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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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All the children adore Franco. Oh, okay, now I like him. Why didn't Carlivati drop in that tidbit before? I would have liked Franco so much sooner, so much more!*



Oh that reminds me...they're letting a former serial killer work around children. They are letting a former serial killer work with kids, in the pediatric ward, a former serial killer because it can't be said enough times.


He killed people, he did a whole slew of unspeakable things, unforgivable things, and he's now teaching little Johnny and Mary Anne how to paint a "field of feelings" for art projects...a former serial killer!


My brain almost melted, this show forces you to stop thinking and processing information in logical ways or else you'll just end up looking like Levi.

  • Love 11

I hate it, but I get that Doctor Obrecht is, for whatever reason, a Franco fan and that she is clearly the last person to bat an eye at crazy people working in the medical field.  But does she really think art foundations or whatever will be showering her and the hospital with accolates for hiring a SERIAL KILLER?  Girl, you trippin'.


And how about just a dash of realism and show at least some parents refusing to let their children around a SERIAL KILLER.  It would give Franco the excuse to make a frowny face and you know the show loves that.

  • Love 8

Then Carly can come running to his rescue shrieking, "The tumor made him do it you bastards, stop judging my baby!"


Although I must say, has she been as stupid and clueless as she was today when she told, actually told, Sonny that Franco was mere seconds away from telling Michael he killed AJ? Because yeah, he had just threatened to kill the guy so let's tell him that the very reason he thinks he needs to kill him, he'll tell Michael the truth, almost happened but she stepped in just in time so Sonny should be totally cool about it and Franco won't ever, never ever do it again, he pinky swore and everything!


I need another virus to hit town, pronto, and start wiping some of these fuckers out.

  • Love 7

Serial Drama's Mallory took the words right out of my mouth!

Franco being hired at GH would be tolerable* if we were given a few scenes of horrified parents screaming "But he's a serial killer!" in all of his work scenes.


*Just kidding, nothing about Franco will ever be tolerable. But if we're stuck with him, I'd at least like some people to flee in horror. --M.

  • Love 5
But if people weren't all eggshell-y about asking Silas about donating Rafe's heart to Alice, then they wouldn't be able to laud him as a great, noble, just all-around awesome guy!


He doesn't have to donate any of the organs to anyone in Port Charles. He can be a slight dick about by donating the heart to a boy or girl Rafe's age or a young mother. When Morgan, Michael and Kik bitch about how he denied Alice a heart, he can point out that the heart did save someone's life who had been waiting a long time.  Aren't people on the list for years to get organs? I am sure if Alice had to get in line for a new heart, she would be waiting a while. 


Oh that reminds me...they're letting a former serial killer work around children. They are letting a former serial killer work with kids, in the pediatric ward, a former serial killer because it can't be said enough times.


I volunteer at a grief support organization overseen by a hospital network. I went through 20 hours of training before I could even meet with the participates.   When one of the other volunteers showed the slightest bit of crazy, she was asked to leave. Even therapy dogs are required to get additional training if they are interacting with children in a hospital.


I have looked up art therapist and it requires a masters in art therapy, not being just a working artist. 

  • Love 4

I have looked up art therapist and it requires a masters in art therapy, not being just a working artist.



But this is Franco we're talking about, and his little toolbox (really show?), he has a heart of gold and a desire to help people so that takes care of any actual training, preparation, schooling, police record, crimes against humanity, psychosis, etc.


He's a good guy now, it's been over six months since he thought he stabbed his own mother to death and then buried her alive, no need to harbor grudges against the poor man or hold his past against him.

  • Love 8
Aren't people on the list for years to get organs? I am sure if Alice had to get in line for a new heart, she would be waiting a while.



It would depend on the severity of her condition.  From what I understand, someone who is going to die imminently would get bumped up higher on the list than someone who has maybe been on the list longer, but isn't in as severe condition. So it's not just a straight forward "first come first served" kind of wait list, but a lot of factors can go into where someone is on the list. 


I wasn't this annoyed by Maxie scenes when she was saddled to that waste of space Spinelli.  Congratulations, Ron, you've found someone who makes me look back fondly on the Spixie hell.  Where's Shawn trying to shoot someone standing 5 feet away from Levi when we need him? 

