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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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And if he's Silas' identical twin, he could father a child by Nina and she could claim it was Silas's.  Forgive me if even genetic advances have determined that identical twins aren't quite as genetically identical as we thought or something.  Though since we're talking about vampires, quibbling about accuracy seems a bit much.


SIlas & Stephen weren't identical twins.  Silas is the older brother by several years, we're just "lucky" they "happen" to look exactly alike.

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I thought I was going to have prepare for some screeching from Hayley Pullos, but she did quite well.


"I'VE MADE UP MY MIND YOU'RE STAYING." See, I know just by that that Nina is nuts, because someone who is not nuts would have been like, "fuck you dick, I'm out."


Sam, sweetcakes, you're a PI and yet you haven't put five and nine together to figure out your horrid foster kid caused the accident, even though he's overreacting and getting emotional for seemingly no good reason, he's sweating bullets and can't look you in the eye, and in general appears to be having a meltdown over the dead baby of practical strangers to him. Right, sure, whatever.



I don't blame her; his reaction seemed more "mildly perturbed" to me.


Now that Maxie knows Levi is nuts, what excuse is she gonna have to keep this guy around? And look, I know Spinelli was not exactly hot, but I just do not buy that Maxie could ever bring herself to touch Hippie McBadHair.

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I just don't see the end game here that's worth letting a teenage girl think her father is dead.

Generally I agree but I can see why Ric is going along with it. Ric was in danger as long as there was a chance that he might prove himself innocent.The real big bad needs Ric dead or otherwise incapacitated so the investigation stops there. As long as Ric can speak, he is a threat because Anna would keep looking into it. Most computer trails can be traced over time and I doubt the one Julian set up was perfect and untraceable. 


Then there is Sonny who might try to take him out for being the big bad and scheming against him.


We all know how safe the PCPD and courthouse are -- Ric is better off "dead".

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As much as the Rafe anvils have been falling so fast they've actually given me a headache, as much as I think Rafe is completely and totally useless and want him off my screen last year, I still have this tiny grain of hope that he won't end up being the driver who caused the accident because I want it to be that useless lump of bad hair on legs Levi.

I don't want to revisit the Aztec stuff, I don't want him to be somebody's long lost son, I don't want him around Maxi. I don't want him around period.

I don't think I can say for sure I hate him more than Sonny (who ruins everything), but I hate Levi so much I don't think I'll ever buy another pair of Levis again.

  • Love 5

I haven't watched yet but I'm pissed by this fake death story because it should have been what they did with AJ.  If they wanted to do a fake out death story why not do it with the character that was smack in the middle of one when they brought back Ric?  This could have been a continuation of AJ's story instead of a do over with another character.   

Edited by ch1
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So just one more reason for me to dislike Ric the "victim", now for him to be the victim Julian, Nik AND Nathan get screwed! ugh


While true, you know what the best part will be?  Watching characters and viewers turn themselves into pretzels to justify how Ric lying to protect his family is somehow more noble than Julian lying to protect his family.  When the walls come crashing down, and they will, Ric be a HERO.  And that makes me so crazy I cannot form corherrent thoughts...ajkfhc sklmfnkjas dklsjcnhjfnhwe fnwiofjfj...DAMN. IT.

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I'm glad Ric is alive and that they have not dragged out the reveal of this "shocking twist". At least it was slightly more subtle than the loaf-sized bread-crumbs suggesting that Rafe is totes a hit&run baby-killer. At least he had an appropriate, though clumsily acted emotional reaction to the child's death, unlike Levi who belittled Maxie for being upset and tried to make it all about him and how it was interfering in their yoga practice. 


Ric's fake death and Sabrina's breakdown are totally soapy and well-worn stories. they are also a contrast in showing effective emotional content. If TPTB had simply allowed Sabirina to have a normal and intense experience with grief, I might have felt for her, despite TeCa's weak chops, instead the nuttiness with thank-you notes and her wedding dress had me snorting in amusement over the ludicrous cheesiness of it and the thing is, I doubt that campmeister Ron was going for camp. I think he thought it would add to the heart-wrenching pathos. Well, it was pathetic, but not in the way intended. On the other hand I felt for Elizabeth, Diane and especially Molly in their reactions to Ric's death (loved Diane hugging Molly) even though I didn't believe for a second that he'd been killed. 

Edited by yuggapukka
  • Love 1
I don't blame her; his reaction seemed more "mildly perturbed" to me.



Except they even wrote Sam reacting to him overreacting. Rafe was acting all kinds of guilty about something, the fact Sam didn't pick up on the many, vibrant, red flags he was waving around, imo, is solely because Ron needs to drag this shit out longer. As he does with pretty much everything he writes, no matter how inane or crappy.

