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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Yup. I'd rather see anything else than what has been on screen for about a year now.

When he said that he's a widower raising a child on his own, I was like :O. I don't care if that was a quote from DA or whatever, but wow. Just WOW.


I just went back and watched that scene again. Patrick says that Sam is a widow, raising a child on her own.


This fake wife story at the hands of Ric has so much potential. But something is missing, can't figure it out though.


To me, what's missing is logic. Okay, say Jake bought the story and wanted to go live with his alleged wife, in Beecher's Corners, in hopes that it will kickstart his memory. He's going to get to town and want to meet their neighbors, and the people he did odd jobs for, and nobody is going to know who the hell he and Hayden are. It's a terrible plan and Ric is smarter than this.


Franco and Nina's true luv is vomit worthy. I don't understand that after all they did, they are free. But I guess that if Sonny can be pardoned for first degree murder, all is possible in PC.


Franco and Nina have bothered me far less since they got together. And yeah, with Julian, Sonny, Shawn, Duke and even Ric running around free, why should these two whackaloons be imprisoned.


It actually pissed me off more, though. He knows his child misses her mother, but isn't making any effort to contact her or find where she is? And on top of that, the audience is supposed to think he's the most perfect sparkly dick ever.


I get it. Believe me, I do. But....I blame the writing and TIIC here. The writing for obvious reasons. Patrick is not a character. He is Sam's fuck toy. And TIIC won't try to wrap this shit up by asking KMc to cameo again, so Patrick "trying to search" would just be a huge tease and go nowhere.


It needs to have a resolution. This shit makes everyone look terrible. And stupid. And dickish. And...


I tell myself that Robin Skypes Emma just often enough that Patrick has no reason to believe she's still being held against her will. But yes, the idiot writing team needs to address this, even if they can't get Kimberly back, they need to wrap it up offscreen, if need be, by Anna getting a call from Frisco or Robert saying they've rescued Robin and she, Patrick, and Emma need to fly to [wherever].


Patrick can come back first, without Emma, and have some decent guilt storyline. It could even shake up his relationship with Sam, because he could blame himself for being so into her that he wasn't thinking straight about Robin's Paris story. Then Anna could come back to town and tell Patrick she's helped Robin move into a place in NYC or Corinth or Beecher's Corners. Robin no longer wants Patrick back. It's too late to salvage what they once had. They can share custody of Emma.

We'll never get this though, because Ron is going to continue to ruin Patrick, until he's ready to use Kimberly in Jason's story.


Ron's pacing has reached new levels of hilarity. It's Day 3 and Hayden's already a liar and a con.


When Carly was ripping her a new one, I kept wondering what this character's motivation could be. I mean, I know it's money, and she won't get it all, until Jake leaves town or whatever, but if Carly were coming at me like that, I'd do anything to shut her up.

Edited by General Days
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Carly, it's always musing when you, of all people, talk about legalities like you didn't just help cover up a murder. Or, ya know, just be you.


This times ten thousand. Given the things Carly has done, and for that matter continues to do, it's always hilarious to me when she tries to get on her moral high horse. Even when she's snarling at Ric because of the Panic Room, I'm like, Woman, have you thought about your track record lately? Go sit down in a corner.

  • Love 10

I really like Valerie. I hope she doesn't get ruined like most of the other characters. I also really like Fake Jake. And I love Franco's lawyer. I'd rather watch any of them rather than half of the other characters.


Jake sucks. I truly hate him. I like Hayden though. I wish she was repulsed by Jake privately, like ulkis suggested.


Dante was looking fine today. And he was being smart. Swoon!


I don't remember/blocked out everything else.

  • Love 4

There are so many characters I feel like we've reached the point where everyone just appears once or twice a week. Liz, Sonny, Carly, Sam, Jason and Sam's appendage are the only characters I feel like are on often enough that I don't think "when's the last time they were on again?" whenever I see them. And I'm sure Liz will be shuffled back into the rotation soon enough.

Sam's bitch can fade away off-screen at any time. If anyone is not needed, it's him. Anyone can fill in asskissing duties.

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Why is Scotty allowed to be involved in Franco's case? He needs to be fired and brought up on corruption charges. How fucking dare you help your SERIAL KILLER bastard offspring roam free. Why couldn't your dumbass just have watched porn instead of having degenerate sex with that psycho. Stupid fuckbag. Damn you and Heather to hell for creating this piece of shit.


If Jakeson isn't going to have a brain malfunction and kill Liz then he needs to go.


Ric should be ashamed of himself for getting blackmailed by some dayplayer. And for what, so he can get rancid Liz? So he can hump her until she gets bored and finds a new penis? How pathetic.

