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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Are we supposed to think Valerie was being an unreasonable shrew, yelling at Lulu for letting her sick mother go hang out with the unstable maniac who spent a day tormenting her and threatening to kill her?  Because...not so much.


And as I feared, Bobbie doesn't get to express any anger about how her life was shattered by Luke and Patricia's choices.  "It's okay, living in a whorehouse was the awesomest, Patricia!".  Ugh.

  • Love 12

Well...today happened.


At least the young lady playing Val can pull off crying. Though watching Carly play the role of "comforter"...meh.


As for the rest - I know the President broke in midway through but even still I could tell I didn't miss a thing.


Between Patrick and Liz and Sam and Ric and Jakson and Greenlee I could barely focus on much else besides feeling incredibly bored and underwhelmed.

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Are we supposed to think Valerie was being an unreasonable shrew, yelling at Lulu for letting her sick mother go hang out with the unstable maniac who spent a day tormenting her and threatening to kill her?  Because...not so much.


And as I feared, Bobbie doesn't get to express any anger about how her life was shattered by Luke and Patricia's choices.  "It's okay, living in a whorehouse was the awesomest, Patricia!".  Ugh.

Is it bad that II feel worse for Bobbie than I do luke? I mean girl was a teen hooker got pregnant and had to give up kid man I wish she had an abortion but thats another story lol.

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So I missed most of today's episode and don't care to watch it (the last few minutes were bad enough), but was there any explanation for why Pat has been absent for for 50+ years?


I'll probably skip tomorrow as well.  Spencer's back, complaining that Cam woo-ened his life while wearing a mini Phantom of the Opera mask. 

Are we supposed to think Valerie was being an unreasonable shrew, yelling at Lulu for letting her sick mother go hang out with the unstable maniac who spent a day tormenting her and threatening to kill her?  Because...not so much.


And as I feared, Bobbie doesn't get to express any anger about how her life was shattered by Luke and Patricia's choices.  "It's okay, living in a whorehouse was the awesomest, Patricia!".  Ugh.


I don't think we were, but I don't think Lulu could have stopped Patricia if she wanted to. I think it was just supposed to be "Valerie having a case of letting out all the stress she's just been under"

For me, it cut out right after Luke reminds Bobbi he tried to blow up the Haunted Star with her and everyone else on it. Luke says he killed the heart and soul of their family, etc.  (22 minutes)

It comes back 46 minutes in at the very end of a scene between Ric and Sam. Ric says something I can't make out, then it cuts to Jake and Hayden scene where she tells him to get back in bed and says she knows a way to help him get back to sleep.

When the episode is done airing, will someone please recap those 20 something minutes?

I can't believe they killed Patricia like that. 

So I missed most of today's episode and don't care to watch it (the last few minutes were bad enough), but was there any explanation for why Pat has been absent for for 50+ years?


I don't know if she elaborated in the middle, but in the beginning of the episode, she said she worried that her being around would eventually jog Luke's memory.

  • Love 1

That is just stupid.  I'm sorry.  I just have to say that comment is stupid.  Why should he get fired?


Because he plays a horrible character which is wildly unpopular. As I said, I don't blame RH for the writing or the choice of making him play Franco, but just because he didn't make that happen doesn't mean he should keep being Franco on my screen every week of the year. It's a horrible, unwatchable role and he has to go.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 17


I can't believe they killed Patricia like that.


When a sequel to Planet of the Apes was made, Charlton Heston reluctantly agreed to appear in it, and he insisted that his character be killed off so he would never have to appear again. … Maybe Dee Wallace has a good agent. (I will say it was good casting. She looked as if she could be TG's sister.)



Are we supposed to think Valerie was being an unreasonable shrew, yelling at Lulu for letting her sick mother go hang out with the unstable maniac who spent a day tormenting her and threatening to kill her?


Sometimes the folks from Port Charles forget that having one's home invaded, being shot at, tied up, held against one's will, kidnapped and/or left for dead is not a common occurrence for most people on the planet, even if you are a cousin.

Edited by rur
  • Love 7

Sometimes the folks from Port Charles forget that having one's home invaded, being shot at, tied up, held against one's will, kidnapped and/or left for dead is not a common occurrence for most people on the planet, even if you are a cousin.


Lulu: I got frozen alive once, Valerie.  You just got to shake it off, shake it off!

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 20

I would personally feel a lot less like a hostage as a viewer if he would just finally get fucking fired.



That is just stupid.  I'm sorry.  I just have to say that comment is stupid.  Why should he get fired?


I'm not jsbt, nor do I play them on television, but given that RoHo is basically playing a funhouse version of a character that was created for someone else as a lark and/or vanity project, and its just a mess. Sure, its also the writing, but I literally have no idea of what Howarth is going for when he's "acting" these days, unless he's trying to retroactively steal Jon Lovitz's place as The Master Thespian (Acting! Brilliant! Thank you!) while what passes itself off as the soap press anymore slobber-drools about what an ah-mazing job he's doing, which.....yeah, no, IMO. James Franco's version of the character was also a complete nutjob, yes, but there were times when he was an enjoyable nutjob. Plus he drove Borgie up a wall, and anything that could get that robotic mofo to do more than blink will always be aces with me. YMMV.

