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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I feel like there's a way to tie this Denise storyline back to the ascendancy of ISIS. I haven't figured it out yet, but I know the connection is there. #wakeupsheeple #blackwigscantmeltsteelbeams


Ava Denise is in cahoots with the Illuminati. She created Ebola to help bring about a New World Order. 


I love that Dr. O has been reduced to being a cheerleader for Franco. 


I'm disappointed Sonny didn't throw barware at Ava Denise. 


I know Sam and Nik have never been shown to be super close on screen, but it's still disappointing that they're relationship is going to be trashed when he finally gets exposed. 

I get so distracted by the wig in Ava's scenes, and I can't help wondering, is it supposed to look bad?  Like, is it because we viewers are just so dumb that he needs to put a bad wig on her so we'll know that she's Ava pretending to be Denise, in case we've forgotten since yesterday.  Or is he so cheap that he can't buy a decent wig.  I found out not that long ago that Julianna Margulies wears a wig on Good Wife and I was shocked because that thing looks real, so real looking ones are out there.  Maybe if he didn't use his whole budget on grey paint, he'd have enough for a decent wig.  


Now, I'm pretty sure that's not what I should be thinking about while scenes are playing out!


Today;  loved the Sam/Nik scenes.  Well done from both Tyler and Kelly.  I like the friendship between Jake and MIchael but the Jason talk is heavy handed and annoying.  


The LIesl/Franco stuff was weird, first because it's them and theyre annoying, but also because RH was so fidgety.  Although I did laugh when the hand sanitizer went all over the place, because I've had that happen to me.  

  • Love 5

The only stake I have in it is that Kiki must catch Morgan and AvaDenise in the act. After that, you know the drill. Kiki, pier, bye bye.

Also? Kiki's ranting to Morgan about how it would suck to be cheated on was rich considering all the smooching on Michael she did behind Morgan's back.

I can't wait! She is going to be ROYALLY PISSED. Man, Kiki is so fierce when she's mad!

  • Love 7

"If this were a movie..." Ugh. STFU, Dillon. You shouldn't be in Canada in the first place. Lulu's idea was so stupid. 


"My brothers/our sons"—does Ron think we don't know their names?


The lipstick Ava is wearing is a crime against humanity. It's terrible. (Julianna Margulies's wig cost $10,000; there's no way Frank will ever approve that expense.)


I know Sam and Nik have never been shown to be super close on screen, but it's still disappointing that they're relationship is going to be trashed when he finally gets exposed.


I know. But Prince of Douchey Tides is such an asshole right now that he deserves Sam's anger and contempt.

  • Love 9
I'm going to laugh hysterically if Michael is the one to figure out that Jake is Jason and then just burns Nik and Liz to the ground. Still going to be really pissed about him returning that baby like he would a ill-fitting sweater, though.



I'd laugh if Michael finds out and keeps quiet, because he knows that Jason being alive would be the ultimate gift to Carly and Sonny.  

  • Love 12

At this point, even Nathan would be better on this adventure with Lulu.


When I first read this I thought you were referring to Nathan Fillion (Richard Castle/Joey Buchanan) lol


Today's show? Absolute garbage. Even my husband, who comes home from work during the last half hour of GH, has asked me what the hell is going on with this show and who the hell all these random characters are...

  • Love 5

So ES copped to changing the line?  I don't get why she would change it.  Did she just not remember Holly knew Bill and thought, "Oh, I'll fix the writers' boo-boo?"  I'm more inclined to think she's covering for the writers.


I'm not really a water person, but I'm still on the barge this week.  I'm relying on the posts here to let me know when it's safe to come back ashore.

  • Love 3

I normally don't get too caught up in the stupid plot holes but today was just beyond my ability to let it go.  So, there is a kidnapper who seems to know exactly where Luke, Laura and now Holly are.  He knew when Holly showed up - clearly he is watching them.  He would know when they left the hotel and know that they were heading to the warehouse. Scooby capers were more thought out than this is.


Also, why isn't Kiki more pissed at Franco for helping Nina run off with her baby sister after Nina took her out of Ava's womb?  That would be a little hard for me to get over.


Also, way to lounge naked on Silas' couch in Silas' apartment, Morgan.  And, way to follow that up by showering in his shower and walking around his apartment in a towel.  That is not Kiki's apartment.  She lives with her Dad.  That just bugged the shit out of me.


And finally, worst of all, today was boring.