  • Love 2

Then Anna could come back to town and tell Patrick she's helped Robin move into a place in NYC or Corinth or Beecher's Corners. Robin now wants a divorce. It's too late to salvage what they once had. They can share custody of Emma.



Bold emphasis mine. Except that Robin and Patrick are already divorced.  Other than that, I like this scenario. And because I do, it will never happen, not as long as the douchetastic fuckwit or a ratbastard prick is in charge.

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Oh, I can never remember if their divorce was finalized. I think I've even asked about it, before. I'm sorry. She didn't want it when he asked for it, so what I probably should have said is she no longer wants to reunite.


I don't remember it, either, so no worries, General Days.  I do remember Patrick asking Alexis to draw them up, and I can't remember if he carried them around and actually served them to her when he found her at the clinic. Or if he mailed them to the clinic when he got home.

Maybe he'll seem less boring/passive once he's doing something other than romance.

I want him to not be Jason because I like BM. This character is boring and BM is capable of better.

He's not Jason Morgan at all.  Jake is boring simply because Jake is a boring character, and I'm waiting to see BM do something of interest with the character.  He's definitely not playing Jason.


I feel exactly the opposite. I dreaded Samtrick, but since I've seen them together, I think they generate a lot of heat. I don't like their storyline. That is, I'd rather they'd have had a romance written for them, than this OH IT'S A FRIENDSHIP/NO, IT'S HOT SEX thing, but I still think they have great chemistry, and JT hasn't looked this alive in years.

I think Samtrick is great too.  I think all their scenes are good together, and I would much prefer that Sam stay with Patrick then get reunited with pod person, Jake and bake.

  • Love 4
Luke looks like spooky Reverend Kane from Poltergeist II in close-up, and that role was played by a man who was dying of stomach cancer. This has to stop. Poor Tony Geary, and poor me for having to watch a year-plus of one of the worst ever performances from a wonderfully talented actor.



Ya totally had me 'til your last three words which I must respectfully disagree with--I think he's a total canned ham.

  • Love 3

Nathan and Dante are legit the only decent, not dumb men in Port Charles. Maybe Ned, but he's borderline.


Oh, dopey Michael is decent too at his core, even though he has a tendency to be an entitled shit.


I feel exactly the opposite. I dreaded Samtrick, but since I've seen them together, I think they generate a lot of heat. I don't like their storyline. That is, I'd rather they'd have had a romance written for them, than this OH IT'S A FRIENDSHIP/NO, IT'S HOT SEX thing, but I still think they have great chemistry, and JT hasn't looked this alive in years.


I don't know if they have a ton of heat, but I think they look good together . . . I just wish they'd give Patrick a bit of his own life in it instead of yes dear Sam whatever you say.

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How telling is it that I am sympathizing with a KNOWN liar and con? I feel bad for poor Hayden and WE KNOW she is full of shit. It's funny how much Carly can make me side with anyone except her snarling face. She even made Liz look ok today. I wish Hayden had hauled off and punched her in the face. And I really wish Hayden was on the up and up, just so Carly could choke on her words. She is such a she beast! Jake deserves both of them, with his stupid passive aggressive nonsense. Have an opinion of your own asshat. Way to be a stand up guy and make out with someone right outside your supposed wife's room. Gross.

Sam was cute with Danny today. They seemed more natural today as mother/son.

  • Love 10

Jake is such a man-child to me. Literally, as Hayden at one point had to physically wrench his hand from his coat pocket to show Carly & Liz his ring/ring finger while he looked disinterested and irritated and acted like he had floppy limbs. I hate Jake. I hate him even more for eating the show. He's too damn dumb and boring to be on so much. I couldn't even finish the last 25 minutes or so. I can only hope that like with all of his pets, Ron will get bored soon enough and Jake will be seen much more scarcely. Nina is isolated and not on four days/week anymore, Ava and Silas are on their own island no longer on every day, even Julian's airtime has been cut significantly. There is hope.

Edited by BinkyMimo88
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I think Samtrick is great too.  I think all their scenes are good together, and I would much prefer that Sam stay with Patrick then get reunited with pod person, Jake and bake.


I want Sam to realize that she's happier (and she and Danny, who could have died of leukemia are SAFER) being involved with a respected brain surgeon, than with a mob enforcer. I want her to have some growth. It was always gross to me that she could live with Jason's job.



Ya totally had me 'til your last three words which I must respectfully disagree with--I think he's a total canned ham.


Tony used to be capable of talented acting. He was never better than when he was playing off Genie, when she was young. I suspect her looking up at him like he hung the moon didn't hurt. He was also really good in scenes with Tristan Rogers, and the old crew, Emma Samms, and of course Jonathan Jackson.


