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Small Talk: 7th Floor Nurses Station

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I prefer heels most of the time too.  Ziggler deserves much better, he's proven himself time & again.  & I don't know why Orton is butt hurt, he has to know he has maybe five more years in the business before he'll need to retire.  Plus, Orton has been known to injure wrestlers.  Of course, not as much as Jack Swagger & Botchsana, but not everyone can injure someone almost every time they get in the ring.

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Ha, next time think of CryptSex.

It will make you nauseated & force you to walk away.




My 40th birthday is in a month and a half and I need to stop eating so much crap. I want to look okay for the "big" day. 

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My boss has delegated the hiring of a new person to join our team to me, and one of the candidates HR sent over is named Bobbie Spencer.   Given her age, I'm convinced her parents knew exactly what they were doing.


I'm seriously contemplating ditching the whole interview process and just hiring her based on her name.  

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My boss has delegated the hiring of a new person to join our team to me, and one of the candidates HR sent over is named Bobbie Spencer.   Given her age, I'm convinced her parents knew exactly what they were doing.


I'm seriously contemplating ditching the whole interview process and just hiring her based on her name.  


Go for it! My new roommate Erica was named after Erica Kane and it is one of my favorite things about her (she's also a lovely human, etc.).

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I brought this over from the episode thread:



I'm also a lover of old black & white movies & musicals.


Me too, BestestAuntEver!  My favorites are The Thin Man series.  I can watch those on repeats all day.  I like a lot of older movies in color as well.  & I adore Katherine Hepburn.  One of my faves of hers is Desk Set.

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Me too, BestestAuntEver! My favorites are The Thin Man series. I can watch those on repeats all day. I like a lot of older movies in color as well. & I adore Katherine Hepburn. One of my faves of hers is Desk Set.

There are so many old movies & stars that I absolutely love. Some of my favorites are Katherine Hepurn, James Cagney & Cary Grant. I adore watching everything from Bringing up Baby, Arsenic & Lace, How Green was your Valley, Gigi, A Tree grows in Brooklyn, Shirley Temple, I Remember Mama, Singing in the Rain, Immitation of Life to the bio-pics about Sousa, George Cohen, etc.

It would be easier to say the stuff I'm not interested in. I was watching an old Mae West film with a young Cary Grant the other night.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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I was watching an old Mae West film with a young Cary Grant the other night.


I can't remember the name of it, but I remember that movie!  I'm the same way, it's hard for me to find a old movie I don't like.  & I watch Bringing Up Baby at least once every 2-3 months.

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I've watched Katherine Hepburn's dramas & thought she was great however her skill at comedy was amazing.

I keep saying I'm going to go to the TMC film festival, so I can be with my people.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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Some of my favorites are Katherine Hepurn, James Cagney & Cary Grant. I adore watching everything from Bringing up Baby, Arsenic & Lace, How Green was your Valley, Gigi, A Tree grows in Brooklyn, Shirley Temple, I Remember Mama, Singing in the Rain, Immitation of Life to the bio-pics about Sousa, George Cohen, etc.

I love The Philadelphia Story (one of my all time favorites!) with Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn. And Imitation of Life is fantastic - are you thinking the version with Lana Turner or the earlier one with Claudette Colbert? I bought both of them years ago!

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And Imitation of Life is fantastic - are you thinking the version with Lana Turner or the earlier one with Claudette Colbert? I bought both of them years ago!

I own, love & watch them both. Both versions have their good points.

I own both versions of the King & I, as well. The Yule Brynner/Debra Kerr version & the 1946 Anna & the King of Siam version. The Yule Brynner version is my favorite.

I don't like both versions of Auntie Mame. I love Lucille Ball but don't like her version that much. For me, it's all Rosalind Russell. She owns that role.

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I haven't seen the Lucille Ball version, so it's Rosalind Russell for me as well, @bestestauntever. I also enjoy this really cracktastic old movie you may not have heard of - The Best of Everything. It's not a good movie, but I SO LOVE IT! Joan Crawford, Hope Lange, Suzy Parker. Ah. Movies like these are so wonderful. They are what I watch when I can't handle tv.

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Not that I'm dating myself at all... *clears throat* But Yul back in the day was my guy. Between he and Gregory I adored them both, for their acting and everything else. I remember when the "Ten Commandments" came out, and Yul walking around in his Rameses' outfit about killed me dead. The movie was cheesy as all get out, heh, but I loved how he played that role, he was the perfect antagonist I always thought.

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I love The Philadelphia Story (one of my all time favorites!) with Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn.


Ooh!  I just watched that last week! 


Add me to the "Rosalind Russell is the only Auntie Mame" group. ;)


"Life's a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death!"  I say this all the time.  Especially when it has nothing to do with the conversation at hand.

