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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I also like the way the EMT said "he's lost a lot of blood" (or something like that). So bad, oh God.


It was Frank Valentini who said Luke might stop back. I think by back he meant a cameo or two, not months. In any case, like I said, that was Frank. Geary sounded pretty done in his interview.

 I thought I saw one where he said "never say never" or something along those lines, but I can't swear to it, can't even say now where I saw it. If not, great. My wish has been granted, but I honestly think the idea of Luke as do gooder is nuts and OOC. I don't want the character committing suicide either, but a death saving someone would be fitting and nice, and that's how I'd write it. I think the old "leaving town" is too lame for such a legendary character, even if he's been less than great for so long. Of course, prison is another option, butt that honestly breaks my heart more than if the character died.

  • Love 2
I still can't get over that she wants him to help her take the baby and run, because that worked so well the last time she tried it. She's such a piece of work I don't...I just really don't like her, at all. Not at all.


It's dumb, don't get me wrong, but it's not the worst way to write off LiLoC for her mat leave. At least there's some vague internal logic and continuity to it.

  • Love 2

Regarding Luke, I keep wondering if they're bringing Genie back so she can convince him to get treatment at the place Laura gets it, in France, which seems pretty lackluster, so I hope that's not it.


This is how bad it was.  I blocked Dr. O completely.  


I know some of you like her and I can see why.  But I so LOATHE her that I can't see any good things about her at all.  For her to come anywhere NEAR Anna today was......fist-through-screen time, except I'm getting used to Ron C and his messed up crap.  She's a total psycho, a baby snatcher, a kidnapper, a torturer, and every other freakin' awful thing a cartoon villian can be - so of COURSE she's Chief of Staff.  

And nobody's murdered her yet.

And she's the one who comforts Anna.


Oh, the things I'm thinking that I just can't write.


Didn't Dr. O poison Duke (while, I think, meaning to get Anna) a year or two back? It was such a slap in the face to Anna's history, to have that beast comforting her. I think KG is great, but just like Ava (and Sonny, and Julian) they've written her into a corner. If only this show would be General Hospital, and not General Criminals.

Edited because nobody should be brining Genie Francis.

Edited by General Days
  • Love 6
Didn't Dr. O poison Duke (while, I think, meaning to get Anna) a year or two back? It was such a slap in the face to Anna's history, to have that beast comforting her. I think KG is great, but just like Ava (and Sonny, and Julian) they've written her into a corner. If only this show would be General Hospital, and not General Criminals.


This is why I hate this show so much. In their conversation, Anna mentions that Dr. O had kidnapped Duke, but then goes on to say, "You hated him."  That convenient -- and meaningless -- statement allows Dr. O to retort that she did not hate him.  It's manipulative and convenient writing.


If Anna had said, after or instead of the kidnapping comment, that Dr. O had nearly killed Duke, then Dr. O has no retort.  Dr. O is not on superior or equal ground at that point, because there is no comeback that negates that she did, in fact, almost kill Duke. And, really, isn't it more significant that Dr. O herself nearly killed Duke than that she (possibly) hated him? 


So, Ron attempts -- yet again -- to have his cake and eat it too.  He has Dr. O and Anna seemingly addressing Dr. O's actions -- except that they don't actually address them. It's very "wormy," if you ask me.  He tries to worm Dr. O out of that nasty little "incident" from before.


Have I mentioned lately how much I hate what they've done to this show?

Edited by Francie
  • Love 8

It bugs me that the Jerome's finally killed Duke. Coming on top of Sonny finally killing AJ I am just sick of the bad guys winning. I like WDv but Julian needs to go down for this. No out clause. At some point Ron has to learn that evil has to pay. Guza was bad enough but at lest the bad-bad guys that Sonny confronted all eventually paid the piper. Franco, Nina, Sloan, the Mayor, Sonny, Julian, Ava, Kiki, Morgan, even Nik  and Ric have got to pay. It's just sick and twisted

  • Love 8

It bugs me that the Jerome's finally killed Duke. Coming on top of Sonny finally killing AJ I am just sick of the bad guys winning. I like WDv but Julian needs to go down for this. No out clause. At some point Ron has to learn that evil has to pay. Guza was bad enough but at lest the bad-bad guys that Sonny confronted all eventually paid the piper. Franco, Nina, Sloan, the Mayor, Sonny, Julian, Ava, Kiki, Morgan, even Nik  and Ric have got to pay. It's just sick and twisted

Everything about this version of Julian Jerome has annoyed, if not disgusted, me. He's completely ruined Alexis for me, though NLG is doing some of the damage on her own as well. It's beginning to spread to Sam, a character about whom I am usually totally indifferent.

