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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I have to believe at this point the only reason their dragging their feet for so long is that they need Robin/Kim McC. Or they're horrible planners. You know. Either one.

I still find that crazy, though, because like I've said, there is too much going on in this story. When Jason is revealed to all, the show has to deal with Robin, Samtrick, JaSam, Liz/Jason, Carly/Sonny, Michael, Liz/Nik's lies, and now ****.

Edited by HeatLifer

So Ron isn't even bothering to explain a single detail as to how or why Jake's death was faked, nor what he's been doing and where? This is seriously Luke, and Helena's (?) big exit story? Really?!?

I would have rather seen The Spencers & The Cassadines battle it out on "Family Feud".

He's either dumb as fuck (like everyone else) and believes Robin is just living happily in Paris and is never coming back to spill info or he knows she's captive and is purely evil.

I'm still expecting a re-Ron of the scene in Oct 2013 where Nik found Robin, but this time Nik as a false hope and he continues to keep her captive.

  • Love 7

Sometimes. Sometimes not. :points to Dante/Valerie: Jeez, wasn't even Lisa on for 6 months before she and Patrick had sex? The affair was in June 2010, right?


True, but that was a different regime. And a recast was involved. (A moment of silence for discarded Julie Mond, please.) If that didn't happen, I'm sure it would have been sooner.


Still, I get it. So basically, things are too fast or too slow, no beats played either way. So in the end, it all still sucks, anyway.  :-P

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If Dillon is so frantic to talk to Tracy, how come he doesn't check his phone? Also, I don't like him talking about Lulu when she's right there in the room.


Sonny looks so out of place at Kelly's. LOL that he's suddenly the Defender of Marriage. MYOB, Sonny. If "whatever's going on there is between [Dante and Dillon]," why'd you start yapping in the first place?


TJ, your mother is not the main reason Shawn is behind bars. Shawn is behind bars because he's a mob hit man who was stupid enough to take the rap for Sonny. Shawn is the reason Shawn is behind bars.


And then there's Valerie. Ugh. She doesn't know any of these people! STFU!


It was a little OOC for Carly to want Liz to accompany her to hear Joss's test results.


Is Laura chilling in some distant corner of Cassadine Island while Luke and Helena do their weird psychosexual dance?


Where do they find these kids who look like they want to skin people alive and eat them?

  • Love 12

I finally watched all the JaSam scenes from yesterday, and you know what would be great karma?  If Jake fell in love with Sam anyway, not knowing he is Jason, and left Liz for Sam.  THAT would be karma.  Then he could find out he is Jason.


I would watch the shit out of that.


OMFG if Jake dumped Liez for Sam I would scream uncontrollably with laughter. I wouldn't say anything bad about Ron, Franco, or Ava for a month.


Countdown until Valerie turns into PC's next Single White (and Black) Female.

  • Love 14

He really should be a programmed bad seed. IMO that's the only story to do here. I always thought Helena had Jake - I always thought that would be the obvious way to resurrect the kid - but there is no way Helena would keep Jake without indoctrinating him. Either just to her way of thinking, or with actual mind control.

I hope they rip-off the movie "The Good Son" with Jake as Macaulay Caulkin's character, except this time the evil kid actually succeeds in pushing the other kid, in this case hopefully Spenthaw, over the cliff to his death.

  • Love 4

So Ron isn't even bothering to explain a single detail as to how or why Jake's death was faked, nor what he's been doing and where? This is seriously Luke, and Helena's (?) big exit story? Really?!?

I would have rather seen The Spencers & The Cassadines battle it out on "Family Feud".



Most of RC's weaknesses are fully on display in this story: wildly out of character actions that only exist to service plot, bad pacing, waaay too much camp with very little heart, missed beats, underdeveloped stories and a total lack of narrative structure.


TG's exit isn't a caper, it's barely a story - it's a clown car with people from his past popping out. 

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 14

Most of RC's weaknesses are fully on display in this story: wildly out of character actions that only exist to service plot, bad pacing, waaay too much camp with very little heart, missed beats, underdeveloped stories and a total lack of narrative structure.


TG's exit isn't a caper, it's barely a story - it's a clown car with people from his past popping out. 

Yep.  I keep saying that it's not a storyline, it's a receiving line.


The people most important to Luke come by, say something, re-live a moment, and be on their way (or not, as in the case of Frank Smith).


