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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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8 hours ago, Auntie Velvet said:

I'm assuming Alexis is not really pregnant, or even thinking it, because the scene cut when she "had to tell" Sonny something. We didn't hear the conversation, which was probably, "I've been setting up acting sick to my stomach to plant the seed in Julian's mind." 

Sonny's hypocrisy about Julian's danger to Alexis was especially fun today, because only a couple of years ago he was threatening to kill his true love Carly (over the accidental Olivia shooting) if Olivia didn't survive.

Yeah, but Julian's a coward because he's Julian and Olivia didn't order the hit on his truw wuv Deuq and.... wait, my brain hurts....

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32 minutes ago, OhioSongbird said:

Yep....swimming was what I heard, too.  He is a cutie pie but you know we can't just have a cute & nice guy on this show.  Even Dante & Nathan have some baggage.  What's his back story ya suppose.

Still want to hear about TC.  I want him back with Ava.  They have some nice chem and slow burn.  New guy is OK but miscast as Nik....IMO.

and, new guy has more disturbing tattoos that TC does. LOL!! I'm a snob when it comes to body art. LOL!! Nick Stabile really does give off the Sean Kanan vibe. He has been doing a lot better as the days have been going on. He's also growing facial hair so he might be here a while. I haven't heard anything about return date for TC.

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11 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

If anyone wants to see MB's general "shtick" of quiet, glowering menace done really successfully

Just go back and watch Robert LaSardo as Manny. He was scary without saying a word.

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Why did the minion knock on the barn door and Jason answered like he lived there? Who knocks on a barn door? How did Aaron sneak up on Kristina with that loud ass gravel underfoot? I've heard of a few women in their 60's conceiving children. Why are people so convinced Alexis isn't pregnant?

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Alexis brings home a sonogram, and it's an pencil etching of a baby in a stomach, like that woman coming home from Las Vegas commercial.

Off topic, but I totally love that Vegas commercial. Her "Selfie!" in reference to a drawing just cracks me up.

So I'm still catching up but I'm up to yesterday which I haven't seen yet. I enjoyed Ghost Carlos, even though he's past his expiration date figuratively and literally. I just love seeing JVP commit so much and his maniacal laughs are always good. Haven't seen the pregnancy stuff just yet, but I'm liking the Julexis stuff simply because it isn't boring. Plus with Carlos suggesting all the ways that Julian could kill her was faintly reminiscent of that comedic horror scene in American Werewolf in London.

Agree with whoever way upthread said that TeCa's line reading and reaction to Teddy being brought in was horrendously awful. That entire sequence annoyed me, and I'm not even sure why. Maybe because it had so many people in one room that I don't care about, or maybe because I'm still pissed they brought back the sainted Dr. Michael Easton and continue to fawn over him almost as much as Sonny.

Ava/Temp Nik continue to make me interested and want to tune in. I'm still holding out for TC to come back, but Temp Nik is growing on me and I'm very much looking forward to their interaction from yesterday. They're just fun.

Dante looked hot as hell from the previews for yesterday's show. They finally have got his hair just the way I like it, and his scruff is perfect too. Yum. 

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10 hours ago, BlackMamba said:

I mean is Julian this stupid???   Is he!   I get it's a soap but even with Alexis age he should be like "Huh,  wait a minute!"   ??

Well, he did also buy into the idea that Alexis was 16 idea back when she was really 25 and determined to lose her virginity at that bar.

What? I stick to my fanwanks. The show in my head has wonderful continuity.

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35 minutes ago, Francie said:

Well, he did also buy into the idea that Alexis was 16 idea back when she was really 25 and determined to lose her virginity at that bar.

What? I stick to my fanwanks. The show in my head has wonderful continuity.


Chile,  if Alexis is pregnant I guess it makes sense.   She's a Cassadine.  They rise from the dead why not get pregnant at the tender age of 60.

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I forgot to mention that Jason and Sam are every bit as sappy as me and my boyfriend are, so I can't fault them for that. I've sent and received that "miss you already" text numerous times.

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Oh my god. Show

Danny Morgan was born in a random motel room and kidnapped the same day. He wasn't back with Jason and Sam until the night Jason got shot on the docks and died. A newborn Danny wasn't in the hospital and Alexis wouldn't have a picture with Sam/Danny in a hospital room.

Get it together, Show. 

