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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I can't believe Carly had the nerve to say TJ was "still recovering from the nasty run-in with his mother." It was nasty because Carly and Sonny made it so!


LOL when Nina snapped at Denise, "Will you stop that accent? It's driving me crazy." 


Maxie, there were NOT extenuating circumstances when Valerie and Dante kissed. It's not like Dante thought Lulu was dead and she returned. That would be an extenuating circumstance. Being mad at your wife is not an extenuating circumstance. And Valerie, if you don't enjoy being called a home wrecker, DON'T BE ONE. It's that easy.


Lulu's baby mention was not casual. Is the embryo going to rear its ugly head soon?

  • Love 6

The transcript isn't up, but I'm surprised lightning didn't strike Carly dead after she brought up Jordan being undercover and lying to her son.  Saint Carly never lied to her son, except that one little time, when Sonny murdered Michael's bio-dad.

That was almost as good as when she criticized Kate for "coming to town with a fake name". I was like, "whaddup 'Carly Roberts'".

  • Love 10


It looks like Maxie is not using the careers as a personnel shopper and event planner for Sonny's wedding. I think that she is still mooching off Mac and Flea.


Maxie should become friends with that other moocher Kiki. The problem is that Kiki doesn't have friends even the made up friend they  gave her so she could be out of town when her father was murdered.

  • Love 1
Lulu's baby mention was not casual. Is the embryo going to rear its ugly head soon?

Ah, but which one?  Dunh dunh dunhhhh...


Isn't there only the one embryo? But I can see JP making it so Lulu can carry a baby to term, and she and Valerie will get pregnant at the same time, and then Dante is torn between babies.


Because babies are what this show needs more of, along with the mob stuff.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 5

There's a leftover Dante/Lulu one? I thought the S******/Lulu one was the last chance. 


I zoned out during a lot of the "e" discussions, though.


Yeah, and there was that whole thing with Obrecht last year where she used the extra embryo to get the charges dropped against her?


anyway, I came here to say, does anyone just want Liz and Sam to drop the men and move in together and raise the kids together? Someone has to, right? They have much better chemistry with each other.

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I don't know what the show wants, but I will never root for Nina... I guess I could stop right there and it would be a true statement but what I was originally planning to say was .. I will never root for Nina to get the better of Ava after what Nina did to her when she was pregnant.  That was seriously one of the most disturbing things I've seen a soap do.  


And I don't know exactly why we are supposed to think Nina is all better because she still acts crazy half the time and we never actually saw her recovery (not that I wanted more time spent on her).  It's just she went to the mental institution and then like a week later we were supposed to believe she was cured of her murderous rage tendencies.  Not buying it.  I do not watch Nina and think "aw, poor Nina.  It's so unfair" and there is nothing the show can do with this character to make me feel for her.  She just needs to go.

Edited by Mrs. Stanwyck
  • Love 12
I will never root for Nina to get the better of Ava after what Nina did to her when she was pregnant.  That was seriously one of the most disturbing things I've seen a soap do.


And the show didn't even try to redeem Nina. Sending her to Shady Brook for shenanigans with Franco is not redemption. Those two need to run off together and never return.

  • Love 11

And the show didn't even try to redeem Nina. Sending her to Shady Brook for shenanigans with Franco is not redemption. Those two need to run off together and never return.


Now THAT would be fine.


However, if show felt compelled to bring them back at a far, far future time, it should be as the villains they are.  Not this quasi-anti-hero schtick.  That's been a fail in so many ways.  There is not a trace of romance in their unhealthy co-dependent rage monkey murdering selves.  I can see them having a fantasy wedding and then a little honeymoon murder spree, far, far away.

Yeah, and there was that whole thing with Obrecht last year where she used the extra embryo to get the charges dropped against her?

anyway, I came here to say, does anyone just want Liz and Sam to drop the men and move in together and raise the kids together? Someone has to, right? They have much better chemistry with each other.


