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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I would be down for a Michael/Brenda Risky Business or whatever sort of storyline, where she schools him about love and empowerment (while, y'know, fucking him). But while I love Chad Duell a lot I don't think he has the natural heat for that, and I think you'd have to keep it largely platonic - maybe they just fuck a couple times. I think Bryan Craig would be perfect for the hypothetical story, but I am not here to watch Morgan's remedial ass score with Brenda fucking Barrett. (I also don't think Brenda would ever do that - whereas I think she might sleep with Michael if she heard about A.J., and that was like, her last straw.)

Edited by jsbt
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Tangentially related, but I never bought into the whole "Morgan without Pity" thing. It was clearly a teenage phase and it was at least 60% based in passive-aggressive bullshit he himself had engineered. Plus, Morgan always had plenty of pity for himself.

Edited by jsbt
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I wish that they kept DWOP. He was awesome in those scenes. I wish that he never lost his Sonny hate. Olivia, too.


Agreed. Thematically it didn't even make any sense that they would EVER have a good relationship, distant acquaintances at best, especially given his wife's distaste for Sonny.

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I can't believe how ragey I get when I think that Sonny has another chance at parenthood. His existing children have not fared well by him. He shot his eldest point blank in the chest. His favorite child was shot in the head and left in a coma for over a year because he chose to save the current love of his life over his son. He almost blew up his girl child, whatever her name was. His youngest may be a bit brain damaged because his shot said child's mother in the head while she was giving birth.HIs sons spent a lot of time hiding on Sonny's island to protect them from Sonny's enemies. With a parent like that, what sort of future will Avery have with Sonny as her father?

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I'd kind of like it if they let Sonny do another Crazy Island Man phase. Isn't that what he was doing in the '90s after he left Brenda at the altar and MB departed for a while? Hanging out on the island, growing a sexy beard and being a broken man? That's how Brenda found him when she was fully commited to Jax (before "dying"), right?


Let Sonny be free but not accept his freedom, go back to the island and just blast ridiculous shit like Jimmy Buffett for months. Late in life, Sonny discovers an unfortunate fondness for beach bum stoner music while boozing it up! It'd be both hilarious and appropriate.

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I hate Kiki, but damn if I didn't feel sorry for her when those two ghouls showed up on her doorstep.  Carly in smug, jacked-up teeth grinning mode is the worst Carly of all.


Franco and Nina need to DIAF. 


As for the rest, well, I don't really watch anymore.  It's on in the background when I remember to turn the channel.  Ron C. has made each and every one of these characters so dumbed down and shallow, and oftentimes disgusting beyond words.  And that petty little man thinks it's funny.



I may be over thinking, but that whole thing seemed like a big FU to the viewers who actually liked the Luke Spencer who loved his sister, aunt, wife, children, friends.  


You're not over thinking it at all.  I've thought for a few years now that TG resents or perhaps even hates the viewers.


Fuck you Geary. You got your way and destroyed Luke. Now go the fuck away to Amsterdam and stay there.


Loved your whole post, but especially this part.  My cats also agree with your cat.

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While I'm on the Maxie train of thought, why were they putting together the crib in the living room when there's another bedroom?




There were three things that I enjoyed in the show today - the writing for Michael, Maxie's kick-ass living room wall paper, and the daily tally: stethoscope 1 - guns 0.  Now, that I think about it, Nathan pulled a gun out on poor Carrrlos.  So there were two things I enjoyed about the show. 

Is it just me, but would you let a guy who still has crusted blood on his face and is carrying germs from a hospital let near your baby?  Not so much. 


Morgan needs to go pre-med at PCU.  


I liked the day player doctor at one of the  two (2) mental institutions that this town supports.  Didn't he play a judge on the show at one time?

Edited by sunnyface
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Morgan needs to go pre-med at PCU.  


I don't believe Morgan can spell pre-med. He's always going to be a spoiled party animal, or at least he will be for a number of years. I'd much sooner see him open some club with Dad's money. I think that's truer to who he is right now.


I did like Michael's resolve, but really, who's going to tell him to forgive Sonny next? Patrick? Audrey? Big Alice? "Master Michael, Master Michael!" God, I'd beat myself to death with a hammer if I had to watch that.


