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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I'm catching up after a very bad week. (My beloved cat died. No, not the one who hates Carly. His brother. )

I felt the need to chime in even though I'm on Thursday's episode:

- loved Micheal's whole "come at me bro" stance to Ned & Alexis for trying to get him to step down. The "oh that's why Jason left" line was kind of funny. Tracy wasn't annoying, as she was more spectator who sounded concerned for Micheal. And I like Michael and Sabrina.

- shut up Maxie. Shut up Spinelli. Ellie is still awesome.

- Dr. O surely is a spy. She's smarter than the cops. Duhhhh the last person to see the damn baby is the 1st person you question. I'm also wondering if Franco is Faison/Liesel's kid. I see the Ronvils. She's Nathan level praising him.

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I want Jakeson to somehow see Nikolas and Hayden having sex, then happen upon Ric and Liz and Sam and Patrick...somewhere ... and say "seems my marriage is over." Then, directly to Sam: "Your cousin is having an affair with my wife." I think Sam, Liz and especially Ric's WTF expressions would be hilarious. Patrick's reaction would just be damn it all, now Jakeson has more time to talk to my girlfriend and insist he knows Robin. Well...well...I'll just keep pointing out he has serious brain issues because I'm absolutely 1000% positive he could never, ever have seen or met Robin in his entire life. 

Sorry to hear about your cat, Grrpants09.

I don't know if it's worth it to waste my night watching today's episode. Maybe ff to see Nik shirtless. Ric is beyond ruined- Liz isn't worth all this money and time!

I did end up watching the only good scenes- Olivia and Ned. Too bad this cuteness is a tad late. Olivia should be carrying Ned's baby, not Julian's.

Edited by twoods
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I love this board. My cat (his name was actually Tiger, seriously, no um disrespect to the poster) gets more respect than most of the characters. He'd like that. He wasn't a fan of cake being needlessly stabbed. He did actually like dock and roll. No seriously. That cat was very interested in the strangest things, like Faison.

Anyway, on topic, I remember why I don't like the Silas/Ava story too. How he's treating Ava.... is the way he should have been..... with his wife.....Nina. Yet Silas is the hero, Ava is the tragic heroine, and Nina is the crazy villain. Does Ron know people? I see Silas now as a guy with commitment issues who owes the troubled girl he took advantage of for years a lot of money, Ava is still the weird murderer who had her daughter's sloppy seconds and was technically a prostitute because Magda paid her to "seduce" Silas, and Nina is a very troubled woman who was probably raped as a kid, gave birth to a kid who she thinks is her brother, has severe mental problems, and the only four men she could trust are possibly her rapist dad, her son brother, ex husband who treats her like a bother, and a serial killer.

It's messed up that if Ron actually planned his stories out, he could have told that story, which is good. Instead, he chose to show us near torture porn with Nina ripping a baby from Ava's womb. Unless he ties this shit together to where this happened to Nina, but even then it's hard.

  • Love 5

I love this board. My cat (his name was actually Tiger, seriously, no um disrespect to the poster) gets more respect than most of the characters. He'd like that. He wasn't a fan of cake being needlessly stabbed. He did actually like dock and roll. No seriously. That cat was very interested in the strangest things, like Faison.

Anyway, on topic, I remember why I don't like the Silas/Ava story too. How he's treating Ava.... is the way he should have been..... with his wife.....Nina. Yet Silas is the hero, Ava is the tragic heroine, and Nina is the crazy villain. Does Ron know people? I see Silas now as a guy with commitment issues who owes the troubled girl he took advantage of for years a lot of money, Ava is still the weird murderer who had her daughter's sloppy seconds and was technically a prostitute because Magda paid her to "seduce" Silas, and Nina is a very troubled woman who was probably raped as a kid, gave birth to a kid who she thinks is her brother, has severe mental problems, and the only four men she could trust are possibly her rapist dad, her son brother, ex husband who treats her like a bother, and a serial killer.