I don't know if they have a ton of heat, but I think they look good together . . . I just wish they'd give Patrick a bit of his own life in it instead of yes dear Sam whatever you say.


Yeah. I liked their story better when Patrick was suspended from GH and was learning the P.I. biz. At least that made sense, and it was about Patrick's story (the baby's death, etc). I've got to say, JT still has it better than 3 talented vets on Days of Our Lives. Kassie DeP. and Missy Reeves do nothing but worry about their adult children's love lives. And poor Shawn Christian. His Daniel is a parent to neither child, is no longer involved with Missy's character and can't keep his nose out of the relationship of two college freshman. It's such a waste. As much as Ron can drive me crazy, to me, he's a treasure when compared with the Days scribes (who just got the heave-ho).


I can only hope that like with all of his pets, Ron will get bored soon enough and Jake will be seen much more scarcely.



I feel sorry for Billy Miller. They need to write the Jason reveal, so he can start playing a real character, rather than an empty shell. I've never seen him on another soap, but he was on Ringer and was just fine, as far as I can remember. Ron is doing the man no favors, either. The hardcore Steve Burton fans will never accept him in the role, but dragging out the story risks alienating fans who could accept him.


Edited by General Days
  • Love 3

Valerie got herself untied and pushed Luke, tried to answer the phone when lulu called but Luke unplugged the phone. They were last seen wrestling over the gun.


Scott spun some story about how Franco didn't know Nina had kidnapped the baby until they got to Canada. (and technically Heather kidnapped Shawn, Jordan and Carly, and Shawn busted Heather out of Shadybrook. I wonder when Shawn will be arrested for that?)


I know soaps don't get alot of takes- but there were a couple of corkers in today's show. Rebecca Budig clearly said, "I didn't know Jake had been in an injury" instead of "in an accident"


and I would swear, when talking about Patricia not being dead, Luke said "You wouldn't speak about her in the present tense if she was dead and rotting in her crisp" instead of "crypt" I rewound it twice- I couldn't really tell, but I'm positive he didn't say crypt.


Does anybody working on that show give a crap, like, at all?


I will say, I do like FakeJake, I hope he sticks around.

Edited by sacrebleu
  • Love 1

Valerie untied herself from the chair and pushed Luke onto the couch. She tried to answer the phone (Lulu was on the other line), but Luke yanked the phone cord. They both dove for the gun. The next scene at the apartment set was Dante and Lulu arriving and deciding to enter (pretending they heard a disturbance for probable cause). They enter the apartment and Lulu looks shocked. End scene.

Valerie unwittingly reveals Pat isn't dead (she uses the present tense when talking to Fluke about her). He's ready to kill her, because she says she'd rather die than unleash him on her poor mother. At some point while he's bloviating, she frees her wrists from the rope.

Meanwhile, back in PC, Lulu tells Dante about her visit to Valerie. Dante, as people have mentioned, has the town's brain, today, so he figured out that maybe the "cat" that made the noise in Valerie's apartment might have been Fluke. Lulu tries to call Valerie on the phone.

Valerie surprises Fluke, stands up, and pushes him. He drops the gun and falls onto the couch. (It was hilariously bad blocking, but it also made me worried for TG's back issues). She dives for the phone but he manages to unplug it, before she picks up and screams for help. Down on the floor, Fluke and Valerie struggle for the gun. That's the last time we see them. We don't know if Valerie got away.

Because Valerie never picks up the phone, but the phone doesn't go to voice mail or an answering machine, Dante and Lulu decide to return to Valerie's apartment. Dante pretends to hear a noise, so he has probable cause to bust in, with his gun drawn. He and Lulu are shocked by what they see, but we didn't get to see it.

In the Jakeson story, Ric has even supplied Hayden with a copy of medical records, proving he had a prior brain surgery. When Liz reads it, she's convinced Hayden is legit. Jake chases after her. He assures her he felt nothing when Hayden kissed him, and nothing at all about her seems familiar. They kiss, but then Elizabeth leaves in tears, telling him he owes it to himself and Hayden to try to get back what they've "lost."

Alone with Hayden, Carly rips her a new one. It's amusing, not annoying, at least to me, because Hayden is a big fraud, and for once Carly's in the right, even though she has no reasonable reason to believe she's in the right. Ric has been pretty thorough with manufactured evidence. What Ric hasn't been thorough about is ensuring the guy he hired to pose as pre-surgery Jake Barnes in the photos, doesn't extort another 10K out of him. I hate this Ric storyline. He should have just let Molly find him a date on E-Harmony, or whatever.

