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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Cattitude, are you a brand new viewer, or just a severely lapsed one? I just wonder how this all plays to brand new eyes; I'm only hanging on due to 35 years of on and off watching. I have no idea how I'd react if I'd just tuned in.

Hard to answer, I'd say new, but I watched about 30 yrs ago so I do know a little about some of the long long term characters like Luke, Anna, Lucy, Bobbie....


I find the show entertaining, but some of it is b/c at times it seems so campy to me. I'm sure true long term viewers don't like that it is so campy.

I find the show entertaining, but some of it is b/c at times it seems so campy to me. I'm sure true long term viewers don't like that it is so campy.


I'm the same a lot of the time. I still enjoy many things, but I get why a lot of people don't. I've watched on and off since the Panic Room story so I'm a newer and less consistent viewer which probably makes it easier to not be as irate over what it is now.

The actor is okay, but not enough. I can't believe that's the best they could get.


That's how I feel about 99 of the approximately 100 new characters that have been introduced over the past year or so.  I realize budgets are tight and that soaps are the stepping stones to prime time that they used to be.  But damn.  Has the talent pool really gotten that shallow? 


I cannot believe that Lulu is onto ANOTHER baby story.  How many do we have going on right now?  Lulu (AGAIN), Sabrina, Ava.  Even Nina can't stop talking about her (I'm sure not actually) miscarried fetus.  Am I missing anyone?  Maxie/Georgie?  ENOUGH. 

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In fairness, that wasn't Ron - IIRC, T.J. was introduced by Garin Wolf. Ron would've made sure he was a Hardy. He might still, for all I know.


I think T.J.'s role will only last until they can find a cute white kid that clicks and reminds Frank of Starr and Cole. There is another one coming.


Blah. Well, even if they were using TJ more, I bet you the actor would leave anyway when his contract is up. He's too good for this show and I'm sure will be going places.

From the second I saw that Sabrina was writing thank you notes I knew she had regressed back to the wedding. It actually makes sense, she returned to the time she was the happiest before her world was turned upside down with Robin's return. This is actually the most sense this story has actually made to me. Girl is in full on denial.


I kind of get Lulu. I have fertility issues and was fortunate enough to get to adopt 2 amazing girls but I do regret not being able to carry them. Does it change the feelings I have for my girls, absolutely not! But there will always be a part of their lives I missed and wasn't a part of and that does get to me.


My theory on the shooting is that it's a way to fake Ric's death and put him into witness protection.

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I chuckled when Nina let the bomb drop: "I'm broooooke." FO'SHIZZLE! The chick really uses every option to manipulate...touching, hugging, crying, kissing, reminiscing,  emotional guilt, scapegoating, eye-fucking...When she came out with the financial angle like a jack-in-the-box, followed by a pathetic bleat "I'm so lucky to have a husband who will take care of me," it was a hoot and a throwback. Nina really has been in a coma for 20 years.


She's the kind of female who gets pregnant to hold onto a man, and I'm sure she meant to do that when she found out about the affair with Ava 20 years ago. She's mentioned several times how much she admires his status as a successful doctor. She's trying to find out how many children and/or dependents he has in order to gauge her competition for his money and attention. I can't recall hearing her mention any career or training she could use to support herself.

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What?  You aren't fascinated by watching Silas fend of uncomfortable advances from some woman you've never seen before?  Heartless!


Silas isn't exactly a ball of fire and I suspect it would be difficult to even find a pulse.  But when he got attacked by what looked like a blow up doll come to life - and this after listening to the 200 year old woman talk to him in baby talk about their marriage I actually had a brief - momentary - pang of regret for the character.  And I feel real empathy for the actor having to play opposite MS. 

What they have to do on this show to make a buck is just wrong.

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Enough time has passed for me to think that Carlivati has a mean streak.  He's written some extremely nasty things in a very short amount of time.  A lot of it very disturbing.  A lot of what went on when Robin was being held by Faison, the dead babies etc. 


I still don't get why in the world they did all that vampire stuff.  I didn't watch OLTL but I did take a look at Port Charles and the vampire arcs.  It was pretty entertaining and they were good a match.  Now on GH they can't even make two people fall deeply in love.  Is soap opera love not cool anymore?  Everyone is so guarded or evil. 

