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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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ake is kind of an asshole. "Sorry, toots--I mean wife--I like it here so we'll stay…no matter if that means you'll lose your job, your friends, and possibly our house because we won't have the funds to pay the mortgage. Why? Some pushy blonde said it was the best idea ever. Aren't ya glad you found me?"

Yeah, but she's all, "cool beans I'll stay here with you then" and he doesn't question how she would just up and leave her life, no questions asked.  Has he even asked her what she does for a living?  There are so many loose ends in that story and no one seems to want to pull the threads.  

  • Love 4
And Jake(son) didn't tell Rebecca Budig that the job he has is with the mob, right?  I hope that when she does find out, Rebecca Budig finds being involved with the mob horrifying instead of sexay like the rest of the harem.


She's running a con, so I don't think she should be too shocked. Plus, it's the Gang That Can't Shoot Straight. What's to be worried about?

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 1

Which is why he (or Carly since she is apparently in charge) should have called Hayden's bluff and traveled to Beecher's Corners to see if she's on the up-and-up. I assume Ric had some sort of plan in place, though, since he wanted Hayden to take Jake there. If there was no fake life set up, Jake would know it's a scam and scurry back to PC.

  • Love 3


What's to be worried about?

Well, she doesn't have to worry about Jake figuring anything out. He leaves all the thinky stuff to the wimmins. 


I'm a little confused about the time in PC. I thought Jake was getting Hayden coffee, like, to start the day-- then all of a sudden, they're getting in their jammies and discussing which side of the bed they sleep on. Was Jake gone all day getting coffee? Is this the same day as the Franco and Nina trials-- because they haven't stayed a night at the MetroCourt yet. 


Why do I try to make sense of this show, when the people running it don't. (in "honor" of TG, imagine I'm saying the first half of that sentence very slow, and the second half in a southern accent-- inexplicably.)

Edited by sacrebleu
  • Love 14

 I'm a little confused about the time in PC. I thought Jake was getting Hayden coffee, like, to start the day-- then all of a sudden, they're getting in their jammies and discussing which side of the bed they sleep on. Was Jake gone all day getting coffee?




Well Jake did get stopped by Carly in Kelly's so I have no doubt their little "chat" took about 19 hours give or take.

  • Love 7


(in "honor" of TG, imagine I'm saying the first half of that sentence very slow, and the second have in a southern accent-- inexplicably.)



Which is why he (or Carly since she is apparently in charge) should have called Hayden's bluff and traveled to Beecher's Corners to see if she's on the up-and-up

Or hire Spin (or Sam if she still actually works for a living) to look into the allegations.  So many strings, so little intelligence.  

  • Love 3

No, he's not. Frank is Liam and Lip's bio dad plus he's the father of Carl, who's currently in Juvie, if not running it.


Thanks for responding because the post was about fathers and sons and Liam and Ian were mentioned and I was like damn Shameless had a huge twist after I stopped watching!


Put Dante undercover with another cop who's pretending to be his wife and things get a bit out of hand there. Or something else work-related. (Dante/Anna shippers, the floor is yours.)


YEA YEA YEA YEA! Fake married is literally the best trope. Oh man, I need this to happen. With anyone really.


I hope Becky Herbst is okay. I could see all the bones in her chest. She's always been skinny, but this is the thinnest I've ever seen her.


I am very concerned for her. She looks ill.


That ep was rough. It was just SO boring. I don't even pay attention to half of what's going on anymore.

  • Love 3

Carly: Olivia, how could you feel any sympathy for the SERIAL KILLER who terrorized my loved ones and give him a free room?


Me: ...funny how it was okay when YOU took sympathy on the SERIAL KILLER who terrorized YOUR OWN loved ones and gave him a free room, Snarls.



