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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Heather returning and this Justice For Duke hallucination shit in the same episode was too much.

hut up, Kiki. Why is it Nina's responsibility to keep Freako under control? If you're scared of him move out and get Ava to buy you an apartment.

Carlos is an idiot for calling Julian. Why would Julian help him skip town when he could just kill him and be done with him permanently. 

What was the point of Julian bringing Carlos money if he knew he was going to kill him?

  • Love 5
17 minutes ago, ciarra said:

And how about a shout out to the deserted stretch of road in Port Charles, where there's always two vehicles to crash into each other, but no one to come along to discover the accident and help.  I keep expecting to see ColeandHope stumbling around in the ditch. 


The thing is that the deserted stretch of road is close enough to the docks to allow Carlos to get there by foot quicker than the ambulance got Tree to the hospital.

  • Love 7
25 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

What was the point of Julian bringing Carlos money if he knew he was going to kill him?

To get Carlos off-guard. If Julian came with no money Carlos probably would have realized what was up.

36 minutes ago, Bill C. said:

I was only 1/4 watching today, so I missed Julian grabbing a knife after being cockblocked by Alexis and the PCPD and not getting to take his gun...and now that I realize he actually grabbed Helena's dagger, it actually gets worse.  Even for steady mobbin' and its admittedly, blatantly, fucked up morality, how do they walk Julian back from this and what's inevitably coming next?  Why is he going under the bus now?

I saw this theory, completely fanbased and probably full of shit, but I can buy it: Supposedly, rumor is Michelle Stafford asked to work with Will de Vry. Someone said maybe WdV freaked out about it and that made FV turn on him. Either that or FV was just biding his time.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, ulkis said:

Sonny: thank God Dante's alright

Carly: Thank God Jason was there!

Sonny: Carlos stabbed my son! (no mention of the other man who died or was hurt) I shoulda killed him!

Good job, scriptwriter, on encapsulating Sonny and Carly in two seconds.

I thought the same thing! This is the sort of thing that genuinely cracks me up, because I think the writers know exactly what they're doing.


I keep expecting to see ColeandHope stumbling around in the ditch.

"How come we never get to come back and haunt people?"

Supposedly, rumor is Michelle Stafford asked to work with Will de Vry. Someone said maybe WdV freaked out about it and that made FV turn on him. Either that or FV was just biding his time.

Do all soap contracts have the 13-week release clause or just the newbies?

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Chairperson Meow said:

So, is Will DeVry getting Ted King'd?  

There are some similarities, now that you mention it. Lorenzo wanted nothing to do with the life (and tried to talk sense into Diego about how meaningless it was), but went back only to protect Diego, sacrificing his freedom and his future for his son. Of course, he was vilified because Sonny and Jason didn't like him, nevermind Jason shooting Diego in the warehouse and helping start the whole dilemma in the first place.

Julian's decision to return to the life to protect Ava seems like it's heading in a similar direction, where Julian will be a villain because Sonny dislikes him (therefore everyone else has to) despite Sonny not being a good guy, either. Sonny's crimes will be ignored while Julian's are magnified (we've already seen this with Anna and Sonny adventuring together in the name of Duke, because PC is really a doorway to Hell and even Anna can't be spared).

If the parallel follows suit, his significant other (like Skye with Lorenzo) might betray him to Sonny.

I'm already bored just thinking about it. Frankly, it's tedious because Sonny always wins in the end. No matter what, even when he murdered AJ. That makes these Sonny stories so pointless. Is anyone honestly excited to see Sonny heralded as a hero at the end of this "story"?

  • Love 14
1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Ted King got Ted King'd because the popularity of Lorenzo and Carly threatened Mo's ego. I don't think Julian and Alexis do that, rabid fans notwithstanding. And Julian has always been clearly written as inferior to Sonny. That wasn't always the case with Lorenzo.

I certainly don't disagree about Lorenzo's popularity (especially since the network offered to move TK to another show to try and keep him as Lorenzo when he wanted to leave), but plenty of characters have been railroaded for Sonny over the years, regardless of how popular they were with fans.

