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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I've been sick as hell with a deadly sinus infection (real creative with the choice on the voodoo doll, Ron/sarcasm ). I just watched the past two days more clear headed (as one can be with meds.) And I'm catching up on the boards too. Here are some thoughts:

- Who or what is in charge of Spencer? The "I'm going to give Emma an engagement ring when we're adults at 16" line was 50 shades of creepy. As was him prancing about like he's the most afflicted kid in the world. Wasn't he just as Shriners Hospital? Instead of keeping his cousin's non dead husband a secret or plotting to steal a company from a young man running it in honor of his murdered father, shouldn't Nik have been a good father and showed his brat that there are kids who won't go home? Kids who don't have limbs, lungs, or anything? Would've put half a plastic mask from burns that will heal in a better perspective. And I wanted to like Spencer. Mostly because I liked his scenes with Britt, but I'm so sick of so called precocious kids on tv. Especially soaps. Spencer's "puppy love" for Emma is teetering on creepy Twilight Edward Cullen I watch you while you sleep. You can't lock it down with a person at any age, and I resent that being written for children who may not comprehend it.

- Valerie literally should have just punched Looloo in the face. Her mother can't walk! Just..... stop apologizing for Luke, blonde ladies in Luke's life. Damn.

- I'm oddly ok with Jake using his mob thug skillz because he's trying to bring the mob down. And he punked out Shawn. I'm easy like that.

  • Love 7

Yeah, this won't annoy/offend anyone Ron. Jesus. https://twitter.com/carlivatiron/status/584077554472062976


I'm Jewish, and it didn't offend me at all. It just reinforced my thought that Ron is a complete idiot.


I think that was a joke too on his part. But given Sonny has the biggest ego ever I can see how it's still maddening 


I don't care if it was a joke, it's awful. Just like this show, so par for the course.


Yeah, I'm sure that Emma knows all about what a hypothesis is. I'm sure that when she decides to have chocolate milk with her pancakes, she wonders what the effects of too much sugar on her brain are.

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Since Ron is probably reading this board with baited breath, anxiously slobbering to read a comment about the ridiculous Phantom of the Opera mask Spencer wore, I almost don't want to address it... but geez, this show really is in the basement (and not even the one that exploded and left the house above it standing).


I dunno, if I were Jake and I thought I had a house to go home to, I'd want to go there to get some of my clothes, my books, whatever. And I would immediately be grateful that I have an identity so that I could get a real job. I'd also ask my wife "so what did I do for a living? did I go to college? where are my parents? do I have siblings? where are they? if they're not alive, where are their graves? do you still have my checkbook? what's my bank account number?" and so on. what does Hayden think she'll do when they eventually go home and none of their neighbors have ever heard that she's had a husband (if I were her, I would not be so anxious to get him home).


BTW Hayden, everyone in Port Charles was silently whispering to themselves, "yes, girl, WAY too much information. We got it, you two had sex.. geez!" For once, Elizabeth's bitchface wasn't actually bitchy enough for what she was being forced to hear.


Oh, and Patrick, didn't you already have this conversation with Emma when Sabrina was sharing your bed and you were about to marry her? That was only like a year and a half ago. Sheesh. I kept waiting for Emma to say "oh yeah, I understand, like when you were with Sabrina!" (you remember her, Show, right?)


Oh Shawn. you really are not a good enforcer, are you? I kept waiting for him to say "it's duck season, shoot me now!" because that would have at least been entertaining.


I love that there's a wind machine in the garage so that Sam's hair can flutter in the breeze.


Reading the above, I realize I might need to stop watching this show for awhile.

Edited by DayPlayerAtKellys
  • Love 9

New tablet, haven't figured out quoting, but DayPlayer makes some excellent points. No questions about do they have kids, are his parents still alive, what do either of them do for work, are there siblings. I'm also wondering what happens next. There is not an actual Beechers's Corner's life to go back to, so what exactly is Rebecca supposed to do with Jake?

Ric (Ron) seems to have not thought this out very well. Even Spinelli should be able to defraud in a minute or so.

Edited by annabel
  • Love 2

Haven't seen Dr O for awhile, but considering how she always commandeers the musical numbers (like at Christmas and last Nurse's Ball), she's probably soft-shoeing like mad while Lucy and Sabrina coo in awe.


Does Luke's breakdown mean that we will be mercifully spared a performance from him at the NB?

