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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Monica should be a part of this. How would their interaction go if Monica called him on his overnight change of heart.


He wouldn't dare pull that "Michael Corinthos" shit in front of Monica, which is exactly why we're not seeing her.  But Tracy's "mean" and a "buttinski" so Michael's "allowed" to be an asshole to her.


 Dillon doesn't even live there anymore.


Dillon doesn't live in the mansion?

  • Love 4

He wouldn't dare pull that "Michael Corinthos" shit in front of Monica, which is exactly why we're not seeing her.  But Tracy's "mean" and a "buttinski" so Michael's "allowed" to be an asshole to her.



Dillon doesn't live in the mansion?


I thought there was reference to Dillon living on the Haunted Star now? Although it could just be while the movie is filming  and not a permanent thing.

Frankly its depressing as hell the corthinos and Jeromes are the core families of this soap.While the Q's have what three members ad Michal is more on the corthinthos side anyways these days.


And sadly, and I really wanted to like him, I am hating nuDillon in the Lulu/Dante/Valerie quad-mire, though his minimal family scenes are okay.

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Quite frankly, NOBODY is allowed to say AJ's name. Sabrina said Michael was from 'other stock' at the wedding like Michael was a goddamn horse. It's very deliberate. Remove ELQ and AJ's clinic and have Michael prattle on about being Sonny's son and a Corinthos over and over. No more suits, just dark clothes and leather jacket to show his 'bad boy' change.


Basically, he's an unemployed loser, just like Morgan, living off the family's generosity and pampering.  What a catch!

  • Love 11

It was only a matter of time that he would be put back into the Corinthos circle.


Yep. And I knew that as soon as it happened I would hate Michael again. I just can't like Michael if he's going to forgive literally everything Sonny did and embrace him again. I'm not here for that at all. I didn't really like Michael pre-Quatermaine and I don't like him post-Quatermaine. I am thankful they gave us so much time with Michael not kissing Sonny's ass though. I expected like maybe 3 months tops.


I have been semi-enjoying the eps lately though. And I'm actually really interested in what's up with Paul and Hayden. I'm annoyed that it's mob related, but I guess at this point if we're gonna keep watching we just have to accept that the show is about the mob and Sonny.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 6

Nope. Nobody brought up the fact either. S&C didn't notice, despite the fact that the kid was kidnapped, held at gunpoint and could have been shot/killed. Nevermind the fact TJ was a target based 100% on the fact that he lived with Sonny.


Out of sight, out of mind with the Corinthos clan.  They are very much a 'what have you done for me LATELY' family.

  • Love 6

Quite frankly, NOBODY is allowed to say AJ's name. Sabrina said Michael was from 'other stock' at the wedding like Michael was a goddamn horse. It's very deliberate. Remove ELQ and AJ's clinic and have Michael prattle on about being Sonny's son and a Corinthos over and over. No more suits, just dark clothes and leather jacket to show his 'bad boy' change.


True.  Only Tracy has been allowed, by the writers, to mention the name "AJ," but if the writers are moving in a different direction, I can either bitch about it or just move on.  I actually like seeing Michael more dark.  At the same time, I don't understand why it's so terrible to the writers if they write Michael loving the Quartermaines AND the Corinthos families.  It doesn't have to be one or the other, writers!!  I.don't.get.it.  I still love Michael.  He's one of the few remaining interesting characters for me.


Basically, he's an unemployed loser, just like Morgan, living off the family's generosity and pampering.  What a catch!


I don't agree.  Michael made a crap load of money for ELQ while he was CEO, and he is entitled to those profits as much as the rest of the family.  He's not an unemployed loser.  If that's the case, then Tracy has been mooching off of Michael's success as CEO for more than a year now.  The truth is that the Quartermaine family make ELQ run, and they all enjoy the profits of same.  Michael is still entitled to the milions the company has enjoyed since he was CEO.  That being said, it would be nice if ANYONE would mention ELQ at this point.  I mean, has Nikolas ALSO given up on ELQ and is now just interested in getting in Hayden's pants?  He hasn't mentioned ELQ either.  It's like the words "ELQ" and "AJ" have been wiped from the dialogue on GH.


Yep. And I knew that as soon as it happened I would hate Michael again. I just can't like Michael if he's going to forgive literally everything Sonny did and embrace him again.