Firstly, many condolences for the loss of your kitty. We can't have cats because of allergies, but we have dogs in their stead who are very dear. And hee, Faison is a very strange thing, isn't he?


As for Nina/Silas/Ava, if The Staph wasn't one of Ron's 'gets', we wouldn't have gotten to this revolting place to begin with. As has been said before, he seems to have this idea that soap viewers will forgive anything, so he brings Stafford on as a freak job who does something hideous, and expects us to at least feel sympathy for her if not totally forgive her, that she's depraved because she's deprived. Hell, look at what he's making Morgan do to Michael, and as much as I still don't hate the kid, I know he won't face any consequences for doing something to his brother that could put him into a Nina-like coma. Let's say for a second that Ava deserves what she gets because she's a murderer. If Nina's actions should be forgiven, then why not Morgan's or Liesl's or Sonny's?

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As for Nina/Silas/Ava, if The Staph wasn't one of Ron's 'gets', we wouldn't have gotten to this revolting place to begin with



It's too bad, because there were some glimpses of pretty fierce acting by MS during the past two episodes.  Sorry to be repetitive folks, but if he had brought some of these solid soap actors into General Hospital as doctors/nurses with semi normal personalities and use the day players as patients at GH instead of impotent mobsters or as women with baby-rabies - it would make this soap so much more watchable.  It is really much easier for the audience to relate (and root for or against) to the cast and to the show.  I'd love to root for Nina and for success for Michelle, but RC's script FV's reign have made it impossible.  We still have over one year left on Michelle's contract.

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Excellent point. I don't think Nina's actions should be forgiven. I just think that the idea of an incest victim having no one to trust and desperately grasping for love is in theory a more sympathetic character than a murderer who used a young man with self esteem issues and the husband who cheated on her and pretty much used her for free tuition money. I don't think Ron plans all of his stories. I think Ron saw an opportunity to get MSt and changed Nina from a sweet flower to manipulative. I don't really think he had much of a plan beyond "Nina will foil Sam/Silas. Nina is faking paralysis. " Because the show signed Billy Miller and then MB resigned so Sonny/Jason became available, tangible characters for him. Also, Ron very much wrote himself into a hole with Luke's story. But he had to do something with Nina, and he had to get Ava off the hook for Connie's murder because Sonny murdering an innocent AJ was November sweeps. So, he took the rant where Nina mentioned her lost baby..... and made Nina the villain and Ava the victim.

My problem with this is that once again we see Ron's twisted views on rape. The rape victim is a "crazy, unstable" person who just needs to be "saved". So Franco, the man who set up Micheal being raped in prison will now help Nina get over the trauma of being a victim of incest? (If the speculation is correct.) Silas, the man who's been helping a fugitive, an adulterer, who used a mentally unstable woman for tuition is the hero? Ava, the murderer, the woman who was paid to sleep with Silas is a heroine? No. And wtf will we see of Nathan? He's going to have to apologize to Nina for existing. Because Ron. I don't condone Nina kidnapping Avery. But I also am very disgusted that Silas is sitting there acting like his mistress deserves love and mercy, but his wife is only worthy of mere politeness. I'm disgusted that we are yet again going to be subjected to another rape story.

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I'm confused.  Nothing new there.  But how could Nathan be Nina's kid?  Dr. O isn't exactly warm and fuzzy about extended family, so why would she care so much about a niece's child, no matter the circumstances of his birth?  She was over-the-moon even nuttier than usual when she figured out who he was, stood up to Victor for him, and still acts like he just left the nursery.  And her conversations with Magda haven't hinted at it.

I don't see how it would make sense.


I also feel slightly ashamed I've paid this much attention to a character I dislike, and am wondering why I'm trying to make sense of a major retread of a character's paternity that was so recently established, when I remember that Ron C. is the same guy who made Rex Balsom into a Native American before he wasn't one.

