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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I thought Brad was a very negative presence for a good portion of his run - he's nicer now, but it seems like that also meant less and less airtime. TJ also became very negative in order to try to make viewers support Rafe/Molly. That flopped, but most of his airtime went with it.

I agree about Jordan, but she's mostly a neutral plot device, another who gets infrequent airtime.

None of the POC have a storyline or POV. They are also only on every other Wednesday for 5 minutes max. IMO, GH was and has always been the worst of ABC at diversity.

  • Love 7

None of the POC have a storyline or POV. They are also only on every other Wednesday for 5 minutes max. IMO, GH was and has always been the worst of ABC at diversity.

I still find it astonishing that every year Tequan Richmond makes the prenoms and the one year Ron gave him a mom, he actually got an Emmy nom and might win. Maybe he'll get every Wednesday then.

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Silas really needs to go.  There's nothing left for him on the show.



This show has way too many doctors.  At least change the title of this soap.  Scenes at the metrocourt outnumber scenes shot at the hospital by a wide margin.


re: Valerie, a better way for this to be done would for her to go live with Bobbie, because bobbie would absolutely insist on getting to know her niece. And Lulu, Dante, Lucas (and Brad) could come over all the time and try to get to know her.


Sorry but Valerie ain't cutting it for this viewer.  There's something off about her and it's not just her acting.  Casting has failed with the younger female set (except for Ellie who probably isn't gonna be around long because I enjoy watching the actress) - Kristina, Felix's sister, and nuKiki.

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And will someone let Jakeson take the bus, fuck.

Ha! I know, right? Poor guy just wants to get back to work. If I were him I would have just quietly slipped out and started walking. He isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

Upon re watch, Sam was very accusatory toward Patrick.....dare I hope there is already trouble in paradise?

  • Love 7

Wow yesterday happened. That was a whole lota nothin'.


I didn't mind Jake or Sam in their scenes but Patrick true to douche form seemed put out to be talking about...not him. He kept playing it like he was annoyed to be having this conversation about not him.


I mostly kept wanting that bus Jake kept talking about to take out Spinelli, Lulu and Maxie they are truly all just a complete waste of O2.


While Nathan and Ellie are cute physically together I don't get all the Ellie love b/c she is just one click off from being a female Spinelli her only saving grace is she is attractive and not a beady eyed cretan.


Show was so boring and irritating....games on my phone were more interesting by the time I got to the end of that mess.

  • Love 3
Sam was very accusatory toward Patrick

Which made no damn sense. Why would he have Jason's ring, and if he did have it, wouldn't he have found a better place to hide it than under the sofa???

Why would he want to hide it in the first place? Why not put it back in the canister Sam kept it in, or throw it away altogether? 


I had to laugh at Patrick trying to explain that the ring couldn't have been under the sofa too long. I was waiting for him to say, "The cleaning lady would have found it if it had been there more than a week."

  • Love 4


While Nathan and Ellie are cute physically together I don't get all the Ellie love b/c she is just one click off from being a female Spinelli her only saving grace is she is attractive and not a beady eyed cretan.


If I was more tech savy, I would link you the scene from the Sonny/Connie non-wedding where Connie announced she was already married to Johnny.  Spinelli had invited Ellie, whom he had just recently met, and her reactions to the goings on were the moment when I became an Ellie fan.


Also, I also appreciate the fact that she is smart and has a career and she actually made Spinelli act like a grown up.  Spinelli mostly irritated me except during his time with Ellie. 

Edited by Mrs. Stanwyck
  • Love 8

 Really, Maxie? Valerie is just like Levi? If you can't tell the difference between the con man whom you willingly let into your life and kept him there despite numerous warnings from Mac & Nathan and the world-class wackjob who not only barged into Valerie's life and home at gunpoint, terrorized her and basically killed her mother, aka his own sister, then you're even dumber than I thought. Of course, your getting back with Spinelli despite your feelings for Nathan already proved that.


  Speaking of whom, Nathan & Ellie showed more chemistry and made more sense to me in one episode than Spixie ever has or ever will, so of course it won't happen.


