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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I can't decide which I like better - Dead Now Alive Jake  or ****. Anyway, how long will this specimen be on our screen before he goes wherever Aidan is? Also, I'm just going to assume Liez used the trust fund originally intended for Jake to pay for Jakeson's hospital bills, so what happens now that he's back from the dead? Will Jason write another check? These are important questions and I need answers.



Actually she lost money in questionable stocks with the money Jason gave her.

So can someone tell me if the subject of Valerie or Dante potentially losing one or both of their jobs, has ever come up? I would think, that inter department affairs are frowned upon.  But then, I'd also think Jordan wouldn't sit there and trade girly gossip with someone she knows had sex with a married co worker. Especially since both of them are her subordinates. So dumb.

Jordan brought up that very thing to Valerie early in Thursday's episode, of how two people working in the department can't be involved.  Valerie assured her that what happened wasn't going to go any farther than what happened.  Even though we all know it's liable to do just that, anyway. . . .


I'm truly afraid to gaze into that child's eyes. It might steal your soul.


I know a lot of people thought that the girl who played Joss two or three years ago (the one who first inspired the corn meme around here) was somewhat creepy looking (I personally didn't feel that way as much as a few others here did, but whatever), but this kid takes the cake. 




On second thought...yeah, they're neck and neck. 

Edited by UYI
  • Love 3

I know a lot of people thought that the girl who played Joss two or three years ago (the one who first inspired the corn meme around here) was somewhat creepy looking (I personally didn't feel that way as much as a few others here did, but whatever), but this kid takes the cake. 




On second thought...yeah, they're neck and neck.

That's just evil.

  • Love 1

I guess I just come from the POV that Liz/Jason were never right for each other. So I didn't even think there ever should have been a child between them to begin with. 

I absolutely agree they were never right for each other, but I don't think a child between them goes hand in hand with that - you could say the same about Tracy and Paul (Dillon), AJ and Carly (friends to lovers = Michael; then enemies), Carly and Jax (Joss), Alexis and Sonny (Kristina). Sam and Sonny (stillborn baby girl), Maxie and Spinelli (Georgie), Sabrina and Patrick (RIP Shamwow). I was personally disgusted with the killing off of toddler Jake because it was done to a) give Elizabeth a terrible exit storyline as Becky was fired and b) prop bio dad Jason who barely knew the kid/justify deciding to raise a child w/Sam despite awareness their child would always be in danger. Jake dying then, in that way, made 3 legacy characters look bad. Elizabeth was distracted looking at test results and didn't have the front door locked. Lucky was supposed to have his sons that night but had Liz take them home with her at the last minute so he could marry Siobhan immediately (the hero complex thing). Luke was driving drunk, rushing to the court house for Lucky and Siobhan's wedding. The propping of Carly, her sick daughter and the Carly-Jason relationship on top of that also irked me, but not as much as what I've already mentioned. 

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 10

I'm not understanding this whole "Jake never should have died" argument. Why?

Because it didn't move the story along at all. It was clearly done as a way to sever ties between Elizabeth and Jason and to have Jason look better when he had Danny and was allowed to be in his life.

 It also ruined the character of Luke for me because he had zero remorse. And I will never buy that Fluke was the culprit.

  • Love 7

I thought about it, and I am ok if Nikolas knew about Jake.  Just for the chance to hear this exchange:



I will be beyond furious if RC writes that Nikolas knew this whole time because it will be another GH vet character completely destroyed and made irredeemable.  I can deal with Nikolas planning a hit on Hayden - even though it's completely OOC, but there is no way that Nikolas would allow an innocent child to live with his grandmother for five years while his brother and Elizabeth grieve their son.  If RC writes that BS then I think I'm done with this show because that would make Nikolas beyond saving, and I like Nikolas.  RC has already written so many GH vet characters out of character and elevated his newbies.  He completely eviscerated AJ, brought Ric back and regressed him, wrote Morgan as an idiot, Carly as a woman who would bed the man who got her son raped, and now he has Elizabeth keeping a man hostage in her bed with her lies.  Meanwhile, Nina, Franco, Ava, Valerie, Madeline, and the rest of the newbies are all written to be innocent of their crimes and victims of the big ol meanies in GH that did them wrong.  