Yeh, I notice that some only like Michael if he's hating on Sonny.  I like the character of Michael period, whether he loves AJ or Sonny.  I would have preferred more layered writing from the new writing regime regarding Michael's sudden turnaround, but I am liking seeing Michael not taking crap from anyone, and I hope that includes Sonny in the near future.  

  • Love 2
He wouldn't dare pull that "Michael Corinthos" shit in front of Monica, which is exactly why we're not seeing her.


Oh, I think he would if he really meant it. But Monica's priority has always been to have access to Michael and be a part of his life. He could call himself Princess Consuela Bananahammock and she wouldn't care, as long as he didn't stay away.

  • Love 6

I just caught up on last week's shows in one sitting (I'm hoping the shaking, weakness, and lethargy will pass within a few hours), and these are my pointless observations -
-Kiki, in her slovenly state, looks like a super-sized Olsen twin. The buttcrack middle part in her hair, need for a colorist, and earthy outfits remind me of the twins' permanently tragic look.


-Dante and Lulu need to go to the local arts & crafts store for supplies to make a wall-hanging that says, "You and our son, Rocco, are my everything." Since this is obviously their favorite mantra, they could fashion something to brighten up their gray-on-gray bedsit.


-I know it has been said before, but you have to be effing kidding me - Joss played the recorder at the wedding?  Since they insist on continuing the assy stuff about corn, they could have at least given the character a small bit of respect by assigning a musical talent with more street cred. There would have been no harm in having the actress fake Here Comes the Bride on the piano, flute, or clarinet with some audio dubbed in. A plastic recorder? Cheap shit.


- They need to start doing the text messages like they do on another soap I watch (Hollyoaks)....they find a bit of blank space in the shot and superimpose the text 'into the air' so it can be easily read. I know Anna had a dramatic face after looking at a text, but hell if I could read it.


- TJ's invitation must have gotten lost. Don't feel left out, Teej, a Sonny-Carly wedding is the ultimate rerun in life, and you're better off anyway.


- Sam and Patrick continue to have less than zero chemistry, IMO. Have we ever seen those characters have a meaningful conversation? Their discussions seem to just be about blathering on about how they like each other and if Sam is ready to move on. But someone would have to write a dialogue that had some depth....and, well, we know how that goes on GH.


-Jakeson's reaction to Spinelli's entrance was so believable to me because it's similar to my own. Can't stand that pasty weirdo.


-Rebecca Budig is so much better than the drivel they're giving her to do. I wish they injected her into GH differently----maybe as Liz's sister (what ever happened to her anyway?)...and she and Maxie could revive Crimson or do event planning together, and she could have scenes with several characters instead of just Nik. She's got talent, they need to let her show it. 

  • Love 7

Yeh, I notice that some only like Michael if he's hating on Sonny.


I will love any character who's hating on Sonny. I mean mostly just because I hate Sonny but also because it's such a rare thing it feels more interesting than the usual "the entire town throws Sonny a party for being the greatest man alive" shit we get. And, man, if any character was allowed to express hatred of Jason, I'd probably love them, no matter who it was. I should watch eps from when Patrick hated Jason; that sounds like a blast for me.

  • Love 16

For  me, it isn't about liking or not liking Michael based on if he is or isn't hating on Sonny. I don't care if he forgives Sonny, but I don't think he and Sonny should have a "good" relationship ever again. And frankly, I don't see how they can justify it. Mainly because Sonny doesn't deserve the loyalty, but I digress. My issues with Michael acting like he's been acting, is that he's NOT directing his ire and rudeness to the people it should mostly be directed to.

Yeah, there's  a good argument that he's just acting like the Q/Spencer/Corinthos hybrid he is, and that Tracy can give it back just as well, and that she's been far more rude to others than Michael has been to her. But the thing is, she hasn't really been bad to MICHAEL-and I can't quite buy the "he's acting like a Q" thing, because the show isn't investing enough time and effort into the Q's as a whole, and Michael's place there, to cement that POV for me. To me, he's just coming across as unjustly snotty to the wrong person for no good reason-and that never deserves anything but contempt-no matter who the people involved are. If it were reversed, and it were Tracy slamming the door in Michael's face, Michael fans wouldn't have a problem with dragging Tracy.

And that's the way it works-when a character does something like that, they are going to get bashed. But to address the real elephant in the room, do I think Michael Quartermaine is overall more likeable than Michael Corinthos? Yes. Even if the Qs most certainly are deeply flawed, at least Michael Q wasn't ordering hits on people.