Minor characters, popular characters; the idea that Julian may be another casualty simply has precedence. Cops like Taggart, mobsters like Johnny - even Robert Scorpio had to deal with having Pod!Person say Sonny was a better father than he was (which we all know is ridiculous).

Even Anna was used to prop Sonny on this holy crusade to avenge Saint Duke and treat him as if he was one of the good guys, and I won't be surprised if Julian is treated like the most evil villain of all time in order to try and make Sonny look heroic by contrast. Whether it's simple laziness on the part of the writers or something else.

  • Love 6

That Julian is cold blooded, ain't he? He's purrrrfect for Alexis. They should stay together. Offscreen. And for anyone out there wanting Alexis/Ned again, I see you !  I am putting the kibosh on that crap right now. If any female character on this show *deserves* to never have a romance again, it's HER.

My Carlos. My JVP. One of my few reasons for watching. Goodbye, my love.Perhaps I'll get to enjoy you, JVP, on a much better show.

 But please let Carlos live long enough to cough out with his dying breath to the cops, who killed him. Peeps getting away with killing folks on this show needs to stop.

  • Love 8

Sonny ranting about how the justice system did him wrong and how Carlos shouldn't have been moved was hilarious considering the fact it was all because of his sorry ass. If you hadn't gone and threatened him, none of this would have happened, moron.

I hate to say this, because it's something no one needs, and I do think Killon are sweet and have something. But I still think Dillon has more chem with Nina. I could totally see them hooking up. This show never takes the interesting tack.

"What's wrong, Avery, did you have a bad dream?" "Yeah, that I was stuck here with you two assholes".

Robin Mattson is too good to be shilling for Franco like this. Ah well.

Hated Duke's return. Stay dead and go away, Whiskers.

  • Love 14

And how about a shout out to the deserted stretch of road in Port Charles, where there's always two vehicles to crash into each other, but no one to come along to discover the accident and help.  I keep expecting to see ColeandHope stumbling around in the ditch. 

They really should put a little hut by the side of the road with a first a first aid kit and a pay phone.  

  • Love 21
35 minutes ago, rur said:

Since the nondeath of Jason the Holy Hitman, everyone who who was presumed dead and pushed into the healing waters near the docks has survived, so I can still hold out hope for Carlos. At least in the show in my head. And speaking of that show, Julian there is still secretly working for the WSB. 

I couldn't even deal with today's episode.   All I heard was blah blah blah.  Something about Heather Webber painting salads.   My only interest was Carlos being dipped into the Magical Healing Powers of Pier 54.   Duke said "Move on,"  I was like "Thanks, Fluffy."  Cats do come through.   And then Carly was like "Alexis just wants her own mobster."  Boo, no one wants a mobster.  And she had yours.  Everyone did.  Next time you're chilling with Finn and his lizard, you may want to get some tests done on yourself.   Sonny can't even find towels.   I doubt he can find condoms.  And just shut up Sonny.  Shut up Michael.   Go get justice for your bad hair and lack or brains.  Dead to me.  Dead.   

  • Love 14
4 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

I hate myself for saying this, but Ron did reveals SO MUCH BETTER than Jelly. Like, his day-to-day crap may have sucked, but he at least knew how to give you an amazing day or two of a reveal, lol. I'm still in shock Jason got his memories back and it was like, "Oh", after YEARS.

Yup.  I miss Ron of 2012 who didn't prop Sonny.    The Ron with a bounce in his step, a sparkle in his eye, stretch in his latex masks, optimism in his tweets.   Then a couple of actors *coughTGandMo* got involved and one left *coughSBu* and then bloggers blew up his ass and it went downhill.   I wonder what he's doing now.   I'm sure it's not boring.   

  • Love 8

The scene of tender murmurings of Ghost!Dewq and Anna about his unknown son was excruciating to watch. It's as if Show wants us to forget completely about Anna and Robert Scorpio as a couple, as spies, as parents, as PC heroes for decades. Sure, GH wanted to give Ian Buchanan a perk visit and a boost to his income by inviting him back. But the saccharine scene was also a clumsy attempt to weave newbie son Griffin tightly into the GH canvas with more detailed history. 