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Sam doesn't have to work to make ends meet, so I don't mind them not mentioning it all the time.  Or I wouldn't mind it if Silas wasn't surgically attached to her ass while towing the S.S. No One Gives A Fuck About Nina.  If she wants to spend time with the son she thought was dead rather than P.I. around town, I'm okay with that.  Plus, when was the last time anyone asked for her skills?  She can't do it if Ron doesn't write it



They hardly mention it at all except randomly, as they did yesterday, that's the point I was making. I don't mind Sam taking time off either to be with Danny or her family, and she certainly doesn't need the money to live being Jason's widow, I just think it's rather silly that they don't keep her, at least, a little bit tied to her "job" on a regular basis. Maybe I'd just like the idea of Sam being treated more like a highly functional character, with a kid, a job, a boyfriend, a family, the whole nine yards.


I think Sam's profession should have led her to being involved in many story lines but no one seemed to bother about including her. Personally I've always thought Kelly was at her best when she's engaged and doing something exciting or fairly bad-ass, and while I get that Sam has "matured" as a mother, since she is a PI there's still an easy way to include a little more pop into her life than just trying to conquer the loft stairs while carrying Danny without toppling ass backwards.

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If Nina was well aware and admits that 20 years ago she and her husband were distant, and he was frequently gone at night, incommunicado, probably having an affair (which her mother confirmed with photos), why would she assume after waking up from a coma that she and Silas are very close and love each other? Why does she think she can assume that he will pay all her bills instantly without questioning them?


Anyone or anything that is inconvenient to her agenda is denied, glossed over, forgotten, or submerged in a sticky false "love" (for example, when she gushes to Nathan, whom she just recently met as an adult,  "I LOVE you!". It stinks to high heaven!

  • Love 5


She's the kind of female who gets pregnant to hold onto a man,



Cue to Nina being pregnant...3  2  1.  It really is hard to ignore RC/FV's predilection of having the women pregnant or losing their brains if they are over a certain age (hello Tracy, Anna, and Alexis).  Were they like this on OLTL?  Between the mob and pregnancy rabies, it appears that FV/RC seem to think that this is their meal ticket.  I guess I can't  blame them except for the fact that they ruined the General Hospital that I grew up (especially pre-Luke Spenser) and inserted some mob/pregnancy soap that doesn't bear little resemblance to its present day incarnation.

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Cue to Nina being pregnant...3  2  1.


For Nina to get pregnant, she'd have to go out in public, or Silas would have to stop looking at her like he's alternately terrified, bored, or disgusted.  I don't know if it's ME's acting or the crappy writing, but Silas in these scenes is not working for me at all.  It doesn't help that he speaks maybe one word for every 20 Nina says.  She's basically talking to herself.  It's uncomfortable to watch and the opposite of suspensdful or compelling.

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For Nina to get pregnant, she'd have to go out in public, or Silas would have to stop looking at her like he's alternately terrified, bored, or disgusted.




You're not being creative enough.  When she found out Ava and Silas were having an affair, she saved some of his sperm somehow, and when she woke up a couple of weeks ago, she had that sperm thawed out and got herself pregnant.


Or maybe when she went into a coma, she went into suspended time, and she never actually had a miscarriage - she was actually frozen in Dr. O's lab, and now that she's thawed out, the baby is just starting to develop.


Be creative!  Think like Ron!  

  • Love 7
Patrick doesn't have one guy friend



Who needs a friend when you have Sabrina? I mean she comes with Felix included, he's like an instant friend, plain and bland like oatmeal, just add water and wait for him to get "sassy".


A Carlos and Patrick friendship might have actually been pretty entertaining, imagine those two talking over beers and getting a little tipsy. They'd go home singing at the top of their lungs, arms slung around each other, with Carlos attempting to hit a high note and failing miserably.

  • Love 2
From the second I saw that Sabrina was writing thank you notes I knew she had regressed back to the wedding. It actually makes sense, she returned to the time she was the happiest before her world was turned upside down with Robin's return. This is actually the most sense this story has actually made to me. Girl is in full on denial.


Of course Sabrina regresses; she has the emotional maturity of a toddler. In that sense it's logical, but I'm really annoyed that she has to have a breakdown in the first place. Why can't she just leave PC for a little while? Does her exit really have to be such a big deal? We don't see Patrick falling apart this way. It's such misogynistic bullshit.


I kind of get Lulu.

My problem isn't that Lulu shouldn't want to carry a baby, it's that she's had Rocco for a hot second and is already obsessed with baby #2. How about she stops and enjoys the baby she have? They keep having her say that she's happy with Rocco, but then they immediately undercut it by having her desperate to deal with the embryo. It's not going anywhere. I would like to see Lulu have at least one conversation that doesn't include the words uterus, embryo, baby, and pregnancy. How about she go see if the Haunted Star is still floating?


Why is this storyline a good idea?


