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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I also enjoyed Joss. While I'm no fan of bratty, unruly children (which this show has in spades), her mother is Carly. I mean, if anyone is going to have a petulant, misbehaving daughter, it would be Carly. And so long as Joss is directing her attitude towards Franco? She's fine by me. 


So I expect that Michael's plan for Morgan is to 

enlist him to head up the project to resurrect the Brownstone, giving him both a job and a place to live. That said, I had to wonder why Michael was calling Ned about it. Does Bobbie still own the property?


This is Ron.  He fucks up history like no one I can remember, so it totally buy that he has Ned in on the deal when Bobbie still owns the place.  


But thank you for clearing something up for me.  I thought that he said "Dad".  I didn't realize it was Ned.

Same. Except I skipped the Franco/Carly scenes that Joss wasn't in as well.


I continue to just be at a total loss as to why they write Carly/Franco the way they do.


Morgan, my baby! He was amazing today and he actually looked good again! Michael as all-knowing sage is insufferable.


I didn't hate Kiki today. I'm going soft!


99% of Morgan's lines are so much fun right now. I just want to quote some and then I realize I'd be quoting them all. This one was actually my favorite:


Michael: and  . . . the brain tumor thing . . . 

Morgan: oh, the brain tumor thing! How could I forget the brain tumor thing! Mom only brings it up every 5 seconds!

  • Love 5

I must be coming down with pneumonia because I genuinely liked Keeks today.  That, or I've been inadvertently exposed to Michael Logan's stash of hallucinogenic drugs.  


I also need to make an appointment to get my hearing checked because once again I could not understand a single word that the greasy little shit said.  Seriously, how do you all understand him?  


I liked NuJoss.  Then again, i automatically like anyone who hates Freakco.

Edited by Tiger
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I didn't think I could hate Sonny any more but everyday, he does something that rachets up my Sonny hate.​

lillybee, this is exactly what I thought during his whole stupid rant at Julian in the park.  I'm so tired of trying to keep up with all the inconsistencies and hypocritical BS that Sonny spews.  Are we supposed to agree with him?  Or do the show runners want us to think he's full of crap and a total douche?  


Forgive me, for I know what I say, but I think I liked Kiki a little today.  Her mother is lying to her, and for the most ridiculous reason ever.  Why not just say "Sonny said he would kill me if I left"?  Forget it - we've discussed the stupidity of this particular storyline already, and it's never going to make sense to me why Ava is going along with this imprisonment plan.  I just need to let it go.


Kiki yelling about Ava sleeping with Sonny didn't really bother me too much, mostly because it seems like Morgan is over the whole Kiki/ Michael thing, I guess.  Not that that really makes any sense. 

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I think Michael's relative calmness in the face of Sonny's and Cary's Ava and Franco games is foreshadowing for his prayed for meltdown when he finds out the truth about AJ.  Giving the brain tumor party line, it was just sex! Morgan...If Ron C has a brain, then Michael's current attitude makes sense.  Morgan is always losing it, Michael holds it all in.  I think Michael is in denial about his entire history and his messed up parents major part in it (being shot, coma, losing AJ as a parent and his dying).  Boy's going to blow.  

Edited by sunflower
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Michael should be calling Jax for help with his mother, Morgan and ELQ.  Let's face it Jax has been the only reliable parental figure Carly's boys had while they were growing up.  He would do anything for them.  If he knew Morgan was hurting from the SONNYAVACRYPTSEX/ I'm going to be a father or a brother cluster**k, he'd be there.  If he knew Michael was in over his head at ELQ, he'd be there.  If he knew Joss was living with a serial killer, he'd have been there by now. 
Michael is really going to need Jax once he finds out Sonny killed AJ and that Carly knew.

Edited by movingtargetgal
  • Love 6

Okay first off I laughed my ass off at how well Nina schooled creepy dumbo Sam into that corner about feelings for dead/undead spouses. Serious genius move. Sam was totally awkward and Nina handled her well, also loved how unimpressed Silas was to find Sam running right over to grill Nina. The awkward rolled right off that scene as it should.


Oh Morgan it sure does suck to be you. You have no job, live with your mom and in a WTD with your father and cougar ex-girlfriend. You can't stay with your brother b/c his girlfriend is your ex-wife! Oh and don't forget you drunkinly tried to grope/proposition your other brother's mom.Why not instead of whining all over the damn place just make some BETTER life decisions and maybe your life won't suck so much. Oh wait you're going to sponge off your brother, yah that'll work out great!