Dewq is gone, and was cremated. Anna desperately needs to move on.

  • Love 7
18 hours ago, ulkis said:

I just . . . I find it hard to believe that none of the women who have been on this show never had to take a medication that has the same or similar effects as prednisone. I don't think they would ever let an actress BM's age get away with the extra pounds, prednisone or no. But maybe I'm wrong and none of the actresses have ever had to take something that caused it.

And all the men look like they're not working out as much as the women with the exception of Ryan Paevey and Chad Duell. (ETA and Will de Vry). And supposedly Billy likes to party? (anyone hear anything about that?) like I said, I find it hard to believe BM's physique is purely due to the medication. But obviously, I don't know for sure. I just wish the women were allowed some of the same leeway.

Well, like you said, Dante is tiny, heh.

As someone who has had to take steroids more than once, they definitely do that to you.  I have stretch marks from them.  Depending on what the dosage is, they can really bloat you up big time.  BM looks exactly like someone taking steroids for more than a week or so would look.  

I agree with you, though, that they should extend the same leeway to the women.  I can't imagine how shitty production would be to an actress who, for example, showed up from maternity leave without having lost every single ounce of baby weight.  (And the shitty level would be epic if JFP was running things.) At minimum, that actress would absolutely not be given any love scenes until the weight came off.  

  • Love 8

Aww poor Carlos. I will miss him until his next reappearance from the dead. Why do people thing WdV is on his way out? Carlos murdered Duke, everyone should be throwing him a parade for killing him. I think this is just to extend the drama. Probably since it was Alexis knife somehow she will get blamed and Sonny will be her only alibi and he wanted Carlos dead so trial...manpain...blah blah blah.

My favorite part of the show was in my head. With Nina and naked Franco at the office I had hilarious pictures in my mind of both Julian and Sonny showing up to find Nina and Franco having sex on her desk....that would be hilariously funny.

I agree with whoever said I think Nina and Dillion have good chemistry I'd rather see that than watch Morgan's pain over losing Kiki. Plus I think Dillion would make a good boytoy.

I liked seeing Duke but the whole scene about Dr. Duke's son was stupid. Funny that in death Duke would be wearing a suit, I was hoping for a kilt.

Anna has been knocked out longer from a bump on the head than Jason from a motorcycle accident.

Edited by Cattitude
  • Love 3

I think Roger Howarth is pretty not unattractive,  but I laughed when he got naked in Nina's office.   And I never thought I'd laugh at him stripping down.   But I've grown in my tastes.   I guess I do need substance.   I still don't get why the picture was creepy.  Its pretty in an artistic way.  I'd be flattered by the drawing, but creeped out by the spontaneous nudity at my workplace.  Like Kiki is all "Omg an art therapist is drawing!"  Nooooo!  I get she's not used to people doing work, as Ava probably shopped for work, Michael fixed her bowls of cereal, Silas cried, and Morgan slept... but people work.  It's okay.   If he was making voodoo dolls and stuff, then I'd worry.  Meh.  I've seen soap crazy.  On different scenes on this show in this episode.   This isn't it.  It's just sad over a breakup and distracting yourself with work.   

  • Love 4

I don't think Frank has ever cared for WDV or Julian. Neither did Ron, really. The character took off beyond what they'd planned. Once the network lost interest in this lukewarm couple it was just a matter of time.

For the record this is not to be read as an endorsement of Julian or WDV because both are ridiculous and I feel zero sympathy for the character's plight.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 5

Maxie's top looks like what Titus Andromedon wears on Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. 

I'm really glad Julian got to Crimson before Sonny did, but Sonny couldn't spare two seconds to see if he was there? What was that about? We can't see Sonny be wrong about anything? 

JVP's telenova-dramatic death scene with Julian was tremendous. Then Michael had to come in and make it about Sabrina. LOL that Carlos denied him. I laughed so hard at that. 

I loved Griffin's almost annoyed "Nathan's going to be fine." I don't think that's how MC meant it, but that's how it sounded to me.

If Carlos is dead, what does it matter if he confesses?

