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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Oh beans! With Liesl Dr of O suddenly turning up again sashaying in cheesy hair extensions, dangling earrings, and stiletto heels, you just know  she's practicing a Dietrich number backstage for the Noise's Ball.


Of course Tony Geary will make a big splash singing and dancing at the NB as both Luke and Fluke in their sparkling Irving Berlin number, "Sisters, sisters!":


"We think and we act as one
Those who've seen us
Know that not a thing could come between us
Many men have tried to split us up, but no one can
Lord help the mister who comes between me and my sister
And lord help the sister, who comes between me and my man"


And what are new couple Duke and Lucy planning for their number at the Ball? To stick with tradition, it has to be backstage and embarrassing, with Lucy caught unawares. Lovers, passion, and a lifted kilt?

  • Love 2

Oh beans! With Liesl Dr of O suddenly turning up again sashaying in cheesy hair extensions, dangling earrings, and stiletto heels, you just know  she's practicing a Dietrich number backstage for the Noise's Ball.


Of course Tony Geary will make a big splash singing and dancing at the NB as both Luke and Fluke in their sparkling Irving Berlin number, "Sisters, sisters!":


"We think and we act as one

Those who've seen us

Know that not a thing could come between us

Many men have tried to split us up, but no one can

Lord help the mister who comes between me and my sister

And lord help the sister, who comes between me and my man"


And what are new couple Duke and Lucy planning for their number at the Ball? To stick with tradition, it has to be backstage and embarrassing, with Lucy caught unawares. Lovers, passion, and a lifted kilt?


Oh I can see the Fluke/Luke number now.  Rosemary Clooney does NOT deserve this!


As for Duke and Lucy, I'm hoping it involves some sort of funny skit with a guillotine and a flame thrower.  I'm not picky.  And Dr. O can be RIGHT THERE TOO!!

The closest Silas ever got to characterization was wearing glasses and a hairbun like Agnes Gooch in Mame.



BOES, ON 16 APR 2015 - 10:28 PM, SAID:

And unlike Agnes, he never had an Auntie Mame, and he never had a night out where he came home and said, "I LIVED.  What do I do NOW?"


Because life may be a banquet, but he's the poor sucker who's starving to death.



Now you guys have me wanting to watch the Rosalind Russel version of Mame (my favorite version).


All the Mister Ed talk regarding Nina has me cackling. How long ago did multiple people guess that Nathan as well as Kiki were Nina's kids? Now, MoRon wants to go back to the story. Hell I didn't care then and care even less now. MoRon is truly the leader of trying to make FETCH happen. 

  • Love 3

I genuinely like the ELQ corporate intrigue. I didn't appreciate it enough in the '90s and I dig it now, even if Ron usually mangles it. My annoyance is with Ned lapsing into his old role of chiding Michael just as he did A.J., despite claiming to have loyalty to the cause. I think CD is in his element in this environment and I want to see Michael lay waste to his rivals. I like him when he's not at odds with Tracy, so I'd like them to preserve that friendship as opposed to going for the typical lazy route of Tracy scheming against anyone and everyone.

  • Love 11
I called it months ago - the sekrit that Dr. O is taunting Nina over is that Nina is Nathan's mother, not her sister.. .and that baby that Nina remembering helping deliver (she went on and on about when she delivered Ava's baby) was her own.



What's even more awesome is that RC has failed to convey to the audience as to why anyone would care about this strange family.  What a waste of resources and more importantly - our time.

  • Love 2
Of course Tony Geary will make a big splash singing and dancing at the NB as both Luke and Fluke in their sparkling Irving Berlin number, "Sisters, sisters!":


"We think and we act as one

Those who've seen us

Know that not a thing could come between us

Many men have tried to split us up, but no one can

Lord help the mister who comes between me and my sister

And lord help the sister, who comes between me and my man"



Oh I can see the Fluke/Luke number now.  Rosemary Clooney does NOT deserve this!


Neither do the Sweeney Sisters.

I don't care about Nina, Nathan or Kiki.


