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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Faking Ric's death is classic soap to me.  In fact, I think it's one of the better plans Anna has come with up, since she's been back. 



Poor, stupid writers.  What's the point of having Homeland Security if you can't use it as an excuse to move your innocent man who has to look guilty for the sake of your govt agency investigation out of the picture without sticking him in a fake body bag to break his daughter's heart?  I mean, taking him to some unknown place somewhere would be bad enough, but he could write reassuring notes to his daughter reminding her that at least he's still ALIVE.

I'm sorry, but there is no way you can trust Molly with that type of info.  As soon as someone mentions Ric's "crimes" she will defend his innocence and tell that the police knows he's innocent.

  • Love 3

In the Liz/Dr. O scenes, I was on Dr. O's side. No one should leave the job without telling their supervisor. I hope that we were not expected to root for Liz this time.


I don't know, in a hospital where the chief of staff position is held by an international felon who has managed to bribe, blackmail, and extort her way out of prison sentences an into a position of authority, I can't get too amped up over someone taking a break from their workday when they lose someone they care about. 

  • Love 11

I just have zero problem with anyone on that staff copping an attitude with Dr. O over anything, regardless of whatever they've done wrong.  


Also, if O was a chief of staff who gave two craps over the life and death aspects of the job, the second she heard a nurse who's supposed to be on duty just witnessed the death of a loved one, she'd be more worried about getting someone in to take the rest of her shift because you don't want someone that freaked out to be taking care of patients right now.  She'd rather stand there and trade barbs and piss all over the hospital to mark her territory and demand that everyone "respect my authority."  

Edited by KerleyQ
  • Love 7

Isn't Liz a floor nurse?  when they don't need her to be a surgical nurse that is.  So while she should have told someone she was leaving, it's doubtful anyone is going to be dying because of her absence. At worst, the other nurses will have cover her job.


If Britt wants Nik back (although I don't see why anyone who wasn't gold-digging would), she should ask her mother to re-hire Liz so Nik doesn't feel even sorrier for her.  (Because I like Britt these days and think she's worthy of better than a man who is still in love with his wife or one who only wants women he can't get and then changes them like he changes his socks), I fanwank that he lack of a father growing up makes her go after men who don't want her. 

  • Love 3

Be gone with your tiresome logic! Ron has no use for it. Ever!





In all seriousness, I think it's because - even though Ric really has not been around forever - we saw Ric and Molly when she was small. They do, even if limited, have history, which is something to draw from. None of that existed with Sobby or her kid. A dead baby is sad, but absolutely nothing was put into the pregnancy before the kid died. Therein lies the difference, to me.


Well, that and, I care about Molly. And as usual, they're overdoing it with Sabrina. Every time someone reluctantly says "the baby - I mean, Gabriel" I can feel Ron screaming through the script, "the baby had a NAME. They were a person with a NAME! Yeah you, audience member in the corner who isn't crying yet, you heartless jerk!"


I don't see the need to rename Detective Plywood. Plywood is extremely versatile, and he may turn out to be. It's not like we were calling him Detective Particleboard.

RP has improved & he's I feel he's connecting more with his scenes partners but I still enjoy call Nathan Det. Plywood or Det. 2x4. Just like Micheal will always be SLS to me.

Anyway, what would it take for the writers to address the fact that both Ava and Julian's problems are easily solved with a bullet? It's not like they're not both MOBSTERS! At least throw us a bone of Fluke and Sonny threatening that "if anything happens to me everybody you love is going to find out x, y and z!" SOMEthing to explain why they don't just eliminate the threat.

I FF 95% of the Sonny/Duke scenes but did catch Sonny telling Duke all his problems would be over once Ava was dead. My first thought was why hasn't Ava, threatened him by saying she has proof he killed AJ & it will be released if she dies or goes missing.

So many stories have holes in their logic.

ETA: as a actual nurse, I would have been pissed at Liz for leaving without getting coverage first. But this is GH.

