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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Actually it was Scotts business. She was his wife when he raped her. he had every right to want to help his wife. She wanted Luke so what she got was karma. Now I suppose Luke didn't run over Jake and not care. Luke is a drunk.TG is an ass. He is biting the hand that fed him for years by wanting to go back to his old ways . MAybe the reason I can dislike this Luke is because I didn't watch during the rape. If I had I most likely wouldn't have ever liked Luke.. Scotty has always been the bad guy because he was angry for Laura even if she wasn't. Think lulu shouldn't know. Nick told lucky and it took a long time for him to forgive his father, and his mother also.


I watched the show when the rape happened, and Scotty was a good guy. He loved Laura and wanted to help her through it. It was in so many ways a great soapy story until they decided that Laura loved Luke. I'll never forget the day that Luke told Bobbie he had to get Laura to admit it was an act of love not violence. Then of course the show had to turn Scotty into an ass to prop Luke.

I wasn't born yet but I've went back and watched some stuff. Scotty seemed pretty naive back then. I also orginally thought that scotty hated Luke from the start so I was kinda shocked in the clips that scotty seemed to actually like him lol.


I also thought it was ridclous the way that his father and bestfriend turned on him when he came back to town in 81 all for Luke.

Edited by Harmony233
  • Love 1

Why was Ric hostile towards Jakeson? Is it because he's jealous that Bran Muffin started to obsess over him? Jealously is not a good look for Ric, especially when it's because of Bran Muffin.


Why is no one suggesting Avery be put up for adoption? Kaka (and Morgan) is in no position to take care of a baby.


Scotty is annoying.


So now Maxie doesn't know how to lie? To Detective Plywood of all people? She should be ashamed of herself.



When she went on her Eat, Pray, Love trip, she went off to be a better person.  This is her trying to be a better person, did she try to get away with it, yes, but she couldn't do it, so she told the truth to the one person who's truly been here for her since she got back.


What I see in Maxie is a person who wants to be better and working her way through it.

  • Love 8

She was so out of line it wasn't even funny. I wish she could have somehow been held in contempt of court for threatening a D.A. or just being a generally selfish and self-serving monster.


It was a disgusting display by her.



Hear! Hear! Lulu certainly is the offspring of Luke Lorenzo Spencer, bully extraordinaire, screaming and demanding special treatment. Her parting threat to Scotty made my jaw drop. The actress probably enjoyed the opportunity to show her acting range, though. 


For awhile, Maxie seemed to have learned a lesson about being careful to avoid the appearance of helping criminals or doing anything illegal. At last she was thinking of her daughter and their potential relationship before thinking of herself. Her devastated expression as she realized her mistake in helping Johnny was a promise of maturity that has been long in arriving.

  • Love 2

Actually it was Scotts business. She was his wife when he raped her. he had every right to want to help his wife. She wanted Luke so what she got was karma.



Outside of Scott's relationship with Laura at the time, he is completely irrelevant when it comes to Laura's rape and how she's lived with it decades later. Narratively, I hate the idea of a rapist and their victim as epic romance, but in universe, Laura chose her way of dealing with it. Scott's feelings about it do not trump Laura's. Decades later, he's completely irrelevant to it.


As an aside, Switched At Birth recently did a rape/consent story and it's amazing how many people were asking where the victim's boyfriend was in the arc and what his feelings were. Who cares about the dudes? Their fee-fees are not relevant nor more important than the victim's. Let the victim have her voice and have her choices. And, that's how I feel about Laura as well. I agree with you, dubbel zout. There is something discomfitting when Scotty...talks over, no, appropriates, which may be the right word, Laura's rape in his hatred of Luke, leaving her almost voiceless and victimized all over again. 


Laura getting raped was her karma? Cool victim blaming, bro.

Edited by loveigniting
  • Love 7

The reason I don't like Scott continuing to bring it up is because it's none of his damn business. Luke and Laura worked that out years ago. It's between them and them alone. STFU, Scott. Dredging it up does reflect poorly on him. There is plenty of other stuff Luke has done that Scott can point to. It's gross he drags Laura into it when she's not here to speak for herself.

While most of the time I would begrudgingly agree with this, I was fine with how and why he brought it up. Lulu came to him with the insane request to grant Helena immunity for her part in trying to kill a boatload of innocent people. She then tried to paint her dad as some innocent victim and the way I see it, he weighed the rape about the same as when Luke got away with killing Jake, as it should be . It might have been harsh, but Luke did rape Laura, brutally and didn't do 15 to 20 years that any other man would. This time around he didn't bring it up to make it about him but to make a point. It is common knowledge and above all it was one of the crimes that Luke got away with. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 4

As I haven't gotten a chance to watch today's train wreck.  I do hope Lulu reminded Scott that he was more than willing to put her on death row for defending herself against being attacked by his son.