  • Love 7

there is no way that Nikolas would allow an innocent child to live with his grandmother for five years while his brother and Elizabeth grieve their son.  If RC writes that BS then I think I'm done with this show because that would make Nikolas beyond saving, and I like Nikolas.  

If RC does go there, Nikolas can justify it that the boy was not living with/being raised by Helena because she got shot (by Luke), died, got put on ice for awhile (a year +)? before being revived. Jake was growing up with a nanny and a housekeeper on some part of Cassadine Island. But I think it will play that he was completely unaware, same as he was when Robin was locked in the underground lab. 

  • Love 1

Ugh. Grow a pair, Ron. Just let "I give no fucks " Nikolas admit to everything. And I mean everything. Even raising Spencer as annoying as possible. Then don't expect me to pick a side when Spencer and Zombie Jake face off. Though I suspect they'll be bff, as they aren't children. They're creepy and/or annoying.

"My name is Jake."

Well, I'm not telling you my name kid. You scare me.

  • Love 5

These aren't the only two options.


They are as far as this writing regime is concerned.  Heck, if I were an actor on GH right now I'd push for a "meaty" storyline where my character does something absolutely, unforgiveably heinous* - that's what gets you job security these days.



* - DZ:  "So Dante becomes a sex addict, and, to satisfy his cravings, goes on a rape spree where he victimizes half the women under age 35 on the canvas!  Waddya think?"

RC:  "Great!  Then after that we'll have him become Police Commissioner!"

  • Love 6

The Lucky/Luke scenes were nice, although there was a shade too much asskissing from Lucky.


...Lucky was way overdoing it on the asskissing.


JJ's whole career, and Lucky's character, are based on asskissing Tony Geary/Luke.


TG left me cold today. JJ is great, but I feel about Luke the same way I feel about Sonny. They only appreciate being a father when they're being told how awesome they are. Neither is really interested in actual parenting.


Lucky has always put Luke on a pedestal, from the time he was a little boy.  Even when Luke's done the worst, Lucky's found a way to forgive him.  In some situations, it's taken time and a lot of work by Luke to regain the trust, but Lucky's forgiven him.


The personal relationship that Geary and JJ have always had makes it impossible to sustain belief in their father and son roles. It is like the intense relationship of Liz Taylor and Richard Burton: knowledge about their personal history and drama constantly interferes with and undermines their attempts to act together.

  • Love 2

I think it's that when we see JJ and TG in scenes together, we are not seeing Lucky and Luke and THEIR history.  We are simply seeing JJ and TG spout ridiculous lines that have almost no basis in the Luke and Lucky history.  For years, Lucky believed that Luke KILLED Jake, and was almost entirely unrepentant or remorseful about it.


For Lucky to wax on about wishing Luke had the kind of dad he did or how great Luke was as a father, is laughable.  It's something Lucky at 13 would say, but not Lucky at 33. Not after everything that's happened between them. Not after everything Luke has done.


So really, these are lines JJ is saying to TG and vise versa.  Their close, personal relationship for the last 20 odd years absolutely bleeds into the onscreen relationship between father and son and neither the actors nor the show is interested in preventing those lines from blurring.  So this is what we get. A scene between longtime friends, rather than a scene between Luke and Lucky.

  • Love 14

I think it's that when we see JJ and TG in scenes together, we are not seeing Lucky and Luke and THEIR history.  We are simply seeing JJ and TG spout ridiculous lines that have almost no basis in the Luke and Lucky history.  For years, Lucky believed that Luke KILLED Jake, and was almost entirely unrepentant or remorseful about it.


For Lucky to wax on about wishing Luke had the kind of dad he did or how great Luke was as a father, is laughable.  It's something Lucky at 13 would say, but not Lucky at 33. Not after everything that's happened between them. Not after everything Luke has done.