  • Love 7

My problem isn't that Lulu shouldn't want to carry a baby, it's that she's had Rocco for a hot second and is already obsessed with baby #2. How about she stops and enjoys the baby she have? They keep having her say that she's happy with Rocco, but then they immediately undercut it by having her desperate to deal with the embryo. It's not going anywhere. I would like to see Lulu have at least one conversation that doesn't include the words uterus, embryo, baby, and pregnancy. How about she go see if the Haunted Star is still floating?


I don't understand why they didn't just wait a bit before going back to the embryo thing. Like most times RC waits for months to get back to something. It's so annoying. But I ffwd most Lulu scenes anyway so meh.

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I must admit, I was surprised Silas came clean so quickly about being in a relationship.  I thought we were in for WEEKS of Sam and Silas shooting "longing" looks at each other over an oblivious Nina's head



Which admittedly wouldn't have been very hard considering she's in a wheelchair at the moment, they'd only need to be standing. But Ron seems to like pressing the fast forward button on his shittiest story lines so he can do more and get more out into the open. This way the Nina going bat-shit won't take nearly as long and we can all enjoy Michelle's newest attempt at making a character into an escaped mental patient wrapped around a crazy stick of nut-job.

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I'm all for friendships between the opposite sex, but the above made me realize that Patrick doesn't have one guy friend.


Patrick's guy friends don't fare well on this show.  Remember Pervy Pete & Sirhan Surgeon?  I miss the latter sometimes, but not the former.




I thought we were in for WEEKS of Sam and Silas shooting "longing" looks at each other over an oblivious Nina's head

Which admittedly wouldn't have been very hard considering she's in a wheelchair at the moment, they'd only need to be standing.

KeMo might have to stand on tiptoe, she is not a tall woman.  & I'm not convinced Silas is going to come clean.  I think he'll start to, then Nina will talk over him in her machine-gun way saying of course he had other relationships, she was gone 20 years! (in case anyone forgot).  & then Nina will say something else about how weak and/or fragile she is & Silas will wuss out.

Has Silas explained why, if he luuuuuuved Nina sooooooo much, he cheated on her with Ava? Hmmm???


He hasn't explained, but I'm sure it's because his penis was helpless once it entered Ava's vagina's gravitational pull.


Patrick's guy friends don't fare well on this show.  Remember Pervy Pete & Sirhan Surgeon?


Patrick has very poor taste in friends. If Coleman weren't tramping around the backcountry singing about the glories of country life, Patrick could confide in him. Mac would be another choice, though that would mean Ron would have to put JJY onscreen for more than a minute per month.


she was gone 20 years! (in case anyone forgot)


It's like when Lulu had her abortion. Wait, you don't remember that?

Edited by dubbel zout
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And we have Sabrina, who, natch, has gone crazy over the death of her child and has retreated to a happy place, her wedding day.


I'm assuming she's regressed to the morning, you know, before Patrick kisses the other bride long and hard. 


To be honest I was as stunned as Patrick, I didn't see it coming at all. I blurted out "Holy shit!" on Patrick's behalf. 

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Is there a crowbar on the barge ('cause I swear  that's where I'm headed)?  I need one to pry my eyeballs out of the back of my head  I just can't with Nina.  Too clingy, creepy and schmoopy.  Silas outta run and Sam needs to watch her back.  And Danny, too.  Ron loves his kidnapped baby storylines.


Save me a chaise poolside.

Nina's deal about how Silas must still love her so much stems from the fact that after 20 yrs the man NEVER divorced her. I gotta say I can' blame her on that point. You'd think if he really didn't have strong feelings for her in 20 yrs he'd have wanted to remarry at least at some point.


I don't begrudge Nina feeling Silas has strong feelings for her based on that fact.

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I think Silas actually admitted he didn't love Nina that much. He talked about how they were too young, etc etc.


Huh. That conversation must have happened after I left for the Barge. It's quite pleasant from where I'm lounging...Mimosas whenever I want, followed by nutsn'berries...oops. Sorry. Topic.


Anyway, I recall who when Silas first mentioned her, or rather, was explaining to Sam how he had a wife, he went on and on about how much he LOVED her...how they were so much IN LOVE and how her family KEPT him from visiting or seeing her, blah, blah, Idon'tandnevercared cakes.

  • Love 1

My problem isn't that Lulu shouldn't want to carry a baby, it's that she's had Rocco for a hot second and is already obsessed with baby #2. How about she stops and enjoys the baby she have? They keep having her say that she's happy with Rocco, but then they immediately undercut it by having her desperate to deal with the embryo. It's not going anywhere. I would like to see Lulu have at least one conversation that doesn't include the words uterus, embryo, baby, and pregnancy. How about she go see if the Haunted Star is still floating?



This. Good heavens, this. Enjoy the baby you have for a bit, please.