  • Love 6
She's young yet, give her time.  However, I can see TJ going "badass" mobster for no damn reason, then all of a sudden, there you are.


The original question was what woman hasn't slept with a mob dude. I think so far, Molly is the only one. 


Why can't they just let Dr. O be a villain?  It's a hat that fits her much better.


She's not on all the time, so I don't know why they don't make her out-and-out evil. Use GH for nefarious science experiments or something. They've given her such a bizarre mix of traits because they love KG (not that I blame them). It's fine that she snaps at Anna to get out of the morgue, but she shouldn't be the one comforting her. WTF? 


at lest the bad-bad guys that Sonny confronted all eventually paid the piper.


What Big Bad has Sonny ever killed? Karpov? Big whoop. Sonny shot him for the wrong reason. Adrienne Barbeau slit the Balkan's throat; Alcazar was killed by the Foley guy (so AFAIC, he's still alive somewhere); Papa Z was killed by Johnny. Sonny's been extraordinarily lucky that someone else has always gotten there first. I suppose that's one way they kept him "clean."

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 8


What Big Bad has Sonny ever killed? Karpov? Big whoop. Sonny shot him for the wrong reason. Adrienne Barbeau slit the Balkan's throat; Alcazar was killed by the Foley guy (so AFAIC, he's still alive somewhere); Papa Z was killed by Johnny. Sonny's been extraordinarily lucky that someone else has always gotten there first. I suppose that's one way they kept him "clean."

Yep that is why I said Confronted. But in either case at least the "badder" guy got what was coming to him. Ron's sick idea of letting evil always win. Capped with Franco and Nina and the disgusting Dr. O in Steve Hardy's seat is gross beyond words

  • Love 4

There is little I feel like commenting on lately. Show is managing to ruin Julian for me by having him act so neanderthal about the baby. He's almost resorted to grunts and chest beating.


I will say I actually liked the Anna and Dr. O scene b/c I got what they were going for. Anna and Dr. O have this love/hate relationship. They admire the other to an extent but one is good and the other evil so there is a level where they despise each other. In the end though they both "got" the others love for their "man". I thought the scene was kind of sweet, but I do feel sorry that Anna a long term character is written so alone dealing with Duke's death. She really should have had Mac et al with her.


I still like Olivia and loved her scene with Dante. I think this whole baby story is weakly written but I still get where Olivia is coming from. She may be a Sonny apologist at times, but fact still remains she managed to keep Dante safe from him his whole childhood. So while after he became an adult and learned of his father things may have changed I still think she has a leg to stand on about wanting to keep this BABY from Julian. A baby is different than a grown ass man.

Edited by Cattitude
  • Love 3

TJ won't go mob, imo. He just whined about Shawn and Jordan being in da bidnezz. Which is a complete switch from TJ being excited about Jordan joining with the "good" mob just a few months ago.


I *did* say for no damned good reason, and I'll stand by it.  No damned good reason is the motivation for so many on this show.


(Mostly I was joking when I said it.  Mostly.)

  • Love 5

I still think she has a leg to stand on about wanting to keep this BABY from Julian. A baby is different than a grown ass man.


Olivia's stance is weakened by the show, in the other corner, wanting us to weep for Sonny because he's being kept from his baby.  They're both mobsters whose families have been targeted and have killed people.

  • Love 7
Anna and Dr. O have this love/hate relationship. 


No, no, no, no, no, no, no. They don't.  Anna doesn't "love" Dr. O. Dr. O put electrodes on her daughter's brain and turned her into a temporary vegetable.  There ain't NO love there.


  They admire the other to an extent but one is good and the other evil so there is a level where they despise each other. In the end though they both "got" the others love for their "man".


