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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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4 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Have soap characters ever really remembered they have children though?

Only when the plot demands it, big holidays or special occasions.

Unless your names are  Casear and Augustus

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53 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

I guess it's really easy to root for Jason and Sam to get back together when the only voice Jason hears is Carly's. [/sarcasm]

Well, it's easier to hear Carly when she's screaming in your right ear vs. trying to decipher Sam's whispers and head nods.

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7 hours ago, NutmegsDad said:

Oh, late thought: I'm loving that Maxie named the baby James Malcolm West, but realizing that the kid is James West gave me an earworm of the original "Wild Wild West" over the holiday weekend. I now imagine that, when he grows up, he'll be working for the Secret Service and thwarting his archnemesis, Mikkelille Faison.

Dr. Mikkelille Lovelace (Loveless?) Faison

Edited by rur
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2 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

Curtis and Sam going into business together? Awesome idea! It should have happened months ago.

I would have thought this could be a chem test for the couple, but he just proposed to Jordan. The partnership appeals because of Curtis; Sam seemed only half awake while she discussed the potential partnership with him (her mouth full of marbles). She's supposed to have a hot client list? Please! Who are all these clamoring clients?

And who is going to be the full-time nanny to Sam's kids while she takes on this responsibility? Perhaps the same person who was looking after them when Sam was bored to death at the corporate headquarters of Aurora? We are never told. Surely Monica is too busy for full-time nanny duty.

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My eyes are gonna rollout out my head completely one of these days over the stupid memory story being served up for Drew Cain, Dr. Kim Nero, the black psychiatrist,  and Jason. Memories can't be scooped up into computer files (Microsoft Word and .jpg picture files, .wav sound files, and .gif mini-videos?) and stored on a flash drive. I don't know how the actors can keep straight faces while they play out that story.

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2 hours ago, Linny said:

Jason comparing Kim to Carly is kind of yikes for her

I think that was a wink to TB once playing Carly.

What was with the handheld camera on Jason at the beginning of the show? It looked like he cameraman was drunk.

Suddenly Sam isn't wired to work behind a desk? Where was this when she was so excited about Drew buying Aurora? I wish she'd said it's too uncomfortable working with Drew, and she knows he really enjoys running the company so she's fine leaving it all to him.

Lucas (who?) today all but said there's going to be a baby switch when he told Julian the closer they get to the due date, the clearer it is it's not a done deal. Lucas also mentioned the 30-day "trial" period, as it were. A baby switch is a-comin'!

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2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Suddenly Sam isn't wired to work behind a desk? Where was this when she was so excited about Drew buying Aurora? I wish she'd said it's too uncomfortable working with Drew, and she knows he really enjoys running the company so she's fine leaving it all to him.


They can't have that, as that would insinuate that Sam still has feelings for Drew and isn't all up on Jason now.  So, no, it has to play into that new canon of how Drew just didn't get the "real" Sam and how she was only playing a part all those years with him.  Such dreck.

When Julian and Lucas were talking about the birth mother having 30 days to change her mind I kept expecting an anvil to come crashing through the ceiling and knock Lucas out. 

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I just want to know when the storyline with Maxie's baby starts. They haven't shown the two together. Either little James is getting kidnapped, stolen or switched but when and by whom? Then you have Lucas & Brad talking about this unseen birth mother and baby and I'm totally confused. Is this going to be a story or not? It's so werid.

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The baby has been in the ICU since he was brought to the hospital. Unless he was switched before they placed him in the ICU, enough people from his family and the staff at GH have seen him and would realize the difference. 

If they are switching, it is going to involve Nelle who had been buddying up to Brad and pumping him for info on his semi-closed adoption with Lucas and unseen birth mother.

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9 hours ago, ciarra said:

I love it how Drew is over Carly and doesn't care if her butt is in prison.  You don't need your memories back, Drew, you're free!

Drew has been over Carly for awhile now and yes, it's a glorious thing. 

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So many SQUEEable moments:


* Nina and Liesl bonding over James, and Liesl with laser-focused deathstares for Peter.

* Julian and Lucas bonding over familiar interests (not to mention Lucas not forsaking Julian!), with backstory history to delve into the Wikis.