Joss and Franco, total camp. That man is right up there with Levi in the too stupid to live category. Why can't one of these "notorious hitmen" bump those losers off!



How did he whine today?


He didn't. But some watch a special feed. And seriously, he's only 20 and living at home with no job? My brother is 40 FUCKING YEARS OLD and just moved back home with no job because otherwise he would have been on the streets and then killed himself due to his depression. So I think Morgan is doing just fine. I love his continual hate for Franco, that has never wavered with him. I also liked his line, "Oh, they swore, so that makes it okay". Love my MWOP. And he looked good, aside from the fact that I'm over that shirt.


I see they're trying to soften Ava's look now that she's pregnant. The dress was completely not her at all, but I didn't think she looked that bad. It was pretty hilarious though, did it have dogs or horses on it? I like that she's embracing the pregnancy, even though Sonny is being a total dick about it.


Sonny, you have no room to talk about being honorable for so many reasons. "How do you look at yourself in the mirror?" Bitch please, have a seat. Or fifty.


Nina/Sam, they both need to be freed from the suckage that is Silas. Maybe now that Ava knows, Nina can get more interesting.


Kiki, I think Tee Vee said it best, STFU, you delusional bitch. Ava doesn't deserve to be stuck with this wench for a daughter, but it certainly looks like that is what's happening.


Michael, he's so boring. And droopy. And just, that suit. He looks like a 12 year old going to a bar mitzvah. Most unbelievable CEO ever.

Edited by tvgoddess
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I also need to make an appointment to get my hearing checked because once again I could not understand a single word that the greasy little shit said.  Seriously, how do you all understand him?


I have a one and a half year old son; it's about the same level of babbling mixed with a few actual words.



Sonny, you have no room to talk about being honorable for so many reasons. "How do you look at yourself in the mirror?" Bitch please, have a seat. Or fifty.


Sonny was honestly asking.  His view of himself in the mirror is only from the eyebrows up. 


Someone should introduce Sonny to a step-stool, though he'd never find it because his housekeeper would probably store it with the towels.

Edited by OnceSane
  • Love 6


I didn't hate Kiki today. I'm going soft!


Yes, you are. I'm going to need you to stop that peachmangosteen.



Actually, her call out on Ava and Julian's creepy incest vibe was the best part. At least the show recognizes the ickiness of that relationship.


What ickiness? It's certainly not like anything has ever happened or even hinted in that direction. Yes, they have inappropriate chemistry, but it's not their fault the actors sell it so well.


Eeek, I actually forgot to weigh in on Joss. Sue me, I liked her. The last couple iterations of Joss have been either zero personality or painful acting. This one is good on both those fronts. And even though it won't last long, I'll savor her Franco hate. Kick him all you want. Carly deserves to have a little brat, so I'm completely fine with her.

  • Love 3

If I recall, Victor Cassadine didn't exactly give Robin an option to say no to him. He threatened her and her family as it was. Patrick should at least be grateful Robin defied Victor to spill the beans to him.

Now as far as we know, she has been all "rah, rah Borg resurrection!", but considering how she left, we have no idea WHAT is going on or if she still is in danger or not.

And, to be honest, I'm a cold bitch. Yes, Robin was thought to be "dead" then, but what self-respecting woman would want to be within 100 feet of a kid her hubby spawned with another woman while her child fawns all all the would-be stepmama in the process? Yes, the spawn is Emma's brother. But let the parent who spawned said sibling deal with things.

Which is why Robin not "being there" is crap. Besides, RC is all about absolutes. Sabrina wears the shiny halo now. Robin is now THE EVUL absentee parent.

To which I say to Mr. "Robin had 3 meals!", fuck you. As always.

Not really....Robin had plenty of "options". She could have insisted her family accompany her. Insisted Jason be moved to a facility near PC. Told Anna and Robert.

Robin looks like shit because she's acting shitty. Simple as that.

  • Love 2

What ickiness? It's certainly not like anything has ever happened or even hinted in that direction. Yes, they have inappropriate chemistry, but it's not their fault the actors sell it so well.


They can direct the scenes so the actors are not so on top of each other when they speak and they can tell Maura West to stop giving the man playing her brother "fuck me" eyes. ;) 

  • Love 1

99% of Morgan's lines are so much fun right now. I just want to quote some and then I realize I'd be quoting them all. This one was actually my favorite:


Michael: and  . . . the brain tumor thing . . . 