The fact that there's proposition for sex -- that goes nowhere -- and a gun waved around and even fired -- doesn't change that.

  • Love 1

Okay, can someone explain to me why Dead Jake is now Not Dead Jake?  What's the point?  Why should I care now, when I didn't care before?  Is Not Dead Jake going to become the new Mykill and eat the show?


Valerie needs to shut it.  Who blabs about their sex life with the boss? 


I'm loving Richard Burgi. 


Constance Towers rocks.


Well, that's about all I got.

Edited by LegalParrot81
  • Love 4

Both Wikipedia and the General Hospital wikia identify Jake Spencer is being played in 2015 by James Nigbor, who played him for four years previously (half of them with his twin brother).  Of course, they may just be making the same assumption as some of the posters here have.  It does seem to make sense to have the same actor, though - this is a hard enough sell to the audience as it is.

Edited by bagert

"Young Jake looks like he'd cut you in your sleep. Makes me wonder if he is an evil clone or something. LOL!"


sorry quote function not working...Anyways young jake has been presumably raised by Helena so... and coincidently for other Orphan Black fans, Helena was the evil clone.   I hated l'il Jake's hair done in the old Jason syle, so stupid.


I hate, hate, HATE Valerie, like how some of you guys hated Sabrina kind of hate.  I felt for Dante but then he CHOSE to keep the lie going so dude, you are pretty scummy and I hate to say that about Dante, it hurts.

  • Love 1

Someday someone is going to have to explain to me, like I'm Morgan, what exactly their code is.

It isn't that they take care of their own. Duke's dead and unavenged and no one blinked at Sean/Shawn getting sent up the river.

It isn't that they don't harm women. They put them in the line of fire constantly and even make direct threats that they'll kill them.

It isn't that they are not to be messed with. They let Julian run around doing .... whatever it is that Julian does.

Is that that it's only business, because they make it personal all the time.

They don't even seem to follow the bro code.

They don't seem bright enough to know morse code.

Maybe they color coded their inventory? Because that's about the only type of code I can see them employing. And that's something Duke totally would have done when he was in charge.

I think the GH universe would implode if someone actually asked one of the mob apologists or the sainted mobsters to actually explain The Code.

  • Love 2

The case of the inappropriate conversation in the police commissioner’s office appears to be yet another side effect of the not-so-illustrious writing team failing to develop other character connections for Valerie in their rushed, plot-pointed focus to align her with Dante. 


Conversation overhead in the writers’ room:


Writer # 1: “Now that Dante will be trying to keep his secret and minimize contact with Valerie, she needs to have someone to talk to so we can show the audience her POV.”


Writer # 2:  “But, but, but … we forgot to write her in scenes developing other friends!  What do we do now?  Who will she talk to in those juxtaposed scenes we need to tell the story.”


Writer # 3:  “That’s OK, I have an idea.  I wrote a script a couple of weeks ago where the new Police Commissioner talked to her even newer assistant, Valerie, about her son.  They are both women, so we can use the PC as Valerie’s friend.”


Writer #1:  “Problem solved.  Valerie will confide in her newly-found BFF – regardless of the facts that  she is her boss and also the boss of the employee about whom Valerie will be talking.  After all, soap viewers don’t care about real life workplace codes.” 


Problem solved in the writers’ room!!!  And I do expect we will see more Jordan/Valerie scenes built on these. 


Seriously, I do think the story needed the plot point shown today to confirm just how smitten Valerie is with Dante – and to show how naively and completely she had bought into his encouraging words like “there is something between  us” …   and to the kisses he initiated, including that last questionable kiss in the loft (Dante, what were you thinking!?!) - and especially to the fact that they had slept together. The story required that we see her degree of caring and hope – juxtaposed with his reunion with his wife.  So, she needed to talk to someone – and the writers’ previous lapses didn’t give Valerie a lot of choices

  • Love 8

The only ones I would watch go off would be Sam or Monica or even Michael.


Given how well Michael goes off on people, I vote for him.


I do think the story needed the plot point shown today to confirm just how smitten Valerie is with Dante – and to show how naively and completely she had bought into his encouraging words like “there is something between  us” …   and to the kisses he initiated, including that last questionable kiss in the loft (Dante, what were you thinking!?!) - and especially to the fact that they had slept together. The story required that we see her degree of caring and hope – juxtaposed with his reunion with his wife.  So, she needed to talk to someone – and the writers’ previous lapses didn’t give Valerie a lot of choices.