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Sorry about Tiger, Grrpants09.


okay, I went to look at Chad Duell's imdb page out of curiousity, and it is probably the best picture of him that I've seen, heh. He looks like not a bunny and his age!




That has to be photoshopped. His mouth is a normal size!


I'm also wondering if Franco is Faison/Liesel's kid. I see the Ronvils. She's Nathan level praising him.


I'm starting to think that, too. It seems very RC to make Dr. O Franco's real mommy. If they go there, poor Nathan. Dr. O for a bio mom, Magda as the woman who raised him, and Nina and Franco as siblings. That's just sad.


I don't see how it would make sense.


'Making sense' is not on RC's list of things that a story needs to be.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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There's speculation that Magda was raped by a family memeber?

Nah, Nina. During Fierce Hats VS Fierce Repetition this past week, Fierce Hats (Dr. O ) went to Crime HQ Suite 666 (Franco & Nina's suite) and demanded she return Avery. Insert I didn't do it, which escalated to secrets, which escalated to Nathan's paternity. Dr. O stroked Nina's hair in a strangely loving, yet creepy, yet "I know something destructive" way and said "You of all people don't vant Nathan's real fazah to come out." Or the truth about Nathan's "fazah". Implying that something strange indeed happened with Nathan's birth.

What we know about the West sibs:

Nathan's real name is James, but he goes by Nathan

Nina told a strange story about delivering a foal from a horse named Allegra that sounded a lot like a human giving birth

Magda has always talked about Nina having mental issues that neither James/Nathan nor Nina's father could see

Nina's father left her everything

Magda was cold, distant, "jealous" according to Nina of the relationship with her father (see the hotel scenes after they kidnap Avery), but loving with James/Nathan

Liesel made Britt fend for herself with student loans, yet "placed" James/Nathan with a wealthy family

Liesel has always tried to not let Nathan know who his father is

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Dr. O told Nina there is a secret (or secrets) about Nina's past that Nina doesn't know. Dr. O never said it had anything to do with Nathan, that's all spec.


Exactly.  Nina got too close to what we as the audience already know - that Victor Cassadine isn't Nathan's father - and that's why Dr. O volleyed back that she knows a secret about Nina.  The two aren't connected, AFAIC.


I'm sure whatever Dr. O knows about Nina will be designed to make us sympathize with either Nina or Magda or both.  Probably something about how Papa Reeves was the most EVUL EVIL ever.

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Grrpants09, so sorry about your cat! I hope his brother is handling it well too(he hates Carly? Really?!) Everyone here was so nice to me back in January when I lost my dog. I think because generally when you hear an animal is a pet you automatically assume they're a great loyal animal, where as when you hear a name and that its a GH character, you might be inclined to assume they're a annoying murderer.

However, I'm finding myself uncomfortably excited about the non-murderers Ellie and Nathan's scenes on Monday.

Edited by Gigi43
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I see Silas now as a guy with commitment issues who owes the troubled girl he took advantage of for years a lot of money


How did Silas take advantage of Nina? Or is Ava the troubled girl? But same question. Silas was lied to during Nina's whole coma, and Ava isn't exactly blameless during their affair. No one has acted very well, but I don't think Silas is the big villain here. Neither are Nina nor Ava. Everyone sucks.


Dr. O told Nina there is a secret (or secrets) about Nina's past that Nina doesn't know.


WE NEVER CARED has never been so apt.

Edited by dubbel zout
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How did Silas take advantage of Nina? Or is Ava the troubled girl? But same question. Silas was lied to during Nina's whole coma, and Ava isn't exactly blameless during their affair. No one has acted very well, but I don't think Silas is the big villain here. Neither are Nina nor Ava. Everyone sucks.


Oh, but don't forget, didn't we find out that Magda paid Ava to seduce Silas?  I'm sure that'll come out eventually so Silas can deliver a patented John McBain "You Have Betrayed Me, Whore!" rant. 

