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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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This episode was a mess and actively disgusting in a lot of ways but ngl I enjoyed some of it. Clearly I've lost my mind.

I still like Nik/Ava with Temp!Nik tbh. I actually like Temp!Nik. He's nothing like real Nik but whatever real Nik blows now anyway.

Everything, every single thing, having to do with Nina today was horrible. HORRIBLE. I can't. This needs to stop. Get rid of her already PLEASE!

I begrudgingly liked the Franco/Liz scenes from Monday but today was gross. Just no. Everyone has already covered why the scenes were the worst so I won't repeat it.

I fast forwarded everything Jason/Sam again because they're just soooo boring. I'd rather be grossed out or outraged then falling asleep.

I also fast forwarded the Kiki/Morgan scenes. Mostly because Morgan's hair scares me. I can't believe they're still trying to sell Morgan/Kiki as some grand romance. It's just laughable and enraging.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 7

Well, that was a disgusting hour of television. Mainly because of all the Franco. Nina's Franco fantasy where Franco can't believe it's not butter. Franco making toast. Franco having a sad. Franco kissing the town pariah who wasn't.

Who's the babysitter watching Cam and Aiden upstairs? Is it Bobby Martin? Is he showing them his skis?

I thought Morgan was surprisingly mature (!) when Dillon came back to the apartment. And Dillon was nice in offering to share that tiny cup of soup with him. So if we must do this triangle, and evidently we must, then so far, it's not so bad.

New Nik sounds like Real Nik but looks like AJ so I find his scenes confusing. I do like him with Ava, and I liked TC with Ava too, but this storyline is boring.

  • Love 11

That was an episode of GH.

I like Jasam but they need to give them more time and give their story real stakes. Right now, they are just walking around and there is no sense of urgency. The times Jasam had adventure there was always some urgency to the story. Someone chasing them such as Jerry/police. Right now, I think they too forgot why they started this. All they need to do is snap a picture/video of Nik and send it to Jordan. Adventure over. If they want to save Nik, they can do it after. Although, I wish they wouldn't try to save that idiot. 

As for Liz and Franco. Ugh! I mean I feel sorry for those Liz fans who don't want her with Franco. However, those fans are being overshadowed by other Liz fans who are desperate for Liz to get with anyone. Literally, any guy that smiles at Liz, those fans try to pair her up with him. Next up for Liz, a mop with a wig. Never mind, she is dating one already. 

Kiki and Dillon bore me but they are much better than Morgan and Kiki. So, hopefully, this triangle no one wants will end soon. 

  • Love 8

Ugh, this show.

Nina's sex fantasy with Franco caused me intense secondhand embarrassment (mostly for RoHo and that hair! Good lord, that hair); Ava's "caper" is duller than dull; Maxie talking to Nina about sex toys was cringe-worthy.

Poor Jar of Mayo. He's probably better off without Lauren, since Morgan will always be around.

"I was a mobster, not a cat burglar. But I do know a little something about getting out of jams like this." Then why all the whining earlier, Ava? 

  • Love 6

Maxie, that was TMI about how familiar you are with sex toys. (She's never seen so many options for one). The fact that the company had been aggressively soliciting Crimson to advertise it proves my point that the mag is getting a certain reputation.

Black rage that Freako was getting such a tongue bath from Neener AND Liez in one episode. Did Liez actually repeat that old excuse that his tumah made him a bad boy serial killer, but now he's all better? Show is punking us, People. I can't even look at Freako as a man, and he certainly does not have a special way with children. If Liez lets her boys pal around with Freako, I hope she pays dearly. I keep feeling this eerie Michael Jackson vibe between Freako and Jake, and it's real, real, uncomfortable.

  • Love 4

I really think I would have liked to see TC and MW dealing with Evil Fop Huxley...nothing against Alternate Universe Justin Hartley, er, Nick Stabile, but it certainly seemed like TC was clicking a little bit more with MW than he is/was so far.  That said, I'm still so ridiculously over the Weeping Naiad.  I need someone to get punched in the damn face.  Preferably Huxley.  Or this Margarethe.