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Someone needs to tell the writers that pointing out in her dialogue that Anna shouldn't be working with/shouldn't trust Sonny doesn't make it any less ridiculous that she's working with/trusting Sonny.

The writing definitely seems to be on Kiki/Dillon's side with Morgan as the angst.  And damn it, Carly, way to pick NOW to unload on Kiki, the one time I'm firmly on her side.

Ugh, and so the Claudette shit begins.

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2 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Someone needs to tell the writers that pointing out in her dialogue that Anna shouldn't be working with/shouldn't trust Sonny doesn't make it any less ridiculous that she's working with/trusting Sonny.

They have to lampshade it somehow, even if it's ridiculous.

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1 minute ago, BlackMamba said:

So as expected,  she's not pregnant.   I can't help that cracked up when Julian whipped out the pregnancy test on Alexis, even though this is a ridiculous storyline. 

Thank god.  This show already  has too many baby accessories.

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37 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Someone needs to tell the writers that pointing out in her dialogue that Anna shouldn't be working with/shouldn't trust Sonny doesn't make it any less ridiculous that she's working with/trusting Sonny.

The writing definitely seems to be on Kiki/Dillon's side with Morgan as the angst.  And damn it, Carly, way to pick NOW to unload on Kiki, the one time I'm firmly on her side.

Ugh, and so the Claudette shit begins.

It did seem on Kiki/Dillon's side. Gah, Morgan is such a turd. Gonna give Dillon a talking to because the Dante/Lulu stuff means he has no boundaries? Meanwhile he and Michael kept passing Kiki between them back and forth.

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5 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Meanwhile he and Michael kept passing Kiki between them back and forth.

I don't know why Lauren allows this. Neither brother is a great prize, given that they both have Sonny and Carly up in their business.

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1 minute ago, dubbel zout said:

I don't know why Lauren allows this. Neither brother is a great prize, given that they both have Sonny and Carly up in their business.

Amen! Personally, I'm kind of squicked out by how much Morgan tells his parents about his love life. It seems to me that Morgan's the one with no boundaries. 

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7 hours ago, ByaNose said:



7 hours ago, ByaNose said:

and, new guy has more disturbing tattoos that TC does. LOL!! I'm a snob when it comes to body art. LOL!! Nick Stabile really does give off the Sean Kanan vibe. He has been doing a lot better as the days have been going on. He's also growing facial hair so he might be here a while. I haven't heard anything about return date for TC.

Nick Stabile gives off a Sean Kanan vibe? That settles it! When Nick's run is up as, well, Nik, they can send the actor off canvas for a couple of months until they come up with another AJ is alive storyline. Anyhoo, so Claudette made just as big a fool out of Griffin as she did Nathan? That's nice! What now? Griffin and Nathan team up to destroy her? Too bad Maxie will feel sorry for Griffin and dump her fiancee, right? But then Griffin has no romantic interest in Maxie, right? Pfft!

Edited by Syndicate
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5 minutes ago, rur said:

I'm kind of squicked out by how much Morgan tells his parents about his love life.

There are a lot of conversations on this show between parent and child that would be much better held between friends. That's why you need to build a decent canvas, so that kids aren't talking to their parents about not getting it up. (I have no idea if Morgan has ever mentioned this to either Sonny or Carly, but you get my point.)

Edited by dubbel zout
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Just now, dubbel zout said:

There are a lot of conversations on this show between parent and child that would be much better held between friends. That's why you need to build a decent canvas, so that kids aren't talking to their parents about not getting it up. (I have no idea if Morgan has ever mentioned this to either Sonny or Carly, but you get my point.)

Seriously.  Keeks had to moan about Morgan's nonfunctioning boner to fuckin' Franco because she has no friends.  This age group is such a disaster, particularly since they have to parachute in shallow, one-note nobodies like Darby and WhatsHisName to keep it afloat.

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I was torn between saying "seriously, Carly?" and "finally, this should have been Carly's attitude from about day 2". Although I guess this does lend credence to the theory that Carly only really was nice because she expected for Kiki to play nursemaid to Morgan.

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4 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Seriously.  Keeks had to moan about Morgan's nonfunctioning boner to fuckin' Franco because she has no friends.  This age group is such a disaster, particularly since they have to parachute in shallow, one-note nobodies like Darby and WhatsHisName to keep it afloat.