  • Love 10

Didn't watch Friday's episode but from reading on here it seems Carlos may be the baby daddy after all?!  I would actually love this, as Michael doesn't deserve to have a kid after giving Avery back to Sonny, never mind that he has now become Sonny's lackey.  Totally agree that Carly will jump on the "how dare you LIE" bandwagon, never mind her sordid past.  Because when Carly and Sonny do something wrong there are REASONS.  Sabrina will just be a whore though.


Liz really is a dumbass to confront Hayden the way she did, but I have to admit there is NO bitch face like a Liz bitch face.  No one does it better!

  • Love 6

Hi Ned!  His about-face about keeping Leo's paternity a secret was conveniently abrupt (and rather too little too late considering keeping that secret already cost him and Brook Lynn their ELQ shares), but I'm still glad he got to dump Olivia.  I'm eagerly awaiting this stupid secret blowing up in her face.


Hi Darby.  So you have terrible taste in friends and men/man boys.  Got it.


Hi stars.  Sorry Sam/Spinelli/Jake(son) dragged you into such smurfiness.


Hi Kevin!  See you tomorrow!  KEVIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Love 3

I never saw any big problems with RP's acting, but the girl who's playing Darby? Not so great. Until she improves, no one should complain about RP.


I don't know if it's intentional (as a way of showing Spinelli is a blowhard)  or just a lack of background knowledge on the writers's  part, but whenever Spinelli's on and quotes somebody or someone famous, it's usually wrong. And, I believe that holds for today, too. "Star-crossed" means destined to be unhappy. I don't think that's what he meant when he was talking to Sam. (That really bothers the English teacher in me.)


But Sam probably didn't care, since I think he mentioned the name Jason and that's probably all she heard, because today her dialog was "Jason Jason Jason I'm over Jason Jason Jason;  Patrick Emma Danny; Jason Jason Jason, and oh, Jason. I'd think even Kelly must be tired of saying his name by now. 

  • Love 3

I am getting very tired of the deification of the holy hitman. Enough, Jason killed people to make a living.


The worst part is, I don't think he even did it to make a living - he never really seemed to care about the money.  He just did it because he believed it was somehow noble and righteous, and to protect the love of his life - Sonny. 

  • Love 15

I'm catching up on a week's worth of GH. If you think this show is painful episode by episode you'll want to lodge a human rights complaint after attempting to watch 3 episodes in a row. There's so much to hate I don't even know where to begin. That's not true. I know exactly where to begin:


Fucking Carly saying fucking Sonny would have a fucking incentive to get better if he had custody of Avery again. She's not his daughter, she's an incentive. Whatever Carly/Sonny hatred had abated during the last year came flooding back times 10 when Carly delivered that line. I hate, hate, hate, hate Sonny. You know what I hate more? Carly's total willingness to throw anyone on the altar of Sonny. Die, die, die with festering suppurating boils filled with green pus, Carly. DIE. (LW's hair looks fab, tho.)


Up next, Alexis getting all judgy about Olivia. STFU Alexis. 


Patrick examining Sam's sprained ankle - my nomination for best performance by two corpses. Oh, wait, you mean they aren't dead?


Franco suggesting he'll go back to serial killing if he doesn't get to see Kiki. Now, see, Franco, this is where we are different. I may resort to murder if I see too much of Kiki. (Love that white trench coat MS is sporting.)

  • Love 7

What's wrong with complaining about both?

If FV is going to continue hiring good-looking people who CANNOT act despite taping a show in a town full of good-looking people who CAN act - many of whom desperately want to do so? I feel fine complaining about their talentles, miscast asses

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 5

I can't believe I'm saying this, but good for Morgan for walking away with Darby "call me dar"* whatever-her-last-name-was and leaving sad sack Kiki by herself. MVP is the bartender who kept refusing her requests for her keys and told her she could walk home. If only she'd trip over the railing and drown.


*No, I don't think I will.


I can't stand LLC's mannerisms when she's crying or upset. Bleh. The only time I liked it was when she was crying over the dog commercial. I do feel bad for Olivia though. They should have let her and Ned go off together and Olivia could visit sporadically.


Okay Show, we all know Julian was just yelling at the Edible Arrangements man over the phone, not an underling. 


Darby: You were too busy staring at the gallery owner to notice me.

Morgan: Yeah, well, there's a reason for that.

Darby: No! You and her?


Morgan said and did nothing to indicate he and Ava had been an item. That was such a weird moment.


Spencer: still annoying.


What was the significance of that ridiculous shooting star? Genuine question.