  • Love 2

I just saw the previews. ugh. Maxie really, really super has a lot of nerve getting all pissy with Dante and Mac. Glad their (well at least Dante's) reflect that. I mean, seriously, let's say they did make the phone call . . . what's she gonna do? Sue them? Not speak to them again? Dante won't care and that would just be downright hurtful to do to Mac.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 4

I think if I had a serial killer daddy who killed my crazy mom in my face and said mom dragged me around like a hand bag and then I had to live with his boring ass twin, I'd be doing drugs too. Or drinking a lot...


  And it's not just that.  He also ended up needing to kill his own father to end the general theat of his crazy dad to all.


  After a short lifetime of running from place to place with his only contact, his mother, who was rightly concerned that his father would find them, he was written as having to watch her be murdered by him and then to kill his own father.


  That's of course a background and life that would make a youngster who should easily know how to handle the rest of his life and have a scintillating, self-confident presence.


  We know one good thing in his life -- his mother taught him to read some good books, and that was the point of connection for Molly and Rafe.  As a child without social connections always interrupted by his mother's feeling the need to move them again to another place where they couldn't be found, he over-valued that one good connection after witnessing his mother's murder by his father, whom he then killed.  I don't remember even a story line about counseling for him.. 

Edited by pitchy
  • Love 2

I wonder--has Ron been made aware of how immensely unpopular this guy is?


I have learned the hard way that just because a character is unpopular to various message boards doesn't mean they are unpopular to the viewing audience as a whole.  And I frankly think that if RC was told, "A bunch of ex-TWoP posters hates thios character", his response would be, "Good".


OK people I have a nasty sick feeling in my soul that Dunkledoufus *love the name* is Sly Eckert.


I keep hearing persistent rumors that he is the son Mac Scorpio never knew he had.  That possibility is terrifying.

  • Love 3

I don't think ANYONE likes Levi except Ron. I've checked some other boards, including those with posters who generally think the show is great, Ron is the second coming and love all the camp. Not one of them has any use for Levi. Of course that doesn't mean he isn't popular with the non-message board viewers, but I just think GH should cut its losses and save us the agony of having to watch him...

  • Love 2

I am thisclose to turning this shit off forever and heading to the barge, so you guys better move over and make some room. Ava wasn't even on and gets trashed the entire episode, and Morgan freaking hugs Kiki. I liked the fist bump with Tracy much better. Actually, the fist bump was the only thing I liked in the entire show.


DIAF: Sonny, Kiki, Carly, Franco, Levi.


Go away, go far far away and don't come back: Olivia.

  • Love 2

Oh, they are so going with Carson.


I can't with Dr O mooning over Franco. And Carly just said no one screws with our family and gets away with it. Haha, expect for the woman who is screwing someone who screwed with her family.


I hate when they give Easton long emotional bits. He sucks at them.


When Sonny starts making sense, it's time to call it quits with your boo, sweetie.


Oh god pu-leeeeze Franco, you don't think a whiff of the people you've killed, the lives you've destroyed. If you did, you'd stay the hell away from anyone connected to Michael or Jason, nit fucking their mother/friend.


Why are they making Maxie so fucking blind to the manipulations of Levi?  Why must all women be made so damn stupid by these guys?


DAIF Carly!  Not just with covering Sonny's ass but with covering for Franco.  Yeah, I actually get that Sonny's pissed that Franco nearly ratted him out.  I'd be pissed and threatening if I was nearly ratted out too.  But Sonny, for the love of God, if you are going to threaten, follow through!!!!

  • Love 1
I keep hearing persistent rumors that he is the son Mac Scorpio never knew he had.  That possibility is terrifying.



I can't even see what the point would be to pin Mac down with that dweeb of a kid because he doesn't even get much airtime as is.


Look at Scotty, for all that carrying on about him being Franco's new "Daddy" where is he? What has it done for Scott to be that freak's dad, no new story line involving Franco or really anyone else has manifested, I think he's had less scenes since actually, which to me just proves that Ron has the attention span of a two year old, he never follows through with anything or gives purpose to any of his ideas beyond the first couple of weeks at best.


Oh look, Levi's Mac's son, who would have guessed anddddddd...bored now, that's what would happen, and that'd be the best possible outcome imo.