* Cassadine siblings interacting with MIKKOS PICTURE sighting.

* And, finally, Kiki telling Liz about Bensch, and Liz giving her life experience advice that Bensch is a serial sleeze.

Oh, Sam, get over yourself. You already had a PI partnership which you were second banana (Jackal-McCall).

Oh, when Andre plugs the  flashdrive into Drew's head, Drew is going to start dancing and singing the tunes of ABBA, including "Mamma Mia", and reveal he's actually Billy Abbott from Genoa City, WI.

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3 hours ago, nilyank said:

enough people from his family and the staff at GH have seen him and would realize the difference. 

Please. These are many of the people who couldn't figure out that when Connie scrawled "AJ" in blood, it meant Ava Jerome, not AJ Quartermaine.

1 hour ago, NutmegsDad said:

* Julian and Lucas bonding over familiar interests (not to mention Lucas not forsaking Julian!), with backstory history to delve into the Wikis.

Lucas (who?) did kind of huff out of the gastropub when Julian had the nerve to say that he was concerned about Lucas (who?) getting hurt with the adoption process to be seemingly weighted against him and Brad (who?). That seemed like an overreaction to genuine concern on Julian's side. He doesn't want his kid to get hurt? What a monster!

1 hour ago, TeeVee329 said:

I feel like I know the answer, but Drew hasn't talked to Monica about this memory sitch, correct?

Not onscreen.

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16 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Lucas (who?) did kind of huff out of the gastropub when Julian had the nerve to say that he was concerned about Lucas (who?) getting hurt with the adoption process to be seemingly weighted against him and Brad (who?). That seemed like an overreaction to genuine concern on Julian's side. He doesn't want his kid to get hurt? What a monster!

I kinda thought Lucas (who?), as he was freaking himself out about the birth mother changing her mind, kinda realized, hey, maybe he shouldn't be letting Julian get involved here given how he and Brad (who?) had Julian fill out legal paperwork promising to not get involved.

I mean, whatever, the whole thing was about giving Julian a sad, about which I don't care.  After all, I still want Lucas and Brad to have a son they name after Tony.

Edited by TeeVee329
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1 hour ago, NutmegsDad said:

* Cassadine siblings interacting with MIKKOS PICTURE sighting.

I remain deeply unconvinced by Valentin's Cassadine-ness and the words "Cassadine siblings interacting" make me angry/sad that Stefan isn't around, but I'm intrigued. A picture of John Colicos, really?

Edited by Melgaypet
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13 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

had Julian fill out legal paperwork promising to not get involved.

And yet, there Lucas (who?) was, asking for information about Cheryl. I get why he's there, but he can't have it both ways.

I'm not anti-Lucas (who?) by any stretch, but this is the kind of thing that super annoys me about the show. I guess I should be glad the writers didn't have Julian make a snide comment about that legal paperwork.

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I'd rather watch Lucas, Sam and Molly treat Julian like he'd done something heinous than watch Dante and Sonny reminiscing over that time Sonny shot him on the chest

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I'm no fan of Jason but Kiki, the ex-girlfriend of his beloved Michael, could really use his help to run a sting on Bensch.  Or Sam, friend of Liz, could help.  But they're both too busy sticking their noses into the business of other people who don't want their help (Anna, Drew) to actually be useful here.  I like that Liz and Monica are being given a chance to

Jason, I know you're brain damaged but just because Henrik wanted to kill Anna when he didn't know she was  his mother doesn't mean he's going to kill her now.  The narcissism of Jason, Sonny and Carly could power the country for a year.

Speaking of narcissism, I'm glad Ava gave Griffin some much needed truth-telling about how he makes decisions for other people under the guise of ."doing the right thing".

Andre, Drew isn't a wealthy man, that's all Jason's money.  Haven't you been listening?  LOL about assisted dying in Canada, that's not exactly what a DNR refers to.

I hope it's Robert Obrecht knocking out Peter.

Edited by statsgirl
thought about it some more
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So what exactly are the folks at the PCPD getting paid for? Not only do they seemingly allow an unlimited number of visitors to go unsupervised wherever they want, but prisoners are able to escape without breaking a sweat or raising any alarms. If we're going to let the bad guys get away with all their crimes (and of course we are), I guess it's too much to ask for that not to occur at the expense of the intelligence of law enforcement or any semblance of rationale. 