Well, there are only so many people that Michael can hand-hold. His parents and Morgan take up a lot of his time; factor in Sabrina and her giant baby, and there's no room for any other youngsters because they can't be connected to the Corinthii. 

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Since show is forgetting Alexis's age and the fact that she had chemo, I don't understand why Julian is so shocked that she may be pregnant, after all, to quote Lucky; "they have been rutting like barn animals" for a while and no one uses bc on this dumb show.

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why Julian is so shocked that she may be pregnant,

Looks like Julian is playing shocked seeing as he pulled out a pregnancy test and told her to take it.  He's not as dumb as Sonny and clearly realized this was a fake out to get him to confess.  I will give credit to Alexis through because she worked that story as hard as she could.  

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Carly only really was nice because she expected for Kiki to play nursemaid to Morgan.

Carly's reaction to Dillon and Kiki kissing was a beautiful thing.  She seemed more perturbed by the kissing than at any time that either Sonny and/or her kids shot/killed someone or were shot at. 

Thankfully, Anna was on this episode set.  Thanks writers for letting us know that Anna is 'generally aware' (Deflategate reference) that Sonny is a big bad monster.

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There are a lot of conversations on this show between parent and child that would be much better held between friends. That's why you need to build a decent canvas, so that kids aren't talking to their parents about not getting it up. (I have no idea if Morgan has ever mentioned this to either Sonny or Carly, but you get my point.)

Off topic, but back in the day, Kate on Days of our Lives was the gold standard for being all up in the sex lives and romantic lives of her adult children (Austin, Billie, and Lucas). The dynamics in that family, coupled with the crude dialogue and some bad acting (not the actress who played Kate, who was always good), made it cross over into being hilarious. The two sons wanted the same woman at one point, and she favored one over the other and was always meddling. There was a scene where the loser son (Lucas, who was sort of the Days version of AJ) said, "I'm sick of coming in second with you, Mom. But I'm gonna be the number one man with Carrie" and did a little pelvic thrust. I had to rewind it to make sure I had seen and heard what I thought I had.  

I guess I have to say something about today's General Hospital. Another small reason to get on board with Killon: No couple yet has looked better under the harsh sunlight of "the park."  

Episode MVP: Finola. She is so good. There are people on this show who are completely unbelievable as whatever their job is supposed to be. I love the way her investigative/interrogative side comes out in her line deliveries even when she's not working. There was one line today in the scene with Griffin where just with a few words, she got across that she thought something he said was such bullshit. I think it was "Allowed yourself to be [seduced]?"

Edited by Asp Burger
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23 minutes ago, Mrs OldManBalls said:
7 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Just go back and watch Robert LaSardo as Manny. He was scary without saying a word.

He was another fantastic actor and villan sacrificed for Sonny. Blarg. 

More like Jason. Manny ended up going after Sam all the time and Jason finally ended up killing him.

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I was to tired today to go to the gym So dumb me I thought I would watch live.First we get Sonny on his high horse, spouting his bs I am better than you Julian. your a killer. Then Anna climbs on her high horse, and wants to know how Griffen could give the last rights to that man? fall off the horse Anna. he is a priest. He gives the last rites, and he doesn't do the forgiving, he speaks for God. Duke was also a killer. TIIC of this mess have made me want to smack Anna.. Then we have Morgan, telling his mother from hell, Dillon has no bounderies, you screwed Kiki's mother. bounderies, that was it. I got dressed, and went to the gym. My doctors will thank tiic of this show.

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I am still knitting my brows over Alexis being pregnant...how did Sonny know about her pregnancy before she did? Is Sonny such a yenta now that he keeps up with the statuses of the neighborhood gals' menstrual cycles?  Is someone (GASP!) lying?

  1. Sonny tells Julian that Alexis is pregnant.
  2. Julian goes to Alexis to ask if she is pregnant.
  3. Alexis looks startled but admits that she is pregnant
  4. Julian beams with tenderness and abandons immediate plans to murder Alexis.
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3 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

There are a lot of conversations on this show between parent and child that would be much better held between friends. That's why you need to build a decent canvas, so that kids aren't talking to their parents about not getting it up. (I have no idea if Morgan has ever mentioned this to either Sonny or Carly, but you get my point.)

I've said that before about this show. Too many times people are having conversations with family members  that you would have with you're close best friends.  But there's no friendships on this show. Who in real life chats away about their sex lives with the parents and siblings?