I couldn't believe Ned whining about Sonny getting off. "He killed A.J. in cold blood!" Someone needs to make Ned sit down and talk about how he treated A.J. while he was alive. I would actually appreciate those scenes. And Ned admitting he did it because he had been the outsider as well, and A.J. was low-hanging fruit and an easy target.

Edited by jsbt
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In actuality, I see AJ as being the strongest one. He had a problem and admitted it. He tried several times to get help. It was the outside pressures and manipulations of others that contributed to all of his relapses. An addict needs a good support system, as does one with mental illness, or any type of illness. All AJ received was "You're bad, you're terrible, you can't do this or that." How the hell was he supposed to ever recover? The only support system types he had were Jason in the beginning, but Carly messed that up. Skye, and Michael, which got him killed (and he got his son later in life). His mother loved him, but let's be real. Monica was afraid more than anything. It's hard to love a son with problems, and she couldn't handle it. Sonny and Carly pushed at every turn because of their issues. The fact that AJ didn't shoot Sonny, Carly, or Judgy Olivia is a testament. He even stopped attacking Ava. If someone knowingly put you on a downward spiral, what would you do? AJ was percieved weak because he didn't grab a gun, but it takes more strength to not retaliate violently than to pull the trigger. Any thug can shoot a gun.

Now as for Sonny/mental illness. I have bipolar disorder as well. I also studied psychology. I plan to finish my degree as soon as I clear up some medical bs. Anyway, I highly see personality disorders in Sonny and Carly as well. Carly clearly has BPD. She shows all the classic symptoms. Places someone on a pedestal, then they're "evil" the moment they disappoint her, goes from relationship to relationship like a monkey going from branch to branch, everything is about "her", there's no grey only black and white. There's more, but I've made a big post already. As for Sonny, imo, he's embarassing to people with bipolar. He perpetuates the stereotypes. We don't kill people. We don't want to kill people. I'm a chilled out girl who has cats, likes makeup, and maybe is too obsessed with budgeting and making charts. I also write. But I don't kill.

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Now as for Sonny/mental illness. I have bipolar disorder as well. I also studied psychology. I plan to finish my degree as soon as I clear up some medical bs. Anyway, I highly see personality disorders in Sonny and Carly as well. Carly clearly has BPD. She shows all the classic symptoms. Places someone on a pedestal, then they're "evil" the moment they disappoint her, goes from relationship to relationship like a monkey going from branch to branch, everything is about "her", there's no grey only black and white. There's more, but I've made a big post already. As for Sonny, imo, he's embarassing to people with bipolar. He perpetuates the stereotypes. We don't kill people. We don't want to kill people. I'm a chilled out girl who has cats, likes makeup, and maybe is too obsessed with budgeting and making charts. I also write. But I don't kill.

I think that Sonny may have PTSD (From the Deke Closet) as well as Borderline Personality Disorder on top of his BPD. I have read any number of BPD article where MB is quoted and I do think that he legitimately thinks that he is doing good for those of us with BPD in his portrayal of Sonny. He is not. But it is also kind of classic Bipolar (at least up here (or down here or over here) on my end of the spectrum) to on occasion think you are doing good when really you are hurting everyone around you. Also without getting into too much physio-threapy of the man, MB is not the writer, he is not the executive producer and while he may have some character control, he is also a working actor who needs a pay check. It may be very unfair to compare the Man Maurice, who genuinely seems to care for his fellow Bipolar sufferers and the loathsome Sonny he plays on TV.


The problem is that the writers always seem to go for the easy way out and this confuses me, not only as a bipolar sufferer (cause face it EVERYTHING Confuses me as a bipolar sufferer) but as a writer. With the New Golden Age of TV playing out on prime time and cable and the soap medium dieing by degrees anyway, you would think soap writers (be they Guza or Ron or any one else) would go for broke and go deep.. You can talk all you want about block taping and budget cuts effecting the show, but in truth deep human emotion does not require a lot of sets. Sonny in a real mental ward setting, working though his problems requires some folding chairs, and  Lightning. And would be far more compelling drama then Bat-Sonny running along the PC docks with a bomb in his hand, not wanting to injure the little ducks.