  • Love 1

anyway, I came here to say, does anyone just want Liz and Sam to drop the men and move in together and raise the kids together? Someone has to, right? They have much better chemistry with each other.


{jumps up and down waving both arms}

Me! Me! I do, I do!


I'm sick of the men they want, none of them are good enough for Liz or Sam and aside from maybe Nicolas and Sonny (Patrick doesn't count because there's zero heat between them and besides, PodPatrick is just a placeholder until RealPatrick brings Robin back), they've both been involved with the same men (Jason, Lucky, Ric), they're both pocket-sized brunettes who bring the pretty, they've both done unforgivable things to each other and as you've already mentioned, they have more chemistry together than they do with anyone else currently on the show.


C'mon show, give us something!!!

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Did they change Danny again? I swear he is different every time I lay eyes on him. He is cute but of course he is blonde like Jason and not brunette like this mother.


Liz always has such a stink face when she sees Sam/Danny. If I was Sam I would def. say something about the picture Liz has out of her and Jason.


So Liz told little Jake that his other father Jason is dead. Lmao lying to your kid now. Whats up with the devil child always getting presents Cam and Aiden are missing out.


Maxie is so annoying. Why does her whole life revolve around Lulu/Dante. Get a life.

  • Love 3

{jumps up and down waving both arms}

Me! Me! I do, I do!


I'm sick of the men they want, none of them are good enough for Liz or Sam and aside from maybe Nicolas and Sonny (Patrick doesn't count because there's zero heat between them and besides, PodPatrick is just a placeholder until RealPatrick brings Robin back), they've both been involved with the same men (Jason, Lucky, Ric), they're both pocket-sized brunettes who bring the pretty, they've both done unforgivable things to each other and as you've already mentioned, they have more chemistry together than they do with anyone else currently on the show.


C'mon show, give us something!!!

And we already saw them do the (married) couple schtick when they drove to the cabin with the Russians on their tail.

So Brad is married to Rosalie. What a surprise? At least we may know her secret.

Da fuq? Seriously? That is SO. DUMB.

  • Love 4

So, just a few days ago, Sam was all encouraging for Elizabeth to accept Jake's proposal, yet, today, she looks all troubled when she finds out Elizabeth said yes.


So Sonny, and the writers, presumably, can stand there with a straight face and warn Carly about the dangers of being close to a dangerous person like Jake.


So Rosalie is Brad's secret wife.


Oh, this crazy, mixed-up show.  What'cha gonna do?  ::pats it on the head in fond exasperation::  Only not.

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How convenient that RC never penned Rosalie to previously have interacted with Brad, so when the time came and he had to cover his ass he could also use the fact that he most likely forgot that he also never revealed Rosalie's "secret" after a year of her being on canvas, and have her be Brad's wife. 


Is this her big secret?  The one that she lived in fear of everyone from Nina to Helena exposing?  "Oh noes I'm married to a gay man!"  For crying out loud, being married to Brad isn't THAT embarrassing.

  • Love 10

Thursday episode for those who haven't, can't or wont' see it:  And yes, I'm paraphrasing just a wee bit:


Jordan:  You're behind this

Julian:  No I'm not

Jordan:  You better tell me if you are

Julian:  I'm not

JOrdan:  I'm almost positive that you are

Julian:  Am not


Dante:  Gotta bring in these suspects....oopsie one of them's dead and got a boat load of blood all over me before he died


Franco:  I have no motive

Scott:  My assistant heard you have a loud fight with Silas hours before he was murdered and Nina's name was mentioned.  

Franco:  Oh yeah, that.  


Nina:  You're Ava

Ava:  Am not

Nina:  You're exactly like my mother...MY MOTHER (I dont' even know what she meant by that exactly)

Ava:  I have a picture, neener neener neener

NIna:  I deleted it

Ava:  It's never deleted

Nina:  Oh yeah.  Well, you're rubber and I'm glue so there.  I'm going to tell the police about stuff.