Ulkis, just call me heartless. I'm tired of seeing people cry & moan over baby shamwow. We've seen more emotion & screentime over shamwow than AJ's death. A legacy character with decades of storyline on the show.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
  • Love 7


In the Liz/Dr. O scenes, I was on Dr. O's side. No one should leave the job without telling their supervisor. I hope that we were not expected to root for Liz this time.



In health care especially. I'd like this more if it wasn't the second time to the well with TPTB on this one. I also don't think anyone gets a free pass because they were at the cop-shop to see the ex-husband, not even when he was killed before she had a chance to speak with him. I sympathize with Liz over what she's going through, but not with her skipping out on work without taking leave from a supervisor.  I certainly don't feel sorry that her pay has been docked, no matter how "mean" Dr O'was about it. I wonder if we are going to get a temporary plot-point of Liz getting fired or suspended for something that she ought to be fired or suspended over and be expected to see her as the victim. I will feel sorry for her, but as a victim of her own unprofessionalism, not unfair persecution. 

Edited by yuggapukka
  • Love 8
I FF 95% of the Sonny/Duke scenes but did catch Sonny telling Duke all his problems would be over once Ava was dead. My first thought was why hasn't Ava, threatened him by saying she has proof he killed AJ & it will be released if she dies or goes missing.



I like how Sonny is giving no thought that if he kills Ava he leaves a child motherless.  Neither Duke or Carly are giving thought to that.  What if the kid is Morgan's?  What then?  They leave their kid (who is still basically a kid himself) a single parent?  


But this is the show that is making it seem like Sonny is making a big sacrifice because he can't murder his enemy now and he is being patted on the back for sacrificing for his kids when the reality is he is protecting his own butt.  

  • Love 5
Well, that and, I care about Molly. And as usual, they're overdoing it with Sabrina. Every time someone reluctantly says "the baby - I mean, Gabriel" I can feel Ron screaming through the script, "the baby had a NAME. They were a person with a NAME! Yeah you, audience member in the corner who isn't crying yet, you heartless jerk!"


So, Ron's talking to me, then? Good to know! Baby Sham Wow he was, Baby Sham Wow he will forever be. Don't give a shit, never will.

  • Love 1

Wow--did I see Plywood hitting CarrotTop in the coming attractions?  EXCELLENT, as my son would say.


I did a silent cheer when Maxie bit into the rib.  Now all she has to do is get rid of her disgusting roomie/guru to show me her decision making has improved and I will contact the judge for her.


I miss Jane Elliot, but she's keeping creepy Luke from my screen, so that's a good thing.


Other than that, I'm extremely bored with the show and wonder how long I'm going to be able to watch it.  I couldn't giv two craps about Ric.  He does nothing for me.


edited because shoe and show are two entirely different things.

Edited by Patssy Stoned

I can not stand Duke propping Sonny over his horrible deeds. Sonny is not noble for waiting to kill Ava until after the baby is born. I want Anna to dump his worthless ass into the harbor like Faison wearing the Duke mask did to Jason. Duke is dead to me.


I can see Sonny promising to kill Anna because of what happened to Ric because that is how Sonny rolls.

  • Love 1

In honor of Friday the 13th, I'm going to accentuate the positive today.   While I'm not glad that they're faking Ric's death, I thought everyone involved acquitted themselves nicely.  Special shout out to Molly's portrayer.  I suspect the girl is not long for this show.  I think there are bigger and better things in her future if she plans to stay in this crazy business.


I'm enjoying the Brad/Lucas/Felix story.  I'm not sure yet who I want to end up with whom.  I could go many ways -- maybe even a daytime first three-way!


I've never been much of a Maxie fan, but I'm also warming to her and Nathan.  They certainly would make for a pretty pair.


Since I'm trying to stay positive, I won't mention the Port Chuck father of the year, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.  Have a snarky weekend, everyone!

  • Love 2

I enjoyed seeing Brad and Britt spending friend quality time together again. (I think the last time we saw them doing that was when they ate ice cream and watched the red carpet of the Nurses' Ball.) Brad is so cute, and his advice to Britt is brotherly. Reminds me of myself and my bro.


