow pay" was learned from her over-indulgent parents Mac and Felicia, of course, when she was living high on the hog from their allowance.  The alternative, getting money from complete strangers via the Internet, is trendy now but also speaks to Maxie's entitlement issues. I can imagine the chill that would settle over my bones if I were in in Maxie's circle and those big bold eyes latched on to me, raking up and down to calculate my net worth. What a tool she is.


Nina, of course, is the fool who is soon parted from her money.

  • Love 1

I keep checking in once in a while and why the fuck are the retconned, repulsive Jeromes still on this show?

Yeah, Sonny, but at least he's OUR repulsive character. The Jeromes need to be taken out YESTERDAY.

The Jeromes, at least Julian, was here before Sonny. He is also our repulsive character. I wonder if Julian and Ava can get a 2 for 1 deal with custody lawyers? I will give Alexis some credit for coming clean right away, but I think I would enjoy if Olivia smacked Alexis for letting her get blindsided by Julian. I am not excusing Olivia lying about their son dying, but Alexis also knows that the truth coming from Olivia would be a heck of a lot better than the truth coming from her, considering what Carly did to her and the scene that happened outside of Kristina's hospital room. While Alexis doesn't owe her anything, it would have been better for everyone involved if she told Olivia about stealing DNA from Leo and running the DNA test. 


What can I say about Sonny and his little hissyfit today? On the one hand, I think it is a perfectly natural reaction from a lot of people told they might never walk again. I think a lot of people would like to believe they would be stoic, but would act childish when faced with that reality. On the other hand, Sonny has gotten away with so much shit and all but destroyed Monica's family because he is a vengeful asshole, that I feel absolutely no pity for him, and giggle at the thought he will push back his own recovery with his behavior


And man, my favorite version of Patrick Drake came out today: hard ass Doctor!Drake, the guy that wouldn't kill a patient during surgery because it would mess up his record. People think Patrick would be protected at all cost, but I disagree and it is in part because not only is one of the few characters to call out the mob for what it is and he has be a relatively good guy since he usually is the sole contract male doctor. I think that is why they have him being annoyed by a long dead boyfriend, cheats on his wife while she does charity work in Africa or writes her off after she had been imprisoned for two years.


Maxie has shown her true colors to Nathan by convincing him to ask sister Nina for money to boost Maxie's film career. Her cynical manipulation made my jaw drop. Maxie's characteristic "let the other fellow pay" was learned from her over-indulgent parents Mac and Felicia, of course, when she was living high on the hog from their allowance.  The alternative, getting money from complete strangers via the Internet, is trendy now but also speaks to Maxie's entitlement issues. I can imagine the chill that would settle over my bones if I were in in Maxie's circle and those big bold eyes latched on to me, raking up and down to calculate my net worth. What a tool she is.


Nina, of course, is the fool who is soon parted from her money.

I will admit, Maxie has always been like this to some extent, and the one negative of her fashion magazine job is that she focused on the superficial. However one of the things about the post!Guza Maxie is her character has suffered the most, first under RC and now the trend has been continued with the new writers, is they removed the independent streak she once had. She pursued the job with Kate at Crimson, it wasn't handed her like with Lulu, she refurbished the apartment (or at least helped) and she managed to pay her own rent. The only part of Maxie I liked is when she used social media to promoted the party. I wouldn't mind down the line she decided to start her own social media company after she works out this acting bug. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 5

The Jeromes, at least Julian, was here before Sonny. He is also our repulsive character. I wonder if Julian and Ava can get a 2 for 1 deal with custody lawyers? I will give Alexis some credit for coming clean right away, but I think I would enjoy if Olivia smacked Alexis for letting her get blindsided by Julian. I am not excusing Olivia lying about their son dying, but Alexis also knows that the truth coming from Olivia would be a heck of a lot better than the truth coming from her, considering what Carly did to her and the scene that happened outside of Kristina's hospital room. While Alexis doesn't owe her anything, it would have been better for everyone involved if she told Olivia about stealing DNA from Leo and running the DNA test.

What can I say about Sonny and his little hissyfit today? On the one hand, I think it is a perfectly natural reaction from a lot of people told they might never walk again. I think a lot of people would like to believe they would be stoic, but would act childish when faced with that reality. On the other hand, Sonny has gotten away with so much shit and all but destroyed Monica's family because he is a vengeful asshole, that I feel absolutely no pity for him, and giggle at the thought he will push back his own recovery with his behavior

And man, my favorite version of Patrick Drake came out today: hard ass Doctor!Drake, the guy that wouldn't kill a patient during surgery because it would mess up his record. People think Patrick would be protected at all cost, but I disagree and it is in part because not only is one of the few characters to call out the mob for what it is and he has be a relatively good guy since he usually is the sole contract male doctor. I think that is why they have him being annoyed by a long dead boyfriend, cheats on his wife while she does charity work in Africa or writes her off after she had been imprisoned for two years.