And for the record and in the interest of fairness I have on occasion wanted to kill some one, but have never acted on it. Bipolar comes in a thousands shades (don't like my mood, give it a minute it will change)

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I think the best option would have been to not have bipolar not even be on the show. He wants to do charity work? Great. But Mo has been around a bit to know soaps can't write bipolar properly. It's different for everyone I think. It is sad imo that Degrassi had 2 accurate depictions of bipolar with 2 different characters at different times, different stories and they were excellent. Two teens without bipolar outacted a grown man with bipolar disorder irl. Maurice doesn't imo accurately portray it at all. I also don't see PTSD. But I don't believe Deke was abusive. I'd say Sonny has personality disorders as well- narcissistic and anti-social. You combine Carly with BPD and Sonny with bipolar and personality disorders and it's the perfect storm.

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I also really liked the scene with Michael and Olivia b/c I thought what she said was valid. She wasn't excusing  Sonny or belittling Michael's anger, fact was she had been in his position and worked through it.


Except she didn't.  AJ went and got himself shot and put an end to it for her.  Olivia never lost an opportunity to yell at or badmouth AJ.  At no time did she ever work through or let go of her anger at AJ - at least not while he was alive.  She may have let it go after he was dead but I imagine if Sonny weren't around, Michael might be able to let it go too.  She can shut up about working through her anger because she doesn't know what the hell she is talking about.

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I will sit alone with really liking today's show. [snipped for brevity]

Franco and Nina are really cute. Save the one little OTT scene about the chopped off arm I even thought RoHo was trying and emoting much better and MSt was really good. They were really sweet.


Ned and Olivia totes adorbs. I'm so sad Olivia isn't having Ned's baby.


Maxie and Nathen also cute putting the crib together, and for shame Maxie helping that pompus Johnny. ugh!


And my like of Sonny continues to grow b/c OMG I've never seen a cuter scene with a man and a baby. That baby was facinated with Mo's beard. squeee.


I know it is unpopular but Sonny IS Avery's father and a wealthy mature man. There is no way he should have to beg that mooche Kiki to see or have his own child. I don't care that he is a mobster. I've yet to hear one legacy child on this show grow to adulthood without being shot, kidnapped, wrongly in jail etc. So Sonny is no worse for Avery than any of the other adults in PC. If Ava was free and alive there would be no question she should parent her child and the same should hold for Sonny.[snipped for brevity]


Now that I've watched the whole show, as opposed to a few clips, I find I have enjoyed more of it. I'm still not loving the stupidity of Franco's acid trip but The Staff did a good job playing Nina trying to be strong for Franco amidst the lunacy. I could do without the meta tho.


This is the most I've scene of Ned/Olivia before and I loved them. Adults without a list of major crimes attached to their names! Being cute and supportive! Dump Alexis for Olivia, Ned.


Nathan - can someone explain this to me? Loved him trash talking Franco but does he ever actually interact with Nina or just talk about her? In fact, what is Nathan's purpose generally? 


Cattitude - I'll take Johnny off your hands. I'm a giver like that. You can have Nathan, I'll take Johnny. We can double date. And when I say "double date" I mean carpool to the nearest hotel.


The sheer adorableness of MB with the baby cannot be overpraised. That baby is partially to blame for me liking Nina & Franco. That baby could probably make me like Fluke for a few minutes. Baby Awesome is like a superhero of cute.


On the subject of Sonny getting custody of Avery ... yeah. I was all prepared to be in Kiki's corner on this one and then KA played the scene like a teenager arguing for a more lenient curfew. Kiki has a case to make - there's every reason to believe Sonny had something to do with Ava's death, seeing as how he's spent the last year talking about killing her - but KA didn't sell it. As much as I loathe the idea of Baby Awesome living with grease ball Sonny and Carly in full harpy mode, he is her father. If Kiki wanted to point out that life with a recently pardoned murderer/known crime boss might not be in the best interests of Baby Awesome, I'll chip in to the legal fund. Sonny did presume in the most douchy manner possible, aka, typical Sonny, however.


Whether Baby Awesome is safer with Sonny that with anyone else in town, that's debatable. Case in point, Lucky.


I actually watched today and I had a rage blackout after what Julian said. It irritated me more because I was taken aback from it coming from Julian - I didn't expect him to be jumping on the Sonny bandwagon. Sonny must lay down the pipe. I have no other explanation. 


Coffee spewed. Brilliant.