Okay, take with a grain of salt.  I was reading elsewhere this morning that the whole Scotty/Kevin/Lucy/Christina/her boyfriend story was so bad, the actor were making a ruckus about it and it's been scrapped/ being reworked.  They filmed stuff but it went in the trash just as fast.


Good. I know it is wrong for actors to pull shit like this, but I enjoy when people kill bad stories. If underlings didn't do this every once in a while, 70-80s Star Wars would have been as bad as 90s-2000 Star Wars. 


I can't imagine Mac being anything as other than unenthusiastic about Levi as a new son.  Mac already sees him for the manipulative ass that he is.  And if Levi knows  Mac is daddy dearest, why is he deliberately sexing up his sister?  Maybe Maxie isn't Mac's blood but she is his daughter.


Hope this isn't the way it's going.  I have enough good will for Mac, and Felicia, too, to want them to be happy, even if it's kinda in the background.    They've been through so much, let them enjoy life with each other a bit.  I like them best in small doses, but I want high quality small doses (and seldom get it).  I'm okay with them running a gathering spot as long as they get to occasionally interact with people coming in to share inappropriate secrets in public places.  I especially enjoy the long relationship Mac and Kevin have had as besties and I would like to see more of it.  

Edited by Reo

Maxie was always this dumb. She married Matt to keep him out if prison. She was with spinmouth ,How long. She was up Jasons butt helping the mob, while her  father-uncle Mac was the police commissioner ? No respect for the job. She gets pregnant, and lies through her teeth forever. Sure this was an accident but she did hurt her best friend. Kirsten I like ,  the actress is fine, but the character is a ditz and that's a compliment.She's too stupid to come out of the rain.


I still think it is possible that Levi ratted himself out to immigration to have an excuse to marry Maxie for his green card.


If I were Nathan, I'd see the handwriting on the wall. Maxie can't figure out that Levi kept her from getting her baby back. But she can't figure out that Nathan wasn't lying about revealing Levi's immigration status. She's the real brain-dead one in PC.


If Rafe has somehow become a vampire, will Alice become one too when she gets his heart?


Olivia was really fueling Lulu's babie rabies today. It is so none of Olivia's business when Dante decides to have another baby. Wish she would get a life of her own and quit messing in theirs.


The soft lighting in Rafe's room really made Nina look younger.

  • Love 1
The hell was the point of those Nina/Rafe/Franco scenes?  Are we supposed to think Nina isn't a completely heartless sociopath because she feels bad about Rafe?  Were we supposed to enjoy Ghost!Rafe getting one over on Nina for a minute?


It was nothing more and nothing less than a Friday cliff hanger.


Fri:  OMG - Rafe's ALIVE??!!!!! But .. but ... but ... how???!!!!


Mon:  Psych!


It's so Lucy and Charlie Brown and the football at this point. 

Edited by Francie

LOL that Levi uses the exact same argument to Nathan about calling ICE that Nathan used to Levi about telling the judge Nathan lied. And it all goes over Maxie's head. Sigh.


LOL also at Lauren explaining the transplant process to Silas, the medical professional. There's nothing she can't do!


Hallucination!Rafe saying, "You think it's a reflex now, BITCH" was truly amazing to me.


That was pretty awesome. I also loved how he pulled out his breathing tube. JD did some of his best acting in those scenes. The camera angles were hilarious.


"I'm always thrilled when we can recycle body parts. 'No death wasted' is my motto." Really, Ron? 


There was a lot of STFU to go around today.


Sonny threatening the serial killer on Monday is quite amusing.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 2

I don't think ANYONE likes Levi except Ron. I've checked some other boards, including those with posters who generally think the show is great, Ron is the second coming and love all the camp. Not one of them has any use for Levi. Of course that doesn't mean he isn't popular with the non-message board viewers, but I just think GH should cut its losses and save us the agony of having to watch him...


Even the SID twitter account regularly tweets Levi hate, and SID usually resides somewhere firmly up Ron's colon. 

  • Love 2

Okay, take with a grain of salt.  I was reading elsewhere this morning that the whole Scotty/Kevin/Lucy/Christina/her boyfriend story was so bad, the actor were making a ruckus about it and it's been scrapped/ being reworked.  They filmed stuff but it went in the trash just as fast.


I dunno if I believe that.  Considering what dog stories Jon, Lynn, and particularly Kin have gotten in the past, I can't imagine a reRon of the old soap standby "teenage daughter brings scumbag boyfriend to town" story would have been the straw that broke the camel's back.