So really, these are lines JJ is saying to TG and vise versa.  Their close, personal relationship for the last 20 odd years absolutely bleeds into the onscreen relationship between father and son and neither the actors nor the show is interested in preventing those lines from blurring.  So this is what we get. A scene between longtime friends, rather than a scene between Luke and Lucky.

Yeah I certainly can't argue with this logic at all. Some of what lucky was saying had me legit scratching my head wondering WTF he was talking about. But since TG is leaving, and the whole point of JJ returning was to have one final on-screen reunion, I guess I can let it slide. It's still nerve wracking, but c'est la vie.

  • Love 6

Oookay. So I finally watched the last two weeks (yes, I put off watching them based on the comments here) yesterday, so my comments are going to be all over the place.


First, I tried not to fast foward the scenes with Luke, Laura and Holly, and I must have unpaused too late between Luke and Holly because it was between Laura and Holly where the retconned shit went down. So instead of Luke and Holly having what they thought was one last fuck because they thought they were going to die, at a time when both were happily married to Laura and Robert, turned into Oh! We bumped into each other in Hong Kong and Luke that rascally devil, the same as ever, and we decided to fuck just this one time this one weekend. And I NEVER KNEW he was married to you! (Even though I met you two years before Ethan was born) or I never, ever would have slept with Luke!


Then Holly saying how she never ever really knew Bill Eckert, and some words were said that made it sound like she was describing Luke and Laura was all "who else do we know that sounds like that?" bullshit.


That's all I got from two weeks ago.


Now this past week? Okay, I'm a sap. I am. Either that or my allergies, were working overtime. The minute I saw JJ and Genie again, my screen blurred. I couldn't understand why it was so blurry! And then after he saw Jake (Good God, the boy does look like he's been brainwashed; the death stare he gave Luke after he hit him with his car?) and said "That's him", I lost it. Now I have to go back and watch Nashville from the start, because I stopped, when I wasn't seeing enough of JJ.


As for the conversation between Lucky and Luke won't lie, I was blinking back tears.  Yes, Lucky blamed Luke for killing Jake; was angry with him; even through the failed "intervention" etc., etc., I thought, by the time Lucky/JJ left the show, they had made up.


So, I didn't see it completely as JJ and Geary, but the entire relationship of Lucky and Luke, if that makes sense, and I'm crying because I'm bitter over who is running this show, because I so, so, SO much want JJ back as Lucky, but don't, because of who is running this show. JJ just makes everything better.


I don't care how good Becky is working with the shitastic material of her storyline; the story is SHIT. As if circumstances prevented her chance to be with Jason and not fucking Jason himself, telling her sorry, no, I'm going back to my wife and nothing is ever going to happen between us again, even though, when I was separated from Sam and needed to butt my nose in, butted in and made you question Ewan, who, oh how coinkidinkely, turned out to be a devil* and so I kissed you and made you think we could now get together again.  As if he never told her in the past that he loved her; he did; her tears after saying it to him, and hearing Miller's Jason say it back, as if this was the VERY FIRST TIME EVAH Jason said he loved her. It's crap. I hate it.  I mean she's lying so she can finally have what she's always wanted, yet is miserable because she knows the sekrit can implode any time, and I wonder, how can she be happy or enjoy it, when every time I try to watch it, she looks fucking miserable?  And it isn't as though if she told him who he was before this all started, that he would have immediately remembered who he was or that he was in love with Sam. Well, assuming that logically, which I shouldn't, I know. But his feelings for Liz wouldn't have stopped like turning off a faucet.  It's the stupidity that burns.