That said, after Prince Eric (or, as my brain inexplicably went to, Guybrush Threepwood) burst into Nina's dream...let alone Maxie introducing Nina to sex toys (which in hindsight actually makes a certain sense, and even was handled relatively gently--but did we really need to see it?) nearly everything else was almost refreshingly sane.  Even Nina's mini-meltdown over companionship.  Even, somewhat, Franco and Liz...at least up until Liz said


"..and you only occasionally give me the creeps these days."

And then he kissed her, and damn if even BH's country-saving hair (Megan Ward still holds the patent on world-saving hair...sorry, Becky) couldn't stop it from imploding like the helicopter in The Matrix.  This is being handled better than Billy and Phyllis over on Y&R, dare I say it, but it's still firmly in the region of legally acceptable ew.

  • Love 7

I laughed when Jason called Sam out for her heels.

I felt like he was speaking for everyone here.

I did like his reactions in the background when Sam said "umbrella".   I hope it's at least raining in London, for that to make any sense. 

Not even going to comment on the grossness that is Liz and Franco.  How is that a slow build?  In ONE episode she tells him he only occasionally creeps her out, and 5 seconds later is kissing him?  Really?  How sweet. 

  • Love 13
5 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I still like Nik/Ava with Temp!Nik tbh. I actually like Temp!Nik. He's nothing like real Nik but whatever real Nik blows now anyway.

I didn't hate them, I have to admit. They had a little chem today during that moment. I just can't help but wonder and want to know what the scene would have been like if TC had been there. I guess he can be a reluctant substitute for me until the real one gets back.

  • Love 2

So ailing Kiki has presumably passed her cold to Morgan and to Dillon. I just hope that Dillon sneezes violently on Tracy and she upbraids the girl. Kiki, get your Vicks and go to bed. The guys can give you backrubs and footrubs and spoon feed you soup. All that attention will make up for suffering the cold.

If all else fails to make you feel better, Maxie has some advice about toys.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 1
10 hours ago, Francie said:

NGL, Howarth and Herbst have chemistry.

I'm ready for "Franco" to reveal that he's not Robert Franco, and that he was Robert Franco's roommate at the mental hospital and assumed Franco's identity upon his release because it was easier to assume his than deal with his own demons (which, thankfully don't involve serial killing or sexual assault). Reasons. Helena.

Just go get the scripts from Grant Putnam and Grant Andrews, change the names, make a few adjustments and call it a day and wrap on Roger as Franco.

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, coffee drinker said:

Which was originally the LiRic house.  I loved LiRic back in the day, twisted as it was.  *sniff*

I read this as "Lesley/Rick," I suppose because Liz's new house looks so much like theirs to me. Except the kitchen in her new house is in the insert where their front entrance would have been. 

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, Francie said:

NGL, Howarth and Herbst have chemistry.

I'm ready for "Franco" to reveal that he's not Robert Franco, and that he was Robert Franco's roommate at the mental hospital and assumed Franco's identity upon his release because it was easier to assume his than deal with his own demons (which, thankfully don't involve serial killing or sexual assault). Reasons. Helena.

Get out

He said with love

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 14

WHY did they have Freaco lookin like Little Lord Fauntleroy in Ninugh's 'fantasy'?? Why did they even have to give her a fantasy? And if they did, how come it couldn't have been Curtis, considering she had JUST been eye fucking the fuck outta him? Honestly, that's not a bad idea - have all the grown women of the show have some kind of fantasy with Curtis as the star. Now I'd watch that shit all day, e'ry day.

Liez and the serial killing, baby snatching, sexual predator's kiss looked like the driest of the dry land in the Sahara. Hey, maybe this pairing, spawned as it is from the very depths of Hell, will finally be Uncle Frank's undoing. I just can't imagine the Mouse House wanting to be branded with this kind of fuckery from their only daytime soap opera. Oh, who am I kidding, nobody with any authority at ABC is even paying attention to this mess.

  • Love 11
18 hours ago, Francie said:

NGL, Howarth and Herbst have chemistry.

I'm ready for "Franco" to reveal that he's not Robert Franco, and that he was Robert Franco's roommate at the mental hospital and assumed Franco's identity upon his release because it was easier to assume his than deal with his own demons (which, thankfully don't involve serial killing or sexual assault). Reasons. Helena.