No, Anna should think that Dr. O's admiration for Faison is loony and pathetic.  At most, Anna would be grateful to have Faison turn his attention to Dr. O, but she still ain't gonna "get" her love for him. And Dr. O -- who has tried to kill Anna on several occasions and thinks of her as a "scarecrow" -- doesn't give two shits about Anna's own feelings. Except for yesterday, which is why it didn't make sense.


I'm sorry, but this kind of rationalization for scenes like the one they had yesterday drives me bonkers. And the fact that the show runners even think they can go there because that's the way the majority of the audience will interpret the scene is the reason -- one of the reasons -- why I have such disrespect for this show.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 14

The scene probably should have played out like this:


Obrecht: Hello, Finola Hughes. You are doing a wonderful job playing Anna.

Anna: Thank you Kathleen Gati. You're a great actress. Isn't it too bad our characters are enemies and so, we can't really lean on each other in this scene and Obrecht can't put her hand on Anna's shoulder?

Obrecht: You mean, like this? (she does)

Anna: Yes, just so. Yes, this is the way we would play it if it made sense for our characters


(they play out the scene)


Anna: But it doesn't make sense, so we can't. Alas.

Obrecht: Yes, alas. Well, bye!


Doesn't make any less sense than the three Carlys!

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 17

Obrecht: Hello, Finola Hughes. You are doing a wonderful job playing Anna.

Anna: Thank you Kathleen Gati. You're a great actress.


Snerk, awesome, especially when I read it in my mind with their accents.


Again, I get why the show wants to put these two great actresses in scenes together, but wouldn't Dr. O relishing in Anna's pain and Anna angrily reacting have made more sense?


Also, I hate that I get the feeling Sloane is going to be Anna's main source of comfort here.  He's a gross tool!

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 9

I still like Olivia and loved her scene with Dante. I think this whole baby story is weakly written but I still get where Olivia is coming from. She may be a Sonny apologist at times, but fact still remains she managed to keep Dante safe from him his whole childhood. So while after he became an adult and learned of his father things may have changed I still think she has a leg to stand on about wanting to keep this BABY from Julian. A baby is different than a grown ass man.


I'm torn, because I still kind of like Olivia, despite her Sonny apologism, if only because that's like Captain Trips at this point, almost everyone's susceptible to it. I mean, sure, if she didn't want to have a baby with a(nother) mobster, she shouldn't have had sex with Julian, yadda yadda, but I don't know why she's the only one getting the blame for that. They were both at least nominally single when they did the deed, and Julian is aware of who and what he is and the dangers his lifestyle entails. That he doesn't seem to be a very effective crime boss isn't the point. Sonny's been running his chickenfat mob for about a thousand years now, and by some miracle he's still alive, so I guess you don't actually have to be any good at da bidnezz to survive it.




If we go by the premise that Olivia is right to keep the new baby away from bio-father Julian because he's a mobster, then IMO it naturally follows that she should discourage Dante from having any kind of relationship with his bio-father. Yes, Dante is a grown man and can make his own decisions, but there's no logic in the logic that says a known mobster doesn't have the right to fuck up an innocent baby's life but does have the right to fuck up another adult's.

  • Love 6

WaYYYYYYYY too much Shawn today.

That's every day he's on, as far as I'm concerned. I never liked him, and he's consistently spiraled farther and farther down.

Olivia is a huge hypocrite about mobsters, and she always has been. I liked when she acknowledged it last week, when she kicked Julian out of the hotel because he's a criminal and he said something like "Oh, but it's okay for Sonny to have an office here?" She replied "Yes, it's called a double standard!" I hate that she has those double standards, but I enjoyed her openly admitting it. Rarely seen self awareness by one of these characters.

Edited by Turtle
  • Love 14

Disgusting as the character is, it was not the current Chief of Staff at General Hospital that put the electrodes on her predecessor.

Fair enough, she just ordered it, and was horrified that the incompetent doctor went that far.  Doesn't make her any less distasteful in my book, but you're right, and I was wrong, that's not what Dr. O exactly did.


Out of all the horrible things that Dr. O has done to Anna, maybe taking the syringe and nearly injecting Robin with propofil to kill her was the worst. Or maybe that she let Robin be held captive for more than a year and then dumped her on Jerry. 


Any on of those reasons would negate the possibility of a mutual admiration club between Anna and Dr. O. It's all just hate on Anna's part. Anything less would be a disservice to the character.