Of the lot of them, I care about Nathan, mostly because he deserves neither insane* baby snatcher.


I suppose Kaka isn't technically insane (after all, not all psychotics have the capacity to kill), but she is so extremely stupid that it almost qualifies her as another lunatic.

  • Love 2

Of course they are. We get weeks/months of boring or unwatchable soap and then we get to see RC's sweeps vision - for which he probably won't bother to provide a decent foundation despite having months to do it


I absolutely agree with better foundations needing to be laid, especially actually hitting the beats of a story through the small, intimate moments that build connections between characters and are what soaps used to excel at. But I certainly don't think RC is the first soap writer to focus solely on sweeps periods. That's been standard operating procedure for like a decade. Really bad SOP, but nothing new. 


Apparently I have a kneejerk need to defend current writers, who admittedly still kind of suck, from the crimes that have plagued all soap writers for ages.

Edited by TheGourmez
  • Love 3

All the Mister Ed talk regarding Nina has me cackling. How long ago did multiple people guess that Nathan as well as Kiki were Nina's kids? Now, MoRon wants to go back to the story. Hell I didn't care then and care even less now. MoRon is truly the leader of trying to make FETCH happen.

Can someone explain to me like I'm Morgan how and why Nathan is Nina's son? What is this spec based on? Why would Dr. O pretend he was her's and then dump him on Magda?

I guess I'm glad that I said last week that Ned giving Franco his ELQ shares would be the thing that finally broke me. It seems we will get confirmation of that and I can be done. I will continue to check in here and wish all of you well.

I wish I had your willpower. Unfortunately, no matter how much I rant, rave, and rail against the show, come 3pm east I'll be watching.


Edited by Tiger
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If Silas wanted to take Avery to see Ava or to test if she's a match, couldn't he just say "We need to keep her overnight" or something, and then spirit her away and bring her back, with no one the wiser? Flat out kidnapping seems extreme.


Port Charles is an extreme place. Logic, and being reasonable has no place there. 


No way is Ava dead.


I wonder how mad she'll be when she wakes up? 

  • Love 2
Can someone explain to me like I'm Morgan how and why Nathan is Nina's son? What is this spec based on? Why would Dr. O pretend he was her's and then dump him on Magda?


I'd say check Ron's twitter when it happens, but since we're pretending you're Morgan, surely you are BLOCKED!  You're SOL.


I wish I had your willpower. Unfortunately, no matter how much I rant, rave, and rail against the show, come 3pm east I'll be watching.



You're probably kidding, but just in case you're not:


Schedule something else?  A phone call?  Run an errand?  Go for a walk? Put on a movie or a classic tv episode instead?


Start small, don't turn it on until 5 minutes in.  Then increase by 5 minutes at a time every week.


Worse comes to worse, aversion therapy (rubber band on the wrist, etc.).  Though that's a bit like double dipping in this instance.

Edited by Francie
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I got a day pass from the barge and watched a little bit of yesterday's show. Holly hell, has it sunk to new levels of suckage. A whole lotta people I care nothing about littered my screen.


What was up with those faces Chad was making? Second hand embarrassment levels bad.  When Julian isn't the worst thing in a scene, you know it's bad.


I'm gonna say it, as much as it's incredulous -- NuKiki is even worse than OldKiki.  How is that possible?  At least the old one induced rage, this one is so bland she fades into the grey background.


As always, pull up your fucking top, Nancy. It ain't sexy, and it ain't tasteful.


What is up with the set design of the Quartermaine mansion? It looks less expensive or stylish than your typical 3-bedroom and bath in the suburbs.


I can't even comment on Lucy an Duke's conversations and quasi-relationship. I felt bad for Ian and Lynn for having to try to make sense of it.  Same for Finola.


Why does no one talk about the fact that Sloane is quite clearly radioactive?  I mean, he's too tall to be an oompa loompa.


Everything else was FF'ed.

Edited by Francie
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Oh Chad Duell. What are you doing with your face in these scenes. 


I need this story to end ASAP because I really can't deal with watching CD make these faces anymore.