Let's see, Danny bursts into Sam's room and climbs into bed with her and Patrick, which set off prude sensors I didn't even know I still had, and I think it's because they're not married AND Patrick isn't his dad, because if they were married and/or if Patrick was the kid's father, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have bothered me. I'm still surprised it did. Anyhow, Danny asks if Patrick is his new daddy. Sam says he's mommy's special friend and that daddy is looking down on him from heaven. I'll break the paragraph here, to give you a chance to laugh at the idea of Jason in heaven.

Patrick has a nice talk with Danny about how he can't replace his father, but he wants to be best buds. 

Scott testifies that Franco told him he was faking his mental illness. After he leaves the stand, he sits behind Franco and explains that he's in collusion with Franco's defense attorney, who is going to argue that Heather kidnapped Carly, Shawn, and Jordan, and that Shawn is the one who broke Heather out of Ferncliff. He is also going to argue that Franco didn't know Nina kidnapped Avery, until they got to Canada (which is out of this jurisdiction), so Scott will have to drop the charges.

(I like the Scott & Franco interactions, so I'm sure other people will have more to say on it, but it worked for me.)

Alexis does a good job arguing for Nina's freedom, but Nina doesn't know Franco's free, so wants to get herself recommitted. After the judge starts to leave the courtroom to deliberate, Nina begs her to put her on the stand, and starts to blurt out that the baby really belongs to her and Silas, but then Franco enters the courtroom a free man. Nina babbles to cover up for what she started to say about the baby, apologizes for lying, assures the judge she knows the baby belongs to Ava Jerome (I HATE THE WAY Stafford says "Jerome"), blah blah blah. The judge lets Nina go free.

In the preview for tomorrow, 

Tracy tells Bobbi that she and Lulu found Patricia. Sloan wants to talk to Anna about her undercover informant. This time, thankfully, he's wearing a suit, rather than a towel. Shawn tells Sonny he thinks he was wrong about Jordan. Jordan asks Duke if he still wants her to kill Julian. Julian tells Olivia he has something to say to her (at least I think he does -- he kind of mumbles in the clip). Franco asks Nina, "Are you with me on this?"

Edited by General Days
  • Love 5

Wow!  Isn't Luke SCARY???




And on a shallow note, you don't see sex appeal like this every day.  Oh, the talent!!


Yep, this is definitely his Emmy year.  I just hope he stays off the metamucil so he can continue turning in such riveting performances.


Rebecca Budig must be in shock.  She played the Pine Valley harridan with a take-no-prisoners approach and I'm sure she must be surprised to find out that, next to Laura Wright, she's a lightweight.

Edited by boes
  • Love 12
For someone who is supposed to have outs in his contract, Billy Miller sure seems to be on often enough.

That's the thing about block taping—people are on for days on end and then disappear for months.


Franco's lawyer was the only thing that made those scenes even somewhat watchable. And I see that Scott's ear now needs only a bandage to keep it on his head.


LOL at Rik being blackmailed by FakeJake. Sucks to be hoist by your own petard, eh? 


I liked Carly giving Hayden the what for. She's a bit unhinged about all of this, given that Carly doesn't know Jake much better than Hayden does, but she's hilarious when she's so pushy. Why Jake didn't put up a tenth of the resistance Carly did to Hayden is ridiculous. I cracked up when Carly mentioned fraud being a crime. Because she's such an upstanding citizen whose support of the PCPD is unwavering.


Did they speed up the fight scene between Valerie and FakeLuke or was that just the Internet?

  • Love 3
Did they speed up the fight scene between Valerie and FakeLuke or was that just the Internet?


I don't remember thinking it look sped up (I'm taking it you mean whatever the opposite of slow-motion would be), but it was physically awkward and pretty brief, which I chalked up to needing to accommodate Tony's back.

I have a question about yesterday's episode (I think it was yesterday). I can't remember how Ric got out of Hayden's hotel room, after Jake showed up. Did we ever see that?

Also, did anyone notice the dorky editing in whatever episode it was when Tracy and Lulu finally left Valerie's apartment? Valerie closed the door behind them. They talked out in the hall, while Luke came out of the closet (now, that would be a good storyline, but I digress) and approached Valerie and the door. The scene ends. The next time we see any of these characters, Lulu and Tracy are already seated at a diner. Meanwhile, back in Valerie's apartment, Luke is just turning away from the door.

Also, I have a question about today's episode. Isn't Valerie's apartment in PA? I seem to recall something in the diner about PA's best coffee or pie or whatever. Even if Dante had the town's brain, today, it still is only a Port Charles brain. They think Fluke could be terrorizing Lulu's newfound cousin, and so they don't call the local cops, who can get there in minutes, but instead, drive from PC (which is upstate New York, right?) down to Pennsylvania?