Edited by JaneDigby
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Except she didn't.  AJ went and got himself shot and put an end to it for her.  Olivia never lost an opportunity to yell at or badmouth AJ.  At no time did she ever work through or let go of her anger at AJ - at least not while he was alive.  She may have let it go after he was dead...


Nope!  Olivia, multiple times, said that she was happy AJ was rotting in hell for killing Connie, while a guilty Sonny looked on.


Honestly, Olivia's grief about Connie always felt shallow as hell, considering she was back in Sonny's bed about two months after she died.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I'd kind of like it if they let Sonny do another Crazy Island Man phase. Isn't that what he was doing in the '90s after he left Brenda at the altar and MB departed for a while? Hanging out on the island, growing a sexy beard and being a broken man? That's how Brenda found him when she was fully commited to Jax (before "dying"), right?


Olivia's Sonny love is inexplicable. Dante's I can kinda buy if I squint side-ways, but they both should have been totally done with his shit when Sonny cheated on her.

Edited by ulkis
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Except she didn't.  AJ went and got himself shot and put an end to it for her.  Olivia never lost an opportunity to yell at or badmouth AJ.  At no time did she ever work through or let go of her anger at AJ - at least not while he was alive.  She may have let it go after he was dead but I imagine if Sonny weren't around, Michael might be able to let it go too.  She can shut up about working through her anger because she doesn't know what the hell she is talking about.



It would seem to me that it would be easier to let go of anger if the murderer was dead. I would imagine AJ being dead and seeming to get what he deserved would make Olivia not as angry. 


Let's see what she feels when/if Ava comes back and gets to walk around free as bird after killing Connie. 

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Nathan - can someone explain this to me? Loved him trash talking Franco but does he ever actually interact with Nina or just talk about her? In fact, what is Nathan's purpose generally? 


Cattitude - I'll take Johnny off your hands. I'm a giver like that. You can have Nathan, I'll take Johnny. We can double date. And when I say "double date" I mean carpool to the nearest hotel.


I knew I liked you for some reason.<3 ..but I may or maynot already have Nathan prisoner in my home.(you'd have to go to page 2 and check out the old Elimination game(see page 11) to understand:)) But I'd help you kidnap Johnny...but only if I can hit him in the head.


As to his purpose. Nathan is there to be a generally good guy totally adorable shirt optional. He is one of the few on the PCPD who actually gets to save people and he arrested Luke I might add. Thank Jasus.

He has had a few scenes with Nina but mostly the both talk about their special bond as siblings. James or "J" as she calls him is the only person Nina truely cares about....until Franco.

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I don't get why Michael never says, "Sonny grabbed the bomb from me right before I was going to throw it overboard. He saved NO ONE."


SERIOUSLY! I just want Michael to remind everyone he's actually the one who saved everyone.


I have to LOL at Lauren's about-face on Sonny. She used to be a fan, but now that she has some firsthand experience with how terrible he is? Devil incarnate. It's good that she hates him now, but ugh. That said, I hope Lauren sues Sonny's ass for custody of the baby.


I think that makes sense though. Michael also was a huge Sonny fan until he had clear-cut evidence that Sonny is a POS that doesn't care about anyone but himself. When it hits you that close it's easier to see.


If Ava was free and alive there would be no question she should parent her child and the same should hold for Sonny.

If Ava was free and alive you best believe Sonny would be whining non-fucking-stop about how she doesn't deserve custody. As would everyone else in town, I'm sure because, you see, Ava is one of the 'bad mobsters.' But Sonny, of course, is a 'good mobster,' so everyone is A-OK with him raising yet another child that he'll fuck up and over from day 1.


I'm afraid of what I've become, because god help me I've been liking Sabrina and Kiki. The power of a character being pro-Ava. I refuse to turn into a Silas fan though. One of you needs to rescue me.

I can not rescue you because I am in the same boat. yesterday i was imagining a scenario where Ava and Sabrina become friends, for pete's sake! The power of Ava, man.


I think I have a fever.  I thought Sonny looked kinda hot today.


I think Sonny looks hot as hell with that beard. I have to shower after every ep because I'm so ashamed.


Sabrina is burning that couch, right?


Maybe her and Michael can get a two for one deal at the city dump.


I liked the day player doctor at one of the  two (2) mental institutions that this town supports.