He wanted put Johnny on death row and if Johnny, Lulu and Maxie didn't decide to lie and go on the run (Johnny and Lulu), they wouldn't have all looked as guilty as sin of murder rather than self defense. Lulu wasn't even formally charged with the death of Logan. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly

Morgan I know you are simple poohbear, but sometimes simple is the voice of reason. Morgan was spot on with Kiki. She was just yesterday saying she didn't think she could handle a baby and now suddenly Avery's her end all be all. whatever. And it isn't like Sonny's skipping town with her sister. She is plenty capable of butting her big potato head in whenever she wants and you know visiting her sister or taking her on a walk. I mean look at Morgan he's Avery's brother and he has been plenty capable of walking his simple self over to Silas and visit his sister.

And really Kiki REALLY Sonny is the liar? Last I checked you lied right along WITH him and actually made up elaborate cover stories about anniversary parties and what not to LIE to Michael's face.

I'm sure you really appreciate your mother lying to you and keep you from your biodad until you were grown too. Your potato head can have several seats.

Kiki needs to get a job and get her own damn place then will see if she needs to raise a baby. RME and SMDH.

  • Love 1

He wanted put Johnny on death row and if Johnny, Lulu and Maxie didn't decide to lie and go on the run (Johnny and Lulu), they wouldn't have all looked as guilty as sin of murder rather than self defense. Lulu wasn't even formally charged with the death of Logan. 


Moved to History Thread

Edited by LegalParrot81

I think yes Scotty should be able to throw everything Luke did in the face of Lulu's I Am Spencer Hear Me Roar rant. Scotty was married to Laura and one day his wife was raped. Then, they're off running around saving the world, but Scotty is the jerk? Everytime Luke has been confronted with his actions there's an excuse. I didn't see victim blaming, more like Scotty knows Laura had a screwed up life that Luke made way harder and more confusing. At the end of the day, Luke Spencer is still a rapist who killed a child that his own son thought of as his own, cheated on his wife to produce Ethan, and now chills with corpses in basements while making bombs. Scotty may have been a con artist who unknowingly fathered Franco and another killer, but he also is DA who lost one wife to cancer and one to Luke Spencer. Every child Scotty has he's appreciated. Meanwhile, Luke had the nerve to try to blow up one and tell the other vile things about his dead kid in a brothel. And Ethan is.... a werewolf, I hear.

  • Love 11

I wasn't born yet but I've went back and watched some stuff. Scotty seemed pretty naive back then. I also orginally thought that scotty hated Luke from the start so I was kinda shocked in the clips that scotty seemed to actually like him lol.

I also thought it was ridclous the way that his father and bestfriend turned on him when he came back to town in 81 all for Luke.

Taking my deep thoughts on this to the history thread ...

Carly pathetically trying to make Sonny jealous by mentioning Jake was just sad.

Carly: Mememememememe.

Sonny: No. Memememememe.

Carly: But mememeJakelovesmemememe!

Sonny: MeBabymememememeWhogivesafuckaboutJakemememe.

Then they kiss. The fuck?

That was the tip of the iceberg of crapola today.

Oh and Lulu can have the seat Kanye should have kept his ass in at the Grammys.

  • Love 13

Is it worth watching the episode online for the preempted parts?


They need to seriously consider my suggestion that, once a week, they do a closing credits scene of MB, RoHo, and ME hanging out with babies.


I really wish that, yesterday, when Olivia was going on and on to Michael about how she knows what he's going through, he would have said "So what you're saying is, maybe I'll get lucky and someone will off Sonny?"  

That really makes them tolerable!  Although Silas and Nina weren't too bad until she went all BSC.

I didn't see victim blaming, more like Scotty knows Laura had a screwed up life that Luke made way harder and more confusing.


I wasn't referring to Scott victim blaming Laura. I don't think he did. I was referring to the OP's statement about Laura getting her karma.  


Even when I find Scott distasteful, I think he's a way better person than Luke (not that hard tbh). But, it's not about either men and who's quantifiably better than whom. Who cares about them? It's about Laura being rendered silent. She's a character who's been cast as a perennial victim, even in her absence. She's been victimized in her marriage (the cheating and the trapped retcons) and victimized by her mental illness that kept her offscreen. She's been silenced and had people speak on her, her choices, and her marriage when she wasn't even there. I think even Ethan said something about Laura when he didn't know anything about her other than the changed narrative he was sold when he showed up in town.