  • Love 2

Even the SID twitter account regularly tweets Levi hate, and SID usually resides somewhere firmly up Ron's colon. 

Actually, I have to hand it to SID Dick, he does regularly call Ron out on his shit.  He does later on try to kiss and make up, but he does bitch first.


I dunno if I believe that.  Considering what dog stories Jon, Lynn, and particularly Kin have gotten in the past, I can't imagine a reRon of the old soap standby "teenage daughter brings scumbag boyfriend to town" story would have been the straw that broke the camel's back.


The story was more Scotty being accused of attacking, maybe sexually assaulting, her because he tried to break up Kevin and Lucy.  Which, if true, I can see the problem all involved would have. 

  • Love 1

Rafe calling Nina a bitch was the best thing I've seen in a while. JD can do snark well- Rafe should have been an asshole.

Is it possible that I saw MSt and RoH not try to overact with each other? This is the most calm I've seen both of them in a while- maybe I don't need to ff them just yet.

Since when was Monica reinstated as head of cardiology? I thought she didn't work at GH or was it just chief of staff.

  • Love 3

"you're brain dead. You don't come back from that."


may have just replaced "a brain is not a foot" as the most stupid medical related dialogue in daytime television.


I think they're both trumped by "we need your consent to harvest Rafe's organs since Rafe's under 18, and you're his legal guardian."  Because if Rafe were over 18, they'd just ask Rafe himself??

Edited by Rancide
  • Love 2


Were we supposed to enjoy Ghost!Rafe getting one over on Nina for a minute?

I did.


so I skipped today--is Rafe dead or alive?

Brain dead like the writers.


LOL that Levi uses the exact same argument to Nathan about calling ICE that Nathan used to Levi about telling the judge Nathan lied. And it all goes over Maxie's head. Sigh.


LOL also at Lauren explaining the transplant process to Silas, the medical professional. There's nothing she can't do!



That was pretty awesome. I also loved how he pulled out his breathing tube. JD did some of his best acting in those scenes. The camera angles were hilarious.


"I'm always thrilled when we can recycle body parts. 'No death wasted' is my motto." Really, Ron? 


There was a lot of STFU to go around today.


Sonny threatening the serial killer on Monday is quite amusing.

I enjoyed the Rafe scene.  Want to get a gif of it.

  • Love 1
Good. I know it is wrong for actors to pull shit like this, but I enjoy when people kill bad stories. If underlings didn't do this every once in a while, 70-80s Star Wars would have been as bad as 90s-2000 Star Wars.


Okay, this is seriously getting off topic, but I. gotta. know. What'd the underlings do the original Star Wars series that saved it from Lucas?


Here, take mercy on me, mods, and I'll add:


Ron loves that people hate Levi. He thinks he's hitting a home run because he's so detested.  He doesn't understand there's a difference between "Ugh, I hate that guy & I can't wait for him to get what's coming to him. That comeuppance moment will be awesome"* and "Oh shoot me now, this asshole's on. ffffffffffffff [fastfoward] or, alternatively, "Hey, what's on Days?"


*This is not to say that this is love to hate. It's not. It's just 'hate.' But there's some investment there, other than repulsion.

  • Love 3


Since when was Monica reinstated as head of cardiology? I thought she didn't work at GH or was it just chief of staff.


SID Richard called Ron out on that today, that Monica essentially quit when Obrecht became COS. Ron's response: "sometime between then and now."


That sound you just heard was my eyes rolling back in my head.

  • Love 2

I don't care if it makes no sense, once the PP litigation is over, Silas can leave town (although I don't find him a snooze, I do like him) and McBain can come back from his assignment.   I just don't think the Sam/Silas storyline has been built up strongly.   As much as I love the KeMo/ME chemistry and I do still feel it with Sam and Silas, the story, the arc, the drama and tension was soooooooo good with Sam and McBain, and sadly it's just not there with Sam and Silas.  And furthermore, McBain just fit so well in the canvas, not just with her, but with so many other characters as well.

I was thinking this the other day.  Except that now they have linked Silas to Lauren, and potentially to Nina if Lauren is hers.  But it would be great if Sam and Silas fizzled out and one day McBain just showed up.

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