Maxie:  Sorry I called you a homewrecking ho

Val:  I'm not, I'm not, I;m not.  I totally respect the boundaries of Lulu and that guy she's married to.....OH EM GEE man of my dreams that I love more than life itself but cannot have because of that bitchy cousin of mine wasn't really cheating, are you dying with all that blood on your shirt. .  Ooopsie, I mean, hey man that I work with, who sauntered in here and is clearly not injured let me get you some paper towels for that bloody shirt.  


Maxie:  What was up with that?



Carly:  I want a pretty dress for my eleventy eleven wedding to you

Sonny:  I prefer you naked

Carly:  Oh silly you.  Why are we on today's episode again?


Lulu:  Dante and I doing it again

Dillon:  TMI.  Also, Val and I are so totally dating.

Lulu:  Love it.  have no problem with it.  No problemo.  

Dillon:  wanna work together

Lulu:  Sure my hubby has not problems with me working with my exes and I haven't learned my lesson from Vancouver.  

OMG, this is the funniest thing I've ever read here xDDDD.


Today's twist with Rosalie and Brad made no sense btw. I mean, they've both been in town at the same time for what? Over a year now? They would of ran into eachother a long time ago.

Edited by teenj12
  • Love 2

I agree with backhometome - seems like Danny got recast again. 


Sam's face upon seeing the framed pic of Elizabeth and Jason on display - good acting by KeMo. I guess the pic worked well in that scene so Danny would realize Liz and his late daddy had a relationship. BUT the scripting error for KeMo was dumb/sloppy, esp. since Sam knows Cam and knew Liz when she was pregnant with Jake - he is NOT big brother to Cam and Aiden. He is the middle son. Also, the lame line that both boys are clearly Jason's sons because they like playing with motorcycles. The contrast between Liz's face and Sam's face as the boys played together was almost funny. 


Gotta love Sam's unhappy face to Liz about the engagement, then going for the fake smile and attempt at Congrats to Jakeson. BM and BH sure played that moment as awkward/forced happiness. 

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I'm SO sick of looking at that Glamour Shots picture of Liz/Jason. How disrespectful to invite his WIFE over and have that on full-display.

But that's the least of Liz's crimes. Sadly. Although Sam was SO cute all, "This is your dad!" to NuNuNuNuNuNuDanny.

Sam was NOT happy at.all about a Liz and Jake's engagement. Hmm. Is she feeling something toward Jake?

Hayden/Nik/Patrick was SO boring. Everyone was so monotone in those scenes.

Dante is such an idiot. Sonny is inefficient? Is that why it's so hard for your ass to lock him up?

Couldn't care less about Brad/Lucas/Rosalie/Dillon/Valerie...

  • Love 3

I literally groaned when Rosalie appeared. Still with this chick?? Still?? And now she's Brad's wife?? For fuck's sake, they never saw each other around the hospital when she was Nina's nurse?? COME ON.


I liked Lulu's post-sex top. Good to see the PCPD's top detectives taking sex breaks before they get to work.


I love how all of Maxie's dialogue tells us what Nathan's facial expressions mean. "You have that look on your face when you're bothered by something but you don't want to say it!"


When were people telling Valerie to move out of Wyndemere? Must have been on off-screen GH.


I actually liked Patrick calling Lucas "Jonesy". That's cute.


And yeah, I know, this is secretly Jason, but Carly would NEVER bestow the title of best friend on someone else. It just wouldn't happen.


Makes no sense why Sonny is lying to Carly about the mob stuff.


lol at Dante saying Sonny is discreet just like lol yesterday at Alexis saying Sonny's first resort isn't usually violence.


Liz is craaaaaaaazeeeee. Speaking of which, why did Jason even bother impregnating women? Why didn't they just have his kids spring fully formed from his forehead, since both of them seem to have no attribute of their mothers.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 7
Also, the lame line that both boys are clearly Jason's sons because they like playing with motorcycles.


This sort of thing is so COMPLETELY STUPID I can't stand it. It almost sends me into a rage blackout.


Good to see the PCPD's top detectives taking sex breaks before they get to work.