Carly thought Franco was great up until he fired a giant truth cannon at Michael on their wedding day.  She blames the murder victim, AJ, and Franco for ruining her and Sonny's relationship with Michael.  It wasn't Sonny and Carly's fault.  It is AJ's for allowing Sonny to murder him.  It is also Franco's fault that Carly told him Sonny murdered AJ and that she was covering it up and it is Franco's fault that she and Sonny were rutting more than two pigs in heat and got caught. Sonny went to prison all because of Franco. Sonny is not responsible for his incarceration.  Considering Franco is a "recovering serial killer" she got off pretty easy.

  • Love 13

Someone needs to explain to me (like I'm Sonny!) how a seventy year old man can jump out of a window to escape?  And Bobbie never stopped him.  This whole thing where I'm forced to beleive that no one can subdue Luke when he looks like a strong wind could knock him over if ridiculous.  


Bobbie did say she tried to stop him.  I thought it was ridiculous they didn't tie him to a chair or something, they've all seen him flip back-and-forth before.

  • Love 4

When Tracy was talking to Luke, I don't know why Lulu didn't try to take away the gun. His back was to her, and Tracy can take care of herself. Luke looked like he belonged in the care facility more than Patricia.


Oh, Ric. "Liz, are you sure you and Jake don't have a chance? No? Great. Wanna bone?"


I don't know why Olivia didn't tell Carly at least that she was being blackmailed. And given that Carly hates Julian, I think she'd keep the secret if Liv told her everything.


NGL, I'm really looking forward to the black-and-white stuff tomorrow.

  • Love 8

The only scene partner I believe could make Luke's storyline compelling is JJ. Yes, JJ is an amazing crier, but he's also great at rage. Those of you who remember the scenes of Lucky with each parent after finding out about the rape know what I mean. Also, I'm sure many remember Lucky confronting Niz about the affair.  The endless hand-wringing from Lulu and Tracy does nothing for me. Lucky would know what buttons to push, and I think would and could hand Luke's 'dark side' his ass. 

I agree.  JJ was fantastic, and his chemistry with TG (and GF) was wonderful.  There was a sparkle between JJ and TG that just worked so well on screen as father and son, and because of that genuine chemistry, I agree that JJ would have nailed these scenes with TG.


I really need this part of Jason's story to end with Billy Miller getting to slam Patrick's head on a table in every scene as long as he's Jason. Again, things that don't involve Liz.

I want Patrick to slam Jake's head into a table, and maybe that will give the character of Jake some personality.  I have NO problem with Patrick's behavior with Sam at all.  They have both moved on with their lives, and I think both Patrick and Sam are a nice couple.  I dread once Jake gets into the Sam story because he has anti-chemistry with everyone.  Actually, he's not bad with Hayden - which is ironic since she's not meant to be long-term. 

  • Love 3

Someone needs to explain to me (like I'm Sonny!) how a seventy year old man can jump out of a window to escape?  And Bobbie never stopped him.  This whole thing where I'm forced to beleive that no one can subdue Luke when he looks like a strong wind could knock him over if ridiculous.  


He dank a lot of milk as a boy so his bones are super strong. Why does he look feeble? Reasons.

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 4

I knew today's GH was going end on a dumb note. Talking about dragging out a storyline. RC is beyond obnoxious. Supposedly, it will be revealed tomorrow what the big secret is but I also thought tomorrow is the the black & white flashback. And, I can't stand Franco & Nina. It annoys me to no end with Michelle Stafford and her goofy baby voice & googly eyes and playing cute & dumb. I just can't!!!!!

  • Love 5

Is Geary drunk? Or just hopped up on painkillers? His eyes are all red and watery and he looks really ill. Dee wallace looks a good 10 years YOUNGER than him and yet she's playing his older sister.

How old is Bobbie supposed to be? Pat said its been 52 years since she saw Luke, and Bobbie has been clear that she was VERY young when She and Luke went to live with Ruby. I'm thinking if she was actually a teenager, she would have to remember more about What happened, or at least remember her sister.