  • Love 3

We don't know for sure that Rafe's father the vampire is dead, right?  I mean, he might have gotten up off the slab in the morgue if I recall correctly.  And if he's Silas' identical twin, he could father a child by Nina and she could claim it was Silas's.  Forgive me if even genetic advances have determined that identical twins aren't quite as genetically identical as we thought or something.  Though since we're talking about vampires, quibbling about accuracy seems a bit much.


I'm looking forward to Sabrina the Mad.


Lulu has the worst luck in doctors.  Two different misdiagnoses?  Because the uterus was causing the problem with maintaining a pregnancy -- I thought Britt also later found that her ovaries had gone kerplunk, so no more eggs, which is what made the missing embryos so tragic.  I'm a woman who never had a pregnancy and would have liked to because it seems like a fundamental human experience, but the way Lulu was threatening to risk the last remaining possibility of a baby of their own and Rocco's last remaining possiblity of a full sibling (the embryo) for her desire for taking a shot at the experience of pregnancy is maddening.   And I think any father worth a damn would have said "Get some perspective."

Edited by kassa
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I also couldn't believe that Rafe's defense is that he's just DOING drugs, not SELLING them.  Shut up, Rafe.


And doesn't Sonny keep PC clear of drugs?  We get beat over the head with that all the time.  


I remember when Zander was so evil for selling drugs.  Now it's Fluke.  Selling drugs is the worst thing anyone can do.  Worse than being an alcoholic, too.  

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Well it can't be said Ron beat around the bush with Silas telling Nina about Sam.


And to be fair to him it took less than 24 hours for him to finally work up the courage and do the right thing by them both. I can cut a guy some slack telling the wife he'd lost for over 20 years and thought was dead a day to get his head back on straight again and his feelings in order to come clean.


For how terrible, awful, and just plain shitty the writing and story-line is, I actually will say I think Michael and Michelle did the best they could during their scenes, trying to work up the right emotions of a couple dealing with their doomed end finally, despite barely having a whole day to try and bond and connect their characters. It wasn't perfect by far but at least they didn't phone it in, like some would have... *cough* Maurice *cough* or *clears throat* Roger *clears throat*.


The Sabrina and Patrick scenes, by god why...how...too much not good going on at once, my brain still can't compute it all... She couldn't do it the first time around, Ron, you festering ass pimple, why did you force the girl to try again?


So they're faking Ric's death, oh yeah how original...oy. Elizabeth really isn't good at comforting teenagers it seems, no wonder they won't age her kids.


Sam, sweetcakes, you're a PI and yet you haven't put five and nine together to figure out your horrid foster kid caused the accident, even though he's overreacting and getting emotional for seemingly no good reason, he's sweating bullets and can't look you in the eye, and in general appears to be having a meltdown over the dead baby of practical strangers to him. Right, sure, whatever.


Can someone please dispatch the renegade muppet already? Nothing is appealing about him, absolutely nothing, he's put together like some unholy smashup of hair and abs but neither have attractive attributes either together or separate.

Edited by CPP83
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We all totally called it that Anna and Nathan set up that "shot fired" scenario so the three could fake Ric's death. But it's cruel to allow Molly to think her dad died. I felt for her when she saw the bodybag. Both BH and HP did a great job looking shell-shocked. I totally get Elizabeth believing he's gone, because she has no reason to think that Anna would lie to them. Same for Molly.


So is Maxie going to dump Levi now? Hoping so - nice to see her old backbone coming to life. Go away Levi, so we don't have to see your horrid self/hair anymore.


That is some serious manipulation going on from The Nina, but at least she knows Silas said ILY to Sam/that Silas wants her to stay because he feels obligated to her.


Purina - Yeesh. 

  • Love 3

OMG Ric isn't dead after all, what a...non-shock.  I just don't see the end game here that's worth letting a teenage girl think her father is dead.  And it sucks that now Nathan, like Dante before him, has to take a public hit to make this ridiculousness work.


And you just know that Nik is gonna be all huffy that Liz isn't gonna want to jump his bones now that Ric is "dead" and that Ric's eventual return from the "dead" will kick off yet another spin on the Niz merry-go-round.  Barf.


Shut up, Nina.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Okay that's it.  I'm on the barge. This Ric fake-out makes no sense!  Anna, who had just admitted a couple days ago that she regretted the decisions she made as a spy and its impact on her daughter, choose to inflict similar damage on another daughter. That isn't Anna - the character I have known for over twenty years. Why would Nathan who just had to deal with a shit ton of lies and back from the dead BS agree to be a fall guy? Fuck this show. I'm out. 

Edited by Grammaeryn
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