Edited by Mrs. Stanwyck
  • Love 4

Franco was worse. He killed people for fun and then made it into pretentious art and now he is all sads that people don't want to buy his serial killing artwork.

Franco was sicko ,who killed for fame.  and Sonny kills for profit. Plus and revenge. Sonny killed AJ because michael loved him more. frankenRon kill so they can play God and brib=ng them back.

When I first read this I thought you were referring to Nathan Fillion (Richard Castle/Joey Buchanan) lol


Today's show? Absolute garbage. Even my husband, who comes home from work during the last half hour of GH, has asked me what the hell is going on with this show and who the hell all these random characters are...

A friend of mine who hadn't before today since the anniversary show keeps texting me asking to explain what is going on, and I honestly can't explain anything even though I've watched every friggin episode.

All that said, as much as I loathe Lewq and think very little of Tony, it is downright sad that this is how an iconic character is leaving the show. The 2013 story where Helena kidnapped and then froze Lulu had its faults, but it was a linear story that was probably as much as a true adventure story as Uncle Frank can afford. I think that story would have been the perfect final exit for both Luke and Helena. At the very least we would have avoided Fluke.

And at this point I'm boring myself and probably all you by posting day after day about how I don't understand da fawq is going on. It's as if the show is being written by a bunch of gray, swimming cows randomly pushing balls with plot ideas on them into a machine and out pops a script!

  • Love 10

What is with these gun-toting guys at a BC Lumber yard?  I have to assume they are cops because why would crooks offer to help take a preggers lady to the hospital and leave his gun behind?  And if they are cops, why are they pulling guns on supposedly unsuspecting passers-by?  This is not my Canada.  Not usually.  But I missed it the first time around when Luke and Laura were in Canada, so I have nothing but the actual country to compare it to.


I wonder if GH knows that Vancouver is one of the most fabulous cities in North America?

  • Love 3

So ES copped to changing the line?  I don't get why she would change it.  Did she just not remember Holly knew Bill and thought, "Oh, I'll fix the writers' boo-boo?"  I'm more inclined to think she's covering for the writers.


Anthony Geary's the one who changed the line (ES said both of them didn't remember the Bill Eckert connection) and I don't doubt that's exactly what happened.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 1

I can't wait! She is going to be ROYALLY PISSED. Man, Kiki is so fierce when she's mad!


She doesn't have a very high bar to reach, what with KA's OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG! reaction being the penultimate example of suckiness.


I don't know, this episode amused me. Morgan barely being bothered to even wave goodbye to Kiki, the horrendous and stilted line readings of the Fearsome Fivesome game planning their idiotic grand entrance (echoing the Shut up, Dillon!), Liesel's abhorrence of checks on forms, the sheer boringness of Michael and Jake together, all of it.  Except for Sonny's smug ass. Nice typical form though, got a "bitch" in there for old times sake. Soulless prick.

  • Love 3

Holly lied about ever knowing Bill because Bill is Ethan's real father.  She illogically thinks lying about ever knowing Bill protects Ethan from people finding out she knew Bill before PC and Ethan's true parentage, for reasons beyond understanding.  OK, its not beyond understanding.  Its very dangerous to be Sly's brother.  He's spent the last several years working for the WSB with Lucky, and not dead Emily (AT- the recast was Emily's imposter- whole other story)..  This lie actually reveals the whole truth to make Luke slightly les a-hole-ish  on his departure.


My story.  Sticking to it.


Seriously, I barely watched when Bill and Holly were together and I remember.  I highly doubt both AG/ES were so certain it never happened that they changed the lines.  They would have to not remember ES being on the show after Laura left and before she returned.

Also, way to lounge naked on Silas' couch in Silas' apartment, Morgan.  And, way to follow that up by showering in his shower and walking around his apartment in a towel.  That is not Kiki's apartment.  She lives with her Dad.  That just bugged the shit out of me.


Another defiled couch in PC. Someone needs to start a business that sterilizes furniture that's been fucked on. It would make a fortune.

  • Love 13

People, if drinks and steaks are being had, I damn well better be included.

Re: Sonny v. Franco- I definitely won't argue facts or merits of my position that Sonny is so much worse. In a rare move for an Internet commenter, I'm going to admit that my inherent bias against Sonny blinds me to the possibility that anyone is worse than him. Even Franco, who I know is horrible. I just hate Sonny soooooo much. Even when he's being adorable with babies, I am filled with rage.