  • Love 1

I knew today's GH was going end on a dumb note. Talking about dragging out a storyline. RC is beyond obnoxious. Supposedly, it will be revealed tomorrow what the big secret is but I also thought tomorrow is the the black & white flashback. And, I can't stand Franco & Nina. It annoys me to no end with Michelle Stafford and her goofy baby voice & googly eyes and playing cute & dumb. I just can't!!!!!



Just remember the last time this show promised to reveal everything -- and they DID promise -- viewers spent 59 minutes listening to Fluke prattle on to Luke and then have Luke ask, "Who ARE you?" only to have Fluke wink at the camera and say, "Wouldn't you like to know."

I remember it like yesterday, even though it's been 84 years. Wait, no?

  • Love 11


I hope Becky Herbst is okay. I could see all the bones in her chest. She's always been skinny, but this is the thinnest I've ever seen her.


Her hair looked great and her skin, but all I could see were those bones. Please eat something, Becky. As far as Ric and Liz go, absolutely pathetic. Both of them.


Jake and Hayden have absolutely zero chemistry. Don't kill me, but I think his best chem is with Carly. *vanishes like smoke*


Aw, E.T.'s mom looks better than Luke does. What a not surprise.


Patrick was obnoxious today. And you know if I'm saying it, he was really bad.


Heh, I was waiting for Francie's 84 years.

  • Love 7

I'm such a broken record these days. I never cared about whatever was/ is going on with Luke, not even one iota. I certainly didn't care more as it dragged on and on and got more and more convoluted. If it is possible to negative care, that's where I've been and where I am. AG's "acting" has plunged me to the depths of negative care infinity. It's reached a point that any day Luke is on, I find it nearly impossible to enjoy any aspect of the show because it's all so uninterestingly terrible. Good god, I'd be willing to see more Sonny just to make this Luke shit stop, and I think you all know how I feel about Sonny. At least with Sonny, I feel *something* (blindingly hot rage); with Luke I'm just annoyed, bored, and apathetic. I can't even enjoy Julian, and that hurts me. Hurts me.

So, Michael has been tripping his balls off for about five days now, after the booze and Morgan-pills? Poor thing, he must be exhausted and seriously strung out.

I'm a little confused about the time in PC. I thought Jake was getting Hayden coffee, like, to start the day-- then all of a sudden, they're getting in their jammies and discussing which side of the bed they sleep on. Was Jake gone all day getting coffee?

Well, he is brain damaged - fetching coffee might have taken all day.

  • Love 7

So the interminable Puke story is not ending tomorrow?  How much longer is this thing going to drag out?


And why are RoHo and MSt still here?  Their horribleness never ceases to amaze me.  Their salaries - and Billy Miller's - should have gone to the set budget.

As much as I love to rag on the tiny, gray, and cheap sets, I'd rather the money being used to pay Roger, Michelle, and Billy be used to pay Genie and other real GH vets.

Hell I'd gladly have every scene take place in front of a gray curtain in exchange for stellar writing and the return of Genie, Tristan, Kimberly, etc,.

  • Love 7

So the interminable Puke story is not ending tomorrow?  How much longer is this thing going to drag out?


And why are RoHo and MSt still here?  Their horribleness never ceases to amaze me.  Their salaries - and Billy Miller's - should have gone to the set budget. 



Or to hire someone decent to play Lucky. BM would have made a decent Lucky but that moment has passed.

  • Love 2
So the interminable Puke story is not ending tomorrow?  How much longer is this thing going to drag out?


I have no idea. It might.  But the last thing I'd rely on in making such a presumption are the promos or what the showrunners are saying on twitter.  Fool me once on that ....



part of the show is set in 1963, where Ron intersperses his own retconned Spencer family into a typical day at General Hospital.  Meanwhile, Luke remembers whatever the traumatic event was that is the current reason why he's all evil and tried to goose Kiki for three months. 

  • Love 5

So the interminable Puke story is not ending tomorrow?  How much longer is this thing going to drag out?