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All thru the Levi scenes I repeated "please put your shirt on...please,please put your shirt on". Seeing his back made me flinch.

The Sobby scenes I watched were rough. I feel TeCa is horrible with emotional scenes. I always feel that she isn't connectiong to her scene partners. Like she's simply reciting her lines & hitting her mark.

I will have no sympathy when everything falls down around Juilan. He created this situation by not shooting FauxLuke in the face.

KSt is looking good. I was so happy she was out of that sack shirt they had her wearing.

HP is continuing to grow as an actress. There were two scenes where I really felt her heartache & devastation.

The was Ron consistently writes the PCPD as incompetent is insane. At this point, the PCPD makes Mayberry look like Scotland Yard.

  • Love 4

It took me a solid 10 minutes to figure out who Gabriel was.


Guess sometimes fast forwarding does hinder things.


HP has improved, but I still cringed when she shrieked "dadddddyyyyy"


I don't care either way about Princess Sobby, but I feel for TeCa for having to act this out while 9 months pregnant.  I actually did get a little choked up at that last scene. 


I am rooting for Silas and Nina.  I want that human valium away from my girl.  

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Ok--I've been watching TV for more for more years than I care to admit and have to admit:--I FREAKIN HATE LEVI  more than any character I have ever watched on TV.

And, please, writers--if you have to inflict him on the viewers, PUT A DAMN SHIRT ON HIM.  Preferably  a turtleneck that goes all the way up to his hairline. 

That's all I gleaned from today's clusterfuck.

  • Love 4

Enough time has passed for me to think that Carlivati has a mean streak.  He's written some extremely nasty things in a very short amount of time.  A lot of it very disturbing.  A lot of what went on when Robin was being held by Faison, the dead babies etc. 


I still don't get why in the world they did all that vampire stuff.  I didn't watch OLTL but I did take a look at Port Charles and the vampire arcs.  It was pretty entertaining and they were good a match.  Now on GH they can't even make two people fall deeply in love.  Is soap opera love not cool anymore?  Everyone is so guarded or evil. 


They had to address Eaton's character on PC.  This was their way of doing it.

So TeCa had to be nine mths pregnant to actually become a good actress...interesting. Fake dead Ric has me worried, exactly how long is he going to be off my screen?Levi needs to take the rest of the newbies save for Nathan cause he's purdy with him off a short pier.


Oh GH you are the awful awful show, why can't I quit you?

  • Love 3
The Sobby scenes I watched were rough. I feel TeCa is horrible with emotional scenes. I always feel that she isn't connectiong to her scene partners. Like she's simply reciting her lines & hitting her mark.


Probably because she isn't. And while I do sort of feel bad that TeCa had to play this while pregnant, well...that's the risk of being an actor. And she isn't the first to have to do it, fair or not.


It's just unfortunate that she still manages to suck at it.


Can VHJuan come fetch his cuz now? PLEASE?! And take Levi with them, just because.

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Silo just can't have it both ways, IMO. He can't keep saying he loved Nina so much back then, yet he was having an affair and a baby with Ava. If Silo continues to date and have sleepover pizza in bed with Sam, while Nina lives back at Si's home, then Si and Nina will be repeating their pattern: Si will be sleeping with his Other Woman while Nina keeps the home fires burning.


Faking Ric's death was a new low for incompetent, desperate Anna and her keystone kops. "Killing" Ric introduces so many complications and needless suffering for the family. Ric should have been allowed to escape and disappear.The escape would have reflected badly on Anna's office, but the community shock is going to be off the charts when Ric comes back from the dead eventually.

Sobby's breakdown continues to make the baby's death all about her and the quickest way back into Patrick's arms.


That's my greatest fear. Because Purina Round 1 didn't suck enough. The only consolation would be that they'd have to fly on their own this time, without Robin's spectre.


But I see Purina flying as likely as the Hindenburg. I realize, though, Ron is a spiteful bastard, so he'd be inclined to push this shit again for some inner validation that his saintly creation isn't still shit on toast.


I just hope for JT's sake that another round of Purina is not at hand. It was uncomfortable enough during Round 1, seeing him look like a trapped caged animal alternating with wanting to beat himself into unconsciousness in scenes, or so it looked to me.

  • Love 2

Wow I thought just seeing Levi shirtless would make me want to throw him off the pier, but OMG his callus talk about dead babies, can someone PLEASE buring this guy alive. I so wanted Maxie to throat punch him today.

Between that and having to watch boring ass Sam and OMGICAUSEDTHEACCIDENT Rafe talk in circles getting absolutely NO WHERE for the whole hour!....mama needs a drink to watch this shit.