I know Julian was here before Sonny. His ass should be Sonny's age or older and certainly not played by WdV. If the retcon we were seeing right now was Julian Junior, I wouldn't care.

As for disgusting Ava, no power on Earth would make me believe she is Delia Reid's daughter, nor that that mess claiming to be Ava's mother appearing on this show was actually Delia. Delia was a mess but she was never as bad or as trashy as the Roxie-clone who pretended to be Delia on this show.

These current Jeromes are retcons and as much as Sonny needs to be gone, these two need to go with him. Preferably all three with padded prison sentences or in body bags.

  • Love 3
I like asshole doctor Patrick. Anytime someone tells Sonny he's not the man he used to be/ thinks he is, I'm a fan.


I normally hate Patrick with the fire of a thousand nuns, but I will gladly set that hate aside whenever he gives Sonny the hell he so richly deserves.  So kudos to you, Dr. Douche!  Nice to see you can occasionally use your douchepowers for good!

  • Love 2

The show handled the Alexis/Julian/Olivia thing pretty well.  Oh low expectations, you come through again.


Speaking of Kiki, is this mean or is anyone else wondering when she's going to find out about Michael/Sabrina and Sabrina having his baby?  I want the news to send her off the pier.  Though really, the show seems desperate to pretend (the awfulness of) Michael/Kiki never happened to see Morgan/Kiki as something serious, which...no.

You just want to see if HE's version has as much UCG as KA's did.

  • Love 2

I'm sorry, I tried to watch today for the Leo reveal, but I couldn't get past the grossness of the Nina/Kiki/Franco scenes.  And no I am not talking about Franco.


I am talking about Nina not washing those sheets before she put them on her bed.


Just. No.


I was thinking the same thing: Come over and sit by me and we can drink and shudder together. 

I guess she never had to get her own sheets before her coma. 

Edited by rur

I'm two shows behind, and I'm about to be a lot more than that. Boyfriend's coming in town, then off on a little vacation for his and my birthday. Since Ava isn't on, I'm really not in any rush to see anything. Certainly not Get Me Out of This Chair Sonny, or the threesome freaksome. I am wanting to see the Anna scenes from yesterday with Kevin, but I think I'll wait and catch up all at once.


And when I get back towards the end of the month, we still won't have gotten to the Jason reveal. Or the Val/Dante reveal. Holy crap, this show.

  • Love 1

I'm two shows behind, and I'm about to be a lot more than that. Boyfriend's coming in town, then off on a little vacation for his and my birthday. Since Ava isn't on, I'm really not in any rush to see anything. Certainly not Get Me Out of This Chair Sonny, or the threesome freaksome. I am wanting to see the Anna scenes from yesterday with Kevin, but I think I'll wait and catch up all at once.


And when I get back towards the end of the month, we still won't have gotten to the Jason reveal. Or the Val/Dante reveal. Holy crap, this show.


At least the baby Leo reveal came quickly.

  • Love 2

Poor Max, he's going to have to carry Sonny up the stairs instead of his girlfriends. 

Loved how Sonny's face lit up when he saw Morgan, and realized how easily he could dupe the moron into taking him home.

Joolian's idiotic transformation into Daddyzilla, "MUST.TAKE.BABY".  The Babyrabies virus must be in the Port Charles water supply.

  • Love 9

As dumb as Sonny is being, I actually think they're doing a good job with the writing here. It's entirely in character that he's in denial over his condition, yet it's also entirely in character that his idea of getting better is going home and sitting around there with his staff and family at his beck and call. He knows if he walks again he has to put in the work with therapy, but he also expects to need just a few sessions and presto! back to being the badass he's always thought he was. 


I also loved how he barked at Patrick for talking to Carly behind his (Sonny's) back. Uh, she's your WIFE, dipshit. She needs to know how to help you. Also, she wasn't hearing anything that Patrick hadn't already told Sonny. Just more typical glorious Sonny pouting, which I have to give MB all props for. He's not so delusional about Sonny that he doesn't let some petulance come through loud and clear.


I still think this story is beyond dumb—Sonny will be "paralyzed" for another two minutes—but the emotional sides of the story are being handled pretty decently for this fakakta show.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 7

I loved how Sonny just kept yelling at Patrick to give him a date when he'd be walking again.  Because that's how it works: "Well, Sonny, you'll be pirouetting by Halloween."  He's so insufferable.  I was really hoping Patrick would call his "I'm gonna get another doctor" bluff.  Sonny acted like he was talking to a caterer and telling them he'd no longer use them if the cannoli wasn't up-to-snuff.

  • Love 9


It's entirely in character that he's in denial over his condition

I agree.  But what bothers me is the speed of the story.  We spent the entire month of September watching the Corinthii wringing their hands at his bedside.  No real movement for weeks.  Than in a couple of days, he wakes up from his second surgery, is told that he could be paralized and needs therapy then has several arguments with Patrick about not being able to walk.  Slow it down a bit.  They should have shown him do at least one if not several therapy sessions and get frustrated then get angry with Patrick.   Otherwise, they're just making him look like the sucky wussy guy that gets his way whenever he wants. 