I enjoyed him as well.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I did like Michael resolve, but really, who's going to tell him to forgive Sonny next? Patrick? Audrey? Big Alice? "Master Michael, Master Michael!" God, I'd beat myself to death with a hammer if I had to watch that.

How does one honk out "please forgive Sonny" on a carwheel horn I wonder?

Also, I wouldn't bet against them trotting out that Lila wig to tell Michael to forgive Sonny. "What's that great-grandmother? You think I should forgive Sonny? AJ was always ate too much of you relish anyway?"

I have no bone in the Kiki Sonny fight really, but I did appreciate her being reluctant to let him hold her. Let him take her for a day, whatever. He's gonna end up leaving her at Kiki's forever eventually anyway.

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I have no bone in the Kiki Sonny fight really, but I did appreciate her being reluctant to let him hold her. Let him take her for a day, whatever. He's gonna end up leaving her at Kiki's forever eventually anyway.


Seriously. It's not like Sonny's actually gonna have anything to do with Avery until she's old enough to blow up with a car bomb.....and then somehow she'll be expected to forget all about it and love him anyway. They should go ahead and make her Morgan's now. As dumb as the kid is, at least he won't end up trying to kill her.

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I would be down for a Michael/Brenda Risky Business or whatever sort of storyline, where she schools him about love and empowerment (while, y'know, fucking him). But while I love Chad Duell a lot I don't think he has the natural heat for that, and I think you'd have to keep it largely platonic - maybe they just fuck a couple times. I think Bryan Craig would be perfect for the hypothetical story, but I am not here to watch Morgan's remedial ass score with Brenda fucking Barrett. (I also don't think Brenda would ever do that - whereas I think she might sleep with Michael if she heard about A.J., and that was like, her last straw.)

BC is more physical (grabbing, slamming, etc), but CD is a much better kisser in his scenes, imo, more passion.  I give more to the kissing because that's always the first intimate encounter between characters, and if that fizzles, it's pretty much done.  I'm not saying that BC can't kiss, but CD is better.  So it's whatever your preference I guess.  I still want Michael and Brenda but mostly because I would love to see that smug look get wiped off of Carly's face.  


I hate Kiki, but damn if I didn't feel sorry for her when those two ghouls showed up on her doorstep.  Carly in smug, jacked-up teeth grinning mode is the worst Carly of all.



I did feel sorry for her too for a few minutes, but then I remembered that she was fine with her mother's behavior AND Franco's for months, regardless of all the horrible things they did.  So she isn't any more fit to raise Avery than Sonny.  She also refuses to ever get a job.  

I couldn't believe Ned whining about Sonny getting off. "He killed A.J. in cold blood!" Someone needs to make Ned sit down and talk about how he treated A.J. while he was alive. I would actually appreciate those scenes. And Ned admitting he did it because he had been the outsider as well, and A.J. was low-hanging fruit and an easy target.

I was just thrilled that a Quartermaine - other than Michael - was actually defending AJ and supporting Michael.  I agree with another poster who complained as to why Michael and Ned couldn't share a scene together.  You had Olivia who had scenes with both characters, but for whatever reason, the two Quartermaine men (the only two Quartermaine men on screen) can't share a single scene together.  I swear, it's Michael against the world in terms of not being allowed to talk to anyone that shares his pov.

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There were three things that I enjoyed in the show today - the writing for Michael, Maxie's kick-ass living room wall paper, and the daily tally: stethoscope 1 - guns 0.  Now, that I think about it, Nathan pulled a gun out on poor Carrrlos.  So there were two things I enjoyed about the show. 

Is it just me, but would you let a guy who still has crusted blood on his face and is carrying germs from a hospital let near your baby?  Not so much. 


Morgan needs to go pre-med at PCU.  


I liked the day player doctor at one of the  two (2) mental institutions that this town supports.  Didn't he play a judge on the show at one time?

This.  A thousand times.  No. 


My NY ABC affiliate said one of their news anchors is going to make an appearance on GH.  Wonder what will be so newsworthy?  The pardon?

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BC is more physical (grabbing, slamming, etc), but CD is a much better kisser in his scenes, imo, more passion.  I give more to the kissing because that's always the first intimate encounter between characters, and if that fizzles, it's pretty much done.  I'm not saying that BC can't kiss, but CD is better. 