Morgan: oh, the brain tumor thing! How could I forget the brain tumor thing! Mom only brings it up every 5 seconds!


The weird thing is neither Carly nor Franco said a thing about it to Spinelli.  They kept letting Spinelli and Ellie think that she was actually dating Franco as they thought he was.  I kept expecting her to at least trot that out and she didn't.  


99% of Morgan's lines are so much fun right now. I just want to quote some and then I realize I'd be quoting them all. This one was actually my favorite:


Michael: and  . . . the brain tumor thing . . . 

Morgan: oh, the brain tumor thing! How could I forget the brain tumor thing! Mom only brings it up every 5 seconds!


I would watch a web series where Morgan just goes on MWOP tirades about everyone in town for an hour. I loved that quote, too. And I loved the one tvgoddess mentioned about them swearing so it's OK. Man, Morgan is a true delight.


I think Michael's relative calmness in the face of Sonny's and Cary's Ava and Franco games is foreshadowing for his prayed for meltdown when he finds out the truth about AJ.  Giving the brain tumor party line, it was just sex! Morgan...If Ron C has a brain, then Michael's current attitude makes sense.  Morgan is always losing it, Michael holds it all in.  I think Michael is in denial about his entire history and his messed up parents major part in it (being shot, coma, losing AJ as a parent and his dying).  Boy's going to blow.  


I hope so. I want Michael to go straight-up nuts when he finds out tha Sonny killed AJ and Carly knew all along. I hope he goes on a murder spree, but I'll settle for him just trashing Sonny/Carly and denouncing them.


It's like a sad day when I can't enjoy Roger Howarth at the third hottest he's been in his life.


Really though. it's so infuriating.


She'll enrage you twice as much on another day. 


LOL! You're probably right. That's gonna be rough.


Yes, you are. I'm going to need you to stop that peachmangosteen.


I'm very sorry! I don't like it at all myself!

Edited by peachmangosteen

Ava's dress was about 15 years too young for her.



You are way too kind.


Carly's officially become the shittiest mother in all of soapdom. She moved a known serial killer, potential, probable, rapist, and general psychopath in with her and her little girl. Inexcusable and beyond



Pretty much. DYFAS should  be called


Carly's officially become the shittiest mother in all of soapdom. She moved a known serial killer, potential, probable, rapist, and general psychopath in with her and her little girl. Inexcusable and beyond


Edited by Patssy Stoned
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I hope so. I want Michael to go straight-up nuts when he finds out tha Sonny killed AJ and Carly knew all along. I hope he goes on a murder spree, but I'll settle for him just trashing Sonny/Carly and denouncing them.



I admit I look forward more to Sonny and Carly's reaction to his reaction than Michael's reaction, cause I find Michael blah even when he's yelling. I want wailing and tearing out of hair and Sonny throwing himself on the floor and grabbing at Michael's ankles, the way Brenda did with him after Sonny discovered the wire.


That said, I did enjoy the look on Michael and Morgan's faces when Morgan said, "after I caught them [sonny and Ava] . . . " and they were both like, um yeah. Yeah.

  • Love 1

BC and CD have a good brotherly vibe, despite how stupid their scenes together can be.

They do have a good brotherly vibe...of 10 y/o boys playing at being adults. I can never take either of them seriously b/c they just look out of place as adults.

Yesterday they were like two little boys "pretending" to be like their dads. Michael as AJ and Morgan as Sonny.

They are kind of good at "pretending" though, I'll give them THAT.


Edited by Cattitude

I admit I look forward more to Sonny and Carly's reaction to his reaction than Michael's reaction, cause I find Michael blah even when he's yelling. I want wailing and tearing out of hair and Sonny throwing himself on the floor and grabbing at Michael's ankles, the way Brenda did with him after Sonny discovered the wire.


Good point. I look forward to this as well. They better get to stepping on the reveal that Sonny killed AJ. I'm getting scared it's never going to happen.

Edited by peachmangosteen


The "He had a brain tumor!" excuse has definitely become the "We were on a break!" of this show.


Damn, if only Manny had lived.  He could be Franco's roommate.



probably we're looking at November though, if they want to save it for sweeps.


I'll be mildly surprised if the truth comes out before Nov. sweeps.



Has anyone been able to figure out what exactly was on Ava's dress? It's still driving me crazy!