What was up with those faces Chad was making? Second hand embarrassment levels bad. 


My husband saw a couple of scenes last week and his comment was that guy can't act. Then he was forced to watch 1/2 of today's show with me and I asked him what he thought and he said what is up with that guy...he is terrible. LOL


Of all that is going on right now the Avery/ELQ stuff is the only thing interesting. But of course I'm not team Michael and I am getting some joy out him being jerked around by everyone. He doesn't look smart or in any way shape or form someone who should be running a major company. I'm rooting for him to lose....


I know bad cat bad!


Edited by Cattitude
  • Love 3
I don't care about Nina, Nathan or Kiki. The only thing better then tying them together into easy to FF scenes would be for them all to move to Wisconsin


Whoa, whoa, whoa. What has Wisconsin done to deserve the the Wit triplets: Nit, Half, and Dim?


No way is Ava dead.

I wonder how mad she'll be when she wakes up?


I know! "WTF? Why does the afterlife look like my hospital room? Why do I still have no makeup on?"

  • Love 5

I'm binge watching again.  Just got caught up on this week's episodes. 


I don't mind the suspense as it were, around who took baby Avery. Lots of suspects with various motives.  Interesting how Dr. O kept pointing out Silas.  Wonder if she erased the video tape  and knows who did it and is covering.  Or if she saw Silas on the tape going into the drug room.  Or is just pissed at Silas because he's on leave. Or just assumes Nina did it and is trying to divert attention.


I don't like Lucy and her frenetic energy so the less the better for me.  Duke looks like he has a back injury.  I do chuckle now when I see him because of all the board cat comments. 


Sloane looked a bit better but now orange.  It's like that soap opera actor that "stars" in the Trivago commercials --- enough with the make-overs, stop trying to make him happen!


Val.  Guessing she is wearing some of Pat's clothes that were at the old Spencer house.  Lulu can take a seat with her snotty "what's going on here" attitude when she walks in on Val babysitting Rocco.  And no show, none of us see any anvils with Dante and Val.  Nope.  Not a one.


I don't care about Fluke and the scene with Sonny.  The reappearing and disappearing tattoo was OK.


Ned & Olivia - don't you get by now that the blackmail won't stop.  Do you think Nina and Franco are going to move out of the Metro Court?  And Ned, if Michael did sign over his CEO spot to you temporarily, don't you think he'd try to take it right back after learning of the Franco shares?  Alexis?  Anyone?


Maxie - Spinelli - Ellie - Nathan.  One of these things is not like the other.  Maybe they can all go away and raise the baby together.  so what is the point again?  Spinelli has legal custody of his own daughter.  Maxie has just been granted visitation.  Does Ellie have any legal standing?  I could see Spinelli wanting to get back with Maxie for "love" and family reasons (to have the baby at all times).  But Ellie would lose out on the baby.  And Maxie gains a bigger foothold by having the baby live with her rather than visiting which would be geographically undesirable.  And Nathan...


Silas is so disconnected from everything - even moreso than before - that it feels like he's on another show.  A show I wish would be canceled.

[...] pretty sure Ava's death was a fake-out (she thinks it's real)

I too think Silas put Ava in a medically induced coma so that he doesn't have to listen to her whine while getting treatments.  I don't know old Silas (have really only been watching since July) so hard to know what is in or out of character with him.  I would have liked to seen the man bun though.  I get a Belushi Samuri image :)


The fact that it's happening because of the most plot point-y plot point that ever plot pointed - Olivia FOR NO SENSIBLE REASON visiting Franco at the nuthouse and whispering her SUPER OMEGA SECRET to him - is what really drives me nuts about this story.

Beyond stupid. Surprised they aren't blaming it on hormones.  Guessing that there needed to be a way to get Nina and Franco living the high life while integrating them into everyone's lives.  I'd rather Dr. O give them a loan until Nina's money gets unfrozen and they live with Nik for reasons.


And if the show wants us to think that, for some reason, Julian is a more dangerous mobster baby daddy to have than Sonny...they're not really doing a great job of explaining it.