This absence wasn't the first time that Liz has played fast and loose with GH rules...remember when she left an hour early without finishing her shift, and Obrecht caught her? Liz may be small, but she carries a big chip on her shoulder. Since Obrecht fired her, maybe Liz could learn to make BLTs for Kelly's.


I'd love to see at least one of the younger or junior nurses--Brad, Felix, Sobby, or Liz--study for Nurse Practitioner. But their sex lives seem to take all their time and attention.


Hate to say this, but I agree that Liz should have been let go. My cousin just got fired from her job because she stayed home to tend to her sick husband , and she is married to him and called in. However I doubt the person that fired my cousin was  someone that not only kidnapped and held an innocent young woman for two years and stole biological material from patients to hold onto a man before she was instated as chief of staff and held someone at gunpoint after becoming chief of staff. 


I actually would have preferred the scene if Epiphany was the one that fired Liz.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 2
Hasn't Liz up and left work before without telling anyone? She knows Dr. O hates her so I don't know why she would get smart with her. She doesn't seem to value her job.


Well, Liz fancies herself a special snowflake, so rules don't apply to her.


I admit, as nice as it was that someone smacked Liz down for walking off the job for the 50 billionth time, I hate that it was Dr. O, psycho bitch who should be rotting away in jail. Much harder to enjoy. As someone said, maybe the honor should have been given to Epiphany.

  • Love 8

Hasn't Liz up and left work before without telling anyone? She knows Dr. O hates her so I don't know why she would get smart with her. She doesn't seem to value her job.

So much this! I don't really like Dr O any better than I like Liz, but Liz did do something wrong and she should have just kept her mouth shut and went on with her job. Her getting all up in Dr. O's crazy face was just askin' for the trouble she got.


Brad and Britt are like two little bitches who can't stand to lose. I don't think either one of the truely LOVES the person that are scheming so hard to get, as much as losing the game pissed them off. Someone needs to lock them in a cage with Levi and Franco and see who comes out alive. My wish would be NO ONE.


Maxie and Det SpecialKitty were all kinds of adorable today. M-E-O-W!


Ric is such a puss. He will just go along with anything.ugh Why could he just not pled guilty and go to prison. Then he could still see Molly plus keep her safe.


I didn't understand the point of Duke and Sonny today, they were like Charlie Brown's teacher. whahawhwhwha....

  • Love 2
I'm tired of seeing people cry & moan over baby shamwow. We've seen more emotion & screentime over shamwow than AJ's death. A legacy character with decades of storyline on the show.



Seriously. Though I guess I should be grateful Monica didn't lose her mind and try to marry Ned after AJ died.


She doesn't seem to value her job.



Felix was still on the clock when he was outside sobbing over Sabrina and her baby, so he doesn't seem to value his job, either. No profession is accurately depicted on soaps. There'd be no show.

  • Love 3

Wow--did I see Plywood hitting CarrotTop in the coming attractions?  EXCELLENT, as my son would say.


I did a silent cheer when Maxie bit into the rib.  Now all she has to do is get rid of her disgusting roomie/guru to show me her decision making has improved and I will contact the judge for her.


I miss Jane Elliot, but she's keeping creepy Luke from my screen, so that's a good thing.


Other than that, I'm extremely bored with the shoe and wonder how long I'm going to be able to watch it.  I couldn't giv two craps about Ric.  H does nothing for me.

Actually, it was CarrotTop delivering a left hook to Plywood in the preview.  It's gonna get ugly between these two.

Edited by Syndicate

I clapped when Dr. O fired Liz. Such fun!


I really like Maxie/Nathan. They're really cute.


My God, Brad, why won't you let Britt move on?! Also, yes Cajones was very hot, but Lucas sucks now and has the worst haircut/facial hair situation and actually seems to like Felix, so you should move on, too. Man, I miss those early Cajones scenes.

