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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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onto a bus back to Bensonhurst




We don't want him!

Is it a "coincidence" that both Howarth and Geary played reformed rapists who subsequently were arc'ed plotwise to fall in love with their rapees?



TODD never fell in love with his rape victim. In fact, that was one of the reasons Howarth left OLTL the first time: Malone desperately wanted to write a Todd/Marty romance and Howarth said FU and walked. Ron did write a rapemance story, but it was Frodd, aka Victor, who 'fell in love' with Marty, not Todd.

  • Love 10

Is it wrong that I muted the Shawn scenes and just enjoyed the view of him in his boxer briefs? 


Tell me no. Tell me no. Tell me no.... 


I'm not gonna lie I was seeing red from his neanderthal hypocritical rant at Jordan, then someone had the nerve to direct that fortunate camera angle of Shawn's heavenly butt in those boxer briefs and for a split second there I forgot what he was saying and was in awe of his magnificant behind.......and then he kept talking and the moment was gone.....


So yah I could get behind ducked tape mouth Shawn. Jordan needs to tie his ass up, stuff him in her closet and just pull him out for sex.

  • Love 2

TODD never fell in love with his rape victim. In fact, that was one of the reasons Howarth left OLTL the first time: Malone desperately wanted to write a Todd/Marty romance and Howarth said FU and walked. Ron did write a rapemance story, but it was Frodd, aka Victor, who 'fell in love' with Marty, not Todd.

Add to that, when Todd returned, he was appalled at the fact that his family would think he would try for a relationship with Marty.

  • Love 6


Roger/Franco and all the permutations he's been given to play have failed, because the actor is phoning it in. He's a smart ass who apparently thinks acting and taking direction is silly. He hasn't earned a cent of his salary, IMO. We're supposed to love him because he is playing Himself, no matter what role he's given. "Oh wow Roger's onscreen!"


This is about where my thinking currently is, too, P3pp3rb1rd. I couldn't believe that the character in the elevator with Nina (when they weren't talking about Carly) was the same person who showed up in Carly's house. I've been watching the inconsistent performances and thinking that the actor is pretty good at sussing out who the current shiny object is. If put in a scene with said object, (ex: currently Nina) then he makes an effort; otherwise, he doesn't.  (But, I'll admit, on the days he's on the show, I spend a fair amount of my time trying to figure out what the heck he's doing, so that's only today's WTF? theory.)


Add to that the sheer stupidity of two 40-something adults in a "great" love affair acting like jealous 13-year-olds who only trust each other when they're in each other's sightlines despite their protestations otherwise, and you'll understand why I'm so happy playing in the euchre tournament on the barge. 

Edited by rur
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Hi y'all.  Longtime lurker and occasional poster over at TWOP.  My soap was OLTL and man alive I miss that show.  Have watched GH on and off for like 20+ years.  I started watching back when Frisco was hero not a deadbeat dad and keep up thru all of your amazing posts. 


Don't Ron and Frank realize that Franco was created by James FRANCO as part of a THESIS project for his acting PhD at Yale?  I love Roger Howarth with all of his weirdness and varying hair lengths and colors, but I can't stomach him in this part.  He is capable of great stuff (see any scene he ever had with Erika Slezak and Kassie dePaiva on OLTL or his work on ATWT when Paul was with his family) and here it's like you can see him adding up his bank balance in his head because there's no other reason he took this gig. Or he's trolling us.   I can't make heads or tails of why Franco exists and when the actor looks the same way, it ain't right.


Sonny is so going to get away with murdering AJ, isn't he? Le Sigh.

Edited by OnceSane
No need for bolding entire post.
  • Love 5

For the love of Gloria Monty, I needed to see Chris Harrison when Sonny made his "escape".


Tell me his moobs saved his ankles.


If I could see Sonny in some Mexican hospital after breaking his ankles/feet/legs a la the crew member, that would be fantastic.  Even better if we found out Sonny's real last name is "Putz".



And Franco isn't in love with Michael. Or Sam.


Wait for it...


Welcome, @MrsBerk !

  • Love 1

Pardon my repetition, but this dude is the king of Being Impressed with Himself. FalseLuke/Real Luke/Tony seem to be merging more and more as the years go by, and the pathetic ghoul we are witnessing now is the result. I think he cares about his acting a shade more than Howarth, but that ain't sayin' much.


Is it a "coincidence" that both Howarth and Geary played reformed rapists who subsequently were arc'ed plotwise to fall in love with their rapees? Looks like we've had a nest of this type on GH, no doubt arranged by Geary, who has long dominated GH. Let's sweep 'em both out in the gutter where they belong.