  • Love 4

Am I supposed to feel sorry for Julian? Because I don't.

Considering how long Alexis hid Kristina's paternity (and I supported that) she really needs to take a stadium full of seats.

Well, she can't continue to be in this stupid relationship if Julian is in the mob so she has chosen to believe that he isn't and is basing her decisions about other people's lives on that choice - like an asshole

  • Love 1

I'd be okay with "Sonny can't walk and refuses to put in the work to walk" if they actually addressed the issue that Sonny is lazy af. He can't even delegate properly. If none of his other billions of pregnancies he's spawned have inspired him to stop killing people, using too much tanner, or being a general douche, then I don't believe that the power of cute baby Avery will have any affect at all. Yawn. So I'm just going to sit here and laugh while MB struggles to act.

Every Sonny scene is literally the same:

Sonny: Grr Me want walk.

Patrick : Do rehab.

Carly: Omg Sonny our love blah. Avery. Strong. Blah.

Sonny: Me want walk now!

  • Love 11

Sonny falling out of his chair was worth all the stupidity of the story. Thank you, writers!


I liked how LW played the scenes with Sonny in his hospital room. I wish she'd been given some lines about how insulting/disappointing she is that Sonny thinks she's not in their relationship for the long haul, or that she can't accept a "less than perfect" version of Sonny.


Olivia can't really hold Julian's lack of parenting skills against him when he's never had the chance to be a parent. Her holier-than-thou attitude bugged me here. I have no problems with her wanting to keep Leo safe, but she owes Julian the chance to do the same. And again, she seems to forget that every kid she knows in Port Charles has been kidnapped/shot at/etc. Does she think Leo will somehow beat the odds? He's Sonny's son half-brother, which will somehow put him in danger.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 8

I'm sorry, I tried to watch today for the Leo reveal, but I couldn't get past the grossness of the Nina/Kiki/Franco scenes.  And no I am not talking about Franco.


I am talking about Nina not washing those sheets before she put them on her bed.


Just. No.


Depends on the sheets. If the sheets are good brand and haven't been handled by untold hundreds in a retail setting, I'd put them on the bed right out of the box and the plastic cover. Those sheets looked like Pottery Barn to me - that was a fitted sheet in simple belly band with NO COVER whatsoever. So, yes, wash it.

Olivia can't really hold Julian's lack of parenting skills against him when he's never had the chance to be a parent. Her holier-than-thou attitude bugged me here. I have no problems with her wanting to keep Leo safe, but she owes Julian the chance to do the same. And again, she seems to forget that every kid she knows in Port Charles has been kidnapped/shot at/etc. Does she think Leo will somehow beat the odds? He's Sonny's son half-brother, which will somehow put him in danger.


Couple of thoughts here. First, isn't this Olivia's second "whoops, had sex with a mobster but totes didn't mean to" baby? Second, I liked Olivia when she hated Sonny and all he stood for. Third, shoot me like a Quartermaine but I kinda liked the chemistry in that scene. Julivia could be hot. Plus, it would piss off Alexis!

  • Love 1

I can excuse the dalliance with Sonny, because she was a kid. With Julian, though, there's no excuse. They both knew exactly what they were doing and why—classic hate/revenge fuck—so Olivia can spare me the self-righteousness about Julian's mob connections. That's what makes this story so rage-blackout for me.


And self-righteousness is quite the interesting position to take for a woman who a) lied that a baby was dead and b) enlisted the services of someone like Dr. O to make it happen.

  • Love 10

After all the Carly scenes I realized that's probably why Elizabeth Korte was the one who wrote today's show.


Sonny falling out of his chair was worth all the stupidity of the story. Thank you, writers!


I honestly think Sonny hated being carried to the chair more than any pain he's ever inflicted on anyone else.


I liked a couple of lines:


Patrick: spinelli. He's in my living room.


Nikolas: Spencer has narrowed down his costume choices to 5.

Lulu: Narrowed down from what?

Nikolas: (beat) many more.


I did like that Laura and Lulu FINALLY shared a one-on-one scene. I just wish we knew if Genie were leaving soon or not.


I think Patrick's hair might be

JT's one last f.u. to GH. Spoilering that because there is no official announcement of him leaving yet.

  • Love 4

Billy Miller needs to stop whatever he is doing with this teeth when speaking.  It looks like he's snarling - 


Sonny is always annoying and revolting to me as a character so this behavior is really really grating - even as I understand that people facing such a huge limitation in mobility and gigantic change in life.  


His saying he is basically worthless and can't do anything because of the "chair" is - well, won't even say. 

  • Love 3

Are we really supposed to feel bad for wheel chair bound Sonny. Honestly, who gives a fuck. He deserves to be rolled off a cliff in that chair.

lol all I can think of with sonnys whining is matt on port charles who was in an wheel chair and was an friggin doctor.Yet sonny is whining because he might not be able to do buisness gie me an break.

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