  STFU, Nik. If you put even half as much effort into raising Spencer as you do to stealing ELQ, Spencer might not be the petulant, spoiled, creepy, bitch baby stalker he is. Seeing such traits in the adult Cassidines is bad enough, but in a child, it's disgusting. If Michael does learn that you're behind the hostile takeover, I hope he retaliates by putting the Cassidines in the poorhouse. If poverty doesn't give you & Spencer (especially Spencer)attitude adjustments, nothing will.

Edited by DollEyes
  • Love 10

Oh, and since I remembered this year happy birthday to Mr. Zamprogna. My birthday present is once again still kinda watching this show for YOU. :throws bar ware: And not being able to decide whether I want you to leave the show or not. I'm the most supportive fan ever!

Damn. That's epic fandom. I couldn't even watch ATWT for Roger Howarth.

Packing Valerie off to go live with Prince of Douchey Tides Nikolas and his super annoying spawn (two people Valerie has never even met!) at creepy ass Wyndemere, conveniently a launch ride away from Dante cuddles, instead of suggesting Carly's house or hotel was some stealth bitchery on Lulu's part.


All the nonsense about the Nurses' Ball red carpet was such a stupid contrivance to prop up this Maxie/Nathan/Spinelli/Ellie quad.


Shut up, Carly.

  • Love 7

Maxie's comment shows she knows Spinelli was checking out Jake's butt. That's about the only thing Maxie has gotten correct in.....I don't even know how long.


My public service:  Fast forward Lucy. She seems to get worse by day. 


Spinelli is beyond delusional at this point. Yet I don't feel bad for Maxie for having to listen to it.  Then him promising Maxie they'll be the "hottest couple at the Nurse's Ball"....no words. I can't tell who's more delusional, Spinelli or Ric.  Or maybe the tie is between Ric and Patrick. Elizabeth could not look more wistful, and there's Patrick grinning and asking for a compliment while Sam is looking into his face like she wants to cry with longing for Jason.


Lulu is awful. Nik is awful. Hayden is acting like she's his personal hooker. Ookkkk. The implication that Nik is a stallion (complete with self-satisfied look) turns my stomach.

  • Love 9

Sam is freaking emotional as shit and all Patrick basically says is, "I'm your new pretty shiny doctor boyfriend."


And LOL at Sam and her new family and closure. Starting tomorrow, she'll just talk about Jake 24/7.

I can't with anything Maxie or SPINELLI or Hayden or Carly.

Lulu is an idiot.

Nik is the WORST. And everyone buying his nonsense is the WORST.

I'm so happy Jakeson finally got to leave.

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If Valerie decides to stay at Nikolas' she's an idiot though. The one thing creepier than sleeping on the couch 2 feet from the bed from where my new cousin and her husband sleep would be to move to her random half-brother's creepy island house with his creepy fucking kid.


And what in the world makes Lulu think Nikolas would be fine with that?


"I don't get any of this."

I think WE all should have a "fuck it let's just drink" dance party in Lante's loft. If I called the GH studios, do you think they'd put up that set for us?

  • Love 8

Good lord, Patrick may as well be literal wallpaper in this story, even more so than Sabrina was in their same mirror story line. At least she voiced to Felix how she felt she was coming in second to a "dead" Robin right before the wedding. I'm almost (almost) embarrassed for JT having to stand around looking like such a jackass while Sam loses her shit over Jason yet again. Remember the days when Patrick used to have a POV? Samtrick continues to disgust me.


Nik and Hayden are just plain raunchy. Not sexy, not hot, RAUNCHY. This would be a minor quibble if the show balanced it with some actual romance, but it doesn't. Cheap, cheap, cheap, just like the show's production.


Yeah, i'm sick of Valerie. I don't agree with Lulu's stance and think she's petty as fuck, but the actress that plays Valerie does nothing for me talent wise, and I'm just on fatigue mode with any of RC's creations at this point. I wish she would have left when her mother died.

Edited by BinkyMimo88
  • Love 7

If Valerie decides to stay at Nikolas' she's an idiot though. The one thing creepier than sleeping on the couch 2 feet from the bed from where my new cousin and her husband sleep would be to move to her random half-brother's creepy island house with his creepy fucking kid.