It's not like they solve any crimes. They might as well spend their day doing something. (Or someone; ba-DUM-dum!)

  • Love 7

Okay, so Brad's married to Rosalie.  I swam in from the Barge last month, so without more information I'm assuming she's somehow dirty (or at least compromised, which is probably far more likely with this show) in her own, non-Nikolas-related way.  Whether that has anything to do with the mysterious encroachments onto Sonny's territory (paging Ms. Wu, please pick up the red plot-device phone, Ms. Wu...?) remains to be seen, but I'm morbidly curious as to what would cause this evil mirror-universe Liz clone to marry Brad.  Is one of them going to bust out a green card or something?


So Sonny, and the writers, presumably, can stand there with a straight face and warn Carly about the dangers of being close to a dangerous person like Jake.



Isn't that a running gag of sorts at this point, fucked up as it is?  Not that it doesn't deserve all the eyerolls in the world, but still.

  • Love 4

Is this her big secret?  The one that she lived in fear of everyone from Nina to Helena exposing?  "Oh noes I'm married to a gay man!"  For crying out loud, being married to Brad isn't THAT embarrassing.


I didn't even realize that was supposed to be her secret till someone mentioned her dying and I was like but then we won't know the seeeecret and then I realized oh, that's it. okay then, Rosalie.


(Rosalie dying is merely speculation.)


I will say, today's scenes were more than two seconds long and Franco/Nina/Ava/Silas/Kiki/Morgan/Madeline/Obrecht/Denise free, so that alone made it  more watchable.


except when gems of dialogue like this come up:


Dillon: I don't know why we always bring up Dante and Lulu.


Yes Dillon, it's almost like tehre's a writer putting words in your mouth. And am I not remembering correctly or did Valerie she always brought up Dante because she worked with him? Yes, however did that situation come about, Valerie.

  • Love 1

I watched today and enjoyed the Brad/Lucas/Rosalie scenes. The fact they have lived in the same town for almost 2 years without seeing each other or knowing where their spouse is, makes no sense but I enjoyed the reveal.

Okay, so Brad's married to Rosalie. I swam in from the Barge last month, so without more information I'm assuming she's somehow dirty (or at least compromised, which is probably far more likely with this show) in her own, non-Nikolas-related way. Whether that has anything to do with the mysterious encroachments onto Sonny's territory (paging Ms. Wu, please pick up the red plot-device phone, Ms. Wu...?) remains to be seen, but I'm morbidly curious as to what would cause this evil mirror-universe Liz clone to marry Brad. Is one of them going to bust out a green card or something?

Hopefully something like this will happen under the new writers.

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I actually liked Patrick calling Lucas "Jonesy". That's cute.



I didn't see today's show yet, I had a dentist appointment which was way less painful than watching GH these days.

The Rosalie/Brad being married thing, didn't we all kinda figure that she was going to wind up being his wife?

It makes no sense so of course that's what we get.

I'll watch it, rather, I'll put it on tomorrow, whether I pay attention is a whole 'nother thing except I have to see Patrick calling Lucas "Jonesy" because one of my now-deceased gay BFFs used to call me 'Jonesy' all the time (Joanne, Jonesy, whatever, but still, every time I hear "Jonesy" it makes me smile and brings back those good old days when we went to NYC every night- RIP JB - sorry, totally off topic but I miss my dead friends so much and there are way too many of them.... sorry again)


Um, on-topic, why do we have to go through this stupid quad with Dante/Lulu/Dillon/Valerie?


And just because, shut up Sonny.

  • Love 3


Liz is craaaaaaaazeeeee. Speaking of which, why did Jason even bother impregnating women? Why didn't they just have his kids spring fully formed from his forehead, since both of them seem to have no attribute of their mothers.

Maybe they're just clones.....(oops...I hope the writers don't catch that.)



Also, the lame line that both boys are clearly Jason's sons because they like playing with motorcycles.





This sort of thing is so COMPLETELY STUPID I can't stand it. It almost sends me into a rage blackout.