  • Love 5

I see no love or respect between Anna and Leisl, at least not on Anna's end. Anna doesn't care about Dr. O's obsessive love for Faison, she only cares that the obsessive love led Dr. O to help keep Robin away from her family. Anna would be perfectly happy if Faison turned his obsession off her and onto Dr. O. And why would Anna respect D. O after the latter tried to kill her, Robin, Duke, and Robert? She wouldn't and doesn't. YMMV.

  • Love 8

Fair enough, she just ordered it, and was horrified that the incompetent doctor went that far.  Doesn't make her any less distasteful in my book, but you're right, and I was wrong, that's not what Dr. O exactly did.


Out of all the horrible things that Dr. O has done to Anna, maybe taking the syringe and nearly injecting Robin with propofil to kill her was the worst. Or maybe that she let Robin be held captive for more than a year and then dumped her on Jerry. 


Any on of those reasons would negate the possibility of a mutual admiration club between Anna and Dr. O. It's all just hate on Anna's part. Anything less would be a disservice to the character.


I suppose you don't watch The Following but to me in a soapy way it is what Ron is going for with Dr. O and Anna. I see shades of Ryan and Joe. And I just don't agree that Anna doesn't have some positive feelings for Dr. O I mean it isn't like they didn't team up at CC too. That scene wasn't OOC to me it is just everyone has different opinions. It isn't healthy for a good person to have some love for her evil nemesis but it happens in plot lines all the time. Kind of the definition of a nemesis is someone you hate yet admire a little underneath. It isn't particularly well done by Ron but I do see what he is going for.

Dante really has the worst parents in the world, I mean by good gravy the kid has a stupid ass shrieker for a mother and a weasel little grease ball for a father.


Not that he is without good company on this show  when it comes to having shit parents but still. At this rate he'll have to lock both his egg and sperm donors up for breaking the law.


I will actually say that Dom did a nice job today I thought, especially portraying Dante's hopelessness and pain trying to talk some sense into his dunce of a father. He is watching his family, well aside from his wife and kid, being eaten alive by the mob lifestyle and it's killing him that he really can't do anything to stop it or change the outcome. 


Everything else happened and I didn't like any of it so...

  • Love 6

This show always tweaks my annoyed button but the last two days as basically been one giant annoyance.  Currently, I can't get over Olivia, who just a baby that was conceived 4 and a 1/2 months, is asking Dante to help her and said preemie go into hiding.  Because a 1 lb baby would be able to survive without a NICU.  Give me strength.

  • Love 5

Bless Dante for pointing out that Sonny's life is what led to Morgan drugging Michael and that the ONLY reason he is not in prison is because Michael dropped the charges and the reason Michael had custody of Avery is cause of Sonny doing shit like this.




And Sonny's response to Dante saying Morgan drugged Michael


"Who's Morgan?"


No, fine, it was just a duh face and then saying, "well I actually didn't mean what I was saying la di da" basically.


It was nice of Sonny not to laugh in Dante's face when he said the PCPD would take care of it though


Ugh I can't wait for Olivia to go on maternity leave. 


Okay, is Grayson McCouch possessed by Tony Geary? Was it just me or was he trying to sound like Carlos when he said "open the door! police!"


Also, put your shirt on Carlos. Put your shirt on.


Why was Sabrina crying when she found out Duke died? I get that she's upset Carlos lied but it wouldn't be a "waaah I'm so devastated reaction". And why would Felix even call to tell her that? Did either of them know the guy at all really?


Sonny, Shawn and Julian looked like a gap commercial.


Liz, this is officially too much work for any relationship. I mean, it already was too much, and now it's just . . . you're so far over the line you've circled the track and you've come back to the line.

  • Love 16

What has Olivia been inhaling at the hospital that she thinks Sonny is "a thousand times" a better man than Julian?  Because, no.  No.  Anyone who murders someone in cold blood, like A.J., or tries to murder someone in cold blood, like Dante, Olivia, is not better than anyone even x1.


So Carlos is so bad a hit man he leaves his gun at the crime scene and shows up at Sabrina's all panicked, but the next morning, when she asks him if he killed Duke, he's all cool, calm, collected and unrepentant.  Okay.  Either this storyline is very poorly written or is designed to not add up.  Maybe both.