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 2

New tablet, haven't figured out quoting, but DayPlayer makes some excellent points. No questions about do they have kids, are his parents still alive, what do either of them do for work, are there siblings. I'm also wondering what happens next. There is not an actual Beechers's Corner's life to go back to, so what exactly is Rebecca supposed to do with Jake?

Ric (Ron) seems to have not thought this out very well. Even Spinelli should be able to defraud in a minute or so.

I hate to defend this dreck, but the first thing Jake asked was if they had kids. Then he asked where were his family. I took that to mean parents/siblings/cousins, etc. She said no kids and that he was an orphan when she met him. When she was showing him the medical records, he asked what he did, she said odd jobs, like roofing and construction. So she actually did address kids, family, and work. I guess camping in Beechers Woods explains how he can disarm a thug?

  • Love 2

Yeah, I keep coming back to the plot hole that if Jake stormed off from the 'campsite'  and then got his by a car, when did Helena have time to implant a mind control chip in his brain?


I am 100% certain that since everyone is talking around the implanted chip business, we are meant to forget that it existed. It's an ENORMOUS plot hole that absolutely no one in Port Charles should forget to bring up a hundred times... which means, no one will because otherwise there is no story.

  • Love 4

I'm Jewish, and it didn't offend me at all. It just reinforced my thought that Ron is a complete idiot.



Me too...I actually thought to myself when I saw it that it looked like the yarmulke my brother wore for his bar mitzvah.  I didn't find it offensive, just really not all that funny. 


I actually didn't mind the Sonny/Spencer stuff.  Mo seems way more natural with the kids, so he was actually coherent yesterday.


And Jake, if you want to remain undercover in the mob, maybe lighten up a little on your eagerness to kill kill kill.  If Julian were any kind of mob boss his alarm bells would have been dinging like crazy at Jake's repeated requests to do more than menial work.

  • Love 3

The child is just.....darling.  So darling that I really think Nickolas should have him dipped in bronze so he can keep these Precious Moments forever



Can't lie, Precious Moments just give me the CREEPS.  One SIL ha a whole room devoted to them and I can't stay in that room for more than 5 minutes, I expect those ugly little things to start talking....


Cameron: So you'll do it? You'll help me?

Ric: Sure, I just need a retainer.

Cameron: Mine's at home, I only wear it at night



I haven't watch Friday yet, was that an actual exchange?  Hilarious!

  • Love 1

Yeah, I keep coming back to the plot hole that if Jake stormed off from the 'campsite'  and then got his by a car, when did Helena have time to implant a mind control chip in his brain?


There are plenty of problems with this story, but I'm cutting them some slack on this particular issue, unless Hayden has specifically claimed that Jake stormed off from the campsite on the same date he was hit by the car. Otherwise, the case could be made that Helena's minions grabbed him after he left the campsite, implanted the device in his brain, and hours/days later dropped him off in the same place, where Ava then mowed him down.   

Yes, the Ric-Cameron exchange was cute and believable. I didn't think an adult could be more pathetic than Britt about using the the child of their "love" to try and get their ex back, but Ric is certainly as or more pathetic. Showing up at Elizabeth's job and laying it on so thick about being there for Cameron (and her) and not going anywhere just makes him look like a sad, desperate little man. 

  • Love 1

There are plenty of problems with this story, but I'm cutting them some slack on this particular issue, unless Hayden has specifically claimed that Jake stormed off from the campsite on the same date he was hit by the car. Otherwise, the case could be made that Helena's minions grabbed him after he left the campsite, implanted the device in his brain, and hours/days later dropped him off in the same place, where Ava then mowed him down.

I can't remember how long Hayden said Jake had been gone, but it makes sense that there could be some period of time between him leaving and then showing up in PC. The question for me is: WHY would Helena find this random fella who just left his wife and think "A-Ha!, I will put a microchip in his brain to force him to help with an overly convoluted plan that my long-time nemesis, who I've suddenly decided is my bestie, has come up with to takeover Sonny's territory / kill his own family / get ELQ stock / take over the world / I'm not even sure what, because apparently he killed his mom and now is not even really himself"? I guess I'm not over the lack of any logic in this whole story yet.

  • Love 5
I keep coming back to the plot hole that if Jake stormed off from the 'campsite' and then got his by a car, when did Helena have time to implant a mind control chip in his brain?