  • Love 2
Man, I miss those early Cajones scenes.



You and me both. I can't recall any other daytime gay scenes where I thought the two actors, together, were completely comfortable in their roles. No wincing, no timid, tight lipped kisses, no clothed bedroom scenes. The characters may not be the greatest in the world, but my gosh if Ryan and Parry could have been recasted as another couple I'd pay to see that happen.


I can't get the thought of Brad giving Lucas a sponge bath out of my head... but no, instead I get a dry eyed, cracking voiced Felix trying to cry on Lucas' shoulder while Brad comes off as an inconsiderate a-hole because he is trying to fight for his man and just doesn't know how to. Yay...thanks Ron.

  • Love 4


How soon are we gonna have Sonny and Ava enjoy "morgue sex"?


How would that happen when Sonny won't even let her leave the room? He's such a disgusting pig, I can't even with the swill that Duke was spouting today. For the last time, this thug does not give a flying fuck about his kids, least of all Morgan. Go sell that shit to someone who'll actually believe it.


The rest, in a nutshell:


Nathan and Maxie on a date drinking Yellow Sun beer? Yes.


Felix/MS attempting to emote? No.


Haley knocking it out of the park and quality mother/daughter well-acted scenes with Alexis? YES.


Lucas with weird facial hair being an ass to Brad? No.


Dr. O firing Liz' ass? Heh, yes.


People continuing to espouse the virtue of Baby Shamwow? No.

  • Love 7

You and me both. I can't recall any other daytime gay scenes where I thought the two actors, together, were completely comfortable in their roles. No wincing, no timid, tight lipped kisses, no clothed bedroom scenes. The characters may not be the greatest in the world, but my gosh if Ryan and Parry could have been recasted as another couple I'd pay to see that happen.

I can't get the thought of Brad giving Lucas a sponge bath out of my head... but no, instead I get a dry eyed, cracking voiced Felix trying to cry on Lucas' shoulder while Brad comes off as an inconsiderate a-hole because he is trying to fight for his man and just doesn't know how to. Yay...thanks Ron.

THIS.THIS.THIS. I agree with every word of this. CoJones sparked from their first scene for me. PS & RyCa seemed completely at ease with each other & just went for it in their scenes.

IMO, MS is a chemistry void. He's been on the longest & only had 1 kiss. That one kiss with PS was awkward & stiff.

  • Love 4
How would that happen when Sonny won't even let her leave the room? He's such a disgusting pig, I can't even with the swill that Duke was spouting today. For the last time, this thug does not give a flying fuck about his kids, least of all Morgan. Go sell that shit to someone who'll actually believe it.



So many examples of Sonny Logic today. "Morgan is young and lashes out, and if Ava tells him I killed AJ he won't be able to help himself, he'll run to Michael." 'Help himself?!" Yes, most people wouldn't be able to stop themselves from telling their brother their father murdered someone. And "best case scenario, Michael is mad, worst case scenario, he'll want to throw me in prison." So . . . it's official, the thing Sonny cares about most is being thrown in prison, not Michael's emotional state. Shocking.

  • Love 7
IMO, MS is a chemistry void. He's been on the longest & only had 1 kiss. That one kiss with PS was awkward & stiff.



Isn't he just? Watching him today was like nails on a chalkboard times a hundred. Parry may be stuck playing a poorly written Brad but he still manages, somehow, to overcome that more times than not. He finds a way to turn the scenes around so they aren't excruciating, and apparently he doesn't mind kissing the hell out of Ryan. I am reminded of the scene in bed where Lucas is kissing up his body and tempting him and Brad finally just goes "ah, to hell with it" and they sink down together in a fierce, passionate lip lock.


When I compare that with the one kiss you mention, night and day to me, heck, it's like they're from other planets. Lucas may as well have been comforting a block of wood today with how well I thought those two meshed together, even as just friends. There's nothing there, imo, nothing positive or promising.