I actually liked Silas and Nina today, and I still see no hint of crazy in Nina. Though I will say I could almost read the neon letters that spelled Silas is SO going to fall back in love with his wife. No wonder he came clean about Sam so soon, total set-up for him to be completely wrong.

  • Love 3

Wow, TeCa is so out of her league with this story, I almost feel sorry for her. How nice that Sabrina had time to keep her manicure looking good. It's still profoundly annoying that she's the one going off the deep end. Ugh.


STFU, Levi. Good god, he's annoying. I don't know why Maxie doesn't throw him out on his long hair. 


Since it seems Rafe is the one who hit Patrick's car, I hope he chokes on his guilt. Literally. That's why drugs are bad, kids!


Anna got to the morgue at GH in record time. I hope RiH could breath in that body bag. Eek.

  • Love 5


Though I will say I could almost read the neon letters that spelled Silas is SO going to fall back in love with his wife. No wonder he came clean about Sam so soon, total set-up for him to be completely wrong.


That would be awesome for Sam, but I pity Neener being stuck with that stinking Silage. If TPTB do put her on the crazy-train, I think it makes more sense that it would be a consequence of getting stuck with that droning waste of black dye than being denied his manly devotion. 

Edited by yuggapukka
  • Love 1
Or maybe when she went into a coma, she went into suspended time, and she never actually had a miscarriage - she was actually frozen in Dr. O's lab, and now that she's thawed out, the baby is just starting to develop.

Oh frozen baby.  Maybe that's why Nina looks so youthful  :o


My reaction to shirtless Levi: Kill it, kill it with fire!

Truly revolting.  Like play-doh.

Jasus take the wheel!  I hate Levi so much that I want Spinbitch to come back and kick his ass.  Yes, that Spinbitch, the passive aggressive little shit that I hated for 8 years and have wanted dead from the jump.  


Levi is so awful that I am begging for Spinelli to come back.  Maybe this is Ron's covert plan: make Levi and Nina so awful that other characters we hate look great in comparison?  If that is his plan, it's working on this viewer.


Anyway, maybe its the tay-keeey-yaaah talking but i thought both TCa and RP were good today.  

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I can no longer call my baby Det. Plywood. He totally looked wreaked sitting on the park bench. He emotes better than 2/3s of PC.


It's true. But then it's not like it's hard to emote better than most of these people so. I don't care, Nathan is my fave character right now. (Well, tied with Morgan.) Why he agreed to this asinine plot though I don't know. Maybe Anna threatened to put the kabosh on their illicit secret affair if he didn't agree.


ETA: I'm even crazier, Tiger, because I thought TeCa was great today. I feel weird about it.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 1

It's true. But then it's not like it's hard to emote better than most of these people so. I don't care, Nathan is my fave character right now. (Well, tied with Morgan.) Why he agreed to this asinine plot though I don't know. Maybe Anna threatened to put the kabosh on their illicit secret affair if he didn't agree.


He's doing it to be in solidarity with Dante ;)

  • Love 3

Okay, I just watched the June 12 show, at least part of it.


I don't like Sabrina. I think TeCa the actress does better with more scene chewing, but this crap Ron was shoveling today was totally unworkable, and I was embarrased for the actors in the scene for having to do it. That combined with the fear that Ron was going to make Kelly Monaco make out with the punk kid made me fast foward quite a bit.


Then I slowed down and saw Ric in the bag with the daughter greiving upstairs, and I literally said, out loud, "Fuck this, I'm out". 


I am on a GH break for a while, let me know here if something decent happens and I will catch it on demand.


I think the problem everyone has had with Nathan was that Maxie was on her way out of town the night they met.  He was then bogged down with the lame did Silas kill Nina story.  I love his relationship with Maxie.  Nathan is supportive of Maxie, challenges her when she is wrong, yet does not judge her.  The only worry I have with Nathan is that Maxie has had two boyfriends, Jesse and Coop, who were cops and they were both murdered.  I don't want Maxie to go through that again.


I like his relationship with Britt, his new sister.  It's fun watching them bond over how f'ed up their mother is.


He is already 10 times the cop Dante is.  Unlike Dante, who was shot in the chest by his mobster father and then  let him get away with it, Nathan eagerly threw his mother's sorry ass in jail when he found out she "killed" Nina. 

Edited by movingtargetgal
  • Love 7

I don't have a problem with Ric's death being faked and traumatizing Molly, it's better than him being dead for real or Molly being injured or killed in an attempt by Fluke's minions or Sonny's gang that can't shoot straight trying to get to him. It's certainly preferable than keeping an innocent man in jail for a trial that can't happen or blowing a larger case against Julian's smelly-looking boss. 

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