By my count, forever. It will continue, at the very least, long after we are all dead and buried. My theory is that they have no idea how to end the story, and AG keeps making more and more outlandish demands that they cave to and complicate this mess even more, and so whatever this is will continue until time immemorial.

  • Love 7

So the interminable Puke story is not ending tomorrow?  How much longer is this thing going to drag out?


And why are RoHo and MSt still here?  Their horribleness never ceases to amaze me.  Their salaries - and Billy Miller's - should have gone to the set budget. 


I almost believe we are being punished for whenever Mr. and Mrs. Carlivati didn't praise their little bambinoweenie for being the bestest funniest just smartest lil' hobbit in the whole underground lair.  Then, on Ground Hog Day, HE came above ground, moved to NYC and has proceeded to take revenge on human kind ever since.  

Then he recognized Geary as another escapee from the hutch, and together they hatched this plot to drive us insane.  Wacky wabbits.  


I have NEVER seen such horse shit on screen than what Geary is dumping out - and all so he can exit with his grand vision.  Like either of 'em care if they make us all blind.  And deaf.

But who wants to bet he gets an emmy reel outta this garbage?


I never thought I'd dislike Roger Howarth.  DONE!  He's unbearable.  The Stafford always was.  

  • Love 8

Is Geary drunk? Or just hopped up on painkillers? His eyes are all red and watery and he looks really ill.


My theory is that they have no idea how to end the story, and AG keeps making more and more outlandish demands that they cave to and complicate this mess even more, and so whatever this is will continue until time immemorial.


I have NEVER seen such horse shit on screen than what Geary is dumping out - and all so he can exit with his grand vision.  Like either of 'em care if they make us all blind.  And deaf.

But who wants to bet he gets an emmy reel outta this garbage?


Sad if Geary wins an emmy for this garbage, all right. Demeaning to the award.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 1

Bobbie did say she tried to stop him.  I thought it was ridiculous they didn't tie him to a chair or something, they've all seen him flip back-and-forth before.


I can't believe the police didn't try to take Luke into custody.  After all, he is an escaped mental patient/felon.  And I'm sure Dante filled them in on some of the backstory of the situation so they'd know what they were walking into, like a possible hostage situation such as just transpired at Valerie's apartment.  Of course Dante did, being a good police detective.  So they just take Tracy and Lulu's word everything is A-okay?  Apprently PA cops are just as stupid as PC cops.  As a resident of PA, I apologize.



I have NEVER seen such horse shit on screen than what Geary is dumping out - and all so he can exit with his grand vision.  Like either of 'em care if they make us all blind.  And deaf.

But who wants to bet he gets an emmy reel outta this garbage?


I also can't believe AG was nominated.  Or JT.

  • Love 3


I almost believe we are being punished for whenever Mr. and Mrs. Carlivati didn't praise their little bambinoweenie for being the bestest funniest just smartest lil' hobbit in the whole underground lair.  Then, on Ground Hog Day, HE came above ground, moved to NYC and has proceeded to take revenge on human kind ever since. 

Then he recognized Geary as another escapee from the hutch, and together they hatched this plot to drive us insane.  Wacky wabbits. 

I have NEVER seen such horse shit on screen than what Geary is dumping out - and all so he can exit with his grand vision.  Like either of 'em care if they make us all blind.  And deaf.

But who wants to bet he gets an emmy reel outta this garbage?


I never thought I'd dislike Roger Howarth.  DONE!  He's unbearable.  The Stafford always was.

Every. thing. you. just. said. Boes. I couldn't have said it better.( It should all be bolded & in 48pt size font!)

  • Love 5

Dee Wallace is 67


Damn, she looks great for 67. She looked a good 10 years younger than JZ and like 15-20 years younger than TG.


Don't kill me, but I think his best chem is with Carly. *vanishes like smoke*


It is, which just makes his whole story even more annoying and awful. I'm so over him.