I think the difference is that Sonny didn't know that Dante was his son until Dante was an adult.  In this instance, Julian (and everyone else) will know right away and put the baby in danger and in bad influence.


 How much longer is it going to take Felix to get that pill tested? Angry drugged Michael is making me sad.

Unless Morgan scraped off the markings, any pharmacist (or someone with access to Merck) should be able to identify the pill.

  • Love 4

I genuinely like the ELQ corporate intrigue. I didn't appreciate it enough in the '90s and I dig it now, even if Ron usually mangles it. My annoyance is with Ned lapsing into his old role of chiding Michael just as he did A.J., despite claiming to have loyalty to the cause. I think CD is in his element in this environment and I want to see Michael lay waste to his rivals. I like him when he's not at odds with Tracy, so I'd like them to preserve that friendship as opposed to going for the typical lazy route of Tracy scheming against anyone and everyone.


I'm not all that bothered by Ned's behavior, because this is "gatekeeper" Ned to a tee - self-righteous, ineffectual, pointless at any role beyond clucking his tongue. 


I just don't think ELQ is all that interesting for corporate intrigue. Most of the ELQ stories seem to involve "good" characters telling scapegoats how bad and rotten they are, rather than anything of quality happening in company dynamics. 


The only way I might care is if they do something like dredge up Harlan Barrett's old company and have Lucy, Brenda and Julia fighting against ELQ or something (it's not as if any of the Quartermaines Brenda liked are around now anyway, aside from Ned).

Edited by Pete Martell
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The only way I might care is if they do something like dredge up Harlan Barrett's old company and have Lucy, Brenda and Julia fighting against ELQ or something (it's not as if any of the Quartermaines Brenda liked are around now anyway, aside from Ned).


I'll never understand why Ron keeps passing up the chance for the Quartermaines to band together against an outside force.  I mean, I guess Nikolas is (for still unexplainable reasons) sorta in that role right now, but the story is more about the Quartermaines divided and being stupid off-screen while Nik bangs Rebecca Budig.

  • Love 9

Re: Nik.


Umily would be so proud.


I don't mind Nik being a little dark and ruthless, but essentially one of the good guys.  I like having shades of grey in my characters - people who are all good or all evil are boring to watch.  I want to know WHY he's going after ELQ, because it just doesn't make sense.  He's the one who adored her (not me) - I can't see him dishonoring her memory without good reason.  I want to know the reason, please, Show.

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Nina once told a loving story about helping a horse give birth…she told it to Ava as she ripped her baby out. DayPlayerAtKellys speculated that the birth Nina helped with was actually her own and would mean Nathan is her son. So, Nathan's a horse. :)

That was one of my favorite Nina moments. So of fucking course it's going to result in Nathan. (Yes, I said that with a giant eye roll.) I'm annoyed because if we were in Wisconsin or Los Angeles, Nina wouldn't be his sister mother stable caretaker, but sexing Nathan up properly. Ron is dumber than Lloyd Christmas. I feel like just having my own rage blackout and throwing barware and yelling. Anna is with a random naked orange man. Oh, that random orange guy is a former hunk. He's so not Cass's brother. How many more good soap memories does he want to kill? Were Tom Eplin and Paul Micheal Valley not available?

  • Love 1
I'm not holding my breath, but I do hope Ava expresses some anger with Silas for lying to her, for pretending to honor her wishes when he really didn't, etc. before she starts licking his ass about saving her life.


I don't know, I'm #TeamSilas here. It was absurd that Ava wanted to die in the first place. She hadn't even finished her treatment. She hadn't begun to exhaust her treatment options. She pukes once and suddenly is all "Euthanasia now!" And one minute it's "I need to live for my baby!" and the next it's "Eh, whatevs. You can take care of her, Silas." I know this story has been horribly rushed, but this is ridiculous. 