  • Love 13

What has Olivia been inhaling at the hospital that she thinks Sonny is "a thousand times" a better man than Julian?  Because, no.  No.  Anyone who murders someone in cold blood, like A.J., or tries to murder someone in cold blood, like Dante, Olivia, is not better than anyone even x1.


I think she meant that Sonny is way smarter than Julian, and if he, the man who is 1000 more capable than Julian (let's pause so we can chuckle a bit) can't even protect his kids, than Julian definitely can;t.


Seems the LSD is still having a bit of an effect on Olivia.

  • Love 10

I think she meant that Sonny is way smarter than Julian, and if he, the man who is 1000 more capable than Julian (let's pause so we can chuckle a bit) can't even protect his kids, than Julian definitely can;t.


Seems the LSD is still having a bit of an effect on Olivia.


Maybe, but on that score, I'd still ask what has Olivia been inhaling, or injecting indeed, because Sonny is dumb as a post and never thinks before he acts.


It amuses me that Morgan, the only biological child of both Sonny and Carly, is also dumb as a post.  Their DNA?  Not a good mix.

  • Love 4

Are they trying to act like Sabrina would give a damn about Duke because of Patrick/Emma? My mom asked me that and it never occurred to me.

Olivia lost all standing when she said "Sonnys better than Julian." That's the worst contest ever, and, it's up for debate.

"I arrested one brother for drugging another, that's the family!" Oh, Dante, you are huggable. Not as good as his "I got siblings popping up all over the place", but his just being over all this BS will never get old.

I almost liked Greenlee today. What are the odds though she finds out "Duke Lavery" died and says the last name sounds familiar? No way do I see Ron, or Scott Sickles, passing that up. No way.

  • Love 7

"I arrested one brother for drugging another, that's the family!" Oh, Dante, you are huggable. Not as good as his "I got siblings popping up all over the place", but his just being over all this BS will never get old.


Him and Ned looked super cute in their matching shirts (kinda) and kinda matching hair-dos and I was all "Just marry him Olivia okay so my poor Dante can have a step-dad and start filling that leftover childhood need to have a dad with Ned instead of his horrible, horrible father RIGHT NOW DO IT OLIVIA DO IT."


Or she could come back from maternity leave married to Johnny and let him be Dante's step-dad, cause that would be hilarious.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 10

I don't believe Sabrina cares one whit about Duke nor should she.

They are really trying hard to turn Anna into an incompetent. And I care…kinda. IDK I guess I just can't hand wave Anna being cool with Duke trying to murder Jordan just because he called it off after they decided to be middle-aged runaways.

Oy Liz, desperation is not a good look for you.

Sonny sucks, yet he's better than Julian? Don't think so, Liv. Didn't Jason always have to clean up Sonny's messes? That doesn't say qualified to me. And yeah, the mob war is with Sonny, so why is her kid in danger? Sonny loves kids, right?

I kinda loved Hayden making herself at home at Wyndemere; and I liked her needling Nik with the knowledge she has. I do think she should be careful, the catacombs are just one not-so-secret door away.

  • Love 6

Dante is a beautiful man.


That's all I have for today's ep.



Nothing more needs to be said!


Didn't Dr. O try to OD Duke with LSD a couple of years ago?  I seem to remember a night out at the Floating Rib, Dr. O in a blonde wig croaking "Is That All There Is?" and Duke being hospitalized for a while.  If memory serves, she was aiming for Anna?

Edited by One More Time
  • Love 4

The scene probably should have played out like this:


Obrecht: Hello, Finola Hughes. You are doing a wonderful job playing Anna.

Anna: Thank you Kathleen Gati. You're a great actress. Isn't it too bad our characters are enemies and so, we can't really lean on each other in this scene and Obrecht can't put her hand on Anna's shoulder?

Obrecht: You mean, like this? (she does)

Anna: Yes, just so. Yes, this is the way we would play it if it made sense for our characters


(they play out the scene)


Anna: But it doesn't make sense, so we can't. Alas.

Obrecht: Yes, alas. Well, bye!


Doesn't make any less sense than the three Carlys!

This is wonderful, and really, it's the mind-set I had to be in, when watching the scene, to keep from Elvissing my TV.


It should not surprise you in the least that I vehemently disagree. Olivia's situation is entirely of her own making.