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I'm catching up after a very bad week. (My beloved cat died. No, not the one who hates Carly. His brother. )


So sorry to hear this. I will be in the same boat soon. My beloved cat Jack has a mouth tumor and the docs have given him weeks to live. Ugh. 


As for this fukakta show, I can't bring myself to watch it. I keep track on Twitter because I follow a lot of people who watch from 2-3 (I'm in New York) and seeing their reactions to the show has made it much easier to avoid. 

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My problem with this is that once again we see Ron's twisted views on rape. The rape victim is a "crazy, unstable" person who just needs to be "saved". So Franco, the man who set up Micheal being raped in prison will now help Nina get over the trauma of being a victim of incest? (If the speculation is correct.) Silas, the man who's been helping a fugitive, an adulterer, who used a mentally unstable woman for tuition is the hero? Ava, the murderer, the woman who was paid to sleep with Silas is a heroine? No. And wtf will we see of Nathan? He's going to have to apologize to Nina for existing. Because Ron. I don't condone Nina kidnapping Avery. But I also am very disgusted that Silas is sitting there acting like his mistress deserves love and mercy, but his wife is only worthy of mere politeness. I'm disgusted that we are yet again going to be subjected to another rape story.


With respect, I don't think you can have it both ways. I appreciate how you feel, but OTOH it seems to be a bit of speaking at cross-purposes to say that Ava is/should be unredeemable because she killed someone while Nina didn't just kidnap Avery, she yanked her out of Ava's lady-parts because she's an insane bitch punishing her for something that happened twenty frigging years ago. Maybe its true that, in theory, Nina should be sympathetic. She went through something awful, and her own mother did it to her because of reasons, I guess. But Ava didn't put her into the coma that's apparently turned her into a nutbag, and Ava wasn't married to her all those years ago. I'm not saying she's completely innocent, but it makes me really uncomfortable to think that I'm supposed to think Nina is "allowed" to take vengeance on her in whatever way she sees fit.

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Ulkis, thank you so much my fellow NJ-er, losing the house in the hurricane was horrid, took a little over a year to get my Parents back home and unfortunately, less than 6 months later my Mom passed away (2 years ago tomorrow, 4/19) so it's been a hard couple of years for me. It means a lot that you mentioned it <3

Grrpants09, I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved Tiger. I'm a cat owner myself and lost 2 cats last year, one after another, so I completely understand what you're feeling, they are our children and we love them. We still have 3 cats and 2 dogs (just got a Siamese kitten a few months ago) but they can't replace the loss we feel. <3 (yay for LWOP for killer, may her wish for death being freedom for her come true asap)

On topic, I've basically been half watching and there's nothing that is holding my interest. The only thing I care about right now is the hopefully potential fallout from Michael being drugged by his stupid brother and his stupid ex-girlfriend.

Everything else is yawn worthy to me.

Edited by OnceSane
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I'm sure whatever Dr. O knows about Nina will be designed to make us sympathize with either Nina or Magda or both.  Probably something about how Papa Reeves was the most EVUL EVIL ever.


If Papa Reeves turns out to have been the big bad - )and is probably still alive, living in a magical city under Llanview Mountain, since this IS Ron C., and needs to harvest his daughter's heart) - then there might just be a character in this family I will give one and a half fuks about.  Especially if he hogties Dr. O and ridicules her stupid Colonel Klink impersonation.


But oh Lord, this also might unleash the Staph's CRAZY HANDS, which is how she signals distress.....


Clear the freezer and stock up on the vodka NOW.

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Grrpants09 - Sorry for the loss of your cat. Why shouldn't Tiger get more respect on the boards than some characters, like GH's cat, who listens to the advice of Lucy (?!) of all people. Tiger demonstrated better judgement than that just by enjoying dock and roll.