  • Love 6


Eh.  Ric's a lawyer, he knows better than to plead guilty to a crime he didn't commit.  & who's to say FakeLuke wouldn't have him killed in prison to tie up loose ends?

This. While Anna's plan may suck, it's not like all the other options Ric had sucked much less than hers. Ric alive poses a threat in jail or out and his family may be the next target if he makes too much noise. He can be shived or beat down in jail. Only option then is solitary -- 23 hours in the hole. Hard to sign up for that when you know that you didn't do anything wrong. He is also familiar with the PCPD and how good that NOT at solving crime. He could be in jail FOREVER waiting on them to crack the case. Probably better that he is out (even if Molly is hurt) so that he can assist in solving the crime -- it might actually be solved that way.


And I love Anna but I recognize the PCPD flaws.

  • Love 5

So many examples of Sonny Logic today. "Morgan is young and lashes out, and if Ava tells him I killed AJ he won't be able to help himself, he'll run to Michael." 'Help himself?!" Yes, most people wouldn't be able to stop themselves from telling their brother their father murdered someone. And "best case scenario, Michael is mad, worst case scenario, he'll want to throw me in prison." So . . . it's official, the thing Sonny cares about most is being thrown in prison, not Michael's emotional state. Shocking.


So in the midst of that mostly unintelligible mumblefest by Orange Glow today, Duke says in response to Sonny's incoherent explanation of why he lies to his sons, kills their fathers and screws their girlfriends, "If only your sons knew what you were willing to sacrifice for their sake".  WTF?


Turn Duke over, he's done. 


Sonny is such a complete pile of crap.


So between Dr. O's bad imitation of Frau Blucher (why can't they have a horse neigh every time she speaks??), and this utter b.s., the show's only saving grace is that we didn't have to see NIna Van Winkel or Silas.  Not enough. 


Maxie and the Wooden Soldier, though, that wasn't bad.


That Sonny, though.....what do you think his boys will get him for Father's Day?  I have a few ideas.....

  • Love 4
Parry may be stuck playing a poorly written Brad but he still manages, somehow, to overcome that more times than not. He finds a way to turn the scenes around so they aren't excruciating, and apparently he doesn't mind kissing the hell out of Ryan.


Brad is currently my favorite character on the show.  Despite being originally written as grosser than gross and being put up to all manner of shady nonsense, PS seems to have charm and sense of comedic timing that cuts through a lot of the disgusting things that come out of his mouth.  Plus, he never looks bored, confused, checked out, or annoyed.  I get excited when I see he's on for the day.  I can't believe that sour-faced Felix is on contract and Brad is not.


I realize that PS is too small and scrawny to be typical soap eye candy, but given that the days when soap operas could attract hot male actors in their 20s/30s with actual acting talent appear to be over, I'd prefer the show hire fewer monotone underwear models, more decent actors who may not be stereotypically "soap opera" looking. 

  • Love 6


Actually, it was CarrotTop delivering a left hook to Plywood in the preview.


I'm glad to hear that it goes that way, I bet if The Hippie Wombat Carrot was on the receiving end, he'd waste no time in making Nathan pay for his negativity by pressing charges. As it is, I'm surprised that he hasn't narced to the judge about Nathan's lie during Maxie's custodial access hearing. Though maybe that is pending. This is one of many steps in showing Levi as a hypocritical creep, I'm sure we'll learn that vegan-boy beasts bacon double cheeseburgers when no-one is looking. 

  • Love 3

I think the show uses Liz for these confrontations because they know she's polarizing. If Britt or Obrecht hate her, then in the show's mind, a lot of viewers will love them. I am generally neutral on Liz (I used to hate her, but over the years stopped caring - I do think BH has her moments to shine).


If they want me to like Obrecht, then make sure she never sings again, and stop asking me to feel sorry because the daughter she treated like trash for 30 years isn't always bathing her feet.

  • Love 4

Nathan and Maxie on a date drinking Yellow Sun beer? Yes.