In my head, I give Olivia what I think of as the Sonny edit, so that I don't end up hating her. I pretty much give everyone who doesn't actively work for Sonny the Sonny edit. He's tainted every character.


I suppose you don't watch The Following but to me in a soapy way it is what Ron is going for with Dr. O and Anna. I see shades of Ryan and Joe. And I just don't agree that Anna doesn't have some positive feelings for Dr. O I mean it isn't like they didn't team up at CC too. That scene wasn't OOC to me it is just everyone has different opinions. It isn't healthy for a good person to have some love for her evil nemesis but it happens in plot lines all the time. Kind of the definition of a nemesis is someone you hate yet admire a little underneath. It isn't particularly well done by Ron but I do see what he is going for.


I see what he's going for, but it isn't working, because of how vile Dr. O has been to Anna and her loved ones, over the years, and because of who Anna has always been. I think Ron should probably be a staff writer, rather than a head writer. He can write entertaining stories, but he doesn't seem to have the discipline, and there are such structural problems with the show. I know he inherited a lot of that from Guza, but he seems to thwart opportunities to fix (or hell, even retcon) the problems the mob has caused for this show.


Are they trying to act like Sabrina would give a damn about Duke because of Patrick/Emma? My mom asked me that and it never occurred to me.



I think so. Also, Lucy and Felix are friends, and I guess Sabrina and Lucy are friendly.

Edited by General Days
  • Love 3

I know I might get some blowback but I just have to say it...


I know this whole Jake/Jason (whatever name) story is really awful in people's eyes and I do agree and Elizabeth should be smart but this is a soap, she's just going along with the story, which I wish they just made Billy a new character. 


But I like them together. Billy brings a playful side to Jason and Becky has not aged a day! My goodness I want her genes! Today's episode made my excited for some reason and I think it's just because they are just so cute. (I know not shared by all, haha!)


They are a good looking couple :)


Ok, you can throw the tomatoes my way, haha! 

  • Love 9

The line is a dot to you, Liz.


I think Liz needs time in a box, to think about what she's done. Can we call  Viv Alamain from DOOL to see what can be done about that?



LMAO Liez is SO FUCKING DESPERATE for Jason's dick. It's disgusting. 


I cracked up, it was very much like. "wait? I am lying to get all of this, and he's defaulting back to the whole "Can't be with you, gotta kill for a living, see ya toots" 

Olivia lost all standing when she said "Sonnys better than Julian." That's the worst contest ever, and, it's up for debate.

"I arrested one brother for drugging another, that's the family!" Oh, Dante, you are huggable. Not as good as his "I got siblings popping up all over the place", but his just being over all this BS will never get old



Sometimes I have to wonder if Olivia doesn't remember that Sonny shot Dante in the chest at point blank range. I get - that it is a soap opera, but there are some things that people shouldn't get over. (i mean every soap has that watershed moment, then writers go "hey wouldn't it be nice...." see AMC Bianca/Babe, Baby), but i mean... 

If I had a kid - and regardless of I hid/lied/whatever'ed this kid from the father, and then said father goes "Well, under-cover cop here lied and whatever'ed so imma gonna bust a cap in his chest " and I saw him do it.. that's it. that's it. that's game over, the vagina is all dried up, the legs are glued shut, You are dead to me, because you shot my kid. So whenever Olivia is all "Sonny is better than __________" It's like. No... because Sonny shot your child to protect his mobby mobster ways. 


And then you go sleep with ...Julian? (is that the name?)  and you want to run away with your uber preemie kid. shut up Olivia. Shut up. 


I am remembering (with this whole Sonny threatening Julien and all) why Ted King wanted to leave GH. He was like - there's no point being a mobster on the show, because  no one else wins. Sonny always wins so even if Lorenzo (who shouldn't even be mad at Sonny right now anyway) got the upper hand, ultimately, you know that Jason and Sonny will win.  SO it's like - why bother with it? someone suggested it -  Julien should have been a doctor, the newspaper guy, a business person to go after ELQ.... he didn't have to be a neutered mobster. 




And now we'll have to see Sonny and Shawn win. 


Like. what's the point?


Rebecca Budig would be wise to avoid parapets.

Only the 2nd time. the 1st time, she'll totally survive. 

Edited by Daisy
  • Love 10
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