Tony Geary is currently off recovering from some very severe injuries and illness, and this time (unlike others) I think his absence is warranted because of his grave health situation. In the past, I have thought he needs to stop taking his constant vacations, and I think he does deeply resent the more heroic elements of the character of Luke and the Luke and Laura phenomenon - he has often talked about how exciting the murkier Bill Eckert character was for him, and I think he pushed to work elements of that portrayal into the 'darker' Luke of the late '90s and then the 2000s. I think some of it worked very well and was important for an honest treatment of Luke, but I think some of it has destroyed the character which deeply needs rehabilitation.


That all being said, there is absolutely zero chance on Planet Earth that Tony Geary has somehow "arranged for" more ex-rapist/murderer characters like Luke to be added to GH. He does not and has never had that kind of power nor would he give a shit. There is no grand puppet master pulling the strings behind the scenes - they're not all curling their lips at each other while someone's back is turned, and plotting evil schemes against each other like their characters on the show or some Jacqueline Susann novel.


As for Roger Howarth, he can do good work when the character is there - he has done it as recently as last year with Todd Manning on both GH and OLTL, as well as since he first returned to ABC three years ago. He will always be somewhat irreverent onscreen and he can and will play with the dialogue, but a lot of that is so ingrained into his soap persona that it is actively written for in the scripts. And I think he did his best to try to inject some emotion and pathos into some of the past Franco stuff - trying to sell his emotions for Carly, etc. But it didn't work - there's no 'there' there, and he can't make something out of a train wreck. So instead he's just coasting. In this instance I cannot blame him, but he still has to get off GH.


(Also, I am almost positive Fluke never mentioned a "Woody" - I think people mistook that line when I believe he actually said 'honey' to whoever he was on the phone with.)

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 5


(Also, I am almost positive Fluke never mentioned a "Woody" - I think people mistook that line when I believe he actually said 'honey' to whoever he was on the phone with.)

Boy, I hope your right. I am adding my ears playing tricks on me to my nightly prayers....at least then we would not be subjected to some more awful Sonny Back Story with Bill. And maybe just maybe Fluke could turn out to be Damian Smith.

  So far, Tracy's having a shitty week. She not only got fired, she got evicted and she got read for filth not once, not twice, but three times by Alice, Michael and Ned and I loved every moment of it, especially Ned. His putting Tracy on full blast for what she and Fluke are doing to ELQ was 1000% right, whether it was about Tracy's sabotaging the company on Fluke's behalf, their annulment being a sham, how disappointed Edward would be in her if he was still alive and how Monica would totally agree with Ned's decision to throw Tracy out on her ass. Like Ned said, Michael is Monica's last link to AJ and losing him too would destroy her, which is something that Ava would do well to remember.


   Edward wasn't a "perfect" man nor a perfect father by any means, but IMO he more than atoned for those sins when he gave his life to save Emma's. Edward did what he did because it was the right thing to do, not just to cover his own ass, unlike, say, Sonny's role in getting Alice her new heart by bribing someone to be Mickey Diamond's sister, like that would even remotely make up for Sonny's killing AJ. Michael's firing Tracy was awesome, proving that he's not the total fool that Tracy and Fluke took him for after all-something that Sonny and/or Carly would do well to remember.

  • Love 4
Michael is Monica's last link to AJ and losing him too would destroy her, which is something that Ava would do well to remember.


Ava doesn't care one iota about Monica, but she does care about Lauren. Lauren's relationship with Michael will be what prevents Ava from killing him. I can see her injuring him a bit, though. Just enough for Ava to win some points from Fake!Luke.

Edited by dubbel zout
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how disappointed Edward would be in her if he was still alive




While I do like Ned quite a bit, he was talking out of his ass about what Edward would find "disappointing" with Tracy's actions, not that Tracy, the real Tracy, would have ever let it get this far anyhow. Once again Ron proves he knows little to nothing about real GH history or the Q clan.



Michael's firing Tracy was awesome, proving that he's not the total fool that Tracy and Fluke took him for after all




Well he's fool enough, imo, and Michael is the least threatening figure on the show. Spencer has more chutzpah by far. He was spoon fed information thanks to Alice, it wasn't as if that sleepy eyed bore would have had any idea of the truth otherwise or suspicions. I don't see what Carly and Sonny have to fear, all this Michael will do, if anything, is cry and feel "hurt" and then get over whatever happened.

  • Love 1

Sobby's back, Sonny's on a sex kick, and I can't hold back.


Sobby good:

1. The actress looks good for being what, 2 months out from baby?

2. Leaving aside the script, which I will address, the actress did a good job acting through the exposition and crap Ron and the writers handed her. As good as she has ever been, right out of the starting blocks.

3. The make-up and lighting people did a great job making her look like a saint, I am assuming she will be the angel to Sam's devil.