If Dante hadn't gone and fucked Valerie, I would so be cheering his angry yelling at Looloo. Because every word out of his mouth was true.  And I'm glad I watched it because his "I don't care!" wasn't him saying he didn't care about Lucky, but he didn't care about the whole situation as a whole, if that makes sense. Because once Looloo was able to get a word in edgewise, and he listened--that Lucky had been kidnapped, and he asked why she couldn't tell him that, I would have appreciated a line about how Lucky had been his partner and friend, if only to drive that knife deeper. Yes, I'm a meanie. But he did, so I didn't enjoy it as much as I could have.


And shut up, you fuckwit of a writer/writers who wrote that "this" is what Looloo and Dillon did as "teenagers all the time." It was only ONE time. in 2006.  At the Markham Islands. And it was Robin who was the badass, not you, Looloo.


And Heavens, Valerie's "she cheated on you!" to Dante when he told her he wasn't going to break up his marriage or whatever she said.   A lot of you have called Carlivati Re-Ron, right, for repeating himself? This Dante and Valerie one-night stand eerily reminds me of Taylor and TJ's, which caused Taylor to go all jealous and possessive of him, even though she said she didn't care if it was just one fuck. Same thing here. Acting as if this was some budding relationship that would actually go somewhere. She's definitely going down the Lisa Niles road.


Um, what else? I'm sure I wanted to talk rant about something else, but my mind has suddenly gone blank.  This show has that effect on me.


*Ewan sporting devil's horns when Olivia saw him in one of her LSD visions.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 11
GHScorpiosRule, about Liz/Jason, the fact that Jason DID NOT WANT HER is what ultimately sickens me with this story. He.was.with.Sam for a very long ass time. I know this because I was forced to watch it. I couldn't care less that "Jake" fell in love with Liz. Fell in love with who exactly? He doesn't know her! If anything, he should've been freaked out that this woman wouldn't stop talking about a dead ex who was MARRIED to someone else. And now she's a crazy, delusional liar.
  • Love 3

GHScorpiosRule, about Liz/Jason, the fact that Jason DID NOT WANT HER is what ultimately sickens me with this story. He.was.with.Sam for a very long ass time. I know this because I was forced to watch it.

I disagree. I believe he wanted her, he just didn't want to be with her. Now he may have, had he and Sam not reconciled. Who knows.  But I don't doubt he wanted her. But he did tell her they couldn't be together, or that he didn't want to pursue anything with her, even though he fucking led her on to believe such a thing.


But yes, now she's just entering, crazy, delusional, lying, scheming territory.  And that's just sad, because I like Liz.

  • Love 6

I disagree. I believe he wanted her, he just didn't want to be with her. Now he may have, had he and Sam not reconciled. Who knows. But I don't doubt he wanted her. But he did tell her they couldn't be together, or that he didn't want to pursue anything with her, even though he fucking led her on to believe such a thing.

But yes, now she's just entering, crazy, delusional, lying, scheming territory. And that's just sad, because I like Liz.

I mean, we're pretty much saying the same thing at the end of the day. I'm more talking about the overall story. The fact is, he chose to be with and marry Sam.

It's really sad because I don't believe Liz would ever do this shit. Leave it to Ron to destroy another character!

  • Love 4

First, I tried not to fast foward the scenes with Luke, Laura and Holly, and I must have unpaused too late between Luke and Holly because it was between Laura and Holly where the retconned shit went down. So instead of Luke and Holly having what they thought was one last fuck because they thought they were going to die, at a time when both were happily married to Laura and Robert, turned into Oh! We bumped into each other in Hong Kong and Luke that rascally devil, the same as ever, and we decided to fuck just this one time this one weekend. And I NEVER KNEW he was married to you! (Even though I met you two years before Ethan was born) or I never, ever would have slept with Luke!



That's Paloma. It's been Paloma since the Markam Islands and Ethan is Luke and Paloma's kid - Robert is just hanging out with her until he gets her to tell him where Holly is 

I'm assuming Helena is involved somehow because...REASONS

Edited by Oracle42

I keep scratching my head why some fans seem to think that Jason was never in love with Liz or any other woman but Sam.  Jeez.  Jason and Liz exchanged ILY's in the park after finding out about the men that terrorized the boys.