This is where adopting the DOOL trope of the character talking to herself would come in handy.

  • Love 3

I like Julian.  Right up until he got pushy during Olivia's labor.  Hopefully, during his downtime, he clips his hair.  It was getting a little bushy.


Kinda meh about the Dante Lulu scream fest.  I'd have thought Lulu would have interrupted sooner about her parents.  Crazy Val might be more fun than crying scrunchy face Val.


So Jordan thinks the way to get her son back is to frivolously issue an arrest for Sonny?  OK.  That'll work.


The new Paul looks enough like the old Paul to me (if he's the DA that Tracy had a crush on back in 1980). 


How old is Ned supposed to be? 

The new Paul looks enough like the old Paul to me (if he's the DA that Tracy had a crush on back in 1980).


He isn't. Original Paul Hornsby was on in the '90s as part of some cartel who had ended up poisoning his young daughter and had blackmailed him to keep her alive. As played by Paul Satterfield, he was handsome enough but drippy and was forced to marry Tracy although he loved equally drippy Jenny Eckert, who was involved with Ned/married him.


Here is original Paul.


The case of the inappropriate conversation in the police commissioner’s office appears to be yet another side effect of the not-so-illustrious writing team failing to develop other character connections for Valerie in their rushed, plot-pointed focus to align her with Dante. 


That shit drove me insane. Valerie and Jordan are both a) women and b) not white! so therefore, let's have them talk this shit out in terms of plot beats because we don't bother developing most new interpersonal relationships on this show. So much of this show is spent on just spinning wheels or killing time, or making actors' guarantees regardless of repetition or logic. In terms of repetition, we have Alexis and T.J. (or T.J. and others) talking out this Sonny nonsense vs. his mother over and over and over because Ron is not invested in using T.J. at all but has to make some sort of episode quota for some of these actors. In terms of logic, we have, again, Valerie and Jordan.


It makes no sense that Valerie would sit down and tell her new boss all about Dante, sleeping with him, Lulu's affair, etc. But they do it anyway because someone has to talk to Jordan about it, or someone has to make a guarantee, and they never bothered really bonding Val to anyone other than Dante because they wanted her to quickly fuck him. It was mortifying to watch - almost as mortifying as Jordan's new hair, which is making her giant curls (which I was never a big fan of - I liked her long, sleek criminal accomplice 'do with Ava last fall) look good. I don't know if they're going to pull a Lisa on Val, but I'm sure they've already alienated her with a lot of the audience, and she comes off either bad or just pathetic. I still like the character in theory and I think BS is capable of more, but they're giving her nothing but lovesick, lonely, needy girl. It's a shame.


I do think DZ and Emme Rylan have been doing a good job, especially that bit Rylan had the other day where Lulu said she lived for those five minutes per adventure where her father would appreciate her. I was not a big fan of ER on CBS, but I've come to think she is better than so much of her material here, really selling it, and I firmly believe that if the prior writing staff was still around she'd have won more people over.


I do think that Dante had a realization at some point in that argument that his marriage was now deeply broken - not just because he fucked Val, but because there is a part of Lulu that she's admitted to that neither of them know entirely how to reconcile. And even if they can, he's in no position to make her given what he's done. I just feel bad for all of them, but I wish the story was as well told as what these two actors (and one or two of the daily writers, on occasion) are trying to convey.


As I said earlier, I have to insist that they explain soon what the fuck happened with Jake, Helena, Frank Smith, etc. If they don't, we'll know Ron is just being totally lazy and incompetent, since he looooveesss to explain this kind of retcon-heavy shit down to the last detail when he's really into it. It would be outrageous not to. I also think Helena is lying to Luke - it was mostly a weak attempt at closure because TG is leaving, but we know she still has Robin and so forth. I live in fear that the next time we see Robin she's going to be clutching Lulu and Stavros' freeze-dried Cassadine baby, which she gave birth to. I swear to fucking God, I'll stab my eyes out.


