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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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But legally, isn't the custody arraignment still that Ava has full custody and Sonny has visitation?  So couldn't she just show up anytime she wanted with a cop and get Avery back? 


Semi-relatedly, how has Joss' name not come up once in all Carly's fretting about the dangers of Sonny's world?  I get she's concerned about Morgan, but some concern for the underage child in her care who thinks Sonny is, like, super cool and apparently knew where Sonny keeps his gun might be in order here. 


I have no trust with these writers that they will not eventually, and it could happen any time, have Avery be taken from Ava permanently with her not having visitation and end up with Sonny. I've seen enough of this OOC propping of St. Sonny over the last few months to pretty much guarantee that is what will be happening.


Re: Joss - I was thinking about her too. It's so weird how she just doesn't exist in Carly's mind except when she's onscreen. You would think that she would have at least gotten a mention. That of course all got handwaved away.


Can we hope that Morgan's time in an institution will take place offscreen?

Edited by tvgoddess
  • Love 4

I just can't with Kiki and Morgan. Does a person ever get over that her mate screwed her mom? Or I'm picturing her at the table at Thanksgiving with the Corinthos after she and Morgan are married and she would be dining with her husband, who screwed her mom, her father in law, who screwed her mom and her sister who is the product of her mom screwing her father in law on a crypt.....


Maybe Kiki should just go on a cruise during the holidays. 

  • Love 3
I have no trust with these writers that they will not eventually, and it could happen any time, have Avery be taken from Ava permanently with her not having visitation and end up with Sonny.


I have no trust with these writers that they will not eventually, and it could happen any time, have Avery be taken from Ava permanently with her not having visitation and end up with Franco and Nina.

  • Love 3
Can we hope that Morgan's time in an institution will take place offscreen?


We can, but Daytime Emmy nominee™ Bryan Craig needs to chew that scenery where we can see it. We're doomed.


But legally, isn't the custody arraignment still that Ava has full custody and Sonny has visitation?  So couldn't she just show up anytime she wanted with a cop and get Avery back?


She could, but Sonny would somehow still end up the injured party. We're already supposed to think Ava is so mean for keeping Avery from him.

  • Love 7

Sonny and Ava are both murdering mobsters. They should just either have joint custody and shut up or give the kid to Mac like everyone else does. Or maybe Jason will raise her now. He doesn't do much. Either way, I'm sick of this. It's going to be like this:

Sonny gets Avery, Ava pouts and threatens Sonny, Ava gets Avery, Sonny threatens to kill Ava, Carly gets involved. Blah blah blah. I've been hearing about Sonny threaten to kill Ava for three years. If he hasn't done it yet, he won't do it now. You're good, Ava. Damn.

  • Love 6

Sonny and Ava are both murdering mobsters. They should just either have joint custody and shut up or give the kid to Mac like everyone else does. Or maybe Jason will raise her now. He doesn't do much. Either way, I'm sick of this. It's going to be like this:

Sonny gets Avery, Ava pouts and threatens Sonny, Ava gets Avery, Sonny threatens to kill Ava, Carly gets involved. Blah blah blah. I've been hearing about Sonny threaten to kill Ava for three years. If he hasn't done it yet, he won't do it now. You're good, Ava. Damn.

Mac raising little AJ might save her from ending up like her dysfunctional mob enabling siblings.

  • Love 8

Morgan is going to The Friedman Clinic, Port Charles's newest mental health facility. It joins Shadybrook, Roselawn, Ferncliff, and Miscaviage. There are officially now more psychiatric hospitals than restaurants on this show.


Diane loves Morgan? I can't even say with 100% certainty that she's met Morgan before this. "And Max does too, or at least he did until you shot him."

  • Love 14

I wish little Avery were older. I'd have her walk down the stairs carrying her suitcase, leaving Sonny's house, and when Ava showed up to pick her up, Avery would just walk past her and stand on the side of the road with her thumb stuck out, waiting for a ride. Or we'd see her calling Michael asking for a ride, and when Michael asked where she wanted to go, she could say "take me home with YOU. To the Quartermaines".

Cut to Ava sobbing as she stands in Sonny's driveway, and Sonny in the house screaming about betrayal. Cut back to Avery in Michael's car, grinning as they talk and laugh while driving away.

Oh I'm sure we'll see every smegging minute of it.


Too bad it's not going to be like the ending of "One Flew Over the Cukoo's Nest" and the fate of Jack Nicholson's character. Not that I really wish that on Morgan, (most of the time) but I just have no interest in this current storyline.

Edited by IWantCandy71
  • Love 6

Or if she died during a Mob War That Will Change Everything. Sonny and Ava kill each other and this custody battle from hell is never spoken of again. 


I mean I love little baby Avery and I don't hate Ava, but I'm down for this.


peachmangosteen, you are right. Michael is a little too Sonny-fannish right now. Avery could call Aunt Tracy. :)


This I like!

Edited by peachmangosteen


Diane loves Morgan? I can't even say with 100% certainty that she's met Morgan before this. "And Max does too, or at least he did until you shot him."


She's known him much of his entire life, considering she's been Sonny's lawyer for almost that entire time.


As far as knowing current "adult" Morgan, she's been his lawyer before. She helped him get divorced from KA's Kiki. She had a few great lines when she went over to Ava's to talk art gallery stuff with her and then found Morgan there with no shirt on.

Edited by tvgoddess

I agree with Julian in theory, but it's not as if he's going to be the one taking care of Avery. What's he going to do, pawn her off onto Alexis or Olivia? We know he won't be changing any diapers



Où sont les cheveux d'antan?