Yes, Jason went after Liz when she was dating Ewen and effed up that relationship, before deciding he would high tail it back to Sam and Danny.  


Liz and Jason BOTH walked away from each other over the years, but they were in love when they ended things at the courthouse in 2008 and neither person was obsessive over the other!


Jason and Liz always supported the other person's love interest, which is why RC is full of crap that Liz would try and keep Jason away from his wife and other son.

Edited by Darklazr
  • Love 13
I disagree. I believe he wanted her, he just didn't want to be with her


I can dig that. Which makes Liz's desperation to snag what she sees as the love made of roses, rainbows, and unicorns all the more nauseating. Breaking it down, she was a side piece when Jason wouldn't/couldn't be with Sam. Which is gross. I hate Liz. HATE her ass. So a part of me is reveling in her humiliation that will/should come.


But I almost feel a bit sorry for her and want to slap her for a good cause and demand she develop a sliver of self respect. That and slapping Liz would be fun, just because. But I digress. By virtue of the fact, however, she is being so disgusting, however, I'll just have to be content with waiting for her to fall to pieces and hope she doesn't get her ass coddled as she always has when she does her usual passive-aggressive shit associated with all things Jason.


And this comes from someone who has never given a shit about Jason and Sam and wished that all those involved in the 2006 clusterfuck that helped create spawn Jake would have been banished to Mars. Still do, really.

  • Love 3

Watched Friday's episode and I've been on the barge, but I do have to say that I enjoyed the scenes between the 3 L's.  They've worked together for so long, and there is clearly a lot of affection there, but it was more the actors working together and not the characters, and I was okay with that. I've liked Luke more in those scenes than I have in years.  Bringing Jake (the young one because this is all starting to get confusing) back to life is something I figured would happen at some point, so not really surprised.  I wish the reveal of Jake (the Jason Morgan one) would have played out with everyone knowing who he was, but keeping it secret because of how Jason Q acted when he couldn't remember who he was, and since that ended badly maybe everyone would be keeping the truth away and hoping maybe it would work out different this time.  

  • Love 2

So I watched about 15 minutes on Friday and got vaguely intrigued. But about a year ago I finally managed to quit this show and I went cold turkey on the board too (used to post as couchyammy on TWOP). Now I've been reading you guys for the last hour or so and genuinely and loudly cracking up at the vitriolic and cutting rants. I'd forgotten how fun this TFGH board can be in it's brutal takedowns of this godforsaken Crapfest. I love you guys - but I just don't think I can start watching for y'all. I'm going to go back on the barge. But I may check in here from time to time. Good stuff!

  • Love 5

I disagree. I believe he wanted her, he just didn't want to be with her. Now he may have, had he and Sam not reconciled. Who knows.  But I don't doubt he wanted her. But he did tell her they couldn't be together, or that he didn't want to pursue anything with her, even though he fucking led her on to believe such a thing.


But yes, now she's just entering, crazy, delusional, lying, scheming territory.  And that's just sad, because I like Liz.

I agree. Some of you may remember a scene in the Penthouse, where Elizabeth broke down and confessed to Jason that she lied about Danny's DNA test results, and explained why. I think this is a continuation of what she was feeling at that time, that she more or less buried when he was presumed dead. She wanted Jason to be with her, to love only her, make the pain (of loneliness, of loss from Jake's death) go away. A life with him was a fantasy for her; in reality they were incompatible She was always in denial about/refused to accept that he killed people many times when it was not self-defense. 


The scenes from the last few months tell me she feels neither Nikolas nor Ric can be trusted with her heart. She still wants to believe (after how many years?) that being in a relationship with Jakeson with fill her heart and family home with love, and will fix what's broken inside her. The "I love you" to Jakeson showed that yearning, amidst her growing guilt for lying to him and keeping him from Sam and Danny. It reminds me a lot of her reasoning for wanting to marry JJ's Lucky while feeling guilty because she was acting like a sex addict w/Nikolas and lying about it.