Olivia FOR NO SENSIBLE REASON visiting Franco at the nuthouse


For some insane reason, I was thinking about this in the shower this morning. (Help me.) If Olivia had been to Miscavige for any other reason—her church donates stuffed shells every week—and she was curious to see Franco because she was already there, I'd have bought her stopping in. But to make a trip there especially to see A SERIAL KILLER? No. No, no, no.


The only way I might care is if they do something like dredge up Harlan Barrett's old company and have Lucy, Brenda and Julia fighting against ELQ or something (it's not as if any of the Quartermaines Brenda liked are around now anyway, aside from Ned).


I think there were some vague mumbles about Harlan Barrett when the Fake!Luke thing first started, but of course nothing came of them. It's very boring to watch the Qs fight amongst themselves for control of ELQ. They need to unite against an outside foe—like, say, A SERIAL KILLER—not squabble about which of them has dropped the ball. They all have.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 4

Thank you. Those of us who are inexplicably still watching need all the well wishes we can get.


I actually think CD is doing quite well with most of this stuff, but his 'drugged rage' faces are really bad and just embarrassing.


It's part him, part his facial features. He's not that great of an actor, but he also has the facial features of a bunny, which are emphasized when he scrunches his face. I expect his nose to wriggle at any moment.

  • Love 7

I don't know, I'm #TeamSilas here. It was absurd that Ava wanted to die in the first place. She hadn't even finished her treatment. She hadn't begun to exhaust her treatment options. She pukes once and suddenly is all "Euthanasia now!" And one minute it's "I need to live for my baby!" and the next it's "Eh, whatevs. You can take care of her, Silas." I know this story has been horribly rushed, but this is ridiculous.


I don't disagree with any of that, but then Silas should have flat out refused to help her die.  Adding a "PSYCH!" element to this already badly told story is just icky to me.

  • Love 1

Thank you. Those of us who are inexplicably still watching need all the well wishes we can get.


I actually think CD is doing quite well with most of this stuff, but his 'drugged rage' faces are really bad and just embarrassing.

I think Chad is doing fine in those scenes, and I see nothing he's doing that is any different than BC and MB and anyone else ranting and raving.  BC and MB tend to stammer and spit when they're raging.  CD tends to scrunch his face and flail his arms.  I've noticed that LL likes to smack people when she's talking to them as Olivia (have you noticed?).  It's all preference.  I'll admit that I'm getting tired of the drugged storyline, but not of Chad.  I just want the secret out so that Michael can get back to business of ELQ.  My greater fear is that RC is looking to make Michael the next generation addict of the Quartermaine family, and if that happens, I think I'm done.  I can't watch another Quartermaine implode.  We've seen it happen to Aj and Alan and Monica.  Emily and AJ were murdered.  Alan, Lila, and Edward are gone.  Ned is leaving.  Can't we have ONE member of the Q family that isn't doomed?  PLEASE??


Ryan Phillipe has a small mouth too, and I have some pretty cruel intentions for that mouth. *Ting* So I'm not bothered by CD's faces. I can sit through Secrets and Lies just fine.


I like Ryan too.  I'm getting hooked on that show.  What's the big deal with small mouths?  BC has a huge mouth, and so I guess it's about preferences once again.

Edited by Bishop
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I don't know. I hate that we - well I mean me- waited all this damn time for SK to return as AJ. Boom, Sonny kills him. Waited for Micheal to be a Quartermaine. Omg he's an addict thanks to Mordumb and Teh Keeks. Wanted Ned back. Oh look, he's dumb too (and leaving too.) Wanted a Jason with human emotions that sparkled with Kelly Monaco and boom I get "Liz Liz, wub wub smooch zzzzz." Wanted Lucas to come back. Groundhogs see their shadow more often than we see him. I wanted Roger Howarth on ABC daytime. I truly think TSJ has taken over his body to get revenge on everyone who booed his Todd. So now..... I want ..... Casey the Alien to return because YOLO, right?

  • Love 4

Is Ava really in a NY hospital?  Because it looks more like a gas station washroom.  Or the subway.

I know they can't get too "real", but Ava could have looked a little worse than having a head cold. 