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stacey, the Lucille Ball version isn't horrible. Bea Arthur, is even in it. It was made in the 70"s and feels like it was made in the 70's. They hit all the marks & just wasn't able to connect with the emotion. My ooohh, Yul, moment is the dance scene during the King & I. I can watch him grab Debra Kerr by the waist & pull her to him repeatedly.


"Life's a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death!"  I say this all the time.



This is so "top drawer".  Hee, I say this quote often and add the "Live, Live LIVE" part.


I have a bad habit of popping out musical/showtunes in my head & out loud during conversations & travel. 

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Do people look at you oddly when you do?  I do it all the time with Music Man, especially if someone says "trouble".  Unless I'm with my family or my bf (I hooked him on it years ago), no one knows WTF I'm talking about. LOL


& I guess I know what I'm doing for the rest of the weekend...& maybe this coming hot ass week.  I hope my son is in the mood for a lot of black-and-white on the TV.

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I do it all the time with Music Man, especially if someone says "trouble".


Me, too, OnceSane. I used to work with a man from Gary, Indiana, and you know what happened whenever that came up in conversation. Wouldn't be able to get the song out of my head for days.


A number of years ago, I was trying to explain what a slippery slope argument was to one of my English classes, and, unbidden, "First, medicinal wine from a teaspoon; then beer from a bottle" came into my head. . . The next thing I clearly recall is  me standing on the other side of the room, 35 lines later, with a roomful of students looking at me, stunned. They understood the argument, though!

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Do people look at you oddly when you do? I do it all the time with Music Man, especially if someone says "trouble". Unless I'm with my family or my bf (I hooked him on it years ago), no one knows WTF I'm talking about. LOL

My close friends & family love me & are use to it. ;-p

Lol, being African American in the south busting out showtunes, musicals & big band numbers has brought me a few stares over the years. I don't care thou because I love them. They make me feel warm & fuzzy.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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Oh, yes, Yul Brynner was hot stuff. *fans self* And Gregory Peck was my very first imaginary boyfriend. I've had many, but he was the first!



He was just the whole package, and so was Yul, they don't make them like that anymore. I live on TCM, I just love how there's a channel devoted entirely to the classics and the great, often long gone, Hollywood legends.


I miss the days of show tunes, my goodness I have so many favourites, too many to name.

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I do it all the time with Music Man, especially if someone says "trouble".


Add me to this group! I've also been known to bust out in "I Feel Pretty" from West Side Story and "The Hills Are Alive" from Sound of Music. My siblings roll their eyes, but my nieces and nephews love it!

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Can I jump in here. My favorite t v channel is TCM. Casablanca ,  Old movies are the best. You can watch them and no matter who is there, small children etc they are acceptable. I also love musicals all of them I have loads of them West Side Story is the best even in color, I made my daughter watch Marty, she even liked it. the movies made lately are all blood and guts, and foul language. Don't get me wrong I curse, but they take it to a new level. Guess I'm just old.

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Totally agree with OnceSane on the Thin Man series.  The first one, especially, is flawless.


Other favorites are The Best Years of Our Lives, the Lady Eve, and His Girl Friday.  They aren't making many movies now that could touch them.

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Add me to this group! I've also been known to bust out in "I Feel Pretty" from West Side Story and "The Hills Are Alive" from Sound of Music. My siblings roll their eyes, but my nieces and nephews love it!

Hello, My name is Bestest & I have a problem.... I started singing the songs will reading your post. I read "I Feel Pretty" from West Side Story & began to sing it, ditto with the Sound Of Music. Isn't admitting you have a problem the first step.

I love me some Julie Andrews. For years, I have wished I could have seen her perform Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady. I've listened to some of her vocals as Eliza on YT & ended up buying them from itunes. Absolutely beautiful. It is a shame that she wasn't able to play the part on screen, but if she had we wouldn't have Mary Poppins.

testardo, I saw the more the merrier in this particular conversation. I love TCM, too. I hate that AMC doesn't air as many old movies as they use to.


Vocals from "wouldn't it be lovely"

Here"s one clip of Julie Andrews performing "Just You Wait" from My Fair Lady. She starts singing around the 3 minute mark.


Edited by BestestAuntEver
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Let me join in the old movie appreciation chorus! Besides the Thin Man series, we adore the Marx Brothers movies in this house. When my son was old enough (I think we decided that about 8 years old was ideal) we started showing him the Marx Brothers - and from the very first one, he literally fell off the couch he was laughing so hard!

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Okay, this is seriously getting off topic, but I. gotta. know. What'd the underlings do the original Star Wars series that saved it from Lucas?

Okay, it didn't exactly save the first Star Wars, but C3PO was supposed to sound like Watto from the prequel, but the actor in consideration for the speaking voice sacrificed a potential job when he said Anthony Daniels (who was already the physically stand in) sounded much better. Edited by Ambrosefolly
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Okay, it didn't exactly save the first Star Wars, but C3PO was supposed to sound like Watto from the prequel, but the actor in consideration for the speaking voice sacrificed a potential job when he said Anthony Daniels (who was already the physically stand in) sounded much better.