  • Love 13

I thought Val did her best acting in the last scene, although Pat dying so quick was a bit abrupt. They couldn't get Dee for a few more days, let her and Val have a couple more scenes? (And let's not talk about the disconnect between Pat dropping dead but Luke still managing to stay on his feet?)


Okay, jeez, do they have to write all the women so weak? (rhetorical question). Why can't Tracy, Bobbie, or Lulu say "well this is hard, but it has to be done" when Dante goes to arrest Luke, instead of whining at him, especially when, as he rightfully pointed out, Luke tried to kill him.


I suppose Valerie was the exception, but that's because she just met him, I'm sure. That whole thing reminded me of the coversation that Brenda and Sonny had when he told her all the awful things he had done and she was like, "that must have been so hard - for you!"


I desperately wanted Morgan to amble on in the last scene. "Hey everybody I think Michael is a drunk! Good you're all here we can have an intervention!"


I actually really would like a scene with all the extended Spencers in it though. That would be fun.


Dante looked good.


Hey Ric, maybe you might want to cool down the self-righteousness when you're in the home of the person you're dressing down.


they have got to be fucking kidding me with Spencer in the previews. (he's wearing a little phantom mask)

  • Love 8

Dee Wallace sold the fuck out of that shit. So of course Patricia was killed off. Jane, Laura, Brytni, and even Tony did some really nice work today. And like yesterday the Spencer stuff in this episode in isolation was quite good. But once again it totally falls apart when viewed in the larger contexts of this story and the history of the show on the whole.

Kelly and Rick have such a great antagonistic chemistry, so of course its being wasted on Sam & Ric talking about Jake. Why is 3/4ths of the show being eaten by either Jake or conversations about him? He is so boring, I literally don't give one flying figgidty fuck about him. And I would rather see any other character and any other story getting this airtime instead. Actually, I'd rather see Jake over the creepy kiddie quad.

From the previews it looks like Uncle Frank sent some intern to Party City with $3 to buy that "mask" for Spencer. I really hope Ron watched today's Days of our Lives. It's so refreshing to see kids acting like kids and not emo 35 year olds.

  • Love 8

Him playing Franco is not his fault.  The writing is not his fault.  But he's accountable for his performance and it's been aggressively not good for a while.  I'm not gonna let him coast just because I liked him as Todd a million years ago.

Exactly. EVERYONE on this show has the same bad writing. Some people bother to show up to work and at least try to do something with it. RH does not. That is 100% on him.

  • Love 8

I think he just does what he's been asked to do (and uh, then some). He's not standing there just woodenly reciting shit, watching the clock or praying for death, which I think Tyler Christopher is doing. GH wants Franco to be Wacky Off-Brand Todd and that's what RH gives them, in spades. I think he realized this whole venture was a horrible idea early on, and I think while he tries to give his romantic scene partners something more sober at times - he doesn't tank the horrible romances they try to give him - he's mostly just there for the laughs and the cash. To them he's giving them exactly what they wanted, "Todd" by another name. It just so happens to be unbearable to watch, between the writing, the character and the performance.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 10

I prefer my Dante without the scruff, but at least he got to make sense with basically every line he had, and life isn't perfect, so I'll take it. So glad he didn't waver with all of Lulu and Tracy's "we KNOW him!" Stuff.

Poor, poor Valerie. She tied Dante for my favorite today. Tomorrow's my birthday, can I wish for a Valerie/Dante/Michael "Family Be Crazy" brunch? (JK I wouldn't waste a wish on this show.)

This story dragged on for over a year, yet Patricia lasted mere days? Ooookay, Ron.

I wish RoHo would go. The writing on the show over all is bad, but not all the actors are. I would be thrilled if Carly got killed off tomorrow, but LW manages to prove she can act. The writing can only be blamed so much.

Edited by Gigi43
  • Love 4

re: Spencer's mask. If I'm not mistaken, facial burn victims actually do wear something like this. I think it's to help prevent scarring. 

So, of course, this is the one time the show will be medically accurate.  Because it'll make Spencer funnier, or he'll be able to wear a cape, or something else that will be kind of classless.


And, uh, Hayden, if you're taking money from someone and sleeping with a guy you don't know, I think you've just found yourself a new profession. (And, why would either of these folks sleep with each other since neither one really knows who's been doing what for the last few months? eeewww!)



You guys, imagine that your mom drops dead and then CARLY is all up in your grill comforting you.  That poor girl.

My thought exactly when Carly rushed to her side.

It's too bad she couldn't have pushed Carly away so she could be alone with her dead mother for a minute and Carly had fallen down and hit her head.

Edited by rur
  • Love 1

Poor, poor Valerie. She tied Dante for my favorite today. Tomorrow's my birthday, can I wish for a Valerie/Dante/Michael "Family Be Crazy" brunch?