It's a MMV thing because I see much more passion in BC's kissing than CD's. Though, to be fair, I've only seen BC kiss MW and KA and CD kiss KA and LT, so I don't have a lot to go on! Plus, KA sucks, so it might be her fault that CD wasn't generating passion for me. I did see something from him with LT, but I still think BC is way hotter in kissing/love scenes.


But I still totes want Michael/Brenda. It practically writes itself and is begging to be done IMO.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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The problem is that the writers always seem to go for the easy way out.​


Add it to the t-shirt slogan list.  


BC is more physical (grabbing, slamming, etc)


Indeed.  /fans self.  What?  Don't judge - we all have our things.  

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Kiki needs to hire Alexis or Diane ASAP and fight for custody of Avery.  There is more than enough evidence to prove that both Sonny and Carly are unfit human beings let alone parents.  If Kiki doesn't do it Michael should.  It could be his first strike at Sonny.


I would love nothing more than for Michael and Ned to call Jax and the three of them together could dismantle Carly and Sonny's lives.  It would be great to have a scene where Maxie, Nathan and Georgie moving out of her apartment and into their dream home, only to meet up with Sonny and Carly in the hallway as they are moving into Maxie's old apartment.

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Oh, and where the hell did MAxie get all that money to give to Johnny?


And how much does a crib cost these days?  It didn't look like she got it at Walmart.                                              

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Kiki needs to hire Alexis or Diane ASAP and fight for custody of Avery.


If I was Alexis, I would steer well clear of this custody battle mess, because you know her lying about Kristina will eventually get thrown in her face.

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This.  A thousand times.  No. 


My NY ABC affiliate said one of their news anchors is going to make an appearance on GH.  Wonder what will be so newsworthy?  The pardon?



I believe the jail guard on Monday was an NYC ABC anchor.

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It's a MMV thing because I see much more passion in BC's kissing than CD's. Though, to be fair, I've only seen BC kiss MW and KA and CD kiss KA and LT, so I don't have a lot to go on! Plus, KA sucks, so it might be her fault that CD wasn't generating passion for me. I did see something from him with LT, but I still think BC is way hotter in kissing/love scenes.

Yeah, not for me.  Chad and Andrea really were great together and they didn't hold back.  BC and MMW were okay, but guarded.  BC and KA and even CD and KA weren't great, but I just don't think Kiki was a great character, and it was a bit creepy knowing that CD and KA were seeing each other in real life.  I don't like real life couples being paired on soaps.  It feels voyeuristic. I've seen all of Michael's relationships and Morgan's, and like I said, Morgan is more overtly physical in terms of grabbing, but Michael has way more passion in his kissing scenes.  We'll agree to disagree on that one.  

Edited by Bishop
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Yea, it's all subjective. CD just isn't my type and I have never really found him sexy. It's those tiny lips! I love MWOP though. And I did actually see some chem with him and Rosalie that I wish they'd explore again. But Michael/Brenda is the dream right now.


Chad and Andrea really were great together and they didn't hold back.


Is Andrea who played the stripper, Abby I think? I should go check out their scenes because that story sounds like something that would provide me the UCG I enjoy so much.


Who all have Morgan and Michael had relationships with? It's just Ava and Kiki for Morgan, right? For Michael is it just Abby, Kiki, and Rosalie?

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Who all have Morgan and Michael had relationships with? It's just Ava and Kiki for Morgan, right? For Michael is it just Abby, Kiki, and Rosalie?


Morgan also was flirting with Rosalie, maybe had a date with her, but I don't think they ever kissed.


Both the brothers need to branch out.

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Both the brothers need to branch out.


Really though. This got me thinking about how they've now both kinda had a thing with 2 of the same women which got me imagining Michael with Ava, which sounds so hilarious to me. CD would be hilarious trying to sell a pairing with MW I think.

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Biology doesn't mean Sonny gets automatic dibs on Avery.


Legally, I think it does. Sonny is a closer relative to Avery than Lauren is.


I think the best option would have been to not have bipolar not even be on the show.


Seriously. They stuck Sonny with Lainey, the world's worst therapist, as his doctor, and he came on to her in the first session. I get that Sonny was reluctant to talk and thought it made him weak to get help, but come ON. The story was a sop to MB and terrible at the same time. Any mention of it now is someone nagging Sonny about taking his meds and Sonny being exasperated about it. It was  insulting and dumb from the start.