I noticed there was no heart monitor, so she didn't "flatline".  I'll have to go with still alive.


I thought Ava looked pretty run down. I already have to look at Tony Geary/Luke looking pretty brutal, I'm fine with Ava's appearance.


As for the set, yeah, it pretty much looks like a gas station bathroom. Why couldn't they have used one of GH's rooms as a double?

  • Love 5
his 'drugged rage' faces


What I don't understand is why Michael keeps drinking when he suddenly has a weird reaction to it. Maybe lay off the sauce and try to figure out what's going on instead. 


As for the set, yeah, it pretty much looks like a gas station bathroom. Why couldn't they have used one of GH's rooms as a double?


The hallway is a PCPD set, I think, and the room looks like the morgue, which is rather fitting. But seriously, if this is supposed to be a hospital, it looks like she's in a spare room in the basement. Way to go, Silas.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 5

Sorry, Ned, but I don't buy that Edward would hand over ELQ shares to a SERIAL KILLER who repeatedly terrorized other members of the family, not over such a stupid secret.  And treating it so casually, how is he going to explain this to Michael and the rest of the Q's?  I think we're supposed to view this all as dreamy and heroic of Ned, but he (and Olivia) are coming off like such idiots.


Man, five days in a row of Francs and Neens, what have we done as a society to deserve this?


Dude, show, we get it, Rebecca Budig loves the D.  Take a cold shower.


Shut up, Carly.

  • Love 10

I LOVE Jakeson making things awkward for Patrick and Sam, with Robin and Emma's photo. Patrick being an asshole to Jakeson in response, totally in character. Patrick of course never bothered, even for his daughter's sake, to be concerned about his ex's mental health/ why she never visited "even once." 


I tuned out for Ric lying to Liz, and Nina's tears. I don't feel for them, Show. I still think Fake!Jake is going to wind up dead via Ric, or Ric and Hayden. 


I really wish I missed Carly telling Spinelli she'll be his Jason. Blech.  I did, however, like the "Oh, of course - got ya" look on her face re:who would gain by Jake having a wife, as she watched Ric and Elizabeth enter the MetroCourt restaurant.


I have to laugh at the hostility radiating from Patrick. Yes, Jake's key throw was lame and contrived. Yet I genuinely did not expect Jakeson to find his own wedding band there (preview). 

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 4


I LOVE Jakeson making things awkward for Patrick and Sam, with Robin and Emma's photo. Patrick being an asshole to Jakeson in response, totally in character. Patrick of course never bothered, even for his daughter's sake, to be concerned about his ex's mental health/ why she never visited "even once."


If Patdick was so worried about Sam and Jake being alone together in her car for a few minutes, then why didn't he offer to take Jake back to the garage while Sam unpacked? His "let him take a bus" irritated me just as much as his "Robin's never visited" comment. (Of course, he didn't say, "I divorced her," either.) There are times where I've disagreed with folks calling him a douche, but today he really was. Although I still don't understand why the writers are painting him that way.


Since Sam moved in, have we seen the new "family" at all? And how much time has passed since Sam moved in? Has she been rinsing out her unmentionables in the sink every night? I guess it's a blessing that Emma is at  the NB rehearsals, because I'm sure she's being watched after carefully there. (eyeroll)

  • Love 3

I tuned out for Ric lying to Liz, and Nina's tears. I don't feel for them, Show. I still think Fake!Jake is going to wind up dead via Ric, or Ric and Hayden.


I fully support Ric killing the guy. He deserves it for being so dumb. So very, very dumb.


Why was Patrick all, "no it is IMPOSSIBLE you would have EVER seen Robin." Robin was a doctor! An accomplished one! Maybe Jake saw her picture in the paper, or in a medical magazine or online or maybe he WENT to the HOSPITAL, and instead Sam comes up with "there are pictures of Robin in Liz's house"? WHAT?


Is Rebecca (lol I did not type that on purpose), oops, I mean Hayden saying she wants Nik to butter her muffin and then having a segue way to Sam stuffing one in her mouth supposed to be funny or something?