  • Love 17

People, if drinks and steaks are being had, I damn well better be included.

Re: Sonny v. Franco- I definitely won't argue facts or merits of my position that Sonny is so much worse. In a rare move for an Internet commenter, I'm going to admit that my inherent bias against Sonny blinds me to the possibility that anyone is worse than him. Even Franco, who I know is horrible. I just hate Sonny soooooo much. Even when he's being adorable with babies, I am filled with rage.


You know, strangely enough, I don't hate Sonny as much as other people do but I don't think he is particularly cute with babies. I don't see the mobaby magic dammit. 

  • Love 3
Turtle, I am so with you, I have hated Sonny with every fiber of my being since his days with Karen Wexler.


Sonny was despicable in those days. But my deep down Sonny hate exploded when he attacked Edward with his tie. 


I really enjoyed the Sam/Nikolas scenes today.  I thought TC and KeMo both brought their A-games.


They both did a good job, Was it me or was some inappropriate Cassadine chemistry happening in those scenes?

Edited by Baxter
  • Love 2

I agree with you both, Melgaypet and Turtle. What makes me crazy is that Sonny is a monster with very rare good guy moments. (The one that stands out to me was LA's Kristina in a hospital bed after the bus accident, sobbing that she felt responsible for a friend's death, and Sonny was gently comforting her/ telling her she was wrong.) Yet the show makes a sweeping generalization that he's a good man who loves his kids. JJ's Lucky offered a pretty good assessment of Sonny (for someone who didn't despise him, but didn't worship him either) years ago, when talking to Claire in the PCPD.  But Mac by far has the best perspective on Sonny, which is that he truly is scum.

  • Love 5

I have a hard time believing Tony didn't remember. I assumed every inch of Bill Eckert's life and times was stenciled across his brain.

I can't help but imagine that Tony's and Emma's exchange went something like this:


Emma (stopping by Tony's dressing room): Tony, do you remember Bill Eckert and Holly Sutton being "involved in a way?"


Tony (Looks up, smiles at Emma, but turns his head back down to look at his script):  No, darlin', I don't remember it that way at all.


Emma:  Thanks, Tony. I gotta run on set.


Tony:  The way I remember it -- Bill and Holly were like a dance.  A provocative and enticing and complicated dance.  Like the dance of the seven veils.  They were two souls so alike.  They each were huge, bright flames that when they got too close to each other, they -- for  a moment -- became a huge fireball.  But, they were so bright and so intense that they consumed all the air in the room and extinguished each other, until they were nothing but ashes.


I've often thought that Bill only died because the loss of Holly was so haunting that it decreased his acute senses of detection.  If not for Holly, Bill would have heard the gunman sooner and would have been able to save Sly and Lucky and himself as well.  I think that Holly's face flashed before Bill as he died in Luke's arms. 


Anyway, that's the way I remember it.  I hope that helps.


Emma [on her way back from the set, already done with taping her scenes]:  Yeah, that was great, Tony. It was a big help! And Frank's such a teddy bear. I have no idea why people say he's not fine with people changing their lines.

  • Love 10

Was Morgan meant to be totally out of the mood with having sex with Kaka, or was that just the actor's issues with acting?


There is zero chemistry going on with those two. They are a waste of time and effort. 



Oh my God, what is this ridiculousness with Morgan. He's 22. Just tell Kiki you're not sure if you want to be in a serious relationship! And I'm sorry, am I supposed to be like "oh no Kiki is going to be so hurt!" or "oh no Morgan you better watch your back boy!" when Kiki declares that she would be like, so totally super-pissed and it would be so totally uncool if Morgan cheated on her? Kiki has shown no prowess for revenge nor do I care about her minute long relationship with Morgan. Why is the show acting like there is something at stake with the Morgan/Kiki relationship?


Considering the way she's ping ponged between the brothers, she needs to shut her pie hole. She's gross. 

  • Love 2

Considering the way she's ping ponged between the brothers, she needs to shut her pie hole. She's gross. 


So are Morgan and Ava Denise. What kind of mother intentionally goes after their daughter's boyfriend? It's not even like Ava hates Kaka and is out for revenge or something, she's just pathetic and weird. Why go for a man with goals and prospects and a brain when you can act thirsty over some dumb kid who is dating your daughter. 

  • Love 3

I have a hard time believing Tony didn't remember. I assumed every inch of Bill Eckert's life and times was stenciled across his brain.