13 minutes ago, Aurora2 said:

So his sins were breaking his vow of celibacy and participating in an adulterous liaison with Nathan's wife. 

Pfft. Amateur.

  • Love 9

Maybe I've lowered my standards but today wasn't that bad.  With the exception of naked Franco (I don't need to see that or imagine it, thank you very much)

Andre needs to buy a lottery ticket because him figuring out exactly where Anna was, well that was what we call a bit of a stretch!

I love how shocked SHOCKED I TELL YA, Carlos was that Julian had stabbed him.  Dude, your a mobster working for a mobster with a secret about the mobster.  He's going to kill you.  I was surprised that Julian stabbed him multiple times.  He meant business.  

I was expecting Michael to toss Carlos back into the water, so I was surprised that he call 911 instead.  

I have never liked Liesl, but I appreciated her anger at Franco, that in her time of need he's still thinking of himself.  But I get that the show wants him to be completely rudderless, losing first NIna and now Liesl.  All we need now is for Kiki to spit on him and tell him she doesn't want to be his daughter anymore and he'll be ready to go on murderous rampages again.  Can't wait for that.

I laughed so hard when Griffin declared himself a priest.  The puppy dog look on his face and the admission and everyone else's facial expressions just was too funny for me.  

  • Love 6
30 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I'm really glad Julian got to Crimson before Sonny did, but Sonny couldn't spare two seconds to see if he was there? What was that about? We can't see Sonny be wrong about anything? 

I'm guessing it's so he can't corroborate Alexis' statement (because Sonny so rarely lies, you know) that she saw Julian there.

JVP's telenova-dramatic death scene with Julian was tremendous.

It reminded me of the vampire during the end credits of Buffy the movie.

I loved Griffin's almost annoyed "Nathan's going to be fine." I don't think that's how MC meant it, but that's how it sounded to me.

The cadence of his voice reminds me of a boat bobbing gently on the small waves of a lake. Great for a priest, not so great for me staying awake during his scenes.

I actually kinda wasn't expecting him to be a priest, I don't know why. Maybe just because having an affair with Claudette and being a priest is overkill? And he's already a brain surgeon? I mean, what, was he a priest for a year, and then he slept with Claudette, and then decided to become a brain surgeon?

Oh my God, the Franco/Obrecht Fight of Whose Feelings are Hurt the Worst was ridiculous. And dear show, if Obrecht had been around Nathan as a child when he broke his arm, she probably would have cut the arm off another child and replace Nathan's broken bone with the other one so Nathan wouldn't have to wear a cast for weeks because SHE'S EVIL.

I kinda want Jordan to seduce Paul and get him to confess all his crimes and then send him to prison. Because he's so friggin smarmy.

Glad Michael shrugged off Sonny's attempts to "protect" him. Michael's an old hand at this, come on.

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

I didn't see today...so is Griffin currently still a priest or did he leave the order after the Claudette scandal (which...whatever).  And does Lucas (who?) know Griffin was a priest?  Will Griffin and Lucas ever talk again?

At least for now, he said "I am a priest" - present tense and said he could perform Last Rites for Carlos. 

I expect that the writers knew that Griffin was a priest when they tied his introduction to Lucas. 

OOPS!  Editing to say that I meant to say that the writers did NOT know Griffin was a priest when they tied his intro to Lucas.  That's what I get for posting when my stove timer is going off!!  I think the writers create and re-create on the fly a lot of the time.  

Edited by Aurora2
  • Love 1
1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

JVP's telenova-dramatic death scene with Julian was tremendous. Then Michael had to come in and make it about Sabrina. LOL that Carlos denied him. I laughed so hard at that. 

Best part of the episode. Him not telling Michael where Sabina was made my day.

20 minutes ago, Aurora2 said:

I expect that the writers knew that Griffin was a priest when they tied his introduction to Lucas. 

I'm fairly sure you're giving them way too much credit. They most likely didn't know shit when they introduced him.

Griffin declaring, "I'm a priest," and the look on everyone's face had me literally rolling. What is the big deal? Like I really don't get it.

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