Aww, thanks Ambrosefolly. Yes, I'm glad they went with Daniels.


Now if only Carrie Fisher had risked her job by saying how she really felt about those two side buns. It's now iconic, at least, I suppose.

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This isn't really about the show, per se, but about a dream I had last night, which is probably my subconscious lamenting still about the loss of the awesome Scorpios...


See, it opens up to RobertFucking!Scorpio and Anna Devane Scorpio, looking for Robin, who, in the dream is a wee one, and was kidnapped by the real whacked out psychotic Grant Putnam, and not the DVX, turned good guy, Grant Andrews, I think his name was. I was also involved in this rescue mission and had to pull Robert back and remind him that Andrews was NOT Putnam, blah, blah...it was an amazing adventure, and Wee Robin wasn't cowering in a corner or on a cot or frozen...she was proactive and had left clues for her Superspy Parents...and I'm not quite sure what happened to the Grants, because the dream segued suddenly and I found my arms full of a 3 month adorable baby. I will guess the baby came in because I've been binge-watching Welcome Back, Kotter, and it's season 3 and Kotter now has twin baby girls who are adorable.




So, how's everyone's summer so far?

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Well, Robert Scorpio has yet to grace my dreams, so I guess my summer's not going as well as yours!   LOL.


I always think I will give myself weird dreams by watching re-runs of Twilight Zone right before bed ... but so far that hasn't happened. 

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I am getting ridiculously excited for Comic-Con next week!   My gf and I go every year and go a few days early and hang around San Diego and it is literally my favorite week of the year.  

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Hey everyone,


another refugee from TWOP.. a little late chiming in, but my summer has been pretty crazy thus far, one sister getting married, another sister getting divorced. Drama drama on all fronts. 


I was BeetFarmGirl over on TWOP,


congrats tvgoddess! 


I, like many of you I suspect, like to watch The Thin Man every Christmas. Christmas Eve is for White Christmas but Christmas, its always The Thin Man and Scrooge (the Albert Finney musical).


For all you Star Wars fans, it includes Alec Guinness as the campiest Jacob Marley ever.

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Sometimes when I'm having a bad day, the song lyrics "I hate people!" start running through my mind. 

Christmas isn't Christmas until I have watched at least three scrooge movies.Old. old and older.

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Besides Scrooge, I'm partial to the black and white Alastair Sim version.  


As well as the Muppet Christmas Carol - I dunno, watching Michael Caine interact with the muppets with complete sincerity just gets me every time.  Kermit is Bob Cratchet, of course.  


But I will literally watch any good or even crappy version of it, made for TV or otherwise.  

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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Dreams of RF!S, Comic-Con & bonuses. Congratulations. This board is having a good summer.

Hopefully, it rubs off on me because I'm looking for a new job. I have interviews scheduled for Friday & Tuesday.

Tiger, which panels are you going to?

Christmas isn't Christmas until I have watched at least three scrooge movies.Old. old and older.

Add one more, the animated Disney Version & I'm in for the Christmas viewing party.

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Hey everyone,


another refugee from TWOP.. a little late chiming in, but my summer has been pretty crazy thus far, one sister getting married, another sister getting divorced. Drama drama on all fronts. 


I was BeetFarmGirl over on TWOP,


congrats tvgoddess! 


I, like many of you I suspect, like to watch The Thin Man every Christmas. Christmas Eve is for White Christmas but Christmas, its always The Thin Man and Scrooge (the Albert Finney musical).


For all you Star Wars fans, it includes Alec Guinness as the campiest Jacob Marley ever.


I have that movie didn't realize Obi wan was him. I have to show that to my grandson who is a Star Wars lover. We watch the movies instead of GH.

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Besides Scrooge, I'm partial to the black and white Alastair Sim version. 


As well as the Muppet Christmas Carol - I dunno, watching Michael Caine interact with the muppets with complete sincerity just gets me every time.  Kermit is Bob Cratchet, of course.


Are you me? I adore the Alastair Sim version & I'll watch Muppet Christmas Carol any time of the year.


Good luck. BestestAuntEver!

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In case anyone was interested, we ended up hiring Bobbie.  To make sure I wasn't being clouded by the GH factor, I had one of my colleagues interview her too and she liked Bobbie just as much as I did.  


And yes, her parents did name her after the GH character. 

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So very sad to hear about James Garner's passing. He was always so great to watch. Perhaps I'm ghoulish, but when a notable actor passes, one of my first thoughts is, "Ooh! TCM marathon"


As long as it includes "The Great Escape" and "Support Your Local Sheriff" I feel like Garner's work will be well represented.

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