It's awful. Way too light. She needs some lowlights for contrast. And her makeup is usually off, too.


She looks like a younger Joan Rivers.


I can't believe I watched this crap sober.



Tee shirts are available in the lobby. -m-l-xl, $19.99+ s&h.

  • Love 5

OMG this spoiler seems to indicate that a new pairing is about to form:

Carly will leave Sonny and gravitate to Jason, where the two will spend time going down memory lane unraveling Jason's memories more, possibly pulling him back from Sam. http://www.celebdirtylaundry.com/2016/general-hospital-gh-spoilers-carly-leaves-sonny-turns-to-jason-explains-stone-colds-complicated-mob-past/

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd

Carly (to Sonny): You make danger look sexy.




Their entire conversation - hitting the same old beats that Sonny is a GOOD mobster, that the police NEED him, that it's okay that he's a killer because DIMPLES - was everything that's wrong with this show, and has been wrong with it for YEARS, in a nutshell. 


And what exactly was the point, given that Carly flat-out says she's not going to leave him over the violence and all is hunky dory when the episode ends.

  • Love 16

I can't even with how much crap this show tried to make us swallow, about the "hero" that is Sonny, in that conversation between Sonny and Carly.  I mean, wow, Show.  Wow.  We truly are in Bizarro World.


In other news,  Dante and Lulu:  Shortest divorce ever.  And Lulu's papers are now in a manila envelope.  Can we not even have consistency in envelopes, Show?

  • Love 10


I can't even with how much crap this show tried to make us swallow, about the "hero" that is Sonny, in that conversation between Sonny and Carly.  I mean, wow, Show.  Wow.  We truly are in Bizarro World.


No kidding! So according to Sonny and Carly, who are very creative thinkers in the moral zone, we are to believe that Sonny and his mob violence are actually filling a community niche that would have worse criminals (ten times worse!) if Sonny wasn't there? Welcoming Sonny and his crowd to the neighborhood is somehow good insurance against even more corruption and violence?


That ridiculous rationalization is in the same class as their reasoning for stealing the children of other families and raising them as Corinthii.


  • Love 8

So, is Tracy's tumor going to be one of those rare but potentially deadly "surrounded by idiots" tumors?  I've heard about those. The more brain draining nonsense going on around you, the worse the sickness is. As long as Tracy stays in Port Charles, she may be a goner.

But WAIT. The newest newbie JE has to prop-Dr Hair Gel-is on the case.

I'm all aflutter with suspense. Just as a warning to any GH interns who lurk here: please don't make this storyline all about Griffin. Or ME's new character-though I do want ME and JE to share scenes to test the chemistry.


Edited because interns is a word. Inerns is not.

Edited by IWantCandy71
  • Love 1

Carly (to Sonny): You make danger look sexy.




Their entire conversation - hitting the same old beats that Sonny is a GOOD mobster, that the police NEED him


the "if Sonny weren't around, even WORSE mobsters would take over" is so ridiculous. So what's gonna happen when Sonny finally kicks it at 105? Are the bad mobsters just gonna swarm the town and P.C. is doomed?

  • Love 10

When Michael was shot in the head, she gave it to Sonny real good. 


But Carly was married to Jax then.  It's also when *shudder* Limo Sex happened.


I can't really remember a time when Carly and Sonny were married/romantically involved and she dumped him.  I mean, when she realized she had to fess up about Kristina being Sonny's, she knew it would be the death knell for that latest round, but he still did the dumping.

  • Love 2

Lulu and Olivia's eyebrows were really annoying me.


I fast forwarded most of this ep tbh. I have no desire to watch that Sonny/Carly shit, I'm not interested in watching a "Tracy is gonna die!" story, and the rest was varying levels of boring and rage-inducing so I figured why bother.


LMAO at Andre's hat in the promo.

  • Love 2
Or ME's new character-though I do want ME and JE to share scenes to test the chemistry.


Romantic/sexual chemistry? I don't think there's any way they're pairing 49-year-old Easton with 69-year-old Elliot. If they did, it would be some lopsided story with Easton's character trying to give the dying old woman a little bit of happiness, while his heart is with some female cast member in her thirties.  

But Carly was married to Jax then.  It's also when *shudder* Limo Sex happened.


I can't really remember a time when Carly and Sonny were married/romantically involved and she dumped him.  I mean, when she realized she had to fess up about Kristina being Sonny's, she knew it would be the death knell for that latest round, but he still did the dumping.


Yeah. Now that you mentioned, every time she was mad at Sonny and the mob, she was with someone else. 

Romantic/sexual chemistry? I don't think there's any way they're pairing 49-year-old Easton with 69-year-old Elliot. If they did, it would be some lopsided story with Easton's character trying to give the dying old woman a little bit of happiness, while his heart is with some female cast member in her thirties.  


But are any of the thirtysomethings' hearts with him, is the question.


Okay mark this down. Today I really LIKED the Q drama. I figured out why I don't like Tracy. Everyone coddles her bitchiness. Well Hello Monica! That scene where Tracy tells her she knows she wishes her dead and Monica gives her the what for was really good. I'd be all for more Qs coming back IF they'd let Monica out of the closet more. Maybe Ned will bring some life back with him, Dullen does not give me hope.

Dr. Dick Realistic Neurosurgeon was good, but why is Dr. NOT Mcdreamy hanging around like a lost puppy? He is NOT needed at all.


Sam I love ya but why for the love of mercy did you have your meeting in front of God and Hayden? At the very least when talking to Nik you should have asked him to leash his lady for the evening....not that I want to see MORE sexy time with those two.


What was up with Nik's lips....I think he had too much cherry chapstick.

Edited by Cattitude
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