That's one of the reasons why it makes me cringe to see Scott use such a personal sexual crime that was committed against Laura (not against Scott), a crime that she dealt with the way she chose to, as a weapon against Luke. I feel sensitive to this because rape victims are often silenced or their stories are erased. That's my opinion on it and it's not just about the scenes with Lulu today - in general, I don't like it. YMMV.

Edited by loveigniting
  • Love 6

loveigniting If Scott were to use the rape in court during Luke's trial, then I would find it distasteful (and the defense could render it moot because of L n L's decades long marriage after the fact), but  that wasn't what happened. Scott was reminding Lulu that Luke is capable of hurting and killing innocent people. Luke did rape Laura. While Luke and Laura have moved past it, both no longer call what happened anything but that.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 4

Actually, the thought occurred to me today that, with Ava "dead", Kiki is now a heiress and financially secure.


She was pretty financially secure regardless. Her dad's an oncologist, and while his crappy-looking apartment doesn't suggest it, I'm sure he's raking in the big bucks by now. He would never have let Kiki or Avery not have anything they needed.


Today was really boring for a sweeps episode. You can tell it keeps driving people away because the posts are less and less.


I loved Scotty trashing Sonny, so I didn't have too much of a problem with him. And KS is just kind of goofy adorable online, so I root for Scott wherever I can. I liked the overall scenes with Lulu, but I couldn't help thinking how Julie would have played it. I think it would have come off more genuine. Try as I might, I just can't see ER as a kickass kind of girl.


Ugh, Liz and her ugly sweater are back. Again, I like Jake as Jake and think Billy Miller is doing a decent job, I don't want Jason back. After seeing the overwhelming amount of propping that Sonny is getting, I can't even imagine what it will be like with St. Jasus.


Sonny is vile, and Carly is really looking pathetic right about now. I almost (almost) felt sorry for her. Then I came to my senses.


I never in a million years would I ever thought I would say, "Go, Kiki!" and "Morgan - DIAF" but this is what crap writing does to you. I don't appreciate my intelligence being insulted by Ron with Morgan pretending that he never had a relationship with Ava. I guess my apartment complex owes me a shit ton of money for me paying during a good six month time period that apparently did not exist.

  • Love 3

I'm going to make a slogan t-shirt for myself.  On the front, it'll say: Needs More Johnny.  On the back, it will say: And Julian's Briefs.  Let me know if you're interested; I'm happy to customize.


Oh, Ric.  You may earn a spot on the shirt too.  Although, honestly, since we haven't seen him since New Year's, I forgot he was back.


OH MY GOD ARE WE STILL DOING FUCKING BABIES AND GIRAFFES????  And don't even try to convince me that Sonny has any idea what Michael couldn't sleep without. 


The best thing about Sonny & Carly getting back together and sharing screen time is that it mean fewer scenes that will make me apoplectic.  But seriously, STFU Carly.  I hope when Jake gets his memory back that he wants absolutely nothing to do with you.  I hope he's appalled at all that's happened over the years, all that he's done, all that you've done.  And I hope he tells you so and then never speaks to you again.


As long as Kiki keeps being anti-Sonny, I will not say anything bad about her.   


I agree with dubble zout and others; rape is not "karma."  Ever.  And it's really offensive to state that it is.  A woman might be attracted to or interested in a man, but that does not mean that he gets to have sex with her whenever he wants to, without her consent.  


I just realized that if Sonny gets custody of Avery, it will probably be Max who raises her.





Y'all, I might still be mad.​

  • Love 4

While it didn't bother me, I can see how Scotty constantly invoking Luke raping Laura might be irritating.  And Scotty's not exactly in the best position to play "Whose Crime Is It Anyway?".


But he was beyond spot-on today.  Helena is a danger not only to all of Port Charles, but the entire world.  Setting her free on the off-chance that she keeps her word and un-brainwashes Luke would be ludicrous, and Lulu was far too blase about letting Helena go free just so her daddy would be okay.


Those scenes also pointed out how ridiculous Laura's absence is.  Helena has presumably brainwashed Luke.  Has Lulu even told Laura?  Wouldn't she ask Laura to appeal to Scotty, figuring she would have a slightly better chance?

  • Love 11

Well, this episode was a little more tolerable than yesterday's...but not by much.