And yes, I do think Richard Burgi and JE have plenty of chemistry, but I was expecting that - they're both at the top of the game. I still want to see what the possibilities are with Genie Francis, but I also think there's room for men for all of these women, and I just wish any inevitable triangle Ron does with these performers wouldn't be so juvenile, again and again. I thought they sort of amped up Burgi's natural (and wonderful) smarm, which surprised me slightly. I started really watching GH when Luke and Laura came back, right as Paul and Jenny were almost on their way out, but what I've seen of him over the years has been mostly this bland, square-jawed hero who they threw Tracy under the bus for. I was predisposed to always dislike him in recent years because he was played by Paul Satterfield, who smarmed it up as evil Spencer Truman on OLTL, so the similar tone of Burgi's performance sort of works for me if this guy is some kind of corporate raider. But it's obvious Paul isn't really just here for Dillon - I think Nikolas summoned him, that he's a hired gun for the Cassadine takeover of ELQ to throw Tracy off-balance.


Also: I absolutely do think they should have Jason and Sam do it before he remembers who he is. It would be hysterical and it would serve Liz right. At most, though, I suspect they'll pull the punch and just have them kiss or something. It's a topsy-turvy world we live in where Billy Miller and their much lighter chemistry is making me root for fuckin' Jason and Sam.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 5

This is my theroy as to what happened to Little Jake.  Hells had him kidnapped the minute that Liz was distracted. The Legion of Doom managed to place an alive child in front of Luke's car. Said unidentified child was the one who died on Patrick's and Robin's operating table and was the one who donated the kidney to Joss. If one cares to ask why the answer is "reasons".

  • Love 3

She tossed a spare toddler in front of a moving car?

So what happened to that child's parents? Does Helena buy up toddlers for experiments and plots? Spare parts? The hell?

She's not Franco. Actually, it's too bad RC is still trying to pretend Franco isn't a sociopath because he would totally toss a spare toddler in front of a car to kidnap Jasus's kid

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 4


This is my theroy as to what happened to Little Jake.  Hells had him kidnapped the minute that Liz was distracted.

But it still begs the question of "why?" It was Hell's plan to switch Aiden's paternity so that Lucky's son would be raised as a Cassadine. Liz was in the process of reading the paternity results that would foil that plan (much to many viewers amusement- it did seem to take quite a while).


What would be the point of killing Jake? And why am I even looking for rationales from this idiotic regime?

  • Love 4

But it still begs the question of "why?" It was Hell's plan to switch Aiden's paternity so that Lucky's son would be raised as a Cassadine. Liz was in the process of reading the paternity results that would foil that plan (much to many viewers amusement- it did seem to take quite a while).

What would be the point of killing Jake? And why am I even looking for rationales from this idiotic regime?

Maybe to torment Luke and Lucky, since he's really Lucky's son in every way that counts? Similar to how I can see Helena wanting to use Jason because he's Sam's husband (given her animosity for Alexis/Natasha due to the affair her mother had with Mikkos). Or maybe we're simply giving this more thought than the writers ever will.

  • Love 3


Or maybe we're simply giving this more thought than the writers ever will.


Oh, I think that is a given.



What would be the point of killing Jake?


I think the bigger questions is, what was the point of Jake?


You know, I get that Helena and Luke have had this "feud" for years, but why don't the writers, any writers, actually give the character of Laura a chance to take the woman out.  Helena did more to Laura than she ever did to Luke or Lucky.  She had the woman kidnapped, given to her psycho son, who imprisoned her and raped her for two years.  Yet, Laura gets a pat on the head and told to go look somewhere else. 


I still contend that it was Helena who kept Laura in the catatonic state for a decade.  The Cassadine's had the drugs to do it, that's how Stefan kept Lesley for years. 


Oh well, too late now because yesterday definitely sounded like Helena's swan song.

Edited by LegalParrot81
  • Love 5

It's interesting that this Joss stuff is coming up all of a sudden. She will probably need another kidney transplant so because Jake's matched her the first time, Jakeson is probably a match but Liz is torn since she can't tell anyone Jake is Jakeson's kid. So we get more Liz angst. Why else would Joss come up all of a sudden when she has been forgotten for months?

No matter what, the Jake plot makes no sense. My head hurts from the stupidity of the writers. How many others will be brought back by Robin? Is this what she wanted to tell Jason before the accident? Or am I imagining that as well?

how smitten Valerie is with Dante – and to show how naively and completely she had bought into his encouraging words like “there is something between  us”


It drove me nuts how moony Valerie got over her one night with Dante. It was almost hate-fucking on his part (hate for Dillon). SHE DOESN'T KNOW THESE PEOPLE. Jordan gave her a bit of "Oh, honey, no," though of course it's wasted on Valerie because she's now unhinged by lurve and probably a pregnancy. Gah. 