There are plenty of problems with this story, but I'm cutting them some slack on this particular issue, unless Hayden has specifically claimed that Jake stormed off from the campsite on the same date he was hit by the car.


I think the fight and the accident were on the same date, because that explains why Jake was in the area in the first place. But I don't think Ric thought about that, because his focus was getting Jake away from Liz and providing enough proof that Hayden was Jake's wife. Ric is concerned with proving Jake's life pre-accident. 


It's a little handwavy, I know, but in that context it basically works for me. Besides, Jake will only wonder about the timing for the chip implant when someone else brings it up. He's not exactly panting to figure out his life.

Edited by dubbel zout

Then we have Greenlee - sorry, I mean AVERY, being just about as tacky talking to Ric as Carly is when she's making Luv to Sonny.  Nothin' says "class" like bitching to Ric that she didn't get laid by Elmer Fudd.  About as classy - and as smart - as Ric thinking Greenlee - I mean Avery - can help him get Elizabeth back and that's a GOOD PLAN.


Show is affecting my few remaining brain cells.  I kept calling Hayden, "Avery", for some reason - Probably a holdover brain fart from the odious Avery character on Y&R.  Or, I could just blame The Budig, since she's always caused my brain to bend a bit ever since she was unleashed in Pine Valley.  Or I'm just trying to block the character from my mind.


Show is affecting my few remaining brain cells.  I kept calling Hayden, "Avery", for some reason - Probably a holdover brain fart from the odious Avery character on Y&R.  Or, I could just blame The Budig, since she's always caused my brain to bend a bit ever since she was unleashed in Pine Valley.  Or I'm just trying to block the character from my mind.




I think that calling Hayden, Avery, might just be a result of watching Nashville since JJ's character Avery is married to Hayden P. character there.

  • Love 1

But all the criminal charges were dismissed because she was mentally ill.  And now she's been released from the mental ward.  So why can't she get her cash back?



Would be interesting to have a guardian in charge of her funds due to her mental incapacity.   And then trying to get her rights back from the guardian.  She has to go asking "Jay" to advance her more funds.  That could be funny.



By my count, forever. It will continue, at the very least, long after we are all dead and buried. My theory is that they have no idea how to end the story, and AG keeps making more and more outlandish demands that they cave to and complicate this mess even more, and so whatever this is will continue until time immemorial.


LOL!  And then we all come back from the dead when it's finally over!


I don'tget the big deal about people figuring it out lol.I mean when I was an offline fan I guessed lots of stories.


Yes, without the internet, Ron would never know the fans were guessing.  IMO soaps are not about surprises.  You know what's happening, it's about how it happens or the character reactions to it.  

  • Love 2

Would be interesting to have a guardian in charge of her funds due to her mental incapacity.   And then trying to get her rights back from the guardian.  She has to go asking "Jay" to advance her more funds.  That could be funny.


Yes, without the internet, Ron would never know the fans were guessing.  IMO soaps are not about surprises.  You know what's happening, it's about how it happens or the character reactions to it.  


You mean, like Lucille Carmichael continually trying to wrangle money from Mr. Mooney? <grin>  I guess a little sitcom mindlessness wouldn't be so bad after all the guns and violence.


As far as fans guessing -  Haven't fairy tales endured for centuries specifically because we love knowing the journey... - we allow for slight updates/deviations from the Cinderella story but she always ends up with the Prince and the Evil Stepmother gets her just desserts. Same with soaps. We know the hero is going to get tricked by the villain but in a general time frame (used to be roughly 6 to 9 months) all would be righted and the villain would be (more or less) publicly humiliated or punished and then off the show. The Fluke story started out GREAT and had it been followed through to be Bill Eckert taking over Luke's life for 'stealing' his, it would have been an epic story and we would have cheered and had a fangasm that we were right. That's what soap fandom IS. At least that's what it is for me.


Ron IS getting the AJ/Michael/Sonny/Avery-AJ story right more or less - that moment when he's all like "I'll call her AJ" is a great Soap moment.. it was a fangasm especially since it finally gives a win in the AJ column. One of the few we're allowed in recent years (and not just Ron). I think Robin interrupting the Patrick/Sabrina wedding was supposed to be a Fangasm, but it didn't quite work.... although the moment when they juxtaposed Robin running into Anna's arms as a little girl with the present reunion was indeed a fangasm.