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5 minutes ago, In2You said:

Who in real life chats away about their sex lives with the parents and siblings?

No one? I have a brother, so maybe it's different if you have a sister - but I definitely wouldn't discuss my sex life with my parents. I don't expect a realistic depiction of life from this show but it really would be nice if they could use the bloated cast to integrate lives some more.

I know Alexis is self-absorbed but can't she be shown have concern for her nephew or his son? She used to have a loving bond with Nik, it's super annoying that she doesn't give a fig about Spencer right now. Honestly, she is a lawyer in Port Charles, does she really think that any DA will actually ever manage to get her in prison?

High five to Julian for bringing the pregnancy test. I'm glad to see his brain isn't completely dead.

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I am still knitting my brows over Alexis being pregnant...how did Sonny know about her pregnancy before she did?

I thought that that was what S/A talked about when she said "I have to tell you something" before the commercial break yesterday. She either told him she had a plan to fake pregnancy to neutralize Julian and record him admitting guilt or, if this is the way the show goes with it, that she actually is pregnant. Either way, I'm sure Sonny's going to the MetroCourt and "accidentally" revealing Alexis's pregnancy was part of the scam.  

Edited by Asp Burger
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Those tulips Morgan gave Carly are really pretty. I'd think he'd go for the prefab bouquet.

13 minutes ago, lovelynn said:

it really would be nice if they could use the bloated cast to integrate lives some more.

Cast integration has been lacking for at least a decade. Everyone is in their own story bubble, and rarely do they ever cross. It's so dumb. They all live in the same town!

17 minutes ago, lovelynn said:

it's super annoying that she doesn't give a fig about Spencer right now.

Speaking of lack of cast integration, how often have we seen them together? Spencer is usually with Laura, or Liz. TBH, I can't blame Alexis for not wanting to spend much time with that stupid little shit. He's intolerable.

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27 minutes ago, lovelynn said:

No one? I have a brother, so maybe it's different if you have a sister - but I definitely wouldn't discuss my sex life with my parents. I don't expect a realistic depiction of life from this show but it really would be nice if they could use the bloated cast to integrate lives some more.


I have a sister and we're only a few years apart in age and we never bring up sex in convos together.

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I can't blame Alexis for not wanting to spend much time with that stupid little shit. He's intolerable.

And, she's been a little bit busy right now.  If Alexis currently had no storyline and was sittnig at home painting her toenails, then fine, she should be taken to task for not paying attention to Nik.  But she's been dealing with her husband killing someone, destroyin the evidence, announcing that they aren't divorcing, then being arrested for said murder.  I'll give her a breather that she isn't grieving her nephew's supposed death or wondering why her past/futre son in law is wanted for said death.  

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5 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Someone needs to tell the writers that pointing out in her dialogue that Anna shouldn't be working with/shouldn't trust Sonny doesn't make it any less ridiculous that she's working with/trusting Sonny.

The writing definitely seems to be on Kiki/Dillon's side with Morgan as the angst.  And damn it, Carly, way to pick NOW to unload on Kiki, the one time I'm firmly on her side.

Ugh, and so the Claudette shit begins.

All of this is why I'm on the barge.  

Volleyball is starting up, to be followed by the weekly alumni Songfests (paging Rick Springfield!)

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1 hour ago, lovelynn said:

Who in real life chats away about their sex lives with the parents and siblings?

Talking with your parents about your sex life is definitely very icky. Siblings on the other hand, I think that's different. I think it depends on the type of person you are and the bond you have with your sibling. Like me, I'm not close with any of my siblings so I don't discuss much (let alone my sex life) with my siblings. My husband on the other hand is very close with his sister, but he doesn't have the type of personality to discuss that stuff with her. Like I can't imagine Nikolas discussing his sex life with Lulu, but I could see him discussing certain things with Lucky. I don't think Dante would discuss his sex life with any of his siblings (though that might have more to do with the age difference with his siblings.)


15 minutes ago, Perkie said:

And, she's been a little bit busy right now.  If Alexis currently had no storyline and was sittnig at home painting her toenails, then fine, she should be taken to task for not paying attention to Nik.  But she's been dealing with her husband killing someone, destroyin the evidence, announcing that they aren't divorcing, then being arrested for said murder.  I'll give her a breather that she isn't grieving her nephew's supposed death or wondering why her past/futre son in law is wanted for said death.  