I'm really hopeful it's Liesl who stabbed Peter, though. Girlfriend was PISSED and has all the motivation to hurt Peter and Anna by proxy.

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Chloe Lanier was the one who told us who's playing Monica today, which I found interesting. It's usually random announcer guy. The budget really is getting sliced and diced!

56 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I like that Liz and Monica are being given a chance

Monica is chief of staff, so it makes sense (for a change!) for Lauren to go to her. I'm impressed the show remembered the sexual harassment stuff with Pierce Dornan.

JdP is doing a great job of radiating sleazy menace.

Newbie WBS agent Anna sure messed up all the men she was involved with.

56 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

LOL about assisted dying in Canada, that's not exactly what a DNR refers to.

Was Drew conflating the two? I thought he was saying a DNR wasn't enough protection, and if they did the procedure in Canada, assisted dying would be an option. Though he acts like all it takes is the desire to do it, and that's not true, per Wiki:


Neither the legal witnesses, nor the physicians involved, can have any legal or financial interest in the outcomes of the patient. Consent must be repeatedly expressed, not implied, including in the moment right before death. Consent can be revoked at any time, in any manner. There are no consequences for backing out and there are no limits to how often it can be requested.

To receive a medically assisted death, patients experiencing intolerable suffering must sign a written request expressing their wish to end their life in front of two independent witnesses who can both confirm it was done willingly free of coercion, 10 clear daysbefore the date of death.

Wow, is LWB/FS having a pity party. I get his anger, but only to a certain degree. He's an adult. (Supposedly.™ Silas Clay forever) He really can't understand the situation Anna was in? And LOL at his beautiful (if somewhat feminine) handwriting. It was totally different from the passport signature.

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3 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Was it still Temp!Monica or is LC back?

Temp Monica

8 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Chloe Lanier was the one who told us who's playing Monica today,

REally?!  Shows how observant I am, I heard the announcement and yet when I read this, I could have sworn it was the regular guy who said it.  

33 minutes ago, Linny said:

I'm really hopeful it's Liesl who stabbed Peter, though.

She's the only one that makes sense, since Valentin, Anna, Sam and Jason were at the station.  

Although, it could also be Lulu or Nina......

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21 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Chloe Lanier was the one who told us who's playing Monica today, which I found interesting. It's usually random announcer guy. The budget really is getting sliced and diced!

Wouldn't it have been cheaper to just use the voiceover they used before? Odd.

13 minutes ago, Perkie said:

Although, it could also be Lulu or Nina......

Lulu would need a stepladder to reach his shoulderblades and probably couldn't drag him like that, unless she used a minion.

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The idea of Nina stabbing and dragging Peter amuses me but where would she get the needle? Does Valentin have a hidden stash? Is it a Nina/Liesl team-up?

A DNR  (Do Not Resuscitate)  refers to an unconscious patient  who had requested that no extraordinary means be used to keep him or her alive.

The Canadian assisted dying act refers to someone who is conscious but will die of their illness very soon (e.g. cancer or ALS)  and wants help to end it now. This is often done with family and friends around to say mutual goodbyes. But the patient had to go through  evaluations first to show that they are of sound mind in making the request in the moment.

If Drew is brain dead he wouldn't be able to consent to assisted dying, it would be more like a DNR situation.

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Those cops did a bang up job searching Peter's room and not finding the flash drive. The PCPD is officially the worst.

I thought Sam was going to tear into Jason over his Carly love, then was promptly disappointed.

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22 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

I thought Sam was going to tear into Jason over his Carly love, then was promptly disappointed.

He did stop what he was doing to help Carly to team up with Sam. I take that as a win.

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"Then he took this guys memory and hid it in a Christmas tree ornament, then it got hung on a charity tree, and I got it back..."  That this can be said without cracking up is acting

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9 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I'm no fan of Jason but Kiki, the ex-girlfriend of his beloved Michael, could really use his help to run a sting on Bensch.  Or Sam, friend of Liz, could help. 