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 4

I think that TPTB did an amazing job of casting the young actor who plays Jake back in the day. They found an actor who really looks like StoneCold even when he was about three. The Steve Burton hair do just adds to it. It can make one wonder if genitics or nurture can create a possible mini StoneCold, because that is what this kid is. There is no way to recon his paternity, he really looks like a mini Jason Morgan.

I don't care how many times Liez and Jason said IYL in the past. The only thing that matters to me is that Jason told her to her face in no uncertain terms that he didn't want to be with her. He willingly chose Sam and when he died he was preparing to be a family with her and Danny. End of story. Ron may eventually try to claim she's been unstable this whole time, but fuck that. She doesn't get to play the dead kid card. Yes, she's had a few screws loose for quite some time now, but she's self aware and sane enough to know what she's doing isn't ok.

  • Love 5

I agree. Some of you may remember a scene in the Penthouse, where Elizabeth broke down and confessed to Jason that she lied about Danny's DNA test results, and explained why.

What still steams me is that Jason didn't go off on Elizabeth over that.  If there was ever a time in which someone should've gone off on her, it was then.

  • Love 3

Did Lucky stop washing his hair after Jake died?  He's greasier than Ethan, if that's possible.


Maybe dry shampoo is hard to find in Africa? 


These aren't the only two options.


You can have a hero with a flaw.


You can have a tragic hero with a fatal flaw.


You can have a hero who is largely flawless, but with conflict.  The conflict can be a problem or situational (a disease to overcome -- or not overcome (if you're Stone, for instance); financial set back; crisis of some sort). The conflict can be purely due to an adversary (Grant Putnam comes in and kidnaps you; the Cassadines try to freeze the world).


There are so many combinations and variations of the general themes that can be done.  If a writer subscribes to the point of view above -- which I often times think Ron does -- then it's time to get out of the business of writing. 


You are hired as Ron's replacement! 

  • Love 2

I am done with this show totally until Mr. Geary performs his FINAL, overacted scene and he is gone for good.  I won't subject my brain to a summer of his florid scenery chewing. Even to see Jane Elliot.  Done.

You can do what I've been doing, and just skip the Luke stuff and watch whatever else might interest you. Jane and Richard Burgi are bouncing off each other in every scene thus far, and it's so much fun. I haven't had that much enjoyment watching GH in years, and the rest of the show is black and white in comparison to the color they are bringing for me.

  • Love 1

What still steams me is that Jason didn't go off on Elizabeth over that.  If there was ever a time in which someone should've gone off on her, it was then.

I've seen Billy Miller do emotional angry and betrayed. Not Sonny betrayyyyaaal. But imo hiding his identity and lying to his face, his family and loved ones is not an act of just screwing up or screwing over. It's the ultimate betrayal. It's not a yelling, rawr I hate you bitchslutwhoretramp barware throwing silent angry pout thing. It's confused, angry tears and disgust. It's not something Carly, Sam or anyone else needs to go nuclear on Liz for. I fully expect Jason to handle this sans guns. Hell even Micheal and Monica. And Tracy. Why? Because even if Jason wasn't her favorite nephew, he was still her nephew. And in the midst of all this ELQ takeover, Liz did know what Nik was doing and she let it happen so she could "have" Jason. This isn't Carly or Sonny's story at this point. It's a full on Quartermaine tale. So imo the stakes of Jason's reveal and identity have been raised.

Hell, now Anna has a huge stake because the Cassadines have Robin. And I'm sure Robin was taking care of Little Zombie.

  • Love 2

Came in from the bargain-basement no-cable section of the barge (I guess that'd be steerage) to catch this past week's Steady Mobbin'...yeah, I'm more than a little morbidly curious about Luke's farewell tour...


The whole thing with Luke and Lucky...it worked for me, but it also absolutely was less about Luke and Lucky and more about TG and JJ.  Ditto the farewell between Luke and suddenly creeper/uber-cougar Helena, though that at least was punctuated by a hilarious WTF face on Luke's part.  (OTOH, if Hels actually gets to afternoon-tea off into the sunset...that'd almost be fitting.  Though I suppose there's always the chance for a final confrontation between her and Laura.)