I'm really looking forward to today's ep. I think I actually hope that it's super awful in the best UCG way rather than actually good though since that's kind of my jam. But, if it's actually good that would be nice, too. I just pray it isn't boring like the last several eps have been.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 2

I can't believe the police didn't try to take Luke into custody.  After all, he is an escaped mental patient/felon.  And I'm sure Dante filled them in on some of the backstory of the situation so they'd know what they were walking into, like a possible hostage situation such as just transpired at Valerie's apartment.  Of course Dante did, being a good police detective.  So they just take Tracy and Lulu's word everything is A-okay?  Apprently PA cops are just as stupid as PC cops.  As a resident of PA, I apologize.


Also, Tracy and Lulu seem to think that as soon as Luke talks to Patricia, he'll be all fixed.  Shouldn't an actual licensed psychologist be involved here?  Or is Ron still mad that Jon Lindstrom took another job?

  • Love 7
Joyfully blackmailing a near-term pregnant woman makes it somewhat hard to root for those characters.


The near-term pregnant woman is an idiot. I can't feel sorry for Olivia here. It's a WTD situation with no drama. Everyone was unattached when she and Julian slept together; they knew they were sleeping together; they didn't use protection; it was all ENTIRELY preventable. And it's not as if Julian is going to insist that Olivia and the baby live with him so they can play family. All he'll want is access, and mobster or not, that's not outrageous. At least he doesn't look at his children as the property of him and him alone. (Hi, Sonny!)


I hate Franco and Nina, together and separately, but blackmailing Olivia isn't what makes them unrootable for me.

  • Love 4

Also, Tracy and Lulu seem to think that as soon as Luke talks to Patricia, he'll be all fixed.  Shouldn't an actual licensed psychologist be involved here?  Or is Ron still mad that Jon Lindstrom took another job?


Actual licensed psychiatrists probably scare the hell out of Carlivaweenie.  Even a fictional psychiatrist would take one look at the this show and everyone would be on an involuntary 72 hour hold.

  • Love 3

 Fluke's deep-fried fuckery continues, not that it's worth caring about. It's not only taken over the show for the better part of a year, it's consumed it like a flesh-eating virus. Contrary to Bobbie's, Lulu's and/or Tracy's opinions,  Fluke's DID is not a free pass to let him get away with any of the crimes he's committed, especially attempted murder.  Fluke needs serious professional help-or to die in a fire, whichever comes first.


  Regarding Duke, he has been dead to me ever since he gave Sonny an alibi re AJ's murder and his planned hit on Jordan is just another nail in his coffin. As much as I used to love Duke, that's how much I hate him now. Duke's plans for Jordan are bad enough, but what he's done to Anna is unforgivable. Duke has not only broken Anna's heart, he chose Sonny over her. Sonny! Duke dishonored AJ's memory because of Sonny, he's hurt Anna because of Sonny and now he's willing to kill an innocent woman-and a Fed, at that-because of Sonny. When it comes to Duke, Anna not only has a right to go after him, she has a duty. Like all his other smackdowns of late, Michael's reading Duke for filth was epic. Given all the shit that Duke has done/will do for Sonny, Duke had no right even trying to judge Michael. Duke had a lot of nerve lecturing Michael about destroying a family a few weeks ago when he's about to whack TJ's mama. In light of Sonny's claims that he would give up the business for L'ilAJ's sake (which, of course, was bullshit),at least Michael's doing the right thing for the right reasons: Duke, otoh, is lying to Sonny, Shawn and Anna just to cover his own ass.

Duke's death can't come soon enough nor be painful enough for me. The Duke I knew and loved back in the day died in that Turksih prison along time ago, so killing him now is just a formality, the way I see it


Edited by DollEyes
  • Love 16

I see wasted potential when I see Roger Howarth. I see miscasting like a motherfucker because that last scene with MSt in the suite wasn't bad. I even see actual anti - chemistry with LW now. If I'm not expected to buy him as Sonny's fool or see any story where Sonny is a star crossed anything, I can see good "I hate you/hate sex" chemistry with RoHo/LW. He'd have made a great Stephen Lars or AJ because he's great with the cast. He just has the worst role ever. At least his AJ wouldn't be arguing over relish.