Sobby bad:

1. Are you kidding me? No twitter, no facebook, no google, no whatever the hell PCTV's name is this week website? Felix didn't clue his best friend ever Sabrina in? BS. Bull Shit. This plotline and scripting sucks. The lines sucked.

2. Sobby the character would have been saved for me if after Patrick said he brain deaded Rafe, she had said "Great Job, Grab your keys, let's get some steaks." Even better if he had come back with "Be careful talking, I have everyone else convinced it was an accident".


Carly and Franco. Ron actually made me feel sorry for the serial killer, because Carly (script and actress) sold me on hating her for being a hobag with that betrayal kiss. Also, I was right, she kept the robe on all night.


Nina and Franco. Looks like Franco and her are actually going to hook up, Not sure what that does for either one long term, but let's get past this silly chair and Rafe story.


Sam is the worst investigator ever. "Hmm, here are 4 new $100 bills. What could I ever do with these? Meh, why bother looking at them, or hell, the wallet at all. Oh, cell phone. I am going to play candy crush."


Why does Sonny care so much where his killer parked his peen last night? Honestly, where did this level of caring come from?


I have no idea what purpose the Alexis/Q family/Fluke update served other than filling air time. Was all that for a 30 second flirt?


Why is Jordan being such a drama queen with Julian? Isn't she supposed to be undercover?

Sabrina's hair really seemed to get in touch with its Spanish roots while she was away, quite literally. Nice to see she's just as lifeless and boring as when she left, never change kiddo!


If Patrick won't even bother to shave I can't be bothered to try and pay attention to anything he says.


Why am I finding Sam so annoying right now-damn you Ron. This is all so inane and ridiculous.


All things Sonny and Carly make my skin crawl.


Why wasn't Julian shirtless? Now that he and Alexis are over and he wouldn't be cheating, he and Jordan were looking very...doable together I thought. Though it's clear he's well aware that notLuke is truly notLuke. I like how he makes sure to swear the truth on his family's lives in a way that seems disingenuous but isn't so he keeps people guessing.


Alexis, shut up-no pity for you, stop throwing the party because I, for one, don't want a seat at that table.


In the previews, is Franco really thinking that Morgan and Michael would want to bother easing his concerns and worries over their parents getting back together? Is he ever going to be given back a brain?

Edited by CPP83

Someone must have laced my sprite with lsd because I not only thought TCa looked great, but I actually liked Sabrina.


The rest was more pointless filler.  Hopefully Sept will bring some much needed plot movement because nothing has happened this summer.  What drew me to GH back in '92 was then even then the plot was always moving forward.   Sure, sometimes secrets were dragged out for more than a year, but there was always forward movement.  The last few months, the show has been spinning its wheels and it is growing more obvious and tiresome by the day.  

Edited by Tiger
I thought one of Fluke's big goals was to get rid of Sonny? Why not have Ava kill Sonny instead?!?


You're asking the motives of a guy who threatened Spencer with harm to Emma rather than snapping his neck and throwing him in the lake. [That's Spencer ... the character .... and I sure hope his Stage Mom doesn't police this place like she does twitter].  Fluke readily did away with a handy guy who was willing to execute his hits, and he certainly hasn't shown any need for Spencer in his plot. He's supposedly a stone cold sociopath, so there's no 'oh, but this is a kid' kind of thought going on.


But this is Ron, and logic ain't his forte.

Silas is such an ueber unsexy douche. Wonder if there's any chance Frank V has finally soured on ME?


Here are the previews, since I know the NYC affiliate cut them off today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GC4__ijKoa4


Just watch that. Way better than anything that happened in today's show, except Ned and Alexis.

Edited by ulkis
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Silas is such an ueber unsexy douche. Wonder if there's any chance Frank V has finally soured on ME?


I pretty much always thought John McBain was an uber unsexy douche so this is really just more of the same for me.


Regarding the previews - are they really not going back to the Maxie/Lulu kidnapping AT ALL this week?  Oh Ron, it's okay to give Sonny and Carly and Franco and Nina a day off.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 1

You're asking the motives of a guy who threatened Spencer with harm to Emma rather than snapping his neck and throwing him in the lake. [That's Spencer ... the character .... and I sure hope his Stage Mom doesn't police this place like she does twitter].  Fluke readily did away with a handy guy who was willing to execute his hits, and he certainly hasn't shown any need for Spencer in his plot. He's supposedly a stone cold sociopath, so there's no 'oh, but this is a kid' kind of thought going on.


But this is Ron, and logic ain't his forte.


Then there's the small matter of RC pulling crap out of his ass with no thought as to what came before or what will come after. Shut off your brain when you watch.

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I pretty much always thought John McBain was an uber unsexy douche so this is really just more of the same for me.