Same here. Also, aren't the actors, you know, given scripts for the dialogue they are supposed to speak? They expect me to believe that Geary and Emma quickly read the scripts, memorized it, and by the time they were filming it, totally forgot? Or that they forgot that HisSelf played Bill Eckert and that he and Emma were in a relationship? I don't care if it was some 20 years ago.


It's all BULLSHIT.


jsbt, regarding the timeline for Robert and Holly around the time that Luke and Holly fucked because OMG! They thought they wuz gonna DIE! I believe Robert and Holly were supposed to be happily married.

  • Love 1

Same here. Also, aren't the actors, you know, given scripts for the dialogue they are supposed to speak? They expect me to believe that Geary and Emma quickly read the scripts, memorized it, and by the time they were filming it, totally forgot?


I think the idea is that they read the script, thought the line about Bill was incorrect, and changed it on the fly.  I have no problem buying Geary did and has done stuff like that before.

  • Love 3

Scotty is also a vocal charter member of the We Hate Sonny club.

I have always hated sonny with the heat of a thousand suns. What he did to Karen, even Stone when Jagger tried to save his brother Sonny put a hit on him.Sonny will always be Scummy Corruptious to me. Sure he is cute, or was , but he has caused more pain on this show. He took advantage of a brain dead kid, and He made me shut the show off years ago. When Ron looked like he was going to make him get his I was here . Now its same old same old. barge here I am .T.G is in the same bed as he is.

Edited by testardo
  • Love 4



Same here. Also, aren't the actors, you know, given scripts for the dialogue they are supposed to speak? They expect me to believe that Geary and Emma quickly read the scripts, memorized it, and by the time they were filming it, totally forgot? Or that they forgot that HisSelf played Bill Eckert and that he and Emma were in a relationship? I don't care if it was some 20 years ago.


It's all BULLSHIT.


jsbt, regarding the timeline for Robert and Holly around the time that Luke and Holly fucked because OMG! They thought they wuz gonna DIE! I believe Robert and Holly were supposed to be happily married.

T.G remembered. I remember reading he was livid because fans wouldn't accept him as Bill, and wanted Laura there.He is now getting even for that. get over it. T.G needs to get over it. Go live in Holland and take Sonny with you and your niece Caroline . Must be the Spencer genes Val is also a pig. She went telling tales about Lulu. turns out they are complete lies .She wants Dante  at its best Ron .All  wimmins be sluts ask Sonny.

  • Love 2

My reaction to Franco vs Sonny is about the same as my reaction to anyone vs Sonny - I dislike Sonny, but not enough to where my opinion of him impacts another character just because they are set up as a quasi-foe of him who will never really do anything to impact his role on the show. I remember when we were supposed to find Julian to be a god among men because he was a rival for Sonny, and he was a "believable" mobster (AKA, he managed to more elegantly shoot from behind trash cans like a Police Squad parody video). Then, and now, I mostly remember him as a dullard who pranced around in underwear that he never could fill out. 


I'd say that Lulu finally found someone as dull as she is, but then I remember that Sabrina, Nathan, etc. are all about the same (Morgan would be too if Bryan Craig weren't so unintentionally hilarious). The casting is as generic as possible. When I watched a scene with just the two of them, I was reminded of one of those Hallmark movies they shunt into marathons because it doesn't have anyone famous (AKA anyone who was on Desperate Housewives 10 years ago). They are the definition of grinding mediocrity. 


I'm not a big believer in "legacy characters," nor was I ever a big believer in a Spencer family dynasty, but it's still a little sad to know that Lulu is one of those women in feminine hygiene product commercials, whether she's performing in a musical or being held at gunpoint.

  • Love 1

So are Morgan and Ava Denise. What kind of mother intentionally goes after their daughter's boyfriend? It's not even like Ava hates Kaka and is out for revenge or something, she's just pathetic and weird. Why go for a man with goals and prospects and a brain when you can act thirsty over some dumb kid who is dating your daughter. 


She isn't intentionally going after him. The first time, she had no idea. Morgan's pretty much initiated everything. Not that she didn't participate, but she has definitely made it a point that she doesn't want to intentionally hurt her POS daughter.


And as far as a man with goals and prospects and a brain, she has gone for him. Dull as dishwater Silas, who she will have always have a thing for (vomit). He turned her down. Everyone else in town either despises her or she's related to. It's not like she's sifting offers. She doesn't have many options.

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