Edited by ulkikis
  • Love 2

Morgan said and did nothing to indicate he and Ava had been an item. That was such a weird moment.


What was the significance of that ridiculous shooting star? Genuine question.


The show keeps trying to sell that his love/relationship with Kiki held more weight in Morgan's heart than the one with Ava, which is a) ridiculous based on what we've seen on-screen the last few years (including that lengthy bit of time Kiki was banging his brother) and b) ridiculous because Morgan and Kiki were back together for ten seconds before Morgan jumped on Denise's wig.


The shit with the shooting stars isn't connected to any past Jason/Sam stuff, I don't think.  It was just a big clanking anvil that had "Patrick and Liz Who?" stamped on the side.  Leave the stars to Tad and Dixie, kay?

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 5

Jasam have a history with stars, since he gave her the star necklace. 


Ah, HeatLifer beat me to it.



he show keeps trying to sell that his love/relationship with Kiki held more weight in Morgan's heart than the one with Ava, which is a) ridiculous based on what we've seen on-screen the last few years


Never mind the fact that they JUST said not too long ago that Ava was the only woman that Morgan ever loved.

Edited by tvgoddess
  • Love 5

Did we just get Morgan/Molly interaction....for like the first time in two years? I mean, it was obviously to prop this Darby character, but now that we have new writers, I hope they don't ignore Morgan-Molly like Ron did.


I hope they do, I don't think Molly and Morgan look they could both hang out in the s


The show keeps trying to sell that his love/relationship with Kiki held more weight in Morgan's heart than the one with Ava, which is a) ridiculous based on what we've seen on-screen the last few years (including that lengthy bit of time Kiki was banging his brother) and b) ridiculous because Morgan and Kiki were back together for ten seconds before Morgan jumped on Denise's wig.


I think the writers are overplaying Kiki over Ava in Morgan's life too, but that's not what I meant in the post - I meant it was weird how they had Darby automatically conclude that Morgan and Ava had been an item when Morgan merely said "there's a reason for that" and there was no indication in his voice. For all she knows he could have been staring at her because she's his aunt.

Jasam have a history with stars, since he gave her the star necklace. 


Ah, HeatLifer beat me to it.


Ah, I stand corrected then.  About it not being tied to their history part, I was right on about it being a smurfy anvil part.

I think the writers are overplaying Kiki over Ava in Morgan's life too, but that's not what I meant in the post - I meant it was weird how they had Darby automatically conclude that Morgan and Ava had been an item when Morgan merely said "there's a reason for that" and there was no indication in his voice. For all she knows he could have been staring at her because she's his aunt.


Oops, totally misunderstood your point, sorry.  I'm really batting a thousand today lol.

  • Love 1

There is no way 25-year-old Darby is in any classes with 18-year-old Molly. Darby is pretty but if she's set her sights on Morgan, she needs to be checked for brain damage.


I guess at least they're not saying they're in the same high school class. It's college. Maybe they're both taking the same theater 101 class for credits together.

Edited by ulkikis
  • Love 2

Darby: You were too busy staring at the gallery owner to notice me.

Morgan: Yeah, well, there's a reason for that.

Darby: No! You and her?

Morgan said and did nothing to indicate he and Ava had been an item. That was such a weird moment.

I say this without seeing today's show. It seems like it would have made more sense if Shelby* had jumped to the conclusion that Morgan was staring Ava down because she's the mother of his girlfriend the kill to his buzz about Morgan's relationship with Kiki.

*I'm so not down with Darby as a name. Sorry to any Darby's out there. And my condolences as well.

Spencer: still annoying.

And water is still wet. ;)

  • Love 3

As a fan of Steel Magnolias, I request you just call her something like Jessica.

Oh, Shelby's such a one-time name. If she and/or the show stick around long enough, there'll be Kirby, Quinby, Reby, Tabby, Lullaby, Dolby, Cubby, Scrubby, Sommersby, and Hobby Lobby.

Were supposed to find the Nikolas and Spencer's discussion of Nik's feelings for Hayden endearing, because I hate to have to keep saying it, but he tried to murder her!

I hear you. That's how so many feel about Sonny.

That's how I feel about Julian. Each time I see "Awww, Julian gave up the mob for Alexis," I think that he sticks to that commitment about as conveniently as I stick to my promise to read one book a week and not waste time on the internet. It's like instead of having a list of people he can f*ck, Julian has a list of people he can kill. "But honey, Duke was on the list!"

Edited by Francie
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