Except that now Maxie was the lecturing, bloviated one instead of Levi. "Let your feelings out!!!" she demanded of Nathan, showing that she had learned her lessons well from the demanding Aussie, telling others what to do and feel. Of course some of that boorishness was Maxie Herself, so self-important and vain, going off on trips to "find" herself while not explaining where she got the money, and allowing her parents to pay her apartment rent at least.


Maxie inherited airheadedness and a bratty, quixotic attitude from her mother while absorbing Mac's serious, authoritative Rules for Living. Add a dash of superior snobbery because she thinks she has Aztec royalty in her blood, and season with a big shaker full of self-pity for losing her own daughter.


Maxie and Levi deserve each other.


  • Love 2


Hasn't Liz up and left work before without telling anyone? She knows Dr. O hates her so I don't know why she would get smart with her. She doesn't seem to value her job.

I have no great love, or hatred for Liz, but didn't Dr. O shoot her?  Steal a child? Fake one of her closest friend's deaths and hold her captive for 2 years? Etc. Etc. Wow, the Liz hate is pretty strong if she's expected to bow down to that lunatic (who, btw, I actually enjoy--in small doses). 


It seems weird to me that there's some sort of debate as to Liz's work situation and how she deserves to be fired. If people on this show were expected to behave in a professional way 24/7, no one would have a job, from the manager at Kelly's, to any cop or commissioner  on the force (including poor Ana, who I adore), to the GH Chief of Staff. Oh wait, a murdering lunatic is the GH CoS.

Edited by trouble
  • Love 8


Brad and Britt are like two little bitches who can't stand to lose. I don't think either one of the truely LOVES the person that are scheming so hard to get, as much as losing the game pissed them off. Someone needs to lock them in a cage with Levi and Franco and see who comes out alive. My wish would be NO ONE.


Britt and Brad need to be mowed down by Rafe, Luke, or Alexis.



I have no great love, or hatred for Liz, but didn't Dr. O shoot her?  Steal a child? Fake one of her closest friend's deaths and hold her captive for 2 years? Etc. Etc. Wow, the Liz hate is pretty strong if she's expected to bow down to that lunatic (who, btw, I actually enjoy--in small doses).


It seems weird to me that there's some sort of debate as to Liz's work situation and how she deserves to be fired. If people on this show were expected to behave in a professional way 24/7, no one would have a job, from the manager at Kelly's, to any cop or commissioner  on the force (including poor Ana, who I adore), to the GH Chief of Staff. Oh wait, a murdering lunatic is the GH CoS.


Even though I hate Liz I don't think she necessarily deserved to get fired, but I'm not going to feel sorry for her at all...because I hate her. Whether she deserved to get fired or not, I'm still going to enjoy it because I hate her. And I don't think she needed to kiss Dr. O's ass but she does need to learn when to shut the fuck up. What kind of idiot dares their boss to fire them. What kind of dumbass intentionally antagonizes their psychotic boss who hates them and previously shot them. If she doesn't care about her job she should at least care about not getting shot again or thrown off a parapet.

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 2

The thing is, this whole Dr. O/Liz shitfest is for naught because Nik, peen du jour, will no doubt come riding to Lizard's rescue and she'll return to GH just in time to walk off her post again. And while I know no one on GH has any professionalism, I choose to hate that Liz gets a likely pass simply because she annoys the hell out of me. I used to actually hate her a lot, but Sobby has made Liz semi preferable - some days.


(But if I ever could? Both would disappear.)

  • Love 3

Liz shouldn't have gotten in O's face and dared her to fire her. Idiot. Now Nik to the rescue! I loved Britt and Nik but she needs to find someone else because she's becoming pathetic.

So no Ric while he's in witness protection? Damn it- one of the few reasons I have left to enjoy this show. I did see some sparkage with Maxie and Nathan so maybe the pretty will fill the void. Can't wait for Julian to feel guilty about lying when he finds out about Ric. Should have just killed Puke while he had the chance.

Levi decking Nathan in Monday's preview? Hell no!

Edited by twoods
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