But that idiocy from Lucy is just more of the same terrible writing. For me right now, of those we see often, the only adult characters who aren't behaving like losers are Dante, Nathan, Michael and Anna. I've been a fan of the Alexis and Diane friendship, the Davis women as a family and Alexis sparring with Helena; of Liz and her friendship with Patrick and Robin, of Tracy and Monica's long-time love/hate family relationship, and more ... but I'm finding it hard to like any of them right now. Sad. Which is why the snark here makes me smile or laugh so much.   

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Double duh!  I'm sure Ned and Olivia will eventually be SHOCKED when Franco blurts out the secret anyway.


I keep thinking that this 'big secret' will be like Connie being shot for knowing Julian's "big secret" - big consequences (like the ELQ shares) over something that will be found out any day now anyway. It's SO dumb and Ned would never ever EVER do that, not even for his One True Love ("it's always been you, Liv".. really?? since WHEN?).  


Hoping that one day when Ron's contract ends and ABC cans him, the next writer just rewinds everything to 2012 when this team took over and undoes everything that Ron did -just like Ron has done to the previous writers of this show (split personality for Luke Spencer,.... uh no).

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I was a tad skeeved when Dr. O grabbed Nina's hair (which I'm kinda liking MSt's hair now) and stroked it saying "Oh you don't want Nathan's fazzzaha to come out." KG can still scare the crap out of me more than make me warm and fuzzy. I wouldn't mind if Dr. O had some secret on Nina, but based on the history of what we know- Nathan was 6 when Nina went in a coma. Therefore, Nina was about 20-21 when she went in the coma. When Nathan was born, she was maybe 14-15. Ron's gone out of the way to establish that Nina was a "Daddy's girl", probably a former partyer, and a tad naive. She has this need to be believed, to be saved. It's a recurring theme. There's something going on about Nathan/Nina with Nina's parentage going on. Because to really be shocking for Nathan's dad, Ron would have to introduce a totally new villain or hell makeDr. O the actual father.

Thanks for the condolences on my Tiger. Yes, his brother, Casper loathes Carly and now Kiki. He's weird with voices. Both and Tiger also loathed Rex on OLTL. Oddly enough, they liked McBain. ME's voice put them to sleep.

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"Oh you don't want Nathan's fazzzaha to come out."


Why would it hurt Nina who Nathan's father is? It doesn't have anything to do with her, unless Magda was once a man. Frankly, that's the only thing I'd find even mildly interesting. Otherwise, I NEVER CARED.


Casper loathes Carly and now Kiki. He's weird with voices. Both and Tiger also loathed Rex on OLTL. Oddly enough, they liked McBain. ME's voice put them to sleep.


Your cats know what's up, Grrpants09.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Oh, but don't forget, didn't we find out that Magda paid Ava to seduce Silas?  I'm sure that'll come out eventually so Silas can deliver a patented John McBain "You Have Betrayed Me, Whore!" rant. 


Will he include "single tear" too b/c THAT never gets old. RME



With Franco and Nina on so much this week I kept wondering why they haven't gotten a love scene b/c to be honest they have good chemistry in close moments even if they are given epic fail garbage for story. All this secret talk coupled with the no sexy time leads me to believe they will indeed prove to be cousins/siblings...something. eeek!


So sorry Grrpants09 and Box305 about your kitties.(no this isn't Silas)



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I think Ron's solid style of writing is plant seeds now, write story later. It would explain why a lot of things never or rarely get explained. The things he cares to, is budgeted to, the actors haven't quit or gotten fired or caused a mutiny get written. The others are ignored or twitter plot points. I don't think he ever knew who Nathan's father was going to be. I also don't think he knows when the Jason reveal will happen either.

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I also don't think he knows when the Jason reveal will happen either.

I actually think he does. Whenever KMc comes back for X amount of time. I really do believe he's waiting on that. I'll be shocked if Jason remembers and the writers ignore the Robin stuff. Like, that's way too much to accept on top of all the stupidity they've already written to make this story go on for more than a year.

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Nik and Hayden make absolutely NO freaking sense.