Yeah I blame this more on the writers. They compartmentalize storylines so much they either forgot Alexis and Nik are related (and used to be close) or decided not to have Alexis talk about Nikolas for a scene or two.

Edited by FilmTVGeek80
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Just so I'm not going crazy they were using the soft/blurry/fuzzy lens on KS today, right? It was so bizarre to see it in daytime. Of course, Barbara Walters used one for years but she's like 100. LOL!!! Now, I see (or, not really because I can't even say what was wrong with her face) why KS had to take a break. Between the soft lens & far away shots I couldn't get into Maixe & Nathan. I also doubt get into it when Molly Burnett takes over, too. <sigh>

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1 hour ago, Asp Burger said:



I am still knitting my brows over Alexis being pregnant...how did Sonny know about her pregnancy before she did?

I thought that that was what S/A talked about when she said "I have to tell you something" before the commercial break yesterday. She either told him she had a plan to fake pregnancy to neutralize Julian and record him admitting guilt or, if this is the way the show goes with it, that she actually is pregnant. Either way, I'm sure Sonny's going to the MetroCourt and "accidentally" revealing Alexis's pregnancy was part of the scam.  

When Sonny and Anna talked today, one of them said something about "their plan" working. That made me think that Anna proposed the pregnancy idea to Alexis in the police station. And then, as Asp Burger said, that was the "something" that Alexis told Sonny. 


Regardless, kudos to Julian for bringing the pregnancy kit. I don't like to see him letting Alexis twist in the wind, but since, IMO, the Justice for Duke crusade was a misbegotten idea from the beginning, I don't mind seeing Anna thwarted on this particular issue. 

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1 minute ago, ByaNose said:

Just so I'm not going crazy they were using the soft/blurry/fuzzy lens on KS today, right?

They've been doing it for a couple of weeks, but it was really pronounced today.  Also she was fussing with her hair a lot to make sure it covered her face, but even so, you could see that her cheeks were a bit swollen. I feel bad for her; it would make anyone feel self-conscious, but her job is dependent on her appearance, so that makes it even more difficult.

I have a horrible feeling that Alexis isn't faking being pregnant and that Julian asking her to take a pregnancy test is supposed to be more evidence of what a monster he is, rather than the perfectly sensible request of a person who understands that his wife is 127-years-old. The week started out so promising, what with Ghost Carlos advocating all manner of grisly deaths for her, but now this fuckery has ruined it.

Nik and Ava are fun together, and it was nice of him to give her his shirt when she spilled wine on her blouse, although that doesn't explain why neither one of them were wearing pants.

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41 minutes ago, fishcakes said:

rather than the perfectly sensible request of a person who understands that his wife is 127-years-old.

Oh, come on she's not that old. The only issue with a potential pregnancy is the menopause thing (which I don't remember exactly but apparently happened) and possibly her going through chemo (I didn't realize women who had chemo couldn't have a baby, but that's been brought up as a stumbling bock.) Alexis isn't frickin' Grandma Moses. Women older than her have gotten pregnant in real life.

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Soap ages are notoriously elastic, and I doubt anyone currently associated with GH remembers this (maybe NLG does), but by my calculations Alexis would be 49 now. Her age was given onscreen as 35 when Megan McTavish was writing and the Carly/Sonny/Alexis triangle was ongoing. That was early 2002.   

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Though there's two more episodes this week, I'm gonna say nothing will beat this line for most clueless:

"Dillon doesn't care about boundaries."  Yes, Morgan, you are so right: because NOT sleeping with a woman from his past when she was separated from her husband is far, far, far worse than sleeping with your girlfriend's mother-posing-as-her-aunt.  I mean, that's just giving in to a connection, right? 

And Kiki totally seemed like she's only giving Morgan a chance anyway because she feels if she doesn't he'll go off his meds again. 


Soap ages are notoriously elastic, and I doubt anyone currently associated with GH remembers this (maybe NLG does), but by my calculations Alexis would be 49 now. Her age was given onscreen as 35 when Megan McTavish was writing and the Carly/Sonny/Alexis triangle was ongoing. That was early 2002.   

I thought when the Sam adoption story came to light her birth year was given as 1964, making her 52.

Edited by Cheyanne11
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