I think they think that the moment when Jake remembers he's Jason is supposed to be set up as a fangasm, but the way it's constructed right now, we just don't really care (but then I haven't liked Jason since he turned against the Quartermaines because... uhmm... reasons).

  • Love 3

The Jakeson reveal is being mishandled IMO. The fact that Nik is the only person who knows (right? Ric doesn't know; he just wants Jake away from Liz, and Patrick knew he was alive once but thinks he's dead again) is a problem. Nik has done nothing with that knowledge except look vaguely dyspeptic when someone mentions Jason's name.


The story has been told very unevenly. We see the side where Sam has moved on with her life, but we don't see the side where Jake being Jason is in danger of being exposed. We see the side where people wonder who this guy is and where he came from, but we don't see the side where Jake himself wonders who he is. If he doesn't care, why should I? And why does no one wonder why Jake the amnesiac has all these hit-man skills? 


And the absolute worst part, fucking SPENCER is now involved?

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 11

That's if there is anything touching upon Robin or any fallout. Ronnie seems to have trouble with big denouements.

Patrick is sleeping with and "in love" with the chick whose husband his ex went to save. Sam is sleeping with and creating a family with the dude whose ex sacrificed her family FOR Sam. It writes itself. If Ron doesn't touch on that, he's dumber than a box.

  • Love 5

Patrick will cry. 


Big, sad tears.  Furious angry tears of frustrated rage.


Mostly because he freaking hated Jason and wanted him dead, even when he was repeatedly forced to save Jason's life.  I think that will hurt even worse than Sam dumping him and hot footing it over to her Robin-revived undead husband - that he lost out to Jason, of all people.  Who Robin went to save at the expense of her own family, ditching him and abandoning their little girl.  Sure, she may have been held captive, but she went back voluntarily because it was a bummer that Danny would never have a chance to know his dad.  Yeah, that Jason. 


Can't wait!

Edited by Reo
  • Love 5

That's really the best part. Robin actually caring about Sam and Danny having Jason in their lives and Patrick reaps the benefits. Classic.

My too-good-to-be-true wish is for Jason to immediately remember Robin and start looking for her bc stupid Patrick told Robin that Jason would never leave his family to save her. Ugh, he's such a douche.

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 2

I think that calling Hayden, Avery, might just be a result of watching Nashville since JJ's character Avery is married to Hayden P. character there.


Oh beans! Seems patently glaring IMO how someone (Ron and/or Tony G or both ) has JJ/Lucky so much in loving sexy thoughts that the admirer(s) surreptitiously drag oblique references to JJ's current Nashville gig back into GH dialogue. This person got away with having the baby girl named "Avery" because it could morph into "AJ" at some point. But now suddenly "Hayden" has been floated as a name on the GH scene. OK we get it, either Ron or Tony is apparently secretly and madly pining for the presence of actor JJ/Lucky and is setting these little valentine love-bombs ("Avery" "Hayden") up on GH to signal undying devotion and remembrance to JJ the actor.


How corny and stoop-id....JJ and Genie Francis left GH and they ain't coming back to work with Ron or Tony G. All of Ron's and Tony's wishful thinking and wanking won't get them or JJ to return to GH, especially just to watch Geary chew the furniture and embarrass himself during the "swansong".


  • Love 2
How corny and stoop-id....JJ and Genie Francis left GH and they ain't coming back to work with Ron or Tony G. All of Ron's and Tony's wishful thinking and wanking won't get them or JJ to return to GH, especially just to watch Geary chew the furniture and embarrass himself during the "swansong".


Pining for JJ? Possibly. But elsewhere in the thread, it was said Genie had an event where she said TG didn't want to revisit L&L and, thus, hasn't been asked back. That is stupid. Laura can do fine without Luke. Just seems like the usual sexist crap in play. And if that claim is true, it makes TG look as petty as hell. Since the pairing with Laura saved his ass all those years ago.

  • Love 5

I don't think TG would ever bar GF from returning. I think he's wrong about L&L, but there's a big difference between saying he doesn't want a romantic reunion and barring her return. The latter is not what she said.


Also, JJ and TG's close relationship is very well-documented over decades. If he wasn't busy with his primetime show, he would likely have appeared by now. There's a world of difference between what we think of someone vs. what they do and how their costars feel. Genie and Tony have also been said to be on good terms these days - even when they're run hot and cold personally, he has always lauded her heavily in the press and I don't think there's ever been any vicious feud.

Edited by jsbt
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