Probably not, no. Still doesn't stop me from thinking they're hot together. Yes, I know he's gross and she's a blank slate with non-existent motives but I can't help myself. Maybe I'm just really shallow and base and watch for those reasons. It's certainly not for the outstanding writing.


I thought Ava looked pretty run down. I already have to look at Tony Geary/Luke looking pretty brutal, I'm fine with Ava's appearance.


As far as I can see, Maura is the only actor on GH who allows herself to look like shit on purpose. Not only during this storyline where I think she definitely looks like she's literally about to check out, but she had that black mascara smeared across her face for at least two weeks back when Nina went all psycho and drugged her and ripped the baby out of her womb. Sorry, just because Ava's a murderer (not that I give a flying fuck about Connie) it doesn't mean that Nina gets to do whatever the hell she wants to her. Especially since this had nothing to do with the mob and was about a pretty brief affair that resulted in a kid TWENTY YEARS AGO. Yeah, I know that Nina emerged from the coma (which wasn't Ava's fault) as a 20 something year old. You know what? I wasn't a childlike 10 years old when I was 20 something. So get the fuck over yourself, batty bitch. Of course, if it comes out that her dad raped her as a child (which I suspected a while back when Madeline, sorry I think the name Magda is stupid, spewed something about the whole history to Nathan), I suppose we'll be expected to feel sorry for her. Not going to happen, Ron. You can kiss my untoned, flabby ass.


I can't disagree there




I still love ya, boo.


I was going to ask what the hell scene was this from, but I recognize it now. Aw, I still love him too. Everyone who comes to the table with actual good acting is allowed a slip up or two. I swear, only guy right now that I don't utterly despise or want to slap myself to stay awake watching. I don't care, bring on the cheating.


Oh, but don't forget, didn't we find out that Magda paid Ava to seduce Silas?  I'm sure that'll come out eventually so Silas can deliver a patented John McBain "You Have Betrayed Me, Whore!" rant. 


I really hope that Silas gets all offended and vows to never have anything to do with Ava ever again. Or that Ava decides she is full on pissed that he decided to do a bone marrow extraction on Avery when she specifically told him not to. ANYTHING so that I can get her free of this albatross and interacting again with the more interesting characters on this show. He is killing her even without the cancer, he's that bad. Get her back with Julian. I love watching my Jerome sibs together. The inappropriate chem is only part of it. I just genuinely enjoy their dynamic. Hell, I just need her back in PC and out of that god damn bed that looks like a horror movie's version of a hospital.


It really sucks that Ned's leaving. Literally, he is the only Q that I could not only stand but actually liked. Stupid, stupid stupid decision on Frank's part to let WK get away to Salem, to follow along with the stupid, stupid, stupid decision of letting TR/Robert and Anna's ultimate true love she should be with when the show ends after she sexes up Dante and Nathan as much as she wants get away to Wisconsin.


I have to admit, I didn't expect Jakeson to find the ring that fast. There goes my idea for the millions of close-ups of it and us drinking ourselves into oblivion with the drinking game. Patrick was such a douche about the whole thing.


My one positive Liz comment a year: she looked really pretty on Friday. Great hair, great dress. And echo that she didn't look too skinny. I'm amused by Fake Jake sticking around, I don't know why. I think I just desperately want another fake photo shoot. That shit was awesome.


I do love me some Liesl, mainly because of KG, so I was all for her threatening Nina. Very much enjoyed that. What I did not enjoy was her ode to Franco. Gross, Dr. O. You very appropriately see that Sonny is the scum of the earth, you should see Franco in the exact same way.


I'm trying to think who I want to see Ellie at least chem tested with, and it isn't Nathan. I just don't see them having anything to talk about, he isn't even in her sphere of intelligence, and she's the one person that I like and don't want to see her turned into just someone that wants Nathan because he's hot. She's smarter than that, a lot smarter. I liked her and Spin when they were written well, but we all know that's not going to happen. Is there anyone else she can be paired with? Why do so many of the male characters on this show absolutely suck?