Ha at Nik's tone of voice when he said "speaking" after Hayden called. For once Nikolas' "I'm so done with this shit" shtick worked. And duh Hayden! of course Nikolas will have sex if you just show up at his house. He got pissed he didn't have Alfred to open the door that's two feet away, she thinks he's gonna rowboat it out to the Metro Court?


It's weird to see Sam and her flashdance sweater in Robin's house.


Poor Olivia! I wonder if this stuff was written (not taped) before or after Wally announced he was leaving. Probably before, right? I think scripts are written about 2 months before they show on-screen.

Sorry, Ned, but I don't buy that Edward would hand over ELQ shares to a SERIAL KILLER who repeatedly terrorized other members of the family, not over such a stupid secret.  And treating it so casually, how is he going to explain this to Michael and the rest of the Q's?  I think we're supposed to view this all as dreamy and heroic of Ned, but he (and Olivia) are coming off like such idiots.


Yeah, when Olivia was all, "you can't do this Ned!" I was like, then how about TELLING Julian so Franco can't freaking extort Ned or you anymore because he will becuase he is an ex SERIAL KILLER.


sorry for all the caps today. It was a capital letter kinda episode.


Damn it, Franco's name slipped in there. I am determined to not mention those two from now on, because the headwriter of this show thinks hate is a good thing and must mean we can't get enough!

  • Love 9
Is Rebecca (lol I did not type that on purpose), oops, I mean Hayden saying she wants Nik to butter her muffin and then having a segue way to Sam stuffing one in her mouth supposed to be funny or something?


Would you really be surprised to find that any combination of Ron, Scott, Chris and Dan found that to be the height of hilarity?

  • Love 3


Why was Patrick all, "no it is IMPOSSIBLE you would have EVER seen Robin." Robin was a doctor! An accomplished one! Maybe Jake saw her picture in the paper, or in a medical magazine or online or maybe he WENT to the HOSPITAL, a

He's pissy that he has to acknowledge his ex-wife to a guy his current friend/lover is attracted to, when he's just convinced said lover and the daughter who misses her mommy that it's totally cool to form a new family in the the Scorpio-Drake home.  Also, Patrick had a history of feeling threatened by Robin's accomplishments (for ex., remember the Chief of Staff storyline?) so he would never give her credit for being an accomplished doctor in a conversation with this guy he doesn't trust or like. In fact Patrick ignored any red flags regarding Robin; he's determined to believe Robin's commitment to medicine, and her own ambition, put the nail in the coffin of their marriage.

Edited by Bringonthedrama

In other news, if I was Helena and had been forced into retirement on an isolated island, I wouldn't be so open to offering up hints if Nikolas called.  Though the image of Helena relaxing with a mai tai in a floral print and being all, "What's the problem?  Kill her." and slamming the phone shut did amuse.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 6

He's pissy that he has to acknowledge his ex-wife to a guy his current friend/lover is attracted to, when he's just convinced said lover and the daughter who misses her mommy that it's totally cool to form a new family in the the Scorpio-Drake home.  Also, Patrick had a history of feeling threatened by Robin's accomplishments (remember the Chief of Staff storyline) so he would never give her credit for being an accomplished doctor in a conversation with this guy he doesn't trust or like. 


But he could say, "my wife was a really shitty doctor, maybe you saw her in one of your crap clinics in the boonies" :)

I think CD is very good at certain things, and less good, shall we say, at others. I think Michael's drugged rampages are hysterical but I also think they're not being played entirely serious at times. They're certainly not his finest hours, but no actor on this show has been Olivier 24/7.


I do think he's been wonderful angry at Sonny and Carly, etc. and at ELQ as the young businessman. I just have no problem with him doing that stuff. He's the sweet-faced boy who turned out to have a will of iron, but he's always gonna look like Bambi the male ingenue. There's a subversive quality to that I like.


What annoys me is how they keep having knock back more drinks. No, he's not a fuckin' drunk, Ron, he's not A.J., stop.

Edited by jsbt
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