Unfortunately, that led to the NDA Jake reveal...and that doesn't sit well with me at all.  That entire story was played as Luke's greatest epic fail, start to finish, and as insane as that was they have at least tried to hew close to maintaining it--but, since Luke is exiting the canvas for good, they decided to reverse it?  Because it's not nearly as much about Liz, or Lucky, or Jakeson, but him?  Pfft.  And then they have the gall to literally FF>> the fuck over any sort of explanation of how this even happened?  Unless he starts sneaking into Emma's bedroom to cut her hair while she sleeps in order to clone her using the Heathkit Clone-A-Matic kit you know the White Queen bought him for his birthday, I'm already over this.


And having no clue about the whole Hayden thing before now that entire story is just one big blast of white noise for me, but when exactly did Liz and Nikolas take this one long step into the dark side--Liz to keep Jakeson for herself, and Nik to obtain control of ELQ?  Before the Nurses' Ball?  (Come to think of it, when did Liz and Nik find out who Jakeson is?)


On the positive side:

  • Richard Burgi as Dillon's cheerfully smarmy uber-absentee dad totally works for me.  Especially with Jane Elliot (so far).  GH doesn't deserve him, of course, but if he's here I'm going to at least stick with him for a while.
  • Dante's anger over Lulu's lying to him in the name of "those five minutes when I matter," albeit colored by the fact that he then went full cliche and lied to her by omission about Valerie.  (The whole Sonny-like betraaaayaaaallll thing he did earlier...I'm trying to ignore that.)
  • I won't even lie: Brytni Sarpy's derriere in that dress and skirt.  If Dante had to stick it in pending crazy, at least Valerie is some pending crazy that's far hotter than his wife.
  • And, bizarrely, Jordan's fixation on busting Sonny.  I'm actually not a Jordan fan (and how the hell did she become PCPD commissioner, anyway?!?), so the idea of seeing her run face-first into his personal Reality Distortion Field is a little appealing...but also sad.
Edited by Bill C.
  • Love 7

I've seen Billy Miller do emotional angry and betrayed. Not Sonny betrayyyyaaal. But imo hiding his identity and lying to his face, his family and loved ones is not an act of just screwing up or screwing over. It's the ultimate betrayal. It's not a yelling, rawr I hate you bitchslutwhoretramp barware throwing silent angry pout thing. It's confused, angry tears and disgust. It's not something Carly, Sam or anyone else needs to go nuclear on Liz for. I fully expect Jason to handle this sans guns. Hell even Micheal and Monica. And Tracy. Why? Because even if Jason wasn't her favorite nephew, he was still her nephew. And in the midst of all this ELQ takeover, Liz did know what Nik was doing and she let it happen so she could "have" Jason. This isn't Carly or Sonny's story at this point. It's a full on Quartermaine tale. So imo the stakes of Jason's reveal and identity have been raised.

Hell, now Anna has a huge stake because the Cassadines have Robin. And I'm sure Robin was taking care of Little Zombie.


I highly doubt Jason will do a damn thing. Carly will probably get in her face but she'll be ignored because Liez doesn't care about her. Lucky won't be in town, Monica doesn't exist anymore, and I don't see Tracy caring enough about Jason to say anything. Sam might be allowed to get angry but it will only last for a few episodes and Liez doesn't care about her opinion anyway. She will cry about Dead Now Alive Jake and maybe spend a week in Shadybrook and then all will be forgotten. She'll have sex with Nik right after her "relationship" with Jason busts up and of course get knocked up because none of the men who screw her wear condoms. The baby will be Nik's but she'll lie and say it's Jason's and everyone will believe her because they're dumb. When she's finally exposed she'll cry some more and maybe make another trip to Shadybrook. Then everything will be forgotten. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. 

  • Love 7
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