It's interesting that this Joss stuff is coming up all of a sudden.


I love how Ron tries to have it both ways. Joss needing her regular tests reminds us of the organ donation, but then we see Jake is alive and well, so how the heck can he have donated? And then Ron hand waves it all over a commercial break.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 4

Reading this thread I think you guys are giving more thought to what actually happened with young Jake  then the writers did.  I think the writers decided that trying to write their way out of a dead organ donor hurt their brains and gave up trying.


Honestly how are these guys employed?  How do you tell stories without actually telling them?

  • Love 6

Why else would Joss come up all of a sudden when she has been forgotten for months?


So that Elizabeth could tell Lucky's cousin, Carly, that she in fact has been in touch with Lucky via the boys' Skype calls with him up until a month ago, because Ron wants us to stop bitching about Lucky being a deadbeat dad/why is he never mentioned. Also, most important: so that Silas could let the viewers know it's been 5 years since Jake's death/the transplant...making Jake now 9 years old. I'm positive it was only written to connect with the other storyline, TG's retirement, which includes Lucky with his parents after a kidnapping and somewhat older little Jake reappearing with Helena and without an on-screen explanation. Why else would Elizabeth be in that room with Carly, thinking of Jake, and no "I can't wait to tell Jax the good news!"/ mention from Carly of why Jax didn't do a Skye call for the results of his beloved daughter's cancer screening. Such an obvious plot point because these two women are hardly friends, even if they haven't been enemies for 5 years.

  • Love 3


for other Orphan Black fans, Helena was the evil clone.

Helena is the crazy clone.  I think Rachel is supposed to be the evil one.  Love that show!!


Now onto this one....




picturing her flinging toddlers willy-nilly

Love the visual of that!!  Love CT, but she looks like she could blow over in a strong wind, so visualize her flinging anyone is amusing to me.  And I need to get my humour somehow.  

  • Love 2

Am I the only one picturing Helena, decked out in a Louis Vuitton pantsuit in a lavender or peach mango, literally grabbing some toddler and throwing him in front of a car?

It's the only part I find in character of this storyline. Plus, it's the one time I'd fully applaud flashbacks. Paging the baby from American Sniper. Do you have a toddler cousin?

  • Love 2

You know, I get that Helena and Luke have had this "feud" for years, but why don't the writers, any writers, actually give the character of Laura a chance to take the woman out.  Helena did more to Laura than she ever did to Luke or Lucky.  She had the woman kidnapped, given to her psycho son, who imprisoned her and raped her for two years.  Yet, Laura gets a pat on the head and told to go look somewhere else. 


I don't know, what she did to Lucky, compared to Laura's ordeal, seems pretty six of one/half dozen of the other. It wasn't as long, but still pretty bad.


I don't know if they're going to pull a Lisa on Val, but I'm sure they've already alienated her with a lot of the audience, and she comes off either bad or just pathetic. 


text I got from my friend the other day, who does not particularly love Dante and Lulu (she's all about Liz):


FUCK VALERIE!!!! She's a home wrecker and Dante is an asshole.




I do think DZ and Emme Rylan have been doing a good job, especially that bit Rylan had the other day where Lulu said she lived for those five minutes per adventure where her father would appreciate her. I was not a big fan of ER on CBS, but I've come to think she is better than so much of her material here, really selling it, and I firmly believe that if the prior writing staff was still around she'd have won more people over.


It wasn't Emme, but I didn't buy that from Lulu. It felt like she was just saying what Dante wanted to hear so he'd stop yelling at her. She's a lot more depressed when she's in her "daddy love me" modes. Here she was mostly just having fun with Dillon. Which is a whole other problematic issue but like you said, now it's something Dante can't really call her out on because now he's screwed up even more.


I did get the sense a part of Dante really wished he hadn't cheated just so he could be simply angry without feeling guilty, which amused me. Like, "damn it! now I can't just yell!"


re: Emme and winning people over if the old script writers were here, I don't know man, I don't know. (I'm sure you're so surprised at that reaction from me.) Well, I'm sure yeah there definitely would be a couple more people, because simply better writing would help. But those Debbie Downer lip curls she does are pretty distracting. But that's a tic that could be easily stopped but isn't cause no one actually seems to direct these people. And I do think part of it is not her acting but simply her her teeny tiny-ness and kinda Barbie-like looks, which she can't help, but there it is.

Edited by ulkis
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