Snarly to Sonny: "You need me to change diapers and burp the baby but not for the IMPORTANT things."  Yes, because Sonny is always more important than babies or anyone else, to Snarly.  And...throwing Jake at Sonny as a potential love interest?  Yuck, she is so full of herself.


Morgan, Morgan, Morgan...really?  Your dad's not a liar? And then trotting out the excuse that makes me want to scream - other characters do bad things, so Sonny gets a pass....other characters are 'not saints', so Sonny gets a pass...It doesn't matter!  This argument pisses me off to no end!  Since when does anyone get excused for heinous behavior just because someone else has done it, or worse?  And most of the time when people make this ridiculous statement, the 'crimes' pale in comparison to what Sonny has done.


I get it that he was trying to make the case that Ava murdered someone and shouldn't have custody but...Ava, as far as they know, is dead.  So that's a moot point.  And to bring that up to her daughter who is grieving is just the height of insensitivity.  Kiki has bonded with her sister.  I hope that character DOES sue for custody, and gets Michael to help.  Then Morgan can hang out at Sonny's all the time and mope.  He's supremely annoying to me now.


Ah, the entitled Lulu.  I think she is standing in for the fans who cannot accept that Luke is in his right mind.  I didn't mind her going off on Scott, until the end when she threatened him.  SHE is the public, so Scott should serve HER.  Scott should let some Evil Queen out of jail so Lulu can find out how to de-program him, because of course Helena uses magick and Lulu needs to know how to break the spell.  To hell with the threat Helena poses to the community, it's all about the Spencers.  And, to hell with Occam's razor, it HAS to be mind control, and not Luke just being a horrible person.


As for Maxie...I think she will say, if someone asks, that she "just couldn't lie to Nathan."  If so, I don't have a problem with that, if it means the character is trying to redeem herself by not lying anymore.  I can't fault her for being a bad liar, when she didn't really lie, she just avoided telling Nathan the truth until he confronted her.  In Maxie's world, that's a big step towards her becoming a decent human being.


All in all, I didn't mind GH today, and I am looking forward to Spinelli's return, to provide some comic relief.





  • Love 6

But he was beyond spot-on today.  Helena is a danger not only to all of Port Charles, but the entire world.  Setting her free on the off-chance that she keeps her word and un-brainwashes Luke would be ludicrous, and Lulu was far too blase about letting Helena go free just so her daddy would be okay.

He already did her and Dante a big solid when Dante managed to convince him to drop charges against Dr.O for holding Liz Webber hostage at gun point in her home so their embryo could be returned. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 3

Here is another thing that I can not forgive Sonny for is when he told Scotty that it was Scotty fault that Karen, Scotty's daughter, was molested.


And from what I understand as to what Sonny did to Karen, I am enraged that he said that.


Regarding Scott's mention of Laura's rape...perhaps the writers had him mention this in order to set up the final reveal about Luke - that he's a "bad guy" (to use Scott's words).  That Luke's been a bad guy all along, he's not brainwashed, and so on. 


Don't jump on me about this, it's just an idea.

  • Love 2

LOL that reminds me. Morgan saying that his dad's not a liar reminds me of when he said that his father's not violent towards women.


Morgan: No. My father's never violent towards women. (09/25/14)


Morgan: My dad's not a liar. (02/11/15)


Oh, you foolish child. It's like you don't even know him at all.

Edited by loveigniting
  • Love 4

LOL that reminds me. Morgan saying that his dad's not a liar reminds me of when he said that his father's not violent towards women.



Oh, you foolish child. It's like you don't even know him at all.


I hope in a couple of weeks we find out Morgan is just saying anything to convince himself his parents love him the bestest because otherwise this is just lazy non nuanced writing for Morgan. I don't mind him kissing Sonny ass per se, but the total blindness is irritating.

  • Love 6

I am naturally grumpy :)

Facebook boards can do that to you. :)

It's sad when the only person I can stand the last few days is Kiki. Everyone else needs to stop talking, especially those that are Sonny propping. What a waste of storyline for Julian! KA seems to be hitting her stride just as she's about to leave, but maybe its more the writers not making her character look ridiculous. Plus, I really want her shiny hair and skin.

Gah with Olivia and her flu talk. Not another baby storyline involving a mobster!

Edited by twoods
  • Love 3

Did anybody else think they'd taken crazy pills the other day when Nik and Spencer had that heart to heart about loving Helena despite the things she'd done? What the fuck was that? The Nikolas of at least the last fifteen years would never say that.


It felt like Ron trying to teach the audience how to love his villains.