Kiki's got a whole Suicide Squad in her corner, if she were thinking straight. She's got a mother, uncle and close friend (Sonny) with scary mob connections. She's got a "reformed" serial killer -- who's not above scaring people with his past -- as a father figure. She's got a friendly ex who's on the hospital board. And, yes, through Michael, there's a scary hit man. Really, Dr. Besch could not have picked a worse target -- if the show would only put some of this together.  

Edited by Auntie Velvet
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7 hours ago, Auntie Velvet said:

Kiki's got a whole Suicide Squad in her corner, if she were thinking straight. She's got a mother, uncle and close friend (Sonny) with scary mob connections. She's got a "reformed" serial killer -- who's not above scaring people with his past -- as a father figure. She's got a friendly ex who's on the hospital board. And, yes, through Michael, there's a scary hit man. Really, Dr. Besch could not have picked a worse target -- if the show would only put some of this together.  

I thought Elizabeth was going to show up at the MC in place of Kiki to greet Dr. Bench. Now, I'm not sure how this is going to play. I'm surprised that Elizabeth hasn't told Franco. Maybe, she will. Of course, if she tells Franco she may realize that Franco is just as skeezy as Dr. Bench. Doubt it.

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Again, Dr. O doesn't have a toenail to stand on, and I wish Anna had pushed back harder on her accusations instead of being all worried about who might overhear.  But still, when Liesl leaned in and whisper-snarled, "This isn't over, scarecrow", I...kinda swooned.  Kathleen Gati is so good.

Edited by TeeVee329
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In Thursday's episode, they did use an announcer to introduce Patty McCormack in the role of Monica Quartermaine.  They should do the same for substitute Maxie in today's episode.  Apparently she was under the weather and they had to get someone else to play her role.

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Where was this when she was so excited about Drew buying Aurora?

When is/was Sam excited about anything?  SBu's return (yuck) just seems to make her seem more depressed.  What a waste to have Curtis to perform Sam propping duty. 

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I find it extremely difficult to believe that GH hasn't updated their sexual harassment policy. Since it's apparent this show is trying to do its own version of the #MeToo story, the writers needed to do more research or a simple search on Google. I know from the places I have worked at that had sexual harassment policies, if the person who was reported, was found guilty, then he/she would be FIRED, not just suspended. I vaguely recall the story with Leslie and Pierce, but can't recall if Leslie was found guilty? Is that why she has to recuse herself? Because she was found guilty, and just suspended and not fired?

And even in real life, those who have allegations made against them, have lost their jobs. Or is it because Lauren is the only person filing charges?

On another note, I find someone who came to this show as a cunning, conning, supposedly street smart person, to suddenly turn into the kind of naive person who "misunderstood" what Bensch was doing. And did she tell Griffin during the Nurses Ball, that she had a cotilion???!

I would have enjoyed the scenes with Anna and Obrecht more, IF Peter/Heinrich wasn't Anna's "son," and if it was Anna who uttered the words "What comes around, goes around*" to Obrecht.

*Yeah, still bitter that Obrecht didn't have to pay for torturing Robin and keeping her hostage and putting Robert in a coma for nearly a year.

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How does Kiki know that Liz was raped when she was 16?  Is it the best kept secret since Lulu's abortion and Robin's post partum depression?

Edited by ciarra
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3 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Again, Dr. O doesn't have a toenail to stand on, and I wish Anna had pushed back harder on her accusations instead of being all worried about who might overhear.  But still, when Liesl leaned in and whisper-snarled, "This isn't over, scarecrow", I...kinda swooned.  Kathleen Gati is so good.

I love Dr. O. I enjoy just about everything about her including her evil ways. Mark of a great actress, in my opinion. But, I didn't get the "scarecrow" comment. Can anyone enlighten me? Is it because Anna is freakishly thin? Does she think Anna lacks a brain? 


And where is Kirsten Storms?

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51 minutes ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

And where is Kirsten Storms?

She's only out today and Monday. She had the flu.

1 hour ago, ciarra said:

How does Kiki know that Liz was raped when she was 16?  Is it the best kept secret since Lulu's abortion and Robin's post partum depression?

I think it might have come up in a conversation with Franco.