I would laugh my ass off if Valerie walked into Wyndemere and was like, "Yeah, I'm not staying in this creepy ass mansion" and hauled ass back to the mainland.


Also, aren't Lulu and Nikolas in a fight, about how he knew Luke was in league with Helena?

  • Love 4

Good lord, Patrick may as well be literal wallpaper...Remember the days when Patrick used to have a POV? Samtrick continues to disgust me.

It's crazy to watch anything of Patrick between 2005-2012 and then see him now. Utterly jarring.

Yeah, i'm sick of Valerie. I don't agree with Lulu's stance and think she's petty as fuck, but the actress that plays Valerie does nothing for me talent wise, and I'm just on fatigue mode with any of RC's creations at this point. I wish she would have left when her mother died.

I'm not feeling Valerie at all either. She's about to get the mute treatment.

  • Love 1

Well...this is Liz we're talking about.


I am now picturing Liz, with a box full of replica Alan Q rings, performing her own marriage ceremony to Jason. In her head. Every night.

Wow yesterday happened. That was a whole lota nothin'.


I didn't mind Jake or Sam in their scenes but Patrick true to douche form seemed put out to be talking about...not him. He kept playing it like he was annoyed to be having this conversation about not him.

I figured he was annoyed because Sam kept looking to Jake and they kept discussing the pretty personal conversation they had about her wedding rings. He's already pissy about the time Sam is spending with Jake.

I haven't watched the show today, what excuse did Nikolas use?

  • Love 3

But um . . . Didn't Carly tell Jake a few weeks ago that there's a whole wing of her mansion that doesn't even use? Don't Val's second cousin and Lulu's step-mother currently live on a palatial estate with multiple wings and guest houses and a pool house? Or I don't know, I'm sure Carly would comp her a room at her hotel, or maybe just maybe Val could get a job and rent a room above Kelly's?

Who wants to help me make a Nathan & Ellie fansite? No, not really, but they sure are cute together.

  • Love 6

But um . . . Didn't Carly tell Jake a few weeks ago that there's a whole wing of her mansion that doesn't even use? Don't Val's second cousin and Lulu's step-mother currently live on a palatial estate with multiple wings and guest houses and a pool house?


And that would afford Dante plenty of opportunities to interact with Valerie, since he could come to visit Michael, and it would come off as less contrived. And Tracy could see them interacting and fuel Lulu's suspicion.

Wait, what?  Lucas and Brad moved into Carly's?  Why the hell would they do that?!?!


No, they didn't. 

Wait, what?  Lucas and Brad moved into Carly's?  Why the hell would they do that?!?!


Considering Carly's complete and utter disregard for the privacy of anyone who stays at her hotel, I shudder to think what it would be like to live in her actual home.  She'd probably be going through your underwear drawer while you were in the shower.

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When Dante was asking Lulu what about carly she mentioned that carly had her hands full with Joss Aunt Bobbie and lucas and Brad who have decided to live together and that Carly had less room thn they did.I assumed that meant they was living in carlys house too lol.


I'm going off memory so I could be wrong, but I believe she said Bobbie, Joss, Morgan, and Lucas, who just moved in with Brad, and that they have even less space than they (Dante and Lulu) do. 


The dialogue was odd in any case. Why mention Lucas when she was only trying to mention those relatives currently at Carly's? No need to mention Lucas as an add-on as he hasn't lived there in months. There should have been a break to bring up Lucas and Brad's living situation as the start of a new sentence.

Edited by BinkyMimo88
  • Love 1

When Dante was asking Lulu what about carly she mentioned that carly had her hands full with Joss Aunt Bobbie and lucas and Brad who have decided to live together and that Carly had less room thn they did.I assumed that meant they was living in carlys house too lol.


It's always so difficult for me to believe Carly cares about Lucas or his life. I mean, I can believe she cares about her kids (to a point, anyway - the point usually hanging off of Sonny or Franco or whoever), and even Bobbie, but I just don't see Carly as being able to care much beyond that basic level. She's not built that way. It's the same reason I've never bought her relationship with Lulu, sour or prom queen version.