Oh, yeah, definitely. That was stupid as hell. I could buy that coming from Stefan. From Nikolas? About the woman who came to gloat at his beloved uncle's funeral? Who helped force his much younger half-sister to fakemarry his father (who wouldn't vomit all over themselves at the thought?) Who helped kidnap and brainwash his brother? Who tried to kill the wife he always whines about several times? Noooooooooooooooooooooooope. He would never say that.

  • Love 7

Did anybody else think they'd taken crazy pills the other day when Nik and Spencer had that heart to heart about loving Helena despite the things she'd done? What the fuck was that? The Nikolas of at least the last fifteen years would never say that.


It felt like Ron trying to teach the audience how to love his villains.


He did the same thing about Dr. O. too. He had Nathan and Britt giving her a ride home after the nurses ball. "Sure she's a killer who abused one of us and abandoned the other, but ehhh, it'd be cruel to make her use uber."  Then there's Carly and Michael and her expectations that he just get over his anger.


It has the stamp of mom issues all over it. Throw in the Catholicism, the Jesuit schools, coming out. Is it terribly surprising that one of the few themes Ron repeats is "No matter how bad your mother is, you love her?"


I can't believe we have to watch any of this.


As bad as this show is now, it can always get worse.

I really have got to create an official GH slogan™ word doc list. Two more wonderful contenders for the title!

Edited by Francie
  • Love 8

You know who else's reaction to Sonny's release we're missing?  Duke's.  How does he feel about being demoted back to mob flunkie?  Will he continue to live at Sonny's house, "The Odd Couple"-style?  How will he feel about Sonny and Julian now being BFFs?

I'm kinda interested in Dukes reaction to Julian and sonny being best buds.Heck the only reason Duke went back to the mob was to get revenge on Julian ect.

  • Love 9


It has the stamp of mom issues all over it. Throw in the Catholicism, the Jesuit schools, coming out. Is it terribly surprising that one of the few themes Ron repeats is "No matter how bad your mother is, you love her?"

In general I am sick of Ron working out his issues on the show.  I understand writers do that, but for god's sake write a play or something. A soap just is not the place

  • Love 1
Regarding Scott's mention of Laura's rape...perhaps the writers had him mention this in order to set up the final reveal about Luke - that he's a "bad guy" (to use Scott's words).  That Luke's been a bad guy all along, he's not brainwashed, and so on.



I agree. I also think this is the rationale for writing Lulu acting so ferocious and demanding. Lulu has one view of her father. She works so hard to deny or at least put aside the bad stuff.

That scene between Scott and Lulu, yesterday, convinced me that this Fluke story won't end with the reveal that Helena brainwashed Luke. Lulu is going to go to the wall, believing they can de-program Luke, only to learn this is DID or something else innate in Luke and she won't have Helena to blame. Helena just seized the opportunity to exploit Luke's illness/issue/dark-side, once she realized she could.

I don't have a problem with Scott mentioning the rape anyhow, because it's true to Scott's character. Scott has never been above a cheap shot, particularly if Luke is the target. This is a story involving characters with a complex history. It's not a training film on how to treat rape survivors. Scott has so much bitterness from the breakup of his first marriage to Laura that it would be out of character if he didn't comment on the rape. 

  • Love 7
And, to hell with Occam's razor, it HAS to be mind control, and not Luke just being a horrible person.


With Helena involved, it's not entirely outlandish to think she's brainwashing Luke. Lulu's scene with Scott was still ridiculous, but to think Helena did something to Luke isn't. It's not like there's no precedent.


Mind control or DID, it doesn't matter. It's a cheap way to handwave Luke's behavior, and I hate it. Ron is so lazy.

  • Love 3

That was awful. I can't believe we have to watch any of this. It's verging on Lucy and Ricky at the Copa.


lol fantastic comparison.


I'm just glad my wish is coming true. If RP is gonna be bad, give him material to really show it! "Grrrr Max how could you let that big bad pomaded criminal go! Are all your brains in your hair! Damn you Maxie! Damn you to hell!"


And then of course he has to rip off his shirt in agony.

  • Love 8

I'm kinda interested in Dukes reaction to Julian and sonny being best buds.Heck the only reason Duke went back to the mob was to get revenge on Julian ect.

Will MoRon remember? Julian was a big thorn in the Anna/Duke relationship. Will it be a thorn in Duke and Sonny's?

Crapitini is right. How can the viewer buy into/care about a story when so much is retconned at will and the continuity blows.

Every story is so damn superficial. Where's the depth, emotions and lasting consequences?

  • Love 9
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