Haus Nutmeg been on the Manchurian Schlub Theory for a while. Franco, Jake, Jason... even Nik. We've been seeing Pods with their memories.

Oh, theory is that Margaerthe is a shout-out to Anna Lee, who played Sister Margaerthe in the movie version of Sound of Music, and that Evil Fop may be a Morgan through Lila.

We're also thinking that Weeping Niad may be connected to the Cassadines and some pre-Ice Princess shenanigans, but then we realized we were dealing with Show....

Oh Show, if you're chemistry testing for a pair, don't do it with a temp.

  • Love 5

So Liez cares so little about her non-DNAJ kids that she has to get a sitter to watch them even though she was at home. SMH. I guess being Freako's #1 cheerleader and sticking her tongue down his throat is more important. Also, why does DNAJ have Freako's number? Also also, why does 23 year old Cam need a babysitter?

RoHo and his hair looked vulgar in that sex fantasy. 

If I'm supposed to be interested in Dillon I'm going to need him to get away from Kaka.

This antique thing with Nik and Ava is very boring.

I don't have anything to say about Sam and Jason because they did nothing. 

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 11
16 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

So Liez cares so little about her non-DNAJ kids that she has to get a sitter to watch them even though she was at home. …


The scene began with Liz coming in the door, so she had been out; hence the babysitter.


Also, why does DNAJ have Freako's number? 

This is a very good question. And I can't come up with a reason that would be appropriate for a therapist/patient relationship. 

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, mybabyaidan said:

Not even going to comment on the grossness that is Liz and Franco.  How is that a slow build?  In ONE episode she tells him he only occasionally creeps her out, and 5 seconds later is kissing him?  Really?  How sweet. 

I guess because Liz and Franco didn't fall into bed together after the Nurses Ball, after he helped Jake with his number?

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 2
9 hours ago, ciarra said:

Even after all Nik has done, I kind of felt sorry for him being stuck with Ava.   When he wrapped his arm around Ava, it was as squicky as his "romance" with Katherine.  Hopefully there will be a parapet in Ava's future. 

How is it "squicky" exactly? Because Ava's a murderer and Nik's only responsible for an attempted murder / put his victim in a coma with a shot to the head? I wasn't around for Katherine.

Edited by tvgoddess
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, rur said:

The scene began with Liz coming in the door, so she had been out; hence the babysitter.

It definitely seemed like Liz only went out to get the package from the delivery man so I still don't understand why she had a babysitter. Or why her non Jake kids continued to be watched by said babysitter after Liz was in the house.

  • Love 5

I think it could've made sense to hire a sitter during the move. Liz has 3 (eternally) young children and a move can be chaotic. But it looked like she was already completely moved in and unpacked, so....

keeping Adorable!formerlykidnapped!Aiden out of sight in favor of Jake doesn't make Liz/Franco less of an issue. Franco was so obsessed with Jason that he pretended to be his twin, facilitated the rape of his nephew, terrorized his friends and sexually assaulted Jason's wife while they were on their honeymoon. There's no way Liz should be okay with Franco's  interest in her son -especially since the only one of her children he's determined to spend time with is her son with Jason  

  • Love 8
15 minutes ago, rur said:

Maybe the babysitter is trapped upstairs and the other kids go up to bait her.

You know Jake is the one who trapped her, and he's threatening his brothers to go along with him. I don't blame Aidan and Cam for following along. No one knows when Jake is gonna snap.

1 minute ago, Oracle42 said:

There's no way Liz should be okay with Franco's  interest in her son

There's no way Liz should be okay with Franco's interest in her, yet here we are. Once again, Liz is sacrificed for someone else.

  • Love 5

Someone said a couple days ago that TempNik would've made a great AJ recast and now all I see when I look at him is AJ.  It's totally taking me out of the scenes.  I will say I think Maura West is giving her all and I enjoy some of the comedic aspects she's bringing to her scenes.  