I imagine if we did see her with them more often, she and Brad would have an oh-so-hilarious slap fight because Carly says she doesn't really like All That Glitters.

Edited by Pete Martell
  • Love 5

Is Maxie drowning her sorrows and regrets in that bottle of red wine? She's using a big glass too. Spinelli hardly notices. Either Mac or Spineli must have given her some purse lettuce lately too, considering that expensive spring lilacs lounge outfit she was wearing to drink in.


Is Hayden trying to get pregnant and produce the next heir to Windemere?


Lucy is the most shallow human being in PC. Telling couples that they should be together because they "look good together". Never mind common values, goals, etc. What a drip.

  • Love 2

It's always so difficult for me to believe Carly cares about Lucas or his life. I mean, I can believe she cares about her kids (to a point, anyway - the point usually hanging off of Sonny or Franco or whoever), and even Bobbie, but I just don't see Carly as being able to care much beyond that basic level. She's not built that way. It's the same reason I've never bought her relationship with Lulu, sour or prom queen version.


Well, to be fair, Carly and ER's Lulu have barely had any scenes together. They haven't tried to sell any friendship between them. I think they're supposed to be friendly, but not have the "I am training you to be my mini-me!" relationship like they did in 2007-8.

  • Love 1

Well, to be fair, Carly and ER's Lulu have barely had any scenes together. They haven't tried to sell any friendship between them. I think they're supposed to be friendly, but not have the "I am training you to be my mini-me!" relationship like they did in 2007-8.


I was mostly speaking in general from the time Sarah Brown left. Whenever they try to act like she cares about people, I just go, "Eh." I know that in terms of character development, the character should grow and become more caring, but it's not something I ever buy. Of course I do realize these caring scenes are lip service and she still spends 99% of her time snarling at people and worrying over her favorite fellows; it's just the oddness of her saying she has to worry about Lucas and Brad. I kind of assumed she had forgotten Lucas' existence for the last 10+ years. 


(then again everyone but Bobbie did...)

Edited by Pete Martell
  • Love 5

I never bought into the Lulu/Carly relationship, because I always felt it was used to validate Julie Berman's adult Lulu as one of the Cool Kids who Carly approved of.


I do like Lucas with Carly a lot, I think LW and Ryan Carnes have easy chemistry. I think it's something the writers should have built on years ago when they still had the half-dozen rotating teen Lucases. But I also think they often talk about stupid shit, like everyone else on this show.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 6

I never bought into the Lulu/Carly relationship, because I always felt it was used to validate Julie Berman's adult Lulu as one of the Cool Kids who Carly approved of.


I do like Lucas with Carly a lot, I think LW and Ryan Carnes have easy chemistry. I think it's something the writers should have built on years ago when they still had the half-dozen rotating teen Lucases. But I also think they often talk about stupid shit, like everyone else on this show.


It was annoying. JMB's Lulu didn't need Carly's validation, she got popular all on her own, so of course they started giving her scenes with Carly and Jason and Sonny and started her on the road to ruination. I was annoyed Lulu got tossed into that relationship instead of giving her a stronger one with Emily or Liz.


I think Carnes and Wright have good chemistry too.

  • Love 8
I do like Lucas with Carly a lot, I think LW and Ryan Carnes have easy chemistry. I think it's something the writers should have built on years ago when they still had the half-dozen rotating teen Lucases.


That's my problem with Carly and Lucas—they didn't build much of relationship back in the day, and he was away for so long that it now seems very WTF. Especially when Carly gasses on about her brother; I always have to stop and think who that is.


LW and RC do have a good chemistry, which of course is wasted because they rarely have scenes together.


JMB's Lulu didn't need Carly's validation, she got popular all on her own, so of course they started giving her scenes with Carly and Jason and Sonny and started her on the road to ruination. I was annoyed Lulu got tossed into that relationship instead of giving her a stronger one with Emily or Liz.


Jasus forbid anyone had reason to live if they weren't connected to the mob troika.

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