Although I am not a fan of felines, Grrrpants I'm very sorry for your loss. I am a huge dog lover, and my mom's dog that originally used to be my brother's that I helped raise when he was off working in the food industry all kinds of crazy hours is near death's door. I love that dog so damn much, and I'm going to be devastated when he's gone. He's had a great life, though, thanks to my mom.


Sorry this is so long, I've had an insane crazy (not Franco/Nina crazy) time at work and am finally caught up here mostly.

Edited by tvgoddess
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I'm trying to think who I want to see Ellie at least chem tested with, and it isn't Nathan. I just don't see them having anything to talk about, he isn't even in her sphere of intelligence, and she's the one person that I like and don't want to see her turned into just someone that wants Nathan because he's hot. She's smarter than that, a lot smarter. I liked her and Spin when they were written well, but we all know that's not going to happen. Is there anyone else she can be paired with? Why do so many of the male characters on this show absolutely suck?


Well, if Dante's gonna cheat, he might as well service all the women in Port Charles except Nina, his relations, and Kiki. :) Oh, and Carly. No Carly. Or Tracy. 


I could kinda see Ellie and Patrick too. And I would love it if Patrick used his douchiness for good and laughed in Spinelli's face if he whined about Patrick sweeping away Ellie on her feet or something like that.

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Well, if Dante's gonna cheat, he might as well service all the women in Port Charles except Nina, his relations, and Kiki. :) Oh, and Carly. No Carly. Or Tracy.


I'm down with that.


Although now that I think about it, I wish she could stick around and not be with anyone. She's a character who doesn't need a guy to make me like her. Let her be alone, but of course with all the Spixie triangle/quadrangle crap that won't happen.

Edited by tvgoddess
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Maybe Nathan's father is Nina's father and Leisl had an affair with him. I don't see her be so motherly towards Nathan if he's actually the child of Nina and her father (through rape). I assumed that Nina's secret is that her coma baby is alive. I hope it is because the former is too horrible to think of.

I forget that Nik is being character assassinated as well with his interest of ELQ. He has a shit load of money- why would he care?

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We've run a vast gauntlet of who is coma baby.....

Started with Potato Kiki and then we moved to the Hippie Levi then Nathan then Dishwater Kiki then no Coma Baby (for a moment I considered Spinelli ), but Nathan there's no way. Nina clearly remembers Magda loving him as a baby. Nathan was about 6 when Nina went in the coma. If anyone can be eliminated, it's Nathan. Spinelli too because he's too old, assuming he's Nathan's age. If Nina's taunts to the shocked Magda were true that Magda was jealous that "daddy loved Nina more" that is icky. I don't think Nina should be excused for what she did at all. I just think if Ron goes through with this, it's another story that makes the female victim look like a monster.

Ava- baby stolen, but she's a murderer, so she's a monster. There's flawed, but when a male character gets hurt it's a hero wound. Only Micheal has been raped and look, does he get counseling? He's now the heir apparent to a drug addiction.

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We've run a vast gauntlet of who is coma baby.....

 Nina clearly remembers Magda loving him as a baby. Nathan was about 6 when Nina went in the coma. If anyone can be eliminated, it's Nathan.



Not really, because she could of had him as a teenager and blacked out when giving birth and not remember.  She was 20ish when she went into the coma, so it is possible.


But I wouldn't want to torture Nathan that way.  No on deserves Nina as a mother.

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I think Spinelli and Kiki more than deserve Nina as a mother.

But if anyone currently on canvas is either coma!baby or a baby Nina had as a teen and forgot about, it's probably Ellie. I'm very suspicious of Ron creating some dark secret for Nina just as Ellie comes back.

Even worse, she's probably Nina AND Franco's kid that they both forgot for reasons and whatever those reasons were made Franco into a monster. Everything will be blamed on Magdalene, Donna Mills will cash her check, and we'll be expected to forgive Nina and Franco of all their crimes.

Edited by Tiger
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