However, the storyline is dumb and we're all just waiting for Jason and Sam to get to the page in their "Build Your Own Adventure" book where it says "and now you stumble upon a secluded British manor.  If you sneak in, skip to page..."

Bonus for yesterday: somehow Sam didn't sprain her ankle, yet again, while balancing on a ledge in 5-inch heels.

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Bonus for yesterday: somehow Sam didn't sprain her ankle, yet again, while balancing on a ledge in 5-inch heels.

I'm sure that will happen soon enough. It always does. ugh.

Just now, Oracle42 said:

It's actually worse since they switched out Psycho!DNAJ for Moppet!DNAJ. The Moppet doesn't look like he's unstable enough for Franco to be a remotely viable option

Moppet!Jake is a better actor, but I agree, he doesn't look like he needs help. They're making him a Franco-Liz cheerleader, which, ew. Stay out of your mom's love life, kid.

  • Love 4
7 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

However, the storyline is dumb and we're all just waiting for Jason and Sam to get to the page in their "Build Your Own Adventure" book where it says "and now you stumble upon a secluded British manor.  If you sneak in, skip to page..."


I can't believe these "writers" think this is an "adventure" story line, it's barely a caper and, as pointed out earlier, it's completely lacking urgency and stakes.  There's not enough meh on the internets to describe it

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 8
12 minutes ago, Francie said:

I have been trying! This show .... errr, reading about this show ... is like crack.

Lord, grant me the strength to change the things ....

P.S. At least I didn't say I was missing Britt.

I know.  I watch days after something happens that I must see.   But I'm done.  I have replaced them with A show about emoijis that torture people and a show about a horse that starred in a 90s sitcom and now struggles with depression.  They're written and acted way better. 

7 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

So Liez cares so little about her non-DNAJ kids that she has to get a sitter to watch them even though she was at home. SMH. I guess being Freako's #1 cheerleader and sticking her tongue down his throat is more important. Also, why does DNAJ have Freako's number? Also also, why does 23 year old Cam need a babysitter?

RoHo and his hair looked vulgar in that sex fantasy. 

If I'm supposed to be interested in Dillon I'm going to need him to get away from Kaka.

This antique thing with Nik and Ava is very boring.

I don't have anything to say about Sam and Jason because they did nothing. 

Do you watch the show, because Elizabeth clearly walked into the house with boxes in hand and asked Jake about his brothers who by the way were upstairs with the babysitter.

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, rur said:

The scene began with Liz coming in the door, so she had been out; hence the babysitter.

This is a very good question. And I can't come up with a reason that would be appropriate for a therapist/patient relationship. 

Franco has no boundaries and clearly gave Jake his phone number.  How did Jake know where Franco lived and managed to leave the hospital on his own last month?  There are so many plot holes on this show.

2 hours ago, backhometome said:

If they are never going to show Liez other 2 kids then why cant they go live with Lucky off screen. All it does is make her look like an even worse parent when all she cares about is Jake. Especially since Jake is only being used to prop a serial killer rapists. 

Cam is old enough to be giving Franco the evil eye, especially since he probably found the man is a serial killer and rapist.


Every time someone went to pick a lock (either to get in or out of a room - are we at farce levels yet?), the swelling of the orchestral, supposedly suspenseful, music made me giggle.

Latin lover fantasy RoHo was so much secondhand embarrassment.  That was excruciating.

Morgan, leave Dillon and Lauren alone.  I like them.  You said you're not good for her.  You are correct.

Oh - and I almost forgot - congrats to KSt for not collapsing in fits of laughter when she walked in on Nina and delivered her "Snap out of it"  line.  I do wonder if Staff was supposed to be sitting there in a blissful reverie, but instead threw herself backwards over the desk and assumed the position.  Though if I had been the one walking in, my first words would have been "Should I call 911?"

Edited by amaranta
  • Love 5
10 minutes ago, Darklazr said:

Do you watch the show, because Elizabeth clearly walked into the house with boxes in hand and asked Jake about his brothers who by the way were upstairs with the babysitter.

That's just the euphemism they use for dead in the bushes near the old house.

1 hour ago, TeeVee329 said:

That's what I'm here for.

Fuck Britt!

  • Love 5
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