Because the love of motorcycles is totally genetic, amirite?? No way it could have to do with each Mom telling the kid how their Daddy loved motorcycles.

GAH!! This show!

  • Love 1

Wouldn't surprise me if Sam told Danny his Daddy loved motorcycles. This is the one thing writers got correct with now 8-year-old Jake; he liked them when he was a toddler although he was just barely aware of Jason. They played motorcycles the night at the hospital when Cam was in a bus crash with Olivia, Steven Lars, Matt, and teens. Liz told little Jake recently they were his favorite when he was little, too and didn't even mention Jason. I guess she was just still in shock at seeing him alive. 


Was anyone else amused that little Jake was completely uninterested in big Jake down on one knee, giving his mom a diamond ring? He just wanted permission to show off yet another new toy to his brothers. Such a lovely message the show is giving that Jake is Jason's son while Cam and Aiden are just Liz's (and Lucky's) other children./sarcasm  


I do get Sam's perspective, though, that she's happy her son has a sibling nearby.  I've noticed she's not talking like Danny and Emma are siblings or like Patrick is her son's Daddy. 

  • Love 3

I love how everyone's all offended that Sonny is being accused of killing that guy. A mobster being involved, imagine! The nerve!


I also like Sonny being uncomfortable around Jakeson and thinking he's dangerous. Sucks when it's your family who might be in the line of fire, doesn't it, Sonny?


There's no way Brad and Rosalie didn't cross paths before now.

  • Love 2

On Friday's Paraphrase Hospital


Lulu:  Uh, not for nothing, but I'll be working in close proximity with DIllon, the guy you thought I was cheating with

Dante;  Yeah, I have my own guilt to deal with, so all's good.  Hey, we haven't mentioned my mother in about a month, I wonder what's she's up to. Who could possibly be at the door. 


Maxie:  Can you believe we have absolutely no storyline other than me obsessing over Valerie's obsession with Dante.

Nathan: ...........................................


Carly:  Jake's my friend.  I have so few of them.  There's Jake and then there's, well Jake.....

Sonny:  You shouldn't stand so close to Jake because violence might get you, you know, like that time I shot you in the head while you were giving birth, I mean, when all those meanies in this town do mean violent things that I never ever do.  I'm not a hypocrite, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not.


Brad:  I have something super important, but instead of spitting it out, I'll just go around in circles for a couple more weeks before actually telliing you what it is that I'm been meaning to tell you.


Sam:  Look at the sheer joy on my face that my husband's boys are into motorcycles, which totally means that they're Jason's sons.  Who needs DNA tests when you have love of motorcycles as the true test

LIz:  Look at the constipated annoyed look on my face as I am not amused by this.  


Rosalie: ooooh, yummy doctor humana, humana, humana

Lucas:  yeah, I play for the other team

Rosalie:  eh, that's never stopped me before


Liz:  I heart Jason Morg....uh I mean Jake Doe, so he's gonna put a ring on it

Sam:  Love that, love it love it love it, totally don't hate it  like my face is indicating


Rosalie:  How shocking to find you here, a lab tech, in a hospital setting

Brad:  Lucas, meet the old ball and chain

Edited by Perkie
  • Love 15
So Sonny, and the writers, presumably, can stand there with a straight face and warn Carly about the dangers of being close to a dangerous person like Jake.


Heh, yeah, big talk from someone who just killed a guy two days ago. But irony is wasted on these characters anyway, as Carly can also say with a straight face that Nik is a snake who deserves everything he's got coming to him. In the first place, she doesn't give a shit about ELQ and since when is she happy about Michael running it? In the second place, she and Jax stole Nik's son from him. I know it was only Spencer, but still.


What is going on with Liz's eyebrows? She's got a real Joan Crawford thing going on lately.


I snort-laughed at how unexcited Jake was when Jason gave him his present. He took at and huffed away as if he was thinking, "great, he gave me a bag. How long do I have to carry this bag around?" It's like he didn't understand there was a present inside the bag.

Edited by fishcakes
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