Valerie: Oh, you're Carly's son.  I met her, she was really nice.


Michael: Yeah, suuuper nice.  Did she tell you about the time she seduced her mom's husband?


Valerie: Ummm, no, she didn't...


Michael: Or about the time she almost married the SERIAL KILLER who orchestrated my prison rape?


Valerie: I...she didn....


Michael: Of course, that was just before I found out she hid the fact that my adopted father - a mobster, BTW - murdered my biological father.


Valerie: ...

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 17
Poor, poor Valerie. She tied Dante for my favorite today. Tomorrow's my birthday, can I wish for a Valerie/Dante/Michael "Family Be Crazy" brunch?


Valerie: Oh, you're Carly's son.  I met her, she was really nice.


Michael: Yeah, suuuper nice.  Did she tell you about the time she seduced her mom's husband?


Valerie: Ummm, no, she didn't...


Michael: Or about the time she almost married the SERIAL KILLER who orchestrated my prison rape?


Valerie: I...she didn....


Michael: Of course, that was just before I found out she hid the fact that my adopted father - a mobster, BTW - murdered my biological father.


Valerie: ...


Morgan: oh, of course! You're having a threesome with Mikey! I always KNEW you liked him better! (runs away)


Valerie:  . . . who was that?

  • Love 5

When Carly told Lucas he's always been too trusting, I really wanted him to say, "Good point, I trusted you like my dad did, and look what you did to his life and my family. I've grown to love you over time because your my mother's daughter, and in spite of the fact you can't be trusted. You can't ever leave anyone be.  Looks like Jake and his wife better watch their backs."


Maybe it's just my imagination, but I could swear Becky H. looks tinier than ever next to Jason T. She only reached his shoulder as they walked - was there mention of Patrick wearing different shoes today, perhaps? 


I too was disappointed that Bobbie doesn't get to have even a moment of anger or sadness for how her life could have been different, and is already all about forgiveness for all Luke has done that hurt the family because he wasn't "in his right mind." Her clinging to Luke's shoulder like she's a little girl all over again makes me roll my eyes. But then, what else can you expect from someone who was more upset about her narcissistic succubus of a daughter going to prison for a crime she did commit, than about said daughter betraying her grandson and breaking his heart. Ugh. 


Lulu, Bobbie, and Tracy look pathetic for their need to 'get Luke back'.


Good for Valerie for going off on Lulu!! Good for Sam for her hostility toward Ric for his attitude on the phone about her while standing in her home.

  • Love 6

Valerie: Do you have any children?


Carly: Well, there's Michael, but I'm not speaking to HIM until he apologizes for being mean to me after I covered for the man who murdered his biological father and expressed no remorse.  And then there's my little girl, Avery...wait, that's not her name...well, whatever, so yeah, two kids.


Morgan: Ahem!


Carly: Dude, rude much?  Get a Kleenex.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 21

Patricia died? Ha ha ha! I'm not laughing because it's funny, I'm laughing because it's so typical of the constant, over the top misery on this show.

I did think it was odd yesterday when Bobbie was all "I need my big brother!" Like, really? Are you sure? You're in your 50s and he's a raving lunatic now, so maybe you don't NEED him.

  • Love 8
You KNOW that Elizabeth is going to go right back to Ric since she's alone again.

Except Beecher’s Corners is just up the road apiece, right?  How long is Ric expecting the fake wife to keep Jake occupied there before he realizes that nobody there has ever seen him before?   Before he wants to check out his old workplace and see if it jogs any memories?  Before he asks to meet with their friends?  Before he swings by the DMV to get his driver’s license back?


Maybe 40 years ago they could have had Liz so disappointed and heartbroken that she ran away and eloped, and believing in the sanctity of marriage, would be trapped married to Ric even once the truth came out mere days later.  But not now.

That was a sweet little house for a poor trash dock worker’s family.

does Ron not remember that the house on Elm Street BLEW UP??? Why does it look exactly like it did before the bomb blew?



Excuse me -- it knocked one of the 50 year old sofa cushions askew.  

From the interview with TG upthread:

We forgave Luke for killing his grandson because he felt so badly about it.  I don’t know that we can count on that kind of remorse working here.



Wait, what?

  • Love 2

I could never get over Liz even contemplating getting back with Ric after the panic room mess. Even if she forgave him, even if it was established he had a psychotic break and would never do anything that gross again.... it would just kill any sexual impulse for me.

The actor is a pretty, pretty man, but Ric as a character will always be icky panic room guy to me. Just no.

  • Love 7

I don't know if she elaborated in the middle, but in the beginning of the episode, she said she worried that her being around would eventually jog Luke's memory.


Thanks!  Seems like a pretty flimsy excuse for sending your brother and sister to live in a whore house, but that's Ron!



Shut.  Up.  I missed the previews, is this for reals?!?!


Unfortunately, it is for real.  I wish NB's mother would take a break from managing his twitter account and get the poor kid a speech therapist.  Maybe then the ridiculous dialog he's given would be understandable.

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