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Was anyone able to see the whole show today?  Interrupted by ABC so djt could tell us all about his on-again off-again crush with kji.  On a Friday!  Cliffhanger day!!  Missed the whole last half hour.   I'd be so grateful for a tiny recap of the last 30 minutes ?

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I was able to see most of the episode and will try to recap what I remember. Anna, Robert, Jason and police going through Peter’s apartment. Jason finds where the flash drive was taped to the bottom of a drawer. Anna calls Robin and tells her she’s flying out today to explain about Peter in person. Michael is moving back into the Quartermain mansion to be close by Nelle/baby. Sonny and Carly talked forever on the prison phones saying the same thing over and over-zzzzzz. Nina goes to visit Maxie (played by another actress because KS was sick for a few days) and tells her about Peter/Valentin. The nurse brings the baby into Maxie’s room. OMG, is that baby cute and precious! Maxie and Nina both get to hold him and coo over him. That’s all I can recall. Boring except for seeing the baby. 

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The episode also, I believe, ends with Sonny showing up at the Q mansion to see Nelle.  Which NO, I don't care how much Nelle sucks, Sonny does not get to go to Monica's house and berate her guests given HE MURDERED HER SON!

Edited by TeeVee329
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6 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

I was able to see most of the episode and will try to recap what I remember. Anna, Robert, Jason and police going through Peter’s apartment. Jason finds where the flash drive was taped to the bottom of a drawer. Anna calls Robin and tells her she’s flying out today to explain about Peter in person. Michael is moving back into the Quartermain mansion to be close by Nelle/baby. Sonny and Carly talked forever on the prison phones saying the same thing over and over-zzzzzz. Nina goes to visit Maxie (played by another actress because KS was sick for a few days) and tells her about Peter/Valentin. The nurse brings the baby into Maxie’s room. OMG, is that baby cute and precious! Maxie and Nina both get to hold him and coo over him. That’s all I can recall. Boring except for seeing the baby. 

Thanks!  Very kind of you to provide that info.

I agree that it's been a bit boring; same conversations over and over again.

Maybe it's just me, but after Nina's horrific abduction of Ava's baby, then her "appropriation" of Charlotte, I wouldn't be quite as willing as Maxie to let Nina hold little James.  Sure, she loves him but that woman has a few dozen screws loose. 

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I wasn’t watching when Nina abducted Ava’s baby but watching her today with Maxie and the baby, it’s clear that she loves them. And is divorcing Valentin! That shows some growth, doesn’t it? Or not? Like I said, I wasn’t watching before so I don’t know anything about her being so despicable. 

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1 hour ago, texastornado said:

Also, Michael calls Spinelli and asks him to investigate Nelle —anything that would exonerate Carly.  

Michael is definitely playing Nelle.  I like it!  I'm pretty sure the surreptitious looks between him and Jason gave Stone Cold the true picture of what was really going down.    And Michael knew she'd be right outside the door eavesdropping, so he couldn't actually say anything. 

Edited by Ladyrain
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I absolutely hate this Nelle/Carly storyline.  A clever person would cheer against Carly because only a great fool would cheer her on.  I am not a great fool so I clearly cannot root for Carly. However, the writers must know I am not a great fool. They would have counted on it. So I clearly cannot root for Nelle. I haven't remotely made my decision.  Nelle came here with an annoying storyline that hurt Jax and then the storyline took a really odd turn and became the bitch of the century. So I clearly cannot root for Nelle.  But, the writers must know her storyline is ridiculous and that they were writing her as an obnoxious bitch.  They are using that to turn me against her and root for Carly, so I clearly cannot side with the writers and cheer on Carly.  


Screw it.  Let's see more Curtis (without Sam), Drew (without Sam), and cute baby James.

Edited by BlancheDevoreaux
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4 minutes ago, Ladyrain said:

Maybe it's just me, but after Nina's horrific abduction of Ava's baby, then her "appropriation" of Charlotte, I wouldn't be quite as willing as Maxie to let Nina hold little James.  Sure, she loves him but that woman has a few dozen screws loose. 

For awhile I thought the story was going to be that Nina was going to kidnap the baby and raise it as her own. Nina is going to have to make a decision one of these days: which baby that isn't hers does she love and want to possess more, James or Charlotte? 

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