  • Love 3

Right? It would be like an hour or two. I Googled Port Charles, after I asked. On Wikipedia is said that PC would lie somewhere between (I think) Buffalo and Syracuse, and is on the shore of Lake Ontario. If that's what the PC waterfront is, Lake Ontario's southern shore looks to be  ~100 miles from northern PA. It's especially not justified that Dante, a cop, wouldn't think to call the local cops. If this were Lulu and Tracy, or Lulu and someone impulsive like Carly or Maxie, I could see them not thinking of it. This is just poor writing.


Hayden brought Jake out onto the balcony.  While they were out there, Ric snuck out of the bathroom and left.​



Thanks, Lexx. My kids always come home from school about halfway through the episode, and also, sometimes I play computer games, so I don't have to pay too much attention to the storylines that annoy me, but I don't usually miss a detail like that.

Edited by General Days
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Yeah. I liked their story better when Patrick was suspended from GH and was learning the P.I. biz.


Boy, is that Liz amazing or what?  Today she was able to read brain scans and able to identify that it was Jake's brain.  Meanwhile, Patrick who hasn't exactly been busy performing surgeries can't recognize with CT Scans and MRIs a brain that he has operated on at least twice.


I can count the times on one hand of how many times that I have enjoyed watching Carly (and I blame a lot of it on proximity to that vile thug Sonny Corinthos and JaBorg) but today truly was one of them.  Can you imagine what she is like IRL on the set when one of the new actresses is introduced? 


Sam - Wasn't Jason (your protector) all about not having anything to do with the pregnancy if the baby was due to Franco raping you on your honeymoon?  Great blocking today.  Franco skates again! 

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Even from the barge I can see that the worst father/son relationship ever written -- on any fictional show -- is the Franco/Scotty one.


Among many, many other problems, Franco is, like, a foot taller than Scotty, and I don't know if the dude who plays Scotty has been drinking from the fountain of youth of what, but they look the same age to me.  


I've always had the same problem with Tracy and Ned.  I don't remember how old I was before I figured out that they weren't married (hey, I was a kid, I wasn't paying much attention to the older folks).  To this day, I startle a bit when Ned calls Tracy "mother." 

  • Love 3
Dante can do something besides being the only intelligent person in this dreadful Spencer story.


The way his hair has been dishevelled of late, it appears that he has been quite busy providing some intensive briefings to Anna.  Y'all should try some closed-captioning. The closed-captioning has him 'skoffing' at the mention of Tracy and the line 'Tracy being Tracy'.  I do miss the laid back Dante and the old Lulu.  Heck, I even miss Ethan and Lucky.  That was one age group (along with Johnny) that Guza had right.  YMMV.

  • Love 3


lol Jason is looking down from Heaven. Good one, Sam! Best laugh I've had all week.


That line was pure gold, I tell ya. Giggles galore. Which were sorely needed because I don't even despise Patrick like the majority here do, but Danny crawling into bed with them was just gross. And this Danny still can't hold a candle to the original. Sorry, Spencer. (Not.)



LOL I legit forgot about Michael.


Not surprising. He's easily forgettable to me, ever since CD came on board.


Yeah, I think I've been hit with the stupid stick of PC or something, because I still found Carly entertaining. I mean, she was ready to throw down. As much as Jake just sat there and said nothing, Liz was like a statue until she claimed that this wasn't her idea or whatever lol. Fair enough. But enough, Show, on trying to tell me that these two are in love. Stalking someone and ignoring the rest of your patients does not equal love.


I know I came up with a couple of flaws in Ric's plan, and it wasn't Helena's chip either. If Jake really did have brain surgery, and Hayden was determined to never lose him, why did she just let him walk away after their "fight"? What was the fight even about? Is the ring engraved? Can Ric do another photo shoot please?


The only good thing about the SERIAL KILLER and batshit psycho bitch BABY STEALER walking away free and clear means that the same thing is going to happen for my girl too. But what was with that bizarre weird lighting in the courtroom? It was so distracting, I couldn't focus. I thought it was a dream sequence at first, because of the way there were weird shadows, and also because I thought that RH couldn't be this bad again without it being fake.

Edited by tvgoddess
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They haven't done a DNA test on Franco to prove that Scotty is his father. They are only relying on the word of that lunatic, Heather.

I can't believe he hasn't demanded a DNA test lol.He knows what a liar Heather is better than most people lol.I know most characters don't look like there on screen parents bt franco doesn't seem to look anything like scott or Heather lol.

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