Michael also was a huge Sonny fan until he had clear-cut evidence that Sonny is a POS that doesn't care about anyone but himself. When it hits you that close it's easier to see.


Michael had ample evidence that Sonny is a POS long before Sonny shot AJ, but I can sort of deal with that. It's his dad. There's a lot of history. Lauren had no history with Sonny and saw what he did to Michael and others before the Ava stuff. Yet she could turn a blind eye to that until Ava "died"? It's all so plot-pointy. She could harangue Michael to forgive Sonny, but now she hates because it affects her personally? STFU, Lauren. Her attitude is particularly annoying given her constant defense of Franco, whom she saw torture people she knows and is supposed to care for.


They should go ahead and make her Morgan's now. As dumb as the kid is, at least he won't end up trying to kill her.


I can see Morgan smothering her to death accidentally. He's that dumb.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Lauren had no history with Sonny and saw what he did to Michael and others before the Ava stuff. Yet she could turn a blind eye to that until Ava "died"? It's all so plot-pointy. She could harangue Michael to forgive Sonny, but now she hates because it affects her personally? STFU, Lauren.


Sadly, I don't think they showed us Kiki hating Sonny anyway. She was apprehensive, he said some bullshit, and then she was like OK hold the baby then. Because the show just has to sell us that "Sonny is a great father" crap as often as possible.


But I hope they do go with the plot point of Kiki now hating Sonny so she'll sure him for custody because that would entertain me.

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Dubbel Zout

Biology doesn't mean Sonny gets automatic dibs on Avery.

Legally, I think it does. Sonny is a closer relative to Avery than Lauren is.



Yes but since Carly got Sonny to sign away his rights to Morgan because  of his dangerous lifestyle when she sent him to military school as Morgan Benson (after Michael was shot in the head while with Sonny and his latest slam piece whom Sonny grabbed to protect and left Michael hanging in the wind) I do believe any  judge will side AGAINST Sonny regarding him gaining custody of Avery.  Now let's see if Mr. GH History Buff ReRon will remember that little tidbit and have that scenario be told to a judge.

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Is Andrea who played the stripper, Abby I think? I should go check out their scenes because that story sounds like something that would provide me the UCG I enjoy so much.

Keep in mind that Michael's relationship with Abby came on the heels of him having been raped.  Sexing up a woman was the furthest thing from Michael's mind, and he had tremendous intimacy issues.  It was actually a really well done storyline overall.  You should watch the scenes with her and Michael from the beginning (I think some time in October 2010), and then as that relationship progressed.


Who all have Morgan and Michael had relationships with? It's just Ava and Kiki for Morgan, right? For Michael is it just Abby, Kiki, and Rosalie?


Sadly, Michael and Morgan have been hugely neglected as far as soap characters go.  Most male soap characters would have had a number of girlfriends by now, but not these two.  Granted, Michael had huge trauma with the rape that negated the usual teen sex romps that the rest of the soap characters tend to enjoy and that's fine.  But it's still glaring how much M&M have not had romances.  Drama mostly drives their stories.  I actually think I'm okay with that because RC sucks at romances on GH.  He can't right them at all.


Michael:  Abby and Starr/Kiki (I consider them one character) and then his one-night stand with Rosalie. (This is after five years on GH)

Morgan:  Kiki and Ava 


Really though. This got me thinking about how they've now both kinda had a thing with 2 of the same women which got me imagining Michael with Ava, which sounds so hilarious to me. CD would be hilarious trying to sell a pairing with MW I think.


He could sell it.  CD has mostly had older women pairings before KA arrived.  I just wouldn't want Michael anywhere near Ava because 1) she helped murder his father; and 2) he and Morgan already shared one woman.  Having Michael with Ava after both his brother and father is ICKY!  I would much rather see Michael go after Ava then ever get near a bedroom with her.  Michael isn't even aware that Ava also tried to murder him.

Edited by Bishop
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 It's a MMV thing because I see much more passion in BC's kissing than CD's. Though, to be fair, I've only seen BC kiss MW and KA and CD kiss KA and LT, so I don't have a lot to go on! Plus, KA sucks, so it might be her fault that CD wasn't generating passion for me. I did see something from him with LT, but I still think BC is way hotter in kissing/love scenes.