Sometimes the stupid burns when I see Patrick casually putting Sam in Robin's place. I want someone to give any care about Robin and punch him in the face.

  • Love 10

And, I can't stand Franco & Nina. It annoys me to no end with Michelle Stafford and her goofy baby voice & googly eyes and playing cute & dumb. I just can't!!!!!

Has she always been like that?  I don't watch Y&R and so I don't know if that's something MS has incorporated into Nina or if that's just MS' acting style.  I don't like it - at all.


As far as Ric and Liz go, absolutely pathetic. Both of them.

You KNOW that Elizabeth is going to go right back to Ric since she's alone again.  THIS is why I can't stand Elizabeth.  The idea of just being alone, by herself, never occurs to her.  As evil as Ric is being, Elizabeth deserves what's coming for going back to him when she JUST said that she didn't want to be with him because of his underhandedness.  So now it's all better since Jake is no longer available?


So, Michael has been tripping his balls off for about five days now, after the booze and Morgan-pills? Poor thing, he must be exhausted and seriously strung out.

It's annoying that it's been about a week since Michael started popping whatever drugs Morgan is giving him, and there has been no follow-up.  This is what RC does, however.  He can only seem to play ONE story at a time - for weeks.  I.don't.get.it.


Sad if Geary wins an emmy for this garbage, all right. Demeaning to the award.

I don't agree.  Tony Geary was fantastic in that scene with him when he was stuck in Miscavige and he first came face to face with Fluke.  I think if TG gave that scene for his Emmy reel, he deserves to win.  I don't want BM to win again.  Also, RH has been MUCH worse as Franco.  Thank God he wasn't nominated.

Edited by Bishop
  • Love 1

And now to the really important question: has anyone told Luke yet that one of his alters or whatever they are, was maybe getting nekkid with Helena Cassadine? Because you know, there are moments you shouldn't miss, and that would be one of them. Let's all take the time to thank God Helena is beyond child bearing years.


I just threw up in my mouth a little. Why do you hate me?


You know, after seeing the umpteenth commercial for this "VERY. SPECIAL. EPISODE" I'm convinced beyond all reasonable doubt that it will be completely underwhelming. And if Jake doesn't start showing some agency of his own soon, I will wish like Christmas for BM to never ever get another acting gig anywhere, anytime. They just showed his Castle episode yesterday on TNT, Number One Fan. He can do better. He needs to do better. Dammit, do better!!

  • Love 2

Ron has rendered me utterly speechless.


This is the supposed to be the big payoff? I stopped looking at spoilers just to see if he could actually "surprise" me with the ending, and also I stopped caring really to even bother.


But I just...how does this tie into Luke wanting to take over Sonny's bloody territory???? 


Nothing makes sense anymore, nothing at goddamn all.


I...no words.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 4

I tuned in a bit late, so I was really confused for a moment knowing this was a B+W/flashback episode but thinking I was seeing teenage Josslyn crying over Carly's dead body.


I like the dirty looks from Becky, aka nurse in flashback, to "Dr. Hardy" when he broke the news so coldly to young 'Patricia' that her mother was dead.


That's an eye-roll worthy hair piece/dye job they did with TG to turn him into Tim Spencer.  Sooo...Luke has just turned into Tim. Except instead of being a loser who beats women and kids, Luke raped a woman and then recklessly killed a toddler decades later. Alrightey then. 


I guess young Luke was supposed to be channeling teenage JJ but it does. not. work. Also, TG is playing Tim as a pure nasty domestic abuser with no layers, who young Luke hated. Such a horrible situation for the 3 children. 


Dee is far more compelling than TG or JZ in this episode. Great actress. 


Side note: Carly being Lena married to Luke being Tim is pretty creepy, given that there's no way to de-age TG. 

  • Love 3
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