I think it's cats.  Or rhinos.  Or birds.

Edited by OnceSane

Kinda looked like zebras w/o back legs.  Weird.


Where is the real Carly and why is Franco?  I love RoHo but he is beyond phoning it in...and can't say I blame him.  This material is...I really have no words.   Oh and his reaction to Joss' kick to the shins...you'da thought she kicked him in the balls.


Love Joss!  Truth teller.  Loved the wardrobe choice of green pants and a yellow/white checked top.  Looked like an ear of  Silver Queen corn.  Hummmm...I may nickname her just that.

Edited by OhioSongbird
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  Once again, Sonny finds ways to piss me off. I've known that Sonny is an arrogant, hypocritical, selfish and self-righteous motherfucker for years, but his barging into Anna's office and demanding-not asking-for answers regarding Ric's "death" like he was a tax-paying, law-abiding citizen was infuriating. That Anna didn't smack the shit out of Sonny right then and there showed incredible restraint on her part. Sonny's wanting justice for the brother whom he never once gave a shit about even on a good day made me want to throw barware. The only reason why Sonny should ever be in Anna's office should be to confess his own crimes, not to spew accusations (however accurate) about Julian's, so unless he comes clean once and for all, he can have more seats than the Superdome, as far as I'm concerned.


 Sonny and Duke's throwing shade at Julian was more fuckery. Duke has good reason to mourn the death of his unborn child, but Julian not only wasn't the one who did it, he killed the one who did. As for Sonny, Julian's no saint by a long shot, but unlike Sonny, Julian has paid/is paying for his sins, in one way or another, none of which include killing his son's biological father or fucking/possibly impregnating his son's girlfriend. If/when the truth comes out about Julian's lies, I have a feeling that his kids will forgive him; Sonny's lies, otoh, not so much, Heaven willing.


  Re Nathan Vs. Levi, Team Nathan all the way. If Levi was as "enlightened" as he says he is, then he wouldn't let Nathan get to him. As for Levi's telling Nathan to stay out of his and Maxie's business, like he did re Nathan's family business? Turnabout's fair play, mate. When Levi hit Nathan, IMO he should have arrested Levi. Last time I checked, assaulting a police officer is a crime in Port Charles, no matter how bad the police force is.


  So far, loving Joss Without Pity. The more she snarks on Franco, the better.

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If Levi was as "enlightened" as he says he is, then he wouldn't let Nathan get to him.


I think this is Ron's idea of irony.



As for Levi's telling Nathan to stay out of his and Maxie's business, like he did re Nathan's family business? Turnabout's fair play, mate.


Maxie is the one Levi should be talking to if he doesn't want people knowing their business; it's not as if Nathan lurks behind doors to listen to their conversations.


Levi has absolutely no redeeming qualities, as far as I can see. Why is he? If Ron is trying to establish him before starting up that rumored story line, he's done it. We get it. Levi is a humorless dolt. Move things along.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Where is the real Carly and why is Franco?  I love RoHo but he is beyond phoning it in...and can't say I blame him.  This material is...I really have no words.


Honestly, I haven't seen the real Carly since a certain newspaper publisher jumped bail for his brother's murder and headed to PC after his daughter was in an accident.  And she total disappeared with a certain serial killer's tumah.


But, hey, LW and RoHo have THE GREATEST  CHEMISTRY TO EVER CHEM!!!!! so, there you have it,

  • Love 1

Michael should be calling Jax for help with his mother, Morgan and ELQ.  Let's face it Jax has been the only reliable parental figure Carly's boys had while they were growing up.  He would do anything for them.  If he knew Morgan was hurting from the SONNYAVACRYPTSEX/ I'm going to be a father or a brother cluster**k, he'd be there.  If he knew Michael was in over his head at ELQ, he'd be there.  If he knew Joss was living with a serial killer, he'd have been there by now. 


Michael is really going to need Jax once he finds out Sonny killed AJ and that Carly knew.


The longer all of this goes on without Jax being there, the more unbelievable it is.  He loves Michael and Morgan like they were his own, he'd be here.  

  • Love 3

Reading this totally cracked me up.  I guess I sometimes forget how wonky soap opera time is - it hadn't occurred to me that in real time AJ languished in the hospital for over a month.



Another little FU to the actor.  Have his last month on the show be him portraying a living prop. 


Still upset that we didn't get a final scene with AJ and Michael.  *grumble*

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