By Silas, I mean "McBain/Silas/Stephen Clay/whoever the hell ME is playing today" :)


Regarding the previews - are they really not going back to the Maxie/Lulu kidnapping AT ALL this week?  Oh Ron, it's okay to give Sonny and Carly and Franco and Nina a day off.



Maybe they'll be randomly inserted. I don't really care we won't be seeing them tomorrow, but it is especially dumb since no one informed the promo guys that this week would barely feature them (this week's promo was all about the kidnapping). (And it started off with "everyone warned her . . . and everyone was right!" and it just made me hate Maxie and this stupid plot all over again).


I'm still wishing for Julian and Jordan to make out.


Nina and Franco scenes were like watching a torturous improv skit today. It felt like a "I'll say a word and you say the first word that pops into your mind" game between them today, that when on and on for like an hour. 

Edited by ulkis
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are they really not going back to the Maxie/Lulu kidnapping AT ALL this week?


I'm okay with this. A little of all those people together goes a very long way for me.


So Sonny wants Shawn to take Franco out. What could possibly go wrong?


Nothing at all! What could you possibly mean? ;-) LOL that it took Sonny this long.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Today was brought to you by hair product.

All I got was Ned and Alexis, I want it.

Nina's shirt, I like it.

Sabrina's hair is now big enough to hide all her secrets. Too bad she has none. Sadness.

Who cares about Shawn wearing clothes? Not me.

Who cares about Jordan losing IQ points? Not me.

My God, and who ever cared about Fluke?

  • Love 4
Given Connie, his "great love" and ghost wife, was two slampieces ago, I wouldn't be surprised if he had completely forgotten that was the reason he wanted to kill Ava.


"I want Ava dead, but why again? Because she's pregnant? No, it might be mine or whatisname's. Because she's related to Julian? Maybe, but he can take care of her. Because of Carly? No, but a blonde woman kind of rings a bell...."

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 7
Patrick looks as thrilled as I do about seeing Sabrina.

Given JT's rep for tanking scenes he considers "beneath him", this comes as no surprise.


Well that is b/c she LEFT town I tell ya, she had the nerve to leave and Sam has BEEN THERE for him(during the trauma of losing his job) when everyone else was out of sight out of mind....well in Patrick's world.

It is now inconvenient for him to deal with her. He only likes his wimmins hanging on his every word.

No kidding. Robin barely had her ass out the door and he was drawing up divorce papers, and Sabrinas plane practically hadn't even left the runway before he was eying up Sam. He rivals Sonny when it comes too having a constant parade of bed warmers.

Edited by Stinger97
Fixed quote.

Shawn is never gonna live down that botched hit on Franco from last year, is he?  But considering what a hypocritcal assclown he's being, I'm OK with that.  Jordan, you deserve better.


Sonny and Carly, on the other hand, deserve each other and a hell of a lot more once the reveal about AJ comes out.


Sabrina, I haven't missed you one bit.


Not!Luke is terrible at being a boss, otherwise Sonny would be dead by now.

  • Love 5
Patrick could have recapped what happened with Rafe to Sabrina off screen.


I bet we're at the point where the scripts caught up to them finding out TG would be out longer than expected. We've had a few long exposition scenes, not to mention the horrible day of three-ways.


Not!Luke is terrible at being a boss, otherwise Sonny would be dead by now.


He hasn't even tried, that's what I don't understand. Of course we know Sonny won't die (alas), but sheesh. Make an effort.

Edited by dubbel zout

I like Sam's jumpsuit. I liked the style of Jordan's dress.


Jordan/Julian needs to happen stat. Why won't GH let me have nice things.


I enjoyed the Ned/Alexis scenes.


Why is MB the only one that gets long and/or repeated sex scenes????


This show sucks! The pacing on this show is awful! Why do I still watch this shit?!?

  • Love 6

I'm sure we have a week of omg everyone learns Maxie and lulu were kidnapped, then Maxie/Lulu get rescued. Then we learn what is Levi. Then the cast tells us what we saw. Then Sabrina visits Carlos and tells him everything that's happened this year. And, um then Franco figures out CarSon and gets a sad and a mad. He vents to Nina. Then Franco gets the recording. But gives it to Nina. Why? Because. George and Nina then talk about the recording. For a week. Ava drinks water. Micheal and Morgan pout. Silas is bored. Silas is kind of the avatar for us, and we hate it. Patrick and Sam do stuff. Alexis acts like a child. Nik acts like one too. Liz and Britt cat fight meow. The prize sucks. Nothing big happens, but we hear talking about it.

Then in November, yes November, Franco and Nina get the recording to Micheal who's been injured by Ava in the hospital and he thinks he saw ghosts. He gets a sad and a mad. Shit happens.

And somehow Jason is crammed into this bullshit.

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