Yeah, it's not even a contest for me. The one thing that BC can and does do quite well is sell sex. The background on Morgan has more than implied that he's good at it, he's adventurous in bed and giving as well. BC/MW were hot as hell. All that I can remember about Michael/CD is that Kiki said it was "nice". What's more, I can't even remember who LT is, so I clearly have no vested interest in watching CD kiss her, whoever that is.


EDIT: I just remembered who LT is. Meh. Crappy character. 



  Legally, I think it does. Sonny is a closer relative to Avery than Lauren is.


Legally, I don't think Sonny is named as the father. Unless there's a birth certificate that has him listed, the father is simply "unknown" at this point. And he hasn't even been tested, so before anything happens that would have to be done as well.


Of course, I'm sure Ron will all just handwave this away.

Edited by tvgoddess
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Now let's see if Mr. GH History Buff ReRon will remember that little tidbit and have that scenario be told to a judge.


History matters to Ron only when it furthers his plot point. Besides, it's not as if it made much difference that Sonny signed away his parental rights to Morgan. Carly folded on that pretty quickly. Morgan's last name is Corinthos, and his head is firmly up Sonny's ass.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Legally, I don't think Sonny is named as the father. Unless there's a birth certificate that has him listed, the father is simply "unknown" at this point. And he hasn't even been tested, so before anything happens that would have to be done as well


Oh God. You're bringing back the horror that was the Lulu/Maxie custody battle. The "yes, I know that's not my biological child and I have no legal rights here whatsoever BUT. I. WANT. HER!!!" custody battle.

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Michael had ample evidence that Sonny is a POS long before Sonny shot AJ, but I can sort of deal with that. It's his dad. There's a lot of history.


I can deal with this too.  Michael was a child, and was raised really not knowing any better.  All he knew was the life that Sonny, Jason, and Carly gave to him.  I remember a time when he complained about having no friends at school because of who his dad is, and we never saw or heard of him doing anything other than being with the seriously screwed up family.  He was so warped.  He even tried to hire a hitman when he was, what, about 10/ 11?  And I don't recall him really getting in too much trouble about it.  As he's gotten older, he seems to have learned to think for himself rather than just believing the line of bullshit that was fed to him over the years.  And I am so glad.  


They do testing to find out that Sonny was the father, but it shouldn't be admissible in a custody hearing; I think they would have to do another one under the supervision of the court.  But we all know that will never happen.  Too bad, because I am ready to find out that Morgan is the father.  Now that Sonny's out of jail, I'd like to see him lose things little by little.  

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If the custody battle goes to court I hope that the judge is either Judge Country, or the Judge who wouldn't let Maxie see baby Georgie.


Aside from Kiki, Avery does have other half siblings who are just as qualified to raise her, actually Dante would be the best one.

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And the letter of the day is "B" for "Bastard" because of all the little bastards running around on today's episode.


Sonny being head honcho of that miserable bunch, I just...can't, I won't go there. The less spoken about that ass the better. And Carly...my god. Where's a good plague outbreak when you need one.


Morgan is his father's son through and through. That he would claim Sonny would never "lie"...? That he wouldn't kill Avery's mother despite spending months promising to do that as soon as the umbilical cord was cut? Not even the brain damage at birth is a good enough excuse for his idiocy at this point.


Nik is just insufferable. But then again so is Liz so I really had no interest whatsoever in their scenes.


Lulu really needed to take a whole stadium's worth of seats for her little silly ass tirade at Scott.


Really? He should have felt obligated to give Helena a deal to spare the creep that is now terrorLuke actual punishment? The very idea that Scott could somehow be the bad guy for trying to keep two psychos locked up for once in his miserable town? She needed a good hard slap, or a dozen. And then the little twit had the nerve to threaten Scotty that he would regret doing his job.


There were way, way too many annoying characters on today for me.


They didn't even show that gorgeous giant baby. Unforgivable.

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Scotty was my hero today, insisting that the words "Sonny" and "hero" do not belong in the same sentence and generally being pissed off about the governor's pardon.  Swoon!


I also loved him rejecting Lulu's ridiculous pleas that he pardon Helena so Fluke can be un-brainwashed, even though we probably were supposed to think he was the bad guy in that situation.


Way to be a bitch for no reason, Carly.  Do yourself a favor, Sonny, and get out now.


And there goes Ric under the bus for Jake(son).

Edited by TeeVee329
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